Brokerage Solutions Overview - TMW...

TMWSuite Brokerage Solutions Overview 1 Revised: 10/2014 TMWSuite Copyright TMW Systems, Inc. Brokerage Solutions Overview

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Brokerage Solutions Overview 1 Revised: 10/2014TMWSuite Copyright TMW Systems, Inc.

Brokerage Solutions Overview

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In addition to its resource management and asset tracking capabilities, TMWSuite provides powerful tools for brokering loads to outside carriers. These tools can be used both by asset-based companies that broker overflow loads, and by brokerage and third-party logistics (3PL) companies that do not own driving assets.The TMWSuite Brokerage Solutions Overview:

Highlights the TMW utilities and add-on modules that are most useful for brokerage. Demonstrates how to set up TMWSuite for brokerage operations.

Technical and operational details for the features described in this guide can be found in the documents referenced in this guide.

Characteristics of high-volume brokerage................................................4

TMWSuite brokerage products................................................................5Fundamental TMWSuite brokerage solutions..........................................................................5

Advanced Carrier Selection................................................................................................5External Equipment module..............................................................................................8Status Based Loads grid..................................................................................................11

Understanding the Branch Tree pane.........................................................................12Understanding the Trip Segment Status pane............................................................13

Reviewing the pay history of company carriers...............................................................14Viewing detailed trip information.....................................................................................16Carrier Lane Maintenance................................................................................................20Freight Board interface....................................................................................................22Agent Order Entry............................................................................................................24

TMWSuite-based advanced solutions....................................................................................25DAT Interactive interface.................................................................................................25Data Exchange................................................................................................................26Third Party Pay feature....................................................................................................26Carrier411 interface.........................................................................................................27RateWare XL interface.....................................................................................................28Purchase Transport Costs................................................................................................30MacroPoint.......................................................................................................................34

TMW Web Products advanced brokerage solutions.................................35CarrierHub.............................................................................................................................36

Bid Award........................................................................................................................37eStat...................................................................................................................................... 41FreightAgent.........................................................................................................................41

Additional modules for optimizing brokerage.........................................42EDI........................................................................................................................................42TMW Imaging........................................................................................................................42CRM Right..............................................................................................................................43

Copyright © 2014 TMW Systems, Inc. 2 Revised: 10/2014A Business Confidential Document.

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Brokerage Solutions Overview

Configuring TMWSuite for brokerage companies....................................43Creating the TMWSuite database to support intra-company brokerage........................................43Configuring system settings..................................................................................................44Creating carrier profiles.........................................................................................................44

General carrier profile setup............................................................................................44Board versus non-board carriers................................................................................45Recording carrier insurance information....................................................................45Defining and assigning carrier service ratings...........................................................46Recording carrier expirations.....................................................................................47Recording trailer and tractor accessories, and driver, and carrier qualifications........48Recording extra information for a carrier...................................................................50Recording carrier contact information........................................................................51

Setting up carriers for use with Bid Award.......................................................................52Defining carrier lanes of service for Bid Award purposes...........................................52Assigning carriers to groups.......................................................................................54

Creating driver, tractor, and trailer profiles...........................................................................55Creating Third Party profiles..................................................................................................56

Using the Trip Folder and Quick Trip window in Dispatch................................................57Using the Agent Order Entry application..........................................................................58

Paying carriers and third parties...........................................................................................58

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Brokerage Solutions Overview

Characteristics of high-volume brokerageBrokerage companies are hired by shippers to find carriers for their loads. A broker is the owner of his or her own brokerage company. Brokers are required to meet all legal requirements (Authority, Bond, BOC-3) to operate as a broker. An agent works under the authority of the broker and typically receives a percentage of the brokerage fee. Brokerage often makes extensive use of freight agents – who are regionally specialized, often working out of a home office – and responsible for locating new shippers or freight movement opportunities and possibly for placing loads with their known carrier base.Brokers have been slow to adopt automated deal and transaction systems. They prefer phone contact when negotiating and closing deals with carriers in order to hear the "pain" on the other end when negotiating price. Usually, agents are widely distributed and spend a lot of time on the phone. They can be scattered in rural locations with only dial-up Internet access. Tying the agent network in with central brokerage operations for maximum efficiencies pays dividends. This must be through Web access, and not Citrix, to keep overhead low.Transaction velocity is the broker's primary concern in most cases, not trip segment detail tracking. Available loads do not sit around for 24 hours. A successful broker expects a hit on a load posted to a load board within 15 minutes, and if they have done business with the carrier before, the deal can be closed within 30. If they do not assign it within a given window, the shipper will move on to another broker. How quickly a freight order can be matched with a carrier is a function of how many suitable carriers/trucks the order can be presented to in a period. It hinges upon how automated the broker’s environment is, and how quickly it can conclude the official deal process with all required negotiation and paperwork. The profitability of the deal is often a factor of the automation tools, as well as ranking and comparing multiple responses and historical transactions to help brokers isolate best carriers and negotiate the best deal. Brokerage provides higher profits than asset-based transport. Average brokerage division profits can be 8% to 12%, while on the asset side, it can be 5% to 6%.

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Brokerage Solutions Overview

TMWSuite brokerage productsWhen deciding which TMWSuite licenses to purchase, brokerage operations have many options to consider. All brokerage products are purchased separately from the base TMWSuite system.

Fundamental TMWSuite brokerage solutionsFundamental brokerage solutions are the modules most commonly used, and the starting place for TMWSuite customers running any sort of brokerage/non-asset based operation.The TMWSuite Enhanced Brokerage license provides four bundled modules:

Advanced Carrier Selection External Equipment Status Based Loads Grid Carrier Lane Maintenance

These modules work together. The information you record in Carrier Lane Maintenance is used by the External Equipment module. In the Status Based Loads Grid module, you can use the External Equipment module to find carriers to assign to trips. In the External Equipment module, assigning a carrier to a trip opens the Advanced Carrier Selection window, which automatically sends a confirmation to the carrier.

Additionally, the Freight Board Interface, the Agent Order Entry module, and CRM Right can be of great value to a fundamental brokerage solution. These features are licensed separately from the Enhanced Brokerage bundle.

Advanced Carrier SelectionAlso known as the Load Brokerage Module, the Advanced Carrier Selection module captures rate, cost, and performance information related to third party brokers. When a dispatcher must decide when it is best to broker a load, and which carrier will best meet the need, they can review a carrier’s pay history and compare those costs with the estimated revenue expected for an order. The module functions within the Dispatch application. It offers these key features:

Allows you to view and compare pay and performance data for all carriers that completed loads in the last 90 days Allows you to estimate line haul pay for carriers Allows you to estimate the profit potential for a new trip Allows you to filter the list of carriers based on: Best rate Service history regarding on-time deliveries

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Location Combinations of rate, service, and location Includes carrier lane analysis tools to provide valuable data for future rate negotiations. Creates a brokerage confirmation form automatically in Microsoft® Word format, as a TMW Integrated Report format, or as an Integrated Reporting kit Allows you to record that the carrier has acknowledge receipt of the confirmation for a specific trip Allows for automated load tendering via e-mail or fax Creates pay details automatically upon carrier assignment to a trip Allows you to include pay history and performance data for your company assets (drivers, tractors, and trailers)You can compare what it cost to complete a trip in a lane using a carrier with what it cost to use your own assets.

The Advanced Carrier Selection window's sections are identified in the illustration below.

The following table provides descriptions of the window's sections.

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A The Order Information section shows read-only estimated billing data specific to the order that you looked up before accessing the Advanced Carrier Selection window.

B The Carrier Information section shows the information from the profile of the carrier currently selected in the Carrier Summary grid.

C The Settlement Information section displays estimated pay for the trip.

D The transmission section contains check boxes that identify the method(s) by which you will send the broker confirmation letter to the carrier.

E The target profit section shows the ideal pay amount calculated by the system, as well as estimated pay for the carrier currently selected in the Carrier Summary grid.

The Broker Percent is the user-defined percentage of profit your company wants to make. The Target profit for the selected trip is the order's total charge (line haul, accessorial, and fuel revenue for the trip) multiplied by the broker percent. The Estimated value is the estimated profit you will make if the selected carrier is used. The system subtracts the total charge from the target profit to determine the Sug'd Spend amount. The Top Spend amount is the maximum pay for the trip.

F The filter section shows any carrier filters applied to the Carrier Summary grid. Clicking the Filter button in this section opens the ACS Criteria Selection window, which allows you to add or remove filters.

G The Carrier Detail grid lists trips made by the carrier that is currently selected in the Carrier Summary grid. By default, the list shows invoiced and settled trips that were performed in the last 90 days. This time period is configurable.

H The Carrier Summary grid provides the following information for each carrier in the system:

Line haul and accessorial averages paid for completed trips On-time delivery statistics Whether there are current or upcoming expirations Quality of service rating Address and phone number Rate information

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I The empty movement section is used to add a Begin Empty event at the start of a trip.

J The brokerage confirmation section displays the login of the user who sent the confirmation, the confirmation status, and the date/time it was sent.

Note: For more information, see the Advanced Carrier Selection guide.

External Equipment moduleThe External Equipment module allows you to view:

Information about your company carriers Driver and equipment information coming into TMWSuite from outside sources

This information gives you the ability to find the best equipment match for every load, because you:

Know which carriers have a truck where you need a pickup. Know which carriers have performed well in that lane on previous trips. Know what it costs to use each carrier that covers that lane.

Using this information, you can limit your list of possibilities to only the most promising carriers. Once you have found the carrier that is the best match for a load, you can use the Advanced Carrier Selection window to determine your profit on the load if you use that carrier on the trip. The External Equipment module is available in the Dispatch Planning Worksheet. You access it by clicking the External Resources tab in the Available Resources section of the Planning Worksheet.

Note: The tab is the one with the blue tractor. Clicking the red tractor displays the Tractor/Trip Segment grid.

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The grid contains two tabs. External EquipmentUsing the External Equipment tab, you can view tractor position and availability information provided electronically from sources such as TransCore®’s DAT® Tractor Daily, TMW's DAT Interactive interface, or TMW's CarrierHub product.

Company CarriersThe Company Carriers tab displays data from the carrier's profile and assignment history. From this tab, you can filter the list of company carriers based on profile information recorded in the Carrier File Maintenance window.

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The tables below list External Equipment module features and filtering options, and identify the tab(s) on which they are available.


External Equipment tab

Company Carriers tab

Retrieve a list of carriers that have posted available equipment on external load boards

Yes No

Retrieve a list of carriers that have TMWSuite profiles* You can set up the system to retrieve company carriers who are assigned to an active trip that ends in a location matching the origin you have set as retrieval criteria in the External Equipment tab.

Yes* Yes

Insert a new external equipment record manually Yes NoRemove an external equipment record from the list of candidates for a load

Yes No

Filtering options

External Equipment tab

Company Carriers tab

By equipment type Yes NoBy the driver's current location (origin) and the driver's desired destination

Yes No

By whether the origin of a trip matches the city/state in which the carrier's office is located

No Yes

By the type of load (full or partial) Yes NoBy the length of the equipment Yes NoBy the maximum weight the equipment can handle Yes NoBy an available date range Yes NoBy the age of the equipment posting Yes NoBy carrier ID No YesBy carrier service rating No YesBy a carrier name No YesBy a carrier's contact No YesBy the accessories recorded for a carrier's tractors No YesBy the accessories recorded for a carrier's trailers No YesBy the qualifications recorded for a carrier's drivers No YesBy the carrier's qualifications No YesBy the CarType1-4 values recorded in a carrier's profile No YesBy the liability insurance limits recorded in a carrier's profile No YesBy the cargo insurance limits recorded in a carrier's profile No Yes

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Filtering options

External Equipment tab

Company Carriers tab

By whether the carrier has an insurance certificate on file with your company

No Yes

By carriers to which you have issued a W9 No YesBy carriers with which you have a contract No YesBy carriers for which you have established pay rate schedules

No Yes

Status Based Loads gridThe Dispatch Status Based Loads grid allows you to track trip segments that have been assigned to customer service and carrier representatives.

Customer support representatives are responsible for working with the shipper and identifying a trip segment given to the carrier representative. Carrier representatives are responsible for assigning a carrier to the trip segment and tracking it.

By tracking brokerage representatives in Dispatch, you can identify the trip segments for which they are responsible and determine the commission they will receive for each load. Brokerage representative profiles are set up in the File Maintenance application.Using the Status Based Loads grid, you can create an order, post loads and assign carriers, track brokerage representation on a trip, and complete an order within the Dispatch application. The Status Based Loads grid is accessed in the Planning Worksheet by clicking the Brokerage View tab in the Available Trips section. The grid is divided into two sections, the Branch Tree pane and the Trip Segment Status pane.

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Brokerage Solutions Overview

Understanding the Branch Tree pane The Branch Tree pane in the Status Based Loads grid works the way a menu tree in a Microsoft Windows folder works. It displays the brokerage representative profiles of the customer service (Booking) and carrier (Executing) representatives. Each ID is displayed under the appropriate category, based on whether the brokerage representative profile was set up as a booking terminal or executing terminal.

A brokerage representative profile is set up as either a parent or child. The relationship level is demonstrated by the tree hierarchy under the Booking and Executing level headings.

When you click on a brokerage representative in the pane, the trips that have that booking or executing terminal assigned to them display in the Trip Segment Status pane.

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Understanding the Trip Segment Status pane The Trip Segment Status pane displays the trip segments that have the selected brokerage representative assigned to them. The pane is divided into five columns, each representing the sequence of the trip’s next activity. As an event on the trip segment is completed, you can track the trip’s movement to the next column.

The Assigned pane displays the Available trips assigned to the selected representative. The Booked pane displays the Planned trips assigned to the selected representative. The Checked In pane displays the Planned trips on which the carrier is on the way to the first pickup. The Picked Up pane displays the Started orders assigned to the selected representative, i.e., first stop is actualized. The Delivered pane displays the Completed trips assigned to the selected representative.

Note: For more information, see the Status Based Loads Grid guide.

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Reviewing the pay history of company carriersOnce you have identified one or more carriers that are a possible match for your trip, you may want to review their payment histories.With a company carrier selected on the External Resources tab or Company Carriers tab, select Options > Show Carrier Payment History. The Payment History for Carrier window opens with data for the selected carrier displayed. Notice that the carrier’s name and ID are displayed in the window’s title bar. The window displays information for the selected carrier on these four tabs:

MainDisplays the trips assigned to the carrier during the last 90 days.

GraphDisplays a line graph of the revenue and cost for the carrier's trips shown on the Main tab The information is read-only.

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ContactsThe displayed information is pulled from the Carrier Contacts window, which is accessed from the Carrier File Maintenance window. The information is read-only.

Check CallsThe displayed information is pulled from the Check Calls window in Dispatch. The information is read-only.

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Viewing detailed trip informationUsing the Carrier Load Information for Order(s) window, you can view more detailed information about trips displayed in the Available Trips grid. You select Options > Show Load Info to open it.

Note: The Carrier Load Information for Order(s) window is also available from the Status Based Loads grid. Once you have retrieved trips in the Trip Segment Status panes, you select Options > Show Load Info to open it.

The window header displays a recap of the data from the Advanced Carrier Selection window's header, including order revenue, cost, and the targeted profit spread for the currently selected trip.The window contains these five tabs:

Leg DetailShows the same information for the selected trip that is shown in the Planning Worksheet's Available Trips grid.

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Stop DetailShows the same information for the selected trip as is shown in the Trip Folder's Stop Detail grid. You can edit the stop details information, such as adjusting times or assigning resources. When you are done, click the Save button on the tab.

Money DetailWhen you select a trip that has been pre-rated and/or for which tentative pay details have been created for the planned carrier, you can view the trip's charges and pay information using the Money Detail tab.

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Check CallsWhen your system is set up to allow the recording of check calls for an order, you can view them on the Check Calls tab.The right side of the window shows the check call records for the trip. By default, check calls for the order associated with the currently assigned carrier are displayed. However, if the trip was previously planned to a different carrier, and check call records from that assignment exist, you can also view them. To do so, select the All Carriers radio button.

Check Call EntryYou can record a check call for the order on the Check Call Entry tab.

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Car/Ord NotesShows notes attached to the order and/or to the carrier assigned to the selected trip.

OffersIf you are licensed for the Bid Award module, this tab shows the bids carriers have placed for the auctioned trip.

To view the information for another trip, select it in the Available Trips grid, and the window data will be refreshed.

Note: For more information, see the External Equipment guide.

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Brokerage Solutions Overview

Carrier Lane MaintenanceUsing Carrier Lane Maintenance, you define your lanes and assign your carriers to them. As you assign carriers to lanes, you can rate the quality of their performance in the lanes. Carrier lane information is used by:

The External Equipment module When you retrieve company carriers for a user-defined lane, the system will bring back lane performance data for all carriers who have pay history for the last 90 days. However, if a carrier with no pay history for that period is assigned to a lane matching the one specified in the tab header's Origin and Destination fields, the system will also return that carrier, even though it has no performance data for the last 90 days matching that lane. The Bid Award module Bid Award allows you to auction loads to carriers. You can limit auction participants to a select group of your carriers, based on who works the lane and who has the best service rating in that lane. That lane information comes from the Carrier Lane Maintenance module.Note: The Bid Award module is a licensed add-on that must be purchased separately from the base TMWSuite system. The CarrierHub application CarrierHub is TMW's web-based application that allows you to host a private carrier network. In CarrierHub, your carriers may even create their state-to-state lanes. Those lane assignments will appear in Carrier Lane Maintenance.Note: CarrierHub is a licensed module of TMW Web Products. TMW Web Products must be purchased separately from the base TMWSuite system.

The Carrier Lane Maintenance feature is available in the File Maintenance and Dispatch applications.

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Lanes are defined in the Carrier Lane Assignment window. This window is accessed in Dispatch and File Maintenance by selecting Edit > Lane Maintenance.

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In addition to using the Carrier Lane Assignment window to assign one or more carriers to a single lane, you can review a carrier's lane assignments and make additional lane assignments to a specific carrier in the Carrier Lane Assignment for Carrier window. The window is accessed in File Maintenance, while viewing a carrier's profile.

Freight Board interfaceTMW's Freight Board gives TMWSuite users the ability to post available loads and trucks to one or more freight board services from within TMWSuite’s Order Entry and Dispatch applications. With Freight Board running on your desktop, you no longer need to switch from TMWSuite to your freight board service to post loads or trucks. When you subscribe to multiple freight board services, your postings are made to all of your freight board services at the same time.Postings are uploaded to the freight board ftp site(s) every five minutes. Loads posted between uploads go into a queue and will be sent in the next upload cycle. If a load is placed in a queue, the system displays a message notifying you that this is the case.Freight Board prevents duplicate entry when posting loads and trucks. As loads are uploaded, their uniqueness is verified so there is never a duplicate load posted.These freight board services are supported by Freight Board:

DAT (TransCore) DriveLine Load Exchange (Flying J)

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Brokerage Solutions Overview

Getloaded ( Internet Truckstop (Internet Truckstop) PostEverywhere (Grizella Corporation) (TMW Systems, Inc.)

In addition to the general FreightBoardInterface license, you must also have the vendor-specific license for each freight board service to which you subscribe. You must also have a pre-existing, active account with each vendor to which you want to post loads/trucks. Your freight board service vendor provides the communications connection information the interface uses for an account. TMW cannot provide this data. You must contact each vendor for this information.

Note: You do not need the Enhanced Brokerage license to run Freight Board.

When you access the Freight Board interface from Order Entry or Dispatch, information from the order you have displayed is transferred to the interface window.

Note: For more information, see the Freight Board documentation. A PDF of the application's help system is available from TMW's ClientCenter.

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Brokerage Solutions Overview

Agent Order EntryAgent Order Entry is an add-on TMWSuite application. If your company employs agents to broker loads, this application allows those agents to make limited use of many of the same functions found in Dispatch. An agent can:

Enter an order. Copy an order or movement. Manually record line haul and accessorial charges. Review available trips and available resources. Dispatch resources. Split trips. Complete trips.

An agent has access only to his loads. Security features are built into the application to ensure that agents cannot view other agents’ loads, resources, billing data or pay data. They also cannot see any of this information for loads not associated with an agent. Agent Order Entry runs as an executable file (aoe.exe) that is accessed separately from the base system program files. The Agent Order Entry window contains six tabs.

Order Used to record, look up, and copy orders

Assignments Used to assign a driver, tractor, trailer, and/or carrier to the loadAlso allows you to split the trip and assign resources to the new trip segment.

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Accessorials Used to record accessorial charges that are applicable for the order manually

Stop Offs Lists each stop on the trip. Also, allows you to record additional pickups and drops

Loads Allows you to see a limited view of the Available Trips grid Also allows you to sort the resources listed on the Trucks tab by distance between the resource’s destination location and the origin location of a trip selected on the Loads tab.

Trucks Allows you to: See a limited view of the Tractor/Trip Segment tab on Available Resources grid Sort trips listed on the Loads tab by the distance between the their origin locations and the destination location of the resource selected on the Trucks tab.

Note: You do not need the Enhanced Brokerage license to use Agent Order Entry.

TMWSuite-based advanced solutionsAdvanced brokerage solutions are the modules that address the increasing dynamics and complexities of brokerage and third-party logistics. These solutions are applications that address needs resulting from growth in freight brokerage volumes and sheer quantity of active and potential carriers to manage. Some solutions are interfaces that work with TMWSuite. Others are modules in the TMW Web Products suite of applications. As with any purchase, you must analyze your business to determine which products address your specific, defined needs for automation, efficiency, and/or growth.When deciding which TMWSuite licenses to purchase, brokerage operations should consider the following options.

DAT Interactive interfaceTMWSuite's DAT Interactive interface allows you to connect to the TransCore® DAT 3sixty freight matching system. The DAT Interactive interface is a licensed TMWSuite add-on module. This interface allows for the real-time data feed available of trucks from the TransCore system into the External Equipment module. This allows you to qualify, match, and broker loads to those third-party trucks. This interface serves a different purpose than the Freight Board Interface, which is described in the Fundamental TMWSuite brokerage solutions section of this guide.

The Freight Board Interface allows you to push loads and trucks out of TMWSuite to your vendors' load boards.

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The DAT Interactive interface allows you to pull in truck data from DAT 3sixty into TMWSuite.

Notes: 1. The DAT Interactive interface requires that you are licensed for the Enhanced

Brokerage module and be running the External Equipment module in a TMWSuite version 2009.08_08.0312 or later. You must also have a TransCore® DAT Interactive subscription (2-seat minimum) license.

2. The TransCore® subscription for DAT Interactive is separate from the subscription required for the Freight Board Interface to DAT.

3. For more information, see the "Setting up the system for the DAT Interactive interface" chapter in the External Equipment guide.

Data ExchangeData Exchange is a multi-use communication tool add-on that can enable your established carriers to provide you, as frequently as needed, information about their available power. The information includes geographic locations, date/time availability, as well as driver, tractor, and contact information. This information is entered by your carriers in an Excel-type spreadsheet and sent to your TMWSuite system, where it is made available electronically in the External Equipment module. There, you can search through the information to make assignments on available loads, all within the Dispatch application. Set-up and configuration of the Data Exchange tool for alternative uses are billable professional services per use-type.

Note: You do not need the Enhanced Brokerage module to use Data Exchange.

Third Party Pay featureTo direct trip pay to individuals not directly involved in carrying the load for a trip, such as a sales representative or freight agent, you must be licensed for TMWSuite's Third Party Pay feature.The system allows you to set up the types of non-asset based personnel that you employ. Examples are:

Agents Finders Salespeople Yard workers Lumpers

The Third Party Pay feature allows you to do the following for third parties: Record third parties on orders. Use the Rate Schedules application to set up pay rates for third parties.

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Auto-calculate pay from within Order Entry, Dispatch, Invoicing, and Settlements. Set up and apply deductions. Prepare settlements.

Note: You do not need the Enhanced Brokerage module to use the Third Party Pay feature.

Carrier411 interfaceCarrier411 is a third party carrier monitoring service that consolidates and transmits safety data collected by the FCMSA. With TMWSuite's Carrier411 interface, this information is available from within TMWSuite core applications so you can maintain consistent, superior service for your customers. The interface allows you to:

Monitor these government ratings: Safety Insurance Authority CSA 2010 SMS (Safety Management System) BASIC (Behavior Analysis Safety

Improvement Categories) scores Set up the interface to create carrier expirations automatically when scores or ratings are unacceptable. Automate daily updates via the Internet to ensure your database contains the most recent carrier ratings.

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This illustration shows the Carrier411 window with sample data:

Notes:1. Before enabling the Carrier411 interface, you must have:

A Carrier411 account A TMWSuite license for the Carrier411 interface A TMWSuite administrator's workstation with an available and open Port 80 Carrier411 configured as a trusted website in your company firewall.

2. You do not need the Enhanced Brokerage module to use the Carrier411 interface.

RateWare XL interfaceRateWare XL by SMC³ is a web-based transportation pricing management tool. The TMWSuite tariff engine uses the RateWare XL interface to communicate with SMC³‘s RateWare XL product to automatically calculate less than truckload (LTL) line haul charges and costs for orders.

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Most of the interface setup occurs on rate schedules within TMWSuite's Rate Schedules application. To indicate that the line haul amount for a rate schedule will be calculated outside of TMWSuite, you flag it as an external rate and link it to a RateWare XL tariff. On RateWare specific tabs, you can specify:

The RateWare XL tariff to which the rate schedule is linked (this is a required entry) Weight-break discounts Maximum weight for deficit rating A net or gross surcharge A rate adjustment An NMFC (National Motor Freight Code) class override for commodities that are flagged as one NMFC class, but are to be rated as if they belong to a different NMFC class

This illustration shows a pay rate schedule that has been flagged as a RateWare rate:

Application of RateWare XL rates is supported in Order Entry, Dispatch, Invoicing, and Settlements. The interface does not cause a change in the appearance of any screens in any of these applications. You initiate the auto-calculation process just as you always have and, using its standard rate selection process, the system finds the appropriate rate schedule. The RateWare XL interface operates in the background, and therefore is not apparent to the end user.During the rating process for the trip, the rating engine looks for the line haul rate schedule that is the best match:

If the best match is a standard TMWSuite rate, it applies it.

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If the best match is a TMWSuite rate schedule that is linked to an external RateWare XL tariff, the following occurs:The interface makes a call to SMC3's RateWare XL product, and passes data from the order and the rate schedule to it.1. RateWare XL returns the appropriate line haul amount. TMWSuite applies it to

the trip as a flat amount. 2. TMWSuite applies any accessorial rates that are linked to the line haul rate.

Note: You do not need the Enhanced Brokerage module to use the RateWare XL interface.

Purchase Transport CostsThe Purchase Transport Costs (PTC) add-on module allows you to use historical cost data to set minimum margins and maximum top spends on a lane-by-lane basis. By knowing how much it costs you to have a carrier haul a load, you can determine how much you will make on the load.Lanes are defined as PTC Regions in TMWSuite's System Administration application.

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Purchase Transport Cost modes are defined using the TrlType1 label, accessed in TMWSuite's System Administration application.

Cost data is recorded in the Purchase Transport Cost window. Data can come from sources such as Internet Truck Stop, TransCore, independent consortiums, and your own historical data. When you enter the data into a .csv file format, it can be imported into your database. Alternatively, you can manually enter cost data.

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Purchase Transport Cost data is available to dispatchers in the Advanced Carrier Selection window.

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It is also available in the Carrier Load Information window, on the PTC tab.

When a dispatcher assigns a carrier to a trip in the Advanced Carrier Selection window, he/she can create pay details for the trip. The Purchase Transport Cost module allows you to say whether a dispatcher can exceed the recommended cost for a lane when creating those pay details. The comparison can be based on the recommended line haul, on the desired margin you expect to make on the trip, or on both. You can set up the system to ignore pay discrepancies, present warnings, or prevent dispatchers from saving carrier assignments in the Advanced Carrier Selection window when pay exceeds the recommended PTC maximum for the trip. When you have the system set up to prevent the saving of the pay detail if the minimum margin is not met or if pay exceeds the recommended maximum, a user can override the prevention by entering a password. Separate passwords are set up for the margin prevention and the line haul pay prevention.

Note: The system verifies whether pay exceeds the PTC guidelines only in the Advanced Carrier Selection window. It does not perform the verification in the Carrier Load Information window.

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MacroPointMacroPoint is a third-party company that provides automated track-and-trace software for brokered loads using drivers' own cell phones. This software works with TMWSuite (V.2012.11_07.1008 and later) and all versions of TMW Operations. It allows you to track shipments and communicate with drivers from the Advanced Carrier Selection window.

Create a hyperlink that, when clicked, opens the MacroPoint Web site in a new browser

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When you enter the driver's name and cell phone and click the Phone hyperlink, the MacroPoint Web site opens in a new browser and displays your tracking request.

Once the driver accepts the request, you will automatically receive check calls for a period of time that you specify. They will be recorded in your system's check call table.

Notes: 1. If you are using TMWSuite, you must be licensed for the Enhanced Brokerage

modules, the Integrated Reporting module, and TMW Operations. You must also have system administrator rights in TMWSuite, and be using Microsoft SQL Server 2008 or greater as your database management system.

2. If you are using TMW Operations, you must be licensed for the Enhanced Brokerage modules. You must also have system administrator rights in TMW Operations, and be using Microsoft SQL Server 2008 or greater as your database management system.

3. For more information, see the MacroPoint documentation. A PDF is available from TMW's ClientCenter.

TMW Web Products advanced brokerage solutionsTMW Web Product modules provide advanced brokerage solutions that allow you to expand access to your trusted carriers.

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CarrierHubCarrierHub is a module in TMW Web Products. It provides a private carrier network with the ability to view loads that are available for assignment. Depending on how your company sets up CarrierHub, carriers can either request an available load, or self-assign themselves to available loads. Clients who are using the External Equipment add-on module will be able to search available trucks that their carriers have posted on CarrierHub's External Equipment page. External equipment postings are an additional tool CarrierHub provides to help you match carriers with your loads.Clients who are using the Bid Award add-on module can use it with CarrierHub. Carriers you invite to an auction can place bids, see how they are doing in an auction, or decline to bid. The greatest advantage of CarrierHub is its inherent self-service nature. Available via the Internet and attached to your website, established carriers with CarrierHub credentials will be able to update events associated with their assigned loads.They can:

Actualize arrivals and departures. Record check calls. Post delivery confirmations and upload scanned trip documents.

CarrierHub is a role-based application, so you may configure specific feature sets and functionality to all, or select carriers, based upon your preferences, operational needs, and relationship with a particular carrier.

Notes: 1. You do not need the Enhanced Brokerage module to use CarrierHub by itself.

However, if you intend to use CarrierHub with External Equipment, you must be licensed for both CarrierHub and the Enhanced Brokerage module.

2. If you will be using CarrierHub with Bid Award, you must be licensed for the Enhanced Brokerage module and Bid Award, as well as CarrierHub.

3. For more information, see the CarrierHub documentation. A PDF of the application's help system is available from TMW's ClientCenter.

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Bid AwardBid Award is an add-on to CarrierHub. You access Bid Award from the Dispatch application. It allows you to post loads for auction to your carrier network. When you auction a load, you can limit the offer to a more select group of your network carriers, based on who works the lane, and who has the best service rating in that lane. You set the maximum price you are willing to pay, and your carriers compete for the load. Your dispatchers can track the bidding from within the Dispatch application.

Note: Bid Award is purchased separately from CarrierHub. You must have the Enhanced Brokerage bundle to use it.

An auction follows a basic flow.1. In Dispatch, you set up an auction using the Export Load window.

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2. When the auction is launched, Bid Award generates e-mail notifications for the selected carriers.

A Take It Now auction e-mail3. The invited carriers view the auction details on CarrierHub's Biddable Loads


Carriers will bid on the auction from the Biddable Loads page

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4. The bids that carriers submit through CarrierHub are tracked on: The Bids tab in the Export Load window The Bids tab in the Advanced Carrier Selection window The Load Information for Order(s) window's Offers tab

Carrier bids reviewed in Export Load window

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Carrier bids reviewed in Advanced Carrier Selection window

Carrier bids reviewed in the Carrier Load Information for Order(s) window

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5. Auctions are awarded in Dispatch, using the Bids tab in the Advanced Carrier Selection window.

Accepting a carrier's bid in the Advanced Carrier Selection window6. The winning carrier will be notified by e-mail that they have been awarded the

auction, and the losing carriers will be notified by e-mail that their bid has been declined.If the carrier placed the winning bid through the Biddable Loads window of CarrierHub, information about the trip will appear on the Loads Awarded tab in the carrier's Bid History window.

Note: For more information, see the Bid Award guide and the CarrierHub documentation. A PDF of the CarrierHub help system is available from TMW's ClientCenter.

eStat eStat is a web portal that gives shippers access to your TMWSuite database over the Internet. They can tender shipments, track them, and view reports.

Notes: 1. You do not need the Enhanced Brokerage module to use eStat.2. eStat is a module in the TMW Web Products suite of applications. TMW Web

Products are sold separately.3. For more information, see the eStat documentation. A PDF of the eStat help

system is available from TMW's ClientCenter.

FreightAgentFreightAgent provides the capability to create a customized, secure, Internet site for external agents to submit orders. Agents can:

Enter and edit orders. View active orders and resources. Assign carriers. Add companies to the database.

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Notes: 1. You do not need the Enhanced Brokerage module to use FreightAgent.2. FreightAgent is a module in the TMW Web Products suite of applications. TMW

Web Products are sold separately.3. For more information, see the FreightAgent documentation. A PDF of the

FreightAgent help system is available from TMW's ClientCenter.

Additional modules for optimizing brokerageThe EDI module, TMW Imaging, CRM Right, and FreightAgent are also available to help you optimize TMWSuite for your brokerage operation.

EDIEDI has several potential uses for brokerage operations, such as:

Importing loads from shippers into the broker's TMWSuite database Exporting load data to carriers Sending load tender agreements to carriers

Notes: 1. You do not need the Enhanced Brokerage module to use EDI.2. For more information about EDI, see the TMWSuite EDI Interface guide.

TMW ImagingTMW Imaging helps brokers manage and automate the paperwork involved when brokering loads, such as:

Brokerage confirmation letters Notifications of load acceptance/rejection Invoices Settlement sheets

Note: 1. You do not need the Enhanced Brokerage module to use TMW Imaging.2. For more information about using TMW Imaging to automate paperwork, see the

TMW Imaging Documentation guide.

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CRM RightCRM (Customer Relations Management) Right is a TMWSuite add-on application that provides Customer Service Representatives with a single window that displays key customer data. From this window, CSRs can:

View and update customer profile and contact information. Identify companies as leads, prospects, new customers, or established customers. Use a calendar feature to schedule and log customer-related calls, events, and tasks. If you want, you can synchronize the calendar feature with your Microsoft Outlook calendar. Initiate phone calls over a Cisco VoIP network Review and book orders Review and create rates Research historical business in specific lanes

Note: 1. You do not need the Enhanced Brokerage module to use CRM Right.2. For more information about using CRM Right to manage customer relationships,

see the The CRM Right help file, or the CRM Right guide, which is the PDF version of the help file.

Configuring TMWSuite for brokerage companiesThis section describes TMWSuite setup options that may be useful for brokerage companies.

Creating the TMWSuite database to support intra-company brokerageIn addition to brokering loads to carriers, some brokerage companies will perform some version of intra-company brokerage. For example, your operation may fit within one of these scenarios:

The broker may own driver, tractor, and trailer assets, and broker loads to its carrier division when it does not have assets available to haul a load. The brokerage company may own several subsidiary companies, and these companies may broker loads to each other.

If your brokerage company does not perform any intra-company brokerage, that is, it only brokers loads to outside carriers, no special database setup is required for TMWSuite. However, if you perform some version of intra-company brokerage, special consideration must be given to the TMWSuite database setup.The ideal setup for supporting intra-company brokerage is to use two separate databases, and broker loads between them. However, this method provides no

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visibility to the resources or loads between companies/divisions on separate databases.To support inter-company brokerage on one database, consider using one or more Rev Type fields on the order. Possible setup options include:

Create two orders. On the first order, use a Rev Type field to identify the broker. On the second order, use a different Rev Type field to identify the carrier. Create one order, and use a Rev Type field to identify it as an intra-company load. This setup requires accounting adjustments to allocate revenue between companies/divisions properly.

Configuring system settingsNo special TTS50.ini, local.ini, or General Info Table settings must be configured to support brokerage companies in their use of the base TMWSuite system. However, some of the brokerage products used by a particular brokerage company will require system configuration.

Note: For more information about configuring system settings, refer to the user guide for each feature/module.

Creating carrier profilesEach carrier that will be assigned a load must have a TMWSuite profile. Additionally, if you are using the Bid Award add-on module, carriers must be assigned to lanes and carrier groups. The following sections describe the carrier setup options.

General carrier profile setupCarrier profiles are created and edited in the Carrier File Maintenance window.The carrier population is very fluid, requiring brokerage companies to update their carrier profile data frequently. It is essential for TMWSuite brokerage companies to understand completely the content and use of the Carrier File Maintenance window.

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Fields and icons in the Carrier File Maintenance window that are particular important to brokerage operations are indicated below:

Carrier File Maintenance window

Sheet toolbar for Carrier File Maintenance

Board versus non-board carriers Brokerage companies, or the brokerage division of an asset-based company, generally have little need to track trip segment details. Therefore, carriers for most brokerage companies should be set up as non-board carriers. For non-board carriers, the Board check box in the Carrier File Maintenance is not selected.

Recording carrier insurance information A carrier's insurance information influences which loads a broker will assign to that carrier. This information can be recorded in the Insurance section of the Carrier File Maintenance window:

In the Advanced Carrier Selection window, you can filter the list of eligible carriers according to data in the Insurance section. For example, you can limit the carrier to

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list only to carriers who have filed a W9 form with your company and/or have at least $100,000 in liability insurance. The carrier you assign to the trip must have sufficient insurance to cover the freight value. When you save the carrier assignment in the Advanced Carrier Selection window, the system compares the order's freight value with the Cargo Limits field value in the carrier's profile. If the freight value recorded on the order is greater than the cargo limits recorded in the carrier's profile, the system displays a Validation Error message similar to this:

The carrier assignment will not be allowed.

Notes: 1. For more information about carrier profiles, see the "Carrier File Maintenance"

chapter in the File Maintenance guide.2. For more information about the Advanced Carrier Selection window, see the

Advanced Carrier Selection guide.

Defining and assigning carrier service ratings Past performance can have a significant impact on a broker's decision to assign loads to that carrier. The Service rating field in the Carrier File Maintenance window allows the broker to assign a service rating level to each carrier:

The options in the Service rating field come from the CarrierServiceRating label. By default, the only option is UNKNOWN. Your company can define its own carrier service rating levels.

These service levels are used in the Advanced Carrier Selection window and with the Bid Award module.

In the Advanced Carrier Selection window, the list of eligible carriers can be filtered according to service rating level. For example, only carriers that have

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been assigned an Excellent level in the Service rating field will appear. In the Bid Award module, the list of carriers invited to participate in an auction can be limited to those carriers having a certain service level. When defining the lanes a carrier services for the Bid Award module, you also give carriers a service rating for each lane they handle.

Notes: 1. For more information about the Advanced Carrier Selection window, see the

Advanced Carrier Selection guide.2. For more information about setting up carrier's service ratings for Bid Award, see

the Bid Award guide.

Recording carrier expirations TMWSuite allows companies to schedule key activities for their resources, as well as dates and reasons they will be unavailable for service in the future. Key activities and out-of-service reasons can be customized in the label file, accessed in System Administration. Within TMWSuite, notices regarding key activities and out-of-service dates are referred to as expirations.For brokerage operations, expirations can be used to: Record the date a carrier’s certificate of insurance expires. Terminate or suspend a carrier.

Values and codes for carrier expirations are set up in the CarExp label:

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To enter or edit an expiration for a carrier, display the carrier's profile in Carrier File Maintenance and open the Driver/Equipment Status window:

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Warning indicators for expirations also display in the Carrier Summary grid in the Advanced Carrier Selection window. To view expirations for a particular carrier, click either the P1 or P2 warning indicator to open the Expirations window:

There are numerous settings in both the General Info Table and the TTS50.ini file that control how expirations are entered, and how expirations affect TMWSuite applications.

Note: For more information about how settings control expirations, see the Expirations guide.

Recording trailer and tractor accessories, and driver, and carrier qualificationsLoad requirements specify special criteria that must, or should be, met when assigning resources (driver, tractor, trailer, or carrier) to an order. Asset-based dispatch companies record accessories and qualifications for their resources in each resource's profile. Brokers can record the accessories and qualifications for their carriers in the following Carrier File Maintenance sub windows:

Trailer Accessory - Options in this window come from the TrlAcc label. Tractor Accessory - Options in this window come from the TrcAcc label. Driver Qualifications - Options in this window come from the DrvAcc label.

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Carrier Qualifications - Options in this window come from the CarQual label.All four resource accessory and qualification types are available as filters in the Advanced Carrier Selection module's ACS Criteria Selection window and the External Equipment module's Ad Hoc Carrier Filter window.

ACS Criteria Selection window

Notes:1. For more information about entering resource accessories and qualifications for

carriers, see the Recording load requirement-related information for non-board carriers section of the "Carrier File Maintenance" chapter in the File Maintenance guide.

2. For more information about using resource accessories and qualifications as filters in the Advanced Carrier Selection window, see the Advanced Carrier Selection guide.

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Recording extra information for a carrier If a broker must record a specific type of information about its carriers, and no existing area in Carrier File Maintenance or any other area in TMWSuite can be used for this purpose, the broker can enable and use the Extra Information feature to set up new fields where custom information can be recorded.A sample configuration of the Carrier Extra Information window for a brokerage company is shown below:

Notes:1. The Extra Information feature is not enabled by default. To use the Extra

Information window for a carrier or other resource profile, you must first enable the Extra Information feature.

2. For more information about the Extra Information feature, see "The Extra Information feature" chapter in the System Administration guide.

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Recording carrier contact information A brokerage company may need to record several contacts for each carrier. While the Contact field at the top of the Carrier File Maintenance window can only be used to record one contact, the Carrier Contacts window can record numerous contacts:

Note: For more information about the Carrier Contacts window, including options for accessing it outside the Carrier File Maintenance window, see the Recording contact information for TMWSuite entities guide.

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Setting up carriers for use with Bid AwardThe Bid Award module requires additional carrier setup:

Defining lanes of service Assigning carriers to groups

Defining carrier lanes of service for Bid Award purposes When you post a load for auction, you may want only the carriers that work the lane for that trip to receive notification of the auction. To ensure that only appropriate carriers are notified, you must define lanes and assign carriers to them.Lanes are defined in the Carrier Lane Assignment window. This window is accessed in Dispatch and File Maintenance by selecting Edit > Lane Maintenance.

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You assign carriers to lanes in the bottom half of the window. You can also assign a carrier to a lane from its profile. You do so in the Carrier Lane Assignment for Carrier window. The window is access by selecting Edit > Lane Assignment.

Notes: 1. For more information about creating lane definitions and assigning carriers to

lanes, see the Bid Award guide.2. Carriers can also define their own state-to-state lanes in CarrierHub. For more

information, see the CarrierHub documentation. A PDF of the application's help system is available from TMW's ClientCenter.

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Assigning carriers to groups When you use the Bid Award module, you can also filter the carriers that will participate in an auction by their assignment to a carrier group. Carrier groups are defined through the CarrierGroups label in the System Administration's Label File. By default, the CarrierGroups label contains only the UNKNOWN system code option. You must add entries for the groups that your company uses.

Entries that you make in the CarrierGroups label appear as options in the Groups field in the Export Load window's Information and Carriers tab:

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You assign carriers to groups in the File Maintenance application, using the Group Assignment for Carrier window. You access the window by selecting Edit > Carrier Groups.

Notes: 1. For more information about defining carrier groups and assigning carriers to

lanes, see the Bid Award guide.2. Carriers can also define their own state-to-state lanes in CarrierHub. For more

information, see the CarrierHub documentation. A PDF of the application's help system is available from TMW's ClientCenter.

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Creating driver, tractor, and trailer profilesBrokerage companies may want to record the assets assigned to loads by carriers. However, there are several reasons why brokerage companies should not create TMWSuite profiles for their carriers' drivers, tractors, and trailers: Entering tractors not owned by the brokerage company may exceed the

brokerage company's tractor license limit for TMWSuite. The brokerage company must obtain and enter asset information from each

carrier. The same driver may haul loads for more than one carrier.

Instead of entering asset information into TMWSuite, brokerage companies can use free-form text fields in the Advanced Carrier Selection window to record asset information for loads:

These fields are not populated by TMWSuite asset profiles, and information recorded in them is not stored outside of the order.

Note: For more information about recording asset information in the Advanced Carrier Selection window, see the Advanced Carrier Selection guide.

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Creating Third Party profilesIn addition to paying carriers, brokers may also pay sales representatives, freight agents, and other individuals not directly involved with carrying a load. In order to pay these individuals, brokerage companies must create Third Party profiles in TMWSuite.

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Entering ordersNormally, orders are entered into the system using the Order Entry application. However, brokerage operations may find that Order Entry requires far more data entry than they require, and allows agents to review or enter data they should not access. The following sections review order entry options that may be more appropriate for brokers.

Using the Trip Folder and Quick Trip window in DispatchBrokerage operations that choose not to use Order Entry can enter orders through the Dispatch application using the Trip Folder and/or the Quick Trip window. The Quick Trip window provides a more convenient interface for entering orders than does the Trip Folder:

Although not available by default, the Quick Trip window can be enabled through editing the TTS50.ini file, and does not require any additional TMWSuite licenses.

Notes:1. For more information about using the Trip Folder to enter orders, see the

"Creating orders" chapter in the Dispatch – Trip Folder guide.

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Brokerage Solutions Overview

2. For more information about the Quick Trip window, see the "Using the Quick Trip window" chapter in the Dispatch – General Dispatch guide.

Using the Agent Order Entry applicationAgent Order Entry is an add-on TMWSuite application that provides restricted access for entering and dispatching orders. It can be used by the broker's freight agents to enter loads into the system, as well as assign their entered loads to carriers:

Note: For more information about using Agent Order Entry to enter and dispatch orders, see the Agent Order Entry guide.

Paying carriers and third partiesTMWSuite offers brokerage companies several options for paying carriers and third party entities:

Paying carriersIf the brokerage company pays the carrier only for carrying loads, the broker can simply create a Pay To profile for each carrier.Note: For more information about paying carriers, see the Trip Settlements Folder and Final Settlements Folder guides. Paying brokers as third parties (Third Party Pay)If the brokerage company pays both the carrier and non-driving entities, but trip pay calculations are not based on pre-defined percentages, use standard settlement rates. This feature requires the brokerage company to purchase the Third Party Pay license from TMW.

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Brokerage Solutions Overview

Using Advances/Fuel Purchases Import interface to pay carriersPayments to carriers can be made through fuel card interfaces. This interface requires a license for the TMWSuite interface to the fuel card vendor.Note: For more information about the Advances/Fuel Purchases Import interface, see the Advances/Fuel Purchases Import interface guide.

Brokerage Solutions Overview 61 Revised: 10/2014TMWSuite Copyright TMW Systems, Inc.