BROKER PRICE OPINION/MARKET ANALYSIS: 41 Example Street #1 Prepared for David and Sara Jones By Joe Wolvek 617 584 9790 [email protected] Dear David and Sara, Thank you for the opportunity to speak with you about pricing, and potentially marketing and selling your property. Property valuation and appraisal is a mixture of analysis and intuition. We sift through the numbers and apply as much objectivity as possible, leavened with experience and intuition. Individual buyers have different needs and wants, and fall in love (or not) with different aspects of a property, much of it emotional. And there are vastly differing levels of motivation among buyers. The analysis part was learned when I was doing bank appraisals some years ago. Basically, it consists of comparing roughly similar properties (or as close as we can get) that have sold relatively recently and making adjustments to come out with a number that reflects the possible value of your property. I’ve used objective adjustments (although these values can be debated as well), as well as more subjective ones based on my experience and intuition. We also look to available and under agreement properties for reference. Included in this report are: Appraisal-style analysis and adjustment table. Sold and available properties that are broadly comparable to yours, including detail sheets of the more relevant properties. YOUR PROPERTY Like other properties, there are strengths and weaknesses with respect to the competition. The main appeal of your unit over the comparables in general is the spectacular parlor level with its high ceilings, fantastic woodwork and light, and top-shelf kitchen. You walk in and the angels sing. The half bath is very well-done and perfectly located. The fact that the property has 3 exposures is a great addition to value, giving you light and windows where most other units have none. The balcony is a nice addition, giving you grilling and seating area. The working fireplaces are a value enhancement as well. Of course, these are just the main attractions. The master suite on the lower level is a very good size, and leads out to a nice patio. While some of the comps have a bigger patio, there are many properties out there that have none. The master bath is very attractive with the new woodwork and vanity. The double shower and spa/Jacuzzi is a plus, although some of the newer comps have more modern, sexier finishes (also applies to the 2 nd bath).



41 Example Street #1 Prepared for David and Sara Jones

By Joe Wolvek 617 584 9790 [email protected]

Dear David and Sara,

Thank you for the opportunity to speak with you about pricing, and potentially marketing and selling your property.

Property valuation and appraisal is a mixture of analysis and intuition. We sift through the numbers and apply as much objectivity as possible, leavened with experience and intuition. Individual buyers have different needs and wants, and fall in love (or not) with different aspects of a property, much of it emotional. And there are vastly differing levels of motivation among buyers.

The analysis part was learned when I was doing bank appraisals some years ago. Basically, it consists of comparing roughly similar properties (or as close as we can get) that have sold relatively recently and making adjustments to come out with a number that reflects the possible value of your property. I’ve used objective adjustments (although these values can be debated as well), as well as more subjective ones based on my experience and intuition. We also look to available and under agreement properties for reference. Included in this report are:

Appraisal-style analysis and adjustment table. Sold and available properties that are broadly comparable to yours, including detail sheets of the more

relevant properties.


Like other properties, there are strengths and weaknesses with respect to the competition. The main appeal of your unit over the comparables in general is the spectacular parlor level with its high ceilings, fantastic woodwork and light, and top-shelf kitchen. You walk in and the angels sing. The half bath is very well-done and perfectly located. The fact that the property has 3 exposures is a great addition to value, giving you light and windows where most other units have none. The balcony is a nice addition, giving you grilling and seating area. The working fireplaces are a value enhancement as well. Of course, these are just the main attractions.

The master suite on the lower level is a very good size, and leads out to a nice patio. While some of the comps have a bigger patio, there are many properties out there that have none. The master bath is very attractive with the new woodwork and vanity. The double shower and spa/Jacuzzi is a plus, although some of the newer comps have more modern, sexier finishes (also applies to the 2nd bath).

I think the weakness of the property in relation to some of the properties we will be competing with is the size of the second bedroom (and in retrospect, yes I think we should get some sort of closet/wardrobe in there if possible). And some folks will be looking for a third real bedroom,although the den/office does help.

Which is all to say like all properties, that we just have to position this property correctly with respect to price and marketing.


As with all of these, please refer to the table as well as the listing detail sheets. The individual dollar adjustments are conservative, and once again, can certainly be debated. But in the end, I think they give a fairly accurate picture of valuation.

1. 11.5 Union Park #1

This unit is located in a 2012 gut renovated building. It’s a street and garden rather than a parlor and garden, so it doesn’t have that spectacular top floor. Like all the others, it’s in the middle of a row, so there are only 2 exposures. It is also slightly smaller, and it does not have parking.

On the flip side, it has 3 large solid bedrooms rather than 2+, which many parents with a young child are looking for. It does have a large patio. The building was a 2012 renovation with new systems and very nice finishes, and it’s in a fabulous location.

By the way, I am adjusting the $ per square foot in this analysis at about $500 per. This is because the square footage is so similar that I think a little more or less square footage is not worth as much as the overall dollars per square foot much.

This unit sold at asking after 13 days on the market. Listed at $1.795, it sold at asking.

Using this as a model, my analysis of this property suggests a selling price for yours of about $1,828,250+/-. This was the lowest adjusted price of any of my comps.

2. 588 Tremont Street #1

This building is located across from Stephi’s, which is also a great location. It’s a large floorplate building which was done over by David Goldman of New Boston Ventures in 2012. As a matter of fact, Sean Kennedy, who did your cabinetry, was the lead contractor on this. I actually sold the parlor and second floor unit, for what it’s worth.

This is also a street and garden, so you’re missing that parlor (and the parlor is indeed spectacular in this building) like yours has. It’s a very high stoop so the top floor, which has the bedrooms, does get decent light. Once again, it’s the middle of a row, so only 2 exposures.

Like the first comp it does have 3 good bedrooms, but only 2 baths. The kitchen is very contemporary although not as nice as yours. The baths are also nicely done and very contemporary. No parking, but it does have a very nice 800 sf tiered patio/garden.

Asking $1,875,000 and sold at $1,931,000 after 6 days on market. My analysis of this property suggests a selling price for yours of $1,865,950+-.

3. 32 Rutland Square #1

This parlor/street/garden triplex is just a little smaller than yours at 1900 square feet. Very nice high ceilinged parlor level with very good detail (although not as spectacular as yours without the very nice woodwork and light from the additional exposure). Nicely finished kitchen, but not nearly as nice as yours.

The flip side is that the parlor level kitchen opens onto a very unusual solarium, which opens onto a really big deck. Three and a half baths, which have nice, contemporary finishes. It has 3 bedrooms plus a large family room with wet bar, opening onto a large deck (although the sun is blocked by the deck so it’s somewhat dark). Also 2 full parking spaces. Also, I thought the location on Rutland Square (not Street) was slightly superior.

This unit was listed at $1,950,000 and sold at that price after 6 days on the market. My analysis suggests selling price for your unit of approximately $1,850,625+-.

4. 65 Rutland Street #1

This is a 1976 SF parlor and street unit, 2 beds, 2.5 baths (no den). The building and unit was renovated in 2010. The parlor is pretty spectacular with very high ceilings, lots of custom mahogany woodwork and detail (although, once again, no side exposure). Very nice kitchen, although not as nice as yours. The second bedroom is a pretty good size, with en-suite bath and has a walk-in closet. There is 2 spot tandem parking space but if you use the inner one, there is no outside space.

This unit has not closed yet. The asking was $1,799,000. The listing agent tells me that it went above asking so I’m assuming about $1,825,000. Based upon this unit, my analysis suggests a selling price for your unit of about $1,882,000+-.


In the course of showing, I’ve been in 6 Columbus Square.(Click to see the listing. My website will probably want you to log in, but it’s probably worth taking a look)1839 SF 3 big beds, 2 baths, parlor and garden duplex. On the market for$1,647,500 (originally $1,735,000) It’s been on the market for 96 days. The top floor has the bedrooms and 2 nice contemporary baths, the downstairs is very open with a pretty nice kitchen, nothing spectacular, decent living area, nice patio. It has parking available for sale, but it’s actually across Columbus, behind Giacomo’s. I think that’s been getting in the way. This is kind of a cautionary tale of pricing too high initially, because I’m surprised it hasn’t gone at its current price. Actually, I think anything that hasn’t gone in 2 weeks at most, there’s definitely a problem and it’s probably price.

I visited 123 W Newton Street (Tremont to Columbus) yesterday. REALLY nice parlor/street/garden Triplex. I think your parlor is superior, but having said that, this is no slouch. Great ceiling height, detail (no 3rd exposure). 1903 SF on 3 floors. 3 good size beds plus family room, no outdoor space, direct access parking. Just on-market, priced at $2.1m (by the listing agent’s own admission, overpriced. Probably should be 1.95ish). Keep an eye on this one.

216 W Springfield #1 (Tremont to Columbus). Parlor/street/garden triplex 3 beds plus family room, 1995 SF, 4 baths. On the plus side, very nice 2010 renovation, 2 full parking spaces, great bed/bath count and layout. $1,995,000. Very nice fnishes, contemp kitchen and baths. Was on the market a few years ago, back on now. Somehow the floorplate seems smaller than the previous one, so the parlor doesn’t have that expansive feel, but a very practical place for young families

29 Upton St #4. 3 bed 2.5 bath, 1870 SF, parking penthouse duplex, roofdeck at $1,799,000. Although the demographics are changing in favor of lower units because of family needs (not to mention aging people like us), there is still a premium for the PH duplex. I expect this to be gone today or tomorrow.


If you were putting your home on the market today, my analysis tells me that it would sell for a probable range of $1.828m to $1.887m ish. Certainly not ruling out higher, but much less likely. Which does not rule out the possibility that that out-of-country cash buyer would put in a higher offer. Also, we don’t really know what else will be on the market at that time

Getting above asking price depends upon getting multiple offers. The question is, what is the best price to list at in order to get to that highest price?

My M.O. in listing prices has been to list reasonably based on already sold comparable properties (rather than hanging it out at an overly high price and hoping someone will make an offer). The goal is to collect competitive bids bids at the end of a relatively short, predetermined marketing period. In this way, we create demand for your property, and a competitive situation for buyers. This gives you the best possible selling price and the most highly motivated buyer. The greatest number of highly motivated buyers are out there the first week that your property is on the market. After that, motivation diminishes as more people who are in the market have seen your property. Time is not your friend in this case. If your unit is really worth more to the market, we will get a higher price. If not, we won’t

My highest suggested listing price right now is $1,850,000. The limiting factor is that we don’t have 3 beds. This is how to attract above listing, multiple offers. Bear in mind that you will more likely achieve that dream price by listing lower than by chasing the elusive dream price by listing higher.

I believe that that is the price that will attract the largest number of buyers and the most competition for your property. I’d also like to see it on the market next Tuesday or Wednesday.




ADDRESS: SUBJECT 11.5 Union Park #1 588 Tremont St #1 32 Rutland Sq #1 65 Rutland St #1Listing/Diff $1,795,000.00 At Asking $1,875,000 $56,000 $1,950,000 At asking $1,799,000 "above ask"Sales Price $1,795,000 $1,931,000 $1,950,000 $1,825,000


Square Feet 500 2050 1864 $93,000 2097 -$23,500 1900 $75,000 1976 $37,000$ per SF (pkg adjusted) $930.79 $892.23 $957.89 $900.81Beds 2.5 3 -$75,000 3 -$75,000 3+ family rm -$100,000 2 $25,000Baths 2.5 2.5 2 $25,000 3.5 -$50,000 2.5Parking 1 full none $60,000 none $60,000 2 full -$60,000 2 Tandem -$45,000Location exc superior -$89,750 Sl. Superior -$96,550 sl superior -$24,375 similarFloor Parlor & St St & garden $75,000 St & garden $75,000 Parlor triplex Parlor & St.Building cond. good 2012 renov -$75,000 2013 renov -$75,000 similar 2010 renov -$75,000Unit appeal exc similar similar similarOther corner middle-row $75,000 middle-row $75,000 middle-row $75,000 middle-row $75,000A/C central central central central centralOutdoor Space r. balc, patio lg patio -$10,000 lg. patio -$10,000 rear, patio -$15,000 none $40,000Market adjustment none None NoneListing date 4/23/2015 3/8/2015 7/15/2015 8/12/2015Days on mkt 13 6 6 2Orig price $1,850,000 Same Same Samelast reduction 5/1/2015 None None NoneNET ADJ. $53,250 -$45,050 -$99,375 $57,000

ADJUST. PRICE Approx ApproxOF COMP: $1,848,250 $1,885,950 $1,850,625 $1,882,000

Comparable Market Analysis/Broker's Price Opinion 41 Example Street #1

Joe Wolvek, Gibson Sotheby's International [email protected]

617.584.9790MLS # 71873813 ­ Sold Condo ­ Rowhouse32 Rutland Square ­ Unit 1 List Price: $1,950,000Boston, MA : South End 02118­3106 Sale Price: $1,950,000

Suffolk CountyUnit Placement: Street, Middle,Ground Total Rooms: 10

Unit Level: 2 Bedrooms: 3Grade School: Bathrooms: 3f 1hMiddle School: Master Bath: YesHigh School: Fireplaces: 2Outdoor Space Avail: Yes ­ PrivateHandicap Access/Features:NoDirections: Between Tremont and Columbus

RemarksSophisticated, modern, and meticulously renovated Parlor Tri­plex on a beautiful South End Square. DramaticParlor detail with original marble mantel, restored crown molding & medallions, and mahogany pocket doorsleading to a spacious light filled kitchen. The kitchen is equipped with custom wood cabinetry, stone counters,high­end appliances and opens to an all season Solarium with double wide sliders to a large private deck. Thebedroom level of this home has an over­sized master suite with generous closet space, a fireplace, and asumptuous bathroom. The guest bedroom is sizable and has an en­suite bath. On the lower­level, a largemedia/family room with wet bar, a home office/3rd bedroom, and a large modern tile bathroom. Direct accessto a lovely landscaped private garden which leads to (2)­full direct deeded parking spaces. Additional featuresinclude, wide plank hardwood flooring throughout, lots of storage, central air, laundry, and a separate privatedeeded storage room.

Property InformationApprox. Living Area: 1900 sq. ft. ($1,026.32/sq. ft.)   Approx. Acres: 0.04 (1742.4 sq. ft.)Garage Spaces:

0  DeededLiving Area Includes: Heat Zones: 1  Forced Air, Gas Parking Spaces: 2  Off­

Street, DeededLiving Area Source: Other Cool Zones: 1  Central Air Levels in Unit: 3Living Area Disclosures: All sqftgs are to be verified by the buyer ­ please consult with listing agentsDisclosures:

Complex & Association InformationComplex Name: Units in Complex: 4  Complete: Yes Units Owner Occupied: 

Source:Association: Yes    Fee: $412   MonthlyAssoc. Fee Inclds: Water, Sewer, Master InsuranceSpecial Assessments: No

Room Levels, Dimensions and FeaturesRoom Level Size FeaturesLiving Room: 3 22x12 ­­Family Room: 1 22x14 ­­Kitchen: 3 12x19 ­­Master Bedroom: 2 13x16 ­­Bedroom 2: 2 13x12 ­­Bedroom 3: 1 14x7 ­­

FeaturesArea Amenities: Public Transportation, Shopping, Park, Public School, T­StationAppliances: Range, Dishwasher, Disposal, Microwave, Refrigerator, Freezer, Washer,Dryer, Refrigerator ­ Wine StorageAssociation Pool: NoAssoc. Security: IntercomBasement: No , ­­Beach: NoConstruction: BrickDocs in Hand: Master Deed, Rules & Regs, Floor Plans

 Other Property InfoElevator: NoDisclosure Declaration:NoExclusions:Green Certified: NoLaundry Features: InUnitLead Paint: UnknownUFFI:   Warranty

Electric Features: 200 AmpsEnergy Features: Insulated Windows, Storm Windows, Storm DoorsExterior: BrickExterior Features: Deck, Garden AreaFlooring: WoodHot Water: ElectricInsulation Features: FullInterior Features: Security System, Cable Available, Intercom, French Doors, Wired forSurround SoundManagement: Owner AssociationPets Allowed: YesRoof Material: RubberSewer Utilities: City/Town SewerWater Utilities: City/Town WaterUtility Connections: for Gas Range, for Electric DryerWaterfront: NoWater View: No, ­­

Features:Year Built/Converted:1865/Year Built Source:Public RecordYear Built Desc:ApproximateYear Round: YesShort Salew/Lndr.App.Req: NoLender Owned: No

Tax InformationPin #: W:04 P:02705S:002Assessed: $1,101,300Tax: $13337  Tax Year:2015Book: 33466  Page:147Cert:Zoning Code: 9999999Map:   Block:   Lot:

Market InformationListing Date: 7/15/2015  Listing Market Time: MLS# has been on for 21 day(s)Days on Market: Property has been on the market for a total of21 day(s)

 Office Market Time: Office has listed this property for21 day(s)

Expiration Date:  Cash Paid for Upgrades: Original Price: $1,950,000 Seller Concessions at Closing: Off Market Date: 8/5/2015 Financing: Conv. FixedSale Date: 8/26/2015Sale Price: $1,950,000

Offer Date: 7/21/2015       Days to Offer: 6

Market History for 32 Rutland Square U:1, Boston, MA : South End 02118  MLS #  Date      DOM  DTO  Price 

 71873813   7/15/2015  Listed for $1,950,000     $1,950,000 

 CTG 7/21/2015  Status Changed to: Contingent          

 UAG 8/5/2015  Status Changed to: Under Agreement          

 SLD 8/26/2015  Status Changed to: Sold          

  8/26/2015  Sold for $1,950,000      21  6  $1,950,000 

Market History for Office Id: BB9602   21 6  $1,950,000 

Market History for this property    21  6 $1,950,000 







The information in this listing was gathered from third party sources including the seller and public records. MLS Property Information Network and its subscribers disclaim any andall representations or warranties as to the accuracy of this information. Content ©2015 MLS Property Information Network, Inc.

Joe Wolvek, Gibson Sotheby's International [email protected]

617.584.9790MLS # 71798810 ­ Sold Condo ­ Rowhouse588 Tremont St. ­ Unit 1 List Price: $1,875,000Boston, MA : South End 02118 Sale Price: $1,931,000Suffolk CountyUnit Placement: Street, Garden Total Rooms: 6Unit Level: 1 Bedrooms: 3Grade School: Bathrooms: 2f 1hMiddle School: Master Bath: YesHigh School: Fireplaces: 1Outdoor Space Avail:Handicap Access/Features:Directions: Tremont between Upton and Union Park

RemarksSpectacular 2012 construction by noted South End developer in A+ location, nestled between Union Park &Upton Street. 3 bedroom, 2.5 bathroom street/garden duplex in extra­wide building with almost 2100 sq ftfeaturing two private entrances. South­facing spacious living room with gas FP featuring French doorsopening to a professionally­landscaped, two­tiered, 800+ sq ft private garden. Large dining space flows intojaw­dropping kitchen with oversized island, sleek counters, and Thermador appliance suite. Additionally, thegarden level offers a powder room, full size laundry, large storage closet, and excellent ceiling height.Upstairs, find a street­level private entrance, spacious master suite with walk­in closet and Juliette balcony,and designer bathroom with double sinks and large shower. Two additional bedrooms and one full bathroomcomplete the bedroom level. One year pre­paid rental parking. NO open houses, only private showings. Offers,if any, are due by 5pm on Fri March 13.

Property InformationApprox. Living Area: 2097 sq. ft. ($920.84/sq. ft.)   Approx. Acres: Garage Spaces: 0  ­­Living Area Includes: Heat Zones:   Forced Air Parking Spaces: 1  RentedLiving Area Source: Field Card Cool Zones:   Central Air Levels in Unit: 2Living Area Disclosures:Disclosures: Rental parking pre­paid for one year, outdoor space in alley behind unit. Taxes shown WITHOUTresidential exemption

Complex & Association InformationComplex Name: Units in Complex: 3  Complete:Units Owner Occupied: 3  Source:

OwnersAssociation: Yes    Fee: $277.91   MonthlyAssoc. Fee Inclds: Water, Sewer, Master InsuranceSpecial Assessments:

Room Levels, Dimensions and FeaturesRoom Level Size Features

FeaturesBasement: No , ­­Beach: NoPets Allowed: YesSewer Utilities:City/Town SewerWater Utilities: City/TownWaterWaterfront: No

 Other Property InfoDisclosure Declaration: NoExclusions: All built­ins, including lower­level desk, and wardrobes in bedrooms donot remain with property.Lead Paint: UnknownUFFI:   Warranty Features:Year Built/Converted: 1899/2012Year Built Source: Public RecordYear Built Desc: ApproximateYear Round:Short Sale w/Lndr.App.Req: NoLender Owned: No

Tax InformationPin #:Assessed: $1,326,700Tax: $16066  Tax Year: 2015Book: 0  Page: 0Cert:

Zoning Code: RESMap:   Block:   Lot:

Firm RemarksOffers, if any, are due by 5pm on Friday March 13, 2015. NO open houses, only private showings.  

Market InformationListing Date: 3/8/2015  Listing Market Time: MLS# has been on for 26 day(s)Days on Market: Property has been on the market for a total of30 day(s)

 Office Market Time: Office has listed this property for30 day(s)

Expiration Date:  Cash Paid for Upgrades: Original Price: $1,875,000 Seller Concessions at Closing: Off Market Date: 4/3/2015 Financing: Conv. FixedSale Date: 4/30/2015Sale Price: $1,931,000

Offer Date: 3/14/2015       Days to Offer: 6

Market History for 588 Tremont St. U:1, Boston, MA : South End 02118  MLS #  Date      DOM  DTO  Price 

 71797304   3/4/2015  Listed for $1,765,000     $1,765,000 

  3/8/2015  Price Changed to: $1,875,000           $1,875,000 

 CAN 3/8/2015  Status Changed to: Canceled      4    

 71798810   3/8/2015  Listed for $1,875,000     $1,875,000 

 CTG 3/15/2015  Status Changed to: Contingent          

 UAG 4/3/2015  Status Changed to: Under Agreement          

 SLD 5/1/2015  Status Changed to: Sold          

  4/30/2015  Sold for $1,931,000      26  6  $1,931,000 

Market History for Office Id: AN0953   30 6  $1,931,000 

Market History for this property    30  6 $1,931,000 














The information in this listing was gathered from third party sources including the seller and public records. MLS Property Information Network and its subscribers disclaim any andall representations or warranties as to the accuracy of this information. Content ©2015 MLS Property Information Network, Inc.

Joe Wolvek, Gibson Sotheby's International [email protected]

617.584.9790MLS # 71873813 ­ Sold Condo ­ Rowhouse32 Rutland Square ­ Unit 1 List Price: $1,950,000Boston, MA : South End 02118­3106 Sale Price: $1,950,000

Suffolk CountyUnit Placement: Street, Middle,Ground Total Rooms: 10

Unit Level: 2 Bedrooms: 3Grade School: Bathrooms: 3f 1hMiddle School: Master Bath: YesHigh School: Fireplaces: 2Outdoor Space Avail: Yes ­ PrivateHandicap Access/Features:NoDirections: Between Tremont and Columbus

RemarksSophisticated, modern, and meticulously renovated Parlor Tri­plex on a beautiful South End Square. DramaticParlor detail with original marble mantel, restored crown molding & medallions, and mahogany pocket doorsleading to a spacious light filled kitchen. The kitchen is equipped with custom wood cabinetry, stone counters,high­end appliances and opens to an all season Solarium with double wide sliders to a large private deck. Thebedroom level of this home has an over­sized master suite with generous closet space, a fireplace, and asumptuous bathroom. The guest bedroom is sizable and has an en­suite bath. On the lower­level, a largemedia/family room with wet bar, a home office/3rd bedroom, and a large modern tile bathroom. Direct accessto a lovely landscaped private garden which leads to (2)­full direct deeded parking spaces. Additional featuresinclude, wide plank hardwood flooring throughout, lots of storage, central air, laundry, and a separate privatedeeded storage room.

Property InformationApprox. Living Area: 1900 sq. ft. ($1,026.32/sq. ft.)   Approx. Acres: 0.04 (1742.4 sq. ft.)Garage Spaces:

0  DeededLiving Area Includes: Heat Zones: 1  Forced Air, Gas Parking Spaces: 2  Off­

Street, DeededLiving Area Source: Other Cool Zones: 1  Central Air Levels in Unit: 3Living Area Disclosures: All sqftgs are to be verified by the buyer ­ please consult with listing agentsDisclosures:

Complex & Association InformationComplex Name: Units in Complex: 4  Complete: Yes Units Owner Occupied:  

Source:Association: Yes    Fee: $412   MonthlyAssoc. Fee Inclds: Water, Sewer, Master InsuranceSpecial Assessments: No

Room Levels, Dimensions and FeaturesRoom Level Size FeaturesLiving Room: 3 22x12 ­­Family Room: 1 22x14 ­­Kitchen: 3 12x19 ­­Master Bedroom: 2 13x16 ­­Bedroom 2: 2 13x12 ­­Bedroom 3: 1 14x7 ­­

FeaturesArea Amenities: Public Transportation, Shopping, Park, Public School, T­StationAppliances: Range, Dishwasher, Disposal, Microwave, Refrigerator, Freezer, Washer,Dryer, Refrigerator ­ Wine StorageAssociation Pool: NoAssoc. Security: IntercomBasement: No , ­­Beach: NoConstruction: BrickDocs in Hand: Master Deed, Rules & Regs, Floor Plans

 Other Property InfoElevator: NoDisclosure Declaration:NoExclusions:Green Certified: NoLaundry Features: InUnitLead Paint: UnknownUFFI:   Warranty

Electric Features: 200 AmpsEnergy Features: Insulated Windows, Storm Windows, Storm DoorsExterior: BrickExterior Features: Deck, Garden AreaFlooring: WoodHot Water: ElectricInsulation Features: FullInterior Features: Security System, Cable Available, Intercom, French Doors, Wired forSurround SoundManagement: Owner AssociationPets Allowed: YesRoof Material: RubberSewer Utilities: City/Town SewerWater Utilities: City/Town WaterUtility Connections: for Gas Range, for Electric DryerWaterfront: NoWater View: No, ­­

Features:Year Built/Converted:1865/Year Built Source:Public RecordYear Built Desc:ApproximateYear Round: YesShort Salew/Lndr.App.Req: NoLender Owned: No

Tax InformationPin #: W:04 P:02705S:002Assessed: $1,101,300Tax: $13337  Tax Year:2015Book: 33466  Page:147Cert:Zoning Code: 9999999Map:   Block:   Lot:

Market InformationListing Date: 7/15/2015  Listing Market Time: MLS# has been on for 21 day(s)Days on Market: Property has been on the market for a total of21 day(s)

 Office Market Time: Office has listed this property for21 day(s)

Expiration Date:  Cash Paid for Upgrades: Original Price: $1,950,000 Seller Concessions at Closing: Off Market Date: 8/5/2015 Financing: Conv. FixedSale Date: 8/26/2015Sale Price: $1,950,000

Offer Date: 7/21/2015       Days to Offer: 6

Market History for 32 Rutland Square U:1, Boston, MA : South End 02118  MLS #  Date      DOM  DTO  Price 

 71873813   7/15/2015  Listed for $1,950,000     $1,950,000 

 CTG 7/21/2015  Status Changed to: Contingent          

 UAG 8/5/2015  Status Changed to: Under Agreement          

 SLD 8/26/2015  Status Changed to: Sold          

  8/26/2015  Sold for $1,950,000      21  6  $1,950,000 

Market History for Office Id: BB9602   21 6  $1,950,000 

Market History for this property    21  6 $1,950,000 







The information in this listing was gathered from third party sources including the seller and public records. MLS Property Information Network and its subscribers disclaim any andall representations or warranties as to the accuracy of this information. Content ©2015 MLS Property Information Network, Inc.

Joe Wolvek, Gibson Sotheby's International [email protected]

617.584.9790MLS # 71888442 ­ Contingent ­ Financing Condo ­ Rowhouse65 Rutland St ­ Unit 1 List Price: $1,799,000Boston, MA : South End 02118­1525Suffolk CountyUnit Placement: Total Rooms: 5Unit Level: 1 Bedrooms: 2Grade School: Bathrooms: 2f 1hMiddle School: Master Bath: YesHigh School: Fireplaces: 1Outdoor Space Avail: Yes ­ PrivateHandicap Access/Features:Directions: Tremont Street to Rutland

RemarksDramatic parlor duplex boasts almost 2000 square feet of living space and is dripping in period detail. A to­the­studs renovation was completed in 2010 and the home showcases gorgeous traditional finishes withmodern conveniences. Kitchen boasts a multitude of designer cherry cabinets, top of the line appliances, agenerous island with additional family room style seating and a wall of custom built­ins with desk. Tripleparlor living area is open and allows for multiple layout possibilities. Hand crafted mahogany built­inbookcases line the parlor wall and are both beautiful and functional with abundant storage. Bedroom levelfeatures an oversized master with soaring ceilings, two walk­in closets and spa­like bath. Roomy secondbedroom is outfitted with more custom built­ins, en­suite bath with whirlpool tub and walk­in closet. Thisfully owner occupied brownstone resides on one of the South End's more desirable streets. Central air anddirect access parking complete the package.

Property InformationApprox. Living Area: 1976 sq. ft. ($910.43/sq. ft.)   Approx. Acres: 0.05 (1976 sq. ft.)Garage Spaces: 0  ­­Living Area Includes: Heat Zones:   Forced Air Parking Spaces: 2  TandemLiving Area Source: Master Deed Cool Zones:   Central Air Levels in Unit: 2Living Area Disclosures:Disclosures: The paved garden area may be used as a 2nd parking space, as it is currently, if so desired.

Complex & Association InformationComplex Name: Units in Complex: 3  Complete: Units Owner Occupied: 3 

Source:Association: Yes    Fee: $495.16  Assoc. Fee Inclds: Electric, Water, Sewer, Master Insurance, Exterior Maintenance, Landscaping, Snow RemovalSpecial Assessments: No

Room Levels, Dimensions and FeaturesRoom Level Size FeaturesLiving Room: 1 36x14 Bathroom ­ Half, Fireplace, Closet, Closet/Cabinets ­ Custom Built,

Flooring ­ Hardwood, Open Floor PlanFamily Room: 1 15x10 Closet/Cabinets ­ Custom Built, Flooring ­ Hardwood, Balcony /

Deck, Exterior Access, Open Floor PlanKitchen: 1 15x9 Flooring ­ Stone/Ceramic Tile, Window(s) ­ Stained Glass,

Countertops ­ Stone/Granite/Solid, Kitchen Island, Cabinets ­Upgraded, Gas Stove

Master Bedroom: B 28x13 Bathroom ­ Full, Bathroom ­ Double Vanity/Sink, Closet ­ Walk­in,Closet/Cabinets ­ Custom Built, Flooring ­ Wall to Wall Carpet

Bedroom 2: B 15x13 Bathroom ­ Full, Closet ­ Walk­in, Closet/Cabinets ­ Custom Built,Flooring ­ Wall to Wall Carpet

Bath 1: 1 Bathroom ­ HalfBath 2: B Bathroom ­ Double Vanity/Sink, Bathroom ­ Tiled With Shower Stall,

Flooring ­ Stone/Ceramic TileBath 3: B Bathroom ­ Full, Bathroom ­ Tiled With Tub & ShowerLaundry: B ­­

FeaturesArea Amenities: Public Transportation, Shopping, Park,Medical Facility, Highway Access, House of Worship, T­Station

 Other Property InfoElevator: NoDisclosure Declaration: No

Appliances: Wall Oven, Dishwasher, Microwave, CountertopRange, Refrigerator, Washer, Dryer, Vent HoodBasement: Yes , ­­Beach: NoExterior: BrickInterior Features: Security System, Cable Available, IntercomManagement: Professional ­ Off SitePets Allowed: YesSewer Utilities: City/Town SewerWater Utilities: City/Town WaterWaterfront: NoWater View: No, ­­

Exclusions: Living room chandelier, dining roomchandelier, pendants above master bedroomvanityLaundry Features: In UnitLead Paint: UnknownUFFI:   Warranty Features:Year Built/Converted: 1899/Year Built Source: Public RecordYear Built Desc: Renovated SinceYear Round:Short Sale w/Lndr.App.Req: NoLender Owned: No

Tax InformationPin #: W:09 P:00458 S:002Assessed: $1,300,000Tax: $15743  Tax Year: 2015Book: 44684  Page: 295Cert: 00024393Zoning Code: resMap:   Block:   Lot:

Firm RemarksNo public open houses. Private showings only. Please contact Elizabeth via email or phone to show. Showingswill begin at Broker Tour on Thursday 12­2.  

Market InformationListing Date: 8/12/2015  Listing Market Time: MLS# has been on for 30 day(s)Days on Market: Property has been on the market for a total of30 day(s)

 Office Market Time: Office has listed this property for30 day(s)

Expiration Date:  Cash Paid for Upgrades: Original Price: $1,799,000 Seller Concessions at Closing: Off Market Date:   Sale Date: Offer Date: 8/14/2015       Days to Offer: 2

Market History for 65 Rutland St U:1, Boston, MA : South End 02118  MLS #  Date      DOM  DTO  Price 

 71888442   8/12/2015  Listed for $1,799,000     $1,799,000 

 CTG 8/14/2015  Status Changed to: Contingent      30  2  

Market History for Office Id: M95354   30 2 

Market History for this property    30  2 









The information in this listing was gathered from third party sources including the seller and public records. MLS Property Information Network and its subscribers disclaim any andall representations or warranties as to the accuracy of this information. Content ©2015 MLS Property Information Network, Inc.