Broken Exhaustion Magic Print

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  • 8/15/2019 Broken Exhaustion Magic Print


    Mark CharkeCharke Publishing

    that comes with it. As they gain experience, they

    manage to control it more effectively, which allows

    them to cast more powerful spells and use them moreoften. However, this control is only an illusion. While it

    is true they can overcome the immediate effects of the

    magical tax, the long term effects will end up getting

    the mage in the end. Exhaustion mages are old before

    their time, such is the force of the magic that ows

    through their beings. Few exhaustion mages live their

    maximum life span, but in their time, they more than

    make up for it with their versatility and raw power.

      Role: Like their wizard counterparts, exhaustion

    mages know spells for any manner of creature, situation,

    or danger. They do not have to prepare spells or pick

    them from a list, they just shape the arcane energies

    to make them. Also, the specialist exhaustion mage’sextensive knowledge of one particular school makes

    them especially powerful in their chosen focus. Still, a

    specialist will have powers to overcome any situation.

       Al ignment: Any

      Hit die: d6

    Class Skills

      The wizard’s class skills (and the key ability for

    each skill) are Concentration (Con), Craft (Int),

    Decipher Script (Int), Knowledge (all skills, taken

    individually) (Int), Profession (Wis), and Spellcraft


    Skill Ranks per Level: 2 + Int modier 

    Class Features

     All of the following are class features of the exhaustion


      Weapon and Armor Profciency:Exhaustion mages

    are procient with all simple and ranged weapons.

    They are not procient with any type of armor or shield.

     Armor interferes with an exhaustion mage’s gestures

    which can cause her spells with somatic components

    to fail.

      Bonus Starting Feat: The exhaustion mage gains

    Writing by

    Chris Perrin and Mark Charke

     Art by


    Charke Publishing:

    Mark Charke

      Exhaustion magic is not new but it was going to

    be. The wizard Cornelius Durmshar was developing

    exhaustion magic before the destruction of Solaris.There was not much interest in his work and so getting

    support for the expensive research was difcult. Never

    the less, he spent a lifetime working on the new form

    of magic and was about to release his ndings when

    Solaris was destroyed.

      Progress on exhaustion magic stopped for many

    years. Durmshar continued to use it but only to survive.

    He did not have the resources to develope it further.

    His daughter, Alana learned the craft and studied void

    magic as well. Alana was able to leave their small

    workshop and explore the void. She found resources

    and brought them back. In his nal years Durmshar

    was able to continue his research but never completeit. Alana conintued the work and taught it to her twin

    sons, Leo and Tyr.

      The twins have explored the void even farther than

    their mother and taught their skills to others in exchange

    for food, resources and other magical training. Their’s

    is a success story. It is by no means a brilliant success.

    They still live in the hardships of the void, but they have

    kept their grandfather’s legacy alive and spread it to


    Exhaustion Mage

      Inside the living body lies the capability for terricmagic, however, that living body must pay a terrible


      Exhaustion mages are a radical blend of the arcane

    knowledge of the Wizard, the innate primal mastery of

    the Sorcerer, and the perfection of body of the Monk.

    Their magic comes from within their bodies, which are

    connected to arcane sources on a physical level other

    magic users can only envy. This connection allows

    them to channel tremendous magical energies through

    their bodies, but the magic takes something from them

    every time they do it.

      Once an exhaustion mage learns their way of magic,

    they then must control and deal with the physical tax

    las Gardiner (order #6854153)

  • 8/15/2019 Broken Exhaustion Magic Print

    2/3Charke Publishing Mark CharkeMark Charke

    Endurance, Eschew Materials, Combat Casting or

    Scribe Scroll (pick one) as a bonus Feat at 1st Level.

      Familiar: The exhaustion mage can gain a familiar

    exactly as a wizard does.

      Old:  The exhaustion mage increases the ability

    score penalties for old age by 1 at each age category.

    This reduces their Strength, Dexterity and Constitution

    by an additional one point at each category.

      Spells:The exhaustion mage is an arcane spellcaster

    with an innate ability to cast magic. Exhaustion mages’

    arcane powers (their spells) derive from their ability to

    take massive amounts of spell energy and channel it

    through their body. The problem is that doing so causes

    a great deal of physical exhaustion. Throughout the

    course of the day, their exhaustion (represented by a

    percent chance of spell failure) continues to build until

    the exhaustion mage is able to rest for eight hours at

    which point all exhaustion goes away.

      The more spells the mages casts the more exhausted

    she mage is. This type of physical exhaustion leads

    to a greater chance that the mage’s concentrationwill fail at some point during the casting process. If

    the mage’s concentration falters, the spell will zzle

    into nothingness. Failing is tiring but not nearly as

    much as if he had succeeded and drained himself of

    magical energies. Failing does not increase the mages

    exhaustion level.

      The sum of all of an exhaustion mage’s exhaustion

    is called her Exhaustion Level. It is represented as

    a percent chance that any given spell will fail. It is the

    single most important factor for an exhaustion mage

    because once it reaches 100% or more, every spell

    they try to cast normally will fail.

      After the mage has started the casting process each

    day, she must see if she is too tired to cast her next

    spell. To do this, the exhaustion mage must roll above

    her exhaustion level or the spell fails. So if the mage’s

    exhaustion level is 25%, the mage’s spell will fail on any

    percentile roll of 1-25%. After the spell has been cast,

    if it was successful, that spell’s exhaustion is added to

    the mage’s exhaustion level.

      Exhaustion is gured by taking the Exhaustion Rate

    (a percentage) from Table 1-1: The Exhaustion Mage

    and multiplying it by the level of the spell the mage

    is casting. For instance, a 5th Level Exhaustion mage

    has 7% exhaustion. This value is multiplied by the

    spell level of the spell the mage is casting. If the mage

    wants to cast a Lightning Bolt (level 3), the exhaustion

    is 21%. If the mage wants to cast Magic Missile (level

    1), the tax is 7%. If the mage wants to use a cantrip (a

    0 level spell), the tax is half that of a rst level spell so

    use the half exhaustion amount.

      Let’s look at an example:

      Gravan is a 6th level Exhaustion mage. His exhaustion

    is 5% and the highest level spell he can cast is 3rd

    .When he awakens in the morning, his exhaustion level

    is at 0%. During his rst encounter, he decides to cast

    Fireball, a 3rd level spell. He casts his spell and fries

    a group of attacking orcs.  After  casting the spell, his

    exhaustion level is 15% (5% exhaustion rate x Level 3

    spell = 15% tax. Since he started with a 0% exhaustion

    level, adding 15% makes his new total 15%.)

      Later on during the day, the party is again attacked.

    This time Gravan casts Magic Missile, a 1st level spell.

    Before he can roll to damage, Gravan’s player must

    rst roll to see if the spell worked. The player rolls a

    percentile and gets a 55%, rolling well above Gravan’s

    exhaustion level of 15%. The spell goes off, Gravan

    Table 1-1: The Exhaustion Mage——–——— Spells per Day —–——










    Save Special









    1st +0 +0 +0 +2

    Bonus Starting Feat, Cantrips,

    Familiar, Old 25% 13% 1

    2nd +1 +0 +0 +3   15% 8% 13rd +1 +1 +1 +3 Moment of Rest   12% 6% 24th +2 +1 +1 +4 My Burden is Your Burden   9% 5% 2

    5th +2 +1 +1 +4 Bonus feat   7% 4% 36th +3 +2 +2 +5   5% 3% 37th +3 +2 +2 +5   4% 2% 48th +4 +2 +2 +6   3% 2% 49th +4 +3 +3 +6   3% 2% 510th +5 +3 +3 +7 Bonus feat   2% 1% 511th +5 +3 +3 +7   2% 1% 612th +6/+1 +4 +4 +8   1% 1% 613th +6/+1 +4 +4 +8   1% 1% 714th +7/+2 +4 +4 +9   1% 1% 715th +7/+2 +5 +5 +9 Bonus feat   1% 1% 816th +8/+3 +5 +5 +10   1% 1% 817th +8/+3 +5 +5 +10   1% 1% 918th +9/+4 +6 +6 +11   1% 1% 919th +9/+4 +6 +6 +11   1% 1% 920th +10/+5 +6 +6 +12 Bonus feat   1% per two


    1% per two



    las Gardiner (order #6854153)

  • 8/15/2019 Broken Exhaustion Magic Print

    3/3Mark CharkeCharke Publishing

    rolls damage, and adds 5% tax (5% Tax Modier x

    Level 1 spell = 5% tax) to his exhaustion level, making

    it 20%.

      Later that day, the party is ambushed again and

    Gravan needs another Fireball. On his turn, he casts

    the spell. He rolls percentile and gets an 11%, which

    is a failure Right in the middle of casting the spell,

    the physical toll of his earlier spellcasting causes his

    concentration to slip and he loses control of the arcane

    energies he was marshalling. This results in no spell!

    However, because the spell was unsuccessful hisexhaustion level does not change. He can always try

    to cast the spell again. As any day progresses and the

    exhaustion mage casts spells, he will most likely nd

    himself needing to try to cast spells more than once

    before they are successful.

      Consult the Table 1-1: The Exhaustion Mage to

    determine Exhaustion. After 8 hours of rest, an

    Exhaustion mage’s exhaustion level goes back to 0%

    and the mage may cast a spell with 0% chance of


      Because exhaustion mages use their bodies to fuel

    their arcane powers, their magics are based on their

    Constitution score, rather than their Intelligence orWisdom. Thus, to use a spell, the mage must have a

    Constitution score equal to 10 + the spell’s level. The

    spell difculty for an Exhaustion mage is 10 + the spell

    level + the mage’s Constitution modier.

    Exhaustion mages gain access to new spell levels

    at the rate listed on table 1-1: The Exhaustion Mage.

    Once the exhaustion mage can cast a particular spell

    level, she must learn each spell they know and record it

    in a spellbook exactly as a wizard does. Like a sorcerer,

    she can also cast each spell as many times as she

    wants but only until her exhaustion level reaches 100%.

     At the end of each day, any spell the exhaustion mage

    has cast once, or more, is erased from their memory. After an 8 hour rest they can review their spells from

    their spellbook and regain access to them.

    Cantrips:  Exhaustion mages knows all 0-level

    spells, called cantrips. Because they are 0-level spells,

    they cause half the tax of a 1st level spell. Cantrips from

    a prohibited school cost twice as much tax to cast (the

    same cost as a 1st level spell).

      High Constitution:  The exhaustion mage earns

    bonus spells for a high constitution but they are

    different than a Wizard or Sorcerer. These spells add

    to exhaustion but they never fail. If they are cast last

    during any given day, the exhaustion mage can cast

    them even when his exhaustion is 100% or higher.

    They are best used once the Exhaustion Mage has

    reached high levels of exhaustion.

       Arcane Special ties:   Like Wizards, exhaustion

    mages can choose to specialize in one school of

    magic. Instead of representing time spent in a school

    or magical college, it represents the exhaustion mage

    spending time purifying herself and focusing inward to

    reveal knowledge about how that magic works.

      The end result is the same, though. Specializing

    grants the mages all additional powers listed for her

    chosen Arcane specialty in the Wizard class write up.

    It also means that the exhaustion mage must select two

    opposition schools for which she has sacriced study.

    Instead of costing two spell slots for each opposition

    school’s spell, the exhaustion mage must pay double

    tax for each spell of that type.  Note that it does not cost any tax to use an Arcane

    school’s special powers. These powers are granted

    to the exhaustion mage because of their introspective

    study, not because they are exhausting themselves.

      Bonus Arcane Specialist Spells: The exhaustion

    mage can cast two spells per spell level, from his

    specialty school at half normal cost. For these spells

    he uses the Half Exhaustion Rate cost instead of the

    regular cost. Effectively this gives him one free spell

    per day from each spell level.

      For example, a 5th level illusionist exhaustion mage

    could can two illusion spells of 1st, 2nd and 3rd level

    and they could cost 3%, 6% and 9% instead of thenormal tax cost.

      Metamagic Feats:  Exhaustion mages can learn

    and use metamagic feats. They use them on the y,

    like sorcerers. When they increase a spell’s level, they

    increase the amount of exhaustion it causes. (Use the

    exhaustion for a spell of the spell’s modied level.) Like

    a sorcerer they can not increase a spell’s level this way

    beyond the maximum spell level they can cast.

      Moment of Rest:  At 3rd level, the exhaustion

    mage has started to truly control the physical toll her

    magic causes. At 3rd level she may cast one 1st

    level spell without fear of exhaustion failure. The

    spell still increases the mage’s exhaustion level by thecalculated tax amount, but it does not fail. Every two

    levels there after she gains the ability to cast one spell

    of an additional spell level without fear of failure.

      So a 9th level exhaustion mage can cast a 1st, 2nd,

    3rd and 4th level spell without fear of failure. (She may

    substitute a lower level spell, or cantrip for any of these

    spells if she wishes.)

      Unlike bonus spells, these spells can not be cast if

    they would increase the total exhaustion over 100%.

      My Burden is Your Burden: Starting at 4th level,

    an exhaustion mage may, once per day, take some life

    energy to recharge herself from a willing target. The

    amount of tax this erases is 1% per hit point the target

    is willing to give the mage. The mage can only take a

    number of hit points this way equal to his level. These

    hit points can not be healed magically. Only natural rest

    will restore them.

    Calculating the Benefts.

      This class is math intensive compared to other classes. You must be able to multiply numbers and keep

    a running total of your spell failure. Another drawback is the frustrating nature of spell failure. Although an

    exhaustion mage has potentially more spells per day than other casting classes, the failure rate makes casting

    them all unlikely. To compensate, the Exhaustion Mage is a little more powerful than the sorcerer or wizard

    classes. It has more hit points and benets from a wide range of spells which can be cast on the y.

    las Gardiner (order #6854153)