BroadLink SP Mini WiFi Smart Home Socket Switch Plug Timer Wireless Remote Controller at...

12 /1 /2016 BroadLink SP Mini WiFi Sma rt Home So cke t Switch Plug Timer Wirele ss Remot e Co ntrolle r at Bang go od ht tp :/ /www.b anggo -Home-S oc ket-S witc h-Plu g-Timer-Wireless-Remote-Control-p -10 0300 7. html 1/16 H om e H om e and Gar den S ma r t Home Smar t Home Sy stem Smar t H om e S ock ets Swi tch es Shop All Categories BroadLink SP Mini WiFi Smart Home Socket Switch Plug Timer Wireless Remote Controller  In stock , usually dispatched in 1 business day Order this & earn 9 Banggood points Larger view 43 Ship From: Shipping:  Free shipping To 7-20 business days United States via Standard Shipping 1 (489 pcs left for deals price) Quantity:    Add to Wish Li st  (716 Adds) Tweet  2 Share  61  Share  1 Saw b etter p ri ce Pr  ice al ert  Pri ce pr ot ec tion Rec ei ve $3 R ep ort e rro r  Frequently Buy Together Add to Wish List Add to Cart Price for all selected (1): US$9.99 This item:  BroadLink SP … US$9.99 + Broadl ink S1C Wirelss D… BroadLink S1C Alarm Sy… US$9.99 US$19. 89 Hot Products ORVIBO WiWo-S20 Wi-Fi Sma… 15  CN Direct Buy it now   Add cart  | 4.9 (66 Reviews)  Ask a question Sol d: 1899 Product ID: 1003007 Price: 9.99  US$17.52  05d : 0 8h : 2 0m : 2 0s US$ Enter Keywords  All categories  Wish (1) Cart (1) Ship to United States , USD New Arrivals  |  Flash Deals |  Presell  |  Community bioteik o r  Logout My Account Order Tracking English  Ру сск ий Español It aliano Français Port uguês Mobile Affili ate  Help

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12/1/2016 BroadLink SP Mini WiFi Smart Home Socket Switch Plug Timer Wireless Remote Controller at Banggood

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BroadLink SP Mini WiFi Smart Home Socket Switch Plug Timer Wireless

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BroadLink SP Mini

WiFi Smart Home

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12/1/2016 BroadLink SP Mini WiFi Smart Home Socket Switch Plug Timer Wireless Remote Controller at Banggood


12V DC Multifunction

Self-lock Relay PLC


Upgrade CC3D

Power Distribution


CC3D Flight

Controller 5V 12V US$4.19

OpenPilot OPLINK



BroadLink SP Mini WiFi Intelligent Smart Socket Switch Plug Timer Wireless Remote Controller   

BroadLink SP mini smart plug, you o nly need a simpe setting makes your home a ppliances smarter.

REAL   SMART HOME Server    & Full English App  !!! 


Revolutionary Smart Link Easy Connection 

Remote Control no matter    Wifi or 3G/4G   !!! 


Easy Friendly Timer Setting always Provide Help  & Multi-Setting way Optional !!! 


Anti-thief Mode Protect your Beloved Home !!! 

Charging Protection Avoid any Risk to your Device !!!  

Not Only can Work Alone but Also can Freely Combine with BroadLink DNA Smart Home Kit  !!! 

Security Device Lock, Support DIY your Device , Time Synchronization, Operate History

Check, Live Update, etc... 


HOME :) 

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12/1/2016 BroadLink SP Mini WiFi Smart Home Socket Switch Plug Timer Wireless Remote Controller at Banggood

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12/1/2016 BroadLink SP Mini WiFi Smart Home Socket Switch Plug Timer Wireless Remote Controller at Banggood

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12/1/2016 BroadLink SP Mini WiFi Smart Home Socket Switch Plug Timer Wireless Remote Controller at Banggood

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12/1/2016 BroadLink SP Mini WiFi Smart Home Socket Switch Plug Timer Wireless Remote Controller at Banggood


Specification :

Bra n d Bro a d L i n k

Mode l SP m ini

Communication Mode Wi-Fi: 802.11 b/g/n (2.4GHz)

Wireless Power ≤0.5W

Operating Related Humidity 85%RH

Operating Temperature 0 °C ~ 55 °C

Power Supply AC100~240V, 50/60Hz

Power Input AC100~240V, 50/60Hz

Maximum Wattage   2 2 0 0 W

Rated Current 10A

Size 7.5 x 4.4 x 5.8cm

Power Plug


Please know that UK type plug

is not suitable  for this product.

H ere is t he quick conf igurat ion of B roadlink lat est mini W iFi smart socket , please click t o visit  :

h t t p : / / f o r u m . b an g g o o d . c o m / f o r u m - t o p ic - 1 0 90 1 3 . h t m l


Pa c k a ge Inc lude s :

1 x Br oadLink S P Mini S mar t P lug

1 x Large Power adapter according to your country :)

(Package in original color retails gift box)

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12/1/2016 BroadLink SP Mini WiFi Smart Home Socket Switch Plug Timer Wireless Remote Controller at Banggood

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12/1/2016 BroadLink SP Mini WiFi Smart Home Socket Switch Plug Timer Wireless Remote Controller at Banggood 1

Product details 

S hi pp in g m e t ho ds P a y me n t m e t ho ds   Re v ie ws ( 6 6 )

US$9.99   US$17.52

BroadLink SP Mini WiFi Smart Home Socket Switch Plug Timer Wireless Remote Controller 

(66)  Buy it now

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C u s t o m e r s W h o B o u g h t T h i s I t e m A l s o B o u g h t :


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12/1/2016 BroadLink SP Mini WiFi Smart Home Socket Switch Plug Timer Wireless Remote Controller at Banggood

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