Broadband Process Doc

Specifics: Broadband is a facility given on Landline service. Landline and broadband requests are processed explicitly. (A modify order would contain either a broadband or landline request) There are two types of Network over which Broadband is given a. P2.2 b. P3 Type of Modems used: a. Motive b. Non-Motive Motive modems are supported only by P3 network. Non-motive modems are supported by P2.2 and P3 network. Modem models that are used: a. Type I b. Type II c. Type III d. Type IV Different Acquisition Types: a. Free b. Rental c. Purchase d. Purchase-Pay Next Bill e. Owned New Provision Flow: 1. BB_MDF (Work Order task) Assigned to the Exchange MDF. Action done: a. Network type is identified b. DSLAM is jumpered. c. Following attributes are filled: a. BB_NETWORK_TYPE b. BB_DSLAM_PORT c. BB_DSLAM_SLOT d. BB_INNER_VLAN (Range allowed : 1000-9999) e. BB_OUTER_VLAN (Range allowed: 128-999) f. BB_BRAS/BNG_IP (BRAS IP in case of P2.2 and BNG IP in case ofP3) d. Work order is closed. e. In case DSLAM Ports are not available or it is technically not feasible the order can be cancelled. Process: HALT_REASON is entered as DSLAM PORTS NOT AVAILABLE or TECHNICALLY NOT FEASIBLE and work order is Closed. Order is cancelled and update is sent to CRM. No

Transcript of Broadband Process Doc

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Specifics: Broadband is a facility given on Landline service. Landline and broadband requests are processed explicitly. (A modify order

would contain either a broadband or landline request) There are two types of Network over which Broadband is given a. P2.2 b. P3 Type of Modems used: a. Motive b. Non-Motive Motive modems are supported only by P3 network. Non-motive modems are supported by P2.2 and P3 network. Modem models that are used: a. Type I b. Type II c. Type III d. Type IV Different Acquisition Types: a. Free b. Rental c. Purchase d. Purchase-Pay Next Bill e. Owned

New Provision Flow:1. BB_MDF (Work Order task) Assigned to the Exchange MDF. Action done: a. Network type is identified b. DSLAM is jumpered.

c. Following attributes are filled: a. BB_NETWORK_TYPE b. BB_DSLAM_PORT c. BB_DSLAM_SLOT d. BB_INNER_VLAN (Range allowed : 1000-9999) e. BB_OUTER_VLAN (Range allowed: 128-999) f. BB_BRAS/BNG_IP (BRAS IP in case of P2.2 and BNG IP in case ofP3)

d. Work order is closed. e. In case DSLAM Ports are not available or it is technically not feasible the

order can be cancelled. Process:


Order is cancelled and update is sent to CRM. No waitlisting for Broadband.

2. BB_FEASIBILITY (Manaual Task) Assigned to Exchange Outdoor.Action Done a. Feasibility for giving the broadband connection is checked wrt outdoor factors like cable pair feasibility, modem availability, distance of customer premises to exchange etc.

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b. Type of modem to be given to the customer is identified. c. Following attributes are filled: a. BB_FEASIBLE b. BB_MOTIVE/NON_MOTIVE_MODEM d. Task is closed. e. In case if the connection is not feasible the order can be cancelled. Process: HALT_REASON is entered as NO STOCK OF MODEMS or CUSTOMER PREMISES TOO LONG or CABLE PAIR NOT FEASIBLE or TECHNICALLY NOT FEASIBLE and task is closed. Order is cancelled and update is sent to CRM. No waitlisting for Broadband.

3. BB_IP_ALLOCATION (Manual Task) Conditional Task-- Only if the customer requests for a static IP ( If BB_NO_OF_STATIC_IP >0) Assigned to Exchange NIB Incharge.Action Done a. Static IP is allocated to the customer. b. Following attributes are filled: a. BB_STATIC_IP c. Task is closed.

Notes: 1. Static IP inventory is maintained with NIB system as of now. On compelete migration of all the SSA's the IP inventory would be migrated to CDR system.(One or more SSA's would be served by a BRAS)

2. Every NIB incharge would be given a set of Static IP's that could be allocated for provisioning. 3. An NIB incharge can look into one or group of exchanges. 4. BB_IP_AVAILABILITY (System Task) Conditional Task-- Only if the customer requests for a static IP in P3 network ( If BB_NO_OF_STATIC_IP >0 and BB_NETWORK_TYPE =P3) Assigned to System Admin.Action Done a. An external call is made to the NIB system to check if the IP allocated by the NIB Incharge is available for provisioning. b. Task is closed. c. If the IP is not available the order is reopened to IP allocation task. The NIB incharge allocates a different IP.

5 BB_NIB2.2_ACTIVATION (Manual Task) Conditional Task-- If network is P2.2 ( BB_NETWORK_TYPE =P2.2) Assigned to Exchange NIB Incharge.Action Done a. Manual activation is done by the NIB incharge. b. Task is closed.

6. BB_INVOKE_NIB (System task) Conditional Task-- If network is P3 ( BB_NETWORK_TYPE =P3) Assigned to System Admin.Action Done a. Request is sent to NIB system for provisioning.

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b. Task is closed.

6. BB_NIB_DONE (External task) Conditional Task-- If network is P3 ( BB_NETWORK_TYPE =P3) Assigned to System Admin.Action Done a. Provisioning is done by NIB system and reponse is sent to CDR system. b. Task is closed. c. In this case the provisioning fails, NIB system sends a negative response and the request is resent after the required correction. Following are the two scenarios where the provisioning fails a. Invalid Static IP (IP allocated to the customer has already been used for other customer ) BB_INVOKE_NIB task would be in ERROR state and is assigned to NIB Incharge. New IP is assigned and task is reset. The request would be

submitted again to NIB for provisioning. b. Data errors: (Any data errors in the request sent) BB_INVOKE_NIB task would be in ERROR state and is assigned to System Admin. The required data correction is done and task is reset. The request would be submitted again to NIB for provisioning.

7. BB_OUTDOOR (Work Order Task) Assigned to Exchange Outdoor.Action Done a. Modem requested by the customer is given (if it is taken on rental basis or purchased from BSNL) and configured. b. ESN number of the modem is entered in Costed Items.(Mandatory) c. In case the Modem requested by customer is not available then he is given a different modem till the time of availability or the customer can ask for a different modem during Outdoor visit. In this case the modem on the costed items is deleted and the modem requested is entered with ESN number and reason for modem change is entered. c. Following attributes are filled: a. BB_MODEM_CHANGE_REASON (Only if a diff modem is given from the one requested during order creation) b. BB_MODEM_ACQUISITION_TYPE(Only if the Customer opts for different choice) d. Task is closed.

8. BB_ODR_NIB_UPDATE (System task) Assigned to System Admin.

Action Done a. Update is sent to CRM that provisioning has been completed. b. Task is closed.

9. UPDATE_BB_BILLING (System Task) Assigned to System Admin.Action Done a. Update is sent to Billing with date of provisioning. b. Task is closed.Notes:

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1. BB_CUST_REQ_MODEM and BB_CUST_REQ_MODEM_ACQ_TYPE are non-editable and populated with values which are captured by CRM while order creation.

2. P3 network supports both motive and non-motive modems.3. P2.2 network supports only non-motive modems.4. For orders raised for P2,2 network provisioning (BB_NIB2.2_ACTIVATION) and outdoor(BB_OUTDOOR) are sequential. 5. In Motive modem cases Provisioning task(BB_NIB_DONE) is the master. The

Outdoor task(BB_OUTDOOR) if not closed by the time of completion of NIB task is forcefully completed by NIB. (It is assumed Provisioning would be successful only if modem is configured which implies the Outdoor work is done.)

6. In Non-Motive modem cases Outdoor task is the master. The Provisioning task (BB_NIB_DONE) if not closed by the time of completion of Outdoor is forcefully completed by Outdoor. (It is assumed that Provsioning should be successfully completed for modem configuration)7. Forceful completion only implies completion of the task in the system. (The actual work is not by passed in any case. The master task could only be completed only

if the other task is completed). This forceful completion is just to avoid any delays in closing the order even after actual work completion due to manual delay or network errors.

8. Forceful compeletion by Master task is considered only for Broadband Provision and Broadband Reconnection.

9. Modem type (motive/non-motive) cannot be changed after Feasibility task during the progress of the order.

10. Acquisition type is restricted to be changed to Free from any other during outdoor.

Broadband Disconnection Broadband Disconnection would be treated similar to facility disconnection . It would be a MODIFY order on the service.Flow:1. BB_NIB2.2_ACTIVATION(P2.2) or BB_INVOKE_NIB|| BB_NIB_DONE(P3) Assigned to NIB incharge(P2.2) or System Admin.(P3)Action Done a. Customer is deprovisioned. b. Task is closed.

2. BB_DEL_MDF: (Work Order Task) Assigned to Exchange MDF.Action Done a. DSLAM is unjumpered. b. Work order is closed.

3. BB_DEL_OUTDOOR (Work Order Task) Assigned to Exchange Outdoor.Action Done a. Modem is collected from the customer(if it is taken on rental basis). b. Following attributes are filled: a. OD_ACC_COLLECTION_STATUS (Mandatory) b. OD_ACCESSORY_FEEDBACK --(Mandatory if the modem is not collected collected with damage). The modem which is not collected or collected with damage is entered here.( This is updated to CRM and the AOTR would raise a debit note based on this feedback) c. Work order is closed.

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Permanent Disconnection of Landline service with broadband: This would be a DELETE order on landline service.Flow:1. BB_NIB2.2_ACTIVATION(P2.2) or BB_INVOKE_NIB|| BB_NIB_DONE(P3) Assigned to NIB incharge(P2.2) or System Admin.(P3)Action Done a. Customer is deprovisioned. b. Task is closed.

2. INDOOR (Manual task) Assigned to Switch ndoor JTO.Action Done a. Customer is deprovisioned at switch. b. Task is closed.

3. BB_NIB_UPDATE (System task) Assigned to System Admin.Action Done a. Update is sent to CRM that broadband has been disconnected at provisioning system with date of NIB completion. b. Task is closed.

3. INDOOR_UPDATE (System task) Assigned to System Admin.Action Done a. Update is sent to CRM that customer has been disconnected at switch with the date of indoor completion. b. Task is closed.

4. MDF (Work Order task) Assigned to Exchange MDF JTO.Action Done a. MDF jumpers are removed. b. Work Order is closed.

5. MDF_UPDATE (System task) Assigned to System Admin.Action Done a. Update is sent to CRM that MDF has been unjumpered b. Task is closed.

6.. OUTDOOR (Work Order task) Assigned to Exchange Outdoor JTO.Action Done a. Connections at DP and Pillar are removed. b. Instrument and modem (in case rental) are collected. c. Following attributes are filled: a. OD_ACC_COLLECTION_STATUS (Mandatory) b. OD_ACCESSORY_FEEDBACK --(Mandatory if the accessories are not

collected or collected with damage). The accessories which are not collected or collected with damage are entered here.( This is updated to CRM and the AOTR would raise a debit note based on this feedback)

d. Work Order is closed.

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7. MDF_UPDATE (System task) Assigned to System Admin.Action Done a. Update is sent to CRM that disconnection at outdoor has been completed. b. Task is closed.

8. FINAL_TESTING (Manual Task) Assigned to Final Testing Officer.Action Done a. Disconnection of the service is ensured. b. Task is closed.

9. FINAL_TESTING_UPDATE (System task) Assigned to System Admin.Action Done a. Update is sent to CRM that disconnection at outdoor has been completed. b. Task is closed.

Shift Scenarios:

Nature of Shifts to be considered:1. Within SSA with Network Change2. Within SSA without Network Change3. Across SSA with Network Change4. Across SSA without Network Change

The number may or may not change if it is within SSA.

1. 3 orders would be raised for Shift of Broadband Service customer. (DELETE-Permanent Disconnection, CREATE - Landline Reconnection, MODIFY -Broadband Reconnection ) If there is a number change the Disconnection and Landline reconnection orders are parallel. If it is without number change the Landline reconnection would be done after the Disconnection is completed.

2. In the Disconnection order there would be a task BB_FEASIBILITY assigned to the MDF incharge of the new exchange where the customer is shifting to. CRM would be sending the ssa flag BB_RELOCATE_WITHIN_SSA (Y/N) to identify if the shift is within or across SSA. The MDF incharge has to decide if there would be a network change at the new location and has to update the flag BB_NETWORK_CHANGE (Y/N) If the shift is within SSA and there is no network Change there would be no NIB tasks on the order (No request is sent to the NIB system) Default values for BB_RELOCATE_WITHIN_SSA and BB_NETWORK_CHANGE would be X. The network change update is sent back to CRM.

3. The Landline reconnection order would be a similar to a normal new provision order.

4. In the Broadband Reconnection order CRM would be sending both ssa flag( BB_RELOCATE_WITHIN_SSA ) and network change flag

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(BB_NETWORK_CHANGE) that has been updated by Clarity in disconnection request . The provisiong of the request is similar to a new Broadband provision The request types sent to NIB would differ based on the ssa and network change flag.

Following table gives a overview of the requests sent to NIB during Shifts:

Nature Of Shift Request type for Disconnection Request Within SSA without network change -Within SSA with network change DisconnectAcross SSA without network change SuspendAcross SSA with network change Disconnect

Assurance: Broadband faults may arise due to faulty line or problem with DSLAM or problem in provisioning system. Broadband faults are raised similar to landline faults on a Landline service.

Process Flow:1. DECIDE_FAULT (Manual Task) Assigned to Initial Testing Officer.Action Done a. The reason for fault is identified and the fault is classified as Landline or broadband or landline and broadband fault. b. Following attributes are filled: a. BB_FAULT_TYPE (Mandatory) c. Task is closed.

2. TESTING (Manual Task) (Conditional Task - If it is a landline or landline+broadband fault) (BB_FAULT_TYPE =Landline or Landline + Broadband fault) Assigned to Initial Testing Officer Action Done a. Line testing is done and test results are entered. b. Following attributes are filled: a. Test results are filled c. Task is closed. Based on the line test results the fault code is generated and the appropriate tasks to clear the fault are generated and assigned to the respective workforce.The faults are cleared and closed with appropriate fault clearance codes accordingly.

3. BB_NIB_FAULT (Manual Task) (Conditional Task - If it is a Broadband or landline+broadband fault) (BB_FAULT_TYPE =Broadband or Landline + Broadband fault) Assigned to NIB Incharge. Action Done a. The fault is checked and cleared manually. b. Following attributes are filled: a. TT_FAULT_CODE b. TT_FAULT_CLEARANCE_CODE

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c. Task is closed.

4. FINAL_TESTING (Manual Task) Assigned to Final Testing Officer.Action Done a. Customer is enquired about the clearance of the fault. If the fault is cleared the task is closed else it is routed to the appropriate workforce. b. Task is closed.

Notes:1. The Broadband and Landline fault tasks are parallel.2. Fault code description would be generated after completion of Testing task and

NIB fault tasks. In case of more than one fault code they would be concatenated with a comma separator.

3. Fault clearance code description would be populated after completion of Final Testing task. In case of more than one fault code they would be concatenated

with a comma separator.