British Records: Colonial Office (microfilm)

- - - - - COLONIAL OFFICE . Reel no. Z. 5 .1 30N 1- 5 7- 7b 8-8b , 9, 10, 11, 12 l3-13b l4-1 4b, 15, 16 , 17 , 18 19 -1 9b 20 , 21b 22 , 23b 51 52b 143- l43b, 144b l45 - 145b, 146b 214 214b 232- 233b 359 360b 364,365b 390-392b 393b PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE London, England MICROFILM Z.5 lJON c.o 388/2 Origin Correspondence--p e itions Foreign Trade Papers e c . A-C . Index to the . [c . 664] "A distinct Accompt 11 of imports into Engl nd from all coun ies, item-by-item, chaelmas 1662 to same, 1663 (Valu ble fo showing types of import in demand in England in ye of Carolina ch rte.) [c . 1664] Expor s from England to var ous countries country by country including 11 Plan ations" 1663. [c .167 0] Impor in o England , 1669-69. 1691/92 Feb. 25 . Whitehall . Order in Council . The embargo; instructions to be sent to governors of planta ions "where Admiralty jurisdiction is settled . 11 [c .1 692] Opinion of Attorney General concerning embargo. [c . 1691] List of ships braking ou of embargo 1689- 91; including eight for Virgini . 1692/3 Jan 14. (received). 11 R asons off red to Boa d of Trade by James Whiston, exch nge broker, for al owwing vessels for Virginia and Maryland co sail before August or September nex including a bit about the tobacco trad •" 1692/3 Jan. [rec I d] ''Re sons for al lowing Virgini and Maryland vessels o s il now. 1693 Sept . 23 . Rcpor tr ding to Vi ginia Twenty-six names. o Board of Trade from merch n s nd aryland concerning convoys . [c 1694] List of sh ps allo ord r since l May 1693. Virginia and Maryland . d to go out by par icular Includes numbers for 1693 Oct . 19. Aclm'ralty Office. Lis o ships appointed for convoy. Including two for Virgina. 1693 Oct. 25 . London . Micajah Perry to [John Povey Secretary to Plantation Office]. Concerning Virginia fleet. 1693 Dec. 6 [rec'd]. List of ships of v rious ports in England out bound . Includes many for Virginia nd aryl nd, none for C rolin. "

Transcript of British Records: Colonial Office (microfilm)






Reel no . Z. 5.130N

1- 5

7- 7b

8-8b , 9 , 10, 11, 12


l4-14b, 15, 16 , 17 , 18 19-19b

20 , 21b

22 , 23b

51 52b

143- l43b, 144b

l45- 145b , 146b

214 214b

232- 233b

359 360b


390-392b 393b



c.o 388/2

Origin Correspondence--pe itions Foreign Trade Papers e c . A-C.

Index to the .

[c. 664] "A distinct Accompt11 of imports into Engl nd from all coun ies, item-by-item, chaelmas 1662 to same, 1663 (Valu ble fo showing types of import in demand in England in ye of Carolina ch rte.)

[c . 1664] Expor s from England to var ous countries country by country including 11Plan ations" 1663.

[c .1670] Impor in o England, 1669-69 .

1691/92 Feb. 25 . Whitehall . Order in Council . The embargo; instructions to be sent to governors of planta ions "where Admiralty jurisdiction is settled . 11

[c.1692] Opinion of Attorney General concerning embargo.

[c . 1691] List of ships braking ou of embargo 1689- 91; including eight for Virgini .

1692/3 Jan 14. (received). 11 R asons off red to Boa d of Trade by James Whiston, exch nge broker, for al owwing vessels for Virginia and Maryland co sail before August or September nex including a bit about the tobacco trad •"

1692/3 Jan. [rec I d] ''Re sons for al lowing Virgini and Maryland vessels o s il now.

1693 Sept . 23 . Rcpor tr ding to Vi ginia Twenty-six names.

o Board of Trade from merch n s nd aryland concerning convoys .

[c 1694] List of sh ps allo ord r since l May 1693. Virginia and Maryland .

d to go out by par icular Includes numbers for

1693 Oct . 19. Aclm'ralty Office. Lis o ships appointed for convoy. Including two for Virgina.

1693 Oct. 25 . London . Micajah Perry to [John Povey Secretary to Plantation Office]. Concerning Virginia fleet.

1693 Dec. 6 [rec'd]. List of ships of v rious ports in England out bound . Includes many for Virginia nd aryl nd, none for C rolin.



- 4 6


C.O. 388/2 con 'd. page 2

[c 1693] Lis of seven vess ls re dy to sail w:l h net convoy o Vi ginia and Maryland.

[c.1693] Abstr c of numbe s of s amen for plan ations, including Virginia and aryl nd •

• •







c.o. J88/9

Correspondence, 1703-05.

Reel no. Z.5.81N

5, 6b

27, 26b


71, 82b


73, 80b

7u-75 79b

76 77b

100-lOOb, 102b



124, 126b







218-21 b


28Lb-2 5

1703 Apr 9 (rec iv d and read). Account of naval stores imported from Arch ngel by Muscovy Company, Sept mb r to Dec mb r 1702, w th names of importers, and amounts.

1703 Nov 9 (rece ved and read). Account of hemp, pitch, and tar imported 1701-02 from Canary Islands, Denmark, Norway, etc.

1703 Nov 9 (receivPd and read). Account of receipts and payments of cue oms London and outports, 1701-02· incl. tobacco.

1703 Dec 10. Custom House, London. John Sansom Sec. to oard of Customs] to William Popple [Sec. to Board of Tr d ] •

Enclos np;:

170) Dec 2. Copy of Clark and others to "the Honble thP Committ And enclosing:

(1703 D c 2]. Abstract of n bers of vs els, seamen, etc., t v:u-ious ports in England nd W les.

1692 D c 15. Custom House London. Report to Privy Council concerning ports and trades to the colonies; incl. general comments concern­ing Virginia trade, etc.

(1703]. Cus om House, London. Account of numbers of ships cleared from London, 1702-03· incl. those bound for Vir inia/Maryland.

1703[04J Jan 13. Report of Edw. Nor hey, Attorney General, to the Qu n. Importa ion of naval stor s from Holland.

1703[0uJ J n 7. Admiralty Offic • Declaration by Prince George of Denmark, L~rd High Admira concerning above.

170L June 10. Custom Hous, London. Sansom to Popple. Enclosing:

[1704 Jun 10]. Duties on pitch, tar, and rosin.

170u Nov 15 (rec ived). (Custom House, London). Abstract of rec ,ip s and paym nts, customs, London and outports, M rch - June 1703· ncl. to cco.

1704 Nov 1~ ( ec ·vPd). Custom Hou e, London]. Same for June -SeptembPr 1703· incl. tob cco.

l 70L ov 15 ( rec iv d). ( Custom House, London]. for Sept -Dec 1702· incl. tobacco.

1704 Nov 15 (rece·v d). ( Custom Rous , London]. Sam for Dec 1702 -t,• C 1703• incl. tobacco.

1704 Nov 15 (rec ived), (Custom Hous , London]. Same for Dec 1703 -March 170L· incl. tobacco.

l?Ou ov 15 (rec iv d). [ Custom Haus , London]. Same for March -June l?Ou· incl. tobacco.

1704 Nov 15 (rece·v d). (Custom House, London]. Sam for June -Sep l?Oli· 'i.ocl. tobacco.

170u Nov 15 (receiv~ ). [Custom Hou e, LondonJ. Sam for S pt -D c 1703: incl. tobacco.

1704 D c 2). Cu tom Hous. Charl s Dav n nt (Sec. to Board of Cus oms] to [Popple].






c.o. )88/9 cont 1d

pa. 2

Rel no. Z.5.BlN

286, 287b

288 269

29 -29lb







39 -J98b

l?Ou Dec 23. In c r G neral 1 s O fie , Account of imports into England o hemp, rosin pi ch, and tar, 1701..()2. Incl. ro Carol·na and Virginia/Maryland.

An enclo ing:

1704 D c 23. Inspector Gen ral's O fice. Sm for 1702-03. Incl. r Carol·n nd Virgin /M r;yland.

170) Au 4. Copy o Robinson, voy Ex aor inary to Sw den, ars , to (Sir Ch rlesJ H dg s c. of S te]. Naval stores -- di i-c 1 y of ob inin ·n Sw den.

705 D c 17. (Cu om House, London). Abstr ct o receipts and pay­nts, cu.sos London a outports D c 1703 - arch 170u;

incl. tobacco.

1705 Dec 17. [Custom House London]. S e for March - June 1704.

1705 D c 17. (Cus .o House, London]. Sae or Jun - Sept 170.

1705 D c 17. [Gus o Hou London). S me for Sept - D c 170~.

1705 D c 17. [Cua om Hous , London]. S me for March - D c 170.

1705 D c 17. (Custom Hou e, London] Sm or D c 170L - March 1705.

1705 D c 17. Custom House London J • or June 5 p 1705

• • • •





c.o. )88/12

COLONIAL OFFICE. Board of Trade, Commercial. Original Correspondenc , 1709-10.

Reel no. Z.5.81N

9, 10b

33, )ub

43, 41.ib



201, 202b

203 20hb

24li-248, 249b



268-270b, 2 lb

281', 28,b


292-292b, 293b

296-296b 297b

298-298b, 299b



)16 Jl7b

1709 Apr 1. Richard 5avag (Sec. to Board of Customs], Custom House, London, to [William] Popple (Sec. to Board of Trad J. Various returns reques ed by Board o .Trade, incl. one of naval stores.

1709 May 23 (receiv d and read). Memorial of nine tobacco merchants, incl. Micajah Perry. Trade with France.

1709 May 28. Edward Spic r, mayor of Exeter, to Board of Trade. Enclosing:

( 1709 May 28 J • Memorial from merchants o xe ter concerning treaty of co mere with Franc • Incl. provision for importa ion of tobacco from Bri ish plantations.

1709 Nov 17 (received). Peter Paggen and others, traders to Africa, to [Board of Tr de]. Various concerning their activities in Afr"ca.


1709 Nov 17 nd 29 (rec ived and rad). Account of Negroes delivered to various plantations, 1708-09, incl. ·to Virginia; incl. names of ships.

1709 Dec 12. Sava Custom Hou e, London, to Poppl. Enclos s account of nav 1 sores importe, 1707-08. (Not incl. here)

1709 Dec 15 (rec ived). Report to Board of TradP. from Mr. Holt, An igua. Ill gal trad between Curacao St. Thomas's, and elsewhere and British plantations incl. ~arolina.

1709 Dec 15 (received). Another report to same from same, concerning same; incl. Carolina.

1709(10] Jan lJ. Richard Crawley to Popple. Enclosing:

1706 May 11. Kensington. PRINTED instructions for British privateers in war against France and Spain.

1709(10) Jan 2u. Whitehall. Henry Boyle (Sec. of StateJ to Board of Trade. Encloses below II for t.he Service of • • • Subj cts trading in Pitch & T rr".


1709 Dec 29. Copy of R. Jackson, Commissary at Stockholm, Stockholm, to 1R·ght Honourable". Report on the Swedish pitch and tar trad.

1709/10 J n 31 (received ad read). Report of Samuel Brise concernin illPg 1 trad be ween Curacao nd British pl~ntations in America, incl. 11 Carralyna 11 •

1709/10 Jan 1. ~iteh v n. MP.morial to [Bo~rd of TradeJ from m rch nts o Whiteha an and elsewh r tradin to America. Ille l t ad0 with Isle of Man, esp. in tobacco.

c. 1710]. Proposals for prev ntion of ill gal trade in tobacco in Scotland nd Ir land.

1709/10 Feb 10 (receiv d and read). N.lTATION o proposals of Mr. yfiel1 concernin Carolina pitch and t~r.

1709/10 F b 9 and 21 (r ceiv d and r d). NOTATION of memorial from Holt concerning illeg 1 trad with Curacao and St. Thomas.

1709 10) Feb 8. Ch rl s C rk sse Sc. to Board of CustomsJ, Custom



C.O. )88/12 co 1 d

p ge 2

Reel no. Z.S.BlN

320 )2lb


3.30-333, 33~b

35, )36b


3u2, 3L3b

J78-.37Bb, 379b

House London, to Poppl. 'Wil send account of n v l stores as soon as po sible.

1709 lOJ F b 18. Court, St. J mes. Copy of Ord in ille 1 trad in tob cco between Isle o I lan.

n Council cone n Seo l nd and

(1710]. bstrac of ooda shipped fr0tn o ports to Isle of Ma 1702-09: fo ports and all ob cco.

1709 O] rch 13 . Cs om Hous, London. ocount or exports from ay 1702 - 25 Dec. 1709. various outports to Isle of an, ~

Incl. to acco.

1709(10] ch 20. i hall. Boyle to Bo d of Trade. House of Co ons wants report concerning pitch and trad th Stock-holm.

1709[10J March 18. Copy of r solution of Hou of Commons.

1710 M rch 28. Whi ehall. oyle to Board o Trad. protections ors men en g din pitch and tar Am rica.

:.onclosi g:

Concerning trad with

1709/10 M rch 2u. ~dmiralty Of ic. Copy of Orford and others ( Board of Ad iralty] to Boyle, cone ning a ove.

1709/10 Jan 19 (received nd read). Report to Board of Trade ran Samul Bris . Ille al trade bet een Vir Islands, Curacao, and British plantat·ons, incl. olina •



Z.S. 82N

c.o. 389/17

a COLONIAL OFFICE. Board of Trade,, Conmercial. En ry Book of Com.missions , Instructions, 9 Petitions Correspondence Orders in Council, etc. : Petitions

Correspondence, Reports, Orders in Council , etc., 1700- 02


Rel no . z.5. 82N


3Jb- J6




74 76



79- 9b



ll 7-l18




1699(1700] Feb 6. Order of House of Com ons for report from Board of Trade concerning its efforts to improve trad ,

1699/1700 March 22 . Whit h 11. Reply of Board of Trade to abov : summary of Board ' • v rious activiti s since 1696, incl. specific references to proprietary ov rm nts .

1700 y 10. NOT TION of Ord r of Council o 9 May 1700 cone rning report about piracy .

1700 June 5. hit hall . R p esenta ion from Board of Trarle to the King con:: rning p sses for planta ion vessels tradin with lg rines . Incl . list of royal , propri tary, and charter govern­

ments .

1700 Aug 15. OOTATION of account of pitch and tar import d from S~ockholm, 1699 .

1700 Aug 29 . ATION o lett r from Mr . H athcoate cone rnin du ies on pitch nd ta.

1700 Sept 25 . Whitehall. illiam] P(oppleJ Sec . to Boa d of Trade to Gilbert Heathcote. Inquiry cone rnin price of Stockholm tar .

1700 Oct 2 . Heathcote to Popple . Replies to above .

1700(01] Feb 17 . Proposal to Board of Trade] from Mr. Sadler for prevention of rauds in drawbacks an bounties, incl . those on tobacco .

1700( 01) arch h. Tf\TION of r pre enta ion concerning apprehension nd conviction of pirates.

1700 01) March 12 . Order of Ko se of Commons for account of proceeding of Board of Trade since 21 March 1699.

1701 March 27. itehall. ply of oard of Trad propr'etary coloni s, pirates, nav 1 stores,

to above, incl. tc.

1701 May 1,. Memorial to Board of Trade from Richard Marsh and Edward Haist.well London mere ants .• concerning Spanish 1Jrohibition on Vir inia tobacco.

1701/02 Jan Jl. Order o plan ions' trad

House o Commons for report on state o th~ and security ann or names of governors.

1701/02 F b 5. Whitehall. R~port of Board o Trad to House o Commons conce ning above. Incl. propriet y colonies; pira t. s; court of law· exports ad imports for Virginia, Ca olina, and elsewhere.

1701/02 Feb~- Order of Hous or Lor s for report on wha Board of Trade has done concernin planta ion trad.

1701/02 Feb 16. itehall. Reply o~ Boa d of Tr,ade to abov. Incl. proprie ry colonies; naval sto es; passes for tr d with Alg rines· piracy; ef nse incl. North and South Carolina; imports and exports of Virg n· , Carolina, and lsewh r •

1702 Apr J. NOTATION of mori 1 om Mr. Ran olph concernin def cts in acts of trad.



C.O. 89/17 con 'd

p g 2

Re 1 no. Z.S.82



236 2u7b

1702 Oc 28. NOTATION o ex rac s of e ports and impo s 1662-63, 1668-69.

1702 Oc 28 Report r oard of Tr de to he Qu en cone rnin s t o wool n nufacture and tr de; incl. effec o migration to arth Americ "p rt cul ly to those un er Propri ty nd Char r Oov rnmen stt.

Index to the vol e.

• • • •



PUBLIC R CORD O FICE London, n 1 nd


c.o. 389/18

OOLONIAL O FICE. Board of Trade, Commercial Entry Book of Commis ions, Instructions, Petitto s Correspond nee, Orders in Council e c : Petitions, Cor ond nc, Report Orders in ounci, etc., 1702-05.

Reel no. Z. S. 62N





1, 18b-19







Bh -8Sb



9 -96


1 Lb


1702 Nov 7. Or or Haus o Lords to Board o Tr de for account of a of En la d.

1702 Nov 18. R o t from o rd of r de to House of ly to bov: incl . proprietuy ooloni s, convoys nd Maryland · pack boats.

1702 ov 25 . TION of orde of a commi tee 0£ House o Lords co c mi g proprie ry coloni s tc .

702 Nov 28.

1702/03 M ch h.

T TION of r port to Hous of Lords concerninp: bove.

ccount of Tl3.V ls o es imported from Russia Ch istmas 1701 - Chr"s mas 1702 .

170.3 Apr 9. ng 702

Account (tabul r) of nav sores imported from Arch-b mm rs of M scovy Comp ny, 1 S ptem er - 31 D camber

h n of 32 import rs .

1703 Apr 3 Wh thankin hi

eh 1. Willi mJ P(oppl] to Mr. H istw 1 or the bov .


1703 No 9 .. 170

to Join Sansom LS c . to Bo,rd 0£ ccoun o naval o es i ported o 11 th

1701 - Chri tm s 1702


1703 OV 22. 0 r House of Lords fo accoun of stat o trade .

170) D c ?. Whi h ll . P(oppl J to S nsom. ants accounts o erchant ships 1 tonna s nu ber of seam .n for pasty r.

1703 0 c 16. Lord in r tores tob cco

and v luabl)

170) 0 J h

J n 1). Report fr Q en cone rnin

to House of Incl. n;\v l

etc. (D tailed

Edward hey, ttorney Gen ral, to importa ion of nav 1 ores rom Holland .

170)/0L J n 7 Adm ral ty O fj c • Memorial to h ueen in Council Prine Georee of Den k Lord H h Admiral. Ur nt

n si y or import n rand pitch from Holl nd, and else-

1703/ou March), Whitehall. R port from Board of Trade to House of Con,nons cone min drawb~cks on oods expor d

l?OL Jun 9. hi e all. uties on p ch and

1704 June 10. Cus om Hous ove .

70 ov 1. rdPr o Hous of rade .

170L ov 22. o Tr of Lor

1100 ov 21. port on tr

P[opple] to anso • Requests account o r.

Lon on. S naom to Poppl. R ply to

of Lords o Boa.rd of Tr d or ccount

of tat to or y lo b or Hous~

sine 1st s ssion of P rliament: jncl.


C.O. 389/18 cont'd

pa 2

R 1 no. z.S.82N





1 5


colonie, n val tors rates of coinag in pl n a ions, pri -te rs, courts of vice admiralty , pira s, propri tis .

1704 D c 29 . Custom House (London] . Charles D v nant Insp ctor Gen ral of Customsj to Poppl .

Enclo ·ng:

1704 Dec 23 . Inspector G ner 1 1 s 0ffic • Account o naval stores imported into England Chris as 1701 • Christmas 1702, incl. fro. Carolina

1704 D c 23 . Inspec or G n ral's Of ice . Same, Christmas 702 -Christmas 1703 . Incl . ame .

1703 Au 4. arsaw. binson to Hed es . Difficulty o ob atnin pitch an ar fro Swed n.

1704/05 March 20 . Whiteh 1.1. Popple] to illl.aJTI Lownd s S c to Tre~suryJ . R quests copi s of act prohibitin trad w th Fr nee e c. for distribu ion to ~ov rnors in colonies .

1705 y 26 . tob cco

OT TION of let er to H ley Sec of S t r de to Russia.

Imex o the volum .

• • •

cone rnin




Z. 5.82N

PU IC RE RD OF ICE London , Engl nd

c.o. 389/19

OJLONIAL OFFI • En rry Book o Comm ssiona, Instructions , : Peti one,

sin Council e c . 17o6-07.

R 1 no . Z. 5. 82N

1 b



l b










170$/06 Feb 25 . OT TIO of 1 r fro ley Sec . of S a con-p ti ion o s v. ral m rchan s plant rs and manufact­

tobacoo about tob~cco r ad with Muscovy.

l 705/o6 rch ). TA I o mori 1 ro mercha scone mi ob cco for Muscovy .

1705/o6 arch 5. ob cco trad

TATION o memorial etc.

rom Mr . Linton concernin

1705/06 March 19. NOT TIO of let t r to Ad voe a General cone rnin sal of ob cco inn utra ships .

1706 Apr 4. c rnin

TAT O o anonymous 1 tobacco tr d etc

r o Sir hilip Medows con-

1706 Apr L. ter o contractor th Czar of Muscovy obacco .

1706 pr . OOT ION o l tt r ro con r c ors bo e .

17o6 Apr 11 11Lette to M • Perry to know ny tobaccos a E En land to or ug 1 or Spain" .

1706 Apr 11 . 0 0 1 er 0 ::i C H dg about Quary' s ett r of April 2 cone nin manu otur of to cco in for ign parts .

17o6 0 le r r 0 Col. ry o Boa d, abou

1706 Ap 1 . T TION of let er ro P rry in answer to Board ' s of April 11.

1706 Apr 18. i

1706 Apr l Board ' s o

1706 Apr 2L . answ r let

tte from Sec . H dges referring tom mor­ou tob~cco trad .

T IO of let er fro March 19 .

Advocate G n ral, in reply to

ATIO o 1 t er from ua y April 16, promisin to r written him on April 11 .

1706 Apr 26 . TIO o mPmorial r0rr1 s v ral m rch nts in Vi.r ini in n w r o a y's abou tobacco · d.

17o6 [Apr 26]. Vir ni

1706 Apr 29 . T i ls sent hi

1706 Apr 29. ( Charles

N of r pr s ntation cone rnin convoys to l n, an o ·he obacco ade.

ION of wo let era from Qu.ary in answ r to mcmor­om L.v rpool merch n abou tobacco tr d

incl. 11 • er Our Tob cco in

Board o Tr ~J o V rious queri s,

prohi is he xporta ion o mys Coun ry".

17o6 pr fr

17 6 May 1. ' n ccoun 1000 lb. Tob cco

er o Lin on w h of o acco, tc .

ract from on

y D b n ure of

l 7o6 Ma ,;. re uir d

IO oI m~ ri r Lin n cone r inr. o h Custom Hous on xporta ion of tob cco.




C.0. )89/19 con 'd

p ge 2

R 1 no. z.~.82N









1707 Nov 6. WhitPh~ll. Popple o Willi m Lownd s (Sec. to Tr asury]. Reque s ccoun o im orts from urope o nav 1 s or a, 1700-01 nd 170) - pr sent;~ d qu ntit s of naval s ors pl ntations r ce1 ing 11C rt fica s of their ,oodness".

1707 Nov 12. Order of Hous o Lords for a ccount of trade since · 27 Nov m r 1704. ~

1707 ov 1). itehall . Popple to Lowndes. Various request in 1 . one for accoun of nav 1 stars.

1707 Nov 11. Whit hall. Ha 1 y to Board o Trad • Concernin order of Hou of Commons for account of trade.

1707 Nov 19. i ehall. Repor f m Board of rad to Houp of Common concc nin rade of e pl n ions. Incl. Vir in'a esp c·ally its tobacco t ade (fols . 116b-12 ); p ri tary and ch r er overrun n s ncl. accoun o their 11 s v ra. Hisf P z­~nce nd Ill 1 proc edtn s' (fol. 130-133; Carolina (fals. 136b-137b · 1rn ac passed · n Nor h Carolina "to encourage th St lernen o this Country' (fo s. 1J7b-1J8b · ore1gn coin in th pl nt~ ons ( ols. 1) b-lltl) · n val sores ( ols. lLl-1 9)

1707 T TIO of cco nt o quan it1es o n v l or Chr stm 1700 to Chris ma 1706.

1707 o 27. Board o Tr!tdP to Hou e of Lor con pl nt ions: Vir · ni:"I. ( fol • 227b-239) e • e; po ri tary o~ rnnen (fols. 2 -258) ~c • C olin (fols. 256-257) n a law p-1 d 1.n North C olina O o incour th e\tl n o his country11 (fols. 257- 258) · for i coin in pl nta ions ( ols. 25 -259); n~val s ors ( ols . 2S9-26L) incl . quantiti import d fran pl nt one incl Cao ina, 1701-06.

Index to h vo urne.

• •






c.o. 390/5

Bo rd o Trad 1 Coffll\erci 1. Miscellaneous: 5 atistics of Exports and Imports, Shipping etc., 1666-1792.

R el no. Z.S .50N











h6, 47b

3 54b







82 b-82b


Ind to the volume.

1715 Jun J. Cu to11 House London. Account or exports f'rom Britain of lead and 1 d shot, Christmas 1708 to Christmas 171L, incl. o Carolina; giv s quanti ies or achy ar.

1715 June). Cu tom Hous, London. Accoun of expo ts rom Br· in of ish, Chr·stm s 1708 to Christmas 171L incl. to C rolina.

1715 Jun 1. Custo House London . ccount of imports in o En land of cochine 1 Christmas 1708 to 1 May 1715 incl. from Caro­lina.

[o.1715]. Custom Hous, LondonJ. 11 n Accomp Shewing the amount or val o 11 oods & erchandiz~s mpo din o, & ou of

h s kingdom to, from wha Forei n Countrys ••• Christmas 169 to Chr's mas 171$". Incl. C rol·na.

1717 D c 17. Cu om Hous, London. Account of value of fo ign coin and llion xpor d, ris ma 1696 to Christmas 1715, incl. to Ca olin.

71 Julv 15. Cus o Treasury. Enclosing:

Hous dinburgh. William Cl land and oth rs

1718 July 31. Accoun of to cco i por d into the s veral port o Scotland, 29 ep ember 171L to 29 Sp mb r 1717 . Coloni s of origin no given .

1714 March 16. Custom House, London. Abstract of imports and exports, Chri tmas 1700 to Chr stm 1702. Incl. Carolina.

(c.1718]. (Custom House, London]. S me for Christmas 1716 to nris mas 1717.

1717 Jan 12. Custom Hous, London. Ac oun of qu nti is of iron orted from En land m-istmas 1712 to Christmas 1717, incl.

to a na.

1718 Jan 12. Custom Hous , London. of p arl ash~s and po ash s Incl. C rolin •

Account of imports nto Britain Chrisms 1712 o Chris as 1717

1720 Sep 13 (r c ived and rad). Gus om Hous , Lon on Briti sh nd o ci n ships nntr.ring and cl ar·n po in y r ndin Chris 1717: numb r of sh ps and to 1 tonna ,es. Incl. roline.

1720 Sept 1) (rPceive an read). Custom Hous London Incl. a ol na. nd"n Chr' as 1718.

1720 Sep 1) . (received and r d). ye r nding Chr·stm s 1719.

C tom Hous, London. Incl. C olina.

Account of t of London seamen, nd

Same for

S me for

c.1n9J. List o H. t ships a sel ell'lployed o service in he plantations 171.u-18 ·ncl. s v ral Vir inia.


( .1n9J.

for 1708-11.

pans so same 1708-11.

c.1719). Same for 171L-16

1724 Jun 9, Cus 0111 Haus I Lon on • Account of su ar nd tob cco




C.O. 390/S cont'd

p g 2

Reel no. Z.5.SON

117-ll'lb, ll8b

119, 120b

12, 122b

123, 12bb



imported and export d, Christ s 1702 to Christmas 1722, by country or colony. Incl. Carolina.

1725 Nov 17 (received an read). {Custom House, London]. comparison of Swedish and British port regula ions. for British practic)

Tabular (Useful

172~/25 Ma ch 22 . Custom Hous, London] . ccount o imports of ric in o Britain Christmas 1717 to Micha lmas 172L. Incl. ro Carolin •

1724/25 Feb 2L. Custom Ro e London]. ccoun o imports of nd pitch into Britain 171B-2u. Dos no incl d Ca 01·na.

1725 Apr l~. [Lon on]. plan ion r impor Individual colon·

o Hous • Ace unto qu nti :y of into Fngland s·nce 29 September last.

o lis d.

172L/25 F b 2L . [London). Custom House . Aocount of n val to es imported from Ru ia or Eas Country, Chris as 1700 to Christ­ms 170~ .

c . l727J(Cuetom House, Lon on). ccoun o exports o D nm k and Nor­w y, Cttrisbnas 1723 o Christmas 1726. Incl much o acco •

• • • •







c.o. 390/6


Re 1 no. Z, 5. 50N









[l 720 Jul 29 J. [ Cus om House London]. cc unt o ships cl a red from En land Christmas 1714 o Chris mas 1717 showing port of cl ar nc d stination wheth r English or for ign, number and ton ges of ve sels. Inc • Virginia and Carolina a desti- · na ions

1717 March. "Sp c·e, Quan ities and Valu of oollen Manufactures Expor d from Christmas 1714 to Christmas 1715". Incl. ( fols. lhJ-lu)b) Carolina and (fols. lu?-148) Vir inia and Maryland,

(c.1721]. Cu om House, London]. Account of yp sand v lu of timber import d into Britain, Christmas 1717 to Christmas 720 1 and wh her British or foreign shi pin . Incl. from Carolina (fols . 208b~ 212, 216) and Vir inia and Maryland (fois. 209b, 21), 216bJ,

( c .1721]. Custom Hou e London]. bs 'tract of revenu from dut.i s on wood import d into England, Christmas 1712 to hristmas 1720. Incl. fro. Carolina .

Cover ndors m nt or fo s. 2o6-218.

1718 J~n 2L . Cus House, London. Accoun of types and val of imb r imported in o Bri in, Christmas 1712 to Chris mas 1717,

wit~ r venu frQn duties. Incl. Carolin (Cols. 223, 226, 228b 2Jlb 234b) and Virginia/Maryl nd (fols 22)b, 226b 229 232, 235).

c.1718J. (Cus om House, London}. Accoun~ o r venue from du ie on timber impor din o 9rita1n Ch 1st s 1712 o ris mas 1717. Incl . f om Carolin4.

1717 Feb,. Custom Hous London. Acco n of 'Sp cies and Quanti­ties of Proh'bited East In ia Goods Re-Export d from En 1 nd11

to, amon o her pl cs the coloni s from h Pe c of U recht to Chris mas 1716 Incl . ~arolina (fols . 2Ll-2L2) and ir­ginia nd bryland (fols. 246-2L7).

• • • •