Bieres de CHIMAY S.A. Rout e Charl emag ne, 8 6464 CHIMAY (Balleux) H aJna ut • Bel glquo BRITISH COLUMBIA LIQUOR DISTRIBUTION BRANCH Director of Merchandise Services 2625 Rupert Street Vancouver, British Columbia, V5M 3T5 Canada Baileu x, December 22 nd , 2011 By registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt Dear Sir, Reference: Distribution Bieres de Chimay's Products Please be advised that as of 1st February 2012, Peacock & Martin Importations Ltd is no longer our British Columbia agent under the B.C. Agent Stocking Program and that it has been replaced by Horizon Wines, Inc. as per our Letter of Authorization dated December 23'd 2011 , . Steve Marangon Export Manager BIERES DE CHIMAY SA Tel.: +32 (0)60/21.03. 11 . Telefax: +32 (0) 60/21.34.22 E·Mail: . T.v.A. BE 0438.560.655 IBAN BE 321950 1430 0102 Bic : CREGBEBB eBe Mons . IBAN BE 82 3710 204 1 8768 Bic: BBRU BEBB I NG Mons WEBSITE : http : // Page 1 EGM-2013-00120


Bieres de CHIMAY S.A. Route Charlemagne, 8

6464 CHIMAY (Balleux) HaJnaut • Belglquo

BRITISH COLUMBIA LIQUOR DISTRIBUTION BRANCH Director of Merchandise Services 2625 Rupert Street Vancouver, British Columbia, V5M 3T5 Canada

Baileux, December 22nd, 2011

By registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt

Dear Sir,

Reference: Distribution Bieres de Chimay's Products

Please be advised that as of 1 st February 2012, Peacock & Martin Importations Ltd is no longer our British Columbia agent under the B. C. Agent Stocking Program and that it has been replaced by Horizon Wines, Inc. as per our Letter of Authorization dated December 23'd 2011 , .

~-----Steve Marangon Export Manager BIERES DE CHIMAY SA

Tel.: +32 (0)60/21.03. 11 . Telefax: +32 (0)60/21.34 .22 • E·Mail: [email protected] . T.v.A. BE 0438.560.655 IBAN BE 321950 1430 0102 Bic : CREGBEBB eBe Mons . IBAN BE 82 3710 2041 8768 Bic: BBRUBEBB ING Mons

WEBSITE : http : //

Page 1 EGM-2013-00120

Bieres de CHIMAY S.A. Route Charlemagne, 8

6464 CHI MAY (9alleux) HaJnaut • Belgique

Peacock & Martin Imports Ltd Mr. Paul Martin 8191 River Road Richmond , BC V6X 1X8 CANADA

Baileux, December 22nd, 2011

By registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt Anticipated by email: [email protected]

Dear Mr. Martin ,

Reference: Termination of our business relationship

As a result of Bieres de Chimay's need to equally and better develop both on and off premise in the Province of British Columbia, we have decided to terminate our business relationship with your company regarding the sale of our beers, by giving you prior written notice effective as of Ihe day of reception of this letter and ending the 30 January 201 2.

We thank you for the cooperation and wish you all the best for your business.

With our best regards,

Steve Marang Export Manager BIERES DE CHIMAY SA

rei .: +32 (0)60/21.03.11 - reletax: +32 (0)60/21.34.22 - E-Mail: [email protected] - T. VA BE 0438.560.655 IBAN BE 32 1950 14300102 Bic : CREGBEBB CBC Mons - IBAN BE 82 3710 2041 8768 Bic : BBRUBEBB ING Mons

WEBSITE: http: //

Page 2 EGM-2013-00120



British Columbia liquor Distribution Branch 2625 Rupert Street Vancouver, BC VSM 3TS

Attention: Director of Purchasing

Dear Sir.

Date: [11 February 2011]


N.V. Brouwerij Corsendonk Distributie have the pleasure of advising you that we authorize Peacock & Martin Imports Limited ("Distributor") to be the sole distributor and seller of our products in the Province of British Columbia effective 11 February 2011

We agree. that while this authorisation is effective. we will sell to the Distributor, the liquor products we produce ("Product") as requested in Purchase Orders issued by the British Columbia Liquor Disbibution Branch (BClDB). We understand that the Distributor will then resell these Products to the SClDB. We confirm that our buy sell agreement with the Distributor results in the Distributor having free and clear title to and ownership in our Product at the time that Product is imported into British Columbia.

We wish to confirm our understanding of our and our Distributor's responsibilities with respect to Product being sold in British Columbia:

1. The Distributor may on our behalf register any Product under the SClDS standard terms and conditions such that the registered Products may be available for sale in the Province of British Columbia.

We acknowledge that any registration of a Product may be cancelled solely by our written notice to the SClDS, but may be cancelled by the SelDB, with written notice to us and the Distributor, if no Product is sold in the province in anyone year period from the time of product being registered in the province. If a registration is cancelled, the SCLDB may take such steps as are reasonable to dispose of the Product remaining in

Supplier Authorisation Distributor Agreement - Version July20LO Page lof3

2625 PJJpcn S1r!~Ct VarcO\IVff. Briti<;.., CoJunloo. VSM Jfj ,604.25:!.3(.'OO f 604.252.3464 w www'!:'>od!i.cQIll

Page 3 EGM-2013-00120


the province including requiring that the Product be exported or destroyed, allOwing for the sale of the Product at a price to encourage sales or other dispositions after consulting with the Distributor, or with ourselves, if the Distributor no longer carries on business in the prOvince.

If a Product registration is cancelled no future Purchase Orders will be issued for that Product Such Product may be re-instated with the agreement of the BClDB.

2. The Distributor may requisition from the BCLDB Purchase Orders for Products to be issued to the Distributor. Providing that thiS authorisation has not been revoked, we agree to sell the Products named in the Purchase Orders to the Distributor, in the manner stated above.

3. Payments for Products will be made to the Distributor.

4. The Distributor will conduct any and an other business relating to the Products in the Province, including contracting for warehousing, submission of price changes, conducting promotional events, dealing with any quality control issues and removing any Product from the province including through a bond to bond transfer or an excise warehouse to excise warehouse transfer to another liquor jurisdiction.

Cancellation of this Authorisation

This Authorisation naming the Distributor as the sale distributor and seller of the Products in British Columbia will remain in effect until cancelled by us by notice in writing to the SCLDS, which notice must be accepted by the BeLDB. Such notice of cancellation will advise the BelDB of the effective date of the cancellation and will be provided to the SeLDB in advance of the effective date.

We acknowledge that notwithstanding the cancellation of the Distributor's authori$ation, if any Products imported under a Purchase Order issued to the Distributor remains in the province, the BeLDB will continue to deal with the Distributor until all of the Products imported under that Purchase Orders have been depleted.

We understand that the SeLDB will not issue a Purchase Order for Product to any newly appointed Distributor or other entity representing our Products in the province until the BeLDB is satisfied that the Product existing in the province is or will be sold or otherwise disposed of and that there is a need to import more Product to meet market demand.

Supplier Authorisation Distributor Agreement - Version Iuly2010 Page Z of)

'1ti·YII~IIf1" .. t 'it'·<"et. Van(CllI,o('(. flI1i,sh Colombia. V5t13T5 t 60'l.2.nJOOO f 604.252.3464 w w""w.txkib.(om

Page 4 EGM-2013-00120

~ j i ,


L. I

Acknowledged and agreed to by the Supplier

Authorised SignatolY: Keersmaekers Jozef Position: General Manager Company Name: N.V. Brouwerij Cors6ndonk Dist;ibutie

Company Address: Slachfhuisstraat 27 2300 Tumhout Belgium

E-mail address:[email protected] Telephone No: 0032485887741 f\ I. /~ Fax No 003214453388 I \ jV I

l \... /1 .. /

Signature of Supplier: Date signed by Supplier:

j\uthonsed Si';Jnatory CfNDY LVI(. MARTiN Position: CFO CQi,rfROLLER


Company Name: PeAcock & Martin Imports limited

Company Address:lsi 91 River Read

IRiCl1"mOnd, B.C.

Icanada V6X 1X8


E-mail address:cindyz=p&m@te! Telephone No: ~6::-:;O:,::4-::2;.;..7..;;.6.;;;22~2~9~ ____________________ _

Fax No: -6042762205

a) I.L! We are registered for Canadial! Hamlonlzed Sales I ax purposes and our registration number is 86925 4573 . , or b) LJ \iVeare not registered for Canadian Harmon!zed Sales Tax purposes.

Signature of Distributor: /,- , Date signed by Distributor~ __ '_'r_~-,--r.",i:4",,&.<;...;' ~,-;·.c!--"'"'./""'{"7/-,!,,-,2.;;.:.o,-,-l..;.( __


Supplit.'f AuthOlislltion lll"tnbulor Agreement. - VCr.:1ion Juiy2010 p~jg.e J !Jf 3

Page 5 EGM-2013-00120

13/01/2802 20:42 +32- 67671:1238 BRASSERIE lEFEBVRE



British Columbia Liquor Distribution Branch 2625 Rupert Street Vancouver, Be V5M3T5

Attention! Director of Purchasing

Dear Sir: '\2 ,/¥J

S( PPLIF~R #Rfil

Date: January, 1st, 2013

( L.)[~~~e..I'\ e.. J k.L..f ~ \, J { l.-

BRASSERIE LEFEBVRE have the pleasure of adviSing you

PAGE 131/03

that we authorize PEACOCK & MARTIN IMPORTERS l TO ("Distributor") to be the sole distributor and seller of our products in the Province of British Columbia effective January,1st. 2013

We agree, that while this authorisation is effective, we will sell to the Distributor, the liquor products we produce ("Producq as requested in Purchase Orders issued by the British Columbia Liquor Distribution Branch (BelDB), We understand that the Distributor will then resell these Products to the SeLDB. We conti"" that our buy sell agreement with the Distributor results in the Dratributor having free and dear title to and ownership in our Product at the time that Product is im"orted into British Columbia.

We wish to confirm our understanding of our and our Distributor's responsibilitIes with respect to Product being sold in British Columbia:

1. The Distributor may on our behalf register any Product under the SelDB standard terms and conditions such that the registered Products may be available for sale in the Province of British Columbia.

We acknowledge that any registration of a Product may be cancelled solely by our written notice to the SClOB, but may ~ cancelled by the SelDB. with written notice to us and the Distributor, if no Product is sold in the province in anyone year period from the time of product being registered in the province. If a registration is cancelled, the BCLDB may take such steps as are reasonable to dispose of the ProdUct remaining in

SUl"plier Amholi satiCln I)i¢'ihutnr Agreement· Vaslon JIII)"2010 l'agt: I of3

Page 6 EGM-2013-00120


the province including requiring that the Product be exported or destroyed, allowing for the sale of the Product at a price to encourage sales or other dispositions after consulting with the Distributor, or with ourselves, if the Distributor no longer carries on business in the province.

If a Product registration is cancelled no future Purchase Orders will be issued for that Product. Such Product may be re-instated with the agreement of the SCLDS.

2. The Distributor may requisition from the BCLDB Purchase Orders for Products to be issued to the Distributor. Providing that this authorisation has not been revoked, we agree to sell the Products named in the Purchase Orders to the Distributor, in the manner stated above.

3. Payments for Products will be made to the Distributor.

4. The Distributor will conduct any and all other business relating to the Products in the Province, including contracting for warehousing, submission of price changes, conducting promotional events, dealing with any quality control issues and removing any Product from the province including through a bond to bond transfer or an excise warehouse to excise warehouse transfer to another liquor jurisdicti9n.

Cancellation of this Authorisation

This Authorisation naming the Distributor as the sole distributor and seller of the Products in Sritish Columbia will remain in effect until cancelled by us by notice in writing to the BeLDS, which notice must be accepted by the SeLDS. Such notice of cancellation will advise the SeLDS of the effective date of the cancellation and will be provided to the SClDB in advance of the effective date.

We acknowledge that notwithstaoo\ng the canceltat\on of the Oistlibutor's autholisation, if any Products imported under a Purchase Order issued to the Distributor remains in the province, the SeLDS will continue to deal with the Distributor until all of the Products imported under that Purchase Orders have been depleted.

We understand that the SeLDS will not issue a Purchase Order for Product to any newly appointed Distributor or other entity representing our Products in the province until the SClDS is satisfied that the Product existing in the province is or will be sold or otherwise disposed of and that there is a need to import more Product to meet market demand.

Supplier Authorisation Distributor Agret:ment - Version July2010 Page 201"3

Page 7 EGM-2013-00120

13/Bl/?0A2 ?~:4? +32-67670238


Acknowledged and agreed to by the Supplier


Authorised Slgnatory:..!:LE,sQFEBs.!2,lVR!,.QSE'-!;P;,!;;H!!.!IL;.!,!IPP:!:.EE....-_____________ _ Position: Director General, Administrator Company Name: BRASSERIE LEFEBVRE

Company Address: Chemin du Croly, 54 1430 Ouenast. Belgique

E:-mail address: philiooe,lefebvr'e@brasserielefebvre,be

Telephone NO:.;+:232~6l:!;7~6~7~O!!.7...!:66~--,.q...__--------~-------­Fa)( No +::I~ 67 67 Q238

Signature of Supplier. '. l ,,) Date signed by Supplier: A d d..M J. ~ A :. 0 ~

Acknowledged and agre~d ~.~~:~~~~or Authorised Signatory 't:..'j;,-:c~---Position: err:)' C~'i...,r£(¥-,~_ Company Name: PEACOCK & MARTIN IMPORTERS 1. TO Company Address: 8191 River Road,

Richmond, B.C., Canada.

SUI'l'lier Authorisation Distributor Agreement - Version July201 0 Page;';: tI(3

PAGE 03/03

Page 8 EGM-2013-00120

Olsen, Shelley LDB:EX

From: Sent: To:

Giesbrecht, Kimberley LDB:EX Tuesday, January 08, 2013 11 :34 AM Olsen, Shelley LDB:EX

Cc: Michael, Bill LDB:EX Subject: FW: Authorization letter Attachments: Lefebvre Itr.pdf

Hi Shelley,

New supplier auth letter, however will be under the distributor/supplier #861.

Thanks, Kim

From: Cindy Martin [mailto:cindy p&[email protected]] Sent: Tuesday, January 08, 2013 10:38 AM To: Giesbrecht, Kimberley LDB:EX Subject: Authorization letter

Hello Kim,

I did some registration applications end of last week for supplier 861. The producer is Brasserie Lefebvre from Belgium. Please find attached the Distributor Authorization letter for them. Does this need to be sent to any other persons or departments?


/;///~ cfo/controller peacock & martin #1234

1 Page 9 EGM-2013-00120

Brasserie d'Orval s.a. Abbaye Notre-Dame d'Orval B-6823 Villers-devant-Orval Tel : 00-32 (0)61/31.12.61 Fax: 00-32 (0)61/31.29.27 Liquor Distribution Branch British Columbia 2625 Rupert Street Vancouver, British Columbia, V5M 3T5


January 28, 2011.

Attention: Director of Merchandise Services

Dear Sir,

Please be advised that as of January 28, 2011 we hereby notify you that Peacock & Martin is no longer our British Columbia agent under the B.C. Agent Stocking Program and has been replaced by Horizon Wines, Inc, as per our Letter of Authorization dated January 25, 2011.

Yours Truly,

{J1IlfJ!!!1. __ I Brasserie d'Orval S.AJ' I Franvois de HARENNE I.!?ir~dm. &.~ommerciaJ

CCP/PCR 000-0039393-1 1 - Fortis 267-0055478-13 - BBL 360- 1 092400-89 - TVNBTW BE 404 335 095 - RC/HR Arion 10099 Page 10 EGM-2013-00120

Attention: Director of Purchasing

Dear Sir,

• CESARI fine winu of Verolla

Quinzano, 18.10.2012

-4a British Columbia

Liquor Distribution Branch

2625 Rupert Street

Vancouver BC V5M 3T5

Peacock & Martin Imports Ltd

8191 River Road

Richmond BC V6X 1X8

we regret to inform you that we ask the Cancellation ofthe Authorisation dated August 27,2009 appointing

The Company "Peacock & Martin Imports ltd - 8191 River Road - Richmond BC V6X 1X8" as sole

distributors and seller of our products in the Province of British Columbia.

Thank you for your attention, and waiting for the acceptance by BCLDB in writing,


G~RARDO CESARI S.p.A. Via Luigi Ciocca, 35 25027 QUINZANO O'OGLIO (BS) C.F. 0157832017& - P. IVA 00639080985

GERARDO CESARI S.p.A. - Cap. Soc. € 1.560.000 Lv. - Via L. Ciocca, 35 - 25027 Quinzano - ITALIA tel. 030/9925811 - fax 03019923455 - e-mail: [email protected] -

REA BS 247789 - CCIAA & c.P. 01578320176 - P. IVA 00639080985 Cantine di produzione:

Cavaion Veronese - loc. Sorsei, 3 - 37010 (Vr) - +39 045 6260928 & San Floriano - via don Cesare Biasi 13 - 37020 (Vr) azienda certificata brc e ifs

Page 11 EGM-2013-00120

25 Nov 11 11 :08a Peacock & Martin


Sritish Columbia Liquor Oislrjbution Branch 2625 Rupert Street Vancouver, Be V5M 3T5

Attention: Director of Purchasing

Dear Sir:

. 6042762205

Date: September 12,2011

CATIIER CHAMPAGNE have the pleasure of advising you


that we authOrize PEACOCK & MARTIN IMPORTS UMITED {"Distributor") to be the sole distributor and seller of our products in the Province of British Columbia effective September 12,2011

We agree, that while this authorisation is effective, we will sell to the Distributor, the liquor products we produce ("PrOducF) as requested in Purchase Orders issued by the British Columbia Liquor Distribution Branch (SelDB). We understand that the Distributor will then resell these Products to the BelDB. We confinn that our buy sell agreement with the Distributor results in the Distrlbutor having free and dear title to and ownership in our Product at the time that Product is imported into British Columbia.

We wish to confirm our understanding of OUf and our Distributor's responsibilities with respect to Product being sold in British Columbia:

1. The Distributor may on our behalf register any Product under the SClDB standard terms ana conditions such that the reglstered Products may be available for sa1e in the Province of British Columbia.

We acknowledge that any registration of a Product may be cancel{ed solely by our written notice to the SelDB, but may be cancelled by the BelDB, with written notice to us and the DistributOf, if no Product is sold in the province in anyone year period from the time of product tieing registered in the province. ff a registration is cancelled, the BClDB may take suCh steps as are reasonable to dispose Of the PrOduct remaining in

Surpli,-'t' AuthoriS:llic.n Di:itrihulvr Agrt!cment - Version luI) 2010 PIlt!e 1 01 ~

,, : . . \ . . r· · -.:. : . . W ·: . . . .... .. . Page 12 EGM-2013-00120

25 Nov 11 11 :08a Peacock & Martin 6042762205 p.2

the province including requiring that the Product be e}(ported or destroyed, allowing for the sale of the Product at a price to encourage sales or other dispositions after consulting wHh the Djstributor, or with ourselves, if the Distributor no longer carries on business in the province.

If a Product registration is cancelled no future Purchase Orders will be issued for that Product. Such Product may be re-instated with the agreement of the BelDB.

2. The Distributor may requisition from the SClDB Purchase Orders for Products to be issued to the Distributor. Providing that this authorisation has not been revoked, we agree to sell the Products named in the Purchase Orders to the Distributor, in the manner stated above.

3. Payments for Products will be made to the Distributor.

4. The Distributorwill conduct any and all other business relating to the Products in the Province, induding contracting for warehousing, submission of price changes, conducting promotional events, dealing with any quality control issues and removing any Product from the province [ncluding through a bond to bond transfer or an excise warehouse to excise warehouse transfer to another uquor jurisdiction.

Cancellation of this Authorisation

This Authorisation naming the Distributor as the sale distributor and seller of the Products in British Columbia will remain in effect until cancelled by us by notice in writing to the BelDa, which notice must be accepted by the BelDB. Such notice of cancellation will advise the SelDS of the effective date of the cancellation and will be provided to the BClDB in advance of the effective date.

We acknowledge that notwithstanding the cancellation of the Distributor's authOrisation, if any Products imported under a Purchase Order issued to the Distributor remains in the province, the SelDB will continue to deal With the Distributor until all of the Products imported under that Purchase Orders have been depleted.

We understand that the BC lOB will not issue a Purchase Order for Product to any newly appointed Distributor or other entity representing our Products in the province until the BClD8 is satisfied that the Product existing in the province is or will be sold or othelWise disposed of and that there is a need to import more Product to meet mark8t demand.

::1upplicr Aulhorisation Distriblltor Agr~lJL."TIt - Ven.ion Jnly2010 Page 2 of3

Page 13 EGM-2013-00120

25 Nov 11 11 :08a Peacock & Martin

Acknowledged and agreed to by the Supplier

Authorised Signatory: ~t' r\ \ '- \ \··I'E :-h \ t::. r-.j i.:~ r-J ,~ Position: C:'·C:d:1c\E.I~ c. I a.;.. ~v '\ ,: p.: L I s.. 1<,


Company Address: ~ ET 11 RUE DOM PERIGNON BP 15, 50500 CHIGNY lES ROSES FRANCE

E-mail address:[email protected]


Telephone NO:~3;:::.3..:::3..:26:;..:O:::.3...;:4=2.:..11:...-___________________ _

Fax No 33 3 26 03 43 13

.' '.

.- .. -­... . ... .

,. ..~ ---_. [" " ~--• __ •• _---- •. ~ "'7

Signature of Supplier: . . . . . .., -Date signed by Supplier: _-_-_""_ .. _.:>_'"" ...... )L..\:_~_ ... "'1_\._t_· ~_·L_. ___ A_'----:.- ..:: '':' .• ~~:\

Acknowledged and agreed to by the Distributor

Authorised Signatory_C_IN_D_Y_M_AR __ TI_N _________________ _



Company Address: 819'1 RIVER ROAD


vex lX8 CANADA

E-mail address:cindy.P&[email protected] Telephone NO:i:60=4:.::2:-;7....;;6...;;22;;::2;:.;:S~ __________________ _ Fax No: 604 276 2205 a) [l) We are registered for Canadian Harmonized Sales Tax purposes and our registration number is 869254573 , or b) 0 We are not registered for Canadian Harmonized Sales Tax purposes.

Signature ~ --::..-Date signed by Distributor: t.'5"£f?r tie"..:J tJ II

:S:.Jpplic:r AuLiI()llI)QlltlJJ Vistnt>utor Ag:rcem~"'l ' Vt."'T:.;')O July2f!lO l'aJl~ 3 ('1' }


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