Britannia Khao World Cup Jao - Review

Case Review : Britannia Khao World Cup Jao (A) By :Astha Bansal (171/10) , Sec A. COMPANY PROFILE : Britannia Industries Limited (BIL) was established in 1981. It started as a small bakery and today has become the largest bakery in private sector. In 1998-99 it attained a Turnover of Rs 10300 million which was a 21% rise from the previous years. 4 Ps of Britannia : PRODUCT : BIL’s main concerns were Biscuits and high protein food items. Biscuits : 85% Breads : 6.5% Others : 8.5% PRICING : Tried to set a Premium Image as per Pricing. POSITIONING : Consumers looked upon BIL as a “CARING” Brand. BIL found that consumers were Health conscious so they formed their positioning Platform “HEALTH”. With this they came with the slogan “Eat healthy, Think Better”.

Transcript of Britannia Khao World Cup Jao - Review

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Case Review : Britannia Khao World Cup Jao (A)

By :Astha Bansal (171/10) , Sec A.


Britannia Industries Limited (BIL) was established in 1981. It started as a small bakery and

today has become the largest bakery in private sector. In 1998-99 it attained a Turnover of Rs

10300 million which was a 21% rise from the previous years.

4 Ps of Britannia :


BIL’s main concerns were Biscuits and high protein food items.

Biscuits : 85% Breads : 6.5% Others : 8.5%


Tried to set a Premium Image as per Pricing.


Consumers looked upon BIL as a “CARING” Brand. BIL found that consumers were Health

conscious so they formed their positioning Platform “HEALTH”. With this they came with

the slogan “Eat healthy, Think Better”.


BIL used various strategies for Promotion, one of the Most Prevailing once has been at the

time of World Cup 1999 when BIL came with contest “Britannia Khao, World Cup Jao”.

We’ll further discuss the same.

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Before going to the BIL’s Contest let us look at some Key Facts of the World Cup 1999:

Held at : England. Period : April to June 1999. Expected Population to come : 5 lack Globally TV Audience : 2 Billion Indian TV Audience : 300 million

Spolsorship Key Facts :

4 Official Sponsors : Pepsi, Vodafone, Emirates Airlines and Nat West bank. Total Adv Time of Telecast to Official Sponsors : 60%

Pepsi’s spent to be 1 of the 4 major sponsors was $3.5 million, and apart from that another

Rs. 500 million was expected for non-media promotional spending.

There were lot others who came with the promotional schemes, contests, events, capitalising

on world cup fever. Brand like Phillips, Britannia and Sumsung were expected to run ad burst

worth Rs. 300 million each.

BIL’s CONTEST – “Britannia Khao, World Cup Jao”.

Keeping in mind the Positioning of “HEALTH”, BIL started a Mega contest “Britannia

Khao, World Cup Jao”. It invested Rs 100 million on the scheme and another Rs. 300million

of Advertising.

1. It was a strategy to increase the buiscuits Sale which was going down by 30% every


2. The scheme was launched one month prior to any other schemes/contests.

3. They added humour appeal centered around cricket in daily activities.

4. BIL expected a raise of 20% from this Strategy.

5. The scheme announced on Feb 1, 1999 and ended on April 30, 1999.

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The Contest/ Scheme :

1. Every BIL product was packed with the name of the contest and some specific Runs

on them

2. Consumers had to collect these “Runs”/”points” and when they complete a century ie

100 Runs they could exchange it against a Booklet.

3. The Booklet had 1 cut out coupon and one counterfoil, both had identical silver

dusted rectangular patches on them. When scratched, it revealed if the purchaser has

won anything on not.

4. The Prizes were as Follows :

a. 100 winners : 3 Days all expence paid Trip to WorldCup [India vs England on

29May, 1999].

b. 100 21” colour TV.

c. 1000 cricket bats.

d. 10,000 wrist watches.

e. 100,000 Tiger cashew Badam biscuits (75gm).

f. 4,00,000 Chekkers biscuits packets (14gm).


1. The four major sponsors spent far more for promotion, which still does not assure the

sales, but BIL’s strategy was targeted directly on Sales, as one has to purchase the

product to take part.

2. The Scheme was very successful as it lead to a Sale rise of 37% that year.

3. BIL was able to link it emotional via using “Health” and “Care” as their prime

Positioning Factors.

4. Via this scheme BIL, which was known as a Biscuit Brand was able to promote its

Other products too.

5. BIL successfully used the TOOL of Ambush Marketing and gave one of the Most

successful campaigns in its History.