Bringing Sun to Home

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  • 8/10/2019 Bringing Sun to Home


    Bringing The Sun closer to Home


    Delhi Public School Ghaziabad

    Delhi Public School Ghaziabad



  • 8/10/2019 Bringing Sun to Home


    Bringing The Sun closer to Home

    Team members:-






    Necessity is the mother of invention holds true in every asect of life! Here "eare tal#ing about the most imortant necessity of the modern life style i!e!

    energy needs! $t is not ossible to thin# of life "ithout electricity today! Gridsbeing the sole suliers of electricity succumb to the demands of electricityresulting in fre%uent and long durational o"er cuts! The roblem increasese&onentially during the ea# summers and the situation is getting "orse everyyear due to the ever increasing demand of o"er because of global "arming!

    Po"er bac#u using batteries "ith inverters and diesel for generators is one of

    the most revalent ractices! 'harging inverter batteries by using the electricity

    sulied by the grids adds further load on them comounding the roblem

    further! Generators are caital intensive and incur huge running cost due to the

    ever increasing diesel rices( mostly used in commercial out)ts!

    Such a situation has made us thin# beyond the available sources of o"er

    suly and this made us e&lore the idea of using solar o"er "hich is

    than#fully free of cost and is in abundance! $nstallation of solar anels does

    re%uire a good amount of monetary investment but its maintenance cost and

    charging "ill come almost free!

    Delhi Public School Ghaziabad

  • 8/10/2019 Bringing Sun to Home


    Bringing The Sun closer to Home

    *art from monetary gain( solar anel inverter battery charger is eco+friendly as

    it doesn,t emit any harmful ollutants! *lso( those "ho already have inverters

    "ill have to invest only in the solar anels to get the bene)ts! *s er our study

    "e conclude that solar anel inverter battery charger is a very strong otion for

    the future! Ho"ever as of no" "e cannot ma#e it a household commodity as it

    is not so cost e-ective! $nitial high caital investment is deterrent for the

    installation of the solar anels and may not seem to be an attractive otion for

    many! Ho"ever this otion can be "or#ed uon to ma#e it cost e-ective such as

    long term lease rent or Government $ncentives for going green!

    The seed of this otion has been so"ed. it needs to be germinated to /ourish as

    the most e-ective "ay of o"er bac#u and as a substitute for regular o"er

    suly! $t can be boosted further "ith the suort of the government incentives

    and our o"n initiatives by being change ma#er!


    0ur School Princial 1rs! 2yoti Guta

    0ur Headmistress 1rs! 3ala Nagar#oti

    0ur teacher and Guide 1rs! Soma Singh for her guidance at

    every ste

    Parents for roviding resources and guidance and suort

    1r! 1anish Goel of Goel Sales for roviding information aboutthe inverters( battery ricing( mar#et sizeetc! in Ghaziabad!

    4arious distributers for sharing %uotes

    Delhi Public School Ghaziabad

  • 8/10/2019 Bringing Sun to Home


    Bringing The Sun closer to Home

    Table of Contents

    1. INTRODUCTION........................................................................1

    2. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE STUD.......................................1

    !. H"OTHESIS#...........................................................................2

    $. NEED STATEMENT.....................................................................2

    %. &OR' "(AN.............................................................................!

    ). METHODO(O*........................................................................$

    +. SCIENTIFIC "RINCI"(E INVO(VED...............................................%

    ,. RESEARCH FINDIN*S..............................................................12

    -. CONC(USION..........................................................................12

    10. FUTURE "(ANS.....................................................................12

    11. REFERENCES........................................................................1!

    12. ANNEURES.........................................................................1$

    Delhi Public School Ghaziabad

  • 8/10/2019 Bringing Sun to Home


    Bringing The Sun closer to Home

    1. Introduction

    * tyical Ghaziabad household has an inverter of either 5664* or 7664* caacity"ith a single 866*H battery or 896 *H battery! During summers( "hen the o"ercut is of more than 7+8: hrs!The batteries do not get charged enough. thus they

    cannot rovide the desired o"er bac#u for;+9 hrs! Therefore( "eare forced tobuy either a double battery inverter system or a generator sets( latter being moree&ensive! Thus the need arose for see#ing other alternatives!

    The magnitude of this roblem can be gauged from the fact that more than niversal'onsulting reveals that many other cities li#e Delhi +N'? are facing a similarroblem! They have outages ranging from niversal'onsulting @*nne&ure 8!Curther studies reveal that mostly eole use 7664*

    inverter for running : fans(: tube lights and 8 T4 for ; hours! The remium aidabove the grid cost increases "ith the increase in the duration of outages! Peoleroughly ay 76 remium for an 766 4* inverter! The remium mainly includes thebattery caital e&enditure as it has to be relaced from every :+; years! Ehereasthe inverter has to be relaced after every 7 years!@ for further reference refer toA&hibit 9 and 5 of article ?eluctantly ?edundant ublished by >niversal'onsulting! *nne&ure 8

    Ho"ever most of the households are not a"are of this fact that they have to ay76 remium! * study reveals that only :6+

  • 8/10/2019 Bringing Sun to Home


    Should be green technology

    ?e%uires least maintenancecost

    Aasily available in mar#et

    Aasy to install

    Bringing The Sun closer to Home

    2. Aims and objectives of the study

    To study the feasibility of converting e&isting household inverter into solar o"eredinverter!

    3. HypothesisHousehold inverters can successfully be transformed into a solar o"ered inverter!

    !. "eed #tatement

    Fonger duration of o"er bac#u in cost e-ect manner esecially during summers"hen o"er cut is more than 7+8: hours a day!

    1ost of the $ndian households are not having electricity access due tounavailability of grids and have to install inverters "hich charge batteries from the

    mains and use the same electricity during the eriods of non availability of grid!The grid suly is generally not available from ;6+96 of time in the smallto"ns!

    These inverters "hen under the charging mode create additional ea# demand onthe grids! $ntegrating solar Photovoltaic "ith e&isting home inverter system canrovide relief to the households for additional charging otion aart from normalgrid charging of the storage batteries and "ill also reduce the system ea# "hichcreates another set of roblems to the utilities!

    * secial device is re%uired "hich can convert our e&isting home inverter in to asolar "hich can charge the e&isting battery through the solar anels as "ell! Thehome o"ner has to install this converter along "ith the e&isting inverter "hich alsoacts as ** battery charge controller and connects the *' mains load oututcontrol system all in one!

    $. %ork &lan

    Ste8+ *ll our grou members sat together and identi)ed the roblem andcon)rmed that this roblem is not only our roblem but a large number of eole,stoo!

    Ste :+ Ne&t "e all started brainstorming for )nding the ossible solution to our

    roblem! Ee also thought on the criteria on "hich "e should evaluate ourroosed solutions!

    Se ;+ Aach one us gave certain ne" ideas and "e assessed the otions againstthe criteria "e had de)ned earlier! The criteria for selecting the otion "ere

    Delhi Public School Ghaziabad Pag

  • 8/10/2019 Bringing Sun to Home


    Bringing The Sun closer to Home


  • 8/10/2019 Bringing Sun to Home


    Bringing The Sun closer to Home

    +. #cienti,c principleinvolved


    %orking of a solar panel

    Solar anels generate free o"er from the sun by converting sunlight to electricity"ith no moving arts( zero emissions( and no maintenance! The solar anel( the)rst comonent of a solar energy system( is a collection of individual silicon cellsthat generate electricity from sunlight! The hotons @light articles roduce anelectrical current as they stri#e the surface of the thin silicon "afers! * single solar

    cell roduces only about 8K: @!9 of a volt! Ho"ever( a tyical 8: volt anel about:9 inches by 9< inches "ill contain ;5 cells "ired in series to roduce about 8Ivolts ea# outut!

    $f the solar anel can be con)gured for :< volt outut( there "ill be I: cells so thet"o 8: volt grous of ;5 each can be "ired in series( usually "ith a =umer(allo"ing the solar anel to outut :< volts! Ehen under load @charging batteries fore&amle( this voltage dros to 8: to 8< volts @for a 8: volt con)guration resultingin I9 to 866 "atts for a anel of this size!

    -he 3 basic types of #olar &anels are

    (onocrystalline solar panelsThe most eLcient and e&ensive solaranels are made "ith 1onocrystalline cells! These solar cells use very ure siliconand involve a comlicated crystal gro"th rocess! Fong silicon rods are roduced"hich are cut into slices of !: to !< mm thic# discs or "afers "hich are thenrocessed into individual cells that are "ired together in the solar anel!

    Delhi Public School Ghaziabad Pag

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    Bringing The Sun closer to Home

    &olycrystalline solar panels 0ften called 1ulti+crystalline( solar anelsmade "ith Polycrystalline cells are a little less e&ensive slightly less eLcient

    than mono crystalline cells because the cells are not gro"n in single crystals but in

    a large bloc# of many crystals! This is "hat gives them that stri#ing shattered glass

    aearance! Fi#e 1ono+crystalline cells( they are also then sliced into "afers toroduce the individual cells that ma#e u the solar anel!

    Amorphous solar panels These are not really crystals( but a thin layer ofsilicon deosited on a base material such as metal or glass to create the solar

    anel! These *morhous solar anels are much cheaer( but their energy

    eLciency is also much less so more s%uare footage is re%uired to roduce the

    same amount of o"er as the 1ono+crystalline or Polycrystalline tye of solar

    anel! *morhous solar anels can even be made into long sheets of roo)ngmaterial to cover large areas of a south facing roof surface!

    ii. %orking principle of inverters/ *attery backup and #i0ing ofbattery

    Ehen choosing an inverter "e have to decide on the follo"ing

    O/t/t o/3e b4 t5e 6n7ete.

    0ur utility o"er rovidesK roduces a Sine Eave form! $t is therefore imortant

    that inverters also roduce the same "aveform!

    S68e of 6n7ete neee

    The inverter siz6e @5664*( 7664*( 8

  • 8/10/2019 Bringing Sun to Home


    Bringing The Sun closer to Home

    5664* 8 battery system @8:4 @866*H to 859*H

    7664* 8 battery system @8:4 @866*H to 859*H

    8%e do not get !.$hrs of back up due to powercuts of 412 hrs. during peak summer even on

    $5: load.

    Delhi Public School Ghaziabad Pag

  • 8/10/2019 Bringing Sun to Home


    -hiruvananthapuram/ Aug 2$ ;IA"#

  • 8/10/2019 Bringing Sun to Home


    Bringing The Sun closer to Home

    3avita Solar Anergy Pvt! Ftd!( Ghaziabad

    iv. 9ostingEe contacted a fe" vendors "ith follo"ing seci)cations and got the %uotes! The

    seci)cation is as mentioned belo"

    < & 76 "att anel ;:6 "att

    Panel voltage 8: 4

    'urrent roduced :5!5I *ms

    ALciency J6

    Net current roduced :5!5IJ6:< ams

    Battery 'aacity 896 *H

    Time re%uired for charging Battery caacityKnet current roduced 896K:< or 5!:9 hrs!

    Ee have ta#en ; %uotes @*nne&ure ;

    *nantam Solar( Fa=at Nagar Ne" Delhi+ ?s ;6(666K+ lus installation cost

    APF $ndia ltd( Noida( >P+ ?s ;8(666K+ lus installation cost

    3umar Tha##ar( Belifal $nnovations( 1umbai( 1aharashtra( ?s ;7(966K+lus ta&es

    %e are assuming that the whole installation will

    cost ?7s3$/555@ all inclusive taking the lowestoer of 7s 35/555@.

    v. (aintenance

    Solar anels re%uire least maintenance! They only have to be "ied "ith a "et

    cloth on a monthly basis! Batteries re%uire routine maintenance "hich "e all are

    a"are of!

    vi. %arranty and life span

    Solar anels have average life of :6+:9 years$nverter has average life of 7 years

    Battery has average life of : years for due to e&treme o"er cuts

    vii. Area covered and orientation

    Aach anel is of ;,&;,! *ro&imate area covered+I6+866 s%! ft! 0rientation of the

    anels is such that they get ma&imum sunlight! South facing is ideal facing as the

    sun stays longer in this direction "hile travelling from Aast to Eest!

    Delhi Public School Ghaziabad Pag

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    Bringing The Sun closer to Home

    viii. 9ostbene,t analysis

    Since "e are not getting :!:9hrs hrs! bac# u during the ea# summer and

    investing in I!9 #4! * Diesel Generator set is very e&ensive so "e thought of

    comaring the e&isting $nverter "ith ;:6 "att solar anel connection vs! 8the ea# outage!

    The comarison "as done for

    0tion 8 766 4* inverter "ith 896 *H Single battery and ;:0 3E Solar Panel


    0tion : 8

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    Bringing The Sun closer to Home

    -able 1

    Delhi Public School Ghaziabad Page

  • 8/10/2019 Bringing Sun to Home


    BI got a ne C% solar panel installed at

    my place ,ve years ago. Initially/ it did

    burn a hole in my pocket and I was also

    skeptical if it would bring me any bene,t

    but in the long run/ it has. All the light

    load appliances in my threebedroom Dat

    are run on the power generated from the

    solar panelE the heavyload appliances

    like A9/ fridge and water motor are run on

    the normal electricity supply/ and my

    electricity bill has come down from 7s$555 per month to just 7s 1555. *esides/

    I recovered the whole amount I had

    invested in the solar panel in three


    He adds/ B"ow/ I am completely tension

    free from ower cuts and even m

    Bringing The Sun closer to Home

    G. 9onclusionSince the initial caital investment is high( eole tend to urchase either double

    battery inverter or I!9 34* DG set "hich is not green technology and re%uires high

    oerating cost of diesel "hich is on rise!Since the gestation of recovery eriod is high i!e!+ 5 years( eole "ill go for 0tion

    :! 0tion 8 "ill become more attractive as the solar anel costs falls( as it is

    haening in case of mobile handsets! *lready the cost of solar anels have come

    do"n from ?s 896K"att to ?s I9K"att! Curther if Government rovides incentives

    for oting for solar anels( at domestic level( li#e being done for large solar o"er

    ro=ects( it "ill boost the conversion!

    Ho"ever there are strong follo"ers of Green Po"er "ho adot solar o"er inverterseven against all odds li#e 1r! 2ose George( a resident of Sector :: D"ar#a( Ne" Delhi

    "hose intervie" "as ublished in Deccan Herald! *ccording to him

    15. uture &lansCurther study of our otion and loo# for alternate technologies "hich increase our

    e&isting battery bac# u in shortest ossible time!Demo ro=ect at our school for 0tion 8!

    Eriting roosals to the Government for roviding incentives for oting for solar

    anels less than 8 3E!

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    11. 7eferences"""!microte#inverters!comKbattery!htm


    Cirst Green 'onsulting( Dr! San=ay 4ashishtaelectroschematics!comK9I;6Kinverter+bac#u+some+factsK





    Policy Grou uarterly December :66J Eebsite httKK"""!idfc!com






    12. Anne=ures

    *nne&ure 8 ?eluctantly ?edundant The real cost of o"er

    *nne&ure : Fist of suliers

    *nne&ure ; uote from vendors


  • 8/10/2019 Bringing Sun to Home


    Bringing The Sun closer to Home

    13. )lossary of -erms

    Amp* measurement of the /o" of electrical current!0ne *m is e%ual to the electricforce of one volt

    acting across the resistance of one 0H1!

    AmpHour0ne *1P of electrical current /o"ing for one hour! A&resses the relationshibet"een voltage andresistance @ 0H1S Fa" *4K?

    9urrentThe rate of /o" of electrical charge! The /o" of ams is often e&ressed ascurrent!

    Cilowatt ;k%oad*ny device that consumes electricity in order to oerate!*liances( fans and

    lights are e&amles ofelectrical loads! The amount of o"er the e%uiment isdra"ing from the inverter at any given time!e!g! if you have an 766E inverter and dra"ing

  • 8/10/2019 Bringing Sun to Home


    Bringing The Sun closer to Home

    Alectrical o"er measured in terms of time!0ne Eatt Hour of electricity is e%ual toone "att of o"erbeing consumed for one hour!@ * one+"att light oerated for onehour "ould consume one "att hour ofelectricity!

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