Bridges - July August 2011

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  • 8/6/2019 Bridges - July August 2011


    L I T H U A N I A N A M E R I C A N N E W S J O U R N A L

    j u l y / a u g u s t 2011


  • 8/6/2019 Bridges - July August 2011


    Kaisiadorys District) is one of thelargest open air ethnographic museumsin Europe. The core exhibits of thismuseum include dwelling houses, farm-

    stead buildings and folk art monumentstransferred from all ethnographicregions of Lithuania: Aukstaitija,Zemaitija, Suvalkija and Dzu-kija, andreassembled in a beautiful location nearthe Kaunas man-made Sea and Pravienarivulet.

    Some of the buildings were con-structed 200 years ago and earlier.Visitors can step back in time andvisualize life as well as housing con-struction and equipment techniques of people during various periods. Onehundred and eighty three buildings as

    well as eighty six thousand mobileexhibits are on display. The areaincludes fragments of villages andauthentic farms while town buildingsare grouped around a square. Thefarmsteads show fences, draw-wells,orchards and gardens The majorityof interior exhibits display restoredhousehold articles and furniture,clothes, kitchen utensils and tools typi-cal during other periods. The museumalso invites weavers, wood carvers, potters and other craftsmen to showtheir skills.

    The museum was founded in 1966.It was opened for visitors in 1974. Themuseum hosts museum collections andindividual folk artists exhibitions in itsexhibition hall.

    From March through Octoberalmost every weekend has a specialprogram for visitors.

    While leaving the museum thismagnificent photo of a stork (Lithua-nias national bird) perched atop a way-side cross was taken by Thoms Dorr of Berwick, PA


    BRIDGES (ISSN: 87508028) is published10 times per year (Jan./Feb. & Jul./Aug.combined) for $20.00, by LithuanianAmerican News Journal. Issue: 357Address of publication is:

    LAC, Inc./BRIDGES,78 Mark Twain Dr., Hamil ton Sq., NJ 08690

    BRIDGESis the official publication of the

    Lithuanian American Community, Inc.National Executive Board

    2715 E. Allegheny Ave., Phila., PA 19134Tel: 800- 625 -1170Fax: 856-428-6014

    E-mail: Lithuanian [email protected] Consultants

    Jeanne Dorr EditorGema Kreivenas Art Director/ProductionRimas Gedeika Treasurer & Subscription

    ManagerCopyright 2011 Lithuanian American Community, Inc. All rightsreserved. No part of the publication may be reproduced without writ-

    ten permission of the publisher. All statements & opinions, includingproduct claims, are those of the organization/advertiser makingthose statements or claims. The publisher does not adopt, or putforth, any such statement or claim as his own, & any such statementor claim does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the publisher.

    Address all editorial correspondence to:BRIDGES

    Jeanne Dorr4 Shrewsbury Yard,Riverton, NJ 08077-1038E-Mail: [email protected]

    For subscription & advertising information,please contact:

    LAC, Inc./BRIDGES,Rimas Gedeika

    78 Mark Twain Dr.,Hamilton Sq., NJ 08690

    Subscription rate is $20.00 annually, 2 full yearsfor $38.00 (US Mail serviced subscribers).Subscriptions to other addresses are (US $35.00),payable in advance (US funds). Periodicalspostage paid at Trenton, NJ & additional locations.

    Contact us on the Internet at:

    Postmaster: Send any address correction &/or changes to:

    LAC, Inc./BRIDGES,Rimas Gedeika

    78 Mark Twain Dr.,Hamilton Sq., NJ 08690

    c o n t e n t s


    The 14thLithuanian Folk Dance Festival iscoming to Boston on

    July 1, 2012Come experience this celebration ofLithuanian dance and culture!






    in this issue

    2 editorialLetter from the EditorJeanne Dorr

    4 reflectionsChristmas in JulyJeanne Dorr

    5 press releaseCELEBRATED CONCERT


    6 reflectionsSisters of St. Casimir in

    Lithuania celebration ofthe 90th Anniversary

    9 cultureGrandis Annual ConcertRamuneKubilius

    11 cultureFOLK DANCE FESTIVALGloria R. Adomkaitis

    12 here at homeA Lithuanian Franciscan

    Rev. John Puodziunas, OFM

    14 photo albumThe youngest dancers

    16lac newsJoninesThe Eve ofSt. John FestivalGema M. Kreivenas

    18 reflectionsRED TERRORSubmitted by Juozas Lukosevicius

    20 reflectionsPART IWhat I Remember About CousinVytautas PetrauskasVanda Fabijonaviciute Sliupas


    24 bulletin boardAABS Conference

    24 calendar


    Rumsiske, Lithuania

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    4 j u l y/ a u gu s t 2 0 1 1

    r e f l e c t i o n s

    I often cant understand where the years have gone. In a blink of an eye Im sitting at the computer and writinganother Christmas in July article and the temperature isthreatening to reach 102 degrees. This weather doesnt makewriting about Christmas very conducive.

    Im still bleary eyed and sleepdeprived as I am only home two daysafter a trip to Lithuania. Four in themorning finds me wandering aroundthe house, my body still thinking itseleven and getting close to lunch inLithuania.

    This is the longest period of timethat I have not taken a trip to Lithua-nia. Its been five years and there havebeen many changes. To me the biggestchange was sticker shock. Just as in theUnited States and the rest of the world,Lithuania has not escaped the financialcrisis. There were stories of unem-ployment and low wages. One fatherof two told me he has not paid sinceApril. He works every day at the same

    job he has had for almost twenty years.He cant find anything else and isafraid to leave his job. Very few peo-ple are thinking about Christmas in July. Yet, several villageschool teachers mentioned the program. Would the childrenreceive something, anything at all, regardless of how small,for Christmas? All I could do is tell them we would try.

    To our new readers, Christmas in July is dedicated toa young boy who died at the age of thirteen from leukemia.His name was Artu- ras. Neither he nor his family was rich orfamous and they never did anything outstanding. They livedin a tiny village. His mother was already a young widow

    when I met him in July. We both knew there was no hopeand there would never be a second meeting. But Artu- raswas one of those people I clicked with on sight. We talkedabout Christmas, perhaps we hoped for a miracle, but it wasnot to be. I asked him what he would like if he could have agift. Without hesitation, he answered that he would love tohave a used, blue bicycle. The emphasis was on the wordused. Artu- ras couldnt even wrap his mind around the wordnew. He knew how little money his mother had, often nothaving enough to buy a bus ticket home from the hospital

    after visiting him to take care of his four year old brother.Arturas brother was being cared for by neighbors. He had noconcept of what was happening; all he knew was that hisbrother was sick and his mother could not take care of himduring that time. He knew that she was in a place called a

    hospital with his sick brother. All of this weighed heavily onthe mind of the thirteen year old. In spite of his pain, heworried about his mother and his brother.

    I could see Arturas was getting tired. I asked him whathe would do with the blue bicycle and he said he would ride

    down the country roads with his hair flying in the wind. Atthis point, Artu- ras had no hair. He lost it with his manytreatments. The principal of the country school would driveArtu- ras and his mother home when he became too tired.Although he was rail thin, he had so many questions hewanted to ask about America; especially music and sports.As he stood to hug me, he handed me a beautiful single redrose. Many people on both sides of the Atlantic prayed forthe miracle, but it was not to be. Perhaps it was time for

    Artu- ras to be released from his terrible pain and suffering.There never would be a used, blue bicycle.

    During this same period there was a great concern fromMrs. Grazina Landsbergis and Dr. Regina Svoba about somany children who would receive nothing for Christmasbecause of financial problems. We talked about it before I cameback to the United States and Christmas in July became areality through your tremendous generosity. It was only afterArtu- ras died that I decided that this young man would not


    Jeanne Dorr

  • 8/6/2019 Bridges - July August 2011


    p r e s s r e l e a s e

    be forgotten. He was not known in life, but he would beremembered in death. This article is dedicated to his memoryevery year.

    Several weeks ago I visited his mother and his fifteenyear brother. I wondered what Artu- ras would look like hadhe lived. He would now be in his early twenties. His motherset the table with the generosity of all Lithuanians. Regard-less of how little they have, they will always share withguests. We stayed in touch all these years through the deathof her older son, her nervous breakdown because she felt sheabandoned her younger son during Artu- ras illness, threeyears of unemployment and now the possibility that shemight lose her house because she doesnt have the money toinstall indoor plumbing. But she still has hope. When I leftthem with hugs and kisses, Artu- ras brother handed me a

    beautiful single, red rose and the memories of meetingArtu- ras in the village school came flooding back.

    The gifts the children receive are small. When we startedChristmas in July the American dollar was worth4 Lithuanian Litas. A few weeks ago I received 2.4 L for onedollar. Our buying power has been drastically reduced. Whyso early? The money has to be transferred to Lithuania,volunteers have to know how much money they can spend,shop for the best prices, and wrap the gifts.

    Take a moment on Christmas Eve to look up in the sky-ifyoure lucky you just might see a young boy streaking by on

    a used, blue bicycle, his hair flying in the air..Tax deductible checks can be sent to:

    Lithuanian Orphan Care

    2711 W. 71st St.

    Chicago, IL. 60629

    You must write Christmas gifts on the memo of the check.

    Jeanne Dorr is the Editor of Bridges and is a member of the Boardof Directors of Lithuanian Orphan Care, a branch of the HumanServices Council of the Lithuanian American Community, Inc.

    Continued on page 8

    PRESS RELEASE: July 10, 2011



    In celebration of the 100-year anniversary of the art andlife of Lithuanias world-renown composer MikalojusKonstantinas Ciurlionis (1875-1911), a concert tour of 10U.S. and Canadian cities will bring his unique late-Romanticcompositions to life in world-class piano performances byGabrielius Alekna. Audiences in Washington D.C. (9/24),Philadelphia (9/25), Atlanta (10/1), Orlando (10/2),St Petersburg, (10/09), Toronto (10/15), Detroit (10/16),Cleveland (10/22), New Haven (10/29), and Boston (10/30)will have the opportunity to not only hear these important

    compositions performed by one of the worlds most accom- plished interpreters of this composer, but also listen to alecture in English and Lithuanian on the life, art, and musicof Ciurlionis - by noted critic and Wellesley College professorStasys Gostautas. This fall concert tour is made possiblethrough the support of the Lithuanian-American Community,a nonprofit organization providing educational, cultural, andsocial services to over 1 million Americans of Lithuanianheritage, and the Lithuanian Foundation, Inc., an independent,Illinois-based, not-for-profit corporation with a missionto foster, preserve and celebrate the Lithuanian language,culture, and traditions in the U.S. and abroad.


    took second place at the 2005International Beethoven PianoCompetition in Vienna, Austria.He has appeared as a soloistin Viennas Musikverein withthe Vienna Radio SymphonyOrchestra (RSO Wien) underthe baton of Bertrand deBilly; been featured as asoloist with the JuilliardOrchestra and New AmsterdamSymphony Orchestra in New

    York, and with the Belarus State Symphony Orchestra inMinsk. In his native country of Lithuania, Mr. Alekna ap- pears regularly with the National Symphony, the StateSymphony, the Lithuanian Chamber Orchestra, and theChristopher Chamber Orchestra. Daniel Barenboim calledhim a highly gifted pianist and musician. Mr. Alekna hasgarnered more than a dozen top prizes in competitions on both sides of the Atlantic, such as Hilton Head (UnitedStates), Maria Canals (Spain), and Ciurlionis (Lithuania)International Piano Competitions. His forthcoming recording

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    IN THE


    RememberingKestutis and Birute

    LithuanianHistorical Figures

    Birute brings lunch to her fishermen brothersPhoto by Vitalija Duncia

    Roma Krusinskiene and TeodoraDudoniene showing offtraditional azuolo lapu vainikaioak leaf wreaths that theyparticipated in creating.

    Photo by Antanas Krusinskas

    Kestutis enters with his horseto meet his bride Birute

    Photo by Antanas Krusinskas

    Jonines Festival is openedwith the raising the Lithuanianflag.

    Photo by Vitalija Duncia

    JoninesThe Eve of St. John


    Organized byCentral

    New JerseyLithuanianCommunity

    l a c n e w s

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    Viesulas Central New JerseyLithuanian Dance Group Photo by Vitalija Duncia

    Central New Jersey Folkloric EnsemblePhoto by Antanas Krusinskas

    June 23, 2011, Jackson, NJ: The festival was hosted by thenewly organized Central New Jersey Lithuanian AmericanCommunity, Inc. They have over 150 registered members, butlikely there are many more participants since there are more

    than 1000 newly immigrated Lithuanians in the area. Thiscommunity is young and active: they established LietuveleLithuanian school for the youngsters. The Folkloric Ensemble,Viesulas Lithuanian dance group were organized just a fewmonths ago, but danced like professionals and are planning toparticipate in next years 14th Lithuanian Folk Dance Festivalin Boston, MA. Good food, good Lithuanian beer, manyvendors with beautiful amber jewelry, books and otheritems added to the enjoyment of the day. There were manyinteresting activities for the young and not so young.

    The Festival drew over 500 visitors from surrounding states andWashington, DC.

    Valdemaras Serapinas, Consul General of Lithuania from

    New York also attended. He was welcomed with traditionalLithuanian cheese. The Consul General greeted the publicand congratulated the new community members. Later, hegraciously passed a platter with the cheese for all who wereseated in the bleachers.

    The highlight of the program was a play: Kestutis meeting hisbeloved Birute.

    The Festival lasted into the night with games of strength,dancing and a traditional Gema M. Kreivenas

    Procession of Vaidila and Vaidilutes thekeepers of the holy fire

    l a c n e w s

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    24 j u l y/ a u gu s t 2 0 1 1

    Calendar of Events for August - September & October 2011Please verify all events as places & times are subject to change.

    bridgesPlease send me 10 issues BRIDGES1 full year for $20.00 - 2 full years for $38.00 US Mail serviced subscribers;Subscriptions outside the country $35.00 payable in advance (US funds).

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    LAC, Inc./BRIDGESSubscriptions:Rimas Gedeika78 Mark Twain Dr.Hamilton Sq., NJ 08690

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    Aug. 6, 2011Join us for our annual PortlandLithuanian Picnic "Geguzine"(Beach Party at Cannon Beach)Location & time will be anounced inthe near future. Please keep yourcalendar checked for this date.Sponsor: Portland Chapter of theLAC - http://portlandlithuanians.comAug. 13, 2011 - 11-5 pmAug. 14, 2011 - 12-4 pm97th Annual Lithuanian DaysSchuylkill Mall, Route 61 & I-81,Frackville, PA. - The longestconsecutive ETHNIC FESTIVAL inthe USA!The theme this year isLITHUANIANS IN SPORTS &LITHUANIAN FOLK ART.Lithuanian food, traditional arts &crafts, dancers, weaving & spinningdemonstrations, (by the Spins &Needles Fiber Guild), museum dis-play will be highlighted. Sponsor:

    Knights of Lithuania Council #144For

    Aug. 14-20, 2011Lithuanian Summer Camp SheltonWA Lanka - Sponsor: SeattleChapter of the LA C

    Aug. 14- 21, 2011Art Camp for Adults in Lithuanian

    Camp Neringa -www.neringa.orgAug. 19-21, 2011Ethnic Enrichment FestivalSwope Park, 4701 East Gregory Blvd.Kansas City, MO -

    Aug. 14-20, 2011Lithuanian Summer CampShelton WA Lanka Sponsor:Seattle Chapter of the LAC

    Aug. 16, 2011 - 2 pmLithuanian numismatistDr. Audrius V. Plioplys will present aprogram, Silver Ingots of NorthernEurope Room 3 at Donald E.Stephens Convention Center inRosemont, Il.

    The presentation is part of theAmerican Numismatic AssociationWorlds Fair of Money

    Aug. 20- 21, 2011Second Annual Arturas KarnisovasTournament Seton Hall University-400 S. Orange Ave.South Orange, NJ 07079-26979am Saturday-10am Sunday-FinalsEvening Program: Estonian House4 Cross St & Veterans HwyJackson, N.J. 08527Arturas Karnisovas one of the alltime best Lithuanian basketball play-ers was the first Lithuanian to playon an American university basket-ball team - Seton Hall U. In 1992 &1996 he helped the Lithuanian Bas-ketball team win two bronze medalsat the Summer Olympic Games. In1996 Arturas was voted as the bestEuropean Basketball Player.For Info: Stanislovas Kaviliauskas:917-572-2045 - Dainius Sakavickas:732-552-9818

    Rimas Gedeika: 609-588-0859


    Sept. 20, 2011 - 7-9 pmAmber Roots Club - We will focuson who have traveled to Lithuania.Lithuanian Music Hall,2715 E. Allegheny Ave. Phila, PAUse the side door & proceed downstairs.

    All are invited to attend.Info: 610-497-5469 [email protected]: Amber Roots Club

    Sept. 22, 2010(Thursday)Autumn Gala - An evening celebrat-ing the Franciscan Spirit Gourmetmeal & various prizes $65 pp. or$350 for table of 6. Sisters ofSt. Francis of the Providence of God3603 McRoberts Rd.Pittsburgh, PA 15234For details: 412- 885-7232


    October 2, 2011 -2-5 pm

    Fall Picnic Our LithuanianCommunitys Fall Picnic is a tradition.We now gather at WyandotteCounty Park to play games, eat &meet new & old friends. Shelter "J",Wyandotte County Park631 North 126th St. Bonner Springs, KSSponsor: Kansas City Chapter ofthe LAC

    Oct. 7-9, 2011Elizabeth-Newark area Conventionof LAC Board of Directors withinteresting evening programs towhich all will be invited.

    Oct. 18, 2011 -7-9 pmAnnual Sing-a-Long.We will include childhood songsLithuanian Music Hall,2715 E. Allegheny Ave. Phila.,PAUse the side door & proceed downstairs.All are invited to attend.Info: 610-497-5469 [email protected]: Amber Roots Club

    AABS Conference


    Inf e-address: [email protected]

    "The 23rd Association for Advancement of Baltic Studies (AABS) Conference -- The Global Baltics: The Next Twenty Years -- will be heldin Chicago, 26-28 April 2012. Deadline for proposals: October 1, 2011. AABS welcomes papers,panels, and roundtable presentationsin fields related to the Baltic region, its countries, and populations within those countries, including minorities. Contributions are en-couraged from disciplines including, but not limited to, the following: anthropology, architecture, business, communication and media,cultural studies, demography, economics, education, environment, ethnic relations, film studies, fine arts, gender studies, geography,history, international relations, law,linguistics, literature, memory, political science, psychology, public health, religion, sociology, and

    advancing Baltic studies. Interdisciplinary and comparative work is welcome. Graduate students, both Master and Ph.D., are encour-aged to submit proposals. Paper and panel proposals must include an abstract of no more than 250 words and a one- to two-page cur-riculum vitae. These materials should be sent to the appropriate divisional chair.For additional information please visit:

    Submitted by Ramune Kubilius


  • 8/6/2019 Bridges - July August 2011



    bridgesL I T H U A N I A N A M E R I C A N N E W S J O U R N A L

    V O L U M E 3 5 I S S U E 6

    Folk Dance Festival Seminar for teachers from various dance groups, held in

    Dainava, MichiganApril 20, 2011

    The 14th Lithuanian Folk DanceFestival is coming to Boston, MA

    July 1, 2012

    The Backbone Of The Festival!