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  • 8/7/2019 Bridgeport Connecticut City Buildings Facilities Benchmarking Analysis conducted by The Institute for Sustainable En


    Appendix 1

    Bridgeport City Build ingsFac ilities Benc hmarking Ana lysis

    Utilizing the

    US Environmenta l Protec tion Ag enc ys

    EnergySta r - Portfolio Mana gerFebruary 2010

    Bridgepo rt City Buildings(ADDRESS)


    Conducted b y

    The Institute for Sustainable Energy

    at Eastern Connec ticut Sta te University

    Mail Address:

    83 Wind ha m Stree t Office: (860) 465-0251Willimantic , CT 06226 Fax: (860) 465-0261


    isestu@easternc t.ed u

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 8/7/2019 Bridgeport Connecticut City Buildings Facilities Benchmarking Analysis conducted by The Institute for Sustainable En


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    Table o f Contents

    I. Benchmark Study

    A. Overview 5

    B. Findings 6-7

    C. Results 7D. Conclusions 8-14

    II. Steps for Energy Use Reduction

    Seven Easy Steps to a Community-Based Plan for Energy Sustainability 15-17

    III. Energy and Environment Programs

    A. EnergyStar Benchmarking / Portfolio Manager 18-19

    B. EPA EnergyStar 10% Challenge 19-20

    C. Cities for Climate Protection 20-21

    D. The Connecticut Clean Energy Fund 21

    E. Connecticut Energy Efficiency Fund 21-22

    F. Connecticut Energy Education 22

    G. Keep Connecticut Cool Climate Change Challenge 22-23H. Green Campus Initiative 23

    I. Pilot Program for K-12 Schools 23-25

    J. High-Performance School Initiative 25-26

    K. The Institute for Sustainable Energy 26

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    I. Benc hmark Study

    A. OverviewIn support of energy effic ienc y prog rams ava ilab le throug h the

    Connec tic ut Energy Effic ienc y Fund and in c onc ert with the initia tives outlined inthe Co nnec tic ut Clima te Cha nge Ac tion Plan, the Institute for SustainableEnergy a t Eastern Co nnec tic ut Sta te University p rovides loc al com munities withassistanc e in p lanning for a m ore susta ina b le energy future. The City ofBridgep ort req uested assistanc e from the Institute in eva luating the e ffic ienc y ofthe ir fac ilities. The Benc hmarking a na lysis performe d b y the Institute is designedto imp rove the und erstand ing o f the overall ene rgy effic ienc y and c onsump tionra tes of the fac ilities, prov id ing a baseline to trac k energy c onsumption in thefuture a nd enc ourag e environme ntally sound energy m ana ge ment prac tic es.The Benc hmarking rep ort p rov ides d irec tion for targe ting Bridgep orts limitedc ap ita l improve ment funds. By identifying the m ost ene rgy-intensive fa c ilities, it

    also identifies the nee d for imp roved o peration and m aintena nc e p roc ed ures.The c om para tive ene rgy c onsump tion and b enc hma rk sc ores for ea c h

    sc hool were c alculated from data c ollec ted from energy bills and frominforma tion provided by (PROVIDER), (PROVIDERS JOB POSITION). The sc hoolswere m ea sured aga inst the b enc hmarks set for K-12 Sc hools within the USEnvironmenta l Protec tion Agenc ys (EPA) EnergySta r Portfo lio Ma na gersoftw are. The results c an b e v iew ed a twww.energystar.govby clic king on

    Portfolio Manage r Log in in the Business Improvement sec tion. The User Name:BridgeportCityBuildings and Password: BridgetportCT

    This da ta c an b e utilized as an a id in the further assessment of the energymanagem ent p rac tic es a t the sites to p rom ote striving for Energy Sta rrec og nition a s well as ma ximize the e nergy and ec onomic effic ienc y. Thebene fits will lea d to m ore ec onomically effic ient b uildings and build ings tha t a remo re environm enta lly sound .

    is ava ilab le for futureupd a tes and energy trac king.

    This rep ort was c om piled by the sta ff and student interns a t the Institute forSusta inab le Energy at Eastern Connec ticut Sta te University for the C ity ofBridgep ort. Its sole p urpose is to help the c ity officials bette r und erstand howenergy is utilized in their fac ilities as c ompared to similar fac ilities. For moreinforma tion about the Institute for Susta ina b le Energy a t Eastern Connec tic utSta te University, c or ca ll the Direc tor of the

    Institute of Susta inab le Energy William Leahy a t (860) 465-0252.
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    B. Findings

    The Institute for Susta inab le Energy a t Eastern C onnec ticut Sta te Universityeva luated the energy use a nd demo graphic informa tion of 35facilities anddete rmined their benc hmarking sc ore. From this p roc ess the a dministra tion c an

    determine which o f the three c a teg ories of effic ient b uild ings, as defined by theEPA, ap p lied within ea c h buildings. These c a teg ories are indica tive o f therelative effic ienc y o f the fac ilities as c om pared to dormitory fac ilities eva lua tedby EPA s EnergySta r Benc hmarking tool, and the Energy Informa tion Services(EIS) da tabase o f the Dep artme nt o f Energy. The sc oring a lso ind ic a tes theireligibility for rec ognition from the EPA through the EnergySta r Prog ram a s OfficeBuildings .

    Ca teg ories for rec og nition inc lude:1. Elig ibility for Energy Sta r rec ognition , (ra ting of 75 or highe r)2. Preliminarily ine lig ible b ut imp rova b le, (ra tes of 50 to 74)3. Preliminarily ineligible w ith indic a ted need for ad d itiona l tec hnic al

    review . (ra tings below 50)

    Sc ores are a djusted and norma lized ba sed on number of oc c upa nts, hours of use, and

    regional wea ther.

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    Benc hmarking Results as of the 2008 - 2009 Fiscal Yea rScore Site Intensity Cost/sq. ft. Floor Space Year

    FACILITY $ kBtu kBtu/sq. ft. (sq ft) Built

    Barnum Museum 8 $53,468.39 1,619,362.26 102.5 3.38 15,804 1899

    Black Rock Sr. Ctr. 61 $22,381.78 1,224,271.62 119.1 2.18 10,282 1917

    City Hall 40 $408,713.94 12,481,781.92 133.6 4.37 93,428 1916

    City Hall Annex 72 $483,080.61 17,047,591.20 94.7 2.68 180,000 1966

    Eisenhower 11 $142,812.44 6,182,165.60 143.4 3.31 43,100 1940Fire - EOC 0.0 0.00 16,000 2009

    Fire Engine 10 New $36,205.75 1,314,138.00 290.7 8.01 4,520 2006

    Fire Engine 10 Old 100 $7,348.98 368,246.48 27.0 0.54 13,633 1913

    Fire Engine 12 90 $18,826.73 894,093.83 98.2 2.07 9,101 1917

    Fire Engine 15 75 $15,361.46 671,725.85 121.8 2.78 5,517 1947

    Fire Engine 16 75 $35,589.49 1,340,247.86 94.2 2.50 14,235 1967

    Fire Engine 3/4 82 $45,524.62 1,669,965.44 100.3 2.73 16,650 1982

    Fire Engine 6 95 $49,169.90 1,857,975.52 70.6 1.87 26,306 1982

    Fire Engine 7/11 70 $42,572.71 1,860,831.72 136.4 3.12 13,646 1970

    Fire Headquarters 81 $120,718.74 4,082,335.84 89.3 2.64 45,698 1975

    Health/Welfare 82 $134,263.54 4,477,578.52 68.9 2.07 65,000 1920

    Klein Building 1 3 $111,317.29 3,527,982.70 144.2 4.55 24,472 1940

    Library - Black Rock 100 $2,301.76 37,213.97 4.9 0.31 7,546 1932

    Library - Burroughs 88 $144,433.70 4,851,495.42 64.4 1.92 75,320 1925

    Library - Newfield $11,777.44 162,336.14 40.6 2.94 4,000 1970

    Library - North End 53 $42,066.05 1,195,790.46 66.4 2.34 18,000 1995

    Library - Old Mill Green $15,012.51 448,102.30 112.0 3.75 4,000 1997

    McLevy Hall 23 $61,181.96 2,363,299.38 119.0 3.08 19,864 1853

    PAL $15,978.55 608,812.40 173.9 4.57 3,500 1940

    Police - Academy Newfield 34 $29,361.70 1,178,568.63 98.2 2.45 12,000 1905

    Police - Animal Shelter New 12 $76,066.57 3,126,864.27 202.8 4.93 15,420 2008

    Police - Animal Shelter Old 6 $27,304.10 995,438.18 192.4 5.28 5173

    Police - Comm. Servies 92 $13,491.34 572,694.12 76.4 1.80 7,500 1997

    Police - ES Precinct 62 $24,680.19 944,415.72 109.8 2.87 8,600 1928

    Police - Headquarters 55 $185,399.88 6,634,533.54 132.7 3.71 50,000 1965

    Police - WS Precinct 64 $18,114.53 594,055.90 93.4 2.85 6,362 1917

    Pub Fac Buildings 97 $93,216.41 4,540,649.06 43.3 0.89 104,824 1920

    Ralphola Taylor Center 100 $56,739.32 1,811,255.06 20.3 0.64 89,180 1900

    Transfer Station 1 $76,732.46 3,071,426.58 202.1 5.05 15,196 1970

    Wheeler Center $36,627.60 1,434,802.74 362.0 9.24 3,964 1930

    Totals $2,657,842 95,192,048

    Averages $78,172 2,799,766 112.8 $3.07 29,938 1948


    Annual Consumption

    Fire EOC is to o new to be rated (needs at least a yea r of energy d a ta ). The rema ining b uildings with no

    sc ore (Libraries - Newfield and Old M ill Green, PAL, and t he Wheeler Cent er) are a ll be low 5,000 square fe et

    the m inimum ne ed ed fo r a sc ore.

    C. ResultsThe results of the Bridg ep ort City Build ing s benc hmarking stud y a re as follows:

    19 of the 35 buildings fit into the c a teg ory of inelig ib ility for rec og nition byEnergy Star, as Offic es , ind ic a ting the nee d for ad d itiona l tec hnic a l reviewbased on their ra ting sc ores (sc ore b elow 75). 4 of these buildings are unable tobe sc ored bec ause they a re below the m inimum size. How ever, 6 fac ilitiesrec eived sc ores above the na tiona l average o f 50, sugg esting well-ma intainedenergy prac tic es and / or effic ient ap pliances and hardw are.

    With only a small amount of improve ment, these 6 co uld increa se the irsc ores to 75, the Energy Sta r rec ognition leve l.

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    D. Conclusions

    The to tal amo unt of ene rgy consume d annually by the Bridge port CityBuildings in the report is 95,192,048kBtus, a t a c ost of $2,657,842 annua lly. Byma king imp roveme nts tha t would inc rea se a ll of the b uild ings to a sc ore of 75,

    ene rgy c onsump tion w ould b e reduced by 22,012,537 kBtu, and the to ta lene rgy b udget c ould b e reduc ed by 611,369 or 23% annua lly.





    Annual Cost





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    This c ha rt show s the a mount of money spent on d ifferent types of energyfor Bridg eport Public Build ings.




    Natural Gas



    As you c an see , a little less than tw o thirds of the mone y spent is onelec tric ity w ith the rest spent on na tural ga s.

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    This c ha rt show s the a nnua l ave rage e nergy usage (kBtu) per square foot.











































    This g raph c om pares the ene rgy utiliza tion o f the Bridgep ort Pub lic

    Build ing s in ene rgy units (kBtu). Whee ler Center uses the m ost energy per squa refoot.

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    The following g raph show s the c ost per square foot of e ac h b uild ing.













































    Cost per Squarefoot per Facility

    Based on energy cost per square foot, Wheeler Center rem ains the m ost

    expensive b uilding to operate a t 9.24 dolla rs per square foo t. As you c an see ,

    this grap h d irec tly mostly c orrelates with the above grap h.

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    The fo llowing graph shows the square footage o f the b uildings.










































    Floor Space per Facility

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    The follow ing g raph show s the tota l amount of GHG em issions (MtCO2e) forea ch building.







































































    Typ ical Sav ings Oppo rtunitiesThere a re ma ny tec hnic al opportunities to red uce energy c onsump tion in d ifferentfac ilities. In many c ases assista nc e is ava ilab le from sta te-sponsored p rograms, utilityc onservation p rog rams, rene wa b le e nergy funds, throug h Energy Servic e Companiesand third-party financ ing.

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    II. Steps for Energy Use Reduc tion

    The Institute for Susta inab le Energy suggests using seven steps to approac h ared uc tion in energy use. The desc rip tions of the se a c tivities a re listed below .The first step is to p resent this info rma tion to the Bridg eportAd ministra tion , to g et

    their c om mitment to make signific ant improve ments. The Benc hmarkinginventory ha s a lrea dy bee n com pleted for Bridgep ort. The third step is to c rea tean Energy Ad visory Com mittee . This group should be c om prised of sta te o ffic ialsrep resenting the administra tion, pub lic w orks, ma intenanc e, and buildingdep artments. The g oa l of the Energy Advisory Co mmittee is to work w ith theadministra tion to d eve lop Ac tion Step s and long -term Imp lementa tion Plan,which would d efine the proc ess to b e follow ed to improve the Bridge port Pub licBuildings. Based on this p lan, Ac tion Step s would b e ide ntified to a c hieve thec ost savings and susta inab ility goa ls set by the com mittee . Onc e these p rojec tsare und erwa y, monitoring the results will be nec essary to doc ument

    improvem ents in ea c h sc hool. Fina lly, Bridgep ort should see k rec og nition fo rtheir c om mitment to a sustainab le energy future. A numb er of age nc ies,inc luding the Environmenta l Protec tion A genc ys EnergyStar p rog ram, theConnec tic ut Depa rtme nt of Environm enta l Protec tion s Gree n Circ le Aw ard ,and the Energy C onservation Manag ement Boa rd of the Connec tic utConservation Fund , often rec og nize orga niza tions tha t a c hieve results.

    Seven Easy Steps to a Plan for Energy Sustainability

    1. Commitment The first step in the proc ess is for the organiza tion sadministra tion to p resent b ac kground ma teria ls c onc erning e nergy red uc tionop portunities, environm enta l imp ac t, and funding o pportunities to organiza tionoffic ials, bo ards and c ommunity groups to ga in ac c ep tanc e and c omm itmentto m ove forward with a Resolution agreem ent b y the orga niza tion s gove rningbod y. The resolution c ould inc lude bec om ing a 10% Energy Cha llenge - EPAEnergySta r partne r, or jo ining othe r EPA organiza tions.

    2. Inventory Next, the Institute p rovides and sup ervises a tra ined stud entintern to wo rk with o rga niza tion s offic ia ls to p rod uc e an inventory of eac hfac ilitys ene rgy profile a nd to d etermine the base c ase for ene rgy use a ndemissions. The inventory step will he lp foc us the d irec tion o f the Energy Ad visory

    Comm ittee and provide informa tion for setting ta rgets, ranking projec ts andeve ntua lly monitoring energy a nd em ission savings.

    3. Energy Advisory Committee - The c om munity should now form an EnergyAd visory Comm ittee tha t will support the d eve lop me nt of the Imp lementa tionPlan. The c om mittee will be responsib le for formulating c om munity goa ls,assessing the ene rgy invento ry d a ta , brainstorming op portunities, and

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    estab lishing p riorities tha t will be used to sc ree n items for inc lusion in the a c tionstep s and Imp lementa tion Plan doc uments. The Energy Advisory Co mm itteeshould b e made up of orga niza tion a nd c om mittee o ffic ia ls rep resenting theadministra tion, pub lic works, and build ing m aintena nc e. The Committee c ouldinc lude business lea ders and c onc erned c itizens with a sta tew ide environm enta l


    4. Action Steps Based on a review of the da ta c ollec ted by theComm unity Ad visory Committee , ac tion step s w ill be c om piled . The step s willidentify and eva luate op portunities, ac tivities and projec ts tha t will most likelyac hieve the susta ina b ility go a ls set b y the orga niza tion. During the a c tion stepstag e, Bridge port Citys ma intena nc e staff, a long w ith know ledg ea ble tec hnic a lpartners, will cond uc t w alkthrough surveys on fac ilities and will identifyc onservation and loa d ma nag ement oppo rtunities inc luding a pp lic a tions forEnergyStar lighting, ap plianc es and w indow s, d istributed generation a nd

    rene wable energy sources and em ission red uc tion opportunities. For ea c h stepidentified , cost and benefit a na lysis w ill be deve lop ed , and a preliminary projec tdesc ription c rea ted .

    5. ImplementationPlan Energy Ad visory Co mmittee would p rioritizepotentia l p rojec ts and deve lop a five to ten year time line for imp lementa tion.The imp lem enta tion plan would inc lude the m ea sures selec ted by the EnergyAd visory Comm ittee . A rep ort which would include projec tions of p rojec t cost,ene rgy saving , and projec ted em ission red uc tions ove r the life o f ea c h m ea sureto b e insta lled , as well as aggreg a ted savings for the life of the entire p lan wouldbe made ava ilab le. The p lan wo uld ide ntify funding op portunities from sources

    both inside and o utside the orga niza tion. Outside fund ing sourc es mightinc lude: the elec tric ratep ayer supported Co nnec tic ut Conservation and Loa dMa nage me nt Fund , and the Connec tic ut Clea n Energy Fund . The p lan w ill alsoidentify projec ts that m ight b e g ood c and ida tes for pe rforma nc e c ontrac ts byenergy servic es c om panies or projec t d eve lopers. This multi-year bluep rint toenergy susta ina b ility will be p resented to the releva nt com mittees of Bridgep ortfor their c onsideration, ad op tion a nd fund ing. Onc e the p lan has beenad op ted , the orga niza tion s norma l bud ge ting a nd p roc urem ent proce dureswo uld b e a ble to follow ea c h rec omm end ed projec t from the planning stag ethrough insta lla tion. The Institute would c ontinue to support the sc hoo l system

    throug hout this imp lem enta tion and funding p roc ess.

    6. Monitoring Going forwa rd , once a c tion items have b een installed , theBridgep ort Citys c om mittees and the Energy Advisory Committee wouldmonitor results and assist in develop ing regular reports on energy use, c ostsavings, and emission red uc tions. The EPA Portfolio Ma na ger Benc hmarking

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    software w ill be used for this purpose. This monitoring and period ic reporting isoften a req uirem ent o f som e funding sourc es.

    7. Recognition A num ber of agenc ies inc lud ing the Environm enta lProte c tion Ag enc ys EnergyStar 10% Cha llenge, the Energy Conservation

    Ma nag ement Boa rd o f the Connec tic ut Conservation and Loa d Ma nag ementFund, and the Dep artment of Energys Reb uild Americ a prog ram oftenrec og nize c om munities tha t ac hieve results. The Institute c ould a ssist thec om munity in see king rec og nition fo r their efforts to a c hieve e nergy savings,emission red uc tions and susta inab ility.

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    III. Energy and Environmenta l Prog rams

    The Institute s rec om mend a tion is to c onsider a c om prehe nsive,integrated ap p roa c h to ad d ressing the ene rgy a nd energy-relatedenvironmenta l issues being fac ed by co mm unities tod ay. The Institute b elieve s

    tha t the ad d itiona l effort to coo rd ina te partic ipa tion in all of these p rog ramsc onc urren tly w ill far ou twe igh the extra effo rt req uired . On review o f theseprog rams, it is noted tha t som e involve retrofits to old build ings, while som e foc uson d esigning new e nergy e ffic ient b uild ings. Som e enc ourage elec tric savingsonly, while o ther p rograms are for a ll fuels and build ing systems. Som eenc ourage the use o f effic ienc y and c onservation while othe rs enc ourage theuse o f d istributed generation a nd rene wable ene rgy sources. There is no simp lesing le solution. Eva luating a nd impleme nting a va riety o f cost effec tive supp lyand demand op tions through a n integrated long -term plan is the b est pa th toac hieve ene rgy sustainab ility. Ad d itiona l informa tion on ene rgy e ffic ienc y and

    renew ab le energy program s c an b e found a t www .c tenergyinfo.c om.In a dd ition to the tec hnic al servic es p rovided by the Institute, the p ortfolio ofp rog rams tha t the Institute p rop oses to c oo rd ina te for eac h c om munityincludes:

    1. Energy Star Benc hmarking / Portfolio M anager2. EnergySta r 10% Cha lleng e, o ffered throug h the Environm enta l Protec tion

    Ag enc y (EPA).3. Cities for Climate Prote c tion, (CCP) offered through the Internationa l

    Co unc il for Loc al Environmenta l Initia tive (ICLEI).4. Renew able Energy Inc entives from the Connec tic ut Clea n Energy Fund

    (CCEF).5. Connecticut Energy Efficiency Fund at www.ctsavesenergy.org6. ww w.CTEnergyEduca high sc hoo l energy ed uca tion7. Keep CT Coo l! Clima te Cha llenge. www.keep c onnec tic utcool.org8. The Green Ca mpus Initia tive for susta inab le op erations.9. Energy Effic ienc y Tra ining for Sc hool Build ing Op era tors.10.High Performanc e Schools for New Construc tion and Reno va tions.

    A. EnergyStar - Benc hmarking / Portfolio Ma nage rSponsored by the US Dep artment of Environmenta l Protec tion, EnergyStar

    has develope d Portfolio Manage r to he lp Municipa lities and the b usinessc ommunity continua lly trac k and c om pare e nergy use, c ritic a l to suc c essfulene rgy manage me nt. Portfolio Ma nage r also p rovides a c ompara tive 1-to-100rat ing of energy use for: Office Building s, K 12 Sc hools, Hosp itals, Hote ls andGroc ery Stores. Buildings and fac ilities not inc luded a bove may also trac k andmea sure energy, although a 1-to-100 ra ting is no t ava ilab le at this time. Theportfolio m anage r is designe d to a ssess the c om para tive e nergy performanc e
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    of a wide rang e o f c om merc ia l build ings aga inst a ll similar-use b uildings in theUnited Sta tes and in your reg ion. To ensure a n ac c ura te b enc hmark sc ore, theportfolio m anage r's benc hma rking mo dels req uire b uild ings to m ee t c ertainelig ib ility criteria . To b enc hmark your building and app ly for the lab el, a t lea st 50perc ent of your build ing 's floor a rea must consist of the prima ry spac e uses listed

    be low . Add itiona l spa c e type s will be a dd ed in the c om ing months.ISE is an ENERGY STAR partner and was selec ted Na tiona l ENERGY STAR

    Partner of the Yea r in 2004 for excellenc e in energy educ a tion through its use o fbenc hmarking w ith c om munities and the sta te. ISE supports gove rnmentagenc ies and c om munities, inc luding sc hoo l, in identifying o pportunities totarge t c onservation p rojec ts tha t help ineffic ient b uildings bec om e m oreefficient. ISE has benc hmarked ove r 150 of Connec tic ut pub lic K 12 sc hoo lsand ove r 140 sta te fa c ilities. Benc hmarking helps to:

    Prioritize investments in your build ing p ortfolio. Identify the to p performe rsas we ll as the b est c and ida tes for upgrad es.

    Targe t build ings that would b ene fit from eng aging in energy effic ienc yprograms.

    Determine p otentia l savings. Comp are a benc hma rking sc ore to a "ta rgetsc ore" to show the ene rgy savings potential of ra ising efficienc y.

    Mo nitor c hanges over time. Eva luate the effec tiveness of c hanges ineq uipm ent or ma nage ment.

    Rec eive p ositive pub lic ity. Doc ume nting a building 's imp roved energyeffic ienc y or red uced energy c onsump tion c omm unic a tes anenvironmentally-friendly image.

    K-12 Schools - Sc hool buildings for grad es Kind erga rten throug h 12th grade.

    Floor a rea for a ll supporting func tions, suc h a s lob b ies, ca feterias, sta irways,eleva tor sha fts, e tc ., should be inc luded in the to ta l.1

    The Environmenta l Protec tion Ag enc y crea ted the 10% Cha lleng e in orde rto ask homeowners and c om panies to d ec rea se their g reenhouse ga s em issionsby 10%. If everyone in Americ a red uc ed their gree nhouse g as em issions by suc han amo unt, by the year 2015, Americ ans wo uld have reduc ed the g as em issionsby an a mo unt eq uiva lent to tha t o f 15 million ve hic les, whic h would translate to

    a w hopp ing $15 b illion.

    B. EPA EnergyStar 10% Challenge



    Commercia l build ings them selves use o ver $80 b illion w orth of na tura l ga sand elec tric ity alone, thus ge nerating mo re than a fifth of the to tal greenhouseemissions in the en tire c ountry! Their g reenhouse g as em ission reduc tions a lonewo uld grea tly red uc e the a mo unt of g ases released in this c ountry.

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    Comp leting the 10% c halleng e beg ins with build ing an energy-effic ient fac ility,but c an a lso b e d one by upg rad ing a n a lrea dy-existing fac ility. This c an bedone by providing c onsume rs w ith mo re e nergy-effic ient p rod uc ts and servic esto install them.3 To d ete rmine how e nergy-effic ien t a b uilding is, a p erson c anuse EnergyStar s Benc hmarking Portfo lio M ana ger, whic h is d isc ussed next.

    Who can Take the Cha lleng e?Whether youre a ssoc ia ted with a sma ll sc hoo l or a large c orporation, a

    local government or a na tiona l assoc ia tion, a c om munity hosp ital or a hote lgroup , a m anufac turing plant or a reta iler you c an b e p art of the ENERGYSTAR Cha lleng e a nd help imp rove the energy effic ienc y of Am eric a sc omme rc ia l and industria l build ings by 10 percent o r mo re.

    What You Ca n Do:Cha llenge p artic ipa nts and their mem bers are enc ourag ed to:

    Measure a nd trac k energy useDevelop a plan for energy improvementsMa ke energy effic ienc y upg rad esHelp sprea d the energy effic ienc y word to o thers.

    Now is the time to help b uild a bette r wo rld and take many of the samestep s a t work tha t you are ta king a t home to p rotec t our environm ent. TheENERGY STAR Cha lleng e Toolkit c an show you how.

    The ENERGY STAR Challenge is a na tiona l ca ll-to-ac tion to imp rove theenergy e ffic ienc y of Americ a s c om merc ial a nd industria l build ings by 10pe rc ent or more.

    C. Cities for Climate Protec tionSponsored by Internationa l Counc il for Loc a l Environmenta l Initia tives

    (ICLEI), cities and c ounties enrolled in the C ities for Climate Protec tionCa mp aign pled ge to reduc e g reenhouse g as em issions from their loc algo vernme nt op erations and from throug hout the ir c om munities. Eac h loc algove rnment sets its own em issions red uc tion ta rget a nd deve lop s a Loc a l Ac tionPlan outlining a c tions tha t will be p ursued to mee t the ta rget. To p a rtic ipa te in

    the Cam pa ign, loc al go vernmentspass a resolution and undertake thefollowing tasks or milestones:

    Deve lopment of a base yea r em issions ana lysis of the sourc es andquantity of greenhouse gas emissions.

    Forec ast emissions grow th fo r the ta rget year of 2005 or 2010.

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    Ad op tion of an emissions red uc tion ta rget , suc h a s the "Toronto Target" -red uc ing CO2 emissions 20% below 1990 levels by the target year, 2010.

    Creation o f an a c tion plan outlining the a c tivities tha t w ill be p ursued toac hieve the em issions red uc tion ta rge t and imp lem enta tion o f the ac tionsprescribed.

    From their headqua rters in Berkeley, CA, ICLEI has sta ff a nd tools tosupport the loc a l c ommunity tea m. Most loca l go vernme nts a lrea dy haveac tions und erwa y, suc h as build ing retrofits and rec yc ling prog rams tha t willhelp m ee t their em issions red uc tion g oa l and c an be included in their p lan.4

    CC EF c onside rs investing in loc al, na tiona l, or inte rna tiona l p rojec ts tha tbe nefit Connec tic ut ra tepa yers, stimulate d ema nd for p rod uction of c lea nenergy throug h sola r power, wind, fue l cells, land fill gas, b iom ass c onversion,oc ea n thermal ene rgy, wa ve o r tida l energy, and em erging no n-fossil fueledtechnologies.

    D. The Connec ticut Clea n Energy FundThe Clean Energy Fund invests in e nterprises and other initia tives tha t

    prom ote and deve lop susta inab le m arkets for ene rgy from renewable sourcesand fuel c ells that w ill bene fit the ra tep ayers of Connec tic ut. The Co nnec tic ut

    Ge neral Assem bly c rea ted the C onnec tic ut Clea n Energy Fund (CCEF) in 1998as part o f leg islation d eregulating e lec tric utilities. CCEF beg an forma lop erations in Janua ry 2000, and by July of 2006, the Co nnec tic ut Clea n EnergyFund s funded p rojec ts, c om mitments, and p rog rams had reac hed a ne t worthof over $100 million. Mo ney to c ap italize the C lean Energy Fund c om es from asurc ha rge of a few c ents per mo nth on c onsumers' utility b ills.


    All c ustomers of CL&P c ontribute to this Fund throug h the

    Their goa l is to m ake Co nnec tic ut a leader in susta ining aba lanc e b etween c lean e nergy prod uction, ec onomic g rowth, andenvironm enta l c onservation.

    E. Connec ticut Energy Effic ienc y FundThe Connec tic ut Energy Effic ienc y Fund supports a va rie ty o f Prog rams

    designed to help residentia l and business c ustom ers red uc e their energy use.Combined

    Pub lic Benefits Charge on the ir elec tric b ill. Sinc e you c ontribute to the Fund ,you should take ad vantage of the Prog rams.

    These Energy Effic ienc y Prog rams, which serve as models for o the r utilityeffic ienc y prog rams na tionw ide, are reviewe d b y the Energy ConservationMana gem ent Boa rd , ap proved b y the Connec tic ut Dep artment o f Pub lic UtilityControl and administered by CL&P.


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    Follow this links to the informa tion you nee d to partic ipa te in thesenationally recognized programs.

    F. Connec ticut Energy Educ ation

    ISE is c urrently enga ge d in the deve lop ment a nd sta tew ideimpleme nta tion of a High Sc hoo l Energy Effic ienc y Curric ulum resourc e fo rtea c hers and students. This is an imp ortant step in p rovid ing qua lity energyed uc ation p rog ram for a ll Connec tic ut sc hoo l c hild ren. During the past two-and -a-half yea rs ISE, with the help of o ur stake ho lder advisory group , hasresea rc hed , developed , reviewed , revised and launc hed theww w.CTEnergyEduc a we bsite to deliver qua lity energy ed uc a tionmateria ls to high sc hool students and tea c hers in Connec tic ut. Sinc e fa ll 2006,160 Conne c tic ut teac hers have dow nloa ded lesson plans for use in theirclassrooms.

    CT Energy Educ a tion is a c urriculum resource for ed uc ators fea turing theenergy top ic s in the Connec tic ut high sc hoo l c urric ulum. Issues and top ic s areexplored with a Connec tic ut foc us, and w ith an emp hasis on solutions tha tstud ents c an imp lement. ISE offers teac her workshops and c lassroom materials,including lessons, lab sheets and group activities in: Fundamentals of Energy,Clima te Change a nd Energy Effic ienc (seea ttac hed d esc rip tion)

    Recentlyww w.CTEnergyEduc a mwa s rec og nized by theConnec tic ut Qua lity Innova tion Award Prog ram a s a Silver Award winner for itsinnovative c ollab orative p rog ram d esign a pp roa c h.

    Education-Related Studies:http :// ww w.ea sternc dep ts/ susta inenergy/ HPSc hoo lSumm ary/HPSc hoo ls.htm

    G. Keep Co nnecticut Cool Climate Change ChallengeSince Fa ll 2007, ISE ha s ha d the responsibility for the p romotion and

    administra tion o f the Keep Connec tic ut Cool Clima te Chang e Cha llenge.The Clima te Cha nge Cha lleng e motivates midd le sc hoo l and high sc hoo lstudents to learn ab out c lima te sc ienc e; to unde rstand how huma n ac tivitiesare c ontributing to c lima te c hange ; and to c rea te and imp lement loc alsolutions to c limate c ha nge in the ir sc hoo l or com munity. In 20067 thirty sc hools

    pa rtic ipa ted in the program in Connec tic ut.Keep Connec tic ut Cool: TheClima te Chang e Cha llenge

    H. Green Cam pus InitiativeISE ha s initia ted a p rojec t to resea rc h, identify and prom ote effec tive

    approa c hes to susta inab ility on the c olleg es and universities c ampuses of
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    Connec tic ut. The Institute p rov ides guidelines and lea dership to C onnec tic utsc hoo ls interested in taking a c om prehe nsive susta inab ility ap proa c h to low eringenergy use a nd c ost, red uc ing gree nhouse g ases from build ing system s andtransportation, imp roving wa ter and wa ste w ater ma nag ement, encourag ingrecycling, hazardous waste reduction and disposal, and environmentally friendly

    ma teria ls p roc urem ent. Guidelines c a ll for a tea m-based approa c h eng agingadministra tive sta ff, stud ents, fac ulty and loc a l tec hnica l experts. Thissusta inab ility mo del is being utilizing b y the CSU system, inc lud ing EasternConnec tic ut Sta te University, and rec eived a 2006 CT Qua lity Innova tion Awardand a 2006 DEP Gree n Circ le Award . Here is the link:

    H. K 12 School Energy Managem ent Training

    ISE was asked by the Dep artment o f Pub lic Utility Control in Doc ket 06-10-02 to developm ent of a pilot training and ed uc ation program for fac ilitymaintenanc e a nd ma na gem ent pe rsonnel in K-12 sc hool system s. ISE hasutilized a portfolio a pproa c h for implementing the Prog ram for K 12 Sc hoo ls.The a pproa c h has engaged sc hoo l system s with multip le related ac tivities,inc luding; managem ent tra ining on energy issues for sc hoo l ad ministra tors andbusiness managers, be nc hmarking of a ll fac ilities, bu ild ing op erato rs tra ining forthe m a intenanc e sta ff and tea c her workshop s in eeSmart and CT EnergyEduc ation fo r the fac ulty.The op erato r tra ining is offered to la rge c om munities or group s of smallerc om munities and held in sc hool fac ilities within these c om munities. Lessons w illc over theory and a pplic a tion and c onnec t ba c k to identifying c ost effec tive

    alternatives to their current operating procedures.1. Building system ove rview , unde rstand build ing energy a nd water use,

    review of b enc hmarking results, identifying saving opportunities, energyaud iting , c ost be nefits ana lysis and gene ral efficienc y stra teg ies

    2. Hea t loss, build ings enve lop , doo r and wind ow trea tme nt, and insulation.3. Effic ient Lighting, use of na tura l light, and lighting c ontrols4. HVAC systems, equipment controls and building automation, indoor air

    quality5. Dema nd response, distributed ge neration, and renewa ble energy6. Develop ing an energy ma nag ement plan, effic ienc y and renew able

    energy p rog rams and inc entives.The Institute for Susta inab le Energy (ISE) ha s been a sked by theDep artme nt of Pub lic Utility Control in Doc ket 06-10-02 to d evelop ment andimp leme nt an ed uca tiona l program for fac ility ma intenanc e and m ana ge me ntpersonne l in K-12 sc hool systems. ISE is a lrea dy engaged in o the r p rojec tsinvolving sc hoo ls, inc luding: p rovid ing Energy Sta r Portfolio Ma nagerbenc hma rking to p ublic sc hoo ls, deve loping reg ula tions and providingoutrea c h to loca l bo ards of ed uca tion on high p erforma nce b uild ing stand ards

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    for new sc hoo ls, ad ministering the high sc hoolwww.ctenergyeducation.c omprog ram, and providing ene rgy c od e tra ining for local build ing inspec tors. Fa ll2006, ISE pub lishe d The Energy Efficienc y Stud y of Connec ticut Sc hoo ls

    ISE req uires a ll sc hool systems to benc hmark the ir fac ilities using EnergyStar Portfolio M anager. This will crea te a n a ll fuels p re-p ilot baseline for eac hfac ility inc luding e nergy and building use for prioritizing and evaluatingefficienc y projec ts. It also p rovides a b asis for p rog ram mea surem ent a ndverific a tion (M&V) protoc ols to d em onstra te e lec tric and na tura l gas saving , aswell as savings in oil, propane, and wa ter measures. ISE will wo rk with theComp anies and ECMB c onsultants to d evelop these protoc ols and as well as

    explore avenues to utilize c o-fund ing through the g as c om panies, the CCEF, theDPUC DG p rog ram, and the Department of Educ ation.

    revealingtha t Connec tic ut sc hoo ls a re rela tively ineffic ient a s c om pared to sc hoo lsaround the na tion. This rep ort will be a main to p ic of d isc ussion a t the fa ll 2007

    mee ting of the C onnec tic ut Assoc ia tion of Sc hool Superintend ents (CASS).

    ISE offers a portfolio approa c h for imp lementing the prog ram, whic hinc ludes: eng ag ing sc hool system s w ith multip le a c tivities, inc luding:managem ent training for sc hoo l ad ministra tors and business managers,benc hmarking of a ll fac ilities, build ing op erato rs c ertific a tion tra ining for thema intena nc e staff a nd tea c her workshop s in eeSma rt a nd CT Energy Educ ationfor the fac ulty.

    The Department requested tha t ISE ...develop a c omprehensive allfuels training prog ram for K-12 fac ility managers and ma intena nc e p ersonne l in

    which they c an b e trained and c ertified in energy effic ienc y tec hnolog ies andop erating proc ed ures throug h a series of w orkshop s held on a reg ional b asisthroughout the sta te . The workshop prog ram c ould include instruc tion on: (1)

    energy ac c ounting a nd b enc hma rking; (2) energy a uditing a nd identifying

    effic ienc y imp rovem ents; (3) p reventive and predictive maintenanc e

    proc ed ures; (4) c ost b ene fit and lifec yc le ana lysis; (5) pa rtic ipa tion in CEEF,

    CCEF, DG a nd Dema nd Response prog rams; (6) energy efficient te c hnology;

    and (7) indoor a ir qua lity. Building operato r tra ining will foc us on the ac tua lperformanc e o f their sc hoo l systems fac ilities, and eng age the m aintena nc edep artment in identifying and quantifying op portunities utilizing ene rgyeffic ienc y, co nservation, d istributed genera tion, dem and respo nse and

    renew ab le energy in order to reduc e op era ting bud ge t expend itures andc ontrol ene rgy use a nd p ea k dem and . The tra ining w ill a lso inc lude savingsop portunities from rec ycling and wa ter c onservation.



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    J. High Performanc e Sc hoo l InitiativeConnec tic ut s pub lic sc hoo ls fall far below the na tiona l average in terms

    of ene rgy effic ienc y and have ha d little, but g row ing, installa tion o f clea nenergy g ene ra tion (see the a ttac hed New York Times artic le Pub lic Sc hoo ls Fa ilSta te Energy Survey in Sec tion 7). To add ress the se issues, CC EF is p roposing a

    new High Performa nc e Sc hools Program (HPSP). The ob jec tive o f the p roposedCCEF initia tive is to support the impleme nta tion of An Ac t Conc erningElec tric ity and Energy Effic ienc y by red irec ting sc hool c onstruc tion inConnec tic ut toward b est-prac tic e, high performa nce d esign that inc orpora tesenergy e ffic ienc y and c lea n d istributed genera tion w herever possib le a ndprac tic a l (see Sec tion 6 for LEED c red its for sc hools on c lea n renew able energyand energy e ffic ienc y).

    CC EF sees the HPSP as a multi-yea r endeavor that c rea tes c onsensus andstakeho lder support for investme nt in high p erformanc e sc hoo ls, see ds thema rketplac e w ith potentia l projec ts, deve lops c ase studies, and then ga ins

    mom entum in the ensuing yea rs by b uilding on ea rly efforts and suc c esses. Tomee t CCEFs mand ate, the initia tive must result not o nly in the d esign,c onstruc tion, a nd op eration of m ore ene rgy effic ient sc hoo ls, but a lso in theinsta llation of o nsite c lean energy resourc es and support for other voluntaryc lean energy ma rket initia tives.

    The High Performanc e Sc hools Prog ram being prop osed in this p rog ram outlineseeks to :

    Identify a Circuit Rider subc ontrac t with a c irc uit rider, an orga niza tionwith the p urpose o f intervening a t the ea rliest stages of a m unicipalitysc onsideration o f a m ajor reno va tion o r new sc hoo l construc tion p rojec t tod isc uss the ne ed for high performanc e schools;

    Provide Targeted Tec hnic al Assistanc e subc ontrac t with an energyenginee ring firm tha t will p rovide tec hnica l c onsulting servic es to ta rgetedmunicipa lities tha t a re p lanning signific ant investments in majorrenova tion a nd new sc hool construc tion p rojec ts. This assistant w ill a lsoidentify releva nt ince ntives for the p rojec ts;

    Prom ote Educ ation and Outreac h provision of educ a tion g rants tosupp ort ed uca tion a nd outrea c h on high pe rforma nce b uild ing d esignand construction;

    Suppo rt a Strateg ic New Hire at a State Agenc y c onsideration o f thehiring of a high performanc e b uildings spec ia list a t a stra teg ic a llyimp ortant state a ge ncy; and

    Crea te a Task Force sup port for a High Performa nc e Building s Task Forc etha t inc lud es va rious stakeho lders from the p ub lic , priva te, nonprofit, andac ad em ic sec tors.

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    By the CCEF supporting this portfolio of initia tives, the develop ment of highpe rforma nce sc hool design, c onstruc tion and op era tion p er An Ac tConc erning Elec tric ity and Energy Effic ienc y will be p rop erly ad d ressed andac c elerated ac ross Connec tic ut lea d ing to the incorpo ra tion o f onsite c lea nenergy resources.

    K. The Institute for Sustaina ble EnergyThe Institute for Susta inab le Energy a t Eastern C onnec ticut Sta te University

    wa s estab lished in 2001 to ide ntify, deve lop , and imp lement the m ea ns forac hieving a susta ina ble energy future. The Institute foc uses on m a tters relatingto public po lic y, c onservation and load m ana ge me nt, effic ient and renew abled istributed ge neration, protec tion of e nvironm enta l resources, and thed issem ina tion of useful information on energy a lterna tives and susta inab ility tousers and providers of energy. The Institute adds an unb iased foc us on p rac tic a l

    app lic a tions and d issem ination of informa tion a bout how to imp rove the ene rgyprofile and sustainab ility of the reg ion. More informa tion m ay be ob tained fromour web site,, or by c a lling the Institute a t (860) 465-0251.

    The Institute 's Mission is "to identify, develop and bec ome an ob jec tive energy

    and educational resource regarding the means for ac hieving a sustainab le

    energy future."