Bride u Spots I Of L J Baird Edinburgh · THE WASHINGTON IMES TUESDAY OCTOBER 4 1910 9 II Miss...

THE WASHINGTON IMES TUESDAY OCTOBER 4 1910 9 II Miss Sengstak Is Bride f Of LJ Baird Edinburgh Wedding Solemnized At Home of Brides Parents ftlr and Mrs Theodore Sengs tak Before Altar of Palms It and Ferns Many Washingtonians Return u I < A pretty wedding took placo today 1 oclock at the home of Mr and Mrs Sengstak was married to John James Baird of Edinburgh Scotland The ceremony at which the Rev Wal lace RadcHffe pastor of the Now York Avenue Presbyterian Churoh officiated Was attended only by and a few close friends The bridal party stood before an im provised altar of palms ferns and the entire lower floor of the house was effectively embellished with Southern Bmilax palms and white roses An or- chestra played the wedding music for the entrance of the bridal party and during the ceremony Miss Songstak who was given in mar riage by her father woro a bridal gown of soft ivory satin trimmed with duchesse and rose point lace Her bridal veil was held in place with a wreath cf blossoms and the bridal bouquet was a shower of white orchids and lilies of the valley Her only orna were and diamond ear rings one of the bridegrooms gifts Mrs Gabriella Sengstak Blount sister of the bride as the matron of honor wore a modish coral pink marquisette trimmed with touches of gold with v large black picture hat with bandeau cap of gold cloth and tiny rosebuds Allen Clarke of England acted as best Juan for Mr Baird A wedding breakfast foHowed after the ceremony Mrs Sengstak mother of the bride wore a handsome of mauve marql sette trimmed with touches of a corsage bouquet of mauve orchids Little Miss Dorothea Blount niece of the bride wore a dainty frock of white with pink ribbons Mr and Mrs Baird left Washington shortly after the wedding breakfast for bridal trip and their future home In Cincinnati Mrs Baird wore for traveling a tailored suit of Scotch tweed and a blue velvet hat They will be at home temporarily at Cincinnati Country Club Embassy Counselor And Wife Arrive Here The Counselor of the AustroHungar Embassy and Mme von Loewen thalUnau have arrived In Washington aster spending a few days in Niagara Falls have opened their residence on Twentieth street for the season The Charge dAffaires of Switzerland Henri Martin who spent the 1 few weeks at the Virginia Hot Springs re- turned to Washington yesterday morn Ing Miss Helen Cannon who spent the summer abroad has returned to Ington j Dr and Mrs Stephen O RJch ey who the summer at Narragansett Pier have to Washington opened their hOuse on Eye street the season Mr and C E Berry are a few days at Atlantic City at Hotel Chalfonte T Mr and Mrs Robert Fitch at the Hot terday In ot Mrs WIlkins Booth Mrs Andrew B and son have City and have an apartment at the Dresden for the winter I at Theodore Sengetak In ley road when their daughter artha At W t relatives and men ant ash spent Shopard of entertained at Vlr lnla honer Grant to Washington from Atlantic Wo A1iss immed- iately t hen V returned fed Mrs spend- ing Washington lunch- eon r turned ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ Miss Gritton Bride Of John F Manfuy At S oclock yesterday morning the wedding of Miss Mabel E Gritton daughter of Mr and Mrs Frank M Gritton and John F Manfuy was solemnized In St Martins Catholic Church the Rev Eugene Hannan officiating The bride who was given In mar- riage by her father wore her travel i cloth with a small toque of the same shade and carried a bouquet of Bride roses Miss Madge M Gritton who was her sisters attendant wore a dark blue silk gown with a blue hat and car Red an armful of Bridesmaid roses Leo Manfuy was best man for his brother and ushers were William Xeuland John F Daghan and John J Cannon A wedding breakfast in the home of tho brides parents at 37 Qulncy place northeast followed the ceromony at the church and later In the day Mr and Mrs Manfuy left Washington for a w uu t they will reside in Washington- Mr and Mrs A D Frank of Balti- more announce the cnKawnent of their daughter Miss Rose H Frank to Her- bert J Rich son of Mr and Mrs Max Rich of Washington Miss Shelby Robinson daughter of Mr and Mrs Hancock Robinson and Will Jam Xowlen Hallock of Bath N Y will be married Wednesday October 19 at the home of the parents at the Woodley a small party of relatives will be present at the ceremony at which the Rev Scott Smith of St Mar garets Episcopal Church will officiate- A will follow at 430 Mrs Robert E Kiser of Bath N T Will attend the bride as matron of honor and Huntley Gilbert of Chicago Ill will be best man for Mr Hallock William Kemp Lyon of Bath will be groomsman Frederick R Sparks has cards out an nouncing the marriage of his daughter to Thomas V Sullivan Saturday October 1 Mr and Mrs Sullivan will reside at the Coro nada Mr and Mrs gyred R W Reh cele- brated their silver wedding at their beautiful home at Cottage City Prince Cporne county Md yesterday evening The large grounds were tastefully deco- rated for the occasion and air elaborate banquet was served In a tent bril- liantly Illuminated A large number of Concert Today- By the Fifteenth U S Cavalry- at Fort Myer at 730 P M G F TYRRELL Director PROGRAM March Dolly Madison WHmarth Overture Bronze Hopee Auber Toreador et Andalouso Rubinstein Selection Reminiscences of Scot land Godfrcy Musical Joke The Jolly Musl clans Morett Intermezzo Groy March Royal Brandenburg Henrion A of wistarIa colored Northern trip Upon their re- turn oi oclock ie i Waltz uGoiden SUMel Hall I y brads lar o r Mona > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ valuable and beautiful presents was Among Mr and Mrs Rehs numerous present were Mr and Sirs C D Knight and Miss Knight Mr and Mrs N Ryon Mr and Mrs Walter Hyer and Miss Hyer Mr and Mrs Ed Knight Mrs Bettle vraddy of Balti more Mr and Mrs Thomas Beavers Mr and Mrs W Crawford and Miss Crawford Mr and Mrs W Broadbent Mrs L E Jones Mr and Mrs Alfred Smith Miss Bettie and Miss Gussie Douglas Miss Kate Quigley Mr and Harry Ryon William Lewis Frank Mcttler Thomas Murtagh J White Ed Roche E Kane James Dementh James Gill and Col J H Roeth Music was furnished by an orchestra Mr and Mrs Paul Tappan of Brook line Mass are tho guests of Mrs TAP pans relatives for a few weeks Mrs Tappan was before her about a year ago Mis Laura Carpenter j The Russian ambassador Baron Rosen who spent the day In will return to the summer headquarters at ManchesterbytheSea evening Return to City After European Tour The Rev Roland Cotton Smith and Mrs Smith and Miss Margaret Smith have returned to Washington and have opened their residence at 14S1 Rhode Island avenue for the season They spent the summer touring in England and Switzerland The Rev Mr Smith has loft for Cin- cinnati for a brat stay Mr and Mrs Stead and Miss Stead have closed their country place near Relay Md and returned to Washington for the season r Mrs Biello wits of Dr Biello U S N is the guest of Mrs Hugh T Tag arart at her home In Gaorgetown Mrs Sankey Bacon wife of Dr Bacon U S formerly Mies Elisabeth Taggart is also mother Mr Mrs Jacol under and their nkee have returned to their on Georgia avenue after a stay of several months in Europe Their trip Included tour through Italy Dr J Russell Verbrycke has gone to New York for a of five weeks Colonel Heyl And Family Are Back Col Charles H Heyl has closed his cottage at Deer Park and accompanied by his sister Miss Heyl and his daugh ters and son Miss Julia Hey Sties Mary Heyl and Miss Helen Heyl and Edward Heyl has returned to Washington and opened his house on Wyoming avenue for the season Mr and Mrs Lars Anderson woo are in Europe will not return to Washington until late in the season Mrs Audenreld who spent the last several weeks at the Virginia Hot Springs has returned to Washington has opened her house on avenue for the season Mrs E C her cottage at Monterey and has returned to Wash ington for the season accompanied by Miss Ruth Mrs Bliss and Miss Bliss will to New York next week for a fortnight J Mrs Arthur W Dunn who spent somo time in City has returned to Washington l I rrs Ielth I e I I Va Robert her and home ofo stav ie ie closed Bliss 0 rec- eived ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ Mrs Frank Ellis who spent the sea son at Bar Harbor and Mr Ellis had a cottage for the season was called to Cincinnati last week on ac count of of her father Mr Lawson Mrs Ellis will return to Washington within a week or two and be join ed by her husband and her son Frank lin Ellis NEW YORK Oct 4 Cardinal Vin cenzo Vannutelll legate of Pope Pius X who Is to officiate at the conse cration of St Patricks Cathedral here tomorrow arrived in New York today The dedication of the Cathedral which will occupy Wednesday Thurs day and Friday will witness one of the most Important Catholic gather ings and one of the most elaborate Catholic ceromdnies ever held in the city In addition to Cardinal Vannu telli there will be present Cardinals Logue and Gibbons Archbishops Ireland Christie Glennon Quigley Moeller Elsjjt and OConnell together with two score bishops prominent digni taries the Church from every part of the States The services attendant upon the con secration of the at midnight when all of the clergy at to the church a fast which will last hours after which the first services of the consecration will be The mass at which Cardinal Vannu telli will officiate will be held Truhs day Cardinal Logue will be the cele brant Friday LIQUID CURES ECZEMA WHERE SALVE FAILS- In regard to skin diseases medical authorities are now agreed on this Dont imprison the disease germs In your skin by the use of greasy salves and thus encourage them to multiply A true cure of all eczematous diseases can be brought about only by using the healing agents In the form of a liquid WASH THE GERMS A simple wash A compound of Oil of Wintergreen and other In- gredients as combined In the D D D Prescription This penetrates to the disease terms and destroys them then soothes and heals the skin as nothing else has ever done A trial bottle will start the cure and give you Instant relief Henry Evans ODonnells Pharmacy Lansburgh Bro Dry Goods and ReadytoWear Articles 420 to 426 7th Street o DEDICATION PLANS FOR NEW CATHEDRAL r Farle OUT cent I Through to Eighth ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Celebration of Jewish New Year Closes VitlrShofar Service- A triumvirate of features In the singing of the Shofar service the symbolic blowing of the horn and a sermon by Rabbi Simon brought- to a close in the Eighth Street Tem- ple today the Jewish observance of Rosh Hashana or Now Year The auditorium of the temple was well tilled and the music to the Shofar service which wa written re- cently by Edward J Stark and sung for the first time In Washington was particularly Impressive While tho big number of Stark New Year service Adon Olon way rendered last night there were sev eral good selections In the second part which was given this morning particularly a duet entitled God Is My Strong Salvation which vas sung by John Nolan arid Miss Irma Stern The quartet which sans the service comprised Nolan baa Miss Steam contralto Mrs ShirCHu so- prano and Harry Steven tentor Rabbi Simon preached on the theme Make Room V In the interest of the younger generation He declared that the synagogue iriUst meet the physical and social needs of the boys and If it would keep them under Its influence Last night Rabbi Simons topic was Over the and Far Away Hte discourse pointed out that New year Day Is the protest of the Jew against the materialism and atheism the world of the ranis horn at this mornings Shofar service is symbolized from the Book of Numbers This serv- ice was conducted t y Rabbi Louis Stern Former Lord Mayor Says the Habit Is Con- tinuous NEW YORK Oct 4 Sir Williams Tre lear formerly lord mayor f London who has been in this country and Can ada for two weeks is wondering today what would happen to him if h offered a tuppenca to an b IH y for a tip Why I can live for a proud a day in a firstclass London hotel but it costs two pounds a Hay in America Stttl I must admit you get very seed value for your money But your tips are con- tinuous The former lord mayor is sorry be didnt come to America to live same years ago thte time he said I might have been a Tammany boss the governor ef some or at least land some other good job where there is plenty cf graftWhat impressed me most about America is the Immense amount of and working power among the men who seem to live for nothing but making money I would I RAMS HORN BLOWN AT THE SYNAGOGUE r i rams I Neill H plea T1i blowing TIPS TO ASTOUND LONDONER or perhaps do girls AMERICANS Ana ricaa forty en- ergy ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ + i were years younger money making seems to be taken as a man any other part of the world would take up some sort of fox hunting When you have your fox the sport is over BEGIN MARRIED LIFE WITH PUBLIC FUND Salvation Army Couple Receive the same thing it forty sportlike Proceeds of An Enter- tainment Paul Jones of Reading PI and his bride who formerly Eva Duke ot Herndon Va are today starting mar- ried life with the nucleus of a bank ac count owing to the fact that the public paid 10 cents admission to the Salvation Army Hall last night to see mar Indeed as much as 25 was paid at the door by those persons who occupied reserved seats An extensive of entertain ment had been the and on this the wedding of the two young Salvation worKirs was only one of several numbers Admission was charged to the entertainment and the proceeds of the evening to jie between expenses of the entertainment and a fund for the bride and bridegroom as Is usually done In Army ranks was fir Arm n 1 theft program di- vided ¬ ¬ ¬ Unsightly Spots on the River Front of Washington 4 u i ii UNITED STATES uovERKHEKT SLIP This Place Is Filled With Floating Garbaf With Aa Open Cloaet Dumping Kith the Water it AH UNCLE SAM usually takes pretty good care of his property and the United Stages army is generally credit being a mighty fide housekeeper a the little transport the General Swartwont lies between trips to Fort Washington and Fort Hunt The Swartwout carries officers and men as well as between the city and tile two feats Garbage de- cayed melon rinds eon stacks potato postings as well as other noteam immeaBnrsJHy worse lest at ant in the water of th slip an old atovein skiff half in and half out f the water lies rotting at owe side mi tics slip whcro the wall hits fallen in front sheer decay The good buildings near the head of the slip only imihainn tie disreputableness of the ramshackle that lie directly in across the Water street end Congress was tasked last year for togialatkm and for f nde which would permit the destruction this and a score or more equally unaisjhUy gall unsanitary structures along the water front lot L denied fhe Harbor intends to renew its campaign at t early a date 8 possible after the new Con- gress meets this winter std tile membere of the comnrittaa are hopeful that their reeommendationg will be cordially received this year than was the case a year ago Since the report of the committee lied the rate have increased amazingly along the water front mnd present conditions indicate possibilities of an out break of bubonic plague I lute Hears view of the slip owned and the t tier view fill Tegre first here as Heel by Governhe ties tire was Ces nit a more was ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ North Carolina Finds Drug Stores and NearBeer Mockeries to Statute CHARLOT1 N C Oct 4JL ware strenuous effort is to be made hereafter to apprehend blind and other violators of UM prohibition laws of the city and State At a meeting of the city xecnUve board it was stated br members that several drug stores weretne worst to the prohibition laws whisky be- ing dealt out over the counters every yin the week In this state nearbeer is one f the worst menaces of the prohibHIan law but with all the violations con- ditions are incomparably better than when legalized and it Is not to be doubted if the issue was voted upon again prohibition would by 4000 majority as it did before FIGHT TO ENFORCE PROHIBITION LAW 3 IF were carr Users men- ace ¬ LOCAL MENTION Washington Baltimore Annapolis Electric Ry operates limited trains oach between Washington and Bal timore leaving 15th X Y ave on the hater and half hour Also trains to Colonial Annapolis and the groat U S Naval Academy At Grogans You Can Read the of piece of Furniture or Carpeting in plain figures Xo ques about you wish to pay are asked until after your baying is pleted Nothing IK to the prices if youd like an open account with dl payments Best Facilities for Cleaning and Stor ing and Rugs Special mothproofing process employ- ed by us Vagons postal or teL VWJ37 Conger Bros 23d X Y av IS I ever 00 corn ided hourly ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Sanders Stayman Co 1327 F St Our warerooms are literally crowded with a most carefully selected new and beautiful stock of PIANOS for the Fall Trade We invite your inspection of our fine line of highgrade Instru ments which includes the Weber Steck j Ivers and Pond Estey Howard and many others at prices from 250 Z upwards Our terms are very yCT- WVw reasonable s s Sanders Stayman Go 1327 F Street Branch 612 Alexandria Va N W Attention Prospective Piano Purchasers u Y 1 J 1 e S Kin St = ° VERMILLION LOST IN NEW YORK FIRE High Pressure Water Mains Prevent Further Damage NEW YORK Oct L Wkfc the aat still snokfaxr Fire CMeC- Crotdsr is tlsmaktas Jris autas tte- hteh pressure salt water aadae tta it to conquer a are that Twentythird street water front and which would have caused millions of dollars loss Five hundred horses were nscued from stables and although for earty two bours th lire was beyond s it was remarkably free from serious The lose is estimated at SL5MLMI MESS BOY ACCUSED OF 21000 ROBBERY SEATTLE Wash Oct 4 T Buck- ley mess boy of the steamer City of Seattle is under arrest on tbe charge of being a to the theft of in bullion and United States and Canadian bank notes stolen from the mail room of the steamer- A search revealed a number of bank Postofflce inspectors assert that three men were in the conspiracy and are making a search the vessel for the gold which believe has not been taken ashore three of lumber Yards wad stables that were burns over het the tenia at the notes around the boys Stilt acres faeeais nistt ion for made and pliers leas ErA rf9rmae sertsra ¬ Foreigners In Anthracite Fields to Be Shown Proper Methods of Work Photography has been ended fat to play a part hi the educational system now being developed by the Pennsylva- nia anthracite coal operators It Is win be remarkably effective in showing the proper methods of mining to tbe foreign workers most of whom knew nothing of mining before they came to this country The anthracite commtttee of the T X C A is carrying its educational anthracite Gelds The OBerators are giving support fat the shape of cash contributions The suggestion to wee photographs came from CoL R A PhflHps a big coal company superintendent The pic- tures are to be thrown on screens at the meetings of the mining institutes which the Y M C A has established the various centers PICTURES TO TEACH ALIENS IN MINES I I expected that o weak Into ny section ot Sot a series practiaily the P srall ¬ ¬ Goldenbergs Growth From Small Place to Present Mammoth Home- t Fifteen years ago today a assail stern mustering twelve tiB out its modest sn on Seventh street and adopted a policy of square dealing conscientious ca rtec to the I of the buymg public by which its management resolved to rise or tall t Thin week the great department store j of M Goidenberg occupying a Meek on Seventh street with its taD and winter stock mutates every tech of more than I K 8 feet of loss space and requiring the of early MM men and women celebrating its fifteenth an- niversary Today GoUenhergs nfteestth anniver- sare is a hoiUay toe its hundreds of Ifaifhrnl fimpieyeg and every one con lifted with the great establishment is enjoying a day of rest Tomorrow however aad during the remainder of the week an antvvsary celebration will which ha been planned especially for the beaent and pleasure 01 he puhitefs A Week e Desiring to show its appreciation of the patronage and support of this pub- lic has decided to offer a week of unparalleled will be one of the most notable of the year For more than a decade the store has bees identified with the commercial progress of Washington First opening its doors with stock of small preten- sions the fair and square methods of the little establishment were fifteen years ago almost its only method of ad- vertising It soon gamed for itself the name of Dependable Store and its wish and patronage was not lost through any slack- ening of high Ideals or in any effort ta increase its at the expense of its standards of excellence Within a brief time after Its opening- It was found necessary by the manage and a second building was purchased K w Occupies Fourteen Bsfliiags Today after fifteen years of steady growth and development GoMenbergs occupies fourteen buildings an average one new building for nearly twelvemonth There are more than three score in the store these depart- ments housing a sock unexcelled in extenslveness and completeness The nail order department alone te a gigan tic feature with customers as far away a Hawaii Cuba Porto Rico and the Philippine The of honest emcJetJcy and excellence which s as 3 preserved for tbe fifteen years of its existence have done much toward the standard of commercial life for Washington The steady and legitimate growth of the firm from an unpreten- tious beginning to a mammoth concern embracing scores of departments employing hundreds of men and women is identical with tip progress of Capital City ard is r success Is only a beginning Others trill fol low only tee quickly It You neglect them Xeiv IK the time to use HAWS HAIR HEALTH It will Keep out the GRAY HAIRS help You to retain the natural ruler and beauty ef your hair Send 2c for boots Tile Car of the Hair ari Skin Pbilo Hay Spec Co V S A REFUSE ALL gCBSTlT LTES 1 and 59e bottles at STORE OBSERVING I 15TH ANNIVERSARY I t I pf hung and I ill i I I Ic Bargains bargains ee department and the PUt anniversary sale a The as lDcrea ed t q meat to lncnaae the Of the store I of its Islands GoIdea part of US con FIRST GRAY iAIR and X oven discrimina- tion services to t same r wise de- partments set- ting and the z Newark J druggists ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ 1862 1910 w ill of the Most Approved Fashions in x Introducing the most exclusive pro- ductions in Highclass Tailored Suits Street and House Dresses Coats Furs Evening Wraps Silk and Wash Waists jntTk and honorable business career of this house which has been established A znoe than 48 years and its continued growth and prestige with each year is suf ficient evidence that the service it renders to f its patrons is most satisfactory ND in presenting for your inspection this collection of womens fashionable outer garments for fall and winter we have t bees carefal to select only the styles that are r tit sanctioned by the best authorities on fashion and the supremacy of this house in matters lllz pertaining to womans wear will be niore than ever emphasized by the peerless collection of garments you will see in this exhibit for they are the very elect of the fashionable world of P dress CCTTE are also exhibiting the latest novelties t fu in Fall Gloves Neckwear Corsets Hos T fiery Jewelry Leather Goods c 933 Pa Ave r Announce Their T Special Autumnal Showing WOMNS APPAREL E Wm H McKnew CO I a I x it1 r long i it1 sbt h 4 t t 1 i 1 rf f c 1 S e < + <

Transcript of Bride u Spots I Of L J Baird Edinburgh · THE WASHINGTON IMES TUESDAY OCTOBER 4 1910 9 II Miss...

Page 1: Bride u Spots I Of L J Baird Edinburgh · THE WASHINGTON IMES TUESDAY OCTOBER 4 1910 9 II Miss Sengstak Is Bride Of L J Baird Edinburghf Wedding Solemnized At Home of Brides Parents


Miss Sengstak Is Bridef

Of L J Baird EdinburghWedding Solemnized At Home of Brides Parents ftlr

and Mrs Theodore Sengs tak Before Altar of Palms

It and Ferns Many Washingtonians Return



A pretty wedding took placo today1 oclock at the home of Mr and Mrs

Sengstak was married to John JamesBaird of Edinburgh Scotland

The ceremony at which the Rev Wallace RadcHffe pastor of the Now YorkAvenue Presbyterian Churoh officiatedWas attended only by and afew close friends

The bridal party stood before an improvised altar of palms ferns andthe entire lower floor of the house waseffectively embellished with SouthernBmilax palms and white roses An or-

chestra played the wedding music forthe entrance of the bridal party andduring the ceremony

Miss Songstak who was given in marriage by her father woro a bridal gownof soft ivory satin trimmed withduchesse and rose point lace Her bridalveil was held in place with a wreathcf blossoms and the bridalbouquet was a shower of white orchidsand lilies of the valley Her only orna

were and diamond ear ringsone of the bridegrooms gifts

Mrs Gabriella Sengstak Blount sisterof the bride as the matron of honorwore a modish coral pinkmarquisette trimmed with touches ofgold with v large black picture hat withbandeau cap of gold cloth and tinyrosebuds

Allen Clarke of England acted as bestJuan for Mr Baird

A wedding breakfast foHowedafter the ceremony

Mrs Sengstak mother of the bridewore a handsome of mauve marqlsette trimmed with touches ofa corsage bouquet of mauve orchidsLittle Miss Dorothea Blount niece ofthe bride wore a dainty frock of whitewith pink ribbons

Mr and Mrs Baird left Washingtonshortly after the wedding breakfast for

bridal trip and their future homeIn Cincinnati Mrs Baird wore fortraveling a tailored suit of Scotch tweedand a blue velvet hat

They will be at home temporarily atCincinnati Country Club

Embassy CounselorAnd Wife Arrive Here

The Counselor of the AustroHungarEmbassy and Mme von Loewen

thalUnau have arrived In Washingtonaster spending a few days in NiagaraFalls have opened their residenceon Twentieth street for the season

The Charge dAffaires of SwitzerlandHenri Martin who spent the 1 fewweeks at the Virginia Hot Springs re-

turned to Washington yesterday mornIng

Miss Helen Cannon who spent thesummer abroad has returned toIngton

jDr and Mrs Stephen O RJchey who

the summer at Narragansett Pierhave to Washingtonopened their hOuse on Eye streetthe season

Mr and C E Berry area few days at Atlantic City at

Hotel ChalfonteT

Mr and Mrs Robert Fitch

at the Hotterday In ot Mrs WIlkinsBooth

Mrs Andrew B and son have

City and have an apartmentat the Dresden for the winter I


Theodore Sengetak In ley roadwhen their daughter artha At W








Shopardof entertained at

Vlr lnlahoner

Grantto Washington from Atlantic






returned fed

Mrs spend-ing

Washington lunch-eon

r turned








Miss Gritton BrideOf John F Manfuy

At S oclock yesterday morning thewedding of Miss Mabel E Grittondaughter of Mr and Mrs Frank M

Gritton and John F Manfuy wassolemnized In St Martins CatholicChurch the Rev Eugene Hannanofficiating

The bride who was given In mar-riage by her father wore her travel

i cloth witha small toque of the same shade andcarried a bouquet of Bride roses

Miss Madge M Gritton who was hersisters attendant wore a darkblue silk gown with a blue hat and carRed an armful of Bridesmaid roses

Leo Manfuy was best man for hisbrother and ushers were WilliamXeuland John F Daghan and JohnJ Cannon

A wedding breakfast in the home oftho brides parents at 37 Qulncy placenortheast followed the ceromony at thechurch and later In the day Mr andMrs Manfuy left Washington for a

w uu tthey will reside in Washington-

Mr and Mrs A D Frank of Balti-

more announce the cnKawnent of theirdaughter Miss Rose H Frank to Her-bert J Rich son of Mr and Mrs MaxRich of Washington

Miss Shelby Robinson daughter of Mrand Mrs Hancock Robinson and WillJam Xowlen Hallock of Bath N Ywill be married WednesdayOctober 19 at the home of theparents at the Woodley

a small party of relatives will bepresent at the ceremony at which theRev Scott Smith of St Margarets Episcopal Church will officiate-A will follow at 430

Mrs Robert E Kiser of Bath N TWill attend the bride as matron ofhonor and Huntley Gilbert of ChicagoIll will be best man for Mr HallockWilliam Kemp Lyon of Bath will begroomsman

Frederick R Sparks has cards out announcing the marriage of his daughter

to Thomas VSullivan Saturday October 1 Mr andMrs Sullivan will reside at the Coronada

Mr and Mrs gyred R W Reh cele-brated their silver wedding at theirbeautiful home at Cottage City PrinceCporne county Md yesterday eveningThe large grounds were tastefully deco-rated for the occasion and air elaboratebanquet was served In a tent bril-liantly Illuminated A large number of

Concert Today-

By the Fifteenth U S Cavalry-at Fort Myer at 730 P M

G F TYRRELL Director

PROGRAMMarch Dolly Madison WHmarthOverture Bronze Hopee Auber

Toreador et Andalouso RubinsteinSelection Reminiscences of Scot

land GodfrcyMusical Joke The Jolly Musl

clans MorettIntermezzo GroyMarch Royal Brandenburg



of wistarIa colored

Northern trip Upon their re-





i Waltz uGoiden SUMel Hall




lar o











valuable and beautiful presents was

Among Mr and Mrs Rehs numerouspresent were Mr and Sirs C D

Knight and Miss Knight Mr and MrsN Ryon Mr and Mrs Walter Hyer

and Miss Hyer Mr and Mrs EdKnight Mrs Bettle vraddy of Baltimore Mr and Mrs Thomas BeaversMr and Mrs W Crawford and MissCrawford Mr and Mrs W BroadbentMrs L E Jones Mr and Mrs AlfredSmith Miss Bettie and Miss GussieDouglas Miss Kate Quigley Mr andHarry RyonWilliam Lewis Frank Mcttler ThomasMurtagh J White Ed Roche E KaneJames Dementh James Gill and Col JH Roeth Music was furnished by anorchestra

Mr and Mrs Paul Tappan of Brookline Mass are tho guests of Mrs TAPpans relatives for a few weeks MrsTappan was before her abouta year ago Mis Laura Carpenterj

The Russian ambassador Baron Rosenwho spent the day In willreturn to the summer headquarters atManchesterbytheSea evening

Return to CityAfter European Tour

The Rev Roland Cotton Smith andMrs Smith and Miss Margaret Smithhave returned to Washington and haveopened their residence at 14S1 RhodeIsland avenue for the season Theyspent the summer touring in Englandand Switzerland

The Rev Mr Smith has loft for Cin-cinnati for a brat stay

Mr and Mrs Stead and MissStead have closed their country placenear Relay Md and returned toWashington for the season

rMrs Biello wits of Dr Biello U S

N is the guest of Mrs Hugh T Tagarart at her home In Gaorgetown MrsSankey Bacon wife of Dr Bacon U S

formerly Mies Elisabeth Taggart isalso mother

Mr Mrs Jacol under and theirnkee have returned to their onGeorgia avenue after a stay of severalmonths in Europe Their trip Includedtour through Italy

Dr J Russell Verbrycke has gone toNew York for a of five weeksColonel HeylAnd Family Are Back

Col Charles H Heyl has closed hiscottage at Deer Park and accompaniedby his sister Miss Heyl and his daughters and son Miss Julia Hey Sties MaryHeyl and Miss Helen Heyl and EdwardHeyl has returned to Washington andopened his house on Wyoming avenuefor the season

Mr and Mrs Lars Anderson woo arein Europe will not return to

Washington until late in the season

Mrs Audenreld who spent the lastseveral weeks at the Virginia HotSprings has returned to Washington

has opened her house onavenue for the season

Mrs E C her cottageat Monterey and has returned to Washington for the season accompanied byMiss Ruth Mrs

Bliss and Miss Bliss will to NewYork next week for a fortnight

JMrs Arthur W Dunn who spent somo

time in City has returned toWashington



rrs Ielth I eI


















Mrs Frank Ellis who spent the season at Bar Harbor and MrEllis had a cottage for the season wascalled to Cincinnati last week on account of of her father MrLawson

Mrs Ellis will return to Washingtonwithin a week or two and be joined by her husband and her son Franklin Ellis

NEW YORK Oct 4 Cardinal Vincenzo Vannutelll legate of Pope PiusX who Is to officiate at the consecration of St Patricks Cathedralhere tomorrow arrived in New Yorktoday

The dedication of the Cathedralwhich will occupy Wednesday Thursday and Friday will witness one ofthe most Important Catholic gatherings and one of the most elaborateCatholic ceromdnies ever held in thecity In addition to Cardinal Vannutelli there will be present CardinalsLogue and Gibbons Archbishops

Ireland Christie GlennonQuigley Moeller Elsjjt andOConnell together with two scorebishops prominent dignitaries the Church fromevery part of the StatesThe services attendant upon the consecration of the atmidnight when all of the clergy atto the church a fastwhich will last hoursafter which the first services of theconsecration will be

The mass at which Cardinal Vannutelli will officiate will be held Truhsday Cardinal Logue will be the celebrant Friday


WHERE SALVE FAILS-In regard to skin diseases medical

authorities are now agreed on thisDont imprison the disease germs In

your skin by the use of greasy salvesand thus encourage them to multiplyA true cure of all eczematous diseasescan be brought about only by using thehealing agents In the form of a liquid

WASH THE GERMSA simple wash A compound of Oil

of Wintergreen and other In-gredients as combined In the D D DPrescription This penetrates to thedisease terms and destroys them thensoothes and heals the skin as nothingelse has ever done

A trial bottle will start thecure and give you Instant reliefHenry Evans ODonnells Pharmacy

Lansburgh BroDry Goods and

ReadytoWear Articles

420 to 426 7th Street









Through to Eighth












Celebration of Jewish NewYear Closes VitlrShofar


A triumvirate of features In thesinging of the Shofar service thesymbolic blowing of the hornand a sermon by Rabbi Simon brought-to a close in the Eighth Street Tem-ple today the Jewish observance ofRosh Hashana or Now Year

The auditorium of the temple waswell tilled and the music to theShofar service which wa written re-cently by Edward J Stark and sungfor the first time In Washington wasparticularly Impressive

While tho big number of StarkNew Year service Adon Olon wayrendered last night there were several good selections In the secondpart which was given this morningparticularly a duet entitled God IsMy Strong Salvation which vas sungby John Nolan arid Miss Irma Stern

The quartet which sans the servicecomprised Nolan baa Miss Steamcontralto Mrs ShirCHu so-prano and Harry Steven tentor

Rabbi Simon preached on the themeMake Room V In the

interest of the younger generation Hedeclared that the synagogue iriUst meetthe physical and social needs of theboys and If it would keep themunder Its influence

Last night Rabbi Simons topic wasOver the and Far Away Hte

discourse pointed out that New yearDay Is the protest of the Jew againstthe materialism and atheism theworld

of the ranis horn at thismornings Shofar service is symbolizedfrom the Book of Numbers This serv-ice was conducted t y Rabbi LouisStern

Former Lord Mayor Says theHabit Is Con-


NEW YORK Oct 4 Sir Williams Trelear formerly lord mayor f Londonwho has been in this country and Canada for two weeks is wondering todaywhat would happen to him if h offereda tuppenca to an b IH yfor a tip

Why I can live for a proud a day ina firstclass London hotel but it coststwo pounds a Hay in America Stttl Imust admit you get very seed valuefor your money But your tips are con-tinuous

The former lord mayor is sorry bedidnt come to America to live same

years agothte time he said I might have

been a Tammany boss the governoref some or at least land someother good job where there is plenty cfgraftWhat impressed me most aboutAmerica is the Immense amount of

and working power among themen who seem to live for nothing butmaking money I would









H plea

T1i blowing




perhaps do



Ana ricaa













i were yearsyounger money making seems tobe taken as a man any otherpart of the world would take up somesort of fox hunting Whenyou have your fox the sport is over


Salvation Army Couple Receive

the same thing it forty


Proceeds of An Enter-

tainmentPaul Jones of Reading PI and his

bride who formerly Eva Duke otHerndon Va are today starting mar-ried life with the nucleus of a bank account owing to the fact that the publicpaid 10 cents admission to the SalvationArmy Hall last night to see mar

Indeed as much as 25 waspaid at the door by those persons whooccupied reserved seats

An extensive of entertainment had been theand on this the wedding of thetwo young Salvation worKirs wasonly one of several numbers Admissionwas charged to the entertainment andthe proceeds of the evening to jie

between expenses ofthe entertainment and a fundfor the bride and bridegroom as Isusually done In Army ranks












Unsightly Spots on the River Front of Washington 4u


UNITED STATES uovERKHEKT SLIPThis Place Is Filled With Floating Garbaf With Aa Open Cloaet Dumping Kith the Water it AH

UNCLESAM usually takes pretty good care of his property and the United Stages army is generally credit

being a mighty fide housekeeper athe little transport the General Swartwont lies between trips to Fort Washington and Fort Hunt

The Swartwout carries officers and men as well as between the city and tile two feats Garbage de-cayed melon rinds eon stacks potato postings as well as other noteam immeaBnrsJHy worse lest at ant in thewater of th slip an old atovein skiff half in and half out f the water lies rotting at owe side mi tics slipwhcro the wall hits fallen in front sheer decay The good buildings near the head of the slip only imihainn tiedisreputableness of the ramshackle that lie directly in across the Water street end

Congress was tasked last year for togialatkm and for f nde which would permit the destruction thisand a score or more equally unaisjhUy gall unsanitary structures along the water front lot L

denied fhe Harbor intends to renew its campaign at t early a date 8 possible after the new Con-gress meets this winter std tile membere of the comnrittaa are hopeful that their reeommendationg will becordially received this year than was the case a year ago Since the report of the committee liedthe rate have increased amazingly along the water front mnd present conditions indicate possibilities of an outbreak of bubonic plague


lute Hears

view of the slip owned and the t






here as Heel by Governhe


tire wasCes nit a






North Carolina Finds DrugStores and NearBeer

Mockeries to Statute

CHARLOT1 N C Oct 4JL warestrenuous effort is to be made hereafterto apprehend blind and otherviolators of UM prohibition laws of thecity and State

At a meeting of the city xecnUveboard it was stated br members thatseveral drug stores weretne worst

to the prohibition laws whisky be-ing dealt out over the counters every

yin the weekIn this state nearbeer is one fthe worst menaces of the prohibHIan

law but with all the violations con-ditions are incomparably better thanwhen legalized and it Isnot to be doubted if the issue was votedupon again prohibition would by4000 majority as it did before










LOCAL MENTIONWashington Baltimore AnnapolisElectric Ry operates limited trainsoach between Washington and Baltimore leaving 15th X Y aveon the hater and half hour Alsotrains to Colonial Annapolis and thegroat U S Naval Academy

At Grogans You Can Readthe of piece of Furnitureor Carpeting in plain figures Xo ques

about you wish to pay areasked until after your baying ispleted Nothing IK to the pricesif youd like an open account with dlpayments

Best Facilities for Cleaning and Storing and Rugs

Special mothproofing process employ-ed by us Vagons postalor teL VWJ37 Conger Bros 23d X Y av












1327 F St

Our warerooms are literally crowded witha most carefully selected new and beautiful stockof PIANOS for the Fall Trade We invite yourinspection of our fine line of highgrade Instru

ments which includes the Weber Steck jIvers and Pond Estey Howard and

many others at prices from 250 Zupwards Our terms are very yCT-

WVw reasonable s s

Sanders Stayman Go1327 F Street Branch 612

Alexandria Va



Piano Purchasers




J 1



Kin St




High Pressure Water Mains

Prevent FurtherDamage

NEW YORK Oct L Wkfc the

aat still snokfaxr Fire CMeC-Crotdsr is tlsmaktas Jris autas tte-

hteh pressure salt water aadae ttait to conquer a are that

Twentythird street water front andwhich would have caused millions ofdollars loss

Five hundred horses were nscuedfrom stables and although for eartytwo bours th lire was beyond sit was remarkably free from serious

The lose is estimated at SL5MLMI


SEATTLE Wash Oct 4 T Buck-ley mess boy of the steamer City ofSeattle is under arrest on tbe chargeof being a to the theft ofin bullion and United States andCanadian bank notes stolen from themail room of the steamer-

A search revealed a number of bankPostofflce inspectors assert that threemen were in the conspiracy and aremaking a search the vessel for thegold which believe has not beentaken ashore

threeof lumber Yards wad

stables that were burns over het

the tenia at the

notes around the boys


acres faeeaisnistt


madeand pliers


ErA rf9rmae sertsra


Foreigners In AnthraciteFields to Be Shown Proper

Methods of Work

Photography has been ended fat toplay a part hi the educational systemnow being developed by the Pennsylva-nia anthracite coal operators It Is

win be remarkably effective in showingthe proper methods of mining to tbeforeign workers most of whom knewnothing of mining before they came tothis country

The anthracite commtttee of the TX C A is carrying its educational

anthracite Gelds The OBerators aregiving support fat the shape of cashcontributions

The suggestion to wee photographscame from CoL R A PhflHps a bigcoal company superintendent The pic-tures are to be thrown on screens atthe meetings of the mining instituteswhich the Y M C A has established

the various centers





expected that o

weak Into ny section ot


a series


P srall



Goldenbergs Growth FromSmall Place to Present

Mammoth Home-

t Fifteen years ago today a assail sternmustering twelve tiB out itsmodest sn on Seventh street andadopted a policy of square dealingconscientious ca rtec to the

I of the buymg public by which itsmanagement resolved to rise or tall

t Thin week the great department storej of M Goidenberg occupying a Meek onSeventh street with its taD and winterstock mutates every tech of more than

I K 8 feet of loss space and requiringthe of early MM men andwomen celebrating its fifteenth an-niversary

Today GoUenhergs nfteestth anniver-sare is a hoiUay toe its hundreds of

Ifaifhrnl fimpieyeg and every one conlifted with the great establishment isenjoying a day of rest

Tomorrow however aad during theremainder of the week an antvvsarycelebration will which ha beenplanned especially for the beaent andpleasure 01 he puhitefs

A Week eDesiring to show its appreciation of

the patronage and support of this pub-lic has decided to offer aweek of unparalleled

will be one of the most notable ofthe year

For more than a decade the storehas bees identified with the commercialprogress of Washington First openingits doors with stock of small preten-sions the fair and square methods ofthe little establishment were fifteenyears ago almost its only method of ad-vertising It soon gamed for itself thename of Dependable Store and

its wish and patronagewas not lost through any slack-

ening of high Ideals or in any effort taincrease its at the expense ofits standards of excellence

Within a brief time after Its opening-It was found necessary by the manage

and a second building was purchasedK w Occupies Fourteen Bsfliiags

Today after fifteen years of steadygrowth and development GoMenbergsoccupies fourteen buildings an average

one new building for nearlytwelvemonth

There are more than three scorein the store these depart-

ments housing a sock unexcelled inextenslveness and completeness The

nail order department alone te a gigantic feature with customers as far awaya Hawaii Cuba Porto Rico and thePhilippine

The of honest emcJetJcyand excellence which s as 3preserved for tbe fifteen years of itsexistence have done much toward

the standard of commercial life forWashington The steady and legitimategrowth of the firm from an unpreten-tious beginning to a mammoth concernembracing scores of departmentsemploying hundreds of men and womenis identical with tip progress ofCapital City ard is r


Is only a beginning Others trill follow only tee quickly It You neglectthem

Xeiv IK the time to use HAWS HAIRHEALTH It will Keep out the GRAYHAIRS help You to retain thenatural ruler and beauty ef your hairSend 2c for boots Tile Car of the Hair ariSkin Pbilo Hay Spec CoV S A

REFUSE ALL gCBSTlT LTES1 and 59e bottles at







pf hung







bargains eedepartment and the PUt anniversarysale


Theas lDcrea ed t q

meat to lncnaae the Of the store





part of US con








tsame r







Newark J











1862 1910



of the Most Approved Fashions in

x Introducing the most exclusive pro-ductions in Highclass Tailored SuitsStreet and House Dresses Coats FursEvening Wraps Silk and Wash WaistsjntTk and honorable business career of

this house which has been establishedA znoe than 48 years and its continuedgrowth and prestige with each year is sufficient evidence that the service it renders to

f its patrons is most satisfactoryND in presenting for your inspection this

collection of womens fashionable outergarments for fall and winter we have

t bees carefal to select only the styles that arer tit sanctioned by the best authorities on fashion

and the supremacy of this house in matterslllz pertaining to womans wear will be niore than

ever emphasized by the peerless collection ofgarments you will see in this exhibit for theyare the very elect of the fashionable world of

P dressCCTTE are also exhibiting the latest novelties

t fu in Fall Gloves Neckwear Corsets HosT fiery Jewelry Leather Goods c

933 Pa Ave


Announce TheirT

Special Autumnal Showing



Wm H McKnew CO



it1 r longi











