Breakthrough Lesson 7… · Breakthrough Lesson 7 September 2/3 4 What You Need to DO and KNOW Each...

Breakthrough Lesson 7 September 2/3 1

Transcript of Breakthrough Lesson 7… · Breakthrough Lesson 7 September 2/3 4 What You Need to DO and KNOW Each...

Page 1: Breakthrough Lesson 7… · Breakthrough Lesson 7 September 2/3 4 What You Need to DO and KNOW Each Week Opening Do This: Encourage everyone to gather near the stage, and have FUN!

Breakthrough Lesson 7

September 2/3 1

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Breakthrough Lesson 7

September 2/3 2


Series at a Glance for Elevate

About this Series: Elevate will be joining the Konnect crew on an incredible space adventure! The mission of Konnect space

station is to broadcast the story of Jesus all around the world. Throughout this series, we will learn who

Jesus is, and what it means to follow him in our galaxy and beyond.

Weekly Overview: Lesson: Topic: Big Idea: Memory Verse:

Lesson 1:

July 22/23

Lesson 2:

July 29/30

Lesson 3:

August 5/6

Lesson 4:

August 12/13

Lesson 5:

August 19/20

Lesson 6:

August 26/27

Lesson 7:

Sep. 2/3

Through Love

Lame Man Healed: Mark 2

Through My Life

Tabitha: Acts 9:32-43

Through My Story

Paul’s Story: Acts 24-26

Know Jesus

Seed Parable: Matthew 13

Follow Jesus

Rich Ruler: Luke 18:18-30

Copy Jesus

Jesus Catches Fish: Luke 5

Make Disciples

Peter Heals: Acts 3

I can show love to share

God’s good news.

I can live like Jesus to

share God’s good news.

I can tell my story to share

God’s good news.

Disciples know Jesus.

Disciples call Jesus

teacher and Lord.

Disciples copy Jesus.

Disciples make disciples.

1 John 3:18

Romans 12:2

Romans 1:16

Philippians 3:10

John 13:13

1 Corinthians 11:1

Matthew 28:19

Large Group

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Breakthrough Lesson 7

September 2/3 3

Breakthrough Series at a Glance for Elevate (continued)

Lesson 1: July 22/23- Through Love

How can you break through to someone who doesn’t know or love God? Through the story of Jesus healing

a lame man, we find out how our love can share God’s good news, the story of Jesus!

Lesson 2: July 29/30- Through My Life

The way you live can share God’s story. This week we’ll learn about a woman who was known for living

like Jesus, and think about the things our actions say about us.

Lesson 3: August 5/6- Through My Story

Paul loved to share the story of how he met Jesus. In fact, it’s told three different times in the Bible. One of

those is the story of Paul talking to a group of important leaders. He wanted everyone to know about Jesus.

How can your story help others learn about Jesus?

Lesson 4: August 12/13- Know Jesus

Once you are following Jesus, you are his disciple! The question is, what does a disciple do? Jesus tells a

parable, or story, about what it means to be a disciple. He compares his followers to seeds! Why? Find out

in Elevate, or check it out in Matthew 13, in the Bible!

Lesson 5: August 19/20- Follow Jesus

When Jesus was on earth, many people wanted to follow him. When a rich young man asked Jesus to let

him come along, Jesus told him that it would cost everything that he had. It’s not easy, but following Jesus

is worth whatever it costs.

Lesson 6: August 26/27- Copy Jesus

When following Jesus, it’s important to do what he says! Peter and John found that out the first time they

met Jesus. We can still copy the things Jesus did today! Whenever we serve others, are kind, or show love,

we are being good disciples of Jesus!

Lesson 7: September 2/3- Make Disciples

The mission of Jesus’ followers hasn’t changed since he was here on earth. The goal of every disciple, is to

make more disciples! To complete this mission, every one of us is important. This week, find out how Peter,

one of Jesus’ first disciples, accomplished this awesome mission.

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Breakthrough Lesson 7

September 2/3 4

What You Need to DO and KNOW Each Week

Opening Do This: Encourage everyone to gather near the stage, and have FUN! Give high-fives, welcome

the kids by name, dance to the music, and let kids know we’re going to have fun today! Interact with

the crowd! Create a buzz about what is going to happen.

Know This: This is intended to be a fun time! You as the leader need to set that standard so kids

can feel comfortable. If you’re not willing to open up and be silly, they won’t either. It’s ok if some

kids are shy or stand-offish, but YOU should model what we’d like to see!

Welcome Do This: Greet the kids with enthusiasm without being overwhelming.

Know This: During this time you are working to gain the kids’ trust. Something as simple as telling

them what is going to happen during the hour can help relieve some anxiety that they may have. We

will also gain their trust by showing them that this is a place that is not weird or different from what

they see in other places.

Worship Do This: Perform the provided actions to the songs and demonstrate enthusiastic worship for kids.

Encourage kids to join in, but don’t force them to participate. Read aloud any verses that are on the

screen (unless the song features a voice over). Direct the kids’ attention towards God. Call out

upcoming lyrics when appropriate and help the kids engage in singing.

Know This: It’s okay if some kids don’t sing or do actions to the songs. They may worship by just

reflecting on the lyrics and listening. Our music set is generally made of high-energy songs to help

kids get engaged in worship.

Media Do This: Sit or stand to the side of the screen(s). Watch the media and appear engaged using

appropriate non-verbals.

Know This: Although this is a good time to catch your breath and gather your thoughts, you are

still technically “on.” Kids may be looking at you to see if you are watching the videos, and if you

don’t look engaged, they may not choose to engage either.

Prayer Do This: Ask the kids to be respectful and quiet; you will pray out loud, while they pray quietly in

their hearts and heads. Sit or crouch down and engage the kids as you pray.

Know This: We want the kids to learn how to pray by seeing you model this. Feel free to say your

own prayer – this one is simply a suggestion, but do keep it short.

Bible Verses & Memory Verse Do This: Read any verses from the side screen aloud. Make the memory verse fun! After you’ve

read it, do something silly like challenge the boys to be louder than the girls, jump up and down,

add actions, or have the kids recite the verse using different voices.

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September 2/3 5


Lesson Outline for Elevate

Lesson 7: Make Disciples

Lesson Segment Total Running Time

Opening Song (2:00)

Welcome and Opening Activity (8:00)

Song 1: Get Down (5:00) 0:00 - 15:00

Bumper Video (1:00)

Lesson Intro (1:00)

Video Part 1 (12:00)

Share your Story (3:00)

Song 2: Let it be Known (4:00)

Video Part 2 (6:00)

Application Activity (6:00) 15:00 - 48:00

Review Activity (7:00)

Song 3: Boom (5:00) 48:00 - 60:00

Video Cue Slide Cue Audio Cue Tech Notes

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September 2/3 6

Opening Song 2:00

Hello! I’m so glad you are all here in Elevate today. Come on up, throw away your popcorn,

and find a place to sit!

Welcome and Opening Activity 8:00

My name is _______, and I’m super excited to be here with all of you! We’ve got some

awesome stuff planned, like activities, a space adventure, and an incredible story from the

Bible. To get started, let’s try a game that all of us can play.

You may have heard of the game “Rock, Paper, Scissors.” Rock beats scissors, paper beats

rock, and scissors beats paper. Today, there’s a twist to the game. All of us are going to play

rock, paper, scissors, but when you lose to someone, you become their follower. You have

to follow them to their other games, and do what they do. If they lose to someone, all of you

become that person’s follower. The game ends when everyone is following one person!

One more thing. Instead of just using your hands to do the rock, paper, scissors, actions, let’s

make it more exciting! To be a “rock,” curl up on the ground. To be “paper,” stretch your

hands up to the sky, and be as flat as you can. To be scissors, clap your arms in front of

yourself like an alligator! You’ll play by counting one, two, three, and then doing your

action. Remember, if you’re following someone, you have to do the same actions they do!

Let’s go! Do This: It may be best to show them one round of play. Then, allow the kids to play, and emcee

as more and more of them start following others. When the game ends, congratulate the winner.

Game Title Slide: “Rocks, Papers, Scissors”

Game Title Slide With Underscore: “Rocks, Papers, Scissors”

(Roll when directed) Elevate Opener

(Auto advance) Elevate Slide and Underscore

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Breakthrough Lesson 7

September 2/3 7

Congrats! You are the rocks, papers, scissors, champion! You’re all on the same team now,

so good job to everyone! You can all find a place to sit. That game was all about following.

You could say it was kind of about being a disciple. What’s a disciple? Check this out.

A disciple is someone who follows, learns from, and lives for Jesus. You can enjoy other

things, and follow other people, but being a disciple of Jesus means that he is always number

one in your life. He’s the most important thing. Today, we are going to discover the mission

Jesus gave to all of his disciples, including us. We’ll find out what that is in a few minutes,

but first, let’s look at our question of the day!

What is something coming up that you are excited about? It could be tomorrow, next

week, or next month. All that matters is that you are pumped about it. Tell someone about

your exciting event, and listen to what they have to say, too! Do This: Emcee as the kids are sharing their answers. Encourage them to share with those around

them. This question time is meant to give kids an opportunity to talk to one another, so encourage

them to interact with each other!

I love to hear about the things you are excited for. This is an awesome time of year. So

much is happening!

Worship 5:00

Series Title Slide: “Breakthrough”

“Disciple: Someone who follows, learns from, and lives for Jesus.”

(Auto Advance) QOTD Slide: What is something coming up that you are excited about?


Question of the Day Video

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September 2/3 8

Lesson Intro 1:00

Video Part 1 12:00

God loves to hear about the things we are excited about. It’s amazing that He is always

ready to listen to us, whether we are happy, sad, and however else we feel. He is the best

one to ask for help whenever we get down. That’s what this song is about, too! Stand up,

and let’s sing together.

It’s so much fun to sing about God with you all. You can sit down. Let’s keep on thinking

about God as we close our eyes and talk to him.

God, you are awesome. Thank you for being there when we need you, and for always

keeping your promises. Help us to learn about you, and trust you more every day. Amen.

This series is called “Breakthrough.” A breakthrough is a moment when something changes

in a big way. A musician mastering a difficult song, a runner pushing through their tiredness

to keep going, and an inventor discovering the one thing that makes their invention work,

are all breakthrough moments. The biggest breakthrough in history happened when God sent

Jesus to earth. Jesus came to change our lives and to give us the chance to be close to God.

Everyone needs to know about that breakthrough. Telling people about Jesus is the mission

of the Konnect crew, but they have a problem.

(Auto advance) “Worship”

(Auto-Advance) Series Title Slide: “Breakthrough”

Song 1: “Get Down.”

Elevate Bumper Video

Run the Bumper Video as the prayer ends.

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Video Part 2 6:00

Share Your Story 3:00

Worship 4:00

The Konnect crew is currently stationed in space, on their broadcasting station. The problem

is, everyone on the station is already a disciple! How can they fulfill their mission to make

more disciples if they are stuck out in space? Let’s find out what their plan is.

Moving is a big deal. It’s scary and exciting all at the same time.

Being Jesus’ disciple means doing the things he did, but there are some differences. Do This: Share an engaging, relevant, age-appropriate story about someone you know who is great

at making disciples. Emphasize the relationships they create with people in order to show them who

Jesus is. What impact did they have on you? If you can’t think of anyone, find a short story about a

missionary, such as Hudson Taylor, and point out how they lived their whole life in such a way as

to draw people to Jesus, by showing them God’s love.

The Konnect crew is having trouble finding people to make disciples, but I have some good

news for all of us. We don’t have to move anywhere to make disciples. There are people all

around us every day who need to hear about Jesus, and get to know him. You can be a great

disciple maker right here.

We’ll find out what the Konnect crew does in a few minutes, but now let’s get up on our

feet, and sing another song!

(Auto-Advance) Series Title Slide: “Breakthrough”

(Auto-Advance) Series Title Slide: “Breakthrough”

Konnect: “Make Disciples” Rehearse the Verse and Story Part 1 (12:00)

Song 2: Let it be Known

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September 2/3 10

Awesome. You can sit back down. The Konnect crew had a hard choice to make. On one

hand, they might be able to do what that song says, and let more people know about Jesus,

but it means leaving the comfort of the space station. Let’s find out what they are going to


Application Activity 6:00

It’s brave of the crew to give up so much to follow God’s mission for them. They really

understand the mission that comes with being Jesus’ disciples.

That was the point. Disciples make disciples. Jesus told his first followers to go and make

disciples all around the world, and that’s still his mission for us today. The crew learned

something really important about how making disciples works, too. That’s what we’ll be

thinking about for the next few minutes. Do This: If you are doing group time here, dismiss kids to find their group leaders and discuss this

idea more in groups now. If not, carry on.

You don’t have to answer out loud, but when you think about telling other people about

Jesus, what does it make you think of? Do you picture yourself going up to people and just

starting to talk about Jesus? Does it worry you to go up and talk to people you don’t know?

There aren’t many people who can do that easily. I have some good news, though. You

don’t have to do that. There are so many more ways we can help others learn about God.

I’ve got a challenge for you that will show what I mean. I’ll need some help, though! Do This: Choose one volunteer and bring them up on stage. Before the service, make two marks

on opposite sides of the stage with masking tape. Place a basket a couple feet from one mark, so it

is a long way away from the other mark.

Konnect: Story Part 2: (5:00)

(Auto-Advance) Series Title Slide: “Breakthrough”

Series Title Slide: “Breakthrough”

“Disciples make disciples.”

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September 2/3 11

These two marks represent different ways we can try to make disciples. This first mark is

like trying to tell someone about Jesus when we first meet them. Do you think you can

make a basket from here? Do This: Allow the kid to shoot a crumpled piece of paper toward the basket. They probably

won’t make it in, but if they do, congratulate them! As you say the next paragraph, have them

walk closer and closer to the basket with you.

Good try! People usually don’t listen very well if they don’t know someone. Think about

it. Would you rather listen to the idea of one of your friends, or someone you hardly

know? Probably your friend. So, as we get to know someone better, and we are a good

friend to them, it’s like we become closer and closer. This is what Peter did in the story.

He spent time helping the lame man walk. He invited people to become part of the church

and learn about God together. Whom could you be a good friend to this week by helping

them? Who could you invite to come to church? Whom could you spend some time getting

to know? All those things make you closer to them. Then, when you have the chance to

tell them about Jesus, it’s much easier. Do This: Arrive at the close mark at this point. Have the kid shoot another piece of paper toward

the basket. Make sure they are close enough to make it easily. If they miss, that’s ok! Say that

there’s no guarantee we will make everyone into disciples, but the important thing is to keep on


We can’t force anyone to choose to follow and obey Jesus. Just like we say here in

Elevate, no one can make that choice for you, and you can’t make anyone else choose it,

either. The better a friend you are to someone, though, the easier it is to talk with them

about God. To follow Jesus together as friends is a great way to make disciples.

The Konnect team has a quick review for us, then I’ll see what you remember with a

review challenge of our own.

Review Activity 7:00

Thank you, Ray. That is a great way to remember how we can become a disciple of Jesus.

A. B. C.

Konnect: Review and ABC Presentation (2:00)

(Auto-Advance) Series Title Slide: “Breakthrough”

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Breakthrough Lesson 7

September 2/3 12

Admit we’ve done wrong, Believe that Jesus died and came back to life to take our

punishment, and Choose to live for him. This is the last time we’ll be hearing from the

Konnect crew, next week, we’ll be starting on a whole new adventure. Let’s review the final

broadcast from today, with an activity called “Corners.”

I have some questions for you. Some of them have a right answer, and some of them are just

your choice. Each question will have four possible answers. To choose your answer, go to

the corner of the room with that number in it! Let’s give it a try.

Which Konnect crew member would you most like to meet? Make your choice, and go to

that corner! Alright, I think you have got the hang of this. Let’s try a harder question.

Which of these things does a disciple of Jesus need to do? Choose your answer, and go to

that corner!

If you said 1, 2, or 4, you are correct! Having a pet iguana is cool, but you don’t really need

it to be Jesus’ disciple. A disciple is someone who follows, learns from, and lives for Jesus!

Which of these did our memory verse tell us to do? Go to the corner of your choice!

The answer is, corner number two. The verse says to “Go and make disciples of all nations.”

Talking with others about Jesus is one way we can do what that verse tells us. Let’s try one

more question. This one there isn’t a right answer to.

A. Admit. B. Believe. C. Choose.

Game Title Slide: “Corners.”

Which Konnect crew member would you most like to meet? 1: Ray 2: Luke 3: Alissa

4: Mike.

Which of these things does a disciple of Jesus need to do? 1: Follow Jesus 2: Learn from Jesus

3: Have a pet iguana 4: Live for Jesus.

The memory verse said to: 1: Talk about Jesus 2: Make disciples 3: Throw

a party 4: Travel the world

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September 2/3 13

Closing and Worship 5:00

What have you enjoyed most about summer? Choose your answer!

Whatever your summer has been like, I’m glad you’re spending part of it here in Elevate!

That’s it for our review, I’ve only got a couple things left for us to do.

Our mission as disciples of Jesus is to make more disciples. This is a great time to invite

someone to come to church with you. Next week is our huge fall kick-off weekend! It is

going to be incredible, and an awesome week to bring someone who hasn’t been here before!

We’ll be starting a brand new series called “Voyagers,” and beginning an incredible new

adventure. I’m really excited for a team competition that we are going to have for the next

six weeks. You’ll have to come to fall kick-off next week to find out what it will take to help

your team win! I hope to see all of you here! Let’s finish by talking to God for a minute, and

then singing one more song to him.

God, thank you for loving us. You are amazing, and your plans are perfect. Help us to start

making disciples this week! Amen.

I’m so glad you could all be here in Elevate. I hope your week is totally awesome. You can

hang out here until your adults come and pick you up!

What have you enjoyed most about summer? 1: Swimming 2: The food

3: Camping 4: Not being in school

Series Title Slide: “Breakthrough”

(Auto-Advance) Elevate Slide

Song 3: Boom