Breaking the Catch-22 raising capital

Bryan Starbuck [email protected] Raising Bootstrap capital Breaking the catch-22 of needing a bit of capital to get the product built, in order to raise the rest of the seed round

Transcript of Breaking the Catch-22 raising capital

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Bryan [email protected]

Raising Bootstrap capitalBreaking the catch-22 of needing a bit of capital to get the product built, in order to raise the rest of the seed


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Raise a TINY AMOUNT of the SEED ROUND, in order to build the product.

Break the catch-22 of needing to #1 build the product, in order to #2 raise the full seed round.

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Timeline1) Goal is to raise $100k early to start engineers building

Month A to D Month 1 to 5 Month 1 to 5 post-launch

2) This coves the METHOD to raise the money to break this catch-22

3) Engineers start

4) Raise the next $100k, after product built but not yet launched (1 or 2 months before launch)

5) We must grow revenue in the first 5 months after launch6) We can finish raising the rest of the seed round after the first 5 months post-launch are growing revenue

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Full Seed round

Eventually, a startup should raise a $800k to $1.5m seed round.

But initially, it needs a tiny bit (~$100k) to build the product. The product nearly launched is needed to raise more money

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Experienced Angel investors

Experienced angel investors want to invest here.

Month A to D Month 1 to 5 Month 1 to 5 post-launch

POST LAUNCH. ~5 months+ after launch. At $15k/mo in revenue.

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to raise the initial ~$100k from a special group of possible investors.

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Target investors:

1) Friends and family

2) People who are EXPERTS or PASSIONATE about this industry or solving this problem

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Great pitch decks

Creating a BRILLIANT pitch deck is required.

If you won’t reduce risk for investors by giving DETAILs and ARTICULATING

very very clearly, then it isn’t worth them investing.

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Great projected financials

Creating a BRILLIANT projected financials is ALSO critically required.

Without it, entrepreneurs are often overly optimistic and in dreamy mode.

With it, entrepreneurs have done their due diligence, removing hidden assumptions, made detailed plans,

and REMOVED RISK for investors.

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Building a QUEUE of Leads to Investors

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Start the QUEUE


from your Linked-In contacts

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Expand the QUEUE

Then expand people who may

have other great related contacts

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Qualifying possible investors

To find people who could be qualified:

1) Need to have enough money to invest

2) Need to be experts in this area, or PASSIONATE about solving this problem

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Letters of Intent from target buyers

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Getting Letters of intent

You must prove to investors that you

are taking risk out of hidden assumptions

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Getting Letters of intent

Show the investor Letters of Intent

from real target buyers

The Target Buyer

They signed: 1) They want to buy.

2) They approve the price. 3) They approve that their company would pay.

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Ask them for a quote on video

Great ending of the pitch.

Visceral way for investors to see target buyer show that they will buy at those


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Capture on video:

“My company has this problem, and we will pay to get it fixed.

We will be happy to pay $39 per user per month, because it saves us from XYZ.

We would buy this for all 45 sales reps in our sales division because of ABC”

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Even with all of this guidance,

I’ve seen first timers spend most of their time talking to experienced angels who say “Come back post-revenue”.

We know ahead of time that they are a waste of time

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THE [email protected]@BryanStarbuck