Breaking Dawn Spells of Pristine Love

Breaking Dawn: Spells of Pristine Love Part 1 by: BellaHale16(forme rly KateHaleCullen ) Life is a complicated mystery, We never know what to expect. But with you in our lives, The only mystery is what you'll do next. ~Kate Nicole~

Transcript of Breaking Dawn Spells of Pristine Love

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Breaking Dawn:

Spells of Pristine Love

Part 1

by: BellaHale16(formerly KateHaleCullen)

Life is a complicated mystery,

We never know what to expect.

But with you in our lives,

The only mystery is what you'll do next.

~Kate Nicole~

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Preface for Part 1

Bella POV

“She's coming with me Jake. Now whether you decide to do so as well is up to you but Irefuse to leave our daughter. Edward and the rest of the family have decided. I'm sorry.” I

looked at him and he knew there was no arguing. No matter what happened to me now because

of this second child, Edward and everyone else would take care of both of my children.

“Bella, please! Why do you even need to go through this? You have a child! A beautiful

daughter that needs you.” he looked at me with anger and confusion but this wasn't just about

having a child. I could not just sit back and let them kill my child. This was a life I was

carrying. A part of myself and Edward. And I would be damned in to the deepest depths of hell

if I let them hurt my child.

“Jake that is not what this is about. It's about not giving up! I didn't give up on your, our 

daughter and I won't give up on Edward's child. I know I won't make it through this human. I'm

not stupid. But I will do this. So you might as well deal with it.” I looked at him defiantly and

crossed my arms.

“But what about...? How are we going to raise a child when I'm a werewolf and you're a

vampire? And what about Seth?” he looked at me with sincere wonder. But he was under 

estimating our daughter. It was obvious that she was strong. That she was special. Though she

was only a year and a few months old, we all knew she would be able to handle anything. And

as far as Seth, well he was okay with vampires and he loved the Cullen’s and they felt the same.

“Jake, you and I both know she will be able to handle anything as long as we love her.

And I know if you told Seth, I know he'd come too. But you can't expect me to go through the

rest of my existence with out my daughter! And you know we can't stay here much longer once

this child is born. Besides when she has her brother or sister by her side she'll be able to handle

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anything. You have to let me do this.” I looked at him pleadingly. I wasn't asking for his

permission just his blessing. I would do this with or without him. Edward and Carlisle knew

they couldn't argue any further and now Jake needed to understand. Jake touched my cheek and


“Fine. Do what you need to but you better stay alive. For me then for everyone else who

needs you.”

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Jacob POV

There was no way this was happening. I'm only sixteen. I can't be a father, I'm still in

high school. But that's exactly what was happening. My last attempt to keep Bella here in Forks

and with me had turned into this...a baby. I was hoping this would piss that leech off and make

him leave her but it did the opposite. Neither accused me of rape or anything, but Edward and

the rest of his family were supportive and happy. Especially that blonde leech Rosalie.

Supportive but still jealous. And what got me was Bella is going to be leaving anyway.

So here I am, a teenage father, a werewolf at that, waiting for my baby to be born while

its mother going to become a leech on less than a year. Way to go Jake. Bella doesn't even

know if she wants to name the kid when it's born, because she is afraid that she love it to much

to become a bloodsucker, which was exactly the vampire's plan. Though, I know Bella and

even her own child could not keep her from that bloodsucker. But I also know no matter what

she thinks she is, or will be, she'll never be able to just ditch the kid without so much as a name.

"Jacob, you need to calm down." Sam rested a hand on my shoulder. I was even taller 

than him now. He and Emily, Jared and Kim, Quil and Embry, Paul and Seth, Collin and Brady,

and even Leah were here. The Wolves was what Bella would always call us. Charlie was sitting

with Billy on the other side of the waiting room, not looking as mad as he had when Bella had

told him she was expecting.

"What?" he had shouted. Then for a moment surprisingly the anger went away. He

didn't look pleased but he wasn't as angry anymore."The child isn't Edward's?" he seemed 

stunned by the fact.

"Nope." I announced proudly. I couldn't wait to rub this one in the bloodsucker's face.

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For a minute Charlie looked kind of relived, and that made Bella angry. She was pissed that 

everything was okay as long as it wasn't Edward's. Then he carried on about how irresponsible

we had been, or something like that. My dad on the other hand seemed happy, rather than

angry, most likely thinking that Bella was to stay human with me. How wrong he was.

"Yeah. You wait till it's your kid. Then come preaching to me." I shoved his hand away,

but he knew it was playfully. He knew everything about me and the others in our pack, as we

all did. Sam nodded and went to next to Emily who smiled all she could.

Paul walked over and shook his head in disgust. "Look at that. How can Seth even stand

talking to them." His gaze led me to Seth. It was an understatement to say they were

disappointed with Seth for keeping a truce with the Cullen's. The big one's laughed boomed and

seemed to ease the rest of his family, but it was then that the future seeing leech came out of the


I must say she rather danced than walked but who cared. Her voice broke the silence.

"Well, it's a girl." She seemed happy. It was understandable since Bella had asked her and

Renee to be in the delivery room. The father was never in the delivery room "She is waiting for 

you now."

I looked in at everyone in the waiting room and took a deep breath. The pack wasn't

happy to be there, so close to those blood-suckers, but they were here for me. Seth was sitting

with Edward and Emmett, talking about god knows what. I looked down at Alice and she

turned, walking to the room.

As I followed silently I began thinking of Bella. What did this mean for us? Where we

both taking the names “Mom” and “Dad” or was she going to run off with Edward? I couldn't

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see her just leaving but I didn't know what that leech might say to her.

“I'd tell her it was her decision.” I spun on my heals to see Edward glare at me. He took 

one last glance and walked in the room. I growled at him under my breathe but said nothing.

When I walked into the room, Edward was against the wall. He didn't look pleased to be

there but I knew Bella asked him to come. Alice was sitting on the chair next to Edward and

Renee was talking on the phone outside the hospital. I walked up to the bed and pulled up a

chair next to her and took her hand.

“Why is he here?” I nodded my head towards Edward. Bella sighed and rolled her eyes.

“I asked him to be here, Jake. I know it's your daughter, but he's my...”

“I know I know, Sorry. So do we get to see her?” I didn't think I could be this nervous.

My...daughter was here in the hospital. Bella laughed and touched my face,

“Are you excited?”

“I think so. I don't know what to feel. I just want to see her. I've been trying to think of 

names, but I'm coming up blank. I was hoping it would come to me when I saw her, unless

you...” I looked at her hoping she had a name. She looked down slightly ashamed.

“No. I've been racking my brain since I found out and nothing sounds right. I want her 

name to be perfect.” I couldn't help but feel positively about this. If she was this serious about

everything, maybe she wouldn't leave. As I mustered that thought Edward cleared his throat. I

couldn't tell if he was trying to laugh at me but I knew for Bella and the babies sake, I had to

ignore it.

“Well then, I guess....” the nurse interrupted me. She came in carrying a small pink 

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blanket. Then everything happened at once. Bella reached up to the nurse, I felt like my

stomach had dropped out of my body and both Alice and Edward gasped.

I looked at Bella not sure of what to do next and she smiled back at me. Holding my

attention, she guided my eyes down to her. My daughter. Our daughter. She was absolutely

perfect. She looked identical to Bella in every way, except her eyes. I wanted to think the nurse

had made a mistake and given us the wrong kid but it was her. Her skin was a perfect blend of 

mine and Bella's. She had patched of black hair all over her head and a face identical to Bella's.

She would have the same wavy, curls that both Bella and Charlie had. But still, her eyes, they

were...mesmerizing. They were a bright, glowing green.

“Her, her...” I couldn't get the words out. I looked up at Bella. She looked just as

confused as I was.

“It doesn't matter.” Bella smiled, “She's absolutely beautiful. It makes her unique.” she

cooed at the baby and looked down at her. It was amazing how one small person could have

such a magnetism.

“I'm sorry ma'am but we need a name.” the nurse said with a smile. She had a small pad

of paper in her hand and a pen.

“Of course Jake...?” I thought a minute focusing all my attention on the baby. But I

couldn't think of anything but her glowing green eyes. I looked back up to Bella and she was

staring at me. She blushed slightly and looked down at the baby.

“What about Jaida Rose? Spelled J-A-I-D-A. And her middle name is Rose?” as the

name caught her attention she looked up at me and smiled.

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“That's beautiful. But why? I mean you have to have a reason.” she looked at me


“Jaida means precious green stone. Like her eyes. And Rose...” I paused putting my

hand under her chin. “Because if she's anything like you she'll be blushing a beautiful rose

color all the time.” as I said this everything stopped. All I could see was Bella. This was my

Bella and it my be one of the last times I saw her this way. With her soft pale skin and rose

colored cheeks.

“That's amazing Jake. I love it.” she looked to the nurse as she was writing it down. “It's

beautiful don't you think Alice?” Alice was practically jumping up and down. She nodded and

smiles sweetly.

“It's amazing! I'm going to tell everyone else.” she ran out of the room at human speed

and Edward smiled. He walked up to us and looked to Bella.

“It's beautiful, Jacob. She's beautiful. I have never seen anything like her in all my

years.” I thanked him despite the fact that I didn't want to. He was once again interrupting any

real moment I had left with my Bella. But I guess at this point she wasn't changing her mind.

But she would have to make up her mind on what she was going to do with Jaida. She couldn't

just leave her here in Forks without a mother.

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Bella POV

I didn't think I'd ever end up in the hospital in this situation. Especially not when I was

in love with a vampire. But then again, it wasn't Edward that had me here. I don't know how it

happened but it did and now Jake and I were having a baby.

I had asked Alice and Renee to be in the room with me. The entire time I've been

pregnant, after the all the shock and the talk with both Charlie and Billy, all I could think about

is what he or she'd look like. Would she have the same brown eyes as me? Would she have

Jake's long black hair? Once everything is over I don't know what to feel. Would it be relief?

Would I feel nervous about still marrying Edward? And what would the rest of the Cullen’s

think? When I found out I was pregnant I thought about giving the baby, despite the gender to

Rosalie. But I knew Jake would never go for that. Not only that, but I don't know if I could give

him or her up.

“It's a girl.” I laid my head back on the pillow and smiled. I smiled to myself as I heard

her cry. My girl. I looked at Alice. If she could cry she would have been.

“I'm going to tell Jacob.” she bounced in the air but I stopped her.

“Can you tell Edward to come too?” I looked at her hesitantly. Was this the right thing?

To have him in the room?

Alice looked at me and smiled slightly, “Sure Bella. Anything you want.” she gave me a

peck on the head and danced out of the room.

“Miss Swan? We are going to clean her up and we'll be back in a few moments.” the

nurses and the doctor looked at me and the my mother. When they walked out of the room my

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mother came to my side.

“She's beautiful honey. I still wish you'd have waited but...” the fact that I was still

seventeen and having a baby was all she could think about.

“Mom I told you it's not like I planned this. I...”

“I know I know. I'm sorry.” thankfully her phone rang after that.

“It's Phil honey. I'll take it outside. Hello...” she walked out of the room. I took a deep

breath anxious now. I wanted to see her. I pulled myself up and Jake, Alice and Edward walked

in. Edward smiled at me but walked to stand against the wall. Alice sat next to him in the chair 

where Renee had been.

Jake pulled up a chair next to the bed and took my hand. He looked at me for a moment

before he spoke.

“Why is he here?” he motioned his head towards Edward but continued looking at me. I

don't know why they couldn't seem to get along but I guess he had a point. It was his daughter.

But Edward was my life. My forever and I felt he should be there.

“I asked him to be here, Jake. I know it's your daughter, but he's my...”

“I know I know, sorry.” he interrupted me already know what the answer would be.

We'd talked these facts to death and once more was going overboard. “So do we get to see

her?” I smiled at this. I was afraid he wouldn't want to see her but he actually looked happy,

and almost as nervous as I was. Laughing a little I asked,

“Are you excited?” I smiled at him and touched his face. He hesitated but answered


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“I think so. I don't know what to feel. I just want to see her. I've been trying to think of 

names, but I'm coming up blank. I was hoping it would come to me when I saw her, unless

you...” he looked at me expectantly but I also had nothing. Alice and I had been thinking since I

went to the doctor for the first time but nothing sounded right.

“No. I've been racking my brain since I found out and nothing sounds right. I want her 

name to be perfect.” Jake smiled again and my heart lifted. No matter what had changed him

being my sun stayed the same. Holding his hand was warming me up and making me feel less


“Well then, I guess....” the nurse opened the door interrupting him. She was carrying a

small pink blanket. I took a deep breath and held out my arms for her. The nurse placed her 

there and I froze. She was so small. Which, compared to Jake's size was unbelievable. As I

looked her over Alice and Edward gasped, and I went ridged. Her eyes weren't dark brown like

Jake's or Chocolate brown like mine. They were a bright glowing green. As I stared a little

longer I realized how much she looked like both Jake and myself. She had my face, and size.

She had Jake's black hair, but it was a slight wavy curl. Her skin was a perfect blend of my pale

and Jake's russet skin.

Jake looked at me and I smiled at him. He needed to see just how beautiful she was.

Holding his gaze I guided his eyes down so he could see her. When he finally spoke all he

could say was,

“Her, her...” I smiled at him and said,

“It doesn't matter.” I smiled looking back at her, “She's absolutely beautiful. It makes her 

unique.” she was ours, green eyes or blind. She was our. I looked at Jake who was staring at her 

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when the nurse said,

“I'm sorry ma'am but we need a name.” the nurse said smiling at us. She had a small pad

of paper in her hand and a pen. I still didn't know what to name her. But I knew Jake would.

“Of course Jake...?” he paused for a minute staring at her and then he said,

“What about Jaida Rose? Spelled J-A-I-D-A. And her middle name is Rose?” the name

pulled at my heart with it beauty. Jaida Rose Black.

“That's beautiful. But why? I mean you have to have a reason.” I gave him a curios

smile. He had something in mind as to why I could see it in his eyes.

He looked straight in my eyes and said, “Jaida means precious green stone. Like her 

eyes. And Rose...” he paused putting his warm hand under my chin and gently rubbed circles

with his thumb. Softly he continued his explanation, “Because if she's anything like you she'll

be blushing a beautiful rose color all the time.” at that moment it seemed like the entire world

paused and I wanted to cry. Nothing would ever be the same without him. No matter how much

my life was devoted to Edward I couldn't help but think how Jake and I were still supposed to

be in each others lives. I didn't know why or how but we had to. I loved him to much to let him

go. I smiled at him pushing back the tears.

“That's amazing Jake. I love it.” I looked to the nurse and she wrote it down. It had to be

the most perfect name in the world. “It's beautiful don't you think Alice?” Alice was practically

jumping out of her chair. She nodded and smiles sweetly at Jake. She hated werewolves but I

think Jacob and Seth maybe the exception.

“It's amazing! I'm going to tell everyone else.” she ran out of the room at human speed

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and Edward smiled and walked up to me. He smoothed my hair back and kissed my head.

“It's beautiful Jacob. She's beautiful. I have never seen anything like her in all my

years.” Jake thanked him but kept his eyes on Jaida. As I watched my daughter and Jake, I

knew I couldn't leave her. She'd have to come with us where ever we went. But what Jake or 

Edward will think I don't know.

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Jacob POV

The nurse took Jaida to the nursery with all the rest of the babies and I went back to the

lobby so I could take everyone to see her.

“Well, what's my grand daughters name?” Charlie said walking up to me. He put his arm

around my shoulders and everyone else walked over.

“Her name is Jaida Rose.” I smiled at the rest of the pack who surrounded me. “You

guys wanna see her?” I sounded like I was bragging and I guess I was a little. Everyone looked

at me like I'd asked if it rained a lot here and followed me to the nursery. But it wasn't just the

pack, the Cullen’s followed behind Dad and Charlie.

We got to the window and I pointed to her. “That's her, with the bright green eyes and

black hair.” when I pointed to her I heard murmurs and low gasps behind me. I smiled and

looked at Seth who was standing next to me. As I watched him look at her I froze. I'd seen that

look before. The look of absolute adoration like nothing else in the world mattered. I stepped

back not taking my eyes off him and reached for Sam.

“Sam, Sam come here!” I waved my hand at him and he walked up to my side.

“What? I see her, she amazing Jake. Congra...” still not looking at him I pointed at Seth.

“Oh my...” was all he said. “Seth?” as he asked this Seth looked from Sam to me and then at

Jaida. Realization hit him and he stepped back, but that didn't matter anymore. And I was stuck 

on the fact, slightly hoping this wasn't actually happening. I loved Seth like a brother but she

was my daughter, and I knew Bella would flip.

“Is he...did he?” I couldn't get the words out. He couldn't really have imprinted on my

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daughter right? Almost without my consent, I growled at him.

“Jake calm.” Sam put his hand on my shoulder and spun me around so I wasn't focused

on Seth anymore. “It's okay. Seth's a good kid.” he chanted this over and over again and I

backed away from everyone. I needed to be with someone who could actually calm me down. I

needed Bella. Still shaking I walked over to Alice but Edward grabbed me instead.

“Let go of me!” I growled but he leaned into my ear.

“I'm taking you to her Jacob.” I closed my eyes, trying to control my anger and the urge

to rip his hand of my arm and let him lead me to her. We got there quicker than I expected and I

ran to her bed side and buried my head in the sheets next to her legs.

“Jake?” she laughed slightly touching my hair. But I didn't move. I couldn't. I continued

to let her presence calm me. But something on Edward's face must have scared her because her 

voice got shaky as she spoke again.

“Jake? Jacob what's wrong? Please!” she was about to cry, I could hear it. I looked up at

her not knowing what my face looked like.

“It's nothing really. Jaida's fine it's just...” I wasn't sure how to finish that statement.

“Just what? Jake tell me.” she was stressed now. I took a deep breathe and grabbed both

of her hands. I looked down at them and began rubbing circles with my thumbs.

“It's Seth. I know it's not his fault and that he didn't mean to but he...” I looked up at her 

and focused on her only. As we looked into each others eyes, she knew.

“No. No! Jacob he can't! She's just a baby! He's not allowed to do that! She's ours.” she

started crying, but not in anger. I knew Bella like the back of my hand. She wasn't angry more

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shocked. This was supposed to be our daughter. We were already going to have a hard enough

time making decisions on her because of the decisions Bella had already made and now we

were going to have to factor Seth into them too.

“Bella, you know it's not his fault. We don't choose this. And no one really chooses who

they are destined to be with.” I stood up and picked her up, setting her on my lap as I set on the

bed. Edward left the room and I started rocking her. “Look honey, we're going to make this

work. I swear.”

She looked at me now. I wiped the tears away and she took a deep breath. “I want to be

mad but, but I can't. I know you don't choose this but still she's my daughter!”

“I know Bella. But we can't do anything about it now. And it's not like he thinks of her 

any other way than protection. He only wants what is best for her. Is that so wrong?” I could

tell she was really thinking about what I said. I didn't like it anymore then she did but we had to

deal with it. As I was wiping more tears away, there was a knock at the door. I put Bella back 

on the bed and sat in the chair I was in earlier. Bella wiped her tears away and looked at me.

“Come in.” the door opened and Seth walked in looking at the floor. He closed the door 

behind him and I stood up, looking down at him. I felt strange to be in this position, protecting

my daughter. But here I was, arms crossed, stern face at sixteen.

“Jake look I...” he looked at me then Bella.

“Jacob sit down.” I looked to Bella. She had amusement in her eyes and a smile on her 

face. I sat down and Seth moved forward slightly. “Seth, it's okay. We aren't mad. Just...

surprised.” as she said this relief filled his face and he took a deep breath.

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“Bella, I am really...I don't know. I want to say I'm sorry but I can't because I love her 

but... and it's not in a bad way. I just want what's best for her. To make sure no one and nothing

ever puts any harm to her. I...”

“Seth we understand.” I smiled at him and stood up. Placing my hand on his shoulder I

knew no one could ever be mad at a kid like him. Not even me. I looked to Bella who was still

smiling at me.

“Seth don't worry, we're going to make this work. I promise.” she looked at both of us

with confidence in her eyes but I can't help but doubt.

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One Year Later

Bella POV

As soon as I got home from the doctor for my final check up I went to see Jaida. She had

grown so much in the last year and everyday that we were apart I felt like I missed a million

years. When I got to Jake's house he was asleep holding her in his arms. I walked over to him


“Jake? Jake wake up.” he jumped to attention holding her as safely as possible.

“What!” he looked around the room still slightly dazed. I sat on the couch next to him

and opened my arms for her. As he placed her there I felt safer, like she'd never left my arms.

“Look Jake, we need to talk about where Jaida's going to stay. With you patrolling all the

time now, I think it'd be best if I took her. Charlie already got her a baby bed and Alice and

Rosalie are going crazy with buying her everything else. Plus we were thinking of building her 

a nursery at Edwards. And of course you can come see her whenever you want. But...”

“No.” he looked out his window then, turned to face me. “I don't want her around those

bloo...” I glared at him but he continued, “The Cullen’s. I don't like her there.”

“And you think having her around horse-sized wolves and a pack full of rowdy boys is

better? There's no way that's better if not worse!” I gave him a crazy look and held Jaida tighter 

to me. She was the most beautiful being on this earth and there was no way I was letting her 

stay around those...children. He and I both knew that her staying with me, meant her staying

with the Cullen’s. The wedding was tomorrow and the honeymoon was shortly after that.

“I'm not saying that! We already have Emily watching her. And when she's busy Sue

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does it.” what he didn't understand was that was exactly what I didn't want, what I was tired of.

I wanted to be able to see Jaida and be welcome. The pack didn't hate me but when I chose the

Cullen’s over them they made it pretty clear it wasn't okay with them.

“Jake no. You know they do it because they love you and she's your daughter but you

know they aren't pleased with my decisions and I don't want to be tip toeing around trying to

make sure I don't offend anyone while I see my daughter! And another thing, she is my

daughter and she will be okay with vampires. I refuse to let her grow up hating me or my

family.” Jake looked at me with sheer amusement, coughing so he wouldn't laugh.

“You have a lot of demands for a first time parent. But...” I rolled my eyes and let him

continue, “But, I guess I can see where you're coming from. As much as I don't want you to do

this, I can't stop you either.”

I couldn't help but smile. I knew this was how Jake and I were supposed to be. Not

lovers but close enough to each other not to have problems. I knew what I wanted to do and

that was take advantage of Jake's new found love for me and his daughter and keep her at the

Cullen’s now and when I got back. She would have as much family as necessary and Jake knew

he'd be welcome despite Rosalie's aversion.

“So...she can come with me? I love you Jake, but everything will be easier this way and

you know it. You can just run over anytime you want. And she can come here to spend time

with you...and the pack too. Please?” begging generally wasn't my style but I knew it would

work so I went for it. He looked at Jaida for a long time and then me. I could see everything

working in his head. The pro's, the con's, everything. Before he made his decision I knew I

needed to add Seth in. The Cullen’s liked him already but I wasn't sure if he should get a say or 

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not. “And Seth will be welcome also. He already knows that. But should we tell him?” Jake

looked at the door and then back to Jaida.

“Yeah, I guess we do need to tell him. And... I see your point. So if you think it'll be

better for Jaida to be with you then fine. But Bella, you better be right. I shutter the thought of 

anything happening to Jaida.” when he said this I could feel that Alice was rubbing off on me. I

wanted to bounce up and down on the couch.

As I called Edward Jake called Seth. We needed to tell him what was happening and I

needed to tell Edward to meet us at the boarder with his car and the car seat.

“Edward please...”

“Listen love, it's only practical that you get a new, better, safer car... for Jaida's sake.” I

knew what he was saying was true but I couldn't help but feel that he was using this as an

excuse. And I guess, after all he's done for me and how amazing he took the entire pregnancy

and this first year I should give him this one.

“And you're sure you won't go crazy? Nothing to expensive?” I bit my lip and Jake

laughed at me.

“I swear Bella. I won't do anything you'll faint over.”

“Fine. Before I change my mind...fine. Call me when you have it.” I took a deep breath

and tried not to talk myself and Edward out of this decision.

“Okay. I love you Bella.”

“I love you too.” I hung up my phone and looked at Jacob and Seth. They were laughing

so hard they might as well have been rolling on the floor. I stood up and ignored them walking

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Jaida to Jake's room where her crib was. When I walked back to the living room they had both

stopped laughing and were siting on the couch.

“I told him, that you were going to take her back with you.” Jake motioned for me to

continue the explanation.

“Yes. She'll mostly be with me where ever I am including the Cullen's. Alice is going to

set up a nursery for her there. And you can be there or at my house as much as you want. But

for Charlie's sake, since he doesn't know, it'll be safer and better for you at Edward's.”

“And you aren't taking her away right? Like if you move or anything?” he looked

worried, almost as if he were going to cry. But I didn't know what to say. The wedding was

days away but, as for what happened after that,we didn't know.

“Seth, I honestly don't know. We haven't decided what will happen after the wedding.

I'm sorry.” I felt horrible for doing this to him. He was such a sweet kid and he didn't need all

of the heart ache that came with the unknown. I expected his face to fall but it did the opposite.

He smiled like he always did.

“Well I guess I should hope for the best the huh?” he elbowed Jake and Jake ruffled his

hair. Then Jaida cried slightly waking up. I walked into Jake's room and Seth followed. As I

picked her up I turned to him,

“It's hard to believe she's always this quiet. Usually newborns are always crying and


“Like Claire was! She was always crying! And the only time she wasn't was if she's with

Quil. But not you right Rosie?”

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“Rosie?” I'd never though to call her that. She was just Jaida.

“If you don't like it...”

“No. It's cute. But I'll leave it for you to call her.” I smiled at him and we walked back 

into the living room. This wasn't going to be easy especially if she decided to one day join

myself and the Cullen’s. Not in the slightest.

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Jacob POV

“Jake what am I going to do with the truck? I can't take it back to my house because

there's no place for it.” she had a point. But what was I supposed to do? Just let it sit in the yard

with the Rabbit? The more I thought about it the more I realized that is exactly what I was

going to do.

“I can stay here. I'll drive you to the boarder as soon as...” Bella's phone rang

and she pulled it out of her pocket. I leaned over to see who it was, and of course it was

Edward. Interrupting my last time with the mother of my child.

“Hello...Yeah...No way....Edward I said...Are you sure...okay but if 

you...Yes...Yes...Fine...Love you too...bye.” Seth and I both looked at her expectantly.

“What car did you get?” Seth was lying on his back holding Jaida in the air above his

face. Five minutes ago she spit up in his face but I guess the kid doesn't learn so easily.

Normally I wouldn't let someone hold Jaida like that but he was her imprinter and he was just

as strong and safe as I was, possibly even more worried about her safety then I was so I let it


“He wouldn't tell me. He said it was a surprise.” she looked horrified and I smiled. I

could imagine Edward getting her a tank. That way neither “His Bella” nor Jaida could be


“Well is he on his way? If so we need to get Jaida's things packed up.” I stood up

walking to the hallway.

“Yeah. He'll probably be there before us but he said he'll wait. Seth can you stay here?

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We'll be right back?” she looked at him straight in the eyes like he was a child. She was so

paranoid and for once there was no way I could make fun of her and crack jokes because

technically she had every right to be. And I was still hoping this worry and paranoia would

make her stay.

“Sure thing Bells. We'll wait right here. Right Rosie?” he sat up now leaning against the

recliner and Bella and I walked into my room.

“So who's going to be with Jaida when you and Edward go on the honeymoon?” I rolled

my eyes, slightly gritting my teeth at the the thought. But for Jaida I couldn't let her be alone

with those bloodsuckers. I'd sleep there every day hugging one of them before I left her there


“Jake, does it really matter?” I just looked at her and put Jaida's clothes in her bag. “It'll

be everyone else. Emmett, Rosalie, Jasper, Alice, Carlisle, and Esme.” I didn't feel any better 

about sending Jaida with her. Yes I could see Jaida when I had time and so could Seth, but with

Bella gone there was no one there to attempt to protect her from them. I didn't say anything else

on the subject and finished packing. Trying to stay calm, Bella walked over to me putting her 

left hand on my back. I felt her wedding ring and knew that any attempt to keep her with me

would be useless.

“Jake, everything will be okay. She will be in good hands. Carlisle is always in control

and so is Alice. Unless she is bleeding, Jaida will be perfectly fine.” she hugged my waist and I

twisted to hug her back. This was it. We couldn't do this anymore. We couldn't anymore.

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I drove them to the treaty line and Edward was already there waiting. He was leaning

against a new Audi. I stepped out of the car and laughed.

“What model is that?” I took a deep breath trying to contain my laughter. Bella didn't

want an expensive car but she got one that was brand new today. It was supposed to be one of 

the fastest Coupe's out. He smiled at me and took Bella by the waist,

“It's a 2011 Audi Q7. I've been planning this car for you since Jaida was born.” the car 

was a Teak Brown Metallic. It had black interior and 20'' five spoke wheels.

“How much was it?” Bella looked up at him and he paused. I knew it would cost a lot of 

money to get this car. Audi's weren't cheap.

“Bella that's not important. What's important is that you like it. Do you like it?” we both

studied her face but Seth was just looking at the car. She looked at the car and then at Edward.

She didn't even take time to breath before she spoke.

“Edward, of course I like it. That's without question. But I don't want you spending

money on me. I've told you that over and over again.”

“And I told you to stop worrying about money. Bella it's not even worth stressing over 

or talking about.” he gave her a stern look, and for once I saw him stand up to her. Edward

always seemed to give Bella everything she wanted.

“Fine. Thank you Edward.” she blushed slightly and looked to Seth and I. “Seth, Jake,

we'll see you guys tomorrow?” tomorrow was something I wasn't looking forward to but once

again had no choice in. I wanted to see Jaida in her dress for the wedding so the only way for 

that to happen was if I went to the wedding. Bella walked to me and I kissed Jaida on the head

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as did Seth. I watched them put Jaida in her car seat and Bella turned the car around heading

for the Cullen’s. I still didn't want her there but I knew Bella wasn't giving me any other 


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Bella POV

The car Edward got me was definitely better then the truck. I loved that truck but this

was quieter and easier to handle. Not only that but I was big enough for all and any of Jaida's

things. But as I drove, I had to ask where to go. I didn't know what was going to happen next.

Alice had said something about last minute wedding plans but she wouldn't tell me what the


“So where am I driving to?” I felt stupid for asking.

“To my house. You need to see Jaida's room and Alice wants you to look at stuff for the

wedding. I know you said you didn't want any part in it but there are a few things you need to

help decide on.”

I wasn't sure how I could help with the wedding but I didn't argue with Alice. We drove

in silence except the radio playing in the background. Periodically I glanced back at Jaida to

make sure she was okay. She was staring out the window as if she understood everything that

flashed past her. As I drove down Edward's long drive I saw twinkle lights on the trees. The

same light from the graduation party only this time, she added big white satin bows.

“Alice isn't setting up the inside of the house until tonight when you are asleep. I'll be

gone with Jasper and Emmett but we'll be back in time.” I knew it was customary for him to

have a bachelor party but I still didn't want him to leave. I smiled as I pulled into the garage

next to Emmett's huge Jeep and parked the car.

“She's here!” Alice sang bouncing down the steps and to my side of the car. She closed

my door and I got Jaida out of the car. I laughed at Alice as I elbowed the door shut. I kissed

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Jaida on the head.

“And she smells like a dog. So do you.” Rosalie said from the doorway. We were on

better terms because of Jaida but when I came home smelling like Jake she wasn't pleased. I

walked in the door and to the living room where Emmett and Jasper sat watching sports.

“Boo Yah!! I win Jazz! In your face!” he let out a booming laugh that made Jaida stare at

him with wonder. I smiled, glad she did not cry a lot or get scared. Especially with Emmett in

the house.

“Win what?” I asked sitting down next to Emmett on the couch.

“The bet. I bet Jasper that you could get that dog to let Jaida stay here from now on.” he

smiled in satisfaction and I rolled my eyes. I looked to Jasper who was quick to defend himself.

“To be fair Emmett, I never bet against you. You just bet me she would get Jaida. I knew

she would so the bet really doesn't matter.” Emmett's face fell and he sighed trying to focus on

the football game in front of him. Jasper winked at me and walked over to Alice. I looked to

Emmett who was still pouting and got up walking to Edward. Rosalie stood at my side smiling

at Jaida.

“You need to give her a bath. So she doesn't smell like Mu...” I looked at her and smiled

sheepishly but continued, “So you don't smell like...Daddy.” I laughed at her and looked at

Jaida. To my surprise she wasn't looking at me when Rosalie said Daddy. She wasn't looking at

Rosalie either. She was starring at Edward. I watched her this time as I said daddy.

“Where's Daddy, Jaida? Where's Daddy?” Rosalie laughed and I froze looking at

Edward. He touched my back looking at me with concern.

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“Bella what's wrong?” I paused for a moment be continued,

“When I say 'Daddy' she looks at you.” I couldn't let Jacob know she did this. It would

crush him. After the wedding I would have Alice make sure Jaida knew who her real father 

was. I knew Edward would be fine regardless but Jake, who knows what he'd do if he ever 

found out.