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Sunday, November 3, 2013

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Dear AnonymousBy Bertha Henson On 1 November 2013 At 5:21 PM

Category : Chef's specialTags : Anonymous, civic liberties, Free My Internet, Guy Fawkes, hackers, Internal security department, The Straits Times

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by Bertha Henson

I don’t know who you are but I know what you are – a troublemaker with not very powderful England. (My students beg to differ. They think your

England is a cut above most online Hokkien vulgarity laden diatribes. But they still think you’re a clown.)

If you presume to speak for the rest of us, please go blow yourself up. You’ve done all of us a great disservice by making us look as bad as the G has

always made us out to be. You wear a mask. You can’t even be bothered to give yourself a false name. You talk funny. Your vocabulary is limited to that

of the rabid protestor – full of repression, oppression and suppression.

You tout your hacking skills and boast of coming up against the FBI and other behemoths. You belittle our IDA. You threaten. You castigate. You are as

arrogant as the G you seem to loathe. And you have the “ignorant nerve” (your England) to address us as “fellow Singaporeans”. I am a Singaporean and

I have no fellow feeling towards someone/anyone who has undermined all the work some of us have done to push for more civic liberties, greater civil

society involvement and a more engaged citizenry.

It is good that the Free My Internet movement has said plainly that it has nothing to do with you. It seems to me that you were hoping to latch on to

something which has struck a raw nerve with the internet community. Abrasive and uncompromising as we might be as netizens of Singapore, it is

unlikely that we would advocate the kinds of tactics you endorse. Some of us may deplore the idea of having a licence to publish and will respond with

fighting words, but we will not do so behind a crazy mask and will at least have the diginity to give ourselves a name.

Your sort of freedom is not mine.

If people loved your video (you must be encouraged by the many shares, or did you astroturf?), they would have changed their minds after your intrusion

into the Straits Times website. You sound like a petulant child. Who are you to ask that a journalist resign even if she made a misleading statement? Who

are you to threaten her, as well as the veterinarian who put down a dog? It is likely that those who mourn for Tammy would also prefer that you accord

some respect to human beings. Also, please spell the name of the prison inmate who died correctly. It’s Dinesh; not “Dhinesh”.

Nice beard, Anonymous…

You seem to be advocating anarchy, practically inviting a Government crackdown of sorts. Perhaps that is your intention – to have the Internal Security

Act, Sedition Act or Criminal Law Temporary Provisions Act (which applies to public infrastructure) invoked so that you can go: Ah hah! Told you so!

I’m sure many people would be quite pleased to see you arrested, as an enemy of the State or even as a public nuisance. Me, I think at best you provided a

bit of public entertainment (without a license, ha ha).

As for Nov 5, you’ve been watching too much V for Vendetta to realise that the real Guy Fawkes was arrested on that date, amid much public jubilation.

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