Bravo The I Dream Team

Bravo The I Dream Team


Bravo The I Dream Team. Global Influenza Crisis Attacked on Tilburg Local/Regional scale. Population Data. CDC Guidelines for Large-Scale Influenza Vaccination Clinic Planning. Reference : - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Bravo The I Dream Team

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BravoThe I Dream Team

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Global Influenza CrisisAttacked on Tilburg Local/Regional scale

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Population Data

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Total citizens 201,262 Op 1 jan. 2007Male 99,624 Op 1 jan. 2007Female 101,638 Op 1 jan. 2007Citizens 0 - 14 years 33,524 Op 1 jan. 2007Citizens 15 - 64 year (potential work segment)

141,288 Op 1 jan. 2007

Citizens over 65 year 26,450 Op 1 jan. 2007Dutch natives (def. CBS) 157,689 Op 1 jan. 2007Non-western aliens (1st or 2nd genetion) (def. CBS)

27,052 Op 1 jan. 2007

Western aliens (def. CBS) 16,521 Op 1 jan. 2007Born 2,305 In 2005 (Bron: CBS; voorlopig cijfer)Died 1,603 In 2005 (Bron: CBS; voorlopig cijfer)Immigrated into Tilburg 9,212 In 2005 (Bron: CBS; voorlopig cijfer)Left Tilburg 8,845 In 2005 (Bron: CBS; voorlopig cijfer)Houses for residential purposes 84,970 Op 1 jan. 2006 (Bron: CBS; voorlopig

cijfer)Average no. of persons per house 2.36 Op 1 jan. 2006New constructions 1,586 Opgeleverd in 2005 (Bron: CBS; Firms 7,406 Medio 2005Employed persons in Tilburg firms 97,815 medio 2005; (= aantal banen)Non-working job searchers 7,779 Op 1 jan. 2006 ingeschreven bij CWINo. of social welfare recipients 5,469 Op 1 jan. 2006Shops/ sale points 1,164 Per oktober 2004Total size shops 283.600 m2 Per oktober 2004

Average income per family € 28,500 2002; bron: CBS (= excl. studenten en Total size Tilburg 11.883 ha Op 1 jan. 2005

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CDC Guidelines for Large-Scale Influenza Vaccination Clinic Planning

Reference :

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VaccinationPopulation priority groups

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Infrastructure NeededEvaluation

Reference :

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1.- Outpatient Care

Installed Capacity, Assignment of Resources:

•Number of establishments

•Assignment of available Human Resources

•Social, private organizations etc.

•Availability of :




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2.- Hospital Care

Installed Capacity, Assignment of Resources:

•Number of establishments (public and private)•Number of total beds available (public and private)•Number of critical beds available (public and private)•Availability of equipment to support critical activity•Availability of RRHH to support critical activity•Hospital management indicators•Availability of:


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1.- Outpatient Care

• Out fitting of additional services• Availability of extra RRHH

2.- Hospital Attention

• Number of possible beds to reconvert

• RRHH that supports the increase in activity

• Installed physical capacity that allows an increase of beds

• Ability to establish strategic reserves (storage and distribution)

Potential Capacity

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Theoretical ImpactTheoretical Impact

General Assumptions

Attack Rate Population to be considered Lethality Corresponding periods and percentages (consultations

and/or hospitalization)

Assumptions Outpatient Care

Percentage of consultations to be carried out Number of consultations per patient Output of consultations per hour

Establish the assumptions

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Theoretical ImpactTheoretical Impact

3.- Hospital Care Assumptions

Hospitalization percentages according to groups Average length of stay of patients in critical beds Percentage of patients in critical beds Percentage of less complex hospitalizations

Establish the Assumptions

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Vaccine Distribution and Use Work with healthcare partners and other stakeholders to develop state-based plans for vaccine

distribution, use, and monitoring; and for communication of vaccine status.

Exercise an operational plan that addresses the procurement, storage, security, distribution, and monitoring actions necessary (including vaccine safety) to ensure access to this product during a pandemic.

Ensure the operational plan delineates procedures for tracking the number and priority of vaccine recipients, where and by whom vaccinations will be given, a distribution plan for ensuring that vaccine and necessary equipment and supplies are available at all points of distribution in the community, the security and logistical support for the points of distribution, and the training requirements for involved personnel.

Address vaccine security issues, cold chain requirements, transport and storage issues, and biohazardous waste issues in the operational plan.

Address the needs of vulnerable and hard-to-reach populations in the operational plan.

Document with written agreements the commitments of participating personnel and organizations in the vaccination operational plan.

Inform citizens in advance about where they will be vaccinated.

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Antiviral Drug Distribution and Use

Develop state-based plans for distribution and use of antiviral drugs during a pandemic via the Strategic National Stockpile (SNS), as appropriate, to healthcare facilities that will administer them to priority groups. Establish methods for monitoring and investigating adverse events.

Test the operational plan that addresses the procurement, storage, security, distribution, and monitoring actions necessary to assure access to these treatments during a pandemic.

Ensure the jurisdiction has a contingency plan if unlicensed antiviral drugs administered under Investigational New Drug or Emergency Use Authorization provisions are needed.

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Communications Planning

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Public Health Communications Assess readiness to meet communications needs in preparation for an influenza

pandemic, including regular review, exercise, and update of communications plans.

Plan and coordinate emergency communication activities with private industry, education, and non-profit partners (e.g., local Red Cross chapters).

Identify and train lead subject-specific spokespersons.

Provide public health communications staff with training on risk communications for use during an influenza pandemic.

Develop and maintain up-to-date communications contacts of key stakeholders and exercise the plan to provide regular updates as the influenza pandemic unfolds.

Implement and maintain, as appropriate, community resources, such as hotlines and Web site, to respond to local questions from the public and professional groups.

Ensure the provision of redundant communication systems/channels that allow for the expedited transmission and receipt of information.

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Assessment Form

Hospital Pandemic Influenza Planning Checklist

PDF Document

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