Brava Extensible Interface Reference

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  • 7/30/2019 Brava Extensible Interface Reference


    Brava! ActiveX

    Extensible Interface ReferenceRevision 1.17, Monday, February 28, 2011

  • 7/30/2019 Brava Extensible Interface Reference


    Table of Contents

    Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 4Product Version Information ............................................................................................................ 4

    Personalization (Themes) .............................................................................................................. 5Theme .......................................................................................................................................... 5

    Name ......................................................................................................................................... 5Schema-Version .......................................................................................................................... 5Locale ........................................................................................................................................ 5Created ...................................................................................................................................... 5Modified ..................................................................................................................................... 5

    Regions ......................................................................................................................................... 6Region .......................................................................................................................................... 6

    Name ......................................................................................................................................... 6Dark .......................................................................................................................................... 7Foreground ................................................................................................................................. 7

    Background-Fill .............................................................................................................................. 7Value ......................................................................................................................................... 7

    Background-Image ......................................................................................................................... 7Value ......................................................................................................................................... 7

    Background-Symbol ....................................................................................................................... 8Value ......................................................................................................................................... 8Extensibility (Commands) .............................................................................................................. 9

    Extension ...................................................................................................................................... 9Schema-Version .......................................................................................................................... 9Locale ...................................................................................................................................... 10Created .................................................................................................................................... 10Modified ................................................................................................................................... 10

    Controls ...................................................................................................................................... 10Button ........................................................................................................................................ 10

    Xid .......................................................................................................................................... 10Label ....................................................................................................................................... 10Tooltip ..................................................................................................................................... 10

    Padding....................................................................................................................................... 10Value ....................................................................................................................................... 11Top .......................................................................................................................................... 11Left .......................................................................................................................................... 11Bottom ..................................................................................................................................... 11Right ........................................................................................................................................ 11

    Image-Dark ................................................................................................................................. 11Value ....................................................................................................................................... 11

    Image-Light................................................................................................................................. 11Value ....................................................................................................................................... 11

    Drop-Down-Button ....................................................................................................................... 12Drop-Down ............................................................................................................................... 12Arrow-Direction ......................................................................................................................... 12

    Layout ........................................................................................................................................ 12Containers ................................................................................................................................... 12Container .................................................................................................................................... 12Name ....................................................................................................................................... 13Placement-Fixed........................................................................................................................... 13

    Xid .......................................................................................................................................... 13X ............................................................................................................................................. 13Y ............................................................................................................................................. 13

    Placement-Relative ....................................................................................................................... 13Xid .......................................................................................................................................... 13Alignment ................................................................................................................................. 14

    Placement-Ordered ....................................................................................................................... 14Xid .......................................................................................................................................... 14

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    Pivot-Xid .................................................................................................................................. 14Pre-Order ................................................................................................................................. 14

    Usage Notes ................................................................................................................................. 15Ordered Placements ..................................................................................................................... 15

    Appendix A: Identifiers ................................................................................................................ 16Regions ....................................................................................................................................... 16Containers ................................................................................................................................... 16Controls ...................................................................................................................................... 17

    Appendix B: Color Specification ................................................................................................... 32Appendix C: Theme Example Document ................................................................................... 36Appendix D: Theme Xml Schema .............................................................................................. 37Appendix E: Extension Example Document ............................................................................... 39Appendix F: Extension Xml Schema .......................................................................................... 40

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    Personalization (Themes)

    In BravaX 7.0, color customization (or theme) functionality is provided through the ApplyCustomColormethod.

    HRESULT ApplyColorCustomization([in] BSTR ColorData, [in] int DataSource);

    Parameter Type NotesColorData BSTR When DataSource == 1, the argument is interpreted as an Xml-encoded string. When

    DataSource == 2, the argument is interpreted as a fully-qualified UNC path. In either case,the Xml-encoding is expected to match the Theme schema documented in this section.

    DataSource int Indicates the type of the ColorData argument where:

    0 FileName

    1 String


    Themes are used to customize the look of the BravaX control. A Theme is an Xml-encoded, coordinated setof colors and images. The theme element has a name, a version number and locale.



    The name attribute is used to identify the theme. Alphanumeric characters including spaces are OK.However, characters reserved by the Windows File System should be avoided as the name is also used toidentify the theme on disk.


    Version number consists of up-to three digits: major, minor and revision. This version number is used totrack changes to the xml schema of Theme documents. This version number is not synchronized with theproduct version number.


    The locale attribute encodes the language and region that the theme was created in. For BravaX 7.x the onlysupported locale is en-US.

    For additional information on locale names, refer toBCP 47/RFC 4646.


    The UTC-encoded date and time that the theme was created. For further information on UniversalCoordinated Time i.e. UTC, encoding refer to ISO 8601.


    The date and time that the theme was last written (modified) by the system.
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    A Theme consists of a colletion ofRegions. A maximum of eleven regions are defined.



    A Region consists of a name, a foreground color and a dark/light indicator.


    In addition, a Region contains one of three possible background elements:

    Element Description

    background-fill A single, solid fill color.

    background-image An image read from a file or URL.

    background-symbol An image stored as an embedded resource with resource identifier N.

    A background constructed from an internal resource identifier is depicted below


    The region name identifies the area on screen that will be skinned. The regions recognized by the system













    For additional information, refer toAppendix A: Identifiers Regions.

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    The Dark attribute is an image selector hint used by the Brava rendering engine. Valid dark values are:

    Value Description

    true Dark background

    false Light background


    The Foreground attribute defines the color brush used to paint the region foreground. The foregroundattribute is a color specification. For a complete description of color specs seeAppendix B: ColorSpecification.


    Defines a background created from a solid fill color.


    The value attribute is a hexadecimal ARGB or color name value. For additional information on color specs

    seeAppendix B: Color Specification.



    Defines a background created from an image file.


    The value attribute is a URL, a fully qualified file name or an expandable file name string containing an

    environment variable.

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    Defines a background created from an internal resource identifier.


    The value attribute is an internal resource identifier.

    Caution: To avoid potential compatibility conflicts with future releases of BravaX,

    Background-Fill or Background-Image should be favored over Background-Symbol.Support for Background-Symbol may be radically altered or depecrated in a future


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    The locale attribute encodes the language and region that the theme was created in. For BravaX 7.x the onlysupported locale is en-US.

    For additional information on locale names, refer toBCP 47/RFC 4646.


    The UTC-encoded date and time that the extension was created. For further information on UniversalCoordinated Time i.e. UTC, encoding refer to ISO 8601.


    The date and time that the extension was last written (modified) by the system.


    An extension includes a set of controls.


    The following control types are supported in this release:




    A Button is used to launch a programmatic acitivity. Button attributes include an identifier, label and tool tip.


    All controls are identified by theirXidor external identifier.


    The text displayed within the button. To display a graphic button, this attribute may be omitted.


    Additional text to be displayed whenever the mouse hovers over the button.

    PaddingAmount of padding (in pixels) to place around the control.

    Note: In this release, the Top and Bottom attributes have no effect on rendering. Left

    and Right are used to determine the amount of space to place before and after controls.For landscape oriented containers e.g. TaskBar, Left and Right are interpreted literally.

    For portrait-oriented containers e.g. Pallette, Left determines the space above thecontrol and Right, the space below.
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    Use this attribute when you want the same amount of padding for all four sides of the control.


    The amount of padding above the control.


    The amount of padding the left of the control.


    The amount of padding below the control.


    The amount of padding to the right of the control.



    The value attribute is used to specify an external image file which may be a URL, a fully qualified file nameor an expandable file name string.

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    Drop-Down Buttons have all the properties of Button including the Padding, Image-Dark, and Image-Lightsubelements. In addition, Drop-Down-Button defines the Drop-Down and Arrow-Direction attributes.


    Indicates that type of drop-down menu to display. Valid values include:

    Value Description

    standard The button is rendered as a stock button; however, a drop-down notification is posted whenever thebutton is pressed.

    split The button is split when rendered with a drop-down arrow on the right.


    Determines the orientation of the drop-down arrow.

    Value Description

    down The drop-down arrow points downward.

    right The drop-down arrow points to the right.


    An extension also includes a Layoutelement.


    A layout consists of a set ofContainers. At present, a maximum of twenty one containers can be defined.



    A Containerspecifies one of the pre-defined BravaX controls that can be used to host content. Everycontainer has a name.


    Containers consist of one or more Placementelements. A Placement describes the positioning of a control

    within a container. There are three distinct placement types.

    Element Description

    placement-fixed Position the control at a fixed point within the container.

    placement-relative The control is positioned relative to the container i.e. aligned left, right or center.

    placement-ordered The control is inserted in the display order using another control (termed the pivot) as areference point.

    A single control may appear in one or more containers. Every placement element produces an independentuser interface control. Placements based on the same control-id produce identical event notifications.

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    Determines where the control is rendered in the host container.

    Value Description

    left Left justify the control within the container. This is the default if no alignment is specified.

    center Center the control within the container.

    right Right justify the control within the container.


    Placement is determined by the location of another control in the container. Using the Pivot-Xid attribute, acontrol can be rendered either before or after the pivot control depending upon whether or not Pre-Orderis true or false.

    The following restrictions apply when using ordered placement:

    The pivot-xid attribute must reference a built-in or user-defined control id. Built-in control ids are listedAppendix A: Identifiers Controls. All user-defined control ids must be defined within thecontrolselement of the extension document.

    The pivot-xid attribute must reference a simple control i.e. button, label, combo-box, radio button,

    check box. Composite and modal controls are not supported. For a complete list of accepted control idsrefer toAppendix A: Identifiers Controls. Valid controls are designated as Type = S.

    The control referenced by a pivot-xid must reside in the same container. The placement of built-in

    controls is pre-determined and fixed. User-defined controls can be addressed by placing them within thesame container.

    A user-defined control must appear in a placement element before it can be used as a pivot-xid. Notethat this is a declaration order requirement; not a display order requirement. This restriction is not

    applicable to built-in controls.

    The system does not reject cyclic dependencies in container layouts. The display behavior of layoutscontaining cyclic depdendencies is undefined.


    The external identifier of the control to be placed in this container.


    The identifier of the control to be used as the pivot control.


    Indicates whether the control should appear before or after the pivot control in the display order.

    Value Description

    true The control should appear before the pivot control.

    false The control should appear after the pivot control.

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    Usage Notes

    Ordered Placements

    Using ordered placement can be tricky. Here are a couple of things you can try, if you are not getting theresults you expect. The example layouts that follow use the controls defined below.

    1. Within a given container, introduce the pivot control before you reference it in another placement.Typically, this is a simple matter of declaring placements in reverse order. In this example, we want todisplay A B C right aligned within the Information Region.

    The following layout

    Is rewritten as

    2. If youre trying to align to a built-in control, make the very first placement an ordered placement withthe desired built-in control as the pivot. In this example, we display a simple navigation menuimmediately to the left of control 1301 (BXID_TEXT_SEARCH_FIND_COMBO) in the TextSearchcontainer.

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    Appendix A: Identifiers


    Figure 1. Regions


    Region Container

    TaskRegion TaskBar

    InformationRegion InformationBar




    NavigationRegion NavigationBar

    ComparisonRegion ComparisonBar

    ScreenBannerRegion ScreenBanner

    ScrollBarRegion HorizontalScrollBar

    PanelRegion VerifyPanel



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    Region Container



    PanelTabBackgroundRegion PanelTabBackground

    PanelOpenCloseRegion PanelOpenCloseBar

    PalletteRegion MarkupTools




    PalletteSubmenuRegion PalletteSubmenu


    Controls are classified as follows:

    [C]omposite Compound controls: Control Containers, Group Boxes.

    [S]imple Basic controls: Button, Label, ComboBox, RadioButton, CheckBox.

    [M]odal Controls available in limited contexts: Menus, Menu Items.

    Note: Only simple controls can be used in the pivot-xid attribute of an ordered

    placement element.

    ID Symbolic Name Type Description

    1 BXID_MAIN_CONTROL C Primary control


    100 BXID_TASK_BAR C The top bar containing the main UI

    controls101 BXID_TASK_BAR_MARKUP S The task bar's markup button

    102 BXID_TASK_BAR_SAVE S The task bar's save button

    103 BXID_TASK_BAR_PRINT S The task bar's print button

    104 BXID_TASK_BAR_DOC_SELECT S The task bar's document select toolbutton

    105 BXID_TASK_BAR_ANNOTATE S The task bar's annotate button

    106 BXID_TASK_BAR_REVIEW S The task bar's review button

    107 BXID_TASK_BAR_REDACT S The task bar's redact button

    108 BXID_TASK_BAR_MEASURE S The task bar's measure button

    109 BXID_TASK_BAR_TAKEOFF S The task bar's takeoff button

    110 BXID_TASK_BAR_PUBLISH S The task bar's publish button

    111 BXID_TASK_BAR_DOWNLOAD_ORIGINAL S The task bar's download original button

    112 BXID_TASK_BAR_MARKETINGMESSAGE S The task bar's marketing message button

    113 BXID_MRKEXISTS_PIC S The task bar's markup exists icon

    114 BXID_TASK_CUSTOMBOOKMARK S The task bar's custom bookmark button

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    ID Symbolic Name Type Description

    115 BXID_TASK_BAR_EMCEXIT S The task bar's EMC exit button


    200 BXID_PANEL_TOGGLE_BAR C The vertical bar that hides or displays thepanel controls


    201 BXID_PANEL_CONTAINER C The window that contains the right-sidepanels

    202 BXID_PANEL_CONTAINER_TABS C The tab buttons on the panel container


    300 BXID_THUMBNAIL_PANEL C The thumbnail panel

    301 BXID_THUMBNAIL_PANEL_FIRST S The thumbnail panel first page button

    302 BXID_THUMBNAIL_PANEL_PREV S The thumbnail panel previous page button

    303 BXID_THUMBNAIL_PANEL_NEXT S The thumbnail panel next page button304 BXID_THUMBNAIL_PANEL_LAST S The thumbnail panel last page button

    305 BXID_THUMBNAIL_PANEL_PREV_MRK S The thumbnail panel previous markuppage button

    306 BXID_THUMBNAIL_PANEL_NEXT_MRK S The thumbnail panel next markup pagebutton

    307 BXID_THUMBNAIL_PANEL_THUMBLIST S The thumbnail panel list box full ofthumbs


    400 BXID_VERIFY_PANEL C The verify panel

    401 BXID_VERIFY_PANEL_FIRST S The verify panel button to go to the firstredaction

    402 BXID_VERIFY_PANEL_PREV S The verify panel button to go to theprevious redaction

    403 BXID_VERIFY_PANEL_NEXT S The verify panel button to go to the nextredaction

    404 BXID_VERIFY_PANEL_LAST S The verify panel button to go to the lastredaction

    405 BXID_VERIFY_PANEL_HELP S The verify panel help button

    406 BXID_VERIFY_PANEL_FILTER_NONE S The verify panel no filter button

    407 BXID_VERIFY_PANEL_FILTER_REASON S The verify panel reason filter button



    S The verify panel reason filter combo

    409 BXID_VERIFY_PANEL_FILTER_COLOR S The verify panel color filter button

    410 BXID_VERIFY_PANEL_COLOR_SELECT S The verify panel color selection button

    411 BXID_VERIFY_PANEL_SEARCH_TARGET S The verify panel dropdown specifying asearch target

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    ID Symbolic Name Type Description

    412 BXID_VERIFY_PANEL_VERIFY_TEXT S The verify panel text "Verify"

    413 BXID_VERIFY_PANEL_POSITION_TEXT S The verify panel text showing the currentposition

    414 BXID_VERIFY_PANEL_TEXT_HIDDEN_TEXT S The verify panel text indicating thatdocument text is hidden

    415 BXID_VERIFY_PANEL_HORZTOP_SEP S The verify panel top horizontal separator

    416 BXID_VERIFY_PANEL_HORZ_SEP S The verify panel horizontal separator


    500 BXID_BOOKMARK_PANEL C The bookmark panel

    501 BXID_BOOKMARK_PANEL_PREV S The bookmark panel previous bookmarkbutton

    502 BXID_BOOKMARK_PANEL_NEXT S The bookmark panel next bookmark


    503 BXID_BOOKMARK_PANEL_HELP S The bookmark panel help button


    S The bookmark panel search button


    S The bookmark panel search combo

    506 BXID_BOOKMARK_PANEL_SEARCH_SEP S The bookmark panel search separator

    507 BXID_BOOKMARK_PANEL_BOOKMARKS S The bookmark panel bookmark display


    600 BXID_CHANGEMARK_PANEL C The changemark panel

    601 BXID_CHANGEMARK_PANEL_NEXT S The changemark panel next changemark

    button602 BXID_CHANGEMARK_PANEL_PREV S The changemark panel previous

    changemark button


    S The changemark panel find options button

    604 BXID_CHANGEMARK_PANEL_FIND_RESET S The changemark panel find reset button

    605 BXID_CHANGEMARK_PANEL_COPY S The changemark panel copy changemarksbutton

    606 BXID_CHANGEMARK_PANEL_HELP S The changemark panel help button

    607 BXID_CHANGEMARK_PANEL_HELP_SEP S The changemark panel help separator

    608 BXID_CHANGEMARK_PANEL_REPLY S The changemark panel reply button609 BXID_CHANGEMARK_PANEL_SORT S The changemark panel sort button

    610 BXID_CHANGEMARK_PANEL_TITLE_LIST S The changemark panel title list control

    611 BXID_CHANGEMARK_PANEL_TEXT S The changemark panel changemark textcontrol

    612 BXID_CHANGEMARK_PANEL_FIND S The changemark panel find combo

    613 BXID_CHANGEMARK_PANEL_TYPE S The changemark panel changemark type

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    ID Symbolic Name Type Description

    816 BXID_COMPARE_BAR_REPORT S The compare bar report button


    900 BXID_TEXT_COMPARE C The text compare window

    901 BXID_TEXT_COMPARE_COMPARISON S The text compare comparison control


    S The text compare active document arrowindicators

    903 BXID_TEXT_COMPARE_OPEN_FILE_TEXT S The text compare text indicating the opendocument


    S The text compare text indicating thecompare document

    905 BXID_TEXT_COMPARE_POSITION_TEXT S The text compare text indicating thecurrent compare position

    906 BXID_TEXT_COMPARE_TOP_SEP S The text compare top separator

    907 BXID_TEXT_COMPARE_BOTTOM_SEP S The text compare bottom separator

    908 BXID_TEXT_COMPARE_NEXT S The text compare next difference button

    909 BXID_TEXT_COMPARE_PREV S The text compare previous differencebutton


    1000 BXID_NAVIGATION_BAR C The bottom navigation bar

    1001 BXID_NAV_BAR_PREV_PAGE S The navigation bar previous page button

    1002 BXID_NAV_BAR_NEXT_PAGE S The navigation bar next page button

    1003 BXID_NAV_BAR_PAGE_COMBO S The navigation bar page combo

    1004 BXID_NAV_BAR_ROTATE S The navigation bar rotate button

    1005 BXID_NAV_BAR_FITALL S The navigation bar fit all button

    1006 BXID_NAV_BAR_FITWIDTH S The navigation bar fit width button

    1007 BXID_NAV_BAR_ZOOM_SLIDER S The navigation bar zoom slider

    1008 BXID_NAV_BAR_PAN S The navigation bar pan button

    1009 BXID_NAV_BAR_ZOOM_RECT S The navigation bar zoom rect tool button

    1010 BXID_NAV_BAR_MAGNIFIER S The navigation bar magnifier tool button

    1011 BXID_NAV_BAR_BACKGROUND_COLOR S The navigation bar background colorbutton

    1012 BXID_NAV_BAR_LAYERS S The navigation bar layers button


    1100 BXID_HORIZONTAL_SCROLL_BAR C The horizontal scroll bar


    1200 BXID_VERTICAL_SCROLL_BAR C The vertical scroll bar


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    ID Symbolic Name Type Description

    1300 BXID_TEXT_SEARCH_BAR C The text search control

    1301 BXID_TEXT_SEARCH_FIND_COMBO S The text search find combo

    1302 BXID_TEXT_SEARCH_FIND_BUTTON S The text search find button


    1400 BXID_FOCUS_INFO_BAR C The focus pane information bar

    1401 BXID_FOCUS_INFO_CLOSE S The focus view close button

    1402 BXID_FOCUS_INFO_HELP S The focus view help button

    1403 BXID_FOCUS_INFO_VIEWED_TEXT S The focus view viewed text label

    1404 BXID_FOCUS_INFO_VIEWED_PROGRESS S The focus view viewed progress label

    1405 BXID_FOCUS_INFO_PAGE S The focus view page label

    1406 BXID_FOCUS_INFO_RESTART S The focus view restart button

    1407 BXID_FOCUS_INFO_SIZE S The focus view size button

    1408 BXID_FOCUS_SCROLL_BAR S The scroll controls in the focus view

    1409 BXID_FOCUS_SCROLL_BAR_PAGE_UP S The focus view page up button

    1410 BXID_FOCUS_SCROLL_BAR_UP S The focus view up button

    1411 BXID_FOCUS_SCROLL_BAR_DOWN S The focus view down button

    1412 BXID_FOCUS_SCROLL_BAR_PAGE_DOWN S The focus view page down button


    1500 BXID_INFO_BAR C The toolbar containing the markupproperties, measure results, and text findcontrols

    1501 BXID_INFO_BAR_HELP S The help button on the info bar

    1502 BXID_INFO_BAR_FILE_DISPLAY_NAME S The filename displayed on the info bar


    1600 BXID_MEASURE_RESULTS_BAR C The measure results bar

    1601 BXID_MEASURE_RESULTS_DISTANCE S The measure take off distance label

    1602 BXID_MEASURE_RESULTS_RADIUS S The measure take off radius label

    1603 BXID_MEASURE_RESULTS_COUNT S The measure take off count label

    1604 BXID_MEASURE_RESULTS_RESULT1 S The measure take off first results text

    1605 BXID_MEASURE_RESULTS_RESULT2 S The measure take off second results text

    1606 BXID_MEASURE_RESULTS_RESULT3 S The measure take off third results text

    1607 BXID_MEASURE_RESULTS_RESULT4 S The measure take off fourth results text

    1608 BXID_MEASURE_RESULTS_PERIMETER S The measure take off perimeter label


    S The measure take off total distance label

    1610 BXID_MEASURE_RESULTS_HEIGHT S The measure take off height label

    1611 BXID_MEASURE_RESULTS_CIRCUMFERENC S The measure take off circumference label

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    ID Symbolic Name Type Description


    1612 BXID_MEASURE_RESULTS_ANGLE S The measure take off angle label

    1613 BXID_MEASURE_RESULTS_RECT_AREA S The measure take off rectangle area label

    1614 BXID_MEASURE_RESULTS_POLY_AREA S The measure take off poly area label

    1615 BXID_MEASURE_RESULTS_CIRCLE_AREA S The measure take off circle area label


    S The measure take off remove last countbutton


    S The measure take off remove all countbutton

    1618 BXID_MEASURE_RESULTS_CURSOR_POS S The measure take off cursor position label

    1619 BXID_MEASURE_RESULTS_SNAP S The measure take off snap checkbox

    1620 BXID_MEASURE_RESULTS_NEG_AREA S The measure take off negative areacheckbox

    1621 BXID_MEASURE_RESULTS_SHOW_LEADER S The measure take off show leader



    1700 BXID_MARKUP_PROPERTIES_BAR C The bar containing information on markupproperties

    1701 BXID_MRK_PROP_COLOR S The markup properties color button

    1702 BXID_MRK_PROP_FILL S The markup properties fill combo

    1703 BXID_MRK_PROP_LINE_WEIGHT S The markup properties line weight combo

    1704 BXID_MRK_PROP_LINE_STYLE S The markup properties line style combo

    1705 BXID_MRK_PROP_ARROW_HEAD S The markup properties arrow head combo

    1706 BXID_MRK_PROP_ARROW_TAIL S The markup properties arrow tail combo

    1707 BXID_MRK_PROP_FONT S The markup properties font combo

    1708 BXID_MRK_PROP_FONT_SIZE S The markup properties font size combo

    1709 BXID_MRK_PROP_STAMP S The markup properties stamp combo

    1710 BXID_MRK_PROP_BROWSE_STAMP S The markup properties browse for stampbutton

    1711 BXID_MRK_PROP_IMAGE S The markup properties image combo

    1712 BXID_MRK_PROP_BROWSE_IMAGE S The markup properties browse for imagebutton

    1713 BXID_MRK_PROP_TEXT_BACKGROUND S The markup properties text background


    1714 BXID_MRK_PROP_TEXT_UNDERLINE S The markup properties text underlinebutton

    1715 BXID_MRK_PROP_TEXT_ITALICS S The markup properties text italics button

    1716 BXID_MRK_PROP_TEXT_BOLD S The markup properties text bold button

    1717 BXID_MRK_PROP_VARIABLE_TEXT S The markup properties variable textbutton

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    ID Symbolic Name Type Description

    1718 BXID_MRK_PROP_HYPERLINK S The markup properties hyperlink button

    1719 BXID_MRK_PROP_COPY_TO_PAGES S The markup properties copy to pagesbutton

    1720 BXID_MRK_PROP_REDACTION_REASON S The redaction reason combo



    S The redaction reason label


    1800 BXID_MEASURE_TOOLS_BAR C The measure toolbar

    1801 BXID_MEASURE_TOOLS_LINE S The measure line tool button

    1802 BXID_MEASURE_TOOLS_POLYLINE S The measure polyline tool button

    1803 BXID_MEASURE_TOOLS_POLYGON S The measure polygon tool button

    1804 BXID_MEASURE_TOOLS_RECTANGLE S The measure rectangle tool button

    1805 BXID_MEASURE_TOOLS_CIRCLE S The measure circle tool button

    1806 BXID_MEASURE_TOOLS_COUNT S The measure count tool button


    1900 BXID_MARKUP_TOOLS_BAR C The markup toolbar

    1901 BXID_MARKUP_TOOLS_POPOUT S The popout menu that appears from themeasure toolbar

    1902 BXID_MARKUP_TOOLS_SELECT S The markup select tool button

    1903 BXID_MARKUP_TOOLS_ARROW_LINE S The markup arrow line tool button

    1904 BXID_MARKUP_TOOLS_TEXT S The markup text tool button

    1905 BXID_MARKUP_TOOLS_IMAGE S The markup image tool button

    1906 BXID_MARKUP_TOOLS_STAMP S The markup stamp tool button

    1907 BXID_MARKUP_TOOLS_CLOUD S The markup cloud tool button

    1908 BXID_MARKUP_TOOLS_POLYCLOUD S The markup polycloud tool button

    1909 BXID_MARKUP_TOOLS_HIGHLIGHT S The markup highlight tool button

    1910 BXID_MARKUP_TOOLS_CHANGEMARK S The markup changemark tool button


    S The markup highlight text changemarktool button


    S The markup highlight changemark toolbutton


    S The markup cloud changemark toolbutton


    S The markup arrow changemark toolbutton

    1915 BXID_MARKUP_TOOLS_SKETCH S The markup sketch tool button

    1916 BXID_MARKUP_TOOLS_SKETCH_POLYGON S The markup sketch polygon tool button

    1917 BXID_MARKUP_TOOLS_LINE S The markup line tool button

    1918 BXID_MARKUP_TOOLS_POLYLINE S The markup polyline tool button

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    ID Symbolic Name Type Description

    1919 BXID_MARKUP_TOOLS_ARC S The markup arc tool button

    1920 BXID_MARKUP_TOOLS_X_OUT S The markup cross out tool button

    1921 BXID_MARKUP_TOOLS_SCRATCH_OUT S The markup scratch out tool button

    1922 BXID_MARKUP_TOOLS_ARROW_POINTER S The markup arrow pointer tool button

    1923 BXID_MARKUP_TOOLS_RECTANGLE S The markup rectangle tool button


    S The markup rounded rectangle tool button

    1925 BXID_MARKUP_TOOLS_POLYGON S The markup polygon tool button

    1926 BXID_MARKUP_TOOLS_ELLIPSE S The markup ellipse tool button

    1927 BXID_MARKUP_TOOLS_STRIKEOUT S The markup strikeout tool button

    1928 BXID_MARKUP_TOOLS_STRIKETHROUGH S The markup strikethrough tool button

    1929 BXID_MARKUP_TOOLS_HIGHLIGHT_TEXT S The markup highlight text tool button

    1930 BXID_MARKUP_TOOLS_UNDERLINE S The markup underline text tool button


    2000 BXID_REDACTION_TOOLS_BAR C The redaction toolbar

    2001 BXID_REDACTION_TOOLS_SELECT S The redaction select tool button

    2002 BXID_REDACTION_TOOLS_REDACT S The redact tool button


    S The redaction allow area tool button

    2004 BXID_REDACTION_TOOLS_PRIVACY S The redact privacy button


    S The find and redact button

    2006 BXID_REDACTION_TOOLS_FROM_TO S The redact from - to button2007 BXID_REDACTION_TOOLS_SCRIPT S The redaction script button

    2008 BXID_REDACTION_TOOLS_PAGE S The redact page button

    2009 BXID_REDACTION_TOOLS_IMAGE S The redact image button

    2010 BXID_REDACTION_TOOLS_TEXT S The redact text button


    2100 BXID_TAKEOFF_TOOLS_BAR C The measure take off toolbar

    2101 BXID_TAKEOFF_TOOLS_SELECT S The take off select button

    2102 BXID_TAKEOFF_TOOLS_LINE S The take off line button

    2103 BXID_TAKEOFF_TOOLS_POLYLINE S The take off polyline button

    2104 BXID_TAKEOFF_TOOLS_POLYGON S The take off polygon button

    2105 BXID_TAKEOFF_TOOLS_RECTANGLE S The take off rectangle button

    2106 BXID_TAKEOFF_TOOLS_CIRCLE S The take off circle button

    2107 BXID_TAKEOFF_TOOLS_COUNT S The take off count button


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    ID Symbolic Name Type Description

    2200 BXID_SPLASH_LINK1 S The splash link 1

    2201 BXID_SPLASH_LINK2 S The splash link 2

    2202 BXID_SPLASH_LINK3 S The splash link 3

    2203 BXID_SPLASH_LINK4 S The splash link 4

    2204 BXID_SPLASH_LINK5 S The splash link 5

    2205 BXID_SPLASH_PIC S The splash pic

    2206 BXID_SPLASH_CLOSE S The close pic

    2207 BXID_SPLASH_STRING_VERSION S The version string

    2208 BXID_SPLASH_STRING_SKU S The sku string

    2209 BXID_SPLASH_STRING_EXPIRATION S The expiration string

    2210 BXID_SPLASH_STRING_INTEGRATIONINFO S The integration specific string(bex)


    2300 BXID_DOCUMENT_DRAWING_WND C The main window for rendering drawingsand documents

    100000 BXID_RIGHT_CLICK_MRK_EDIT_CUT M The markup right-click cut command

    100001 BXID_RIGHT_CLICK_MRK_EDIT_COPY M The markup right-click copy command

    100002 BXID_RIGHT_CLICK_MRK_EDIT_PASTE M The markup right-click paste command

    100003 BXID_RIGHT_CLICK_MRK_EDIT_DELETE M The markup right-click delete command


    M The markup right-click select all command


    M The markup right-click +/- symbol

    100006 BXID_RIGHT_CLICK_MRK_EDIT_SYM_DIAMETER M The markup right-click diameter symbol



    M The markup right-click degree symbol


    M The markup right-click copyright symbol


    M The markup right-click register symbol


    M The markup properties right-click textbackground transparent option



    M The markup properties right-click text

    background opaque option100102 BXID_RIGHT_CLICK_MRK_TEXT_BKGD_CU

    RRENTM The markup properties right-click text

    background current option


    M The markup properties right-click textbackground select option

    100200 BXID_RIGHT_CLICK_PREV_VIEW M The right-click previous view command

    100201 BXID_RIGHT_CLICK_FIT_ALL M The right-click fit all command

    100202 BXID_RIGHT_CLICK_FIT_WIDTH M The right-click fit width command

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    ID Symbolic Name Type Description

    100203 BXID_RIGHT_CLICK_PAN M The right-click pan tool command

    100204 BXID_RIGHT_CLICK_COPY M The right-click copy command

    100205 BXID_RIGHT_CLICK_PASTE M The right-click paste command

    100206 BXID_RIGHT_CLICK_DELETE M The right-click delete command

    100207 BXID_RIGHT_CLICK_UNDO M The right-click undo command

    100208 BXID_RIGHT_CLICK_REDO M The right-click redo command

    100209 BXID_RIGHT_CLICK_COPY_REGION M The right-click copy region command

    100210 BXID_RIGHT_CLICK_REDACT_SELECTION M The right-click redact selection command

    100300 BXID_RIGHT_CLICK_PAGE_SUBMENU M The right-click page submenu

    100301 BXID_RIGHT_CLICK_PAGE_NEXT M The right-click page submenu next pagecommand

    100302 BXID_RIGHT_CLICK_PAGE_PREV M The right-click page submenu previouspage command

    100303 BXID_RIGHT_CLICK_PAGE_FIRST M The right-click page submenu first page


    100304 BXID_RIGHT_CLICK_PAGE_LAST M The right-click page submenu last pagecommand

    100305 BXID_RIGHT_CLICK_PAGE_PREV_MRK M The right-click page submenu previousmarkup page command

    100306 BXID_RIGHT_CLICK_PAGE_NEXT_MRK M The right-click page submenu nextmarkup page command

    100400 BXID_RIGHT_CLICK_MARKS M The right-click marks submenu


    M The right-click marks submenu addplacekeeper command

    100402 BXID_RIGHT_CLICK_MARKS_NEXT_PLACEKEEPER M The right-click marks submenu nextplacekeeper command


    M The right-click marks submenu previousplacekeeper command


    M The right-click marks submenu remove allplacekeepers command


    M The right-click marks submenu nextbookmark command


    M The right-click marks submenu previousbookmark command



    M The right-click marks submenu next

    changemark command100408 BXID_RIGHT_CLICK_MARKS_PREV_CHANG

    EMARKM The right-click marks submenu previous

    changemark command

    100500 BXID_RIGHT_CLICK_ROTATE M The right-click rotate/mirror submenu

    100501 BXID_RIGHT_CLICK_ROTATE_CLOCKWISE M The right-click rotate/mirror submenurotate clockwise command


    M The right-click rotate/mirror submenurotate counterclockwise command

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    ID Symbolic Name Type Description

    100503 BXID_RIGHT_CLICK_ROTATE_MIRROR M The right-click rotate/mirror submenumirror command

    100600 BXID_RIGHT_CLICK_COLOR M The right-click background color submenu

    100601 BXID_RIGHT_CLICK_COLOR_BLACK M The right-click background color submenublack option

    100602 BXID_RIGHT_CLICK_COLOR_WHITE M The right-click background color submenuwhite option

    100603 BXID_RIGHT_CLICK_COLOR_GRAY M The right-click background color submenugray option

    100604 BXID_RIGHT_CLICK_COLOR_DEFAULT M The right-click background color submenudefault option

    100700 BXID_RIGHT_CLICK_OPTIONS M The right-click options submenu

    100701 BXID_RIGHT_CLICK_OPTIONS_ANIMATE M The right-click options submenu animateoption


    M The right-click options submenu lineweights option


    M The right-click options submenu smoothedges option

    100800 BXID_RIGHT_CLICK_SHOW_PANE M The right-click show pane submenu


    M The right-click show pane submenuthumbnails command


    M The right-click show pane submenubookmarks command

    100803 BXID_RIGHT_CLICK_SHOW_PANE_VERIFY M The right-click show pane submenu verify




    M The right-click show pane submenu

    changemarks command


    M The right-click show pane submenuchangemarks command

    100900 BXID_VAR_TEXT_MENU_DATE M The variable text menu date option

    100901 BXID_VAR_TEXT_MENU_SYSDATE M The variable text menu sys date plus daysoption

    100902 BXID_VAR_TEXT_MENU_TIME M The variable text menu time option

    100903 BXID_VAR_TEXT_MENU_MILTIME M The variable text menu military timeoption

    100904 BXID_VAR_TEXT_MENU_TITLE M The variable text menu title option

    100905 BXID_VAR_TEXT_MENU_PAGES M The variable text menu pages option

    100906 BXID_VAR_TEXT_MENU_TOTAL_PAGES M The variable text menu total pages option

    100907 BXID_VAR_TEXT_MENU_BATES_PG_NUM M The variable text menu Bates numberoption

    100908 BXID_VAR_TEXT_MENU_LOGIN M The variable text menu login option

    100909 BXID_VAR_TEXT_MENU_USER M The variable text menu user option

    100910 BXID_VAR_TEXT_MENU_PROMPT M The variable text menu prompt option

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    ID Symbolic Name Type Description

    101204 BXID_CM_SORT_MENU_STATE M The changemark panel sort menu stateoption

    101205 BXID_CM_SORT_MENU_POSITION M The changemark panel sort menu positionoption

    101300 BXID_COMPARE_MENU_NUDGE_LEFT M The compare toolbar nudge left menu

    option101301 BXID_COMPARE_MENU_NUDGE_RIGHT M The compare toolbar nudge right menu


    101302 BXID_COMPARE_MENU_NUDGE_UP M The compare toolbar nudge up menuoption

    101303 BXID_COMPARE_MENU_NUDGE_DOWN M The compare toolbar nudge down menuoption

    101400 BXID_FIND_MENU_DOWN M The find menu down option

    101401 BXID_FIND_MENU_UP M The find menu up option

    101402 BXID_FIND_MENU_MATCH_CASE M The find menu match case option

    101403 BXID_FIND_MENU_WHOLE_WORD M The find menu whole word only option

    101404 BXID_FIND_MENU_REGEX M The find menu regular expressions option

    101405 BXID_FIND_MENU_TERMHIT M The find menu term hit option

    101500 BXID_COLOR_MENU_BLACK M The navigation toolbar color menu blackoption

    101501 BXID_COLOR_MENU_WHITE M The navigation toolbar color menu whiteoption

    101502 BXID_COLOR_MENU_GRAY M The navigation toolbar color menu grayoption

    101503 BXID_COLOR_MENU_DEFAULT M The navigation toolbar color menu defaultoption

    101504 BXID_COLOR_MENU_MONOCHROME M The navigation toolbar color menumonochrome option

    101600 BXID_PRINT_MENU_PRINT M The print menu print option

    101601 BXID_PRINT_MENU_PRINT_REGION M The print menu print region option

    101602 BXID_PRINT_MENU_BANNERS M The print menu ISO banners option

    101700 BXID_REVIEW_MENU_CLOSE M The review menu close review option

    101701 BXID_REVIEW_MENU_CM_REVIEW M The review menu changemark reviewoption

    101702 BXID_REVIEW_MENU_CM_NEXT M The review menu next changemark option

    101703 BXID_REVIEW_MENU_CM_PREV M The review menu prev changemark option

    101800 BXID_REDACT_MENU_SAVE M The redact menu publish submenu

    101801 BXID_REDACT_MENU_SAVE_PDF M The redact menu publish to PDF option

    101802 BXID_REDACT_MENU_SAVE_TIFF M The redact menu publish to TIFF option

    101803 BXID_REDACT_MENU_SAVE_DRAFT M The redact menu publish to draftsubmenu

    101804 BXID_REDACT_MENU_SAVE_PDF_DRAFT M The redact menu publish to draft PDF

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    ID Symbolic Name Type Description


    101805 BXID_REDACT_MENU_SAVE_TIFF_DRAFT M The redact menu publish to draft TIFFoption

    101806 BXID_REDACT_MENU_OPEN_TEMPLATE M The redact menu open redactup templateoption

    101807 BXID_REDACT_MENU_RUN_SCRIPT M The redact menu run script option

    101808 BXID_REDACT_MENU_VERIFY M The redact menu verify submenu

    101809 BXID_REDACT_MENU_VERIFY_REDACTUPS M The redact menu verify submenuredactups option

    101810 BXID_REDACT_MENU_VERIFY_IMAGES M The redact menu verify submenu imageareas option

    101811 BXID_REDACT_MENU_VERIFY_DOCUMENT M The redact menu verify submenu entiredocument option

    101812 BXID_REDACT_MENU_SAVE_CSF M The redact menu publish to CSF

    101900 BXID_MEASURE_MENU_TAKEOFF M The measure menu measure/takeoff


    101901 BXID_MEASURE_MENU_CALIBRATE M The measure menu calibrate option

    101902 BXID_MEASURE_MENU_SETTINGS M The measure menu settings option

    102000 BXID_PUBLISH_MENU_CSF M The publish menu publish to CSF option

    102001 BXID_PUBLISH_MENU_DWF M The publish menu publish to DWF option

    102002 BXID_PUBLISH_MENU_JPG M The publish menu save as jpg option

    102100 BXID_HELP_MENU_CONTENTS M The help menu contents option

    102101 BXID_HELP_MENU_ABOUT M The help menu about option

    102102 BXID_HELP_MENU_SUGGEST M The help menu suggest new feature

    option102200 BXID_THUMBNAIL_MENU_REDUCE M The thumbnail menu option reduce

    102201 BXID_THUMBNAIL_MENU_ENLARGE M The thumbnail menu option enlarge

    102202 BXID_THUMBNAIL_MENU_DEFAULT M The thumbnail menu option default

    102300 BXID_EXTERNAL_BOOKMARK_OPEN M The external bookmark menu option open

    102301 BXID_EXTERNAL_BOOKMARK_ADD M The external bookmark menu option add

    102302 BXID_EXTERNAL_BOOKMARK_DELETE M The external bookmark menu optiondelete


    500000 BXID_EXTERNAL_BUTTON_START X Initial offset of externally definedcommands

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    Appendix B: Color Specification

    Colorspecs can be encoded as either a hexadecimal ARGB value:

    Or, by using one of the predefined color names:

    Hexadecimal ARGB values are prefixed by the # symbol. They consist of up to 4 hexadecimal bytes.Channel A is the alpha channel which controls transparency: 0 = transparent, 255 = opaque. Channel R isred, G is green and B is blue per standard RGB notation. At present, the Alpha channel is not interpretedby BravaX.

    Channel A R G B

    Hexadecimal ff 20 80 40

    Decimal 255 32 128 64

    Hexadecimal ARGB values are read right to left, so that channels may be omitted. The alpha channel

    defaults to opaque if not specified.

    Channel A R G B

    Hexadecimal ff 0 0 70

    Decimal 255 0 0 112

    The predefined color names are listed in the tables that follow, excerpted fromSystem.Windows.MediaBrush Classes:
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    Figure 2. Color Names Pt. 1 (A-L)

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    Figure 3. Color Names Pt. 2 (L-Y)

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    AliceBlue #fff0f8ff

    AntiqueWhite #fffaebd7

    Aqua #ff00ffff

    Aquamarine #ff7fffd4

    Azure #fff0ffff

    Beige #fff5f5dc

    Bisque #ffffe4c4

    Black #ff000000

    BlanchedAlmond #ffffebcd

    Blue #ff0000ff

    BlueViolet #ff8a2be2

    Brown #ffa52a2a

    BurlyWood #ffdeb887

    CadetBlue #ff5f9ea0

    Chartreuse #ff7fff00

    Chocolate #ffd2691e

    Coral #ffff7f50

    CornflowerBlue #ff6495ed

    Cornsilk #fffff8dc

    Crimson #ffdc143c

    Cyan #ff00ffff

    DarkBlue #ff00008b

    DarkCyan #ff008b8b

    DarkGoldenrod #ffb8860b

    DarkGray #ffa9a9a9

    DarkGreen #ff006400

    DarkKhaki #ffbdb76b

    DarkMagenta #ff8b008b

    DarkOliveGreen #ff556b2f

    DarkOrange #ffff8c00

    DarkOrchid #ff9932cc

    DarkRed #ff8b0000

    DarkSalmon #ffe9967a

    DarkSeaGreen #ff8fbc8b

    DarkSlateBlue #ff483d8b

    DarkSlateGray #ff2f4f4f

    DarkTurquoise #ff00ced1

    DarkViolet #ff9400d3

    DeepPink #ffff1493

    DeepSkyBlue #ff00bfff

    DimGray #ff696969

    DodgerBlue #ff1e90ff

    Firebrick #ffb22222

    FloralWhite #fffffaf0

    ForestGreen #ff228b22

    Fuchsia #ffff00ff

    Gainsboro #ffdcdcdc

    GhostWhite #fff8f8ff

    Gold #ffffd700

    Goldenrod #ffdaa520

    Gray #ff808080

    Green #ff008000

    GreenYellow #ffadff2f

    Honeydew #fff0fff0

    HotPink #ffff69b4

    IndianRed #ffcd5c5c

    Indigo #ff4b0082

    Ivory #fffffff0

    Khaki #fff0e68c

    Lavender #ffe6e6fa

    LavenderBlush #fffff0f5

    LawnGreen #ff7cfc00

    LemonChiffon #fffffacd

    LightBlue #ffadd8e6

    LightCoral #fff08080

    LightCyan #ffe0ffff

    LightGoldenrodYellow #fffafad2

    LightGray #ffd3d3d3

    LightGreen #ff90ee90

    LightPink #ffffb6c1

    LightSalmon #ffffa07a

    LightSeaGreen #ff20b2aa

    LightSkyBlue #ff87cefa

    LightSlateGray #ff778899

    LightSteelBlue #ffb0c4de

    LightYellow #ffffffe0

    Lime #ff00ff00

    LimeGreen #ff32cd32

    Linen #fffaf0e6

    Magenta #ffff00ff

    Maroon #ff800000

    MediumAquamarine #ff66cdaa

    MediumBlue #ff0000cd

    MediumOrchid #ffba55d3

    MediumPurple #ff9370db

    MediumSeaGreen #ff3cb371

    MediumSlateBlue #ff7b68ee

    MediumSpringGreen #ff00fa9a

    MediumTurquoise #ff48d1cc

    MediumVioletRed #ffc71585

    MidnightBlue #ff191970

    MintCream #fff5fffa

    MistyRose #ffffe4e1

    Moccasin #ffffe4b5

    NavajoWhite #ffffdead

    Navy #ff000080

    OldLace #fffdf5e6

    Olive #ff808000

    OliveDrab #ff6b8e23

    Orange #ffffa500

    OrangeRed #ffff4500

    Orchid #ffda70d6

    PaleGoldenrod #ffeee8aa

    PaleGreen #ff98fb98

    PaleTurquoise #ffafeeee

    PaleVioletRed #ffdb7093

    PapayaWhip #ffffefd5

    PeachPuff #ffffdab9

    Peru #ffcd853f

    Pink #ffffc0cb

    Plum #ffdda0dd

    PowderBlue #ffb0e0e6

    Purple #ff800080

    Red #ffff0000

    RosyBrown #ffbc8f8f

    RoyalBlue #ff4169e1

    SaddleBrown #ff8b4513

    Salmon #fffa8072

    SandyBrown #fff4a460

    SeaGreen #ff2e8b57

    SeaShell #fffff5ee

    Sienna #ffa0522d

    Silver #ffc0c0c0

    SkyBlue #ff87ceeb

    SlateBlue #ff6a5acd

    SlateGray #ff708090

    Snow #fffffafa

    SpringGreen #ff00ff7f

    SteelBlue #ff4682b4

    Tan #ffd2b48c

    Teal #ff008080

    Thistle #ffd8bfd8

    Tomato #ffff6347

    Transparent #00ffffff

    Turquoise #ff40e0d0

    Violet #ffee82ee

    Wheat #fff5deb3

    White #ffffffff

    WhiteSmoke #fff5f5f5

    Yellow #ffffff00

    YellowGreen #ff9acd32

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    Appendix C: Theme Example Document

    This example, adapted from one of the systems built-in themes, illustrates the various options for encodingthe background element.

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    Appendix D: Theme Xml Schema

    Note: This section provided for informational purposes only. When validating

    documents, use the latest .XSD available.

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    Appendix E: Extension Example Document

    This example, adapted from the Redact-It Desktop command file, depicts the separation of layout(placement) from control definition.

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    Appendix F: Extension Xml Schema

    Figure 4. Extension Class Taxonomy

    Note: This section provided for informational purposes only. When validating

    documents, use the latest .XSD available.

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