Brangelinas Bodyguards Arrested


Transcript of Brangelinas Bodyguards Arrested

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t's getting so hard to find good help these days! X17's India correspondent reported that three of Angelina's bodyguards (British nationals Thomas Mcadam, Robert Patrick, and Michael John Brett) were arrested in Mumbai yesterday - the trio were released late in the evening, but our man on the street reports that they're under strict orders to present themselves to the police every night for the next seven days!

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ccording to The Guardian, the three men were picked up in connection with yesterday's incident at the Mumbai school where Jolie's bodyguards reportedly pushed and shoved a crowd of concerned parents and media personnel. The Guardian article also claims that the bodyguards made use of a number of racial insults, quoting a source who claims the bodyguards said "You bloody Indian" (remember - "bloody" is considered a mild epithet abroad).It's also worth pointing out that this is hardly these bodyguards' first time in the spotlight following some wildly inappropriate behavior - those of you with long memories probably remember one of Brad's bodyguards choking a paparazzi a few weeks ago!We'll have more news as our Indian correspondant reports back, so stay tuned to X17!