Brandon Vallorani On How to Collect Better Bones

How to Collect Better Bones By Brandon Vallorani February 20, 2014 Collecting the antlers or shed from deer is ever increasing in popularity. The largest White Tail Deer shed can sell for up to five figures at auction. Additionally, dogs that are highly trained to find shed can sell for $7,500. It may seem impossible to break into this difficult, but exciting venture. However, there are a few tips that will make you a great bone collector/shed hunter. First, it is important to scout before and during deer season. Most would stop there, but to really find some good shed, keep looking! Bucks generally stay in the same areas from fall through early spring. They will move to find warmer areas or spots with more food so you need to scout constantly to find where they drop their shed. Be on the look out for droppings, tracks, and areas that they are moving in and out of to find shed. Second, buddy up with someone who has been collecting shed for a long time. You may not get to keep what you find, but his/her experience will be extremely valuable. You will learn more from an experienced collector in one weekend than you could after years of trial and error on your own. Third, when you’re scouting it may benefit to utilize technology. After you’ve established areas where they feed, set up a camera to see when the bucks lose their horns so you have an idea of when and where they lost them. It is important that you have a way to cover lots of ground to find the best bones. You could be an amazing hiker, but utilizing something like a fourwheeler will help you expand your search area and increase the likelihood that you’ll find some horns. Another tactic that will help you find more horns is to bring a trained dog. By hiding horns and having a puppy find and fetch them you can train a dog to be an expert shed hunter who will get you much more than you could find on your own. Enjoy hunting and selling great horns for some extra cash.

Transcript of Brandon Vallorani On How to Collect Better Bones

How  to  Collect  Better  Bones  By  Brandon  Vallorani  February  20,  2014    Collecting  the  antlers  or  shed  from  deer  is  ever  increasing  in  popularity.  The  largest  White  Tail  Deer  shed  can  sell  for  up  to  five  figures  at  auction.  Additionally,  dogs  that  are  highly  trained  to  find  shed  can  sell  for  $7,500.  It  may  seem  impossible  to  break  into  this  difficult,  but  exciting  venture.  However,  there  are  a  few  tips  that  will  make  you  a  great  bone  collector/shed  hunter.    First,  it  is  important  to  scout  before  and  during  deer  season.  Most  would  stop  there,  but  to  really  find  some  good  shed,  keep  looking!  Bucks  generally  stay  in  the  same  areas  from  fall  through  early  spring.  They  will  move  to  find  warmer  areas  or  spots  with  more  food  so  you  need  to  scout  constantly  to  find  where  they  drop  their  shed.  Be  on  the  look  out  for  droppings,  tracks,  and  areas  that  they  are  moving  in  and  out  of  to  find  shed.    Second,  buddy  up  with  someone  who  has  been  collecting  shed  for  a  long  time.  You  may  not  get  to  keep  what  you  find,  but  his/her  experience  will  be  extremely  valuable.  You  will  learn  more  from  an  experienced  collector  in  one  weekend  than  you  could  after  years  of  trial  and  error  on  your  own.    Third,  when  you’re  scouting  it  may  benefit  to  utilize  technology.  After  you’ve  established  areas  where  they  feed,  set  up  a  camera  to  see  when  the  bucks  lose  their  horns  so  you  have  an  idea  of  when  and  where  they  lost  them.    It  is  important  that  you  have  a  way  to  cover  lots  of  ground  to  find  the  best  bones.  You  could  be  an  amazing  hiker,  but  utilizing  something  like  a  four-­‐wheeler  will  help  you  expand  your  search  area  and  increase  the  likelihood  that  you’ll  find  some  horns.    Another  tactic  that  will  help  you  find  more  horns  is  to  bring  a  trained  dog.  By  hiding  horns  and  having  a  puppy  find  and  fetch  them  you  can  train  a  dog  to  be  an  expert  shed  hunter  who  will  get  you  much  more  than  you  could  find  on  your  own.    Enjoy  hunting  and  selling  great  horns  for  some  extra  cash.  

 Brandon  Vallorani  is  the  CEO  and  founder  of  Liberty  Alliance,  and  is  a  practiced  entrepreneur  with  a  background  in  marketing  and  management.  Brandon  graduated  from  West  Virginia  University  with  a  Bachelor’s  of  Fine  Arts  in  Graphic  Design.  Liberty  Alliance  is  a  network  of  websites  dedicated  to  advancing  Life,  Liberty,  and  the  Pursuit  of  Happiness.  The  partners  and  members  of  this  organization  utilize  the  influence  of  new  media  to  promote  traditional  values  and  generate  more  than  1,000,000  page  views  each  day.  Brandon  Vallorani  enjoys  spending  time  with  his  family,  hunting  big  game,  and  indulging  fine  cigars  and  wine  with  his  partners.