Brand Positioning & Values Chapter 3. Target Market Consumer Aggregates Current users Potential...

Brand Positioning & Values Chapter 3
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Transcript of Brand Positioning & Values Chapter 3. Target Market Consumer Aggregates Current users Potential...

Brand Positioning & Values

Chapter 3

Target Market

Consumer Aggregates

Current users

Potential users

Competitive users

Consumer Segments



Taxonomy of Users

• Social or personality types• Different wants and needs• Identity profiles• Health club users

– Muscle Mike– Stylin’ Susan– Lookin’ Lucy– Sweating Sam– Zombie Zoe

Points of Difference & Parity


• Strong, favorable, unique

• Attribute or benefit


• Shared with other brands

• Important for brand extensions

Competitive Positioning Strategy

Brand category focus

Central Position - market leader, me-too

• Differentiated position - new feature, combo

Creative Positioning Strategy

Advertising focus

User as hero - social attributes; special TM

• Product as hero - brand benefit, brand character

Objective-based positioning

• Brand awareness

Prominent visuals

• Brand attitude

Political focus

Purchase Motivation Strategy

• Negative - informational

Dental floss

• Positive - transformational

Hair color

Means-End Chain:Toothpaste

Attributes Benefits Value

Fluoride no cavities health

Generic low cost economy

Baking soda whitening beauty

Mint nice breath social

No additives natural ecology

Brand Mantra

• Built upon core brand values

• Makes a core brand promise

• Heart and soul of brand

• 3-5 word phrases

• Generates spirit of the brand

• Helps position the brand

Mantra terms: Nike & Disney

• Brand function - nature of product or service; performance, entertainment

• Descriptive modifier - specific functions; athletic performance, family entertainment

• Emotional modifier - how brand delivers benefits; authentic, fun

Your brand mantra

• Brand function

• Descriptive modifier

• Emotional modifier

Positioning Politicians

Category Bush Kerry

Coffee Dunkin Donuts Starbucks

Technology IBM Apple

Auto Ford BMW

Retail Kmart Target

Fast food McDonalds Subway

Campaign Old Reliable Challenger


• Read brand focus 9.0• Select a minimum or 12 images from magazines, photos,

etc that represents your thoughts and feelings about your favorite brand

• Put the images together in a collage that communicates your subconscious thoughts and feelings about the brand

• Bring your collage to class with stories of how each visual feeling connects you to the brand