Branch Davidians/Shepherd's Rod-Who Are They?

The Branch Davidians who became infamous following the 1993 gov- ernment raid near Waco Texas should not be confused with the original Shepherd’s Rod message. To meet the continuing need for truthful infor- mation about these two distinct groups, this brief article is provided for all sincere S. D. A. members who are concerned for their soul salvation. The Branch Davidians/Shepherd’s Rod—Who Are They? Beginnings of the Shepherd’s Rod The tragic experience of the Branch Davidians near Waco, Texas in 1993 has been used as a tool of disinformation within the Seventh-day Adventist (S. D. A.) church in order to confuse its members about the origins of the Shepherd’s Rod (SRod) message which arose in southern California in 1930. Victor T. Houteff, as an earnest and devoted Sabbath School teacher, began to receive advanced light in 1929 while teaching from the 3rd quarter lesson study cover- ing the latter chapters of the book of Isaiah. These prophecies were recognized to be largely applicable to the spiritual Israel of today, the S. D. A. church. Heeding the inspired counsels of God (Testimonies, Vol. 5, p. 291-93), Bro. Houteff submitted these inspired impressions, which were written and published in The Shep- herd’s Rod, Vol. 1, to the leading men in the church for review in 1930. After the leading men failed to give Bro. Houteff a fair hearing, nor Biblically being able to refute any of his teachings, the local church leaders disfellowshipped him from a church board meet- ing in November of 1930 rather than follow proper Biblical protocol. Two years later in 1932, The Shepherd’s Rod, Vol. 2 appeared containing much ad- ditional light from the scriptures that have never before been explained. In 1933, Tract No. 7 entitled “The Great Controversy over the Shepherd’s Rod”, was first published to record and document Bro. Houteff’s testimony of the unfair and unbibli- cal treatment of the leading men in regard to the teachings found in “The Shepherd’s Rod, Vol. 1”. In 1935 the Rod message continued to prosper and an initial group of 12 among the many believers relocated from southern California to Waco, Texas to establish Mt. Car- mel Center as a central headquarters to bring the message of revival and reformation to the apple of God’s eye, the Seventh-day Adventist church. Once again, out of necessity due to the failure of the Conference to support con- sciencious objector (CO) status of young SDA men who believed in the Rod message, Bro. Houteff reorganized the SRod movement in 1942. “The General Association of Da- vidian Seventh-day Adventists” as it was named published a tract entitled Military Stand in order to support the choice of the young men who wished to serve God rather than be drafted and forced to enter into combat against their conscience. With his devoted love towards his SDA brethren heeding to the mandate of God, Victor T. Houteff went forth with all the power and force that God had given him, sighing and crying for the church as he labored in the Spirit and power of Elijah (Testimonies to Ministers, p. 475). He died with a broken heart on February 5th 1955 at the age of 69. Ruhamah L. Layman M O VEMENT REVIVAL-REFORM L A Y M A N S


This brief summary dispels the almost universal myth that the Branch Davidians are the true successors of the Shepherd's Rod message which was founded by Victor T. Houteff in 1930. It represents an effort to combat the super-human efforts the leadership of the Seventh-day Adventist church have propagated over the years in an effort to mislead the lay membership and discourage them from investigating the claims of the original Rod message from themselves.

Transcript of Branch Davidians/Shepherd's Rod-Who Are They?

Page 1: Branch Davidians/Shepherd's Rod-Who Are They?

The Branch Davidians who became infamous following the 1993 gov-ernment raid near Waco Texas should not be confused with the original Shepherd’s Rod message. To meet the continuing need for truthful infor-mation about these two distinct groups, this brief article is provided for all sincere S. D. A. members who are concerned for their soul salvation.

The Branch Davidians/Shepherd’s Rod—Who Are They?

Beginnings of the Shepherd’s Rod

The tragic experience of the Branch Davidians near Waco, Texas in 1993 has been used as a tool of disinformation within the Seventh-day Adventist (S. D. A.) church in order to confuse its members about the origins of the Shepherd’s Rod (SRod) message which arose in southern California in 1930. Victor T. Houteff, as an earnest and devoted Sabbath School teacher, began to receive advanced light in 1929 while teaching from the 3rd quarter lesson study cover-ing the latter chapters of the book of Isaiah. These prophecies were recognized to be largely applicable to the spiritual Israel of today, the S. D. A. church. Heeding the inspired counsels of God (Testimonies, Vol. 5, p. 291-93), Bro. Houteff submitted these inspired impressions, which were written and published in The Shep-herd’s Rod, Vol. 1, to the leading men in the church for review in 1930. After the leading men failed to give Bro. Houteff a fair hearing, nor Biblically being able to refute any of his teachings, the local church leaders disfellowshipped him from a church board meet-ing in November of 1930 rather than follow proper Biblical protocol. Two years later in 1932, The Shepherd’s Rod, Vol. 2 appeared containing much ad-ditional light from the scriptures that have never before been explained. In 1933, Tract No. 7 entitled “The Great Controversy over the Shepherd’s Rod”, was first published to record and document Bro. Houteff’s testimony of the unfair and unbibli-cal treatment of the leading men in regard to the teachings found in “The Shepherd’s Rod, Vol. 1”. In 1935 the Rod message continued to prosper and an initial group of 12 among the many believers relocated from southern California to Waco, Texas to establish Mt. Car-mel Center as a central headquarters to bring the message of revival and reformation to the apple of God’s eye, the Seventh-day Adventist church. Once again, out of necessity due to the failure of the Conference to support con-sciencious objector (CO) status of young SDA men who believed in the Rod message, Bro. Houteff reorganized the SRod movement in 1942. “The General Association of Da-vidian Seventh-day Adventists” as it was named published a tract entitled Military Stand in order to support the choice of the young men who wished to serve God rather than be drafted and forced to enter into combat against their conscience. With his devoted love towards his SDA brethren heeding to the mandate of God, Victor T. Houteff went forth with all the power and force that God had given him, sighing and crying for the church as he labored in the Spirit and power of Elijah (Testimonies to Ministers, p. 475). He died with a broken heart on February 5th 1955 at the age of 69.

Ruhamah L. Layman


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He left no successors to his office but predicted before his death that a “knock-out blow” to the Rod message would originate from a professed friends of the faith (White House Recruiter, p. 33). On February 6th, 1955 the day immediately following the death of her husband, Flourence Houteff appoints herself as the “Vice-president” and head of Mt. Carmel Cen-ter. She was one of many usurpers that were predicted to come and try to take control of the message. By November of 1955 Flourence Houteff begins to use the Symbolic Code, the of-ficial newsletter of the Association, to publish unorthodox teachings and false predic-tions. Foremost was the claim that since Bro. Houteff’s death they had entered into a 42 month period which would culmenate with the fulfillment of Ezekiel 9 sometime in the spring of 1959. In April of 1959 Flourence Houteff and her apostate council calls for a solemn as-sembly to await her false prediction for the time of the fulfillment of Ezekiel 9. The day came to pass and nothing happened due to her error of time setting. This blunder be-came known as the “knock-out blow” which had been predicted to come. By 1961 faithful Shepherd’s Rod believers left Waco and reorganized in California to resume the publication of the original Rod message and oppose the false teachings coming from Flourence Houteff and Ben L. Roden, founder of the Branch Davidians. After meeting with the leading men of the Conference on several occassions, in March of 1962 Flourence Houteff and her apostate Council resigned and erroneously pronounced that the Shepherd’s Rod message was false and that Victor Houteff and Ellen White were false prophets and that all we needed to be saved was to follow the writings of the apostle Paul. Since 1962 up to the present day, the original Shepherd’s Rod message remains alive and well because it is the extra oil that the wise virgins need to be saved from their Laodicean condition. Despite the almost super-human efforts by the church leadership to discourage the members from investigating its teachings, and their continued efforts to pronounce the movement a spurious “offshoot” that would soon die out, many true and sincere S. D. A.’s who choose to investigate for themselves become convicted and believe that the Shepherd’s Rod message is indeed the message of the hour, the “true witness” that will bring revival and reformation to the church (Christian Service, p. 42).

Some History on the Origin of the Branch Davidians

In stark contrast, the Branch Davidians were started in 1955 by Benjamen L. Roden, a false prophet who counterfeited the original Rod message by claiming that he was Elijah the prophet who would never die. Roden, an unconverted Jew, introduced many false doctrines not found in the Bible or the writings of the Spirit of Prophecy and the Shepherd’s Rod, such as the need to keep the feast days today in a literal sense. In 1978 Ben L. Roden died. His wife, Lois Roden became the next prophetic succes-sor to the Branch movement and continued to introduce additional unbiblical teachings, e.g., the Holy Spirit is a female person. In 1986 Lois Roden dies and an intense struggle for the leadership of the Branch movement ensues between George Roden (the son) and Vernon Howell (who later changed his name to David Koresh). By 1988, after a complex series of legal battles, David Koresh becomes the undisputed leader of the Branch movement. A military style assualt on the Branch Davidian compound on February 28, 1993 results in the deaths of several Branch members and government agents. An infamous 51-day siege ensues and on April 19th, a government initiated fire results in the deaths of 79 men, women, and children, including David Koresh. Today many small fragments of the Branch movement are still active in promoting their doctrines. Although only a few still claim loyalty to David Koresh’s teachings, other competing factions reject him a legitimate leader of the movement. Yet despite the in-fighting, all of the Branch factions affirm a common belief in the doctrines taught by Ben

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Sifting Truth From Error—Questions to Ask

The lessons of history prove over and over again the grave danger of the church members

Roden and his wife Louis. To varied extents they also affirm belief in the Spirit of Prophecy and the Shepherd’s Rod message despite many contradictions with the Roden doctrines and the writings of God’s last two inspired messagers, Ellen White and Victor Houteff.

Shepherd’s Rod Teachings

Since its inception in 1930, the Shepherd’s Rod message has been subject to much deri-sion and misinformation to what it actually teaches. This situation has been confused and compounded with the introduction of the Branch Davidian sect in 1955. To clarify this unfortu-nate situation, three illustrative examples of how the leadership of the S. D. A. church system-atically misrepresent the true teachings of the SRod message are listed below.

SDA Private Opinion:The Shepherd’s Rod promotes beliefs directly contrary to Adventist understandings.

Bible Truth:The Shepherd’s Rod teaches pure Bible truth backed up by the Spirit of Prophecy. What the Rod teaches, it proves. The conflict that arises between the teaching of the Shepherd’s Rod and “Adventist understandings” is not with the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy, but solely with the multitude of private opinions that have crept into Adventist thought over the years and are promulgated through the Bible commentary and various Adventist publications (see: Testimo-nies to Ministers, p. 70).

SDA Private Opinion: The ninth chapter of Ezekiel prophecy has its primary meaning in the Babylonian conquest of Judah. It has some analogies with Revelation 7:15, 16 but portray final events that will occur after the close of probation.

Bible Truth: Ezekiel 9 is an event which is yet future and will meet its fulfillment with the purification of the world-wide Seventh-day Adventist church as predicted by inspiration. Once purified, the remnant (144,000) will then be entrusted with latter rain Pentecostal power to enable them to go forth to preach the “Loud Cry” to all the fallen churches of Babylon (Rev. 18:4) bringing in a great multitude (Rev. 7:9) that no man can number into a purified kingdom church. “We are amid the perils of the last days, the time will soon come when the prophecy of Ezekiel 9 will be fulfilled; that prophecy should be carefully studied, for it will be fulfilled to the very let-ter.”—(1888 Materials, p. 1303). “The sealing (Eze. 9:4) of the servants of God is the same that was shown to Ezekiel in vision. John (Rev. 7:1-8) also had been a witness of this most startling revelation.”—(Testimonies to Ministers, p. 445).

S. D. A. Private Opinion: Jesus will return to establish another kingdom with the Second Advent, which is to follow the close of probation.

Bible Truth: “And in the days of these kings [in time of the ten toes] shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, [but] it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever.”—Daniel 2:44 [bracket added]. This kingdom is set up before probation closes which can be proven from many different angles as plainly revealed in scripture (please read; Jeremiah chapters 30, 31, Ezekiel chap-ters 36, and 37, Isaiah chapter 2). These scriptures are to plain to be misinterpreted, except that one choose to believe a lie and doubt the Word of God. God will have a purified and sanc-tified people prepared to meet Him at the Second Advent who will have been separated from sin and sinners and made ready to enter the heavenly portals and stand in the presence of a most Holy God.

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who do not study and investigate for themselves, but, rather look to the leading men for understanding of the scriptures. As has always proven the case in the past, when God chooses to send light to His people it has never come from the halls of learning, but rather from the ordinary man who was willing to heed the voice of God and speak to His chosen people. As Ellen White reminds us, “In the last solemn work few great men will be engaged.” (Testimonies Vol. 5, p. 80). These plain facts have not changed today. Several simple but important tests should be applied by every believer who wants to avoid being deceived by the church leadership and are willing to search out for their own salvation with fear and trembling before God and refuse to trust in the arm of flesh.

1. Do the church leaders encourage you to investigate for yourselves and let you know that there is yet much precious truth to be revealed from God’s word (Counsels to Sabbath School Workers, p. 25)? That we should investigate claims of “present truth the flocks needs know” (Early Writings, p. 63) with an open mind free from prejudice and bias, comparing scripture with scripture and to sink the shaft deep into the mine of truth (Testimonies to Ministers, pp. 155, 476). 2. Do the church leaders give you solid Biblical references where the Shep-herd’s Rod teachings are in error based upon the Holy Bible, or do they try to influence you by repeating false reports and accusations such as, “Victor Houteff was a false prophet,” “the Shepherd’s Rod are followers of David Koresh,” “Vic-tor Houteff’s teaching were reviewed by the leading men of the conference and found to be out of harmony with Adventist teachings,” etc.? 3. Do church leaders prophesy unto you smooth sayings in regard to the teaching of God’s soon judgment of the S. D. A. church as expounded in Ezekiel chapter 9 with such statements as “The Lord will not do good, neither will He do evil. He is to merciful to visit His people in judgment” (Testimonies, Vol. 5, p. 211) and continue to slumber on in a Laodicean state of mind? 4. Am I being strongly urged to make a decision not to investigate the claims of the Shepherd’s Rod message based on the mere hearsay, reports, and accusations without any solid Biblical proof that the claims of the Rod are wrong, or will you investigate for yourselves as was Nathanael when he was invited to “come and see”? 5. Do I seek out the reasons why the church leadership systematically and improperly disfellowship those church members who choose to study and prac-tice the Shepherd’s Rod for themselves in direct violation of the counsels given in the S. D. A. Church Manual, the Spirit of Prophecy, and the Holy Bible? 6. Will you give heed unto the admonition of Gamaliel (Acts 5:34-39) that if this message is not of God it will come to naught, but if it be of God who can overthrow it?

For more detailed information on the Shepherd’s Rod message, or to request copies of the original printed tract literature, please feel free to contact us at:

The Universal Publishing [email protected]

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