BRADLEY STOKE TOWN COUNCIL€¦ · Web view2019/09/18  · Minutes of the meeting of Bradley Stoke...

Bradley Stoke Town Council – 18 September 2019 BRADLEY STOKE TOWN COUNCIL Full Council Minutes of the meeting of Bradley Stoke Town Council held at Bradley Stoke Jubilee Centre on 18 September 2019 at 7.00 pm. PRESENT: Councillors: Tom Aditya (Chair) John Ashe Roger Avenin Fabrizio Fazzino Tony Griffiths Elaine Hardwick Michael Hill Franklin Owusu-Antwi Ben Randles Ed Rose Andy Ward Officers: Sharon Petela (Town Clerk) John Rendell (Deputy Town Clerk/Premises Manager) 1 Submissions from the Public None 2 Apologies for absence Apologies were received from Councillors Keith Cranney, Terri Cullen and Nikki Hallur and BSTC Officer Rachel Pullen 3 Applications for Dispensations by Councillors None 4 Declarations of Interest None 5 Announcements by the Chair 1

Transcript of BRADLEY STOKE TOWN COUNCIL€¦ · Web view2019/09/18  · Minutes of the meeting of Bradley Stoke...

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Bradley Stoke Town Council – 18 September 2019


Full Council

Minutes of the meeting of Bradley Stoke Town Council held at Bradley Stoke Jubilee Centre on 18 September 2019 at 7.00 pm.


Councillors: Tom Aditya (Chair)John AsheRoger AveninFabrizio FazzinoTony GriffithsElaine HardwickMichael HillFranklin Owusu-AntwiBen RandlesEd RoseAndy Ward

Officers: Sharon Petela (Town Clerk)John Rendell (Deputy Town Clerk/Premises Manager)

1 Submissions from the Public


2 Apologies for absence

Apologies were received from Councillors Keith Cranney, Terri Cullen and Nikki Hallur and BSTC Officer Rachel Pullen

3 Applications for Dispensations by Councillors


4 Declarations of Interest


5 Announcements by the Chair

The Chair, Councillor Tom Aditya informed the meeting that he has attended a variety of meetings and public events across the area recently as the Mayor and the Chair of the Town Council on behalf of Bradley Stoke Town Council.

6 Minutes of Previous Meetings


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Bradley Stoke Town Council – 18 September 2019

Minutes of meeting held on 10th July 2019 were proposed for acceptance by Councillor Franklin Owusu-Antwi, seconded by Councillor Tony Griffiths, with the following amendments:1.2 …………… The Chair, Councillor Tom Aditya Elaine Hardwick commented ………..

5 ………….. The Chair Councillors commented on the poor state of road markings and road surfaces (including numerous potholes) around the town and He asked the Town Clerk …….

13.1.2 ……….2020 Community Festival budget (£21,000 – Re-Energize + £4,000 – community element, as detailed above) within the overall budget of £26,200 for the whole festival budget, which was also approved by Council in September 2018, ……..

A vote was taken, 10 in favour, 1 abstention, proposal carried. Minutes were signed by the Chair as a correct record.

In light of the fact that there was a representative from 1st Bradley Stoke Scout Group present at the meeting, Councillor Tom Aditya proposed that agenda item 13.2 be discussed next, seconded by Councillor Roger Avenin, carried unanimously.

13 To deal with Miscellaneous Matters

13.2 Request from 1st Bradley Stoke Scout Group – Replacement container at Brook Way Activity Centre

The Chair, Councillor Tom Aditya invited the representative from 1st Bradley Stoke Scout Group to speak in support of their following request:

1st Bradley Stoke Scouts have a 30’ ISO container sited at the rear of Brook Way Activity Centre. This was originally placed there in 2010 and was subject to a temporary planning approval (PT10/0516/F). Whilst there was consideration for brick-built storage in the longer term, with the siting of two further containers at Brook Way this has now been overtaken by events. The Group therefore needs to reapply for planning permission. At the same time, the age of the existing container means that we need to replace it. It leaks despite numerous repairs to the roof by welding and applying waterproof coatings. The door is also bowed by heat and means that many of our adult volunteers cannot open it.

The container is used to store a range of equipment that cannot be housed in the small inside store of Brook Way. As one of the largest Scout Groups in the country with around 250 young people in four Beaver Colony’s (age 6 – 8 years), four Cub Packs (8 – 10.5) and three Scout Troops (10.5 to 14) plus a marching band, a water activity unit, a Scout Active Support Unit and a partnered Explorer unit (14 – 18), we inevitably have a lot of kit. Whilst the majority of our camping equipment is now held offsite, we still have significant equipment we need ready access to. This includes pioneering poles, ropes, axes, knives, archery bows, arrows & bosses, a variety of tents for each section to practice with, gas stoves and cooking equipment. Without this equipment, we could not deliver the programme to our young people to provide them with Skills for Life.

We aim to replace the existing container with one of similar specification and colour. As now, it would be connected to the mains power, providing lighting and power sockets for working (we often have to repair our kit). We would make arrangements for this and the removal from site of the existing container.

Following discussion, Councillor Roger Avenin proposed no objection to the above request, seconded by Councillor Elaine Hardwick, carried unanimously.

7 Matters arising from the Minutes of 10th July 2019

7.1 Brook Way Activity Centre Site Grounds Redevelopment


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Bradley Stoke Town Council – 18 September 2019

The Chair, Councillor Tom Aditya called the Deputy Town Clerk/Premises Manager to talk on the subject.

The Deputy Town Clerk/Premises Manager informed the meeting that, in light of the value of the contract, The Town Council initially advertised the job specification/works on the Constructionline website for six weeks (from 14/06/19 to 26/07/19). This advertisement on the Constructionline website did not result in any enquiries from the construction industry.

We have therefore gone to four local construction companies to carry out the work and have received the following quotes to undertake the work at Brook Way.

Quote 1 – Jones Building Group: £43,080+VATQuote 2 – PA James LTD: £42,899+VATQuote 3 – SJP Paving: £37,650+VATQuote 4 - TK Building Company: £41,750+VAT

All four companies have presented themselves in a professional manner and if authorised to take on the work, the BSTC Premises Manager has no doubts would give us the required finished article. They have checked the work carried out by all contractors.

Work on site is expected to be approx. three weeks. All companies will set up the site safely, fencing off the area and will have Health & Safety Personnel present during the project length. The BSTC Premises Manager will liaise with them on a daily basis and sign off the works as and when they are completed at each stage.

SJP Paving have provided the most effective quotation and although slightly cheaper than the rest they tick all the boxes in terms of providing us with the much needed upgrades at Brook Way. They have confirmed they can carry out the works as early as we would wish (bearing in mind we are going into the wet weather season). An October start would be perfect from our side.

Coupled to the quotes detailed above, in line with the Arboricultural Report submitted as part of the original planning application and linked to the planning permission granted, the Town Council will also need the services of an Arboricultural company. It is anticipated that the cost for this work will be in the region of £500.

The Town Clerk informed the meeting that there is currently £48,092.52 allocated for the project (N/C 3014).

Following discussion, Councillor Roger Avenin proposed accepting the SJP Paving quote of £37,650.00 + VAT plus up to £500 for an arboricultural company to oversee the tree works, seconded by Councillor Ben Randles, carried unanimously.

7.2 2018 Strategic Planning Recommendations

7.2.1 Update on installation of recycling bins at Skatepark

The Town Clerk informed the meeting that the new combined recycling/general waste bin has been purchased and will be installed as part of the DDA accessible surface outside the container.


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Bradley Stoke Town Council – 18 September 2019

7.2.2 Next stage skatepark development: including Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) accessible surface and access ramp outside container; equipping interior of containers; competition of landscaping; project tools and equipment

The Town Clerk informed the meeting that it is anticipated that quotes and reports will be submitted at the next meeting.

7.3 Lack of bus pull-in bays on Bradley Stoke Way

The Chair, Councillor Tom Aditya called the Town Clerk to talk on the subject. The Town Clerk informed the meeting that, the following e-mail was sent by the Town Council to the Head of Transport and Strategic Projects at South Gloucestershire Council (SGC):

Thank you for your e-mail dated 1st of April 2019, regarding lay-bys at bus stops at Bradley Stoke Way.

We read your response carefully and understand your difficulties. As you said, it is good to encourage the use of public transport. We also support that. However, the existing scenario jeopardises the public transport system itself.

As you know, there are no bus lanes in between Fiddlers Wood Roundabout and Baileys Court Roundabout on Bradley Stoke Way. The traffic flow through Bradley Stoke Way has become more and more hectic and crawling after the opening of the Stoke Gifford Bypass. Hence, any obstruction in traffic flow in Bradley Stoke cause knock-on effect in roundabouts along the Bradley Stoke Way and cause further chock-a-blocks in the town. The town and its residents are suffering enormously due to lack of proper infrastructure to cater this traffic flow. Many a times particularly in the morning hours of the week days, M1 buses are also blocked by bus numbers 73 and T1 at the bus stops in the Bradley Stoke Way.  Bradley Stoke itself goes under siege unnecessarily due to this problem.

We also encourage the use of public transport by improving bus services, but we request the South Glos Council not to penalise other road users in that initiative. It is not fair to block the arterial route of the town and creating traffic chaos in Bradley Stoke. I am enclosing a picture (courtesy of Bradley Stoke Journal) along with this email, to illustrate the traffic chaos and the lane hopping and the dangerous situations it may unfold.

Hence, we solemnly request you to re-consider your decision after analysing the in-depth gravity of the problem and take necessary steps to put the bus lay-bys at least in few of the bus stops that needs urgent attention.  Thanking you.

Subsequently, the following response was received from the Head of Transport and Strategic Projects:

Thank you for your e-mail dated 15th July 2019, in the above connection - please accept my apologies for the delay in responding.

As mentioned in my e-mail on the 1st April 2019, building bus laybys would impact on the timings and reliability of bus services as the buses would find it difficult to leave the bus stop and re-enter the traffic flow, effectively getting stuck in the stop, especially at peak times.

Moving the stops into laybys or building new bus lanes are not quick or easy solutions to put in and are normally only justified when they take the buses away from traffic congestion to improve journey times and reliability, such as on the approaches to roundabouts and road junctions.  If there is justification, delivery would still require funding bids to be developed and business cases to be made, which takes a long time.

It should be mentioned that the increasing numbers of passengers that are using electronic ticketing and pre-bought smartcards are making bus boarding quicker and reducing the time buses spend at stops.


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Bradley Stoke Town Council – 18 September 2019

However, we will continue to monitor the situation along Bradley Stoke Way and any feedback from the bus operators to understand if the buses are becoming delayed to a great extent and how this compares to other routes in South Gloucestershire.

With regards.

The Chair, Councillor Tom Aditya commented that there was a need for the Town Council to look to the future with a view to forward planning for the residents of the town and he felt that bus pull-in bays or an extra lane on that section of Bradley Stoke way would be the best solution to add the flow of traffic through the town.

Councillors commented that South Gloucestershire Council have clearly indicated that they would not be taking this request any further, as detailed in their response above. However they have also stated that they would continue to monitor the situation along Bradley Stoke Way and feedback from bus operators, which is a positive step.

Following discussion, Councillor Ben Randles proposed that this item be removed from the agenda and a watching brief is kept, seconded by Councillor Ed Rose. A vote was taken, 10 in favour, 1 against, proposal carried.

7.4 Update on Silting Issues at the Three Brooks Nature Reserve

The Chair, Councillor Tom Aditya called the Town Clerk to talk on the subject. The Town Clerk informed the meeting that the following e-mail was sent by the Town Council to the Chief Executive of South Gloucestershire Council:

I am writing to you on behalf of Bradley Stoke Town Council with regard to the ongoing problem with the lake on the Three Brooks Nature Reserve, and the need for major desilting. As you will be aware, the Chair of Bradley Stoke Town Council, Councillor Tom Aditya raised this issue with you at the recent Town & Parish Council Forum and you said you would look into this issue for us.

The Chair of Council, Councillor Tom Aditya also raised concerns at the recent Full Council meeting regarding the recent flooding on the Three Brooks Nature Reserve and the need for the lake to be desilted as a matter of urgency. He said the large build-up of silt is exacerbating the flooding problem.

The Town Council originally sent a letter of support to the SGC Partnerships & Delivery Officer (John Morris) in November 2017 with the Town Council stating that they fully supported his efforts to get the desilting work carried out on the lake. A follow-up e-mail was then sent in June/July 2018 to obtain an update and the following response was received:

“We are currently obtaining quotes for the desilting work. As part of the work silt samples will shortly be taken from the lake to determine what particulates are contained in the silt. This will determine where we can legally dispose of the silt and the cost of the project. We still need to identify funding sources for this work”

The Chair, Councillor Tom Aditya recently met up with the SGC Partnerships & Delivery Officer at an event and once again raised concerns about the state of the lake. He also suggested to the Officer that SGC investigate whether they could sell the silt to a fertilizer company to generate income to offset some of the cost of the project.

The Three Brooks Nature Conservation Group have confirmed that the lake is in need of major desilting, with the mud being treacherous. They commented that, as far as they were aware a precedent had been set elsewhere in the country with silt from a pond/lake being sold on after removal. It has been observed that one day the lake can be flooded and then a couple of days later there is significant amounts of mud exposed with the water levels very low. This would indicate that the lake is not doing what it was designed for i.e. an attenuation pond. The flooding, in turn, causes damage to the paths surrounding the lake.


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Bradley Stoke Town Council – 18 September 2019

A few years ago, the Chair, Councillor Tom Aditya proposed the lake’s desilting work to be included as a community payback project by Wessex Water whilst they were undertaking consultation for the construction of the major sewage tunnel passing underneath through the Nature Reserve. The officials of Wessex Water indicated that this may be a possible proposal at that time, but it later transpired that an amount of only £5,000 was given to the South Gloucestershire Council by Wessex Water towards it. Even after many years, the work hasn’t happened yet.

Town Councillors are aware that, in the region of £85,000 is charged in Special Expenses (relating to the Three Brooks Nature Reserve) to the Town Council by SGC each year. Councillors are keen to receive a breakdown of how this large amount of money is spent on the Nature Reserve.

Councillors would ask you please to investigate the desilting of the lake at the Three Brooks Nature Reserve as a matter of urgency, before conditions at the lake deteriorate further and also let them have a breakdown of how the Special Expenses charge that is made to the Town Council in relation to the Nature Reserve is structured.

Subsequently, the following response and accompanying documents was received from the Chief Executive:

Thank you for your email regarding the above facility at Three Brooks. Firstly I have been asked to clarify that the lake is not an attenuation pond, it is an amenity lake.  For your reference, an officer has located the original plans for the lake and found the Land Drainage Consent from the National River Authority 1993 stating “the formation of amenity lake with two inlet weirs and one outlet weir with a culverted section of Hortham Brook…”.

I have been advised of the following action which has been taken since the last update to the Town Council last year: Officers have worked with the Three Brooks Conservation Group to submit grant

applications but unfortunately without success to date Funds were secured from the Capital Programme in 2019/20 to pay for tree works on the

three islands.  £14,000 was spent on removing overhanging vegetation that would have got in the way of the desilting operations.  As part of the mitigation scheme two otter holts were installed on the islands.

The Structures team have confirmed crossing points on Hortham Brook are structurally sound for plant to cross during desilting works.

The Council ecologist has been commissioned to write the Ecological method statement, to be published in August 2019. 

Drone footage has been commissioned to capture images of the site pre works The Drainage team are currently working up estimates of silt to finalise cost estimates, this

will help us identify funding options.

I have been advised that the matter with Wessex Water is a completely separate one.  The works came under their statutory duty and therefore Wessex Water were not required to compensate for the disruption they caused.   They funded the design and installation of five interpretation panels and are still to carry out mitigations works for the water vole population and wildflower meadows (planned for Autumn 2019).

I can confirm that officers are committed to find the funding for these unbudgeted works, and once this is achieve will progress with the desilting as a priority.

With regard to Special Expenses, it should be made clear that this is not a charge to the Town Council. It is a reallocation of the Council’s maintenance costs to the residents of the Parish where the facility is located.    As requested, please find below details of the costs of the maintenance which are included within the Special Expenses. 

Three Brooks Nature Reserve Maintenance Costs

No of plots Area (M2) Feature Type Cost16 12171.3 Amenity Grass £3,373.8716 3955.85 Amenity Grass Edging £471.515 10422.8 Conservation Cut - Spring £4,632.042 1948.9 Low Maint Woodland £328.2119 7762.26 Meadow Grass £764.12


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Bradley Stoke Town Council – 18 September 2019

1 51.23 Shrub Bed - No mulch £98.766 106.167 Shrub Bed - Mulched £268.407 186.79 Shrub Bed Edging £130.096 3094.42 Stone Dust Path £291.102 90 Informal Hedge 2Side + Top £482.994 Litter Bin £179.30

32462.657 Litter Clearance £1,569.00£12,589.39

I trust this information is of assistance to you.Councillors commented that it is encouraging that SGC have indicated that they are looking into carrying out this work as a matter of urgency and asked SGC Ward councillors to encourage SGC officers to get the work carried out as soon as possible.

7.5 Bradley Stoke Town Council Website Modernisation and Accessibility Survey

The Chair, Councillor Tom Aditya called the Town Clerk to talk on the subject. The Town Clerk informed the meeting that there is a need to modernise the Town Council website and to ensure that it is accessible, see extract from Full Council meeting on 10th July 2019:

13.3 Bradley Stoke Town Council Website renovation & Councillor E-mail Addresses

The Town Clerk informed the meeting that the Town Council website is in need of revamping to give it a more modern look and also to ensure that it is accessible in line with the Public Sector Bodies (Websites & Mobile Applications) (No. 2) Accessibility Regulations 2018.

Following discussion, Councillor Ben Randles proposed that a quote to carry out the website modernising works and accessibility check is obtained from the Town Council website administrator/designer and brought back to the next Full Council meeting for discussion/decision, seconded by Councillor Franklin Owusu-Antwi, carried unanimously.

Officers have been in contact with our website provider (Two Thirds) and he has outlined two different quotes, as detailed below. The first is to completely modernise the BSTC website, ensuring it is accessibility compliant. The second quote is to just carry out an accessibility survey of existing BSTC website and makes relevant changes to ensure it is accessibility compliant:

Quote 1 – Complete modernisation of BSTC website plus ensuring it is compliant with the Public Sector Bodies (Websites & Mobile Applications) (No. 2) Accessibility Regulations 2018

Develop a new responsive website templateDevelop a new responsive template that will enable the website to be viewed on a variety of screen sizes – from mobile up to desktop. On larger screens, the main menu links will be located horizontally under the header, with further sub menu links appearing as drop-downs when a user clicks on a main link. On smaller screens, the menu will be accessed via an icon in the top-right corner of the page, which will reveal the menu links once clicked.

The basic template needs to accommodate three main layouts: Homepage: This layout will feature a large slideshow for important information, plus several

smaller summary boxes lower down the page. Standard content page: This layout will contain mostly text with one or two images.  This

layout will be used for most pages within the website. Gallery page: This layout will be used for the photo gallery pages – such as the Community

Festival, Firework and Carnival pages.

Once the initial template has been developed, I will send you three example pages so that you can see how it will look and function on different devices.  If you would like to see any changes made to the template, we can make those changes at this stage. Following approval of the new template, I will


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Bradley Stoke Town Council – 18 September 2019

then begin transferring the content from the existing website into the new format/layout, whilst also reviewing the accessibility of each page.

During the transfer process, there will be some additional layouts that need to be developed for certain pages (i.e. Activity Centres, Contact the Office, News/Events, plus others).  These will be tackled on a one-by-one basis as I transfer the content across.

Accessibility ChecksFor an existing website, the deadline for compliance is 23 September 2020.  Also, it’s possible to leave some older content in place if it can’t be reasonably fixed without incurring a disproportionate burden.

On the basis that we are updating an existing website to make it accessible, I would tackle the work as follows...

My aim will be to provide an accessible website according to the international WCAG 2.1 AA accessibility standard. At each stage of the development and transfer process, I will run the web pages through an online accessibility checker and attempt to rectify any issues that are raised.  This will include fixing any ‘errors’ and evaluating which ‘alerts’ may need to be actioned in order to comply.

If an issue relating to older content presents a major problem, I will notify you and ask if it’s something that can be left on the website – due to the fact that it can't be reasonably fixed without incurring a disproportionate burden – or if it can be removed.

As I understand it, any older content that fails the accessibility checks and can’t be reasonably fixed would need to be documented in the Accessibility Statement.  Provision would then need to be made to offer that information in another format (offline or by email for example).

As well as web pages, any linked Word and PDF documents must also be provided in an accessible format.  These items are generally sent to me and are beyond the remit of my work.   I would advise that Word and PDF documents are checked for accessibility using the in-program tools before they are sent to me in future.

Unfortunately, I cannot write the Accessibility Statement for you, as it’s a legal document, but I will assist in providing any information that you require to complete it.   The Government has provided an example Statement which can be used as a starting point:

Quote 1 - Cost and TimescaleTaking the size of the BSTC website into account, I estimate that it will take me approximately four weeks to complete this work and the total costs would be £3,000 plus VAT. 

Quote 2 – Evaluation/review of existing BSTC website to ensure it is compliant with the Public Sector Bodies (Websites & Mobile Applications) (No. 2) Accessibility Regulations 2018 and then make relevant changes as required

During the update, I may need to make changes to the appearance of some pages/sections.  This might range from changing the text size/colour, to removing redundant or duplicate elements, to re-arranging the layout. As with the full quote, I would consult with you on any items that cannot be fixed to meet the latest standards.  We can then decide whether to document them in the Accessibility Statement or remove them from the website entirely.

The way I would approach this work would be to set up a duplicate website.  I would then work on the duplicate website to avoid any disruption to the main live website.  Only once the duplicate website has been fully updated and approved would I make it live.

Quote 2 - CostTo evaluate all the pages within the existing website and then update them to meet the latest accessibility standard (WCAG 2.1 AA), I would budget for 40 hours which equates to £1,200 plus VAT.


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Bradley Stoke Town Council – 18 September 2019

The Town Clerk explained that it will be necessary to use our existing Website administrator to carry out the work as they originally constructed, host and maintain the current website.

Following discussion, Councillor Ed Rose proposed accepting the Two Thirds quote 1 at a cost of £3,000 + VAT to completely modernise the BSTC website plus ensuring it is compliant with the Public Sector Bodies (Websites & Mobile Applications ) (No. 2) Accessibility Regulations 2018, with the funding being transferred from the surplus budget in N/C3014 (Brook Way Development Reserve) to N/C5038 (Web charges) seconded by Councillor Michael Hill, carried unanimously.

7.6 Provision of Bradley Stoke Town Councillors E-mail Addresses

The Chair, Councillor Tom Aditya called the Town Clerk to talk on the subject. The Town Clerk informed the meeting that it is suggested that all town councillors should have e-mail addresses (see extract from Full Council meeting on 10th July 2019 below):

13.3 Bradley Stoke Town Council Website renovation & Councillor E-mail Addresses

………….. The Town Clerk informed the meeting that now the Town Council is on Office 365 it is more feasible/practicable for all councillors to have a e-mail address. The Chair, Councillor Tom Aditya commented that, from the research he has carried out, it varies with local councils as to whether councillors have e-mail addresses that individuals have set up or have ones provided by the council.

Councillors commented that, even if town council e-mail addresses are provided, it would make sense to use the current e-mail set-up through our website which helps to cut down on the number of spam e-mails received.

Following discussion, Councillor Ben Randles proposed that a quote to provide Town Council e-mail addresses be obtained and brought back to the next Full Council meeting for discussion/decision, seconded by Councillor Franklin Owusu-Antwi. A vote was taken, 7 in favour, 3 abstentions, proposal carried.

Officers have been in contact with our current IT supplier (Ionet Systems Ltd) and they have provided the following quotes/advice:

Provision of ‘’ email addresses for the CouncillorsCurrently the 15 councillors utilise private email addresses and it is now proposed to provide them with their own email address

Two options are available by subscribing to additional Office 365 mail licenses (Payable monthly via the existing Direct Debit agreement to INTY) and these can be mixed depending on the Councillors preference. License can be cancelled or changed to other types as required

Option 1:Office 365 Kiosk Web Access Mail Only account, which can be accessed using any web browser using the Outlook Web App (similar to Gmail) and does Not require a local copy of Microsoft Outlook to store the email. These email accounts are limited to 2Gb of email per user and any mail attachments can be opened and viewed as long at the programs (Adobe, Word etc) are installed locally on the users PC/Laptop, plus allows a user to user their smart phone for email using Activesync

Option 2:


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Office 365 Business Essentials Mail Only account, which can be accessed using any web browser (similar to Gmail) and also supports Microsoft Outlook to store the email, plus allows a user to user their smart phone for email.

These emails accounts provide up to 50Gb of email per user and also support access to Web versions of Office Applications, 1Tb of OneDrive personal file storage and Teams (online meetings & Video Conferencing).

If the councillor already has modern version of Outlook 2013 or better, then this can be setup for their email, rather than Web Access only. More work is involved setting up each Councillor as we would have to connect their Outlook to their new email account and would need admin rights to their Windows devices

Our current IT supplier has advised that Option 1 is suitable for councillors needs. Costs

1OPTION 1 – Monthly Direct Debit to INTYMicrosoft Office Exchange Kiosk (Per User Per Month) 15 @ £1.50 £22.50Email Hosting with 2Gb Mailbox & Outlook Web App (Web Access Only) Includes Microsoft Email Virus Scanning & Spam Filtering

1aPayable to IONETCreate 15 x User Mail Accounts in Office365 & Provide Passwords, Instructions for Email Access £200.00

2OPTION 2 – Monthly Direct Debit to INTYMicrosoft Office 365 Business Essentials (Per User Per Month) 15 @ £3.80 £57.00Email Hosting with 50 GB MailboxIncludes Microsoft Email Virus Scanning & Spam FilteringWeb versions of Office Applications: Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote File Storage & Sharing with 1TB of OneDrive StorageOnline Meetings & Video ConferencingCompatible with Windows 10, 8.1, Windows 7 Service Pack 1, MacOS

2aPayable to IONETCreate 15 x User Mail Accounts in Office365 & Provide Passwords, Instructions for Email Access £200.00

2b Setup Users local Outlook for Bradley Stoke Emails (requires admin rights to device) Per HourThis would have to completed on each Councillors device separately


Following discussion, Councillor Ed Rose proposed accepting the Ionet Systems Ltd quote 1 at a cost of 15 @£1.50 per user per month + VAT plus £200.00 one-off charge for Ionet to create 15 x user mail accounts (as detailed above) with the funding (£470.00 for one year) being transferred from the surplus budget in N/C3014 (Brook Way Development Reserve) to N/C5037 (Email, Internet) seconded by Councillor Franklin Owusu-Antwi. A vote was taken, 8 in favour, 1 against, 2 abstentions, proposal carried. It was noted that this will impact on the 5 Year Forward Plan at a cost of £270.00 extra per year.

7.7 Purchase of BSTC Video Recording Equipment

The Chair, Councillor Tom Aditya called the Town Clerk to talk on the subject. The Town Clerk informed the meeting that is suggested that the town council purchase video recording equipment to be used at meetings (see extract from Full Council meeting on 10th July 2019 below):

13.4 Video Recording Matters


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Bradley Stoke Town Council – 18 September 2019

It was acknowledged that video recordings of Town Council meetings currently takes place, but discussion took place on whether it would be appropriate for the Town Council to video all council meetings themselves and then upload the videos to some form of local media, including possibly setting up a Town Council YouTube account.

Councillors commented that this would help to increase the public presence of the Town Council. Councillors also felt that there was the need to have a more professional back-drop to the recording which could be achieved with the purchase of several pop-up banners which could be erected behind the main table at each meeting.

Following discussion, Councillor Ben Randles proposed that quotes for purchasing video recording equipment and pop-up banners be obtained and brought back to the next Full Council meeting for discussion/decision, seconded by Councillor Franklin Owusu-Antwi, carried unanimously.

The following quote has been obtained from Ionet Systems Ltd, our IT support company:Video Recording System for Town Council Meetings

Town Council meetings are held regularly in the Jubilee Centre, either in the Woodland Suit or Oak Hall. Up to 15 Councillors and participants sit around tables arranged in a U shape with public seating in front.

The simplest solution would be to use a portable camcorder with a wide field of view and built-in high gain microphones, mounted on a tripod stand. Additional boundary microphones could be placed on the tables (if required) and connected via XLR inputs on the Camcorder to ensure everyone can be clearly heard on the video recording. The video recording would be stored on to a high capacity SD memory card, capable of storing approximately 2 hours of recordings. The SD card can then be read using a laptop or PC with SD card reader to upload the video to YouTube.

1 Zoom Q8 Digital HD Video Camcorder (up to 3 Megapixel) DV247 £339.00160 Degree Wide Angle Lens (F2.0/16.6mm), 4 x Digital Zoom3 Point Camera/Tripod Mount ReadyIncludes Stereo X/Y Microphone Capsule (Other Mic Options Available)Rechargeable Li-Ion Battery via USB Cable (2+ Hours life)SD/SDHC/SDCX Cards supported up to 128Gb, LED Preview Screen2xXLR/TRS Audio Inputs (with Phantom Power/Gain Control)HDMI, USB & 3.5mm Audio Out

1a Kingston 64Gb SDXC Memory Card for Video Recordings £18.00High Speed 95Mb/s Read & 30Mb/s Write

1b Konig Tripod Stand for Camcorder (up 105cm Extending legs) £16.00

2 System Configuration, Testing & User Demonstration £40.00

Total Excluding VAT £413.00

3 Samson CM11B Omnidirectional Boundary Microphone (Optional) EACH £66.00

Following discussion, Councillor Tony Griffiths proposed that a quote be obtained for a wireless microphone to be linked to the video recorder to improve sound quality, seconded by Councillor Ed Rose. A vote was taken, 10 in favour, 1 against, proposal carried.

7.8 Purchase of BSTC Pop-Up Banners

The Chair, Councillor Tom Aditya called the Town Clerk to talk on the subject. The Town Clerk informed the meeting that it has been suggested that the town council purchase pop-up banners to be used as a backdrop at Council meetings and events (see extract from Full Council meeting on 10th July 2019 below):


Page 12: BRADLEY STOKE TOWN COUNCIL€¦ · Web view2019/09/18  · Minutes of the meeting of Bradley Stoke Town Council held at Bradley Stoke Jubilee Centre on 18 September 2019 at 7.00 pm.

Bradley Stoke Town Council – 18 September 2019

13.4 Video Recording Matters

It was acknowledged that video recordings of Town Council meetings currently takes place, but discussion took place on whether it would be appropriate for the Town Council to video all council meetings themselves and then upload the videos to some form of local media, including possibly setting up a Town Council YouTube account.

Councillors commented that this would help to increase the public presence of the Town Council. Councillors also felt that there was the need to have a more professional back-drop to the recording which could be achieved with the purchase of several pop-up banners which could be erected behind the main table at each meeting.

Following discussion, Councillor Ben Randles proposed that quotes for purchasing video recording equipment and pop-up banners be obtained and brought back to the next Full Council meeting for discussion/decision, seconded by Councillor Franklin Owusu-Antwi, carried unanimously.

Officers have now obtained two designs and a cost of pop-up banners.The cost of a pop-up banner is:

800mm wide standard bannerstand £110.50 + VAT each

It is suggested that councillors consider purchasing a number of banners (possibly three) which could be easily erected as a backdrop at council meetings and at other events etc.

Councillors commented that there are much cheaper options available, they felt that the pictures were not required (just the logo and the Mission statement) and the banner could be twice as wide which would negate the need to purchase numerous banners,

Following discussion Councillor Andy Ward proposed that further costings and designs be obtained (as detailed above) seconded by Councillor Ed Rose. A vote was taken, 10 in favour, 1 against, proposal carried.

8 Finance Committee

The Minutes of the Finance Committee held on 21st August 2019 were received.

9 Planning and Environment Committee

The Minutes of the Planning and Environment Committee meetings on 24 th July 2019 and 28th August 2019 were received.

10 Leisure, Youth & Amenities Committee

The Minutes of the Leisure, Youth & Amenities Committee meeting on 19 th August 2019 were received.

11 To receive updates from South Gloucestershire Council Ward members

Councillor John Ashe Various issues addressed relating to a wide range of residents’ concerns. As SGC

Ward councillors, they are on numerous external committees across the region (i.e.


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Bradley Stoke Town Council – 18 September 2019

WECA Scrutiny and Audit Committees and Avon Fire Authority) plus various SGC committees

Councillor Roger Avenin Currently serving on numerous SGC committees: Regulatory, Licensing, Public

Rights of Way, Strategic Sites and Spatial Planning Very proactive in the recent McDonalds Planning Appeal with the compilation of a

very comprehensive document relating to numerous objections to the appeal

The Chair, Councillor Tom Aditya thanked Councillor Avenin for his very prompt work in respect of the proposed works to trees in Champs Sur Marne.

Councillor Franklin Owusu-Antwi Serving on numerous committees/panels (i.e. Cabinet Assistant in SGC, Avon &

Somerset Crime Commission, Safer Community Lead and Veterans Initiative across South Gloucestershire)

Has been pro-active in matters relating to Tree Preservation Orders in the town Councillors suggested changing the title of the agenda item, in the future, to read: Updates from South Gloucestershire Council ward members relevant to Bradley Stoke and also to invite Councillor Sarah Pomfret (the other SG Bradley Stoke North ward councillor) to future meetings

12 Financial Matters

12.1 Scope of 2019/20 Internal Audit

Regulations require Councils to carry out an annual review of the effectiveness of their system of internal audit as stated in ‘A Practitioners Guide (England).

The Review must be balanced to the Council’s internal audit needs and should be designed to provide sufficient assurance for the council that accounting and procedural standards are being met and that the internal controls and internal audits are effective.

Councillors must judge the extent and scope of the review by reference to their own individual circumstances and knowledge of the workings of their own council. This review is the responsibility of the council as a part of it’s Governance responsibilities and cannot be carried out by the internal or external auditor or delegated to the Clerk or RFO.

10 years ago, Council first implemented a firm scope for the internal audit following changes to the annual audit which had become more focussed on accountability particularly against fraudulent activity. This scope covered all of the areas highlighted within the regulations with particular attention being paid to risk management.

In March 2016 Council decided to continue to employ South Gloucestershire Council as internal auditors on a rolling contract, providing a specialist service. This contract can be reviewed in the future subsequent to any major changes in either charges or BSTC audit requirements. This contract was renewed again in March 2019 for an additional 3 years on a rolling contract to be reviewed in readiness for 2022/23

The attached scope has been supplied by the internal auditors and is in line with current legal requirements and forms the framework upon which the 2019/20 internal audit work and report will be based. The scope is based upon the 10 main Control Objectives as stated on the Annual Return. As such, council must formally approve or alter the format of this scope to ensure that the internal audit is effective and constructive. Council


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Bradley Stoke Town Council – 18 September 2019

approval is required in readiness for the forthcoming internal audit which is due to take place in January 2020.

Such approval must also be substantiated by the appointment of two councillors who will be required to visit the office to review our procedures and internal controls first hand in order to then review the internal audit report.

This usually takes place just after the internal audit and is a fairly straight forward exercise following the introduction of the financial risk management schedule some time ago. This schedule provides clear details of the internal financial procedures and controls and will be issued to the visiting councillors ahead of the visit.

The nominated councillors will also be responsible for recommending the sign-off of the Internal Audit Review and Effectiveness which is a crucial part of Council’s Governance Statement which is contained within the Annual Return and will form a part of the annual audit in June 2020.

(Note: Ben Randles and John Ashe completed the 2018/19 inspection).Scope of Internal Audit 2019.20

South Gloucestershire Internal Audit Services Checklist of financial arrangements to be examined during the Internal Audit visit, together with details of documents that may be inspected

(Unless stated otherwise, attention will be focussed on the records for the last twelve months)

1 General Management

1.1 Financial Regulations and Standing Orders;1.2 Terms of Reference for sub-committees (particularly Finance);1.3 Register of Pecuniary Interests (for Governors and Staff);1.4 Minutes of Council meetings for the last 18 months;1.5 Minutes of Finance sub-committee meetings for the last 18 months;1.6 Council’s Risk Assessment and insurance arrangements;1.7 Financial procedures documentation and levels of delegated authority;

2 Budgetary Control and Financial Monitoring

2.1 Copy of current year’s budget agreed by the Council;2.2 Financial reports presented to the Council;2.3 Cashbook;2.4 VAT records;2.5 Public works loan records;

3. Purchasing3.1 Paid invoices;3.2 Copies of quotations or tenders for purchases over £3,000;3.3 Unpaid invoices being processed;3.4 Register of issued orders;3.5 Copies of used orders (complete and in progress);

4 Payroll


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Bradley Stoke Town Council – 18 September 2019

4.1 PAYE and NIC records;

5 Income5.1 Bank paying-in books;5.2 Official receipt books;5.3 Invoices (and any payment control records);5.4 Grant funding records;

6 Allotments6.1 Allotments register;6.2 Copy invoices;

7 Inventories and Asset Security Arrangement

7.1 All inventory/asset records and print outs for any computerised inventories;

8 Computer Security – if applicable

8.1 Copy of Data Protection Certificates;

9. Cheque Book Security9.1 Register of cheque books;9.2 Unused cheques;9.3 Cancelled cheques or copies of letters to the bank;9.4 Bank Mandates;9.5 Internal Authorised Signatory Listings;9.6 Levels of delegated authority;

10. Bank Reconciliations10.1 Bank reconciliations;10.2 Bank statements;

11. Petty Cash11.1 Cash in hand;11.2 Supporting documentation;

12. Health & Safety12.1 Health & Safety schedules.

Following discussion Councillor Ben Randles proposed acceptance of the Scope of Internal Audit for 2019/20 (points 1 – 12 as detailed above) seconded by Councillor Elaine Hardwick, carried unanimously.

12.1.1 Appointment of 2 Councillors to carry out the BSTC Annual Governance Inspection in February 2020

Following discussion, Councillor Tom Aditya proposed that Councillors John Ashe and Ben Randles be appointed as the two town councillors to carry out


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Bradley Stoke Town Council – 18 September 2019

the Annual Governance Inspection in February 2020, seconded by Councillor Ed Rose, carried unanimously.

12.2 Approve Bills & Direct Debits for Payment

The following Bills and Direct Debits were approved for payment (and include VAT where appropriate) by Councillor Roger Avenin, seconded by Councillor Ben Randles and carried unanimously.


All Bank Faster Payments Are Highlighted In Blue In The Gross ColumnAll Other Payments Are Highlighted In Green In The Gross Column

SALARIES & BANK CHARGESDate Ref Details Net Vat Gross

23/09/19 Salaries September salaries via Payflow23564.

89 n/a 23564.89

05/08/19Bank charges

Bank charges 15/7/19 - 12/8/19 (Excludes 25% loyalty discount) 44.15 0.00 44.15


Date Ref Details Net Vat Gross

31/08/19 11507 JC - August ground maintenance1193.3


7 1432.0331/08/19 11507 BW - August ground maintenance 153.99 30.80 184.79

31/08/19 11507 BC - August ground maintenance 729.53145.9

1 875.44

31/08/19 11508 Office - August street maintenance 998.34199.6

7 1198.01

Account Total3075.2



Date Ref Details Net Vat Gross

11/09/19 Sept Salary Sept - Pension5823.3

7 0.00 5823.37

Account Total5823.3

7 0.00 5823.37BS1 FIRE & SECURITY    

Date Ref Details Net Vat Gross23/07/19 SI7488 Skatepark - CCTV diagnostic and signage 104.00 20.80 124.8027/08/19 SI7633 Office - Repair alarm door contact + call out 55.00 11.00 66.0013/09/19 SI7742 BC - Replace roller shutter motor 450.00 90.00 540.0010/09/19 SI7761 Office - Replace faulty smoke detector + call out 37.50 7.50 45.0001/08/19 SI7762 Office - Annual fire inspection & service 80.00 16.00 96.00

Account Total 726.50145.3

0 871.80Bradley Stoke Cricket Club    

Date Ref Details Net Vat Gross05/09/19 BC082019 BC - August cricket maintenance 576.00 0.00 576.00

Account Total 576.00 0.00 576.00Gary Woodland    

Date Ref Details Net Vat Gross

29/08/19INV201904036 Youth - August Thursday evening sessions 403.88 0.00 403.88

Account Total 403.88 0.00 403.88GLASDON U.K. LTD    

Date Ref Details Net Vat Gross

04/09/19 SI782216 Skatepark - 2 Recycling bins and signs 731.46146.2

8 877.74

Account Total 731.46146.2

8 877.74HMRC Cumbernauld    

Date Ref Details Net Vat Gross

11/09/19 Sept Salary Sept - Tax/NI6821.3

4 0.00 6821.34

Account Total6821.3

4 0.00 6821.34


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Bradley Stoke Town Council – 18 September 2019

IONET SYSTEMS LTD    Date Ref Details Net Vat Gross

12/09/19 28817 JC + BW - Install guest Wifi's with limited access 750.00150.0

0 900.00

Account Total 750.00150.0

0 900.00Motion Picture Licensing Company    

Date Ref Details Net Vat Gross23/08/19 496271 JC - MPLC Licence 23/10/19 - 23/10/20 168.10 33.62 201.7223/08/19 496271 BW - MPLC Licence 23/10/19 - 23/10/20 168.09 33.62 201.7123/08/19 496271 BC - MPLC Licence 23/10/19 - 23/10/20 168.10 33.62 201.7223/08/19 496271 Skatepark - MPLC Licence 23/10/19 - 23/10/20 168.09 33.62 201.71

Account Total 672.38134.4


Date Ref Details Net Vat Gross23/08/19 8203809067 Crown Decorating - JC Woodland Suite paint 65.64 13.13 78.7710/09/19 8203877017 Crown Decorating - BC Masonry paint 97.58 19.52 117.10

Account Total 163.22 32.65 195.87                           

12/09/19 8174JDC Windows- BW Room A - Replace damaged window W&T 408.33 81.67 490.00

12/09/19 8210JDC Windows- BW Room A - Replace other window to match 408.33 81.67 490.00

Account Total 816.66163.3

4 980.00                           

18/09/19 1053Bright Sparks - Skatepark Replace 2 faulty floodlight drivers 262.00 52.40 314.40

Account Total 262.00 52.40 314.40Police & Crime Commissioner For Avon & Somerset

Date Ref Details Net Vat Gross

31/08/19 60636922 Aug - Dedicated police officer funding1245.7


5 1494.90

Account Total1245.7


5 1494.90SHRED-IT    

Date Ref Details Net Vat Gross30/08/19 9503850304 Office - shredding & recycling 69.93 13.99 83.92

Account Total 69.93 13.99 83.92SOUTH WEST COUNCILS    

Date Ref Details Net Vat Gross02/09/19 0000066224 HR Support for staff appraisals 440.90 88.18 529.08

Account Total 440.90 88.18 529.08TAILOR MADE OFFICE SUPPLIES LTD

Date Ref Details Net Vat Gross30/08/19 IN00182660 H&S - Office 3 Ergonomic mouse for staff 18.24 3.65 21.8916/09/19 IN00182931 Office - Stationery 13.69 2.74 16.43

Account Total 31.93 6.39 38.32YATE SUPPLIES    

Date Ref Details Net Vat Gross27/08/19 1400428 MCO - Refuse sacks 88.68 17.74 106.42

Account Total 88.68 17.74 106.42Supplier Total 24514.17

DIRECT DEBITS TO 18th September 2019Date Supplier Details Net Vat Gross

10/09/19 BarclaycardMonthly terminal lease, merchant a/c & data compliance fees 37.18 4.96 42.14

22/08/19 British Gas Office electricity 18/7 - 20/8/19 + JC July electricity 378.53 75.70 454.2312/09/19 Fuel Genie Transit & Mitsubishi Vans - Monthly diesel 132.52 26.50 159.0206/09/19 Inty Ltd Monthly - Office 365 monthly licence & Cloud protection 150.45 30.09 180.5409/08/19 Mainstream All sites - August call charges 150.45 30.09 180.5409/08/19 Monthly - Mobile phone network 241.38 48.28 289.66

18/09/19Pitney Bowes Franking machine -1/4ly lease 37.08 7.42 44.50

18/09/19 Sage Sage Payroll Monthly fee 76.18 15.24 91.4216/09/19 Sage Sage Accounts Monthly fee 112.50 22.50 135.00

08/09/19 Sth Glos All Site monthly rates3710.0

0 0.00 3710.00

28/08/19 Viridor All Sites monthly refuse collections 659.55131.9

1 791.46


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Bradley Stoke Town Council – 18 September 2019

13 To deal with miscellaneous matters

13.1 Recommendations from 2019 BSTC Strategic Planning Meeting

All recommendations from this year’s Strategic Planning meeting have been circulated (see Appendix A)

13.1.1 Brook Way Activity Centre – Installation of new electrical distribution board

Following discussion, Councillor Roger Avenin proposed that BSTC replaces the circuit board at Brook Way Activity Centre during this financial year under the Brook Way Activity Centre property repair and maintenance budget N/C 7041 with the money coming from Unallocated Future Budget Reserve (N/C 3089), seconded by Councillor Ed Rose carried unanimously.

13.1.2 Older Persons Tea Party

Following discussion, Councillor John Ashe proposed that BSTC holds another Older Persons Tea Party in April 2020 with £1,000 being allocated from the 2020/21 Community Development Grant Aid budget (N/C 5074) towards the cost of the event, seconded by Councillor Roger Avenin, carried unanimously.

13.1.3 Jubilee Centre - Update kitchen in Woodlands Suite

Councillors agreed to “RECOMMEND to Full Council” that BSTC obtains three quotes for an industrial stainless steel kitchen with stand-alone non-integrated appliances to be installed in the Woodlands Suite kitchen in the Jubilee Centre under the 2020/21 Jubilee Centre property repair and maintenance budget (N/C 6041).

13.1.4 Jubilee Centre - Update main kitchen

Councillors agreed to “RECOMMEND to Full Council” that BSTC obtains three quotes for an industrial kitchen using existing stand-alone stainless steel furniture to be installed in the main kitchen in the Jubilee Centre under the 2020/21 Jubilee Centre property repair and maintenance budget (N/C 6041).

13.1.5 Jubilee Centre - Replace the original vinyl flooring with wood effect to match the rest of the building in Woodlands Suite corridor

Councillors agreed to “RECOMMEND to Full Council” that BSTC obtains three quotes to replace the flooring in the Woodlands Suite corridor in the Jubilee Centre with wood effect to match the rest of the building under the 2020/21 Jubilee Centre property repair and maintenance budget (N/C 6041).

Following discussion, Councillor Roger Avenin proposed accepting the three recommendations as detailed above in agenda items 13.1.3 – 13.1.5, seconded by Councillor Ed Rose, carried unanimously.

13.1.6 Baileys Court Activity Centre - Replace damaged grass/ground in pre-school play area with artificial grass to allow outdoor play all year round


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Bradley Stoke Town Council – 18 September 2019

Councillors agreed to “RECOMMEND to Full Council” that BSTC explores this item further, including looking at drainage issues in the play area.

13.1.7 Baileys Court Activity Centre - Cricket Changing Rooms – Replace hardwearing floors like-for-like in both changing rooms

Councillors agreed to “RECOMMEND to Full Council” that BSTC explores this item further, including ensuring that the new surface will be fit for purpose.

13.1.8 Baileys Court Activity Centre - Main building – Replace male and female toilets flooring

Councillors agreed to “RECOMMEND to Full Council” that BSTC obtains three quotes to replace the flooring in the male and female toilets in the Baileys Court Activity Centre main building under Baileys Court property repair and maintenance budget (N/C 8041).

Following discussion, Councillor Roger Avenin proposed accepting the three recommendations as detailed above in agenda items 13.1.6 – 13.1.8, seconded by Councillor Michael Hill, carried unanimously.

13.1.9 Baileys Court Activity Centre Play Area - Design & install a new play area to replace existing which is heavily worn and will need replacing asap (24 years old)

Following discussion, Councillor Roger Avenin proposed that BSTC explores this item further, with more economical costs being obtained, seconded by Councillor Ed Rose, carried unanimously.

13.1.10 Play Area Replacement Earmarked Reserve (N/C 3016)

Following discussion, Councillor Ben Randles proposed that BSTC looks at increasing the Play Area reserve (N/C 3016) utilising surplus year-end funding, seconded by Councillor Ed Rose, carried unanimously.

13.1.11 Installation of a set of traditional swings on the Beacon Playscheme, Jubilee Centre

Following discussion, Councillor Tom Aditya proposed that BSTC explores this item further, seconded by Councillor Tony Griffiths, carried unanimously.

13.1.12 Community Festival 2021 onwards

Following discussion, Councillor Elaine Hardwick proposed that, in light of the fact that over the past few years, BSTC has been out to the marketplace on a number of occasions to invite companies to tender for the Community Festival with only one company (Re-Energize) responding to the invitation each time, with this limited response thought to be due to the very low profit margin which is not attractive to a new company coming in, BSTC appoint Re-Energize to run the 2021 and 2022 Community Festivals with a set budget (N/C 5087) of £21,000 plus an extra £4,000 which is ring-fenced (and separate/outside the Re-Energize budget) to be spent on community provision


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Bradley Stoke Town Council – 18 September 2019

and subject to approval by Town Clerk and Chair of Leisure, Youth & Amenities Committee, with the consideration of going out to tender again for the 2023 Community Festival, seconded by Councillor Ed Rose, carried unanimously.

13.1.13 Youth Budget (a)

Following discussion, Councillor Elaine Hardwick proposed that BSTC transfer £7,500 from the Youth Grant Aid budget N/C 5499 to the Core Youth Budget N/C 5500 to cover residentials, events and projects, seconded by Councillor Tom Aditya, carried unanimously.

13.1.14 Youth Budget (b)

Following discussion, Councillor Elaine Hardwick proposed that BSTC plus protect the unspent youth budgets at year end (2019/20) and transfer the funds to the youth reserve (N/C 3079) to support the Youth Worker salary costs which can also be used as a vehicle to hopefully attract future external funding in readiness for the ending of the current £10K p/a funding post 2021/22, seconded by Councillor Ed Rose, carried unanimously.

13.1.15 Installation of Bus Shelters around the town

Following discussion, Councillor Elaine Hardwick proposed that BSTC investigates the installation of new bus shelters around the town and removes the two BSTC bus shelters in Braydon Avenue, seconded by Councillor Tony Griffiths, carried unanimously.

13.1.16 Installation of solar panels/other energy producing products on BSTC sites

Following discussion, Councillor Elaine Hardwick proposed that BSTC investigates the installation of solar panels/other energy producing products on BSTC sites, seconded by Councillor Ed Rose, carried unanimously.

13.2 Request from 1st Bradley Stoke Scout Group – Replacement container at Brook Way Activity Centre

Discussed earlier on the agenda

13.3 Setting of dates for 2020 BSTC meetings

All proposed meeting dates for 2020 have been circulated (see Appendix B)

Following discussion, Councillor Michael Hill proposed setting the Council, Committee and event dates for 2020 as per Appendix B, seconded by Councillor Ben Randles, carried unanimously.

In line with Standing Order 69, Councillor Elaine Hardwick proposed that: In view of confidential and sensitive nature of the business about to be transacted (agenda item 13.4), it is advisable in the public interest that the public be temporarily excluded and they be instructed to withdraw, seconded by Councillor Ed Rose, carried unanimously. The members of the public present at the meeting were asked to withdraw and recording devices were switched off.


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Bradley Stoke Town Council – 18 September 2019

13.4 Staffing Matters

13.4.1 Annual Review of Staff Appraisals – Recommendations from BSTC Staffing Committee

The Chair, Councillor Tom Aditya outlined the background to this item, informing council that the BSTC Staffing Committee had met with South West Councils HR department on 30th August 2019 and reviewed all completed staff appraisals for 2018/19.

Following discussion, Councillor Tony Griffiths proposed acceptance of the BSTC Staffing Committee staff appraisal recommendations, seconded by Councillor Ed Rose, carried unanimously.

13.4.2 RFO/Finance Manager long-term sick leave

The Chair, Councillor Tom Aditya called on the Town Clerk to talk on the subject. The Town Clerk informed the meeting that the RFO/Finance Manager is going to need to take long-term sick leave imminently, so there is a need to put a plan of action in place immediately to ensure that the Town Council can continue with all financial processes.

The RFO/Finance Manager has put forward the following plan of action relating to payroll, investments and day-to-day working.

PayrollThe RFO/Finance Manager has already been in touch with South Gloucestershire Council Payroll and had a very detailed conversation with a Deputy Payroll Manager and they have confirmed that they can take this on.

They will be able to cover all aspects on our behalf as detailed below: Monthly pay calculations based upon information lodged by the office

on or before the 10th of each month Starters and leavers SSP, SMP, Deductions including CCJs and Child Maintenance etc Staff payments and payslips Monthly pension, and HMRC RTI returns and payments Auto-Enrolment including the issue of letters to new staff/ those to be

re-enrolled and 3 yearly returns Annual pension and HMRC returns and employee P60s

We will need to supply the employee and HMRC information to them and we are currently await an example of the schedule detailing what is required although this should not be a problem and we have already discussed options they can implement to maintain our pay structures.

We will also need to supply our bank Service User Number so they will be able to send through the actual payments by Bacs to the employees each month and then also the payments to the pension fund and HMRC before the required deadlines.

Each month, the office will merely need to send through details of the zero contract hours, overtime, maintenance, and any other non-standard payments due such as mileage, call out and overtime on holiday pay, change of hourly rates and starters/leavers etc. They will then issue reports to the office which


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will need to be checked to ensure this information has been properly processed for authorisation. Final reports will then be issued so that information can be input on the Sage Accounts System – this area may need tweaking as we break the payroll down within our accounts.

Costings21 staff @ max £5.00 each p/m = £105 p/m = £1260 p/aThis can be offset by:Cancelling Sage Payroll system = £1,006 p/a (Due for renewal for 9/4/19) Barclays Payflow = £3.50 p/m = £42 p/a (if South Glos. issue the payments)Additional cost of outsourcing = £212 p/a or £254 p/a if we use Payflow

Following discussion, Councillor Roger Avenin proposed that BSTC outsource Payroll to South Glos. as soon as possible for a November 2019 (possibly October 2019) start and use the existing Payflow system to pay employees and internet banking for HMRC & Pensions payments if we are unable to set up a Service User Number in time for Sth. Glos. to issue Bacs payments as this can take some time, seconded by Councillor Michael Hill, carried unanimously.

InvestmentsCouncil introduced a new Investment Strategy in April 2018 in respect of its existing investments and this will need to be reviewed prior to making any further investment decisions bearing in mind that several 1 year bonds are due to mature in December 2019. The Investment Working Group will need to meet at some point in October/November to discuss the position for Council to approve investments on 20th November 2019.

The working Group is currently made up of Tom Aditya, Tony Griffiths, Elaine Hardwick, Brian Hopkinson, Franklin Owusu-Antwi & Ben Randles.

Current Investment Held as at 17/9/19Cambridge & Counties Bank 1.7% 1 Year Fixed Rate Bond – Maturity 11/12/19.Council has £77,500 invested which is currently fixed at 1.7% Gross AER and will provide an annual income of £1,317.50.

180 Day Notice Business Savings Account – Issue 2 - Ongoing.Council currently has £78,265.22 invested at a variable rate (1.54% yield as at 31/7/19) and monthly interest is paid into the account. The annual yield, based upon current figures, will be in the region of £1205.28 (excluding the impact of compounding the monthly interest).

Unit Trust Bank1.7% 1 Year Fixed Rate Bond – Maturity 23/12/19.Council has £50,750 invested which is currently fixed at 1.7% Gross AER and will provide an annual income of £862.75.

CCLA Local Authorities Property Fund – 18640 units - Ongoing £40K invested 31/1/18 + £20K invested 31/11/18

Unlike other property funds, this investment does not count as capital expenditure for English and Scottish Authorities but is classed as an available for sale financial asset. This means that varying valuations over time, do not impact the accounts and the profit and loss sheet as the


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Bradley Stoke Town Council – 18 September 2019

investment remains within the accounts at its purchase value and will be recognised on the balance sheet as a long term investment at the same value as the cash price paid for the units plus any direct transaction costs

In line with Council’s investment strategy, this is a riskier investment in return for income and its objective is to generate long-term growth in capital and an attractive income over time and as the price of properties can fluctuate, this investment is for the longer term of 5+ years.

The unit value will reflect fluctuations in property values and the value of the fund units and income can therefore fall as well as rise and past performance is no guarantee of future returns.

Following discussion, Councillor Tony Griffith proposed that BSTC maintain the current investment structure (as above) for another year, merely accepting the re-investment rates on the maturing 1 Year bonds in December, especially as re-investments tend to be offered at preferential rates with guaranteed acceptance if accepted prior to maturity. The current investment structure provides a good balance of safety in solid, high rated banks with an exposure to the riskier property sector for income which has been risk assessed so that a complete loss (worst case scenario) can be covered. Any further exposure to this property investment would need to be re-assessed, seconded by Councillor Elaine Hardwick, carried unanimously.

Monthly Accounting and Year End AccountsDepending upon the period of sick leave and the calibre of the contracted Finance person, the audit work can be completed by the new contractor with DCK Accounting Solutions producing the Annual Statement of Accounts


Council could consider employing DCK Accounting Solutions on a monthly basis to do the day-to-day accounting including processing invoices, banking etc on Sage and issuing monthly Sage reports (Trial Balance, Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss) and expenditure reports for the supplier payments.

They could then also do the year end accounts for Audit with the contracted Finance person covering the remainder of the audit requirements.

The cost of employing DCK Accounting Solutions for the accounting @ £395 per day with a 7.5% discount for 2+ days p/m + mileage @ 45p per mile

Based upon a 2 day per month contract which is realistic = £730.75 p/m = £8,769 p/a Mileage (estimated) at 160 miles p/m @ 45p per mile = £72.00 p/m = £764 p/a Annual Accounting to include Statement of Accounts and Annual Return figures = £645 max (currently)

Total cost = £10,178 p/a

We have used DCK Accounting Solutions for a number of years when setting our Statement of Accounts and therefore have a firm knowledge of their high standard of work and they also have knowledge of our accounts structure. They are very reliable and able to take over this service with a minimum notice period of 1 month (preferably more) and already provide this service to


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Bradley Stoke Town Council – 18 September 2019

another local Town Council in addition to many other town and parish councils around the country.

Derek Kemp is in charge of the company and we have a good working relationship and he has also been involved with NALC providing guidance in Town and Parish Council accounting and financial risk management matters.

Following discussion, Councillor John Ashe proposed that BSTC employ DCK Accounting Solutions on a monthly basis, as detailed above (2 days per month), which will then reduce the burden and the required working hours of the new contracted Finance person to concentrate on the other areas required including the 5 Year Forward Plan, budget setting, internal controls, lodging and inputting payroll information, finance reports and graphs and attending meetings etc, seconded by Councillor Ed Rose, carried unanimously. This would also provide the flexibility to support the RFO/Finance Manager’s return to work, especially if they need to return initially on reduced hours. In addition, it will allow Council to reduce or end the contract after a certain period dependent upon the agreed contract.

Day-to-day Finance SupportThe Town Clerk explained that it had been the intention that the BSTC Finance officer who was appointed at the end of last year would be sent on a variety of training courses and trained up by the RFO/Finance Manager to eventually be able to deputise for them. This was due to start in the near future, but obviously due the change of circumstances this will need to be put on hold for the foreseeable future. This means that the Finance Officer is not in a position to deputise for the RFO/Finance Manager absence, so alternative arrangements will need to be put in place.

The Town Clerk has been in contact with ALCA and SLCC to see if there is any locum cover available, but no positive responses have been received. Therefore, due to the very short timescale, a recruitment agency staffing avenue has had to be explored. The Town Clerk has been in contact with three local recruitment agencies and has received positive responses from two of them.

Following discussion, Councillor Ed Rose proposed that, due to the very tight timescale, the Town Clerk, RFO/Finance Manager and Staffing Committee are authorised to oversee/arrange/agree the relevant recruitment agency cover (including agreeing relevant costs etc.) relating to the day-to-day cover for the RFO/Finance Manager position (ideally 20 hours per week), seconded by Councillor Michael Hill, carried unanimously. Budget for all the above costsThe Town Clerk informed the meeting that there is no excess budget in the staff salary budget (based on current position).

Following discussion, Councillor Elaine Hardwick proposed that N/C 5066 (Professional Fees) be used to cover charges from DCK Accounting Solutions, SGC Payroll and the Recruitment Agency charges (all as detailed above) with funding being repaid at year end from N/C 3089 (Future Budget Reserve) and/or any available year end surplus, seconded by Councillor Ed Rose, carried unanimously.


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Bradley Stoke Town Council – 18 September 2019

14 To confirm the dates of forthcoming meetings

14.1 25 September 2019: Planning & Environment Committee14.2 9 October 2019: Finance Committee14.3 14 October 2019: Leisure, Youth & Amenities Committee14.4 23 October 2019: Planning & Environment Committee14.5 20 November 2019: Full Council

The Meeting closed at 8.55pm

APPENDIX ABradley Stoke Town Council


1. Brook Way Activity Centre – Installation of new electrical distribution board Councillors agreed to “RECOMMEND to Full Council” that BSTC replaces the circuit board at Brook Way Activity Centre during this financial year under the Brook Way Activity Centre property repair and maintenance budget N/C 7041 with the money coming from Unallocated Future Budget Reserve (N/C 3089).

2. Older Persons Tea Party Councillors agreed to “RECOMMEND to Full Council” that BSTC holds another Older Persons Tea Party in April 2020 with £1,000 being allocated from the 2020/21 Community Development Grant Aid budget (N/C 5074) towards the cost of the event.


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Bradley Stoke Town Council – 18 September 2019

3. Jubilee Centre - Update kitchen in Woodlands Suite Councillors agreed to “RECOMMEND to Full Council” that BSTC obtains three quotes for an industrial stainless steel kitchen with stand-alone non-integrated appliances to be installed in the Woodlands Suite kitchen in the Jubilee Centre under the 2020/21 Jubilee Centre property repair and maintenance budget (N/C 6041).

4. Jubilee Centre - Update main kitchen Following discussion, councillors agreed to “RECOMMEND to Full Council” that BSTC obtains three quotes for an industrial kitchen using existing stand-alone stainless steel furniture to be installed in the main kitchen in the Jubilee Centre under the 2020/21 Jubilee Centre property repair and maintenance budget (N/C 6041).

5. Jubilee Centre - Replace the original vinyl flooring with wood effect to match the rest of the building in Woodlands Suite corridor Councillors agreed to “RECOMMEND to Full Council” that BSTC obtains three quotes to replace the flooring in the Woodlands Suite corridor in the Jubilee Centre with wood effect to match the rest of the building under the 2020/21 Jubilee Centre property repair and maintenance budget (N/C 6041).

6. Baileys Court Activity Centre - Replace damaged grass/ground in pre-school play area with artificial grass to allow outdoor play all year round Councillors agreed to “RECOMMEND to Full Council” that BSTC explores this item further, including looking at drainage issues in the play area.

7. Baileys Court Activity Centre - Cricket Changing Rooms – Replace hardwearing floors like-for-like in both changing rooms Councillors agreed to “RECOMMEND to Full Council” that BSTC explores this item further, including ensuring that the new surface will be fit for purpose.

8. Baileys Court Activity Centre - Main building – Replace male and female toilets flooring Councillors agreed to “RECOMMEND to Full Council” that BSTC obtains three quotes to replace the flooring in the male and female toilets in the Baileys Court Activity Centre main building under Baileys Court property repair and maintenance budget (N/C 8041).


9. Baileys Court Activity Centre Play Area - Design & install a new play area to replace existing which is heavily worn and will need replacing asap ( 24 years old) Councillors agreed to “RECOMMEND to Full Council” that BSTC explores this item further, with more economical costs being obtained.

10. Play Area Replacement Earmarked Reserve (N/C 3016) Councillors agreed to “RECOMMEND to Full Council” that BSTC looks at increasing the Play Area reserve (N/C 3016) utilising surplus year-end funding.

11. Installation of a set of traditional swings on the Beacon Playscheme, Jubilee Centre Councillors agreed to “RECOMMEND to Full Council” that BSTC explores this item further.

12. Community Festival 2021 onwardsCouncillors agreed to “RECOMMEND to Full Council” that, in light of the fact that over the past few years, BSTC has been out to the marketplace on a number of occasions to invite companies to


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Bradley Stoke Town Council – 18 September 2019

tender for the Community Festival with only one company (Re-Energize) responding to the invitation each time, with this limited response thought to be due to the very low profit margin which is not attractive to a new company coming in, BSTC appoint Re-Energize to run the 2021 and 2022 Community Festivals with a set budget (N/C 5087) of £21,000 plus an extra £4,000 which is ring-fenced (and separate/outside the Re-Energize budget) to be spent on community provision and subject to approval by Town Clerk and Chair of Leisure, Youth & Amenities Committee, with the consideration of going out to tender again for the 2023 Community Festival

13. Youth Budget (a)Councillors agreed to “RECOMMEND to Full Council” that BSTC transfer £7,500 from the Youth Grant Aid budget N/C 5499 to the Core Youth Budget N/C 5500 to cover residentials, events and projects

14. Youth Budget (b)Councillors agreed to “RECOMMEND to Full Council” that BSTC plus protect the unspent youth budgets at year end (2019/20) and transfer the funds to the youth reserve (N/C 3079) to support the Youth Worker salary costs which can also be used as a vehicle to hopefully attract future external funding in readiness for the ending of the current £10K p/a funding post 2021/22.

15. Installation of Bus Shelters around the townCouncillors agreed to “RECOMMEND to Full Council” that BSTC investigates the installation of new bus shelters around the town and removes the two BSTC bus shelters in Braydon Avenue.

16. Installation of solar panels/other energy producing products on BSTC sitesCouncillors agreed to “RECOMMEND to Full Council” that BSTC investigates the installation of solar panels/other energy producing products on BSTC sites



daydate month event location time m

Wednesday 1 January BANK HOLIDAY     1

Wednesday 15 January Council Jubilee Centre190

0 1

Wednesday 22 January Planning & Environment Jubilee Centre190

0 1

Monday 17 February Leisure, Youth & Amenities Jubilee Centre190

0 2

Wednesday 19 February Finance Jubilee Centre190

0 2

Wednesday 4 March Planning & Environment Jubilee Centre190

0 3

Wednesday 11 March Council Jubilee Centre190

0 3

Wednesday 25 March Planning & Environment Jubilee Centre190

0 3


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Bradley Stoke Town Council – 18 September 2019

Monday 6 April Leisure, Youth & Amenities Jubilee Centre190

0 4Friday 10 April GOOD FRIDAY     4Monday 13 April BANK HOLIDAY     4

Wednesday 15 April Finance Jubilee Centre190

0 4

Wednesday 22 April Planning & Environment Jubilee Centre190

0 4

Wednesday 6 May TOWN ASSEMBLY Jubilee Centre190

0 5Friday 8 May BANK HOLIDAY     5

Wednesday 20 May Annual Town Council Meeting Jubilee Centre190

0 5Monday 25 May BANK HOLIDAY     5

Wednesday 27 May Planning & Environment Jubilee Centre190

0 5Friday 5 June COMMUNITY FESTIVAL All Sites   6Saturday 6 June COMMUNITY FESTIVAL All Sites   6Sunday 7 June COMMUNITY FESTIVAL All Sites   6

Monday 15 June Leisure, Youth & Amenities Jubilee Centre190

0 6

Wednesday 17 June Finance Jubilee Centre190

0 6

Wednesday 24 June Council Jubilee Centre190

0 6

Wednesday 24 June Planning & Environment Jubilee Centre200

0 6

Wednesday 8 July Council Jubilee Centre190

0 7

Wednesday 22 July Planning & Environment Jubilee Centre190

0 7

Monday 17 August Leisure, Youth & Amenities Jubilee Centre190

0 8

Wednesday 19 August Finance Jubilee Centre190

0 8

Wednesday 26 August Planning & Environment Jubilee Centre190

0 8Monday 31 August BANK HOLIDAY     8

Wednesday 16 September Council Jubilee Centre190

0 9

Wednesday 23 September Planning & Environment Jubilee Centre190

0 9

Monday 19 October Leisure, Youth & Amenities Jubilee Centre190


Wednesday 21 October Finance Jubilee Centre190


Wednesday 28 October Planning & Environment Jubilee Centre190


Sunday 1 November FIREWORKS Jubilee Centre  11

Wednesday 18 November Council Jubilee Centre190


Wednesday 25 November Planning & Environment Jubilee Centre190


Monday 14 December Leisure, Youth & Amenities Jubilee Centre190


Wednesday 16 December Finance Jubilee Centre200


Wednesday 23 December Planning & Environment Jubilee Centre190


Friday 25 December BANK HOLIDAY     1


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Bradley Stoke Town Council – 18 September 2019


Monday 28 December BANK HOLIDAY    12

1. SGC have only set their meeting dates up to end July 2020, and will not be setting rest of dates until early 2020, therefore some BSTC dates may be required to be changed mid-2020 when SGC dates are confirmed. 2. BSTC Planning & Environment committee meeting on 26th February 2020 clashes with SGC Full Council meeting, so as per Standing Orders, the BSTC Planning & Environment meeting has been moved to 4th March 2020 3. BSTC Full Council meeting on 18th March 2020 clashes with SGC Full Council meeting, so as per Standing Orders, the BSTC Full Council meeting has been moved to 11th March 2020 4. BSTC Leisure, Youth & Amenities committee meeting on 13th April 2020 falls on a Bank Holiday, so the meeting has been moved to 6th April 2020 5. BSTC Annual Town Meeting is set for 6th May 2020 as there is a SGC Full Council meeting on 13th May 2020 6. Extra Full Council meeting to sign off Audit 24th June 2020 7. BSTC Full Council meeting on 15th July 2020 clashes with SGC Full Council meeting, so as per Standing Orders, the BSTC Full Council meeting has been moved to 8th July 2020