Bq challenge-q+a science

Science Questions & Answers GRADE 1 Which animal eats meat: a lion or a rabbit? a lion GRADE 2 The sun revolves around the earth. True or false? false (The earth revolves around the sun.) GRADE 3 Is the air around the earth called the hemisphere or the atmosphere? the atmosphere GRADE 4 Which spreads out to fill any container that holds it: a liquid, a solid or a gas? a gas GRADE 5 The earth is composed of a core, a mantle and a . . . what? a crust GRADE 6 Which British naturalist wrote The Origin of Species? Charles Darwin GRADE 7 What do you call the arrangement of elements started by Mendeleyev? the Periodic Table

Transcript of Bq challenge-q+a science

Page 1: Bq challenge-q+a science

Science Questions & Answers

GRADE 1Which animal eats meat: a lion or a rabbit?a lion

GRADE 2The sun revolves around the earth. True or false?false (The earth revolves around the sun.)

GRADE 3Is the air around the earth called the hemisphere or the atmosphere?the atmosphere

GRADE 4Which spreads out to fill any container that holds it: a liquid, a solid or a gas?a gas

GRADE 5The earth is composed of a core, a mantle and a . . . what?a crust

GRADE 6Which British naturalist wrote The Origin of Species?Charles Darwin

GRADE 7What do you call the arrangement of elements started by Mendeleyev?the Periodic Table

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Science Questions & Answers

GRADE 1What is the shape of the earth?it is round (or spherical)

GRADE 2Which flower has thorns: a rose, a tulip or a geranium?a rose

GRADE 3What do you call the top of an ocean wave?the crest

GRADE 4What do you call an animal that eats only plants?an herbivore

GRADE 5Which is the largest part of the brain: the cerebrum or the cerebellum?the cerebrum

GRADE 6Which are the smallest parts of elements: cells or atoms?atoms

GRADE 7Which is not an insect: a fly, an ant, a millipede or a beetle?a millipede (Insects have no more than six legs.)

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Science Questions & Answers

GRADE 1What will a fawn grow up to be?a deer

GRADE 2What part of the body pumps blood to every other part?the heart

GRADE 3Which can make its own food: an animal or a plant?a plant

GRADE 4Do computers get colds or viruses?viruses

GRADE 5In what part of a flower are egg cells formed?the pistil

GRADE 6How many degrees does the earth turn in 24 hours? 360 degrees

GRADE 7Name the three types of rock.igneous, sedimentary, metamorphic

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Science Questions & Answers

GRADE 1What will a caterpillar change into?a butterfly (or a moth)

GRADE 2Which habitat is best for a cactus: a desert, a pond, or a rain forest?a desert

GRADE 3Name the part of the ear that vibrates when sound waves reach it.the eardrum

GRADE 4Name the instrument that is used to measure the strength of an earthquake.a seismograph

GRADE 5What are the two main gases in the air that we breathe?nitrogen and oxygen

GRADE 6Plants that don’t make seeds reproduce by forming …what?spores (tiny cells that grow into new plants)


During the Space Shuttle program, did the U.S. launch spacecraft from the Johnson Space Center in Houston or the Kennedy Space Station at Cape Canaveral?the Kennedy Space Station at Cape Canaveral (in Florida)

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Science Questions & Answers

GRADE 1Which season comes after summer?fall or autumn

GRADE 2Which is a mammal: a shark or whale?a whale

GRADE 3Earth is covered mostly by…what?water

GRADE 4Are volcanoes found mostly on land or in the ocean?in the ocean

GRADE 5The final flight of the thirty-year U.S. space shuttle program was performed by Atlantis in 2011. True or false?true

GRADE 6What is NASA an acronym for?National Aeronautics and Space Administration

GRADE 7Does a lever pivot on an axle or on a fulcrum?on a fulcrum

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Science Questions & Answers

GRADE 1Most plants grow from seeds. True or false?true

GRADE 2Which comes from an animal: bread or butter?butter

GRADE 3Which do not feed their young: mammals, birds or reptiles?reptiles

GRADE 4Which constellation is commonly known as “the Big Dipper”: Ursa Major, Ursa Minor or Sagittarius?Ursa Major

GRADE 5Which tree is not deciduous: a pine, a maple or an elm?a pine (Its leaves don’t all fall off in the wintertime.)

GRADE 6A brother and sister can be identical twins. True or false?false (They are fraternal twins. Only children of the same sex can be identical twins.)

GRADE 7Sunlight is colorless. True or false? false (Think of the rainbow.)

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Science Questions & Answers

GRADE 1Do oceans have fresh water or salt water?salt water

GRADE 2What is the common group name for feathered animals?birds

GRADE 3Does matter expand in the heat or in the cold?in the heat (Matter contracts in the cold.)

GRADE 4Is the asteroid belt located between the paths of Earth and Mars or Mars and Jupiter?Mars and Jupiter

GRADE 5What natural phenomenon creates sand dunes?wind

GRADE 6Which cells receive and carry messages in your body: nerve cells or muscle cells?nerve cells

GRADE 7Which atomic particles have a negative electric charge: neutrons, protons or electrons?electrons

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Science Questions & Answers

GRADE 1What is the shortest month of the year?February

GRADE 2What part of a plant carries water to its leaves?the stem

GRADE 3What do you call a mass of ice that floats in the ocean?an iceberg

GRADE 4Which member of a bee colony is the only one that lays eggs?the queen bee

GRADE 5What color does litmus paper turn when it’s dipped in a base solution?blue

GRADE 6Which is not a carnivore: a lion, a bull, a wolf or a tiger?a bull (It’s an herbivore.)

GRADE 7Which are formed from two separate eggs: identical twins or fraternal twins?fraternal twins

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Science Questions & Answers

GRADE 1What’s the name for the doctor who takes care of your teeth?a dentist

GRADE 2What metal tool can you use to pick up paper clips?a magnet

GRADE 3What force makes your hands feel warm when you rub them together?friction

GRADE 4What do we call a large group of fish swimming together?a school

GRADE 5Which are a plant’s flowers: beets, broccoli or lima beans?broccoli

GRADE 6What do you call the large spacecraft that orbits the earth and is home to visiting astronauts from many countries?The International Space Station

GRADE 7Earth spins on an axis. Is an axis a real or imaginary line?imaginary

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Science Questions & Answers

GRADE 1Which has a fur coat: a frog or a bear?a bear

GRADE 2Is a snake a reptile or an amphibian?a reptile

GRADE 3What’s the common two-word term for your navel?belly button

GRADE 4Do you brush your teeth every day to remove plaque or cavities?plaque

GRADE 5Name two of the three things needed for photosynthesis to occur.light, carbon, water

GRADE 6Is the aorta part of the human heart, lungs or stomach?the heart

GRADE 7Which cells have walls made from cellulose: plant cells or animal cells?plant cells

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Science Questions & Answers

GRADE 1Which one works on batteries: a cell phone or an oven?a cell phone

GRADE 2What four things do most green plants need to make their own food?sunlight, air, water, soil

GRADE 3How many teeth does an adult human usually have?32

GRADE 4Which has the fastest winds on earth: a hurricane, a cyclone or a tornado?a tornado

GRADE 5Which are not predators: panthers, human beings or elephants?elephants

GRADE 6Does blood return to the heart through veins or arteries?veins

GRADE 7Find two words for the same body part: pancreas, windpipe, trachea, diaphragm.windpipe, trachea

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Science Questions & Answers

GRADE 1Which gives off heat: the sun or the moon?the sun

GRADE 2Oil spills from a ship will NOT pollute the water. True or false?false (It will. Oil is a pollutant.)

GRADE 3What do you call the deep holes on the moon?craters

GRADE 4How much of our body weight is water: one-quarter, one-half or two-thirds?two-thirds

GRADE 5What forms when water droplets in a thundercloud freeze into lumps of ice?hail

GRADE 6Which has positive electric charge: a proton or a neutron?a proton

GRADE 7On which planet would you weigh the most: Jupiter, Saturn or Neptune?Jupiter (because acceleration due to gravity is strongest on Jupiter)

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Science Questions & Answers

GRADE 1What will a colt grow up to be?a horse

GRADE 2What gas do people need to survive?oxygen

GRADE 3Why do you see lightning before you hear thunder?because light travels faster than sound

GRADE 4How many kidneys do we have?two

GRADE 5What do we usually call the epidermis?the skin

GRADE 6Leaves that turn red or yellow in autumn have lost …what?chlorophyll

GRADE 7What do you call an exploding star near the end of its life?a supernova

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Science Questions & Answers

GRADE 1.What do you use to take your temperature?a thermometer

GRADE 2Which comes from an animal: paper, wood or leather?leather

GRADE 3What part of a dinosaur fossil shows whether it ate meat or plants?the teeth (or the jaw)

GRADE 4Which of these animals care for their young: frogs, turtles, mice or spiders?mice

GRADE 5Is wind speed measured by a barometer or an anemometer?an anemometer

GRADE 6When two atoms combine, what do they form?a molecule

GRADE 7Which has the most gravity: a red giant, a white dwarf or a black hole?a black hole (Its gravity is so strong that not even light can escape.)

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Science Questions & Answers

GRADE 1In what season do farmers plant corn?spring

GRADE 2Which lives on land some of the time: a fish or an amphibian?an amphibian

GRADE 3What kind of energy is needed to run a refrigerator?electricity

GRADE 4How many colors make up white light?seven (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet)

GRADE 5Where can you see stalactites and stalagmites?in a cave or cavern

GRADE 6What is a light year?the distance light travels in one year (in a vacuum)

GRADE 7Microsoft was co-founded by computer mastermind Bill Gates. What hi-tech company was co-founded by Steve Jobs?Apple

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Science Questions & Answers

GRADE 1Australia is one of seven continents. True or false?true

GRADE 2Which is heavier: a quart of milk or a gallon of milk?a gallon

GRADE 3What are the units of measurement on a thermometer called?degrees

GRADE 4What do we call a scientist who studies the formation of the earth?a geologist

GRADE 5Which blood cells carry oxygen: red or white?red

GRADE 6Which are not part of the respiratory system: ventricles or bronchioles?ventricles (parts of the heart)

GRADE 7Which one is NOT a mollusk: clam, oyster, scallop, starfish?starfish (an echinoderm)

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Science Questions & Answers

GRADE 1What do birds use to fly?their wings

GRADE 2What happens when drops of water get too heavy for a cloud to hold them? it rains

GRADE 3What instrument sets and controls the temperature in a room?a thermostat

GRADE 4What part of the sweet potato do we eat?the root

GRADE 5Which is a cardiovascular exercise: jumping rope or lifting weights?jumping rope

GRADE 6What do you call a beam of light so powerful it can cut through metal?a laser beam

GRADE 7What does a fire need to keep it going?oxygen

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Science Questions & Answers

GRADE 1Which food comes from an animal: eggs or toast?eggs (from chickens)

GRADE 2What is the first part of a plant to grow from the seed?the root

GRADE 3Which type of computer uses batteries: a laptop or a desktop?a laptop

GRADE 4What living things absorb carbon dioxide from the air and replace itwith oxygen?green plants

GRADE 5Where is the air pressure greater: at the bottom or the top of a mountain?the bottom

GRADE 6Which person studies planets, stars, moons and comets: a biochemist or an astrophysicist?an astrophysicist

GRADE 7What do you call the branch of science that deals with the design, construction and operation of robots?robotic