BP 6 ESE-2 Intro to Operational Excellence

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Transcript of BP 6 ESE-2 Intro to Operational Excellence

  • PENGANTAR TENTANGKEUNGGULAN OPERASI (OPERATIONAL EXCELLENCE) April 2002Kesehatan, Lingkungan, Keselamatan, Keandalan dan Efisiensi

    CPI-BP Executives HES WorkshopRumbai, 1 8 April 2002Partnership for Operational Excellence


    CPI-BP Executives HES WorkshopRumbai, 1 8 April 2002Partnership for Operational Excellence

    TUJUAN PRESENTASIMemperkenalkan falsafah ChevronTexacoMemperkenalkan tentang:Sistim Manajemen Keunggulan Operasi Elemen SistemTenets Keunggulan OperasiElemen Operasi

    CPI-BP Executives HES WorkshopRumbai, 1 8 April 2002Partnership for Operational Excellence


    We have provided you a copy of the ChevronTexaco Way. Hopefully all of you had a chance to read it and reflect on the key messages in the document. The ChevronTexaco Way is intended to be a communication device that describes:Who we areWhat we doWhat we believe, and What we plan to accomplishThe ChevronTexaco Way establishes a common understanding of the answers to these questions not only for employees, but also for external stakeholders. We will discuss the ChevronTexaco Way throughout this meeting. (input Leader Name) will talk about values. (input Leader Name) will talk about Partnership. You will also have a lengthy discussion on a ChevronTexaco Way dialogue session. I believe you will leave this meeting with a clearer understanding of the characteristics of our new company.I would like to begin the process of understanding, personalizing and converting the document into action by telling you more about the vision for ChevronTexaco.

    CPI-BP Executives HES WorkshopRumbai, 1 8 April 2002Partnership for Operational Excellence

    VISI . menjadi perusahaan energi Indonesia yang paling dikagumi karena Karyawan (SDM), Kemitraan, dan Kinerjanya

    At the heart of the ChevronTexaco Way is the vision for our new company - to be the global energy company most admired for its People, Partnership and Performance.

    Each of the words in the vision are important and I would like to give you the thoughts Dave OReilly has behind them.

    CPI-BP Executives HES WorkshopRumbai, 1 8 April 2002Partnership for Operational Excellence

    TUJUAN STRATEGIS 4+1Meningkatkan daya saing and kemampuan

    . . . menuju posisi nomor 1Kemampuan OrganisasiPertumbuhan yang menguntungkanKeunggulan OperasiPenurunan BiayaPengelolaan Modal

    In order to achieve #1 Total Shareholder Return (TSR), our focus is on five critical drivers of business success, which we call our 4+1 strategic intents. We believe demonstrated excellence in these 5 areas will result in performance stronger than our competitors, and will provide sustainable, superior shareholder returns.The 4+1 Strategic Intents1. Operational Excellence Lead the industry in safe, reliable, and efficient operations, and be a recognized leader in environmental excellence.

    2. Cost ReductionBe recognized as an industry leader in continually reducing unit operating cost.

    3. Capital Stewardship Select high-return investments using good decision quality and execute them safer, faster, and with lower cost than our competitors.

    4. Profitable GrowthLead the industry in profitable upstream BOE (Barrel of Energy) volume growth.Lead the industry in adopting new economy technology and business models to increase the value of our core business. Selectively grow downstream, chemical, Dynegy, and transportation businesses.

    Plus 1: Organizational Capability Be recognized industry-wide for the unique way we combine people, processes, technology, and partnerships to achieve superior business results in each of the above four areas.

    CPI-BP Executives HES WorkshopRumbai, 1 8 April 2002Partnership for Operational Excellence

    TUJUAN STRATEGIS 4+1KEUNGGULAN OPERASI Terdepan dalam menjalankan industri secara aman, terpercaya, efisien dan dikenal sebagai perusahaan yang mengutamakan kelestarian lingkunganPENURUNAN BIAYA Dikenal dalam industri sebagai pemimpin yang secara terus menerus berusaha menurunkan biaya operasionalPENGELOLAAN MODAL Memilih pengembalian investasi yang tinggi berdasarkan keputusan yang berkualitas dan melaksanakannya secara aman, cepat serta dengan biaya rendah bila dibandingkan pesaingPERTUMBUHAN YANG MENGUNTUNGKAN Terdepan dalam industri melalui pengembangan peluang bisnis baru di pasar yang sudah ada maupun bisnis yang baruKEMAMPUAN ORGANISASI Dikenal di kalangan industri karena memiliki cara unik dalam menggabungkan SDM, proses, tekhnologi dan kemitraan untuk mencapai hasil yang paling tinggi di empat bidang di atas

    CPI-BP Executives HES WorkshopRumbai, 1 8 April 2002Partnership for Operational Excellence

    APAKAH KEUNGGULAN OPERASI ITU?Satu dari Tujuan Strategis 4+1Unggul dalam OperasiSuatu disiplin untuk mencapai hasil yang efektif dengan berkonsentrasi pada Keselamatan, Lingkungan Hidup, Kesehatan, Keandalan dan EfisiensiSuatu sistem korporat yang akan membuat CT diakui sebagai Kelas Dunia dalam Keunggulan Operasi

    CPI-BP Executives HES WorkshopRumbai, 1 8 April 2002Partnership for Operational Excellence

    OE itu bukan hal yang baru banyak elemen operasi yang telah lama kita laksanakan/kerjakan OE itu bukan pilihan Ini adalah suatu kondisi untuk tetap bisa bertahan berusaha. Siapa yang tidak bisa melaksanakan OE lambat laun akan kehilangan kesempatan untuk beroperasi dari pemerintah, perwakilannya, masyarakat, pemegang saham, dll. OE itu bukan hanya memenuhi keinginan perusahaan Hanya melaksanakan segala keinginan perusahaan itu bukan tujuan dari OE. OE adalah suatu tindakan yang benar baik dari sudut pandang usaha maupun etika. OE itu bukan inisiatip jangka pendek Ini merupakan komitmen jangka panjang dan nilai inti dalam kita menjalankan usahaOE itu bukan sistim ISO Meskipun banyak memiliki kesamaan dengan ISO 9001 & 14001, ada beberapa elemen di OE yang tidak termasuk dalam ISO atau sebaliknyaOE ITU BUKAN.

    CPI-BP Executives HES WorkshopRumbai, 1 8 April 2002Partnership for Operational Excellence

    MENGAPA OE PENTING UNTUK KITAOE adalah satu dari sasaran strategis CT 4+1

    (Menciptakan Nilai yang besar untuk semua pihak terkait) Peluang dalam pencapaian OE

    (Banyak peluang untuk peningkatan perbaikan) Melebihi kemampuan dari kompetitor terkuat

    (Meningkatkan daya saing)Sangat cocok untuk kondisi IBU saat ini.

    (Mengelola aset yang menurun)Strategi untuk mempertahankan perusahaan (Keamanan pekerjaan)

    CPI-BP Executives HES WorkshopRumbai, 1 8 April 2002Partnership for Operational Excellence

    SISTEM MANAJEMEN KEUNGGULAN OPERASIMODELHES Management SystemOE Management SystemReliability & Efficiency

    CPI-BP Executives HES WorkshopRumbai, 1 8 April 2002Partnership for Operational Excellence

    ELEMEN SISTEMKepemimpinan dan Akuntabilitas Leadership and AccountabilityVisi dan Sasaran Tujuan Strategis Vision and Strategic ObjectivesPenilaian AssessmentPerencanaaan dan Sumber daya Planning and ResourcesPelaksanaan and Pengoperasian Implementation and OperationsPengkajian - Review

    Protecting People and Environment (PP&E) was updated to include Reliability and Efficiency; include RSI; and provide clarity to process expectations.

    CPI-BP Executives HES WorkshopRumbai, 1 8 April 2002Partnership for Operational Excellence

    ELEMEN OPERASIOperasi Yang Selamat Dan Bebas Kecelakaan - Safe and Incident Free Operations (S&IFO)Berpartisipasi Dalam Pembuatan Peraturan Dan Perundang-undangan - Legislative and Regulatory Advocacy (L&RA)Jaminan Ketaatan - Compliance Assurance (CA)Keandalan Reliability (RE&RWP)Tepat Guna Dan Hasil Guna - Efficiency, Energy and Natural Resource Conservation (EE&RC)

    Protecting People and Environment (PP&E) was updated to include Reliability and Efficiency; include RSI; and provide clarity to process expectations.

    CPI-BP Executives HES WorkshopRumbai, 1 8 April 2002Partnership for Operational Excellence

    ELEMEN OPERASI (lanjutan)Pengelolaan Produk - Product Stewardship (PS)Pencegahan Polusi - Pollution Prevention (PP)Pengalihan Kepemilikan - Property Transfer (PT)Menghargai Dan Merangkul Komunitas - Community Awareness and Outreach (CA&O)Manajemen Keadaan Darurat - Emergency Management (EM)

    Protecting People and Environment (PP&E) was updated to include Reliability and Efficiency; include RSI; and provide clarity to process expectations.

    CPI-BP Executives HES WorkshopRumbai, 1 8 April 2002Partnership for Operational Excellence


    Visi dan Sasaran StrategisKepemimpinan dan Tanggung JawabPENGATURANLingkaran Perencanaan

    CPI-BP Executives HES WorkshopRumbai, 1 8 April 2002Partnership for Operational Excellence

    Budaya yang menunjukkan perilaku yang memperlakukan OE sebagai prioritas utama yang percaya bahwa kecelakaan itu bisa dihindarkan dan kondisi nihil kejadian tak diinginkan, nihil tumpahan minyak dan nihil kemacetan yang tidak terencana itu bisa dicapaiVISI KEUNGGULAN OPERASI - IBU0;0;0

    CPI-BP Executives HES WorkshopRumbai, 1 8 April 2002Partnership for Operational Excellence

    HARAPAN KELAS DUNIASejalan dengan nilai nilai dan keinginan kita untuk diakui oleh industri dan komunitas dimana kita beroperasi sebagai kelas dunia dalam Keselamatan, Lingkungan, Kesehatan, Keandalan dan Efisiensi, harapan-harapan kinerja berikut telah ditetapkan sebagai bagian dari Keunggulan Operasi:Menciptakan tempat kerja yang selamatMengeliminasi/mencegah tumpahan minyak dan kejadian yang merusak lingkungan; Mengidentifikasi dan mengurangi resiko-resiko lingkungan yang berat Menpromosikan tempat kerja yang sehat dan mengurangi resiko-resiko kesehatan yang beratBeroperasi tanpa ada kecelakan dengan ketersediaan aset yang lebih baik dari rata-rata industriMemaksimalkan pemakaian sumber daya dan aset

    Our expectation relative to the Operational Excellence initiative is to be recognized as world class in safety, environment, health, reliability, and efficiency.This is fundamental to our key corporate objective of becoming #1 in TSR. Becoming world class in Operational Excellence drives our TSR by -Enabling us to deliver reliable earnings year after year (minimizing disruptions caused by incidents)Enabling us to continue to capture new opportunities by maintaining and enhancing our Company/Partner of Choice reputationEnabling us to demonstrate to the investment community that we are a strong investment.

    We are defining being World Class in Operational Excellence in the following ways:Injury Free Work PlaceKey is to establish an overall vision that all accidents are preventable and that we fully expect to have no accidents (recognize that year to year targets will not always be zero)

    Promote a Healthy Workplace and Mitigate Significant Health RisksWe will monitor and maintain a healthy work environment

    Identify and Mitigate Key Environmental RisksThis means focusing on eliminating spills and incidents; as well as minimizing our environmental footprint

    Incident Free with Industry Leading Asset AvailabilityIncident Free means eliminating those unplanned incidents that negatively impact our safety, environment or business performanceIndustry Leading Asset Availability means to be among the top in each units business in facility uptime (minimizing both unplanned and planned downtime)

    Maximize Utilization of Resources and AssetsThis means generating the most value from your assets. This will vary from unit to unit based on what most impacts unit profitabilityexamples are high product yield, ship loading %, energy efficiency, gas lift efficiency, cycle time efficiency (workovers, new wells.), maximizing well productivity, maximizing facility throughput.

    CPI-BP Executives HES WorkshopRumbai, 1 8 April 2002Partnership for Operational Excellence


    CPI-BP Executives HES WorkshopRumbai, 1 8 April 2002Partnership for Operational Excellence

    n.a.n.a.n.a.*including Surface EruptionFires# Occurrences / MMBBL ProducedKINERJA IBU TAHUN 2001

    CPI-BP Executives HES WorkshopRumbai, 1 8 April 2002Partnership for Operational Excellence

    Tenets adalah suatu perpanjangan dari nilai-nilai dan prinsip prinsip yang berlaku untuk semua pegawai (manajemen, non-manajemen, mitra kerja, dsb.)Tenets adalah ringkasan dari usaha yang berisiko tinggi. Kalau kita tidak melaksanakan hal ini, kemungkinan kejadian yang tak diinginkan akan meningkat. Tenets memberikan lisensi untuk semua pegawai untuk mengambil tindakan yang cepat dan tepat (Pegawai diberdayakan untuk bertindak. Kita tidak boleh mengatakan Itu bukan pekerjaan saya)Tenets dimaksudkan untuk melindungi manusia, lingkungan dan peralatan yang didasarkan pada prinsip yang umum :Kerja selamat atau tidak usah dikerjakanSelalu ada waktu untuk bekerja dengan benar


    So what have we learned about tenets??

    Read list.

    For bullet number 4 you might add: Employee are not empowered NOT to act. You cant say Its not my job

    CPI-BP Executives HES WorkshopRumbai, 1 8 April 2002Partnership for Operational Excellence

    TENETS KEUNGGULAN OPERASISELALU -Beroperasi di dalam batas-batas desain dan lingkungan.Beroperasi dalam kondisi yang aman dan terkendali.Memastikan alat-alat pengaman terpasang dan berfungsi.Mengikuti praktek dan prosedur kerja yang selamat.Memenuhi dan melebihi kebutuhan pelanggan.Menjaga keutuhan sistim sesuai peruntukannya.Mentaati semua perundangan dan peraturan yang berlaku.Menangani semua keadaan yang tidak normal. Mengikuti prosedur yang tertulis untuk pekerjaan yang beresiko tinggi atau yang tidak biasa.Melibatkan orang-orang yang tepat dalam pengambilan keputusan yang mempengaruhi prosedur dan peralatan.0,0,0PRINSIP UMUMKERJAKAN DENGAN SELAMAT ATAU TIDAK USAH DIKERJAKANSELALU ADA WAKTU UNTUK BEKERJA DENGAN BENAR

    CPI-BP Executives HES WorkshopRumbai, 1 8 April 2002Partnership for Operational Excellence

    TENETS KEUNGGULAN OPERASISelalu Beroperasi dalam batas batas desain dan lingkungan

    Tujuan: Mengurangi risiko kejadian yang tak diinginkan, buangan ke lingkungan dan kerusakan peralatan dengan beroperasi pada batas spesifikasi mekanis dan batas operasi.Beroperasi pada kondisi selamat dan terkendali

    Tujuan: Setiap pegawai dan mitra kerja diharapkan bekerja dengan selamat dan selalu mencari , mengidentifikasi, dan membetulkan kondisi/perilaku yang tidak selamat dan tidak terkontrol dan bertindak segera. Memastikan alat keselamatan terpasang dan berfungsi

    Tujuan: Selalu pakai alat keselamatan yang tersedia. Bila alat tersebut tidak beroperasi pasang alat pengaman yang lain dan betulkan situasinya sesegera mungkin.Mengikuti praktek dan prosedur kerja yang selamat

    Tujuan: Cara kerja yang selamat sudah benar benar dipahami sehingga setiap pegawai tidak perlu berpikir dua kali mengapa setiap langkah kerja itu diperlukan

    CPI-BP Executives HES WorkshopRumbai, 1 8 April 2002Partnership for Operational Excellence

    TENETS KEUNGGULAN OPERASISelalu 5. Memenuhi atau melebihi kebutuhan pelanggan Tujuan: Setiap pegawai harus bertanggung jawab dan akuntabel terhadap kualitas produksi atau data yang disediakannya.6. Menjaga keutuhan sistim sesuai peruntukannyaTujuan: Memelihara keutuhan sistem produksi serta sistim penunjangnya7. Mentaati semua perundangan dan peraturan yang berlakuTujuan: Diharapkan untuk memenuhi semua sistim pelaporan8. Menangani kondisi yang tidak normalTujuan: Mengidentifikasi kondisi yang tidak normal, evaluasi risiko dan segera mencari solusinya.

    CPI-BP Executives HES WorkshopRumbai, 1 8 April 2002Partnership for Operational Excellence

    TENETS KEUNGGULAN OPERASISelalu 9. Mengikuti prosedur yang tertulis untuk pekerjaan yang beresiko tinggi atau yang tidak biasa Tujuan: Untuk menjaga operasi yang stabil, kaji atau buat prosedure tertulis yang jelas untuk semua pekerjaan yang tidak rutin, kritikal dan kompleks.10. Melibatkan orang-orang yang tepat dalam pengambilan keputusan yang mempengaruhi prosedur dan peralatanTujuan: Keputusan dibuat oleh orang yang tahu dengan data data dan informasi yang akurat dan terkini.

    CPI-BP Executives HES WorkshopRumbai, 1 8 April 2002Partnership for Operational Excellence


    Alat penilaian yang umumTidak ada prosesPerungguPerakEmasPlatinaElemen Operasi Keunggulan OperasiTidak ada kebijaksanaan maupun prosedur yang sudah dikembangkanProses sudah dibuat dan sistem implementasi sedang dikembangkanSistem implementasi sudah dibuat dan sudah dipakaiProses diperiksa secara periodik untuk memastikan Ketepatgunaan dan diubah bila diperlukanSama seperti persyaratan penilaian untukTingkat EmasSistem ManajemenTidak ada sistem manajemen yang sedang dipakai ataupun yang sedang dikembangkanUkuran untuk OE Ditentukan. Penilaian kekurangan untuk fasilitas, kepemimpinan dan proses dilaksanakan. Rencana dibuat untuk menutup kekurangan yang teridentifikasiUkuran OE dimonitor. Rencana untuk menutup kekurangan pada fasilitas, kepemimpinan dan proses diimplementasikanUkuran OE dimonitor. Para pimpinan memeriksa sistem manajemen untuk mamastikan ketepatgunaan dan diubah bila diperlukanUkuran OE yang dicapai lebih tinggi dari 75%. Hasil yang dicapai dapat dipertahankan dan ditingkat untuk sekurang-kurangnya 2 tahun

    CPI-BP Executives HES WorkshopRumbai, 1 8 April 2002Partnership for Operational Excellence


    ChevronTexaco Way


    At the heart of the ChevronTexaco Way is our visionto be the global energy company most admired for its people, partnership and performance

    Our Vision means:

    Providing energy products and services that are vital to societys quality of life;

    Being known as people with superior capabilities and commitment, both as individuals and as an organization;

    Thinking and behaving globally, and value the positive influence this has on our company;

    Being the partner of choice because we best exemplify collaboration;

    Delivering world-class performance;

    Earning the admiration of all our stakeholders--investors, customers, host governments, local communities and our employees--not only for the goals we achieve but for how we achieve them.

    CPI-BP Executives HES WorkshopRumbai, 1 8 April 2002Partnership for Operational Excellence

    PERANAN PIMPINAN DALAM OETENETSCiptakan Rencana yang Spesifik untuk meresapi Tenets didalam tim andaCiptakan Rencana tindak lanjut pribadi yang menunjukkan komitmen anda untuk menerima prinsip Tenets

    ELEMEN OPERASIIdentifikasi elemen operasi yang berlaku pada tim andaKaji setiap ekspektasi dari elemen operasi tersebut dan identifikasi proses atau praktek yang ada untuk memenuhi ekspektasi tersebut. Ciptakan contoh nyata dari kegiatan sehari hari untuk lebih mengenalkan setiap ekspektasi kepada tim anda

    IMPLEMENTASI OE Terangkan secara jelas bahwa 0;0;0 adalah sasaran kitaTerapkan Pelaksanaan Akuntabilitas OE didalam tim andaAdakan pertemuan dengan kordinator OE paling tidak sebulan sekaliTerapkan Proses untuk mengembangkan pengertian tim terhadap OEMS dan Elemen Operasi.


    We have provided you a copy of the ChevronTexaco Way. Hopefully all of you had a chance to read it and reflect on the key messages in the document. The ChevronTexaco Way is intended to be a communication device that describes:Who we areWhat we doWhat we believe, and What we plan to accomplishThe ChevronTexaco Way establishes a common understanding of the answers to these questions not only for employees, but also for external stakeholders. We will discuss the ChevronTexaco Way throughout this meeting. (input Leader Name) will talk about values. (input Leader Name) will talk about Partnership. You will also have a lengthy discussion on a ChevronTexaco Way dialogue session. I believe you will leave this meeting with a clearer understanding of the characteristics of our new company.I would like to begin the process of understanding, personalizing and converting the document into action by telling you more about the vision for ChevronTexaco.At the heart of the ChevronTexaco Way is the vision for our new company - to be the global energy company most admired for its People, Partnership and Performance.

    Each of the words in the vision are important and I would like to give you the thoughts Dave OReilly has behind them.In order to achieve #1 Total Shareholder Return (TSR), our focus is on five critical drivers of business success, which we call our 4+1 strategic intents. We believe demonstrated excellence in these 5 areas will result in performance stronger than our competitors, and will provide sustainable, superior shareholder returns.The 4+1 Strategic Intents1. Operational Excellence Lead the industry in safe, reliable, and efficient operations, and be a recognized leader in environmental excellence.

    2. Cost ReductionBe recognized as an industry leader in continually reducing unit operating cost.

    3. Capital Stewardship Select high-return investments using good decision quality and execute them safer, faster, and with lower cost than our competitors.

    4. Profitable GrowthLead the industry in profitable upstream BOE (Barrel of Energy) volume growth.Lead the industry in adopting new economy technology and business models to increase the value of our core business. Selectively grow downstream, chemical, Dynegy, and transportation businesses.

    Plus 1: Organizational Capability Be recognized industry-wide for the unique way we combine people, processes, technology, and partnerships to achieve superior business results in each of the above four areas.

    Protecting People and Environment (PP&E) was updated to include Reliability and Efficiency; include RSI; and provide clarity to process expectations.Protecting People and Environment (PP&E) was updated to include Reliability and Efficiency; include RSI; and provide clarity to process expectations.Protecting People and Environment (PP&E) was updated to include Reliability and Efficiency; include RSI; and provide clarity to process expectations.

    Our expectation relative to the Operational Excellence initiative is to be recognized as world class in safety, environment, health, reliability, and efficiency.This is fundamental to our key corporate objective of becoming #1 in TSR. Becoming world class in Operational Excellence drives our TSR by -Enabling us to deliver reliable earnings year after year (minimizing disruptions caused by incidents)Enabling us to continue to capture new opportunities by maintaining and enhancing our Company/Partner of Choice reputationEnabling us to demonstrate to the investment community that we are a strong investment.

    We are defining being World Class in Operational Excellence in the following ways:Injury Free Work PlaceKey is to establish an overall vision that all accidents are preventable and that we fully expect to have no accidents (recognize that year to year targets will not always be zero)

    Promote a Healthy Workplace and Mitigate Significant Health RisksWe will monitor and maintain a healthy work environment

    Identify and Mitigate Key Environmental RisksThis means focusing on eliminating spills and incidents; as well as minimizing our environmental footprint

    Incident Free with Industry Leading Asset AvailabilityIncident Free means eliminating those unplanned incidents that negatively impact our safety, environment or business performanceIndustry Leading Asset Availability means to be among the top in each units business in facility uptime (minimizing both unplanned and planned downtime)

    Maximize Utilization of Resources and AssetsThis means generating the most value from your assets. This will vary from unit to unit based on what most impacts unit profitabilityexamples are high product yield, ship loading %, energy efficiency, gas lift efficiency, cycle time efficiency (workovers, new wells.), maximizing well productivity, maximizing facility throughput.

    So what have we learned about tenets??

    Read list.

    For bullet number 4 you might add: Employee are not empowered NOT to act. You cant say Its not my job

    ChevronTexaco Way


    At the heart of the ChevronTexaco Way is our visionto be the global energy company most admired for its people, partnership and performance

    Our Vision means:

    Providing energy products and services that are vital to societys quality of life;

    Being known as people with superior capabilities and commitment, both as individuals and as an organization;

    Thinking and behaving globally, and value the positive influence this has on our company;

    Being the partner of choice because we best exemplify collaboration;

    Delivering world-class performance;

    Earning the admiration of all our stakeholders--investors, customers, host governments, local communities and our employees--not only for the goals we achieve but for how we achieve them.