Bowling presentation h diem 6_2015


Transcript of Bowling presentation h diem 6_2015



One of the world’s first sports

Bowling has been around since 3200 BC

Bowling dates back to the ancient Egyptians

90% from Egyptian ideas and 10% from law dodgers

It hasn’t changed much from the Egyptian’s ideas

1841 law= illegal to own 9 pin bowling alleys

Bowlers added a pin so they weren’t breaking the law

The Early Bowling Balls

1st modern bowling ball made in 1905

Before that, the balls were made of wood called Lignum Vatae

Lignum Vatae was light weight and really durable

By 1914 a rubberized plastic compound was created specifically for bowling balls, called Mineralite.

They were nothing like the bowling balls we have now

Old bowling ball

A Newer Bowling Ball

Dimensions of the Bowling Lanes

60 ft. long from foul line to head pin

16 ft. approach

The lane is 42 in. wide not including the gutter

The approach dots-1st set is 12 ft. from the foul line-2nd set is 15 ft. from the foul line

The approach arrows are located 15 ft. from the foul line

On the lane, there are a total of 40 boards which bowlers use to guide their shots.

Oil Patterns

(Patterns introduced to the PBA in 2005) 1st generation patterns

• Chameleon-39 ft.

• Cheetah-35 ft.

• Scorpion-41ft.

• Shark-43 ft.

• Viper-37 ft

• In the early days, oil was used just to protect the lane

• Now it’s also used to reduce the effectiveness of modern bowling balls

• You must adjust your stance to play the oil correctly

• The PBA now can use blue oil so you can see the pattern

• A normal house shot pattern is 40 ft. long and simple

(Patterns introduced to the PBA in 2013) 2nd generation patterns Badger-52 ft. Bear-40 ft. Wolf-32 ft.

Jason Belmonte

He was born July 29, 1983

He started bowling at 18 months old

Developed the rare two handed bowling style

He has won twelve PBA Titles

Also has won five major tournaments

Chris Barnes

o He was born February 25, 1970

o He has won over two million dollars in the course of 15 years

o He won Rookie of the Year in 1998

o He has bowled 46 perfect 300 games in PBA Tournaments

o 23 of those 46 were televised

Lucy Sandelin

• In 1976 she was the first woman to ever win the AMF World Cup

• She has been on the bowling Team USA ten times

• She has represented our country in bowling in over a dozen nations

• She was inducted into the Florida WBA Hall of Fame in 1989

• She owns World Cup Bowling Academy

Norm Duke

o Norm Duke was born March 25, 1964

o He has bowled 61 perfect 300 games in PBA tournaments

o 15 of the 61 were televised

o He has 38 PBA titles including seven majors

Pete Weber

1) Pete Weber was born August 21, 1962

2) He has won 37 PBA titles including ten major titles

3) He has bowled 72 perfect 300 games in PBA tournaments


▶ 2:07