Bowel cancer - colorectal surgeon, Australia

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Transcript of Bowel cancer - colorectal surgeon, Australia

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What is Bowel/Colorectal Cancer? Bowel cancer occurs in the large intestine(colon) and the back passage(rectum); in some cases of this disease, it can also appear in the small intestine. The cancer occurs as clumps of cells called polyps on the inside lining of the intestine wall. Polyps can be flat, mushroom-shaped or compressed into the wall of the colon. Polyps has to be removed before it can turn into cancer otherwise there could be more chance of tumor spreading to other parts of the body leading to critical situation.

Stages of Bowel Cancer:

Diagnosis and Treatment:


This is an examination to inspect the inner lining of the large bowel (rectum and colon) using a flexible tube with a camera at its tip. It is inserted via the anus and gently guided to

the start of the large bowel (caecum).

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