Bow & Arrow | Trinity Lutheran School

Trinity Lutheran School 1 Bow & Arrow University of Florida Campaigns Book


For my final senior project at the University of Florida we formed agencies and prepared a campaign for a real client, Trinity Lutheran School. Within my agency, Bow & Arrow Advertising, I was one of the lead Creatives who was in charge of the layout and all other visual aspects that were contributed to the project. I created our logo along with a logo redesign for Trinity Lutheran School. I strengthened the branding of our team throughout the book, by creating cover pages and watermarks for each section. Though I assisted with the ad design, my main focus lied in the formatting and branding of the book and the rebranding of our client.

Transcript of Bow & Arrow | Trinity Lutheran School

  • 1. Trinity Lutheran School 1 Bow & Arrow University of Florida Campaigns Book

2. 2 Bow & Arrow Book published by Blurb San Fransisco, CA Trinity Lutheran School Campaigns 2014 Presented by: Bow & Arrow 3. Trinity Lutheran School 3 OUR PHILOSOPHY THE ARSENAL EXECUTIVE SUMMARY RESEARCH Situation Analysis Primary Research Secondary Research SWOT MARKETING PLAN Integrated Marketing Campaign CREATIVE Logo Print Radio Newsletter MEDIA PLAN Budget PLAN EVALUATION APPENDIX WORKS CITED CLOSING STATEMENTS 5 6 9 13 14 36 44 49 53 60 65 68 70 74 76 79 82 85 89 98 101 4. 4 Bow & Arrow 5. Trinity Lutheran School 5 OUR PHILOSOPHY Throughout time, the bow and arrow has been one of the most successful weapons in history. Although it is one of the most commonly used tools, it is also one of the most beautiful. The arc of the bow paired with the clean, crisp lines of the arrow creates a strong composition with a definite purpose. Here at Bow & Arrow, we strive to give life to those artistic qualities this amazing tool creates. Made up of seven driven professionals, our agency boasts steadfast values while working well together to communicate the most compelling ideas possible. Our team focuses on tying in the flexibility and durability of the bow and arrow into our own work ethic. Just like this innovative weapon, we aim to create durable pieces by adjusting with each small detail our environment provides us. Like nocking an arrow, each challenge we receive prepares us for the ultimate release of energy through a path of creativity and clarity. Overall, our goal is to work in unison with our clients to create the best marketing and advertising pieces possible in todays environment. No matter what the scenario, our target is to be the enduring piece that the bow and arrow has been throughout the ages. 6. 6 Bow & Arrow THE ARSENALTo me, theres nothing better than exploring something new; the thrill is half the fun. SCUBA diving is my vice, silver gelatin photography soothes me and my French bulldog, Nugget, is my sidekick. I find inspiration in the smallest details and hope to travel the world one day. A Miami native, my life has always consisted of music, the beach, a big family and laughter. I originally considered majoring in Music when I began college, but I soon found a love for advertising and excitement for a career in it. Fun Fact: I was Charlie Brown in a school play. My passion is in fashion and marketing. Ive modeled in Olivier Greens fashion show, a contestants on Project Runway. I would be interested in any field involving Public Relations, Advertising or Marketing within the fashion industry. I plan to move to New York City this summer to pursue a career in fashion marketing, whether that be with a magazine, a designer or a firm. Carolina Fernandez Copyrighter & Marketing Coordinator Ellen Leung Team Leader and Media Planner Kristin Bartlett Creative Designer 7. Trinity Lutheran School 7 From an early age, I enjoyed drawing with my brother, entering coloring contests and making elaborate school projects. It was this interest in creative thinking and the arts that first attracted me to study advertising. Over the years, Ive studied hard, pulled the necessary all-nighters and racked my brain for inspiration; all for the day I graduate. Fueled by coffee, pasta and my attention to detail, I have grown as a graphic designer in my time here at the University of Florida. Ive spent my last semester balancing class, my Graphic Design internship at Liquid Creative and my managerial position at Platos Closet. After graduation, I plan to move out West to Colorado and explore Boulders love for nature and design. Im an island girl from Haiti moving to Portland, Oregon after graduation in May to intern at Wieden+Kennedy in the account management department. Jumping from coast to coast, my next stop is Chicago, IL to pursue a masters degree at Loyola University. My past, current and future endeavors have shaped me as an ad-lover, world-traveler, tea-drinker and hard-worker. Justin Palyswiat Research and Promotions Coordinator Gabriela Ramos Creative Designer Anissa Nadal Research and Promotions Coordinator Southern boy preparing for life in the north. I grew up in a family of seven - competition was our middle names. I stay up late, I crave key lime pie and I live at the gym. Im going to rule the world. Brandon Levoy Interactive Media Coordinator 8. 8 Bow & Arrow 9. Trinity Lutheran School 9 10. 10 Bow & Arrow At Bow & Arrow Advertising, we strive to provide you with the most competent and compelling campaigns that are best fitting to solve your marketing and advertising problems. We are here to pinpoint the issue and to think of creative and effective solutions in order to give you the best possible results for your brand. 11. Trinity Lutheran School 11 in school. The main part of the campaign will emphasize the children and its family- orientation within the community. This will ensure that these values trump other issues, like higher costs. Considering the declining trend of enrollment over the past 10 years coupled with the prospects of increasing enrollment, it is extremely important to utilize a new advertising campaign. The recent increase in enrollment shows that the economy is improving, allowing us to rebrand TLS and create awareness for the school in order to take advantage of this economic incline. However, we are still being cautious of the recent economic recession, so we are emphasizing strong values that caring parents would consider over price in order to provide the best for their children. We also realize that the school is facing repercussions due to the economic downturn, so we put a strong emphasis on marketingevents,guerillaeventsandcommunity involvement. This will assist in creating awareness, while also minimizing costs while also minimizing costs for the school. When researching Trinity Lutheran School (TLS), through secondary and primary research, we found that there is great potential for expansion; however, the school is not taking advantage of the right communication tools in order to convey their benefit. The lack of awareness in general and the low retention rates between the CDC program and K-8 program pose as the main problems to be addressed. TLS can use its strong faith-based education and family-friendly environment to maintain the tight community and to attract new families. The school currently does not involve itself with the Downtown community enough and we plan to utilize more guerilla marketing and event marketing to reach the community outside of the school. We want to keep the current print advertising in Orlando Magazine and Orlando Family because it effectively reaches the target market. However, we found that radio advertising is economically feasible during Spring. It has the potential to reach parents actively looking to enroll their students 12. 12 Bow & Arrow 13. Trinity Lutheran School 13 14. 14 Bow & Arrow INDUSTRY ANALYSIS The education industry includes the nations most important institutions to provide a solid foundation for young impressionable minds. Education can come in numerous different forms all catered to the specific needs of children and their parents. In America, every student has the privilege to attend school, regardless of race, economic standing, or gender. There are many different kinds of schools-- public, private, charter, denomination, and non denominational. Schools provide an enjoyable social atmosphere while also fostering a safe environment to learn and grow. The majority of privately-owned institutions are religious-based, and provide a highly intensive, challenging curriculum challenging curriculum that incorporates specially-trained teachers. Though these services are more costly than charter and public schools, they yield the advantages of having a more transparent administration, a well-maintained campus, excellent books, faith-based guidance and learning materials. By paying tuition, concerns are takenmoreseriouslyandresultinheightened relationships between parents and administrations of private schools (Trinity 2013). COMPANY ANALYSIS THE PRODUCT HISTORY The education industry includes the nations most important institutions to provide a solid foundation for young impressionable minds. Education can come in numerous different forms; all catered to the specific needs of children and their parents. In America, every student has the privilege to attend a public school, regardless of race, economic standing, or gender. Public schools provide an enjoyable social atmosphere while also perpetuating a less intimidating and less demanding environment. Every public school has a bus system that provides students within its district free transportation to and from school everyday. More cost-efficient for most middle- to lower-class families, public schools are conveniently located in the most densely populated areas, making it easily accessible to more kids. SITUATION ANALYSIS 15. Trinity Lutheran School 15 CDC TLS is segmented into two different programs, one for infants too young for kindergarten and the other, a regular K-8 curriculum. The Child Development Center (CDC), which has received numerous praises and recognition, is a unique opportunity to start shaping the idle minds at a young age. Through screenings and assessments, the CDC offers an alternative to daycare that will jumpstart your childs education. Each child receives specialized attention and care from certified caregivers and leave parents worry-free due to its safe and convenient location. It is never too ear- ly to start learning; and the CDC is the perfect first step in creating that solid foundation for your child. (Trinity 2013) K-8 Having already started your education with the CDC, it would only make sense to continue on to the K-8 program to ensure the same sense of community and learning quality. TLS provides its students with the tools to excel in the core subject areas of reading, writing, mathematics, science, social studies and religion. With a more challenging curriculum, students leave Trinity Lutheran School better adjusted and well-prepared for high school. Aside from these subjects, studentsalsolearnhowtodevelopleadership qualities, engage in extracurricular activities and athletics, and are well on their way to becoming fluent Spanish-speakers. Trinitys technological advantages, such as readily available Chromebook and Nexus tablets, allow students to gain a strong understanding of digital literacy, making TLS more relevant in todays modern society. TLS is not lacking in innovation, they are one of the few schools that hold student-led conferences. A student-led conference is a learning report prepared by, learned by, and delivered by each individual student to their parent and teacher. The conferences main goal is to promote reflection in the student on their successes and shortcomings. Ameliorating their public speaking skills and confidence, student-led conferences better equip the students to express their own opinions and knowledge. All these factors are carefully designed and work solely to build and foster your childs spiritual, mental, emotional, physical, and social growth. (Trinity 2013) 16. 16 Bow & Arrow PAST PROMOTIONS In the past, Trinity Lutheran School has designed their own ads, flyers, brochures, and other materials. Their primary form of advertisement is their print ad in Orlando Magazine. This ad features a few pictures of students, some other visuals, and accompanying copy. Overall, the ad is crowded with confusing messages. There are two different logos and two differ- ent mascots on the same advertisement, making the advertisement appear more convoluted. The ad does include their Best of Orlando award, but it does not explain the award or highlight it in any unique manner. In refute to that, they did remain cohesive with the color scheme and the fonts. The ad needed some additions, such as a clarification between the CDC program and the K-8 institution and a representative that an inquiring parent could speak to. Ultimately, the advertisement lacked a finished touch. TLS also provides those interested in the school with a brochure and a promotional card. The promo card maintains the red and blue colors that is included in their logo. Though they used their own logo effectively, they added additional logos that were unnecessary. The information on the card needs to be narrowed down in order to be more effective. The promotion card was a great and an effective marketing strategy. 17. Trinity Lutheran School 17 Above: Past Print ad from Orlando Magazine To the Right: Promotional Cards (Front and Back) 18. 18 Bow & Arrow 123 East Livingston Street Orlando, FL 32801 407.488.1919 [email protected] TRINITYDOWNTOWN.COM Trinity Lutheran School is a ministry of Patty Moser holds a BS in Child Development and Family Relations from the University of Maine, an Advanced Directors Credential, and has worked intheeldof earlychildhood for 30 years as a teacher, director and trainer. Patty came to us from Rollins College, where she was an educator working with college students from the Department of Psychology in the Child Development & Student Research Center. She has been our Director at Trinity since 2008. Pattys commitment to high-quality Early Childhood Education has earned Trinity a 5 Star Quality rating and an exemplary School Readiness rating in our Child Development Center. TRINITYS QUALITY PROGRAM ALONG WITH OUR CHRIST- CENTERED VALUES MAKES US ONE OF THE TOP CENTERS FOR EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION IN CENTRAL FLORIDA. WHEN YOU ENROLL YOUR CHILD AT TRINITY, YOU BECOME PART OF A GREATER FAMILY THAT PUTS YOUR FAMILY FIRST IN ALL WE DO. - PATTY MOSER NURTURING CHRISTIAN CHARACTER PROMOTING ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE CHILD DEVELOPMENT CENTERCHILD DEVELOPMENT CENTER FROM INFANTS TO 8TH GRADE MEET THE DIRECTOR TRINITYDOWNTOWN.COM Trinity Child Development Center #C09OR0123 19. Trinity Lutheran School 19 The brochure has a well organizedlayout;informationisreadily accessible. The images that are paired with the text complement the Information well, guiding the interested parent through. Additionally, the placement of the information has a nice flow and is very effective. Overall, the content of the brochure is comprehensive and focused. 20. 20 Bow & Arrow CONSUMER ANALYSIS With its convenient location and strong ties to the community, TLS has been able to maintain an audience of professionals who work in the Downtown area. Current consumers include parents between the ages of 30 and 50 years old who live a career-oriented life- style and who are concerned with the education of their children. They desire an education system that is faith-based, prestigious, and of high quality for their children. The target consumer is highly involved with the community, values exceptional and modern teaching methods, lives or commutes to the Downtown area, and is fairly wealthy. TLSs consumers are willing to pay top dollar for a high-quality education at a stable institution in which their kids can complete grades K through 8. The current consumer is interesed in the safe community offered by TLS and its faith-based approach to contribute to an overall gratifying and fulfilling experience to the parents and their kids. TLS predominantly reaches their consumers through word of mouth and community events. Current consumers also get information about the schools mission, its staff, and educational information on the TLS website and blog. COMPETITIVE ANALYSIS While researching TLS, we had to take into consideration the numerous Orlando competitors that the school faces both directly and indirectly. The Downtown Orlando area in general is home to over 10 different schools, all relatively close for downtown workers with kids and for families that live just outside the city. These schools located downtown, right around the corner from TriTL- San School, are our biggest competitors. 21. Trinity Lutheran School 21 THE CHRIST SCHOOL The Christ School, a privately run institution, poses the largest direct threat to TLS. Headed by Jason W. Powell, a man with more than 20 years of educational leadership experience, The Christ School focuses on expanding their students minds academically and spiritually. Open to all denominations, the school was founded in 1996, when a small group of parents decided to bring to life their vision of a superior education that would be Christ-centered. Compared to TLS which was founded in 1953, the school is still relatively new and in its beginning years. Since then, The Christ school has gone on to win the Golden Brick Award for educational excellence and also received full accreditation from Christian Schools of Florida in 1999. They were the youngest school to ever receive this accreditation. (The Christ School, 2014) Currently The Christ School boasts a population of 260 families, comprised of 332 students, putting them just in front of TLS which currently has 300 students. Having no Child Development Center or Day Care Program in place, The Christ School loses ground on TLS. All 332 students at The Christ School are between Kindergarten and 8th Grade. Class sizes are relatively small and average 16 students for Kindergarten classes and about 17 students for grades 1-8. (The Christ School, 2014) Currently The Christ School boasts a population of 260 families, comprised of 332 students, putting them just in front of TLS which currently has 300 students. Having no Child Development Center or Day Care Program in place, The Christ School loses ground on TLS. All 332 students at The Christ School are between Kindergarten and 8th Grade. Class sizes are relatively small and average 16 students per Kindergarten class and about 17 students for grades 1-8. (The Christ School, 2014) 22. 22 Bow & Arrow Due to the abundance of positive attributes The Christ School possesses, the tuition and fees are higher than TLS for the average middle-class family. (See graph above) Tuition can be paid two different ways: a one time direct payment to the school or divided into monthly installments. The school also imposes a costly deposit fee of $650 on all students, returning and new, and a $750 additional fee on any new students. TLS has similar fees but the prices are much lower; only a $400 registration fee and a $200 new student fee. (The Christ School, 2014) They also host extracurricular programs to reach the needs of all their students and parents. The school is involved in numerous athletic memberships, such as the FSAA (Florida High School Athletic Association) and FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes), and allows kids to start competing in sports in Kindergarten. The Christ School, like TLS, also implements an Extended Care program for those parents who need extra time in the mornings or evenings. Parents can pay a daily fee or a weekly fee; these programs vary from $420 per day to $2,100 per week. (The Christ School, 2014) 23. Trinity Lutheran School 23 WEBSITE CRITIQUE The Christ School has a very clean, professional looking website using its school colors dark green, lime green, and grey as accent colors. The schools name and emblem appear clearly in the top left corner of the homepage and on every page as you continue browsing. The site incorporates nice photographs of Christ School students participating in their everyday academic routines. The site also includes lots of useful information about the schools history, student life, admissions process, etc. Prices for tuition and fees are clearly listed so parents can have a good idea of what they will be spending to go there. Phone number, Email, and address of the school were all present on all pages. 24. 24 Bow & Arrow FACEBOOK CRITIQUE The Christ Schools Facebook page is consistent with the standards of its school website and utilizes the same school colors. The page has nearly 450 likes, has received a 5 star rating from 41 respondents, and has an events page to show past and upcoming school events. The school also has a variety of photos on the page highlighting their students and their achievements. 25. Trinity Lutheran School 25 ST. JAMES CATHEDRAL SCHOOL St. James Cathedral School, has a history that dates back nearly 120 years when it was an academy operating under the direction of nuns. Since then, the school has grown and been remodeled and now provides education for kids in Pre-K through 8th grade. All teachers are required to have Florida State Certification, and many of them also are equipped with the Montessori Certification which exceeds the Florida State Certification. (St. James Cathedral School, 2014) Committed to outstanding academic and spiritual evolvement of all its students, St. James Cathedral School works hard to provide a variety of opportunities for its students to harness and improve their God-given gifts. The curriculum is standard and allows for students to take a more hands-on approach in their own education, with the teachers acting more as facilitators. The school could implement Student Led Conferences like TLS does as a way to accentuate this hands-on approach. There is an enforced dress code that was formulated to ensure a safe environment devoid of bothersome distractions. Like TLS and many private schools, St. James Cathedral believes a clean and neat appearance will ameliorate each students opinion of themselves while also promoting proper behavior. St. James Cathedral School lives by the slogan, Come to Learn, Leave to Serve, which highlights their push for students to continue on a path of service even after they have left the schools walls. (St. James Cathedral School, 2014) St. James Cathedral School boasts an outstanding lunch program, with the contracted help of Wholesome Tummies Cafe. This company uses only the best quality food available, ensuring the freshest and most natural ingredients. There offer an a la carte system that provides sandwiches, soups, and salads as side items for students to consume. Aside from food, St. James Cathedral School also looks out for its students by providing organized programs for before school, after school, and during summer months. Similar to TLS, these programs come at an additional cost, but for many parents with time conflictions, the extra care is well-worth the cost. (St. James Cathedral School, 2014) St. James Cathedral School offers after-school programs, which consist of Chess Club, KidzArt, Choir, and Boy/Girl Scouts, including an academic curriculum program during the day. Tuition includes lunch and childcare, and ranges from $500 to $760. 26. 26 Bow & Arrow WEBSITE CRITIQUE St. James Cathedral School has a bright and inviting website, showcasing the school colors blue and yellow. The school name and logo are presented at the top of every page as you work through the entire site. At the bottom of the homepage there is a rolling news feed, which is a modern and innovative way of informing parents and the community about upcoming volunteer opportunities, events, and much more. The site also includes basic information on the schools history, admissions, student life, and parental involvement. The admissions section could be revamped, adding more information on the admissions process itself and a pricing chart for tuition and fees. Right now the site provides a number for the admissions director to request more information, when that information could simply be put on the website. The site does provide an easy online application process for admissions however, and provides a list of Open House dates on the side of the admissions application. 27. Trinity Lutheran School 27 FACEBOOK CRITIQUE St. James Cathedral School has 480 likes on their Facebook page and currently has a 4 star rating. The page includes fun and encouraging pictures of the students at events in the photos section and has an event page to show all upcoming occasions. The schools address, phone number, and hours of operation are all available at the top of the page. 28. 28 Bow & Arrow LAKE HIGHLAND PREPATORY SCHOOL Lake Highland Preparatory School is a Pre-K through 12th grade Independent day school located in Downtown Orlando. The school has been open since 1970; 17 years after TLS opened. The campus is on a 42-acre lakefront, providing students with an inspirational and unique learning environment. The schools studentbodyexceedsthatofTLSs,currently enrolling 1,982 students; 815 students in Pre-K through 6th grade, 367 students in grades 7 and 8, and 800 students in grades 9 through 12. With an impressive student body size the school is able to offer a college preparatory curriculum that includes 25 AP courses and four foreign languages. The intense academics are matched by strong programs in the arts. The schools athletic program also provide serious competition for TLS, featuring 57 teams that compete in 21 sports. Many of the teams even get the opportunity to advance on to regional and state competitions. (Lake Highland Preparatory School, 2014) Lake Highland Preparatory School is accredited by the Florida Council of Independent Schools, the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, the Florida Kindergarten Council, and is a member of the National Association of Independent Schools. Nearly 50 percent of the schools faculty hold superior degrees and 61 of them have received the Gifted Endorsement teaching credential. Aside from the excellent staff, Lake Highland students are pretty remarkable as well. Last year in particular, the Upper Level students contributed 41,353 hours of community service, showcasing the schools unwavering devotion to their community. (Lake Highland Preparatory School, 2014) images appear on the homepage to show off Lake Highlands student body and teaching staff. 29. Trinity Lutheran School 29 Tuition at Lake Highland Preparatory School is stated in the chart above. Families of new students must pay a $1,500 non-refundable tuition deposit, which gets applied to their students tuition, and a $1,500 non-refundableenrollmentfee.Thesefees are astronomical compared to the $400 registration fee and $200 new student fee at TLS. Families may choose from a few payment plans such as budgeting it out over nine months, the two semesters, or just paying the entire amount upfront. A 12 percent finance charge will be applied however to whomever chooses to pay by semester or month. Unlike TLS, the tuition cost and fees do not include charges for textbooks, AP exams, field trips, and graduation. (Lake Highland Preparatory School, 2014) 30. 30 Bow & Arrow WEBSITE CRITIQUE Lake Highland Preparatory Schools website is very classic and clean looking. It uses their schools bold red as the primary color for their website. Fun and personal slider images appear on the homepage to show off Lake Highlands student body and teaching staff. The site is easily navigable and presents basic information about the school concisely, including information on athletics, the arts, and admissions. The prices of tuition and school fees are all presented neatly in the admissions section along with financial aid information for those students who qualify. Keeping up with the times, Lake Highlands Twitter account is also linked to the website providing live tweets about the schools events and programs. 31. Trinity Lutheran School 31 FACEBOOK CRITIQUE The Lake Highland Preparatory School does not have an active working Facebook page. The school only has a business page with their school emblem as the profile picture. The schools address, phone number, and Wikipedia link are all readily available at the top of the page, as well as a link to the schools official website. 1,753 people currently like the topic page and it has a 4 star rating from 69 respondents. 32. 32 Bow & Arrow INDIRECT COMPETITORS The indirect competitors that TLS is up against are the charter schools in Downtown Orlando. A charter school is a non-profit, self-managing public school that operates under a specific performance contract with the local school board. The two charter schools in particular that are in competition with TTLS are Lake Eola Charter School and Nap Ford Community School. The list of similarities between Lake Eola Charter School and Nap Ford Community School is abundant. Both competitors follow in the steps of TLS and are anti-discriminatory institutions that will accept students of all races, religions, genders, handicaps, and marital statuses. Both enroll students on a first come, first served basis and have waitinglistsforthechildrentheydonothave accommodations for siblings of current students and children of the teaching/administrative staff will receive priority over other application entrants. To be eligible for enrollment, students must be residents of Orange County and at least five years of age. Without a Child Development Center like TLS, these schools miss out on the complete evolution of their students. Neither charter school has a set tuition in place and are free to the public. (Lake Eola Charter School, 2014) (Nap Ford Community School, 2014) Lake Eola Charter School has been open and operating for the last 15 years and currently serves 219 students. Compared to TLS which has be up and running for 60 years and currently enrolls 300 students, Lake Eola Charter School lacks the prestige of TLS. The school has decided to utilize a cluster system to arrange its students into classes. Grades four and five are comprised of a mixture of students, as well as grades six through eight. Class sizes are relatively normal and average 17-22 students per classroom. Lake Eola Charter School implements a non-textbook curriculum for its students, which is different from TLS, and it uses the public library for research purposes and checking out books. Computer stations are integrated into each classroom, but are not focused on as part of the students necessary studies like at TLS. Also, TLS has future plans of implementing new and modern devices into their classroom routines. Teachers are currently receiving specialized training so they can properly aid students as they learn to use the new devices. (Lake Eola Charter School, 2014) The Nap Ford Community School works to empower its students to become contributing members of society. It possesses a strong support system within the school community, and seeks opportunities for outreach and service in an attempt to teach students the importance of giving back. The school caters only to kids entering Pre-Kindergarten through 5th grade.(NapFordCommunitySchool,2014) 33. Trinity Lutheran School 33 LAKE EOLA CHARTER SCHOOL WEBSITE CRITIQUE Outdated and overly simple, Lake Eola Charter Schools website gives only the bare minimum when it comes to information concerning their school. The site uses a black and red color theme and has the schools name and logo in the top left corner of every page. It provides background on what a charter school is and how they function. Enrollment for the school must be done in person instead ofonline and the website does not provide any information on price of tuition and fees. Small stock pictures and a generic font leave the site looking old and uninspired. The school does present its address and phone number are at the bottom of every page for those who wish to contact them. FACEBOOK CRITIQUE Lake Eola Charter School does not have an official Facebook page, only a topic page. Its topic page has no address or phone number to reach the school and provides no description or pictures of the school. 29 people currently follow this topic page. 34. 34 Bow & Arrow Top: Naos Ford Community School website Bottom: Naps Ford Community School Facebook 35. Trinity Lutheran School 35 NAPS FORD COMMUNITY SCHOOL WEBSITE CRITIQUE Naps Ford Community School uses its school colors, blue and yellow, to try and brighten up the website. There is no picture showing what the school looks like and there is no information on admission prices or tuition. The site looks outdated and the yellow font is hard to read on some of the pages. We recommend sticking with the white font on the blue background to ensure the audience can read everything clearly. There is a school address and phone number provided at the bottom of every page, with the school logo appearing at the top of the pages. There was nothing too special or eye- capturing about their site. FACEBOOK CRITIQUE The Naps Ford Community School has 185 likes on their Facebook page and an event page informing people of upcoming festivals and volunteerevents.Theirprofilepictureisa promotional advertisement for one of their fundraisers. There is no distinct identity connecting this Facebook page withtheschool.Theyshouldincorporatea picture of the school and maybe the schools emblem into the web- page to make a good connection be- tween the two. Pictures on the page are not as focused on the students and should be switched out for bet- ter ones involving the kids more. 36. 36 Bow & Arrow RESEARCH PRIMARY RESEARCH Bow & Arrow conducted an online survey to identify and better understand the educational preferences, religious denominations, and deciding factors for choosing a schooling system as it pertains to our target market. The objective was to create and implement an advertising campaign for TLS based on this information. Bow & Arrow distributed a well-designed, detailed survey to parents in the South Florida to Central Florida area. Through email, we were able to reach the desired target market, parents between the ages of 25 and 50. The survey was active for two weeks and yielded about 100 respondents. To better understand which parent we needed to target, we decided to ask a demographic question concerning the respondents gender. As seen in chart one, 88 percent of our respondents are female. We were curious to see whether average households would be able to afford tuition and costs of a private school. We asked what each respondents total household income was and were able to conclude that TLS falls within a reasonable price range for most households. Chart two is a visual represetation of this data. 37. Trinity Lutheran School 37 $30,001-$50,000 7% $50,001-$70,000 6% $70,001-$90,000 9% $90,001- $110,000 19% >$110,001 59% Male 12% Female 88% Chart 1 Respondents Gender Chart 2 Total Household Income 38. 38 Bow & Arrow 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% Extremely Interested Very Interested Neither Interested nor Uninterested Very Uninterested Extremely Uninterested Chart 3 Interest Levels in Pre-K through Eighth Grade Program PrintAds 52% RadioAds 12% Newsle5ers 6% OutdoorAds 10% Other 20% Chart 4 Advertising Mediums Religious 74% Non-Religious 26% Chart 5 Religious Background 39. Trinity Lutheran School 39 Based off our interviews and research, we concluded that women were the primary target for the campaign because they are decision makers for their childs education. As seen in chart three, the majority of our respondents were interested in an institution that provided schooling from Pre-K to eighth grade because of the convenience factor, affordability and stability .We then asked what kinds of advertisements parents are more susceptible to. The majority of the participants are 52% likely to be attracted to print advertisements. Due these results, Bow & Arrow decided to allocate a substantial amount of their budget to print advertisements. In order to delve deeper into our survey respondents religious background, we started off by asking who considered themselves to be religious. 40. 40 Bow & Arrow We did obtain scattered results when asked about specific religious affiliations, however these results do not detract from TLS, they bolster its diversity.Theseresultssupportthe reasoning for targeting students of any denomination. Bow & Arrow asked respondents to rate specific attributes in order of most important to least important. Concerning their childs learning environment, the majority of respondents ranked teacher quality as the most important factor, followed closely by curriculum, a sense of community, and student- teacher ratio. Participants listed technology as the least important factor in their childs learning environment. When making a decision about education for their children, participants listed the quality of the school as the most significant attribute, followed by tuition. The history and tradition of the school, as well as the proximity, has little to no influence on making decisions. 41. Trinity Lutheran School 41 1 2 3 4 5 - - - - - Chris&anity Non- Denomina&onal Catholic Presbyterian Episcopal Agnos&c Bap&stCongrega&onal SDA Chris&an Roman Catholic Lutheran Chart 6 Religious Affiliations Teacher Quality Curriculum Student-Teacher Ratio Family/ Community Technology 1 2 3 4 5 - - - - - Quality of School Tuition Prestige/ Reputation Proximity History/ Tradition Most Important Attributes of Learning Environment Important Attributes for Decision Making 42. 42 Bow & Arrow Because private schools tend to be faith-based institutions and are preferred over public schools, we wanted to know parents opinion on the importance of having a faith- based education. 59 percent considered a faith-based education either extremely important or very important. Based on our survey, more than half of our participants agreed that there is a significant difference between private school education versus public school education. 43. Trinity Lutheran School 43 Yes 52% No 48% Extremely Important VeryImportant Neither Importantnor Unimportant Very Unimportant Notatall Important 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% Chart 7 Beliefs of Difference in Private vs. Public Education Chart 8 Importanece of Faith-Based Education 44. 44 Bow & Arrow Universe Survey, n.d.). Private schools can be split into different categories and geographical areas, including religiously affiliated, non-religious and specialty programs. As a whole, within the South, there are 9,203 (22.3 percent) private schools (Private School Universe Survey, n.d.). Of these schools, 2,833 (28.3 percent) are located in urban areas- TLS being one of them (Private School Universe Survey, n.d.). Additionally, TLS is part of the religious affiliated schools; in particular, the Lutheran Church- Missouri Synod portion. Of this division, there are 944 (3.2 percent) schools in the nation. Within these schools are 118,444 students and 9,247 full-time teachers (Private School Universe Survey, n.d.). With these figures, the average class size for a Missouri Synod Lutheran based school is 12.8 students to one teacher. In comparison, the largest com- petitor, the National Catholic Educa- SECONDARY RESEARCH SCHOOLS & FAITH-BASED EDUCATION As a nation, it is required that all children get an education. However, the way in which these children receive their education can vary. Through our research, there are three primary schooling methods. These include public schooling, private schooling and homeschooling. Within the United States, there are 30,861 private elementary and secondary schools with 4,494,845 students enrolled in them (Private School Universe Survey, n.d.). Of these students, 2,124,106 (47.3 percent) are in elementary school and 757,448 (16.9 percent) are in secondary school (Statistics about Nonpublic Education in the United States, 2014). The remaining 35.9 percent of students, 1,613,291 children, are enrolled in a school that combines elementary and secondary school; Trinitys competition. In comparison, there are 466,467 teachers for these schools (Private School 45. Trinity Lutheran School 45 tional Association has 5,740 schools that educate 1,682,048 students (Private School Universe Survey, n.d.). Within these schools are 128,513 teach- ers, averaging 13.1 students per class (Private School Universe Survey, n.d.). The Lutheran Church- Missouri Synod category also bears competition from other divisions of Lutheran churches, such as Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and others. Combined, these branches have 528 (1.8 percent) schools and 44,853 (1 percent) students (Private School Universe Survey, n.d.). As the number of private-religious schools have increased over the years, so have the number of students. Even so, as Trinity noted, there has been a declining the enrollment of students within the past ten years in this type of educational facility. As the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) notes, The percentage of all students in pri- vate schools decreased from 12 percent in 199596 to 10 percent in 201112. Private school enrollment in PreK through grade 12 increased from 5.9 million in 199596 to 6.3 million in 200102, then decreased to 5.3 million in 201112. Similar to overall private school enrollment, private school enrollment in preK through grade 8 increased from 4.8 million in 199596 to 5.0 million in 200102, then decreased to 4.0 million in 201112. However, private school enrollment in grades 9 through 12 increased from 1.2 million in 199596 to 1.3 million in 201112. Even so, private schools were able to maintain smaller sized classrooms in comparison to public schools. According to data collected in the 2007 2008 school year, public schools had an average class size of 20.3 students where private schools had an average class size of 18.1 students (Fast Facts, n.d.). One of the defining differences between private schools and public schools is the tuition. Whereas public and charter schools are free, private schools, both 46. 46 Bow & Arrow location, there are 37 schools that parents can choose from. Of these schools, 20 that meet the same criteria as TLS: religious, preK and older, have the same number or more students and have around the same cost for tuition. However, there are only two otherschoolsinthearea,GoodShepherd Catholic School and TLS, that accept infants (Orlando Magazine, 2012). Out of this pool of local competitors, the average student-teacher ratio is 16.75 to one; 4.75 more students than TLS have in their classrooms. Based on the lowest tuition costs (most likely for preK) listed as per Orlando Magazine, the average cost of these competitors is $12,186.29 per year. However, the outlier, Trinity Preparatory School, raises that average with a tuition of $16,800. Without this outlier, the average cost would be $5,850 per year. Additionally, all of the schools in the Orange County area have extracurricular activities and other features such as competitive sports, arts, choir, drama, band and music. All of the schools offered at least competitive sportsandarts,whiletheothersoffereda variety of combinations. (Orlando Magazine, 2012). How- ever, there was no mention of the importance of technology in each school. religious and unaffiliated, charge a tuition fee. As recorded by the NCES, during the 2011-2012 school year, annual tuition for private schools were $7,770 for elementary schools, $13,030 for secondary schools and $13,640 for combined schools (Statistics about Nonpublic Education in the United States, 2014). Although private schools do cost more, the teaching staff and classroom sizes are very different from that of public schools. As stated before, classroom sizes are smaller, allowing for more individual attention on each individual students needs. In particular, teachers within the Lutheran education system are able to obtain a masters degree in Lutheran education from various universities and colleges, such as Concordia University in Chicago. These programs have specific curriculum for Lutheran schools, ranging from traditional education classes to religion classes(Concordia UniversityChicago, 2014). As for public schools, teachers are only required to have a Bachelors degree as well as a certification card, provided by the state. This certification does not necessarily mean that the person obtained a Bachelors degree in education (Florida Department of Education, n.d.). Although TLS l is statistically competing with other schools around the country, their primary competitors are located in the Orange County area. Within this 47. Trinity Lutheran School 47 CHILD DEVELOPMENT CENTERS TLS begins their faith-based education early on, starting with infants. They clearly distinguish themselves as a CDC instead of a day care. Since the school takes children at a young age, they are able to foster a one-of-a-kind learning environment that allows the teacher to create specific learning plans for each child. Throughout the United States, children under five-years-old are cared for by a multitude of people and organizations. According to Child Care Aware of America, in 2012, there were 1,079,012 children under the age of four living in Florida. Of those children, 836,080 had one or both parents in the workforce, therefore needing child care (Child Care in America: 2012 State Fact Sheet, 2012). Nationally, over half of the children under age six had parents who held steady jobs. More importantly, 67 percent of mothers with children under the age of six were in the workforce as well as 61 percent of mothers who had a child under the age of one were working moms (Child Care in America: 2012 State Fact Sheet, 2012). As the data shows, 57 percent of women return to work within the first six months of giving birth, with that number increasing to 64 percent returning within the first year of birth- ing their child (Child Care in America: 2012 State Fact Sheet, 2012). Due to this number of parents, mothers and fathers, who return to the workforce with young children, 51 percent of parents seek infant/ toddler care for their child (Child Care in America: 2012 State Fact Sheet, 2012). Nation- wide, there are 10.9 million children under the age of five who are cared for by others while their mother is working; 26 percent of which are cared for by child care centers like Trinity Lutheran School (Child Care in America: 2012 State Fact Sheet, 2012). Although there is a large population base of children that already are in child care, there is a large population of children that have no consistent child care or multiple places they are cared for. 1.2 million children under the age of 5 do not have regular child care- a perfect population for TLS to tap into (Child Care in America: 2012 State Fact Sheet, 2012). Although there is a large population of children to reach out to, there are also 9,264 child care centers within Florida (Laughlin, 2013). However, only 20 percent of these are accreited facilities (Laughlin, 2013). Just like private schools, child care centers charge for each child placed into their care. According to Child Care Aware of America, in Florida, the average cost per year for an infant in full-time care at a child center was $8,009 in 2012. In comparison, the US Census Bureau also reports that in 2012, the average cost per year in Florida for a four-year-old child in full-time child care was $6,368. 48. 48 Bow & Arrow 49. Trinity Lutheran School 49 50. 50 Bow & Arrow STRENGTHS High-quality teaching staff Specialized training for teachers Diversity among children Affordable Tuition Construction of New School Building Home visits Student Led Conferences Community environment Faith-based education Low student-to-teacher ratio Available technology for students (Nexus 7, Samsung Chrome Books) Great location, central to local museums and other nice places for field trips. WEAKNESSES Staff lacks diversity Retention Decreasing enrollment in K-8 Events are not including outside community successfully Extremely small class sizes for upper level grades 51. Trinity Lutheran School 51 OPPORTUNITIES Waiting list for Child Development Center Partnering with events and finding local sponsors Rebranding Trinity Lutheran School Gaining more awareness through community involvement Economy is recovering from the recession THREATS Rumor that TLS was shutting down affected the admissions process Less students applied/or students taken out of the school Other faith-based educational institutions are in close proximity TLS has lost many of its students to charter schools 52. 52 Bow & Arrow 53. Trinity Lutheran School 53 54. 54 Bow & Arrow family-oriented environment. They believe that this foundation will allow their children to thrive and succeed in the future by giving them strong values and strong ethics. These mothers find it important to spend quality time with their children and family and like to be involved in their community. They like helping other people and want to impart values like these in their children. MARKETING OBJECTIVES 1. 1. Increase student enrollment of K-8 by 5 percent by the 2015-2016 school year. 2. Increase retention of CDC students to K-8 by 3 percent in the 2015- 2016 school year. MARKETING PLAN TARGET MARKET PROFILE The target market for TLS consists of Orlando families, whose young children qualify for preschool and kindergarten through eighth grades. More specifically, we will focus on reaching the mothers of these families who are likely to be more involved in decisions for their children. These mothers will ideally be downtown workers or commuters with a house- hold income of $75,000 or more. These women are 28 to 45 years of age who are either professionals or stay at home mothers that remain family oriented. These mothers look at their children as the center of the world and want the best upbringing for them. They believe that a faith-based education is key to a strong foundation, and they want this strong foundation to be rooted in a caring, comfortable, secure and 55. Trinity Lutheran School 55 STRATEGIES AND RATIONALE One of the main strategies Bow & Arrow has planned will involve marketing events in order to increase community involvement in the downtown area by 15 percent, as well as community awareness by 35 percent by August of 2015. Some examples of these events will be a local grocery store coloring contest, a Parents Date Night, Family Fun Night, community service events and a Fall Festival. These events not only benefit the community but also promote the name and reputation of TLS. The second strategy will focus on the use of promotional items in order to keep TLS as the top-of-mind ADVERTISING OBJECTIVES 1. Increase awareness of TLS by 30 percentbythe2015-2016schoolyear. 2. Increase word-of-mouth TLS referrals by 70 percent by the 2015-2016 school year. POSITIONING STATEMENT For mid to high income mothers in the Orlando area, TLS provides the strong family and faith-based foundation for its students that parents look for. Unlike other faith-based educational institutions, TLS provides close and intimate contact between students, between students and teachers and between parents in order to facilitate the formation of a true family. 56. 56 Bow & Arrow school in the community but as well as raise awareness amongst the young professionals in our target market. These promotional items, such as pens, mugs, etc. will be placed in local businesses such as the hospital and government offices. The next strategy for the marketing plan will utilize social media as a way to promote the school. Through this strat- egy we plan to reach at least 500 likes on Facebook by August 2015. Although TLS currently uses social media as a promotional tool, we would like to recommend developing a new Facebook page solely for the school rather than the church and the school combined. The reason for this recommendation is to create more tailored messages to those interested in only school programs and functions. For those who are interested in sending their child to TLS, we want to create a Facebook page as an easy resource for information on just the school. Another strategy that has not yet been utilized by the school will be radio advertisements. Through the use of radio advertisements, we plan to increase awareness by 40 percent and school enrollment by 10 percent. These radio messages can also be more tailored to the target market by advertising through Christian or family friendly stations. This medium also tailors to the large Orlando commuter market. This campaign will also incorporate guerilla advertising. This will integrate community involvement and social media by generating buzz on Facebook and Instagram through unique promotions for the organization. The unique promotions in the community will include a community garden and sidewalk drawings sponsored by the school. We plan to generate social media buzz by including a hashtag with these community projects to encourage viewers to tag TLS into the post. Social media posts would be tracked and observed through the use of online tools that track the activity on websites not owned by TLS. Domains owned by Trinity, such as, would be tracked through tagged links using Google URL Builder and Google Analytics. Websites such as Facebook, Instagram, etc. would be tracked using bit.lys, a website that shortens third-party URLs and tracks the click rates. The information gained by these tracking websites can give quantitative data on the number of people clicking the links. The overall message and idea that would be promoted throughout the campaign will remain consistent throughout every marketing strategy. The message will be that TLS provides the foundation and family environment that you would give to your own children. 57. Trinity Lutheran School 57 Top photo: Example of promotional crayons Bottom photo: Example of promotional mug 58. 58 Bow & Arrow On current page: Example of Instagram post On oppostie page from top to bottom: Facebook Redesign Twitter Redesign 59. Trinity Lutheran School 59 @TrinityLutheranSchool Faith. Family. Foundation. 60. 60 Bow & Arrow where to educate their children. These products can be an affordable way to get the TLS name into the community because it is a piece of the brand that they can take home with them. Social media is a great tool that can be utilized in this campaign for many different reasons. Not only can this assist with awareness and word of mouth, but social media is great for communicating with the young professionals of the target market. Social media is the ideal promotional tool because the websites and apps are popular, easily accessible, and free. The platforms of Facebook, Instagram and Twitter can be used to integratethecampaignbypromotingthe upcoming marketing events and documenting these events, along with the guerilla chalk drawings throughout Downtown Orlando. Print media is a tool that we encourage TLS to remain involved in because it continues to be a trustworthy medium with success in the past. The messages are greatly distributed, highly targeted, and not fleeting. The shelf life Every marketing strategy chosen for this campaign was selected to be tailored for this specific message. Marketing Events will be used to increase community involvement and awareness. These events will be cost effective, inclusive with members of the community, and can reflect the type of atmosphere that TLS provides to children. Events provide a relaxed and safe environment for communities to join together. We want to not only integrate the greater Orlando community into TLS events, but we want to encompass community service in order to enhance the reputation and branding for TLS. This effectively promotes the family nature and foundation that the school promotes. Promotional items will be used assist with branding TLS. Promotional items can have a positive effect in awareness because they allow the school to be at the top-of-mind. Allowing the target market to see the school name or logo on a daily basis can encourage them to think of the school when deciding on INTEGRATED MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS 61. Trinity Lutheran School 61 and niche market that is targeted by the current print magazines allows us to be confident in its further success. Radio is a medium that would also be beneficial to the campaign because it can be highly targeted to the commuter market in Orlando. These messages can be tailored to be intensive during times of enrollment. Consumers in our target market view the radio station we chose as a trustworthy medium and will therefore be more likely to respond to the message. Guerilla advertising can help increase awareness by being fun, innovative, and interactive. These efforts can also be cost effective for the campaign. EVENTS: THE BACKBONE We believe a few promotional activities have the potential to generate buzz and raise awareness at an affordable cost. A community garden has the ability to get people involved in a weekly task, but also benefit the environment. By gathering to plant flowers and trees, the community is bettering itself while learning about TLS and experiencing, first-hand, the kinds of staff and students that go there. A Parents Date Night designed to give parents a night out once a month, while leaving their children in the capable hands of the Trinity Staff. It is an event open to the public. This will attract positive word of mouth and get families outside the congregation involved. Fall festivals and Family Game Nights are both great ways to get the community into the school in a fun and healthy way. By attracting outside families to the game nights, TLS has the opportunity to showcase its campus and inviting atmosphere. Finally, by partnering with local grocery stores, TLS can hold monthly coloring contests for all Orlando Chil- dren. The coloring pages will be cartoon scenes of worship at TLS. This is a fun and exciting way to get the kids as excited about TLS as the parents. 62. 62 Bow & Arrow Join us on Friday, October 7, 2014 at 6:00 PM for some Family fun! Bring your friends and favorite boardgames to Trinity Lutheran School 123 East Livingston Street Orlando, FL 32801 We will have pizza and drinks available for sale at our concession stand. For more information call 407.488.1919 Trinity Lutheran School invites you to... A night of games and laughter! Family Fun Night 1953 Trinity Lutheran School Family. Faith. Foundation. Come join Trinity Lutheran School for our 1st Annual Sidewalk Chalk Event! This event is open to all students and families who would like to join us in drawing art on the sidewalks of Downtown Orlando. Help us benefit the Downtown community and promote the artwork of our talentedTLS students. Contact the TLS Office at 407-488-1919 for more information. Saturday, May3rd,2014 11:00am-4:00pm LakeEolaPark Canned Food Drive Trinity Lutheran School will be holding a canned food drive for the community this month! We will be placing donation baskets throughout the Downtown Orlando area. February 1st through February 28th, 2015 Contact 407-488-1919 for more information or come by the TLS office at 123 East Livingston Street, Orlando, Fla. 32801. 63. Trinity Lutheran School 63 Community Garden Project Trinity Lutheran School has been part of the Downtown community for many years. We now want create another beautiful addition to downtown Orlando by creating a community garden. This is an opportunity for the Trinity Lutheran community to be part of a lasting piece of Downtown. Donations of time and materials will be greatly appreciated. When: March 20-22, 2015 Where: Downtown Orlando Contact Trinity Lutheran School at 407-488-1919 Date Night We think that the parents need a night to themselves! So let us watch the kids for the night as you go on a date with your special someone. This event is open to any par- ent who would like a night to themselves.The activities for the kids include: Movies Coloring Games and more! ContactTrinity Lutheran at 407-488-1919 for more information Friday, October 17th 6:00 pm-10:30 pm Trinity Lutheran School touch WhEn: WhErE: Come out for all kinds of trucks and construction equiptment! 123 East Livingston Street, Orlando truck November 23, 2014 9:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Horn free 9:30 am - 10:30 am All proceeds will benefit Trinity Lutheran School. Come stop by during Touch - A - Truck for their open house! 1953 Trinity Lutheran School - A - About: Children 2-years-old and under are free! All others are $5 admission For more information, call 407.488.1919 64. 64 Bow & Arrow 65. Trinity Lutheran School 65 66. 66 Bow & Arrow perception of TLS in our campaign, we are able to demonstrate the benefits the school provides for their students and the foundation they build for them. We place TLS in the mind of the audience as a caring and nurturing haven for their child to develop and reach their highest potential. CREATIVE BRIEF TARGET AUDIENCE Our target audience includes mothers within both the Orlando area and the downtown Orlando area, including residents and commuters. These are women between the ages of 28 through 45 who are professional and family-oriented and have a household income of $75K and up. These mothers look at their children as low retention rates between the CDC program and the K-8 program, and current parents have an opinion that the school may be in danger of closing down. CREATIVE OVERLOOK A childs education is the basic foundation for their future. Parents strive to find their child a home away from home. They want a safe and nurturing environment where their child can grow and gain skills that will last them a lifetime. A child should have a positive relationship with their school and their teachers. TLS aims to build a strong nourishing relationship with each of their students providing them with a foundation of ethics and values. Through application of the Lutheran doctrine throughout all subjects, weekly chapel visits, and an on-campus minister TLS sets a high standard for a faith- based education. With unique attributes to their curriculum, such as student- led presentations and home visits, TLS introduces an open relationship with students and parents that provides students with a stronger connection to their education and to God. Our campaign highlights the bond students at TLS have with their education. By focusing on the childs 67. Trinity Lutheran School 67 OBJECTIVES We aim to raise awareness of TLS, change perceptions that TLS is here to stay, and retain CDC students into the K-8 program. POSITIONING TLS creates a safe and comfortable environment that provides a family- oriented and faith-based education that mothers can count on to raise successful and ethical children. COMPETITION Direct Competitors Christ School St. James Cathedral School Lake Highland Prep School Indirect Competitors Charter Schools KEY BENEFIT Your child will be safe, comfortable and will gain a strong faith based foundation and education in a family-oriented environment. SUPPORT TLS provides small and intimate classrooms with a two to one student to teacher ratio, which provides optimal instruction and relationship formation. Teachers keep close contact and facilitate close relationships with parents and between parents in order to create a family environment. Teachers have additional certificationandinstructioninhowtointegrate faith into every type of academic subject. TLS provides integration between grades within the school in order to promote a community within the school. MANDATORIES AND LIMITATIONS Include logo and name of school Remain within respect of the faith Dont refer to as daycare 68. 68 Bow & Arrow From top to bottom: Current logo Logo Redesign 69. Trinity Lutheran School 69 that established TLS as a staple of the Orlando community. Because the current logo was recently made, we didnt want to stray too far away from the design and lose the brand recognition that TLS has already built. We went for a flat design of the current logo and added a ribbon as well as the year of establishment, this creates a more professional and timeless look that gives the school more credibility as an academic institution. LOGO When evaluating TLS, we felt that the logo did not accurately present the academic integrity that the school upholds. Though the shield with the cross acts as an appropriate representation of Lutheran-based schools, the use of the gradient on the shield will soon be outdated and will not stand the test of time. The current design has an overall unfinished look and does not represent TLSsadvancementasarespectedschool. When approaching the redesign of the logo we aimed to create a logo 70. 70 Bow & Arrow the schools perspective of themselves. HEADLINE In order to continue the theme of the childs perspective of TLS, we titled each piece with a different benefit students receive from TLS. We stayed true to the theme by writing these filled in with the childs handwriting. These help convey the childrens love for their school, and show parents the strong relationship built between the students and the school. Some of these print ads will be shown in Christian magazines whereas others will be placed in non-secular magazines. For those Christian- based magazines we focused the headlines on the relationship the child builds with God.For the non-secular magazines we chose headlines that showed the pride students had about attending TLS. BODY It was important for us to distinguish TLS from the church for advertising purposes. PRINT ADS VISION When creating the ads, we wanted to stick with a clean and simple design. By using primary colors on a white background, were able to give the reader focus while avoiding overstimulation. We included the redesign of the logo on the bottom of the ads to create brand recognition over time. VISUAL We wanted a visual that created an instant connection between the audience of parents and their children. Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Churchs main building has been part of the Orlando community since 1926. The buildings entrance has a distinct window with details that add to the aesthetic of the Downtown Orlando area. We took this memorable architecture, and with water-color, painted it in the eyes of a child. The framed paintings show that the ad is focusing on the childs perspective of TLS rather than 71. Trinity Lutheran School 71 We wanted to provide support for the key consumer benefit by providing ex- amples of what parents could expect for their child that is out of the ordinary. We wanted to convey the idea that TLS is more than just a school. The body copy emphasizes a place that is safe and can serve as a home away from home. They can feel secure that the schools education will lead to the childs success. We wanted to use emotional language that would appeal to a parent who sees their child as the center of their world. SLOGAN TLS prides themselves on offering their students with the strong foundation of a faith-based education. We wanted to emulate this ideal in our slogan: Faith. Family. Foundation. TLS houses not only members of the Lutheran church, but students of other denominations and faiths as well. By expanding the slogan with Faith, we welcome students and families of all beliefs, increasingthealreadydiversepopulation. Through our personal interviews, we found that they appreciated the connection made between the school, students, and parents. We wanted to introduce TLS as a family to new parents wanting to find their children a home away from home. Lastly, Foundation solidifies these past two concepts, while also introducing the focus on a valuable education. By summarizing TLS into these three words, we are able to present the target audience with the schools principles and message in a simple and memorable way. 72. 72 Bow & Arrow Faith. Family. Foundation. 407.488.1919 | | 123 East Livingston Street Orlando, FL 32801 Its what youve always wanted for them- A safe haven. A playground. A moral base. A bond that wont break. Trinity Lutheran School provides a faith-based education that sets your child up for success, all while forming a home away from home. Experience the joy of watching your child thrive. Trinity Lutheran School has set the groundwork for lasting for over 50 years. Community 73. Trinity Lutheran School 73 Faith. Family. Foundation. 407.488.1919 | | 123 East Livingston Street Orlando, FL 32801 Its what youve always wanted for them- A safe haven. A playground. A moral base. A bond that wont break. Trinity Lutheran School provides a faith-based education that sets your child up for success, all while forming a home away from home. Experience the joy of watching your child thrive. Trinity Lutheran School has set the groundwork for lasting for over 50 years. Families Faith. Family. Foundation. 407.488.1919 | | 123 East Livingston Street Orlando, FL 32801 Its what youve always wanted for them- A safe haven. A playground. A moral base. A bond that wont break. Trinity Lutheran School provides a faith-based education that sets your child up for success, all while forming a home away from home. Experience the joy of watching your child thrive. Trinity Lutheran School has set the groundwork for lasting for over 50 years. Faithfulness Faith. Family. Foundation. 407.488.1919 | | 123 East Livingston Street Orlando, FL 32801 Its what youve always wanted for them- A safe haven. A playground. A moral base. A bond that wont break. Trinity Lutheran School provides a faith-based education that sets your child up for success, all while forming a home away from home. Experience the joy of watching your child thrive. Trinity Lutheran School has set the groundwork for lasting for over 50 years. Friendships 74. 74 Bow & Arrow Production Note: Scotty, the child, begins chanting his lines with a musical tone. SCOTTY: Tri-Tri-Nity Lutheran Lutheran! Where we pray and learn! Pray and Learn! Tri-Tri-Nity Lutheran! Lutheran! SFX: MOTHER INTERRUPTS WITH LAUGHTER. MOM: Oh Scotty! Ever since hes gone to Trinity Lutheran hes been happier, smarter, and stronger in his faith. Its a great faith-based school, conveniently located Downtown, where everyone becomes a family. You should check out their website at or call 407-488-1919 for more information. SFX: LAUGHTER AND CHANT CONTINUES. 75. Trinity Lutheran School 75 RADIO AD We reached out to Z88.3, a local family- friendly Christian station, for advertising opportunities. We wanted to show our target market of young Christian commuter mothers that TLS students have a strong relationship with each of their students. Through our in-depth interviews, we found that parents with children enrolled in TLS really enjoyed the new songs and scripture their children would learn at school. This inspired us to create a simple and catchy cheer that could be easily remembered by kids who are in the cars with their mothers. We chose to keep the ad simple and short, in order to keep the attention of the audience. Mothers who frequent this station for their daily commute will over time recognize TLSs brand and identity. It fits in well with our creative strategy because it emphasizes the childs perspective and what TLS gives to the student. The students feel a part of a family. They feel like they are a part of something while building their faith-based education. We included contact information for parents who are interested in finding out more about TLS. 76. 76 Bow & Arrow NEWSLETTER As mentioned by TLS, a design problem within their external communication was their newsletter. The current newsletter, Trinity Weekly, is sent out on a weekly basis through Constant Contact. Although the newsletter is informative, it is extremely long and contains information for both the church and school. To make things more distinct, we have chosen to separate TLS from Trinity Downtown information to create a more precise email campaign. Our design keeps the look and feel of the Trinity website with some new designs based on the new logo created by our team. As a color scheme, we chose to use soft taupe with accents of crimson, blue and white to keep a universal theme. The body of the email has been broken up into four sections: upcoming events, Child Development Center, K through 8th and Trinity Family. This way, parents will be able to navigate through the email easily and quickly. The biggest change will be linking to the separate church email within the Trinity Family section and shrinking the email size in half. Color Scheme #b7b5a5 #2c5caa #9e1d22 #333232 #010101 #ffffff 77. Trinity Lutheran School 77 78. 78 Bow & Arrow 79. Trinity Lutheran School 79 80. 80 Bow & Arrow OVERALL STRATEGY TLS aims to increase retention of CDC to K-8 students by three percent by the next 2015-2016 school year. We also aim to increase enrollment rates into the K-8 students by five percent by the 2015-2016 school year. We will utilize local media in the Downtown Orlando area and the surrounding Orlando area through high reach. We will convince our tier one audience that TLS is a dependable, faith-based school that will provide the support, foundation and family environment these parents would provide themselves. We need to persuade our tier one audience to believe in the reputation that our tier MEDIA PROBLEMS 1. Reaching the target audience through radio because of the higher cost using this traditional medium. In order to combat these higher rates, we decided to implement a flighting schedule for radio in the spring and summer months, when rates are cheaper for the Orlando area and when parents are actively looking for schools to enroll their children in. 2. The current marketing events are geared towards the current parents and families of TLS. We need to create events to outreach to the downtown Orlando area that contributes to the Orlando community in general and can be used to build a community brand for the school. 3. We need to integrate all media so that it forms a cohesive, strong brand and reputation for TLS. 81. Trinity Lutheran School 81 advantage of community service that would be integrated into the events to further build awareness and build the community reputation for TLS. MEDIA OBJECTIVE TLS will emphasize the value of being faith-based and providing a family support system that keep its students comfortable and ready to enter the real-world as contributing citizens. By utilizing moderate frequen- cy with high reach, we want to build awareness for TLS. We aim to use an average of +8 frequency and 80 reach to get an average of 600 GRPs per month. This would be done through the print ads in Orlando Family Magazine and Orlando Magazine, along with radio ads on Z88.3. These three traditional media outlets highly target our audience to make it possible to have such a high reach and overall GRP goal. With a campaign budget, we would normally set aside 10 percent for a two audience already believes in. MEDIA OBJECTIVES STRATEGY The media plan will attempt to change perception and build awareness within the target audience of Orlando moth- ers that TLS is safe, comfortable and a strong foundation in order to in- crease enrollment rates and fight off the clutter of the close competition. We will take advantage of the low costs and high effectiveness of marketing events in order to build a stronger and more top-of-mind reputation for TLS. In order to supplement this reputation within this modern age, we will utilize Twitter, Instagram and Facebook in order to promote the events, and allow interactive and user-uploaded content for the events. We will create specific hashtags for each event in order to be able to measure the effectiveness of the events and the reach achieved by each. Along with these events, we will take 82. 82 Bow & Arrow contingency budget, but given the local circumstances of the campaign, we decided to utilize the whole budget to implement the campaign. VEHICLE RATIONALE ORLANDO FAMILY MAGAZINE AND ORLANDO MAGAZINE We plan to run full-page color-ads once- a-month for a span of a year for the campaign in order to supplement the strong need for awareness. It not only will increase awareness, but it will also reinforce the re-branding that we discussed for TLS. We wanted to emphasize the faith-based and family atmosphere that would serve for a strong foundation for the children when they eventually grow older and enter the real world. Z88.3 RADIO Radio reaches a large audience, and it especially is effective in reaching our target audience. Because it targets the niche market that we are also targeting, we thought the high cost was justified by the high awareness that it could create through a flighting schedule during the end of winter and spring months. This way we can take advantageofthetimeframewhenourtarget audience is seeking potential schools rather than simply building awareness and branding. MARKETING EVENTS Because word-of-mouth was such a big part of recruitment for TLS, it made sense to use vehicles that would increase word- of-mouth. Marketing events served as the most effective and cost effective way to achieve this goal. By holding events within the downtown Orlando community, not only will it get the name of TLS out there, but it will also create buzz after the fact. One of the main benefits that we want to advertise is a family foundation, and this is reinforced by events that involve the community and that also give back to the community. At these events we will give out promotional items for TLS, including mugs and crayons. These will also be given to local downtown businesses to create even more buzz for the school. In addition to these events, we will enact guerilla marketing to catch the attention of residents and commuters through elaborate kids drawings that are oversized and branded. DIGITAL TLS has a great website already, so we just wanted to revamp their newsletter in order to make it more organized, easy to navigate and easy to read. Like the Instagram, Facebook and Twitter accounts we createdfor TLS, it will promote the marketingeventsheldbytheschool,because theseeventsarethemaincomponentforthis advertising campaign. For the social media platforms, people will be able to tag and hashtag the school and the event so others who were not attending will be able to see 83. Trinity Lutheran School 83 Flights Spots Weekly Rates Contract Amounts 1 28 $1800 $1800 2 56 $1715 $3430 3 84 $1635 $4905 4 112 $1555 $6220 5 140 $1480 $7400 Marketing events that involve the Orlando Community: $20,000 1. Formal Events: $500 per event for food, beverages, supplies and venue Seasonal festivals (fall, winter, spring and summer) - $2,000 (Canned food drives and clothing donations incorporated with each) - Family Fun Night (once a month)- $5,000 - Parents Date Night (twice a year)- $1,000 2. Community Events: $400 per event for food, beverages, supplies, and rewards - Chalk Drawing Contest (once every three months)- $1,600 - Drawing Contest in Grocery Stores (once a month)- $4,000 - Touch a Truck (once a year) $400 3. Guerilla Events: $300 per event for supplies - Chalk drawings promotion what the school is doing and the heart of what the school does. BUDGET BUDGET BREAKDOWN We will allocate 45 percent of the budget for print magazines, 30 percent for radio, 5 percent for promotional item s, and 20 percent for event and guerilla marketing.Therewillbeotheradvertising implementations that will not be factored into the budget because they should essentially be free. This includes re-branding the logo for the school, utilizing social media and revamping the Facebook website, and integrating all social media platforms to synchronize with the new marketing event and guerilla events that would be implemented during the campaign. Specific Tools: Print- $45,000 1. Orlando Family Magazine: $950 for 12 full-page ads throughout one year 2. Orlando Magazine: $3,410 for 12 full-page ads throughout one year 3. Posters and Banners in local downtown establishments and businesses like hospitals: $55 per banner (6 x 2.5) Broadcast- $30,000 1. Local Christian radio Station: Z88.3 (price above) 84. 84 Bow & Arrow 85. Trinity Lutheran School 85 86. 86 Bow & Arrow The media plan will focus on increasing retention and enrollment rates because those are the most important factors affecting TLS. The media problem is reaching target audience through expensive radio spots. This is important because morning radio is one of the most powerful forms of communication with our target audience. It will fit in the budget by implementing a flighting schedule in the spring and summer months, when rates are cheaper for the Orlando area. Moderate frequency of +8 with a high reach of 80 will build the most awareness of the school by providing the most opportunities to be viewed with 600 GRPs per month. Local media is the best way to communicate with our target market because it is the most easily accessible and affordable. By advertising high frequency ads in the Orlando Family Magazine, a highly read and circulated publication, TLS will gain tremendous exposure. The media plan will change perception and build awareness within the target audience of Orlando mothers that TLS is a safe, comfortable and strong foundation. This will work by increasing enrollment rates and fighting off clutter of competition. There is no contingency budget being implemented because this money was set aside specifically for running these campaigns. Since the budget is not overly large, it is crucial to utilize all the resources possible to achieve maximum exposure. Print medias are cost effective with the highest opportunity for readership. Print magazines will make up a majority of the campaign for this reason. Certain promotional ventures like logo redesign and social media will be free of charge, and can therefore only benefit the school. The local Christian radio Station is the best broadcast channel to penetrate due to its high family-listener pool. 87. Trinity Lutheran School 87 The results will be measured and evaluated by comparing 2015 enrollment rates to previous years. The main strength of this media plan is the direct communication channels of Christian radio and Orlando Family magazine to the target audience. Once the campaign is implemented, it will be extremely important to know the success of the campaign. We will conduct surveys that question participants if they are aware of the school and whether or not word-of- mouth had to do with that awareness. We will also be able to measure the enrollment and retention rates through the school records for that year. In order to measure the success of the social media platforms, we would search the hashtag for each event and the hashtag for the school to see how many people interacted and posted for the events and how successful each events was for the school. The Chalk Drawing events are a cheap and fun way to get the community involved. It is a proven success amongst parents and has the potential to increase positive word-of-mouth. Inexpensive promotional items, like mugs and crayons, are an easy and cost effective way to increase awareness and exposure in the community. By revamping TLSs social media presence, a whole new audience of parents becomes available. Instagram, Facebook,and Twitter can complement the marketing events and act as another outlet of exposure. There is high confidence that this media plan will work as it is tailored around the behavior of Orlando mothers with high utility in Orlandos major ad vehicles. Challenges that may arise include increased broadcast prices for summer months depending on when TLS schedules the spots. Early planning and contracts can facilitate this process. 88. 88 Bow & Arrow 89. Trinity Lutheran School 89 90. 90 Bow & Arrow APPENDIX PRIMARY QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH SURVEY QUESTIONS 1. What kinds of ads are you most attracted to? Print Ads Radio Ads Newsletters Outdoor Ads Other 2. Do you work in the downtown Orlando area? Yes/No 3. How does your child commute to school? Carpool Public city bus Private bus Walk Parent drop-off 4. Did you have a private school education growing up? Yes/No 5. Would you consider yourself a religious person? Yes/No 6. What is your religious preference? 7. How often do you go to church? Never Less than once a month Once a month 2-3 times a month Once a week 91. Trinity Lutheran School 91 2-3 times a week Daily 8. Rank these attributes in order of importance concerning your childs learning environment. (1 being the least important, 5 being the most important) Teacher Quality Family/Community Technology Curriculum Student-Teacher Ratio 9. Which of these is most important to you when making a decision about your childs edu- cation? (1 being the least important, 5 being the most important) Proximity History/Tradition Prestige/Reputation Quality of School Tuition 10. Do you notice a significant difference between a private school education versus a public school education? Yes/No 11. How important is faith-based education to you? Extremely Important Very Important Neither Important nor Unimportant Very Unimportant Extremely Unimportant 92. 92 Bow & Arrow 12. How interested are you in a program that retains children from pre-kindergarten to 8th grade? Extremely Interested Very Interested Neither Interested nor Uninterested Very Uninterested Extremely Uninterested 13. What is your employment status? Self-Employed Employed for Wages Student Military Homemaker Unemployed Retired 14. What is your marital status? Single, never married Married, or domestic partnership Widowed Divorced Separated 15. Gender? Male/Female 16. What is your age? 20 and under 21-26 27-32 33-38 39-44 45-50 51 and over 17. What is the highest level of education you have completed? No schooling completed High school degree Some college Associates degree Bachelors degree 93. Trinity Lutheran School 93 Masters degree Professional degree Doctorate degree 18. What is your household size? 2 or less 3-5 6 or more 19. Please specify your ethnicity. White Hispanic or Latino Black or African American Native American/American Indian Asian/Pacific Islander Other 20. What is your total household income? Less than $30,000 $30,001-$50,000 $50,001-$70,000 $70,001-$90,000 $90,001-$110,000 $110,001 and up 21. How much are you willing to pay for your childs elementary to middle school education? Less than $3,000 a year $3,001-$5,000 $5,001-$7,000 $7,001-$9,000 $9,001-$11,000 $11,001 or more a year 22. How did you hear about Trinity Lutheran School? Referral Advertisments Passerby Church Affiliation Other Never heard of it 94. 94 Bow & Arrow CONSENT FORMS FOR PERSONAL INTERVIEWS 95. Trinity Lutheran School 95 Informed Consent Disclosure: College Student Focus Group/ Personal Interview Qualitative Research !Purpose The purpose of this study is to gain insight into the perceptions, beliefs and attitudes of various kinds of schools, particularly Trinity Lutheran School. !Expectations of Study Participants Those choosing to participate in this study will be asked to participate in personal interviews discussing various aspects of Trinity Lutheran School and their expectations of schooling institutions in general. The interviews will consist of one respondent paired with two or three members of Bow & Arrow Advertising for moderating and recording purposes. The interviews will be video and/or audio taped and should last approximately 30 to 45 minutes. !Potential Risks There are no potential health or stress risks involved with the study nor will there be any personal discomfort. Should any participant feel uncomfortable at any time during the interview, they will be free to discontinue their participation with no risk of any penalty and no questions asked. !Compensation & Benefits Participants involvement will be completely voluntary. Light refreshments will be provided upon completion. !Confidentiality All information collected will remain confidential and specifics about participants will be available only to the moderator and members of Bow & Arrow Advertising. None of the statements made during the interview session will be linked to the individual participants. !Questions/Contact Information If you have any questions or comments regarding the study, contact James Baer in the University of Florida advertising department. His office is located at 2093 Weimer Hall and you may contact him by calling (352)294-1596 or emailing [email protected]. !Agreement I have read and understand all of the above information and agree to participate in the interview research study. I understand that my participation is completely voluntary and I have received a copy of this information. !!Signature:______________________________________________________________________ 96. 96 Bow & Arrow Informed Consent Disclosure: College Student Focus Group/ Personal Interview Qualitative Research !Purpose The purpose of this study is to gain insight into the perceptions, beliefs and attitudes of various kinds of schools, particularly Trinity Lutheran School. !Expectations of Study Participants Those choosing to participate in this study will be asked to participate in personal interviews discussing various aspects of Trinity Lutheran School and their expectations of schooling institutions in general. The interviews will consist of one respondent paired with two or three members of Bow & Arrow Advertising for moderating and recording purposes. The interviews will be video and/or audio taped