.- •. ... - The Home of Better Photo- n P R IN C S S T Cooled by int Twin Sytem play and Music. TyTHE PRINCESShoon Breezes Positively All Star Attraction Week-Program for Week Beginning Sunday, June 22. Music on Wurlitzer at 8 P. M. SUNDAY Lewis J. Selznick -presents- CONSTANCE TALMADGGE -in- "Romance and Arabella" Some great philosopher on the af- fairs of the heart must have written the titles for "Romance and Arabella." There's a lovely, sweet, laughable story in "Romance and Arabella." It is a clean, chaste picture. Long af- ter you have seen it you will be say- ing to your friends. "I'll say that was some picture!" Don't miss it. -also- HARRY LLOYD COMEDY (Doors open at 5 p. m.) Admission 5. 10 and 20c. Washington News By JAS. A. GOING, Correspondent Allen Gibson is home from St. Charles College, Grand Coteau. Miss Verna Mae Going of McAllen, Texas, spent several days with her grandmother, Mrs. E. J. Going, last week. Miss Beatrice Parker of Carencro, was visiting friends in town last week. The good roads election held last Tuesday resulted in a unanimous vote for the tax at the poll. Seventy-two votes were cast, carrying an assess- ment of $260,070. The vote was light due to the fact that all estates un- settled were unable to participate in said election. The people of Washing- ton are elated over the result and are in hopes work on roads will be push- ed at an early date. Sol Klaus is at home from the Lou- isiana State University. Edward Henry, connected with the Liverpool and London and Globe In- surmnce Co. of New Orleans is spend- ing.a few weeks with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Henry. Piss Inez Neyland is at the. Loui- Special Sale AT THE BOSTON 'ELECTRIC SHOE SHOP Beginning Saturday, June 7th and Continuing for 30 days Our last sale proved such a success and met with such hearty approval of the public, that we have decided to give another, to last 30 days o nly, affording everybody a great opportunity to get good footwear at "before-the- war" prices. During this sale we will feature the RALSTON, WALI-RIGHT AND BARKER BRAND three of the best high-grade men's shoes on the market to- day. We have them in all shapes, in high and low tops. We have a complete line of La dies', Gentlemen's and Chil- dren's Shoes; also Hosiery. Come, See the Goods and Learn the Prices To See Is To Buy BOSTON ELECTRIC SHOE SHOP I. CHAPMAN, Prop. 119 East Landry Street Opelousas, Louisiana MONDAY William Fox -presents- MADALINE TRAVERSE -in- "The Love That Dares" A wonderful drama of true love. In every community we find a woman or man who has the back-bone enough to leave the limited bounds of the lit- tie. narrow-minded country town, and come to the big city and make a name for herself or himself. In this production we have that spirit in a plucky and beautiful girl, who was not afraid of public opinion. See it. -also- PATHE NEWS (Doors open at 5 p. m.) Admission 5, 10 and 20c. siana State Upiversity for the summer term. Mrs. Sam Plonsky is entertaining her sisters, Mrs. Charles Samuels of New Orleans and Mrs. Abe Solinskly of Beaumont, Texas, for a few days. Mayo E. Going is now with Eckels Drug Co. of Crowley, La., as soda dis- penser. F. J. Derbes, J. Wm. Elter and T Culver Quirk are in New Orleans for a few days. Eddie Gibson was in Eunice all of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nicholson were in Morrow Wednesday. Officers of Sacred Heart Council No. 1988 were duly installed last Sunday evening by District Deputy A. L. An- drus of Opelousas. Every member of the new council was present. The dis- trict deputy congratulated Rev. Fath- er Jansen for the success he met with in bringing such a body of Catholics together and he predicted great good would come from the organization. Delicious ice cream and cake was serv- TUESDAY Metro Presents -the man with a Million Dollar smile- HALE HAMILTON -in- "Full of Pep" "A Real Picture" is the verdict from the great moving picture critics. This is an adventure story and it grips and fires the senses of imagination. A dynamic story of a red-blooded Ameri- can who put the "pep" in a sleepy little South Sea island. -also- "SMILING BILL PARSON COMEDY" -and- BRAY PARAMOUNT PICTOGRAPH (Doors open at 5 p. m.) Admission 5, 10 and 20c. ed at the conclusion of the meeting. Prof. J. B. Aycock was in town sev- eral hous last Tuesday shaking hands with friends and apprising the peo- ple he would not return as principal of Washington school in September but would be in charge of Eunice high school next session. It is with regret our school loses his services as every- one liked him ever so much. It is re- ported Prof. Paul Pavy will be assign- ed for this school. Marriage Licenses. Mr. Nathan Reed to Miss Eline Ber- trand. Leon Babineaux to Aurelia Charles. Wilbert Hayes to Eleanor Edwards. John Black to Rebecca Reese. Milton Conway, Jr. , to Pearley Chaney. William Dunn to Isabella Steven- son. Willie Scott to Livonia Pinckney. Lame Back Relieved. For a lame back apply Chamber- lain's Liniment twice a day and mas- sage the muscles of the back over the seat of pain thoroughly at each ap- plication. FOR SALE Farm Land in Terrebonne parish. Louisiana, on the Southern Pacific oad and on waterway; improved land with mules and implements of all kinds. For full qarticulars address Box 18, Gibson, La. m-17-3-m. WEDNESDAY Adolph Zukor Presents MARGUERITE CLARK -in- "Three Men and a Girl" Off by their lonesome in a back- woods camp three handsome batche- lors. Hiding from the hated fair sex! All's fine till one night they discover the loveliest girl asleep on their d- van. Come and see the fun! -also- UNIVERSAL NEWS Admission 5, 10 and 20c. AUTOS MUST HAVE TWO LICENSE TAGS MUST BE CONSPICUOUSLY DIS- PLAYED IN FRONT AND REAR OF THE MACHINE. The Clarion has received from Hon Kemp T. Catlett a copy of Act No. 16 of 1918 and recommend that drivers and owners of automobiles study its provisions. Act No. 16, House Bill No. 94-By Mr. Hamley. Making it unlawful to drive, operate or use on any public road, highway, street or other public way, any motor vehicle subject to registration and li- cense, or to permit same, without displaying on such vehicle the num- ber plates showing its registration for the current year ,and providing a pen- alty for the violation thereof. Section 1. Be it enacted by the gen- eral assembly of the state of Louisi- ana, That it shall be unlawful for the owner of any motor vehicle, who is re- quired by law to cause such vehicle to be registered and to pay a license fee therefor ,to drive, operate or use such vehicle on any public road, high- way, street, or other public way, or to permit such vehicle to be so driven, operated, or used, without conspicu- onsly displaying, ON THE FRONT AND REAR of such vehicle while so driven, operated, or used, the number plates of such vehicle showing the legal registration of such vehicle for the current year. Section 2. Be it further enacted,I etc., That whoever shall violate any provision of Section 1 of this act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not less than five dollars nor more than twenty-five dollars, or by imprisonment in the parish jail for not more than thirty days, or both, at the discretion of the court. (Signatures.) A true copy-James J. Bailey, Sec- retary of State. Open Training School for Colored Teachers There is being operated in Opelou- sas a summer training school for col- ored teachers. This school is operated under the department of education. The state authorities, working in har- mony with the several school boards throughout the state, are conducting thirty-three such schools for the pur- pose of recruiting teachers. There is quite a shortage of quail- fled teachers among the negroes, and the object of these schools is to in- crease the teaching force by 1000. Prof. Leo M. Favrot, supervisor of ru- ral schools for negroes, first conceived the idea. He has been successful in securing the co-operation of all con- cerned. Prof. Prescott and the school board of St. Landry, realizing the ne- cessity of such a movement, at once lent their aid and influence to this most worthy cause. Prof. W. B. Prescott, superintnedent of schools, visited the school on Mon- day and addressed the teachers and prospective teachers. His address was indeed, helpful. During his address Supt. Prescott emphasized, not only the getting of a certificate, and a school; but the teacher is to stress in his field of labor, "responsibility,"[ "moral elevation" and those things which make for true citizenship. "Honesty," said fe, "must be the watchword of the teacher of tomor- row." He further had the teachers to understand that the teaching of the three "R's" was only a small part of his work. His going into the commu- nity should mean the uplift of that community. His life should .be of such as would command the respect Df all the people. This school is to run a session of twelve weeks. The session began June 9, and will con- tinue until August 29. All young col red persons who are able to qualify should enroll in this school. Some- dme during the first week of August there will be a "Farmers' Day," when avery farmer of this and the surround- ng territory, will turn out. There will be exercises both day and night. It is hoped that every progressive far- ner will come and bring his neighbor with him. THURSDAY NOT TOO LATE TO START If you have have missed the opening episode of our mighty serial "The Man of Might" Start right in now. Ask any of the er it was good or not. it was good or not. Extra Added Super-Attraction ANITA STEWART AND EARLE WILLIAMS -in- "Two Women" A delightful drama of romance with many beautiful scenes taken in the great northwest. -also- BURTON HOLMES TRAVEL WEEKLY Admission 5, 10 and 20c. A Timely Warning Do you know that the average dura- tion of the human life is 33 years? One-quarter of the people of the earth die before 66 years of age, one-half be- for the age of 16, and only about one person of each hundred born lives to attain the age of 65. "M you futhermore know that dur- ing the recent selective draft 7302756 mep were rejected on account of phys- ical deficiences-like rheumatism catarrh. lunk troubles, etc. Is there a remedy for these condi- tions is the natural question which instantly will spring into your mind. The answer is yes! "YOU CAN MAKE YOURSELF 100 PER CENT 'FIT" by simply remember- ing the old and true saying that "one ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." You will stop right here and say to yourself: What preventive measures must I take in order to stay or become a giant of body and mind? Follow the answer! The mouth figuratively speaking is the "Switch Board" to the human bdoy and no matter how strong and vital you are today, sooner or later you will suffer the consequences of a neglect mouth, because bad teeth and health in old age never go together. It is said that Napoleon calculated the value of his brave warriors by the condition of their teeth. If you are suffering from Pyorrhea of the gums (Riggs disease) or if you have a decaying tooth, mouth odor is always present and you not only be- come the back-number in society, but your mouth is actually converted into the breeding place of millions of germ parsites. These germs are con- stantly on the 'watch-out" and are BERRYCRAFT makes an envied home -- BROR ERRYCRAFT Is the wonderfully rich stain. Sa"e ~ht finish for furniture and all interior woodwork; - ... produced by Berry Brothers as the result of sixty years of experience. You can take rubbed, defaced or marred furniture or woodwork, and with a little BERRYCRAFT and a few minutes' time give it a beauty and dignity that will make it a worthy adornment to your best room. Or, if you like, you can use an entirely different shade of BERRYCRAFT and change the whole color scheme of a room. BERRYCRAFT is a home beautifier and home econo. miser that every American household needs. You can get it in any size can you want-enough for a little furniture or for a whole interior. We can supply you with BERRYCRAFT in any asie package-come in today. EST. J. B. SANDOZ antA FRIDAY BILLY BURKE -in- 'Good Gracious, Ananbelle' An uproarous comedy drama with Billie Burke at her best. When Billie turns nurse the fellow in the picture turns sick and he doesn't want to get well. Do you blame him? He's in Class 1-A of the cupid draft and Billie Burke won't exempt him till the end of the picture. -also- MACK SENNETT COMEDY -and-- PATHE NEWS Admission 5, 10 and 20c. ready to atack your body at the first sign of constitutional weaking. Millions of cases of rheumatism, lung troubles, stomach disbrders could have been prevented by proper mouth hygiene. Federal investigation and scientific re-search illustrates the fact that over 80 per cent of all diseases have their origin in the mouth. Is it worth while to neglect your mouth and teeth? NOTICE-The writer of the above is Dr. C. H. Green, Dental Surgeon, Washington, La. For the past 14 years he devoted his time exclusively to the treatment of all forms of diseases, having their origin in the mouth. Dr. Green is especially successful in the painless extraction of badly decayed teeth and the replacement of same by means of Bridge and Plate Work. He also makes a specialty of straighten- ing irregular teeth. Dr. Green is now permanently located in Washington, La., to practice his profession of den- tistry. Out of town patrons are re- quested to make appointment in ad- vance, it possible, in order to obtain the proper care and treatment. Office Hours-Morning, 9 to 12; af- ternoon, 1 to 5; Sundays, 10 to 12m.-- adv. FOR SALE. One hack in fine condition. Apply to Mr. C. Matise, 790 W. Grolee St. Opelousas, La. It Ar od:ce boy explalning to a.nh'.r why a horse was frightened by a motor car, said: "If you saw a pair i of trousers walking down the street without a man in them wouldn't you be scared too." The boy is some ex- plainer. SATURDAY WILLIAM FARNUM -in-- "The Man Hunter" The dramatic story of a man whose sister was wronged by a cur who call- ed himself a man. William Farnum as the sister's brother comes home and finds his sister dead. From a peace-loving man he turns to be "THE MAN HUNTER"-finally his day comes when he meets his man on a desolate island, then follows the greatest fight ever witnessed on the screen. Throughout the powerful dra- ma there runs a strong love theme. This picture is considered better than "The Rainbow Trail." -also- MUTT AND JEFF -and- FORD'S WEEKLY (Doors open at 4 p. m.) Admission 5, 10 and 25c. Political housecleaning has redis- covered the historic republican lute, which according to custom has a new rift. STRAYED shoulder, lame in one front foot, don't believe she is branded, about 141-. hands high, fat, heavy set. Strayed May 4 or 5th J. H. Creswell, Box 21, Opelousas, or telephone 151. Reward. May 17-4 tin'es. LIBERTY BONDS PURCHASED AT MARKET PRICE CHAS. F. BOAGNI, Office, 136 Bellevue, Street, OPELOUSAS, LA. feb25-tf IMPROVED AND UNIM- PROVED CITY OR COUN- TRY PROPERTY FOR SALE , I am able to offer some floe read- dance property tvin 0peousneat g at that aro lower than the ost of ing naterlil. Thse propertlem are I- ateod in desirable home sections and a buyer can be suited In the matter of improvemenots. In my list of farms for sale I have some of the choicest lands in St. Lan- dry Parish, ranging from s to 000- hundred acre tracts. You will snake no mistake in buyin these farms at . - prices. Bofors buying trom ether real estate man, call on me--Imay have something on my list to cult you. GUS E. DUPRE, Opelousas, Louisiana.



.- •. ... -

The Home of Better Photo- n P R IN C S S T Cooled by int Twin Sytemplay and Music. TyTHE PRINCESShoon Breezes

Positively All Star Attraction Week-Program for Week Beginning Sunday, June 22. Music on Wurlitzer at 8 P. M.


Lewis J. Selznick



"Romance and Arabella"Some great philosopher on the af-

fairs of the heart must have writtenthe titles for "Romance and Arabella."There's a lovely, sweet, laughablestory in "Romance and Arabella." Itis a clean, chaste picture. Long af-ter you have seen it you will be say-ing to your friends. "I'll say that wassome picture!" Don't miss it.



(Doors open at 5 p. m.)

Admission 5. 10 and 20c.

Washington NewsBy JAS. A. GOING, Correspondent

Allen Gibson is home from St.Charles College, Grand Coteau.

Miss Verna Mae Going of McAllen,Texas, spent several days with hergrandmother, Mrs. E. J. Going, lastweek.

Miss Beatrice Parker of Carencro,was visiting friends in town last week.

The good roads election held last

Tuesday resulted in a unanimous votefor the tax at the poll. Seventy-twovotes were cast, carrying an assess-ment of $260,070. The vote was lightdue to the fact that all estates un-settled were unable to participate in

said election. The people of Washing-ton are elated over the result and arein hopes work on roads will be push-ed at an early date.

Sol Klaus is at home from the Lou-

isiana State University.

Edward Henry, connected with theLiverpool and London and Globe In-surmnce Co. of New Orleans is spend-ing.a few weeks with his parents, Mr.and Mrs. Jas. Henry.

Piss Inez Neyland is at the. Loui-

Special SaleAT THE


Saturday, June 7thand Continuing for 30 days

Our last sale proved such a success and met with such

hearty approval of the public, that we have decided to

give another, to last 30 days o nly, affording everybody a

great opportunity to get good footwear at "before-the-war" prices. During this sale we will feature the

RALSTON, WALI-RIGHT AND BARKER BRANDthree of the best high-grade men's shoes on the market to-day. We have them in all shapes, in high and low tops.

We have a complete line of La dies', Gentlemen's and Chil-

dren's Shoes; also Hosiery.

Come, See the Goods and Learn the PricesTo See Is To Buy


119 East Landry Street Opelousas, Louisiana


William Fox




"The Love That Dares"A wonderful drama of true love. In

every community we find a womanor man who has the back-bone enoughto leave the limited bounds of the lit-tie. narrow-minded country town, andcome to the big city and make aname for herself or himself. In thisproduction we have that spirit in aplucky and beautiful girl, who was notafraid of public opinion. See it.


PATHE NEWS(Doors open at 5 p. m.)

Admission 5, 10 and 20c.

siana State Upiversity for the summerterm.

Mrs. Sam Plonsky is entertainingher sisters, Mrs. Charles Samuels ofNew Orleans and Mrs. Abe Solinsklyof Beaumont, Texas, for a few days.

Mayo E. Going is now with EckelsDrug Co. of Crowley, La., as soda dis-penser.

F. J. Derbes, J. Wm. Elter and TCulver Quirk are in New Orleans fora few days.

Eddie Gibson was in Eunice all oflast week.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nicholsonwere in Morrow Wednesday.

Officers of Sacred Heart Council No.1988 were duly installed last Sundayevening by District Deputy A. L. An-drus of Opelousas. Every member ofthe new council was present. The dis-trict deputy congratulated Rev. Fath-er Jansen for the success he met within bringing such a body of Catholicstogether and he predicted great goodwould come from the organization.Delicious ice cream and cake was serv-


Metro Presents

-the man with a Million Dollar




"Full of Pep""A Real Picture" is the verdict from

the great moving picture critics. Thisis an adventure story and it grips andfires the senses of imagination. Adynamic story of a red-blooded Ameri-can who put the "pep" in a sleepylittle South Sea island.




(Doors open at 5 p. m.)Admission 5, 10 and 20c.

ed at the conclusion of the meeting.

Prof. J. B. Aycock was in town sev-eral hous last Tuesday shaking handswith friends and apprising the peo-ple he would not return as principalof Washington school in Septemberbut would be in charge of Eunice highschool next session. It is with regretour school loses his services as every-one liked him ever so much. It is re-

ported Prof. Paul Pavy will be assign-ed for this school.

Marriage Licenses.Mr. Nathan Reed to Miss Eline Ber-trand.

Leon Babineaux to Aurelia Charles.Wilbert Hayes to Eleanor Edwards.John Black to Rebecca Reese.Milton Conway, Jr. , to Pearley


William Dunn to Isabella Steven-son.

Willie Scott to Livonia Pinckney.

Lame Back Relieved.For a lame back apply Chamber-lain's Liniment twice a day and mas-

sage the muscles of the back over theseat of pain thoroughly at each ap-plication.


Farm Land in Terrebonne parish.Louisiana, on the Southern Pacific

oad and on waterway; improved landwith mules and implements of allkinds. For full qarticulars address

Box 18, Gibson, La. m-17-3-m.


Adolph Zukor Presents



"Three Men and a Girl"

Off by their lonesome in a back-woods camp three handsome batche-lors. Hiding from the hated fair sex!All's fine till one night they discoverthe loveliest girl asleep on their d-van. Come and see the fun!



Admission 5, 10 and 20c.




The Clarion has received from HonKemp T. Catlett a copy of Act No.16 of 1918 and recommend that driversand owners of automobiles study itsprovisions.

Act No. 16, House Bill No. 94-ByMr. Hamley.

Making it unlawful to drive, operateor use on any public road, highway,street or other public way, any motorvehicle subject to registration and li-cense, or to permit same, withoutdisplaying on such vehicle the num-ber plates showing its registration forthe current year ,and providing a pen-alty for the violation thereof.

Section 1. Be it enacted by the gen-eral assembly of the state of Louisi-ana, That it shall be unlawful for the

owner of any motor vehicle, who is re-

quired by law to cause such vehicleto be registered and to pay a licensefee therefor ,to drive, operate or usesuch vehicle on any public road, high-way, street, or other public way, orto permit such vehicle to be so driven,operated, or used, without conspicu-onsly displaying, ON THE FRONT

AND REAR of such vehicle while sodriven, operated, or used, the numberplates of such vehicle showing thelegal registration of such vehicle forthe current year.

Section 2. Be it further enacted,Ietc., That whoever shall violate any

provision of Section 1 of this act shall

be guilty of a misdemeanor and, uponconviction thereof, shall be punishedby a fine of not less than five dollarsnor more than twenty-five dollars, or

by imprisonment in the parish jailfor not more than thirty days, or both,

at the discretion of the court.(Signatures.)

A true copy-James J. Bailey, Sec-retary of State.

Open Training Schoolfor Colored Teachers

There is being operated in Opelou-sas a summer training school for col-ored teachers. This school is operatedunder the department of education.The state authorities, working in har-mony with the several school boardsthroughout the state, are conductingthirty-three such schools for the pur-pose of recruiting teachers.

There is quite a shortage of quail-fled teachers among the negroes, andthe object of these schools is to in-crease the teaching force by 1000.Prof. Leo M. Favrot, supervisor of ru-ral schools for negroes, first conceivedthe idea. He has been successful insecuring the co-operation of all con-cerned. Prof. Prescott and the schoolboard of St. Landry, realizing the ne-cessity of such a movement, at oncelent their aid and influence to thismost worthy cause.

Prof. W. B. Prescott, superintnedentof schools, visited the school on Mon-day and addressed the teachers andprospective teachers. His address wasindeed, helpful. During his address

Supt. Prescott emphasized, not onlythe getting of a certificate, and aschool; but the teacher is to stressin his field of labor, "responsibility,"[

"moral elevation" and those thingswhich make for true citizenship."Honesty," said fe, "must be thewatchword of the teacher of tomor-row." He further had the teachers tounderstand that the teaching of the

three "R's" was only a small part ofhis work. His going into the commu-nity should mean the uplift of thatcommunity. His life should .be ofsuch as would command the respect

Df all the people. This school is torun a session of twelve weeks. Thesession began June 9, and will con-tinue until August 29. All young col

red persons who are able to qualifyshould enroll in this school. Some-

dme during the first week of Augustthere will be a "Farmers' Day," whenavery farmer of this and the surround-ng territory, will turn out. Therewill be exercises both day and night.It is hoped that every progressive far-

ner will come and bring his neighborwith him.



If you have have missed the openingepisode of our mighty serial

"The Man of Might"Start right in now. Ask any of the

er it was good or was good or not.

Extra Added Super-Attraction



"Two Women"A delightful drama of romance with

many beautiful scenes taken in thegreat northwest.


WEEKLYAdmission 5, 10 and 20c.

A Timely Warning

Do you know that the average dura-tion of the human life is 33 years?One-quarter of the people of the earthdie before 66 years of age, one-half be-for the age of 16, and only about oneperson of each hundred born lives toattain the age of 65.

"M you futhermore know that dur-ing the recent selective draft 7302756mep were rejected on account of phys-ical deficiences-like rheumatismcatarrh. lunk troubles, etc.

Is there a remedy for these condi-tions is the natural question whichinstantly will spring into your mind.

The answer is yes!"YOU CAN MAKE YOURSELF 100

PER CENT 'FIT" by simply remember-ing the old and true saying that "oneounce of prevention is worth a poundof cure."

You will stop right here and say toyourself: What preventive measuresmust I take in order to stay or become

a giant of body and mind? Followthe answer!

The mouth figuratively speaking isthe "Switch Board" to the human bdoyand no matter how strong and vital

you are today, sooner or later you willsuffer the consequences of a neglect

mouth, because bad teeth and healthin old age never go together.

It is said that Napoleon calculatedthe value of his brave warriors by thecondition of their teeth.

If you are suffering from Pyorrheaof the gums (Riggs disease) or if you

have a decaying tooth, mouth odor isalways present and you not only be-

come the back-number in society, butyour mouth is actually converted

into the breeding place of millions ofgerm parsites. These germs are con-stantly on the 'watch-out" and are

BERRYCRAFTmakes an envied

home --

BROR ERRYCRAFT Is the wonderfully rich stain.Sa"e ~ht finish for furniture and all interior woodwork;- ... produced by Berry Brothers as the result of

sixty years of experience.

You can take rubbed, defaced or marred furniture orwoodwork, and with a little BERRYCRAFT and afew minutes' time give it a beauty and dignity thatwill make it a worthy adornment to your best room.

Or, if you like, you can use an entirely different shadeof BERRYCRAFT and change the whole color schemeof a room.

BERRYCRAFT is a home beautifier and home econo.miser that every American household needs. Youcan get it in any size can you want-enough for alittle furniture or for a whole interior.

We can supply you with BERRYCRAFT in any asiepackage-come in today.






'Good Gracious, Ananbelle'An uproarous comedy drama with

Billie Burke at her best. When Billieturns nurse the fellow in the pictureturns sick and he doesn't want to getwell. Do you blame him? He's inClass 1-A of the cupid draft and BillieBurke won't exempt him till the endof the picture.




Admission 5, 10 and 20c.

ready to atack your body at the first

sign of constitutional weaking.

Millions of cases of rheumatism,lung troubles, stomach disbrders couldhave been prevented by proper mouth

hygiene. Federal investigation andscientific re-search illustrates the factthat over 80 per cent of all diseaseshave their origin in the mouth.

Is it worth while to neglect yourmouth and teeth?

NOTICE-The writer of the aboveis Dr. C. H. Green, Dental Surgeon,Washington, La. For the past 14 yearshe devoted his time exclusively to thetreatment of all forms of diseases,having their origin in the mouth. Dr.Green is especially successful in thepainless extraction of badly decayedteeth and the replacement of same bymeans of Bridge and Plate Work. Healso makes a specialty of straighten-ing irregular teeth. Dr. Green is nowpermanently located in Washington,La., to practice his profession of den-tistry. Out of town patrons are re-quested to make appointment in ad-vance, it possible, in order to obtainthe proper care and treatment.

Office Hours-Morning, 9 to 12; af-ternoon, 1 to 5; Sundays, 10 to 12m.--adv.


One hack in fine condition. Applyto Mr. C. Matise, 790 W. Grolee St.Opelousas, La. It

Ar od:ce boy explalning to a.nh'.rwhy a horse was frightened by amotor car, said: "If you saw a pair iof trousers walking down the streetwithout a man in them wouldn't yoube scared too." The boy is some ex-plainer.



"The Man Hunter"The dramatic story of a man whose

sister was wronged by a cur who call-ed himself a man. William Farnumas the sister's brother comes homeand finds his sister dead. From apeace-loving man he turns to be "THEMAN HUNTER"-finally his daycomes when he meets his man on adesolate island, then follows thegreatest fight ever witnessed on thescreen. Throughout the powerful dra-ma there runs a strong love theme.This picture is considered better than"The Rainbow Trail."



(Doors open at 4 p. m.)Admission 5, 10 and 25c.

Political housecleaning has redis-covered the historic republican lute,which according to custom has a newrift.


shoulder, lame in one front foot,don't believe she is branded, about141-. hands high, fat, heavy set.Strayed May 4 or 5th J. H. Creswell,Box 21, Opelousas, or telephone 151.Reward. May 17-4 tin'es.





Office, 136 Bellevue, Street,

OPELOUSAS, LA.feb25-tf



I am able to offer some floe read-dance property tvin 0peousneat g atthat aro lower than the ost ofing naterlil. Thse propertlem are I-ateod in desirable home sections and

a buyer can be suited In the matter ofimprovemenots.

In my list of farms for sale I havesome of the choicest lands in St. Lan-dry Parish, ranging from s to 000-hundred acre tracts. You will snakeno mistake in buyin these farms at . -prices. Bofors buying trom ether realestate man, call on me--Imay havesomething on my list to cult you.

GUS E. DUPRE,Opelousas, Louisiana.