BOROUGH OF DUBLIN STANDARD SPECIFICATIONSSection 400 - Gravity Sewers and Manholes 400. Scope of...

BOROUGH OF DUBLIN STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR ^ SANITARY SEWER CONSTRUCTION May 29, 1990 CAI 04500 Prepared by: COWAN ASSOCIATES, INC. 120 Perm-Am Drive, P.O. Box 949 Quaker-town, PA 18951 Telephone (215)536-7075 AR30I377

Transcript of BOROUGH OF DUBLIN STANDARD SPECIFICATIONSSection 400 - Gravity Sewers and Manholes 400. Scope of...

Page 1: BOROUGH OF DUBLIN STANDARD SPECIFICATIONSSection 400 - Gravity Sewers and Manholes 400. Scope of Work 15 401. Materials 15 402. Sewer Pipe 15 403. Selection of Pipe Materials 16 404.





May 29, 1990

CAI 04500

Prepared by:

COWAN ASSOCIATES, INC.120 Perm-Am Drive, P.O. Box 949

Quaker-town, PA 18951

Telephone (215)536-7075AR30I377

Page 2: BOROUGH OF DUBLIN STANDARD SPECIFICATIONSSection 400 - Gravity Sewers and Manholes 400. Scope of Work 15 401. Materials 15 402. Sewer Pipe 15 403. Selection of Pipe Materials 16 404.



Section TOO - General

100. Intent of Specifications • ]101. Definitions 1102. Special Provisions 2103. Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan 3104. Approval Drawings 6105. Record Plans 6

Section 200 - Protection and Maintenance of Traffic

200. General 7201. Codes • 7202. Temporary Paving 7203. Warning Signs 8

Section 300 - Excavation

300. Scope of Work 9301. Definitions 93C2. Codes y303. Excavation Limits 9304. Disposition of Excavated Material 10305. Trench De-Watering 10306. Underground Utilities and Structures 11307. Rock Excavation 11308. Explosives and Blasting 12309. Sheeting and Shoring 13310. Protection of Trees 14

Section 400 - Gravity Sewers and Manholes

400. Scope of Work 15401. Materials 15402. Sewer Pipe 15403. Selection of Pipe Materials 16404. Construction Methods 16405. Precast Manholes 18406. Concrete Encasement for Protection of Wells and 23

Miscellaneous Concrete Encasement407. Tests and Controls 23

Section 500 - Backfilling and Restoration

500. Scope of Work 28501. Materials 28502. Backfill 28


Page 3: BOROUGH OF DUBLIN STANDARD SPECIFICATIONSSection 400 - Gravity Sewers and Manholes 400. Scope of Work 15 401. Materials 15 402. Sewer Pipe 15 403. Selection of Pipe Materials 16 404.


PipeSection 600 - Television Inspection of Pipe

600. Description ' 34601. General 34602. Record Keeping 35

Section 700 - Connection to Municipal System

700. Connection to Existing Manhole 37701. Manhole Construction Over Existing Pipe 39

Section 800 - Construction Details 40


Sewer!ine Stakeout Method 41Stationary Short-Term Operation - Two-Lane, Two-Way 42

Roadway - Major EncroachmentStationary Short-Term Operation - Two-Way, Two-Way 43

Roadway - FlaggingStationary Short-Term Operation - Two-Lane, Two-Way 44

Roadway - Single FlaggerTypical Drop Connection 45Deep Cut Lateral 46Typical Lateral Connection 47Concrete Encasement for Stream Crossing or Well 48

ProtectionManhole and Cover Details 49R-1172 CVH Frame and Lid 50Go/No Go Mandrel 51R-1916 F Frame and Lid 52Trench Restoration 53Trench Restoration 54

Section 900 - Pressure Sewers

900. Scope of Work 55901. Pipe Materials 55902. Pipe Installation 55903. Testing 57904. Connect to Gravity Sewer System 58

Section 1000 - Grinder Pump Stations

1000. General 611001. Technical Specifications - Pump Chamber 611002. Technical Specifications - Grinder Pump 621003.-'Technical Specifications - Controls 631004. Design Drawings AR3&I379

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Section 100 - General


These specifications establish standards and methods necessary forinstallation of sanitary sewers and appurtenances comprising extensions toDublin Borough Sanitary Sewer System .(Municipality).

If any material and/or equipment installed is found not to be in accordancewith these specifications, the Developer or his Contractor will correct, orremove and reinstall, all unsatisfactory material and/or equipment to thesatisfaction of Municipality prior to, and for a period of, one (1) year afterfinal acceptance by Municipality.

Approval drawings and related certifications for all material and equipmentinvolved with sanitary sewer construction must be submitted to the Engineer forapproval at least thirty (30) days prior to ordering that material or equipment.Any change orders involved with sanitary sewer construction must be approved byMunicipality prior to execution. (Refer to Subsection 104)


Whenever in these specifications the following terms, or pronouns in placeof them, are used, the intent and meaning shall be interpreted as follows:

1. Owner/Developer - Person, partnership, or firm for whom and uponwhose land sewers are being constructed.

. 2. Municipality - Dublin Borough, 119 Maple Avenue, P.O. Box 52,Dublin, PA 18917.

3. Engineer - Cowan Associates, Inc., 120 ?enn-Am Drive, P.O. Box 949,Quakertown, Pennsylvania 18951, or in the event said firm ceases toserve as Engineer for Municipality, an engineering firm orprofessional engineer chosen by Municipality.

4. Observer or Resident Project Representative - The authorizedrepresentatives of Municipality and/or Engineer assigned to inake anyor all necessary observation of work performed and materialsfurnished by the Contractor.

5. Laboratory - The official testing laboratory of Municipality, as' maybe selected by the Engineer and with the approval of the Owner orMunicipality.

6. Contractor - Party hired by the Owner/Developer to construct sewers,acting directly or through his agents or employees. The Contractor,if a corporation foreign to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, must bequalified to do business in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania pursuantto current laws.

7. Subcontractor - An individual, firm or corporationwith a Contractor to perform part or all of the T

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8. Notice - The term "Notice", as used herein, shall mean and includewritten notice. Written notice shall be deemed to have been dulyserved when delivered to or at the last known address (business) ofthe person, firm, or corporation for whom intended, or to his, their,or its duly authorized agent, representative or officer or whenenclosed in a postage prepaid wrapper or envelope addressed to suchperson, firm, or corporation at his, their or its last known addressand deposited in a United States Mail box.

9. Plans or Drawings - All drawings, or reproductions of drawings,approved by Municipality pertaining to construction of sewers withina particular subdivision.

10. Specifications - The directions, provisions, and requirementscontained herein, pertaining to methods and manner of performingwork, or to quantities and qualities of materials to be furnished.

11. Work - The term "Work", as used herein, refers to all work at theproject site and includes all labor, materials, supplies, equipment,and other facilities and things necessary or proper for or incidentalto carrying out and completing terms of these Specifications. Theterm "Work Performed" shall be construed to include materialdelivered to and suitably stored at the project site.

12. Provide - Shall mean "furnish and install" or "furnish labor andmaterial required for installation of".

13. Indicated - shall mean "indicated on the drawings".


Protection of Water Supplies. In the sewer layout, a 10 foot horizontalseparation of water and sewer lines is to be provided wherever possible. Shouldlocal conditions prevent a lateral separation of 10 feet, the sewer line may belaid closer than 10 feet to a water main if the elevation of the top of the sewerpipe is at least 18 inches below the bottom (invert) of the water main, and if:

1. It is laid in a separate trench, or

2. It is laid in the same trench with the water main at one side on abench of undisturbed earth.

3. Approval is received from Municipality.

Where sewers must cross under water mains, the sewer shall be laid at anelevation so that the top of the sewer is at least 18 inches below the bottom ofthe water main. When water mains are existing, and sewer elevation cannot bevaried to meet this requirement, the water main shall be relocated to providethis separation, and reconstructed with ductile iron pipe for a distance of 10feet on each side of the sewer. One full length of water main shall be centeredover the sewer so both joints will be as far from the sewer as possible.

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When it is impossible to obtain proper horizontal and vertical separationas stipulated above, both water and sewer lines shall be constructed ofmechanical joint ductile-iron pipe and shall be pressure tested to assurewatertightness.

Lines and Grades. In sewer construction, the Contractor must transfer lineand grade to "batter boards" and string line over the trench. The Contractor maynot transfer line and grade to and/or utilize a "side line" or string set to lineand grade other than over and above the centerline of the sewers to be laid. Nosewer pipe shall be laid other than "up grade" or in the direction of increasingelevation of sewer grade or invert elevation unless expressly permitted by theEngineer in writing and for a specifically defined section or sections of workonly. All sewer pipe shall bs laid with bell ends toward the direction ofincreasing sewer elevation. No pipe shall be laid to line or grade unless thereare at least three batter boards ahead of the last length of pipe laid in place.

In lieu of batter boards for laying pipe as specified herein, theContractor may use a laser beam for setting line and grade. Type of laserequipment and method of use must be approved by the Engineer.


The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources(DER) requires that the Contractor use all possible care to prevent siltationpollution of the waters of the Commonwealth during and after construction byimplementation of an erosion and sedimentation control plan as required underTitle 25, Chapter 102 of DER Regulations. The Contractor shall conform to thefollowing Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan Procedures. Modifications ordeviations from this plan will be allowed only if the Contractor first obtainswritten permission from Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources.

This plan of erosion and sedimentation control has been prepared forimplementation with sewer construction. It will be the Contractor'sresponsibility to implement this plan as work progresses. Therefore, constructionmust be well-coordinated so soil disturbances will be minimal and all constuctioncan be completed in the shortest possible time.

Some sewer construction may take place in existing roadways, and some mayinvolve clearing trees and brush along the sewer route where adjacent trees andvegetation are to be maintained. In such cases, use of larger erosioncontrol structures such as sedimentation basins may be prohibited. While sewerconstruction will not permanently increase stonrnvater runoff, absence of groundcover during the construction will cause a temporary increase. Objective of thisplan, therefore, is the re-establishment of vegetative growth and paving ofexisting or proposed r.oads within reasonable time after construction.

Where applicable, special care must be exercised to avoid damage to landadjacent to-the construction area. Destruction of trees and of protectivevegetation "adjacent to the construction area will not be tolerated,unlessauthorized by the Owner. Hfljy I 382

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Constructing groundwater control devices, equipment travel, and stockpili^construction material are the most serious causes of excessive vegetationdestruction. These transgressions against good erosion and sedimentation controlwill not be permitted.

Excavated material must be stockpiled alongside trenches away from streamchannels. Flooding is less likely to move soil from the site as sediment if thispractice is followed.

Temporary bridges or culverts shall be provided for machinery that mustcross streams during construction. Each structure must be removed from the streamwhen worx at that location is completed, and the stream bed returned to itsoriginal condition in such manner to cause minimal siltation to the waterway. Thestream bed shall not be used as a roadway for moving machinery from one site toanother.

Provisions shall be made for protection against discharge of pollutantssuch as chemicals, fuels, lubricants, etc., into streams. Location of portabletoilet facilities over or adjacent to streams or wells is prohibited.

If explosives are to be used along streams and flood plains, a permit isrequired. Permits are obtainable from the Pennsylvania Fish Commission inHarrisburg. The Contractor is responsible for obtaining said permit andcontacting the local PA DER Waterways Patrolman.

Diversion ditches shall be used whenever possible to divert upstreamaway from erosive areas. They shall be stabilized by rock riprap on grades overfive percent.

Stockpile areas shall also be selected and maintained by the Contractor.Site selections and stockpile design shall incorporate erosion and sedimentcontrol considerations. Temporary or interim stabilization of soil stockpilesshall be promptly instituted. Critical slopes on stockpiles shall be avoided.Stockpiling in or immediately adjacent to diversion channels shall not beallowed. If a stockpile is to remain for over 60 days, it shall be stabilized bysoil stabilizing chemicals, temporary vegetation, interim structures, or otherspecial practices. Temporary vegetative measures planned for implementation onstockpile areas shall be established immediately after the stockpile operation iscompleted. Proper mulching and soil stabilization in conjunction with theseseeding operations shall also be carried out.

Pumpwater management is a practice that the Contractor shall use to reduceproduction of sediment. Pumpwater should be discharged onto a stabilized area. Ifpossible, it should be pumped to a storm sewer; however, if this option is notopen, another possibility is to carry the water by hose to an adjacent watercourse. In any event, pumpwater discharge onto fill slopes, fill piles, spoilslopes, etc., will not be tolerated. If ditches are required to remove pumpwater,they shall be stabilized with rock riprap.

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After construction activity in a work area is completed, vegetation orpaving on areas disturbed must be restored. If completion of constructionactivity does not coincide with a season in which permanent vegetation or pavingcan be applied, an interim or temporary program will be required. This caninclude soil stabilization, mulching, establishment of filters, use ofscarification, or temporary paving. In any case, erosion and sedimentationcontrols shall be installed promptly, their maintenance assured, and no area leftunprotected for more than ten (10) days following completion of construction inthat area.In Summary:

Improper construction practices prohibited include but are not limited to:

1. Operation of equipment in a stream in such manner as to contribute tostream pollution.

2. Depositing silt laden water from trenches or other excavation orallowing indirect runoff of silt laden water into streams withoutsedimentation basins.

3. Disposal of trees, brush, and other debris in streams or along banks.

4. Dumping spoil materials directly into streams, or onto stream bankswhere it could wash or slide into streams.

5. Unnecessary removal of trees and vegetation.

In order to prevent siltation, the Contractor shall:

1. Familiarize himself and be responsible for carrying out allrequirements of Title 25, Chapter 102 of D.E.R. Regulations that maybe required in addition to requirements set forth in this plan.

2. Construct, as directed by the Engineer, any temporary dikes orbulkheads to prevent surface water from conveying stored excavatedmaterial or newly backfilled material to any stream or storm sewerinlet. Temporary facilities shall be removed and the area restored toits original condition after construction is completed.

3. Wherever possible, not store excavated material between sewertrenches and bodies of water.

4. Reduce by the greatest extent practicable, the area and duration ofexposure of readily erodible soil. If, during the constructionperiod, it is not possible to seed, sod, or pave promptly, then

.mulched material shall be used in all areas other than existingstreets, driveways, etc., which shall be temporarily pavf|l$30 I 38^4

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5. Protect soils by use of temporary vegetation or seeding, or byaccelerating establishment of permanent vegetation. Complete andprotect segments as rapidly as is consistent with constructionrequirements and schedule.

6. Sprinkle or apply dust suppressors or otherwise keep dust withintolerable limits on all existing roads.

7. Should construction be suspended for any appreciable length of time,temporary measures as outlined in items 4 and 5 shall be utilized.

B. Cleanup, rsgrading, reseeainc and paving shall be done as workproceeds, and not left until the end of the project.


Contractor shall submit for approval by Municipality, at least 30 daysprior to construction, six (6) sets (unless otherwise specified) of all drawingsand/or catalog cuts of materials, devices, equipment, etc. Drawings are to besubmitted directly to the Engineer.

Drawings shall be properly identified and shall show construction size,arrangements, operating clearance, performance characteristics, and capacity ofmaterial and equipment.

Before submitting for approval, the Contractor shall check drawings,deviations and discrepancies. All dimensions shall be checked to determine ifequipment will fit or can be installed as specified or shown on drawings.Signature of Contractor's check and date of checking shall be placed on allsubmittals.

Approval of submittals is only a measure of precaution against oversightand error and shall not relieve Contractor from responsibility to furnish properand satisfactory equipment. Use of materials or apparatus not definitelyspecified shall be subject to approval of the Engineer.


During construction, Contractor shall maintain a record set of installationprints. He shall record on these prints all deviations from the drawings. Uponcompletion of the work, Contractor shall forvv&ra' these prints to the Engineer forreview, after review by Engineer, Owner shell then ravise original drawing andprovide Municipality with one set of quality (in the opinion of the Engineer)reproducible drawings on mylar, and two sets of paper prints.

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Section 200 - Protection and Maintenance of Traffic


1. It shall be the duty of the Contractor to maintain all State ofPennsylvania and locally owned roads open to travel at all timesunless permission for detours is approved in writing by the officialin jurisdiction.

2. It shall be the duty of the Contractor to provide access forresidents to their homes in the morning and during the night.

3. When it is necessary, in the opinion of the Engineer, to close a roadduring the day, it shall 'be done only:

A. After a detour permit has been approved by PennDOT orMunicipality, as applicable, and after 12 hours advance notice toTownship officials.

B. After detour signs along other roads have been set up clearlypointing at each road intersection the proper direction via theshortest route around the work area.

C. After arrangements with all businesses for the proper continuanceof their commerce by maintaining traffic to and from theirdriveways at all times.

D. After giving reasonable notics to the owners of all privetsdriveways before interfering with them.

201. CODES

All requirements under this section shell be performed in accordance witnapplicable parts of the latest edition of Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,Department of Transportation, Publication 203, entitled Work Zone Traffic Controland any specified provisions required by the Occupancy Permit which is to beobtained by the Owner or Municipality. Copies of all regulations to be latestedition.202. TEMPORARY REPAVING

Wherever a sewer or lateral trench is dug within a surfaced road or streetand promptly after backfilling thereof, temporary repaying with bituminous roadmaterial shall be installed and maintained for at least ninety (90) days before apermanent surface is placed. Any sinking of the trench and paving shall bebrought to the proper grade by additional bituminous material. The Contractorshall not place material above the proper grade to be pounded down by traffic.Instead, he shall thoroughly compact the fill material, using mechanicalequipment, so that the grade of fill shall level with adjoining pavement. Thiswork shall be done in accordance with Section 201. Temporary paving shall be aminimum 10" stone base followed by 2" of ID-2 bituminous materiak.p on » QQC

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1. Signs shall be placed on the road or street at each end of the worknotifying and warning the public of the disruption of the cartway.

2. Flashers, traffic cones, drums and other barricades shall conform toState of Pennsylvania codes as to type, location, and maintenance.

3. A traffic control plan shall be implemented and maintained during thecourse of construction. As a minimum this plan shall conform to thatshown on the following drawings.

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Section 300 - Excavation


The work under this section shall include all labor, materials, equipmentand services as required to excavate the site for construction and shallgenerally consist of, but not necessarily be limited to:

1. Excavation for sewers and laterals.2. Excavation for manholes.


1. Excavation shall include'any material encountered, including surfacepavement, removed to the depth of the outside bottom (called "grade")of pipe and manholes, plus the extra digging to the depth (called"subgrade") required for the bedding, and to grade depth forstructures.

2. Extra Excavation shall include excavation below subgrade or grade asrequired by the Engineer and shall include any material encountered.

302. CODES

All excavation work shall be performed in accordance with:

1. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry"Regulations for Trenches and Excavations" latest edition.

2. All local, state, and other laws and regulations governing blasting.


1. Trenches

A. Trenches shall be dug to the depths and widths as specifiedherein or as approved or directed by the Engineer. Sides oftrenches shall be as nearly vertical as possible.

B. Trenches shall be excavated true to line so that a clear space ofeight inches (8"), no more (except 12" in state roads), isprovided on each side of the pipe bell to a height not less thanthe top of the pipe. These dimensions are applicable to theinside face of sheeting, if such is required at the elevation ofthe pipe. Trenches may be wider above the top of pipe.

C. When width below top of pipe exceeds bell plus 16 inches, theEngineer may call for stronger pipe at no additional expense tothe Owner or Municipality.

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2. Where a section of trench has, by the Contractor's own mistake, beenexcavated to a greater depth than specified, it shall be broughtto the proper grade, using AASHTO #67 crushed stone. Furnishing andplacing this stone shall be at the Contractor's expense.

3. The Engineer shall have the right to limit amount of trench opened inadvance of the completed sewer. Excavation shall be completed at anylocation, except for final grading and shaping, a minimum of twentyfeet (20') in advance of pipe installation. This amount of pipe laidin advance of backfilling shall not exceed one hundred feet (100').

4. Excavation limits for manholes and structures shall be to the minimumhorizontal limits in which a man can work efficiently. Excavation forfootings shall be to the outside footing dimensions and the footingpoured around without side forms.

5. Pipe trenches and manhole with precast bases shall be excavated sixinches (6") deeper than elevations shown on the plans in order toprovide space for bedding.


1. The Contractor shall classify, separate and store materials as may berequired for re-use in backfilling, repaving or replacing topsoil. ^If the Contractor prefers not to separate surface materials, he sha^furnish replacement materials of equal quantity and quality asdirected to replace the displaced material.

2. Excavated material shall be placed so as not to interfere with thetraffic on streets and driveways in an unreasonable manner. Allsurplus excavated material shall be removed from the site of work anddisposed of by the Contractor, at his expense, but none shall bedeposited on private property until written consent of the Owner hasbeen obtained and a copy filed with the Engineer.


All excavations shall be free of water during construction of structures,pipe laying and backfilling operations. The Contractor shall provide and placeall necessary flumes, channels or pipes required to temporarily divert water fromthe excavation. All water from any source shall be pumped or bailed to provide adry hole. All water pumped from the excavation shall be discharged in such manneras shall not cause injury to work completed, damage to property, health hazardsor impediment to traffic. In no case shall water be permitted to rise into orflow through a completed sewer unless permitted by the Engineer.

The Contractor's attention is directed to Erosion and Sedimentation ControlPlan for the subdivision, this work, and/or the project.

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1. The presence, location, character and size of existing undergroundfeatures, if any, are to be shown on the drawings in accordance withthe best available information. The Contractor is responsible formaking necessary arrangements with representatives of utilitiesregistered with the County Recorder of Deeds, and for determining theexact location of utilities, underground and above ground structures.Encountering other installations not shown on the drawings shall netconstitute the basis for a claim by the Contractor for damage orextra compensation, for either delay or extra work.

2. All utility services encountered shall be supported by timber strutsor by other suitable means approved by the respective utility owners.Utilities or other structures located transversely across the trenchshall be protected from damage or displacement.

3. The Contractor shall be responsible for reimbursement to the Owner orits agents or to private utility companies for costs incidental torepair of any municipal or private utilities damaged duringconstruction.

4. The Contractor is responsible for contacting utilities to fieldverify and mark location of existing facilities in the project areaprior to any construction activities.

Repair of damages to any underground or above ground utilities,structures, and appurtenances will be the sole responsibility of theContractor, and at the Contractor's expense.


1. Rock excavation shall be accomplished by drilling and wedging orblasting as permitted by Municipality. Rock shall be fully taken outat least twenty-five feet (25') in advance of pipe laying. The bottomwidth shall not exceed widths of trench for the specified pipe-.

When rock is to be excavated, it shall be taken out sufficientlybelow grade to leave a space of at least six (6) inches below theoutside of the pipe when laid, and no pipe shall be laid in a trenchwhose sides would be nearer than eight (8) inches to the outside ofthe pipe when laid. The trench shall then be filled to the propergrade with bedding material as specified or approved by the Engineerand tamped. In blasting, all necessary precautions shall be taken toprotect persons and property. No blasting shall be done within ten(10) feet of the pipe as laid. The end of the pipe as laid shall betightly plugged and covered during any blast nearer than one hundred

' (100) feet. The Contractor .shall be liable for all damages done topersons and property caused by blasts or explosives, or /A0?1 *9f§}f ctin properly guarding the trenches. No compensation&fsltftfef aJoNtfedsaid Contractor for loss so incurred.

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2. All excavated rock material which is unfit for backfilling shall beimmediately removed from the site at the Contractor's expense.


1. Permission to Blast:

Blasting for excavation will be permitted only after securing writtenpermission of the Municipality. The Municipality reserves the righcto regulate the time of blasting. All protection measures requiredfor safety, type, strength of explosives used, and storage facilitiesshall be the responsibility of the Contractor and approved by theMunicipality. The Contractor shall be held responsible for any damageor injury caused by blasting or accidental explosion.

2. Pre-blast Survey:

Before any blasting is carried out:

A. Contractor shall submit to che Engineer a report prepared by aProfessional Engineer licensed to practice in the State ofPennsylvania or Geologist containing specific recommendationsfor blasting. Report shall cover amount of charge, firingtimes, ground velocities, accelerations, and displacements,effects on adjacent structures and field monitoring program.Should the report indicate potential damage to existing"facilities, Contractor shall not proceed with blasting.Contractor shall, prior to preparing his bid, investigate thefeasibility of blasting and make appropriate provisions in hisbid.

B. Contractor shall conduct a pre-blast survey and document withnoces and photographs of existing conditions of foundations,walls, basement floors, driveways, etc. for all homes involvedin the project. These records will be available for inspectionby the Municipality and Engineer upon request. This inspectionshall be completed prior to any blasting on the project.

3. Notification:

Contractor shall notify each Public Utility Company having theirlines or structures in proximity to the site of work. Contractorshall give written notices to Utility Companies, stating hisintentions to use explosives in these areas. Such notices shall begiven sufficiently in advance to enable the companies to take propersteps as they may deem necessary to protect their property. Suchnotices shall not relieve the Contractor of his responsibilities ofnot carrying out the work in a safe and satisfactory manner. In the.areas of all utilities, a very light charge of explosives shall beused with utmost care to avoid any damages or distui^§/i&entp/fxistin|utility lines. HnJU I J3 1

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4. Requirements for Blasting Operations:

Contractor shall, at all times, exercise utmost care in the use ofexplosives so as not to endanger life or property in the work area.He shall, at all times, comply with Title 25, Rules and Regulations -set forth by The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources -Occupational Health and Safety, Chapter 211 - Storage Handling andUse of Explosives.Contractor shall be required to familiarize himself with the aboveRules and Regulations and shall place in charge of all blastingoperations, competent and responsible persons who are blasters,licensed by the Department of Environmental Resources. All blastingprocedures used shall be in strict conformance with the aboveRegulations. This licensed blaster shall, at all times, have hislicense on the work site and shall permit inspection by the Engineer-and other officials having jurisdiction on the project.

All the explosives shall be stored as directed in the DERRegulations. The Contractor, prior to initiation of any drill i n g orblasting operations, shall thoroughly familiarize himself with allState, County and Local Rules and Regulations pertaining to use andstorage of explosives and methods of drilling. Under no conditionsshall detonating devices, filing caps, priming cord, etc. be storedor transported in proximity to explosive materials. All theexplosives shall be stored in a secure and safe manner. All suchstorage places shall be clearly marked "DANGEROUS EXPLOSIVES" andshall be in the care of a competent watchman at all times. Explosivesshall be kept on the site only in such quantity as may be needed forthe work being done and only during such time as they are being used.

Contractor shall keep and submit to Engineer an accurate record ofeach blast. Record shall show general location of the blast, depthand number of drill holes, kind and quantity of explosive used,ground velocity and displacements, and other data required for acomplete record.


Contractor shall furnish and install in place and maintain such sheetingand shoring, as may be required, to support the sides of the excavation toprevent any movement which could, in any way, damage the width of the excavation,to protect adjacent structures, sewer pipe foundations from caving, undermining,loss of support or other damages, or as required for protection of persons inwork areas.


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All sheeting and bracing which may not be left in place under the foregoingprovisions of this contract shall be removed in such manner as not to endangerthe constructed works of other structures. All voids left or caused bywithdrawals of sheeting shall be immediately refilled with sand by ramming withtools especially adapted to such purpose, by watering, or otherwise, as may bedirected. Cost of furnishing, placing, and removing such sheeting and bracingshall be included in the unit price bid for sewers.


Where trees are within the temporary or permanent right-of-way, and areindicated to be saved, they shall be'protected by boards wired to the trees toprevent scarring of bark. Where branches of trees hang over the trench or aresufficiently close to be hit by the boom of the backhoe, such limbs shall beneatly sawed off at the tree trunk or otherwise protected to prevent breaking ofthe limb at junction with the trunk. All cuts or scars on trees shall be paintedwith suitable material to prevent disease.

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Section 400 - Gravity Sewers and Manholes


Work under this section shall include all labor, materials, appliances, andservices as required by the drawings and these specifications and will generallyconsist of, but not be limited to the following:

1. Installation of gravity sewers and manholes.2. Installation of laterals.


Materials shall conform with or exceed the requirements of the latest issueof the following specifications:

1. Polyvinyl Chloride sewer pipe: ASTM Specification D-3034, SDR 26(minimum) with joints complying with ASTM D3212.

2. Ductile Iron Pipe: ASNI Specification A-21.51 with joints complyingwith ASTM A21.ll, Class 50, cement lined.

3. Precast Concrete Manholes, Riser and Top Sections: ASTMSpecification C-478.

4. Bricks: ASTM Specification C-62, Grade SW.

5. Manhole Frames and Covers: ASTM Specification A-48.

6. Concrete shall have the minimum compressive strength of 4000 psi at28 days. Maximum slump shall be 4 inches. Coarse aggregate shall becrushed stone (not gravel, unless crushed), maximum size one inch0"). Fine aggregate shall be natural or manufactured sand. Allaggregate shall be from the sources approved by the PennsylvaniaDepartment of Transportation. All concrete shall have air entrainmentwithin the limits of 3% to 6%. Additives are not allowed unlessapproved by the Engineer or specifically specified hereinafter.

7. Mortar shall be composed of 2\ parts sand and one part PortlandCement by volume. Lime shall not be used.


1. Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) sewer pipe and fittings shall meet SDR-26requirements of ASTM Specification D-3034. Pipe shall have integralwall bell and spigot joints with elestomeric gasket. All fittings andaccessories shall be manufactured by the pipe supplier. Maximumallowable deflection after installation shall be 5%. Installationshall be in accordance with ASTM D-2321, "Underground Installation ofFlexible Thermoplastic Sewer Pipe", and as specified herein.

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2. Ductile iron pipe (DIP) shall be centrifugally cast pipe with cementmortar lining with bitumastic coating inside and outside. Jointsshall conform with ASNI Specification A-21.11, 150 PSI. Pipes shallbe laid in accordance with Manufacturer's recommendations. DIP to bethickness class 50 with push-on joints and single gaskets.


1. Drawings show inside dimensions of pipe. Pipes shall be ductile ironor SDR 26 (minimum) polyvinyl chloride as noted on drawings.

2. When the trench below the elevation of the top of the pipe isexcavated wider than 24 inches plus O.D. of the bell, the Engineerusing standard tables based on Marston's Formula, shall designate thestrength of the pipe to be used.


1. General

A. All pipe shall be unloaded, handled and stored in conformancewith the manufacturer's recommendations.

B. Pipes shall be laid true to the grades shown on the ContractDrawings. Each section of pipe shall rest upon the pipe bed for1the full length of its barrel, with recesses excavated toaccommodate bells and joints. Any pipe which has its grade orjoints disturbed after laying shall be taken up and relaid. Thepipe sections shall be inspected, and the interior and ends ofall pipe shall be cleaned before lowering into the trench. Duringconstruction, the Contractor shall use all precautions to keepthe pipe clean and clear of debris and free from injury untilfinally inspected and accepted. The mouth of the completed sewerpipe shall be properly closed, at all times, with an expandingrubber plug or other approved device, except when pipe laying isin progress.

C. Pipe laying shall be done only in the presence of an Observer andthe Contractor shall give ample notice of the time scheduled forthe pipe laying and observance.

D. When necessary to cut pipe to size, it shall be done by saw-cutting, neatly and cleanly.

2. Laying PipeA. Bedding and laying of pipe shall be in accordance with the pipe

manufacturer's recommendations and these specifications. Pipejoints shall be made in accordance with the manufacturer'srecommendations. SR30I39S

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B. Regardless of its material, all pipe, including laterals, shallbe laid on a minimum six inches (6") thickness of AASHTO #57, orbetter stone as approved by the Engineer.

C. After the trench has been excavated and approved", crushed stonebedding material has been placed, Contractor upon lowering eachpiece of PVC pipe into trench shall make certain pipe isuniformly supported along its entire length. Coupling holes notless than 2 inches deeper than bottom of pipe shall be formed aseach joint location is determined. After coupling pipe sections,this open space beneath the joint shall be thoroughly filled withcrushed stone. The six inch deep stone bedding shall"be carefullyhand placed around the joint and along the entire length.Considerable care shall be taken to fill voids along bottom ofpipe with approved bedding and to hand tamp bedding as requiredto ensure support.

Approved stone backfill material around the pipe shall becarefully hand tamped as required to ensure firm supportlaterally to the sides of trench. Stone backfill to the springline of pipe shall be hand placed in levels of approximately fourinches each. Under no circumstances will backfill be dumped intothe trench the full depth at one time.

Contractor is cautioned that above method of placing andbackfilling is of critical importance and that failure to followthe method described shall result in rejection of the section inquestion with removal and relaying at contractor's expense upondirection of Engineer.

3. Laterals

Connections to the sewer shall be by means of wye fittings. Thelateral pipe shall end with a test wye fitting with both branchescapped with a watertight pressure type fitting capable ofwithstanding the exfiltration or air pressure tests and to remainuntil future connection to the house sewer. The ends of all lateralsshall be physically marked to show location and depth of pipe end.Method of marking to be a 1" x 3" oak board extending from the end ofthe lateral to a height of 12" above grade. Depth of lateral to beindicated with felt-tipped marking pen on that portion extendingabove grade. End of lateral to be plain end pipe.

Laterals shall be of the same type of material as the sewer line towhich the lateral connects unless otherwise approved by the Engineer.

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House laterals shall not be installed directly from manholes unlesswritten approval is received from the Engineer, or such is shown onthe drawings. If a lateral is overlooked or ordered 'installed aftermain sewer is in place, PVC wye saddle for PVC pipe may be used forconnection or a wye inserted in the line, whichever is directed bythe Engineer. Saddle wye fitting for SDR 26 8" PVC pipe shall be 6 x8 PVC "DH" as manufactured by General Engineering Company (GENCO),Frederick, Maryland.

In particular situations, where lateral connections are made directlyto the manholes at locations shown on the Contract Drawings or asdirected by the Engineer, Y-Branch and bend fittings in the sewermain shall not be required. The Contractor shall construct lateralconnections directly into the manhole. Such lateral connection shouldenter the manhole at a minimum of six (6) inches above the top of thecrown of the highest incoming pipe in the manhole. Proper support forthe pipe connection outside of manholes with crushed stone or concreteshall be required to provide a watertight connection. Anapproved rubber gasket water stop is required on pipe through aconcrete manhole wall.


Precast reinforced concrete manhole units shall conform in all respectsASTM Specification C-478 and be similar in all essential respects to unitsmanufactured by Atlantic Concrete Products of Tullytown, PA or Monarch SepticTank Company of Allentown, PA. In addition, they shall conform with the followingrequirements:

1. Walls shall have a minimum thickness of 5" if less than 25' inheight. Manholes have a minimum wall thickness of 8" below 25' indepth.

2. Top section of manholes greater than 4' in depth shall be aconverging cone design, with one straight side. Minimum height ofcone section shall be 32". Opening shall be 24 inches in diameter.Shelf upon which the manhole frame rests shall be 8" wide. Manholesless than 4' in height shall have a flat slab top.

3. Minimum compressive strength of concrete for all manhole sectionsshall be 4000 psi. Circumferential steel reinforcement for allsections shall be a minimum 0.12 square inches per vertical foot.

4. Bases for manholes shall be constructed of monolithically castconcrete or cast in place. Minimum thickness shall be eight inches,but may be increased in thickness to be above the O.D. of the sewerif the Contractor desires. Inlet and outlet pipes shall be flush withthe inside of precast manholes. There shall be a minimum distance of4" between the invert of the lowest outflowing sewfcT"Da9(hffl tPQ *fi tifcprecast base to provide for construction of a formftr*i'nv«rt'"«rra'benCTwall within the manhole. Wall shall extend a minimum of 6 inchesabove the top of the highest inflowing sewer. /ID 2AJ Q&TJ

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A. Cast-in-Place

Method of cast-in-place base construction shall be to setbottom manhole section on three - 8" concrete blocks, installpipe completely through manhole at proper grade, and pourconcrete. Concrete benches are to be formed during theoperation. Concrete is to extend a minimum of 8" above bottomof last section, inside and outside of section wall atperiphery. At pipe entrance and exit from manhole, additionalconcrete in the shape of a "doghouse" is to be placed aroundthe pipe at a minimum thickness of 8 inches. Allow concrete toset for 24 hours before installing remaining sections. Afterconcrete has set, remove top half of pipe to form manholechannel. An approved rubber gasket water stop is required onpipe through cast in place bases. Gasket shall be centered inmanhole wall.

B. Precast

The lowest section shall have a minimum 24" high monolithicprecast bottom with precast channels, in which case it mus: beset on a leveling course, six inches (6") minimum thickness ofAASHTO *57 stone.*

*formerly PennDOT #2B

Whether base is precast or cast in place, concrete shall beplaced under the pipes for a minimum of three (3) feet beyondthe manhole wall or within six (6) inches of the first pipejoint. If a preinstalled rubber gasket is utilized for thepipe-to-manhole connection on a precast manhole base section,no concrete is required under the pipes. (Refer to Section405.10)

Ends of manhole sections shall be tongue and groove type. Jointsbetween sections shall be made watertight by inserting two (2)flexible plastic gaskets, one on top of bell, and one on spigotshelf. Gasket to be RAM-NEK or RUB'R-NEK as manufactured by K.T.Snyder Company, Inc., Houston, Texas or equal. Placement of gasketshall conform with manufacturer's recommendations.

Exterior of all manholes to have one coat (8 mil dry thickness) ofKoppers Super Service Black. Coating may be applied in the factoryand touched up in the field as necessary. Application of paint to beper manufacturer's specifications. Interior of all joints shallrequire trimming and tooling of the flexible plastic gasket toprovide a flush joint at manhole sections after settlement hasoccurred.

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7. Invert - All invert channels shall be smooth and accurately shaped toa semi-circular bottom conforming to the inside of the adjacent sewersection. Inverts shall be formed directly in the concrete of themanhole base or may be constructed by laying full section sewer pipestraight through the manhole and sawing out the top half after thebase is constructed. Inverts shall extend up at least half of thediameter of the pipe. Changes in the direction of the sewer andentering branches shall have a true curve of as large a radius as thesize of the manhole will permit. Where the pipe is laid through themanhole, the invert shall be finished to 1/4" below the center of thepipe. The pipe shall be trimmed down to 1/4" below the surface of theinvert, and the edges of the pipe along the invert and at the wallsof the manhole shall be plastered and brush-finished. Plaster shallbe 2 parts of masonry sand to 1 part of Portland cement.

8. Steps: Manhole steps shall be extruded 6061-T6 aluminum and shall beequal to ALCOA stock no. 12653A or Polypropylene Step #PS4B asmanufactured by M.A. Industries, Peachtree City, GA. They shall becast into walls of base, risers, and conical top sections, and shallbe aligned vertically and spaced so as to be on equal centers in theassembled manhole at a minimum distance of 12 inches. Steps shall belocated a minimum of 6 inches from ends of base, riser, and topsections. They shall be securely embedded in manhole sections bymortar or cast in place polypropylene inserts.

9. If manholes are precast, manholes shall be lifted and moved by use ofsuitable lifting slings and lugs to prevent damage to the precastjoint edge. If minor damage occurs to the precast sections, suchdamage shall be repaired in the presence of and to the satisfactionof the Engineer. No more than 2 lift inserts or holes shall be castin a manhole section.

10. A pre-installed rubber gasket shall be utilized for the pipe-to-manhole connection in precast manholes. Gasket shall be similar to"A-LOK" (Atlantic Concrete) or "LOCK JOINT" (Interpace - Monarch).

11. Leveling the manhole by use of wedging or placing shims will not bepermitted. Manholes shall noz be backfilled without the permission ofthe Engineer.

12. Manholes shall be constructed as promptly as practical to coincidewith the adjacent sewer pipe construction. If the construction ofmanholes is unnecessarily delayed, the Engineer shall have authorityto stop trenching and pipe laying until manholes are constructed tocomplete sections of sewer.

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13. Tops of all pre-cast manholes shall be brought to proper grade forreceiving manhole frames by precast concrete rings construction. Nomore than three (3) courses of concrete rings to a maximum height of12 inches shall be used for this purpose. Rings of varying thicknessshall be used in order to minimize number of rings. All rings shallbe laid in full beds of nonshrink mortar perpendicular to the centerof the manhole and shoved into place with full joints no more than1/2 inch in thickness. Top of cone section shall be coated withWeld-Crete bonding agent by Larsen Products Corporation, Rockville,MD, or approved equal, immediately prior to the application of thefirst bed of mortar.

14. Precast rings shall not be placed during cold weather (when airtemperature is below 40 F) unless necessary cold weather concretingprecautions are observed as directed by the Engineer.

15. Frames of manholes in fields shall not be adjusted with precastconcrete rings. Top elevation of manholes shall be brought toapproximately 1' (maximum) above ground by using manhole risersections, i-rames in lawns shall be as close as possible to lawn gradebut in no case shall they be below grade of lawn.

16. Manhole Frames and Covers shall be manufactured by Neenah FoundryCompany, Neenah, Wisconsin. They shall be of uniform quality, freefrom blowholes, porosity, hard spots, shrinkage distortion or otherdefects. They shall be smooth and well cleaned by shotblasting. Theyshall not be coated with asphalt paint.

Castings shall be designed for AASHTO Highway Loading Class HS-20.Material used in manufacturing of castings shall conform to ASTMdesignation A48-Class 35 Gray Iron. Tensile Test Bars made from eachheat, from which castings are poured, must be tested by a fullyaccredited laboratory. A Notarized Certificate for these Test Barsmust be provided to verify minimum Tensile Strength of 35,000 psi.

All castings shall be manufactured true to pattern; component partsshall fit together in a satisfactory manner. Round frames and coversshall have machined bearing surfaces to prevent rocking and rattlingunder traffic.Manufacturer's shop drawings must be submitted to the Engineer forapproval prior to manufacture. The Engineer shall retain the right toreject castings not conforming to this specification and/or approvedsubmittal drawings.

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Standard Manhole Watertight Manhole.

R-1772-CVH, NF-39676 R-1916-F, NF-29156a. With Type "B" Lid, Machined a. With Type "C" Lidb With SELF-SEALING Application* b. With Countersunk Hex Headc. With 2 (two) Type "F" S.S. Bolts

Concealed Pickholes c. With 2 (two) Type "F"d. With 4 (four) 1" Diameter Holes Concealed Pickholes

in the Base Flange, 90 Apart d. With 4 (four) 1" Diameteron a 32i" BHC Holes in the Base Flange,

90° Apart on a 33-3/4"BHC

*SELF-SEALING APPLICATION: Lid shall have a continuous round gasket whichis designed to press fit within a preciselymachined dovetail groove. The gasket materialshall be Polyisoprene of a composition with goodsealing qualities, abrasion resistance and lowcompression set. Gluing of gasket will beprohibited.

TERMINAL MANHOLE: Lid shall be supplied without the SELF-SEALINGApplication.

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All sewer pipe 8" diameter or more installed within fifty (50) feet ofprivate water supply wells shall be encased with a minimum six (6) inches ofconcrete all around the pipe. Amount of pipe to be encased is to be shown on theContract Drawings but may vary according to actual field conditions.

Additives may be used to accelerate set of concrete. No stone bedding isrequired under pipe encased in concrete.407. TESTS AND CONTROLS

1 . Shop Tests

Materials listed below shall be tested at the shop or plant of and bythe producer. Each manufacturer of such materials shall be equippedto conduct the tests designated herein. The Engineer shall befurnished with certified records of reports of the results of all 'tests. These reports shall include a sworn statement that the testshave been made as specified.

Materials Test Method Number of Tests

Cement ASTM C114 Chemical Analysis Onefor each 500 bbls.

Cast Iron Pipe • ASTM A377 As specified,' A377

Polyvinyl Chloride Pipe ASTM D2412 As specified, D2412

2. Field Tests

All field tests shall be done in the presence of an Observer.

In order to keep leakage and infiltration in sewers and manholeswithin reasonable limits, it is necessary that special attention isgiven to specification requirements covering workmanship, materials,and testing. Specifications for this installation include thefollowing provisions:

A. Infiltration and leakage through manhole walls and pipe jointsshall not exceed 20 gallons per 24 hours per inch diameter per1,000 feet of any type of pipe installed.Surface water leakage through manhole covers will be excludedfrom these limits.

In testing for infiltration, sufficient weir measurements shallbe made in manholes to furnish necessary information.

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B. Where the Engineer determines that groundwater is notsufficiently high at the time of testing to determine the amountof infiltration or leakage, exfiltration tests shall be conductedin which a head of water at least three feet (31) higher than thetop of the pipe line in the highest section of the work beingtested is maintained during the period of the test.

Allowable leakage per twenty-four hours per inch of diameter ofpipe per 1,000 foot of sewer tested shall not exceed 20 gallonsfor any type of pipe installed.

Water for such exfiltration tests shall be furnished by theContractor at no additional expense.

C. Length and location of sections to be tested, duration of test,and other requirements shall be determined by the Engineer.

D. Sewers shall not be tested until at least four weeks afterinstallation. (Installation includes collector sewer and lateralsewer)

E. All evident leaks shall be investigated and necessary repairsmade, and leakage minimized regardless of total leakage asby test,

F. Lines which fail to meet tests shall be repaired and re-tested asnecessary until compliance with test requirements. Defective pipeand branch connections shall be removed and replaced. Manholesshall be repaired inside and/or outside, as required. Under nocircumstances will pressure grouting be an approved method forrepairing leaks in sewer pipe. Any defective pipe must bereplaced with new material. Repairs shall be made only in thepresence of an Observer.

G. The Owner reserves the right to require TV inspection of anysection of pipe, and if found defective, the Contractor shallreplace it, at no cost to the Municipality or Engineer, even ifthe Municipality or Engineer had previously approved it.

3. Air Tests

In lieu of exfiltration tests, air tests may be used if approved bythe Engineer. This method will be used for sewers and laterals whosegradient is such that excessive pressures would develop from use ofthe water method. The air method may also be used for any test if sodirected by the Engineer or preferred by the Contractor. These testsshall be conducted in accordance with the following: the air

• compressors to be used for the tests must be equipped to controlair entry rate and prevent the pressure from exceei'Q'ig* f

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Page 28: BOROUGH OF DUBLIN STANDARD SPECIFICATIONSSection 400 - Gravity Sewers and Manholes 400. Scope of Work 15 401. Materials 15 402. Sewer Pipe 15 403. Selection of Pipe Materials 16 404.

Air is to be slowly admitted to the test section until a constantpressure of approximately 4.0 psig is reached and maintained for atleast two minutes to allow for temperature equilization. During thistime, all plugs shall be checked for tightness with a soap solution.If leaks are found, the pressure will be released and the plugstightened to stop the leakage. This procedure will be repeated untilall of the plugged openings are found to be tight.

When the air temperature has adjusted and the pressure is constant at4 psig, the air supply will be disconnected and gauge observed. Whenthe pressure reaches 3.5 psig a stop watch will be started and thenstopped when the pressure has reached 2.5 psig. Due allowance shallbe made for the various pipe sizes involved in the test section. Thepipe line will be considered to have passed the air loss testsuccessfully if the time shown on the stop watch is not less than theamounts shown in the following table for the respective pipediameters.

Time Requirements for Air Testing

Pipe Size Time(In Inches) Min. Sec.

4 2 326 3 508 5 610 6 2212 7 3914 8 5615 9 3516 10 1218 11 34

An air pressure correction is required when the prevailing groundwater is above the sewer line being tested. Under this condition, theair test pressure must be increased .433 psi for each foot the groundwater level is above the invert of the pipe.

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Leakage Tests for Manholes

All manholes shall be tested by the exfiltration or vacuum method.

A. Exfiltration Method:

(1) The manhole to be tested shall have all sewer openingsplugged and then be filled to the top of frame with water.

(2) After the concrete has absorbed enough water for astabilized condition, manhole shall be refilled and waterlevel in the manhole shall be maintained for one hourwithout more than 2" drop.

(3) If manhole excavation is full of water, it shall bedewatered and kept dry during the test.

B. Vacuum Method

(1) Each manhole shall be tested after assembly and prior tobackfilling.

(2) All lift holes shall be plugged with an approved non-shrinkgrout.

(3) All pipes entering the manhole shall be plugged, takingcare to securely brace the plug from being drawn into themanhole.

(4) The test head shall be placed at the inside of the top ofthe manhole frame and the seal inflated in accordance withthe manufacturer's recommendations.

(5) A vacuum of 8 inches of mercury shall be drawn and thevacuum pump shut off. With the valves closed, the timeshall be measured for the vacuum to drop to 7 inches. Themanhole shall pass if the time is greater than 60 secondsfor 48" diameter, 75 seconds for 60", and 90 seconds for72" diameter manholes.

(6) If the manhole fails the initial test, necessary repairsshall be made. Retesting shall proceed until a satisfactorytest is obtained.

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5. Deflection Test for PVC Sewer Pipe

In addition to other tests for sewer pipe, PVC pipe shall be testedby the Contractor for deflection. Method of testing shall be pullinga rigid "Go/No Go" device from manhole to manhole. Suggestedinstructions are:

A. Completely flush the line making sure the pipe is clean of anymud or debris that would hinder the passage of the mandrel.

B. During the final flushing of the line, attach a floating block orball to the end of the mandrel pull rope and float the ropethrough the line. (A nylon ski rope is recommended.)

C. After the rope is threaded through the line, connect the pullrope to the mandrel and place the mandrel in the entrance of thepipe.

D. Connect a retrieval rope to the back of the mandrel to pull itback if necessary.

E. Remove all the slack in the pull rope and place a tape marker onthe rope at the ends of the pipe where the mandrel will exit,determining the location of the mandrel in the line.

F. Draw mandrel through the sewer line by hand - do not usemechanical equipment to force mandrel through the line. If anyirregularities or obstructions are encountered in the line, theEngineer will establish the corrective action required.

G. If a section with excessive deflection is found, locate it; digdown and uncover the pipe; inspect the pipe, and if any damagedpipe is found, replace it; if pipe is not damaged, replace andthoroughly tamp the haunching and initial backfill; replaceremainder of backfill.

H. Retest this section for deflection.

A drawing in Section 800 illustrates typical construction detail of a"Go/No Go" gauge as detailed by Johns Manville Corporation.


Page 31: BOROUGH OF DUBLIN STANDARD SPECIFICATIONSSection 400 - Gravity Sewers and Manholes 400. Scope of Work 15 401. Materials 15 402. Sewer Pipe 15 403. Selection of Pipe Materials 16 404.

Section 500 - Backfilling and Restoration


Work under this section shall include all labor, materials, equipment andservices required by the Drawings and these Specifications and will generallyconsist of, but not be limited to, the following:

1. Backfilling2. Restoration

Contractor is responsible for compliance with all latest PennsylvaniaDepartment of Transportation (PennDOT) requirements as outlined in Form 408.


1. Earth backfill shall be approved by the Engineer and shall contain noorganic material, trasti, or rock over 6 inches in largest dimension.

2. AASHTO No. 57* stone

3. Pennsylvania Department of Transportation Select Granular Material**

4. Pennsylvania Department of Transportation Bituminous Concrete BaseCourse (BCBC).

5. Pennsylvania Department of Transportation ID-2 binder material.

6. Pennsylvania Department of Transportation ID-2 bituminous wearingcourse material.

7. Pennsylvania Department of Transportation high-early-strengthconcrete with a minimum 3 day compressive strength of 3000 psi and a28 day compressive strength of 3750 psi.


1. GeneralBackfilling includes all refilling of excavation and compaction forpipe trenches and around structures. Backfilling shall be done aspromptly as possible without damage to pipe or structures in place.Backfilling shall be done only with permission of the Engineer and inthe presence of an Observer. Backfilling shall not be accomplishedwith frozen earth.

* formerly PennDOT No. 2B** formerly PennDOT 2RC

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2. Initial Trench Backfilling

A. In backfilling all trenches after pipe has been installed, theinitial backfill material, consisting of AASHTO #57 stone,shall be placed to the spring line of the pipe and rodded inorder to fully support the pipe barrel.

B. For PVC pipe installation, backfill shall then be continuedwith AASHTO #57 stone to the top of the pipe and hand tamped.

C. PennDOT select granular material shall then be placed adistance of one (1) foot above the top of the pipe and solidlytamped with approved mechanical equipment in a manner that willobtain maximum stability and not disturb the pipe installed.

3. Final Trench Backfilling, Compaction, and Restoration

A. Laying Condition 1 - Field and Lawn Areas

(1) After initial backfill material, select earth materialshall be placed in 2 foot lifts to a height of within 6"of ground surface. Select earth material is defined asearth free of stone larger than 6" in any dimension andorganic materials. Each lift shall be carefully depositedin the trench and compacted.

Trenches and structures in fields and lawn areas beyondthe curb or shoulder of roads and streets may be machinebackfilled and compacted with the wheels of vehicles orother means approved by Engineer. Contractor is on noticethat he is required to maintain such backfill and anysubsidence shall be corrected.

(2) Final Restoration

a. Off Road - Developed Areas (Lawns)

Backfill in trenches and around structures shall bebrought to within six inches of final grade when sameare located in lawns of buildings. The final sixinches shall be filled with tppsoil and seedeo"~withPennOOT Formula B seed. Mulching shall be inaccordance with PennDOT Form 408, Section 805. Seedingseasons shall conform with those outlined in PennDOTForm 408. Topsoil shall be hand raked prior toseeding.

b. Off Road - Undeveloped AreasAR3QI W)8Undeveloped areas are defined as meadow, wooararra, and

fields used for planting crops.

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Backfill in undeveloped areas shall be brought to thelevel of the bottom of the adjoining topsoil and thenfilled to adjoining grade with topsoil.

No rocks or debris shall be left on the surface.

Seeding on all disturbed areas will be required withPennDOT Formula E seed. Seeding season will conform tothose outlined in PennDOT Form 408.

B. Laying Condition 2 - Swale Adjacent to Street

(1) After initial backfill material, select granular materialshall be placed in 12 inch lifts to within 6" of thesurface. Each lift shall be carefully deposited in thetrench and solidly tamped with approved mechanicalequipment in a manner that will not disturb the pipe, andwhich will obtain maximum stability.

(2) The remainder of the trench shall be filled with #2Astone, rolled, and sealed with bituminous material at arate of .35 to .4 gallons per square yard. Top shall thenbe coated with 20 to 25# of PennDOT Type A #8 coarseaggregate per square yard. Work to be in accordance withPennDOT Form 408. The final backfilling to be done to fora shallow swale adjacent to the road shoulder. The 2Astone and sealer to extend from edge of travel way to apoint 2 feet beyond the trench.

C. Laying Condition 3 - Driveways and Paved Parking Areas

(1) After initial backfill material, select granular materialshall be placed in 12 inch lifts to a height of 1' abovethe top of pipe. Each lift shall be carefully deposited inthe trench and solidly tamped with approved mechanicalequipment in a manner that will not disturb the pipe, andwhich will obtain maximum stability.

(2) The remainder of the trench shall be filled with selectearth material compacted in 8" lifts to the existing gradeprior to final restoration of surface.

(3) Final restoration shall be:a. Any existing bituminous surface and other unuseable

materials shall be removed and No. 2A aggregate baseshall be placed as required to form a minimum totalcompacted thickness of four inches (4").

- 3U -

Page 34: BOROUGH OF DUBLIN STANDARD SPECIFICATIONSSection 400 - Gravity Sewers and Manholes 400. Scope of Work 15 401. Materials 15 402. Sewer Pipe 15 403. Selection of Pipe Materials 16 404.

b. If the driveway is macadam, a wearing surface twoinches (2") compacted thickness of specifiedbituminous material shall be placed on the preparedbase, manipulated and rolled to form a smooth surfaceof uniform depth. In no case will feathering bepermitted. A six inch (6") wide slot minimum one inch(1") deep shall be cut out at the intersection of newand old work.

c. If the existing driveway has an earth or stonesurface, PennDOT select granular material shall beplaced to a compacted thickness of 4 inches.

d. If the driveway is of concrete, HES concrete to thethickness of existing driveway shall be placed on theprepared base. Original concrete shall be cut backwith saw blade a minimum of 6" on each side of trench'.

Restoration of the driveways shall include replacement ofthe drainage pipe, if applicable.

D. Laying Condition 4 - Borough Roads

(1) After initial backfill material, select granular material(formerly PennDOT 2RC) shall be placed in 8" lifts towithin 12" of the roadway surface. The next 10" ofmaterial shall be select granular material after whichtemporary paving shall be installed.

Temporary paving shall be placed over the trench. Beforefinal paving, a sawcut shall be made 1' past the edge oftemporary paving on each side of the trench. All existingand temporary paving between sawcuts shall be removed andreplaced by final paving.

(2) Temporary Repaying

Wherever a trench is dug within existing paving of a roador street, and prompt'ly after backfilling thereof,temporary repaving with bituminous material shall beinstalled and maintained for at least ninety (90) daysbefore a permanent surface is placed. Any sinking of thetrench and paving shall be brought to the proper grade byadditional bituminous material. The Contractor shall notplace material above the proper grade to be pounded downby traffic. Instead, he shall thoroughly compact the fillmaterial, using mechanical equipment so that the grade offill shall level with adjoining pavement., Jemoorary paving

O^Hshall consist of a minimum ten inchtwo inches (2") of bituminous material.

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Page 35: BOROUGH OF DUBLIN STANDARD SPECIFICATIONSSection 400 - Gravity Sewers and Manholes 400. Scope of Work 15 401. Materials 15 402. Sewer Pipe 15 403. Selection of Pipe Materials 16 404.

(3) Final Restoration

After the 90 day waiting period, roadway paving shall besaw cut in a neat straight line on each side of the trench,12 inches beyond the original trench excavation, ordisturbed paving, to a depth of 12i inches, and compacted.Six inches of #2RC modified shall be placed, properlygraded, and compacted. Vertical faces of existing pavementshall be uniformly coated with Class E-l, E-6, or E-8bituminous material and a 5 inch compacted thickness ofbituminous concrete base course placed and compacted, andthen a 1-1/2 inches compacted thickness of ID-2 wearingcourse shall be placed.

All joints between new and old work shall be sealed withBM-1 oil or other approved oil a minimum of twelve inchesin width.

All materials shall be furnished and placed per PennDCTForm 408.

E. Laying Condition 5 - State Roads

(1) After the initial backfill material, select granularmaterial shall be placed in 8 inch lifts to within 2" offinal grade and temporary paving installed. Each liftshall be carefully deposited in the trench and solid!,tamped with approved mechanical equipment in a mannerwill not disturb the pipe, and which will obtain maximumstability.

(2) Temporary Repaving

Wherever a trench is dug within existing paving of a roador street, and promptly after backfilling thereof,temporary repaving with bituminous material shall beinstalled and maintained for at least ninety (90) daysbefore a permanent surface is placed. Any sinking of thetrench and paving shall be brought to the proper grade byadditional bituminous material. The Contractor shall notplace material above the proper grade to be pounded downby traffic. Instead, he shall thoroughly compact the fillmaterial using mechanical equipment so that the grade offill shall level with adjoining pavement. Puddling may berequired as directed under supervision of the Engineer.Temporary paving shall consist of a minimum eight (8")stone base with two inches (2") of bituminous material.

(3) Final Restoration

After the 90 day waiting period, roadway paving shall besaw cut on each side of the trench, l&'rbeyand the .

storMsJftqWUoriginal trench excavation and restorPermit conditions.

- 32 -

Page 36: BOROUGH OF DUBLIN STANDARD SPECIFICATIONSSection 400 - Gravity Sewers and Manholes 400. Scope of Work 15 401. Materials 15 402. Sewer Pipe 15 403. Selection of Pipe Materials 16 404.

Each layer shall be compacted and all existing surfaces shallbe keyed a minimum of 12". All joints between new and oldpaving shall be sealed with BM-1 oil or other approved oilwith a minimum width of 12".

F. Laying Condition 6 - Development Roads (If wearing course is notto be installed until trenches have been allowed to settle for awinter period, otherwise trench shall be backfilled per LayingCondition 5)

(1) After initial backfill material has been placed, theremainder of the excavations may be machine filled withsuitable material in layers not exceeding 8 inches inthickness, if material is mechanically compacted. Suitablematerial shall be all inorganic soils and "shot" rockexcavated from trenches. Sufficient soil and granularmaterial must be present with excavated rock for material tobe suitable. Material shall be free from rock greater thansix (6) inches in any dimension, and free from frozen lumps,wood, and any other extraneous material.

(2) If, in the opinion of the Engineer, material available forbackfilling is of such character that satisfactory compacti'oncannot be obtained, the Contractor shall provide othersuitable material as the Engineer may direct.

4. Miscellaneous Restoration

Restoration of curbs, sidewalks, drainpipes, mailboxes, poles, fences,shrubs, etc. that have been removed or damaged shall be replaced ink:nd to the satisfaction of the property owner or in accordance withthese specifications and contract drawings at the Contractor's expense.

5. Clean-up and Repair

Upon completion of backfilling, roads or property shall be cleaned andsurplus material removed. All surplus material remaining in publicrights-of-way shall become property of the Contractor and shall bedisposed of in such a manner as he may elect, subject to approval ofthe Engineer.

Surplus material excavated from property shall belong to the propertyowner and shall be disposed of by the Contractor, as required by saidproperty owner.

If any refilled excavation settles below required level for proposedfinished surface at any location before final acceptance of work doneunder this Contract or within time limits of the maintenance period,the Contractor shall furnish and place such additional materialrequired to regrade settled areas.

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Page 37: BOROUGH OF DUBLIN STANDARD SPECIFICATIONSSection 400 - Gravity Sewers and Manholes 400. Scope of Work 15 401. Materials 15 402. Sewer Pipe 15 403. Selection of Pipe Materials 16 404.

Section 600 - Television Inspection of Pipeline


Work under this Item shall consist of furnishing all equipment, labor, andmaterial necessary for investigation of pipelines by use of Closed CircuitTelevision to determine condition of lines or any other data, such asinfiltration, etc. at locations ordered by the Engineer and in accordance withthese specifications.


1. The manhole sections shall be visually inspected 30 days prior toinstallation of the roadway wearing course and after as many homes areconnected as possible prior to that time by means of closed-circuittelevision. The inspection will be done one manhole section at a timeand the flow in the section being inspected will be suitablecontrolled as specified -(see Sewer Flow Control).

2. The color television camera used for the inspection shall be a"crawler" type as manufactured by: TV Ferret, Inc., 840 Route 45,Burnt Hills, NY 12027-0375, or an approved equal and shall be onespecifically designed and constructed for such inspection. Lightingfor the camera shall be suitable to allow a clear picture of theentire periphery of the pipe. The camera shall be operative in 100%humidity conditions. The camera, television monitor, and othercomponents of the video system shall be capable of producing a picturequality of 500 lines of resolution or greater. Picture quality shallbe satisfactory to the Engineer and, if unsatisfactory, equipmentshall be removed and replaced.

3. The camera shall be moved through the line in either direction at amoderate rate, stopping when necessary to permit proper documentationof the sewer's condition. In no case shall the television cameratravel at a speed greater than 20 feet per minute. Power winches, TVcable, and powered rewinds or other devices that do not obstruct thecamera view or interfere with proper documentation of the sewerconditions shall be used to move the camera through the sewer line.If, during the inspection operation, the television camera will notpass through the entire manhole section, the Contractor shall set uphis equipment so that the inspection can be performed from theopposite manhole.

4. The importance of accurate measurements is emphasized. Measurement forlocation of defects shall be above ground by means of a meter device.Marking on the cable, or the like, which would require interpolationfor depth of manhole, will not be allowed. Accuracy of the distancemeter shall be checked by use of a walking meter, roll-a-tape, orother suitable device, and the accuracy shall be satisfactory to theEngineer.

AR301M3- 34 -

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Documentation of the television results shall be as follows:

1. Television Inspection Logs: Printed location records shall be kept bythe Contractor and will clearly show the location in relation to anadjacent manhole of each infiltration point observed duringinspection. In addition, other points of significance such aslocations of building sewers, unusual conditions, roots, storm sewerconnections, broken pipe, presence of scale and corrosion, and otherdiscernible features will be recorded and a copy of such records wil lbe supplied to the Borough. Log sheet shall be similar to that shownon the following page.

2. Photographs: Instant developing, 35 mm, or other standard-sizephotographs of the television picture of problems shall be taken bythe Contractor upon request of the Engineer, as long as suchphotographing does not unduly interfere with the Contractor'soperations.

3. Videotape Recordings: The purpose of tape recordings shall be tosupply a visual and audio record of problem areas of the lines thatmay be replayed. ALL VIDEO TAPE RECORDINGS SHALL BE VHS FORMAT. Videotape recording playback shall be at the same speed that it wasrecorded. All video tape recordings shall have a measurement displaywhich is in sync with the above ground measurement device as specifiedin the General section, item 4. Slow motion or stop action playbackfeatures may be supplied at the option of the contractor. TheContractor shall release, upon request, any or all video tapes to theBorough's or Engineer's possession for review purposes. Video tapeshall be Sony ES/T-120, Scotch EG+/T-120, or equal. Tape to befurnished by Contractor and shall become the property of the Boroughupon completion of the taping.

Page 39: BOROUGH OF DUBLIN STANDARD SPECIFICATIONSSection 400 - Gravity Sewers and Manholes 400. Scope of Work 15 401. Materials 15 402. Sewer Pipe 15 403. Selection of Pipe Materials 16 404.


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Page 40: BOROUGH OF DUBLIN STANDARD SPECIFICATIONSSection 400 - Gravity Sewers and Manholes 400. Scope of Work 15 401. Materials 15 402. Sewer Pipe 15 403. Selection of Pipe Materials 16 404.

Section 700 - Connection to Existing System


Connection to an existing manhole shall be the final operation of sewerinstallation in development. Sewer installation may begin at any point upstreamfrom the existing manhole after invert of existing manhole and required slope ofproposed pipe is accurately determined. All sewers and manholes must pass airand/or water tests, and be approved by Engineer prior to connection to existingmanhole. The line between existing manhole and first development manhole may betested after connection is made.

Method of connection shall consist of two (2) operations:

1. Connection hole shall be a smooth opening, cored using a Vertakor1200* portable core drilling machine or equal for core openings inmanhole and pipes. Holes to be sized according to attached Kor-N-SealI data sheet.

2. Pipe shall be connected to existing manhole using a water-tightKor-N-Seal Connector* and all applicable hardware. Connections to besized using attached Kor-N-Seal I data sheet.

Shop drawings, catalog cuts, and specifications of "equal" to be submittedto Engineer prior to bidding for review and approval.

Entering pipe shall be precut to such a length that it is flush with theinside face of the existing manhole. Any irregularities in space between manholeand Kor-N-Seal Connector to be filled with non-shrink grout or equal and allowedto cure sufficiently (in the opinion of the Engineer or his representative) priorto backfilling.

Concrete shall be placed under the pipes for a minimum of three (3) feetbeyond the manhole wall, or within six (6) inches of the first pipe joint,whichever is shorter.

A channel shall then be formed in the existing manhole so that developmentflow is smoothly directed toward effluent channel of existing manhole.

Scheduling for this connection operation must be such that work, exceptbackfilling, can be completed during one (1) day.

*Contact Pipe 4 Precast Construction Products, Inc.6 Unionville Road, Box 139Douglasville, PA 19518-0139

for further details and information.

- 37 - AR30UI6

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6.20 to 7.20S.25 to 7.507.50 to 9.CO9.CO to 10.50

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SuggtstK pip* O.O. /an?* carnts from fittd «xp*n«nct, Rtier ro Stcommtnatd Plpt InsmUtaen Procacun'.

CAUTION• M swtis awaiting pip» installation at a l*ur dat» must b» nKtrained.• Assura tftar a proper oadoW material is usad In advent conditions.• Pncr ro any crrt/ca/ usag», comae? /VPC Customer Strvic* (603) 673-4680.


A/PC /we KORf'SESim Street. PC. Box 301. Miltora. N.H. 03055. U.S.A. Teiepnone: (603',

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Page 42: BOROUGH OF DUBLIN STANDARD SPECIFICATIONSSection 400 - Gravity Sewers and Manholes 400. Scope of Work 15 401. Materials 15 402. Sewer Pipe 15 403. Selection of Pipe Materials 16 404.


Method of cast-in-place base construction shall be to set bottom manholeriser section over existing pipe on concrete blocks and pour concrete base.Concrete benches are to be formed during this operation. Concrete is to extend aminimum of 8" above bottom of last section on inside and outside of section wallat periphery. A waterstop shall be provided on pipes through the base section bytightly wrapping a length of solid rubber "rope", minimum I inch diameter, atleast twice around the pipe (in parallel) and securely tying off prior to placingconcrete. Waterstop shall be approximately centered in wall of base. At pipeentrance and exit outside of manhole, additional concrete in the shape of a"doghouse" is to be placed around the pipe at a minimum thickness of 8". Allowconcrete to cure for 24 hours before installing remaining sections. After testingand approval by the Engineer, remove top half of pipe to form manhole channel.

Concrete shall be placed under the pipes for a minimum of 3 feet beyond themanhole wall, or within 6 inches of the first pipe joint.

- 39 - AR3QIM8

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Section 800 - Construction Details

The Construction Details that follow are provided for reference for submission ofApproval Drawings.

The drawings attached hereto represent pictorial documentation of certainsections of the specifications, and are part of the specifications. In the even-:of any discrepancies between the written words of the specifications and thesepictorial documentations, the written words embodied in the specifications are tobe used.

Drawings included as part of these specifications are:

Deep Cut LateralTrench RestorationSewer Line Stakeout MethodTypical Lateral ConnectionTypical Drop ConnectionManhole and Cover DetailsConstruction Zone Flagging and SignsConcrete Encasement of PipeGo/No Go Mandrel

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Page 55: BOROUGH OF DUBLIN STANDARD SPECIFICATIONSSection 400 - Gravity Sewers and Manholes 400. Scope of Work 15 401. Materials 15 402. Sewer Pipe 15 403. Selection of Pipe Materials 16 404.

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Page 58: BOROUGH OF DUBLIN STANDARD SPECIFICATIONSSection 400 - Gravity Sewers and Manholes 400. Scope of Work 15 401. Materials 15 402. Sewer Pipe 15 403. Selection of Pipe Materials 16 404.

Section 900Pressure Sewers


The work under this section shall include all labor, materials,equipment, and services as required for the installation of pressuresewers and pressure sewer laterals, and shall generally consist of,but not necessarily be limited to, installation of pipe, testingof the pipe, and installation of clean out and valve chambers.


PVC force main shall meet the requirements of ASTM D 2241, latestedition, entitled "Standard Specification for Polyvinyl Chlorine".Pipe shall be SDR-21 pressure class rating of 200 psi or Schedule 40PVC pipe. Pipe 1J" in diameter and larger shall have rubbergasketted joints. Pipe less than lj" in diameter shall have solventwelded joints. All joint assembly to be per manufacturer's require-ments. All pipe shall be assembled in 20' lengths. Pipe shall beas manufactured by CertainTeed, Valley Forge, PA, or equal.


1. Excavation, backfill, and restoration shall be in accordancewitn applicable sections of this specification document.

2. Allowable longitudinal bending shall be in accordance withthe following table:

AMwsoM UwxjlttMtnit ItnfllnqPer Fnuun MMM Pipe

In 20 foot k«nqt>t«

tu» tit i it z r» 3 4 « i 10 11

•muyFt_____14.3 U.I 31.» 31 i 4Tt i«.3 KB 110.0 144Q I7t.e 213.0AOtfMt*n»»K3«tnn «0.0 «4Q M.O M.O 340 ».a 'l.i 10.4 tO «.4 14

A. om«ine*n«« " ____i«__ta_2_*•._.*?_5. " a '* '» "

ui. "___ i___i i 3 5 10 a 10 i4Q ao 430

- 55 -

Page 59: BOROUGH OF DUBLIN STANDARD SPECIFICATIONSSection 400 - Gravity Sewers and Manholes 400. Scope of Work 15 401. Materials 15 402. Sewer Pipe 15 403. Selection of Pipe Materials 16 404.

3. Thrust Blocking

Thrust blocking prevents the line from moving when the pressureload is applied. In effect, the thrust block transfers the loadfrom the pipe to a wider load bearing surface. Thrust blocks arerequired where fittings are used to change the direction (i.e.,at all tees, elbows, wyes, caps, valves, and reducers) of the pipeline. The thrust blocking must be formed against a solid trenchwall and these fitting areas must be excavated by hand because me-chanical equipment will damage the bearing surface of the trenchwall.

The size and type of thrust block depends on pipe size, line pres-sure, type of fitting, degree of bend, and type of soil. Thrustblock size may be calculated by the following procedures:

A. Step 1. Multiply the pressure level desired for testing by theappropriate value shown in the following table:

Dead End 90° 45° 22 3°or Tee Elbow Elbow Elbow

2.9-1 4.16 2.25 1.154.55 6.45 3.50 1.786.55 9.40 5.10 2.509.80 13.9 7.51 3.32

Based on pounds per psi working pressure.

B. Step 2. Determine the bearing strength of the soil from thetable below:

Bearing Strength of Soils

Soils and Safe Bearing Loads Lbs. Sq. Ft.

Sound Shale 10,000

Coarse & Fine Compact Sand or 3,000Gravel

Medium Clay - Can be spaded 2,000

Soft Clay 1,000

Muck 0

C. Step 3: Divide the total thrust obtained in Step 1 by the bearingstrength of the soil; this gives the square feet of area needed.

4. Construction of Blocks

Thrust blocks are anchors placed between pipe or fittings and the,- solid trench wall. 4830 I MS

The recommended blocking is concrete which is calculated to havea compression strength of 2,000 pounds per square inch. The mixtureis one part cement, two parts washed sand, and five parts gravel.

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Thrust blocks must be constructed so the bearing surface is in di-rect line with the major force created by the pipe or fitting. Seediagram. The earth bearing surface should be undisturbed. Only thesimplest of forms is required. *


After the pipe has been laid and partially backfilled between joints,each section of pipe between p.lugged terminal ends shall receive the followinghydrostatic test:

The pipe snail be slowly filled with water and tested to 75 psi basedon the elevation of the lowest point of the line or section under test. Thepressure shall be applied by means of a pump connected to the pipe in a mannersatisfactory to the Engineer. A meter to measure make-up water shall be in-stalled. The pump, pipe connections, taps into the pipe, all apparatus andnecessary labor shall be furnished by the Contractor.

Before applying the specified test pressure, all air shall be expelledfrom the pipe.

All exposed pipes, fittings, valves, and joints shallmined during the open- trench test. Any cracked or defective pipes, fittings,or valves discovered in consequence of this pressure test shall be removedand replaced by the Contractor with sound material and 1 . . . . ,peated until satisfactory to the Borough.

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Should the Contractor elect to backfill the entire trench, or any portionthereof, prior to testing, it shall be his responsibility to locate and repairany leaks which occur during this test.

While the test pressure is being maintained, all exposed .pipes, fittings,valves, and joints shall be inspected for leaks which shall not exceed the ratioof two (2) gallons per hour per inch for a period of not less than one (1) hourif joints are exposed and four (4) hours when joints are covered.


(a) Final connection to the gravity sewer system shall be at manholes,whenever possible. Where pressure sewer pipe pierces the manhole wall,a Link-Seal, as manufactured by Thunderline Corporation (8707Samuel-Barton Drive, Bel.leville, Michigan 48111, Tele. 313-297-5000)(Local Supplier: R.J. Schmidt Company, Mark Building, Suite 2,Phoenixville Pike, Malvern, PA 19355, Tele. 215-647-7935) shall beused to seal pipe in manhole wall. Discharge pipe shall be piped to andflow directed into discharge channel.

(b) When final connection to the gravity sewer system cannot be madedirectly into manholes, it shall be made through a gravity sewerlateral. In this method, a gravity (non-pressure) lateral shall beinstalled from the main line sewer to the right-of-way as outlined inSection 400 of these specifications. At the right-of-way line, aSchedule 40 reducer bushing shall be solvent welded into the end of the4 inch SDR gravity lateral and the SDR 21 or Schedule 40 PVC force mainfrom the individual property connected directly to this bushing.

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Section 1000

Grinder Pump Stations


Simplex units, containing one grinder pump and all necessary parts andequipment, shall be installed in fiberglass reinforced polyester tanks foroutside installation. All equipment shall be factory installed, except forexternally mounted control panel and gravity sewer inlet hubs and pumps which maybe installed in the field.

Each pre-assembled simplex station shall include the basin, basin cover,grinder pump and motor, quick disconnect rail system, check valve, junction box,start-stop level controls, motor high temperature shutoff, motor seal leak alarm,high water alarm, all internal wiring terminating into the junction box, shutoffvalve, and Schedule 80 PVC discharge piping and fittings. In addition, anexternal alarm and pump control panel is to be provided for each unit.

The grinder pumping unit shall be complete in all respects as stated above.Stations requiring additional field labor to install items such as valves, etc.,are unacceptable. Grinder pump stations shall be complete and ready forinstallation when shipped from the manufacturer's facility, except for pumpswhich may be shipped separately so that all that is required is to drop pump downthe rail system and connect wire to the junction box.

Grinder pump stations will remain the property of the property owner.


1. Basin shall be 24 inch diameter and 7* feet deep. The basin shall bemolded of fiberglass reinforced polyester resin manufactured by thelay-up and spray technique or filament wound method to assure that theinterior surface is smooth and resin rich.

The basin shall have a nominal wall thickness of 1/4 inch. A one-piecesteel anti-flotation plate shall be molded into the bottom of thebasin. The anti-flotation plate shall have holes for securing toanti-flotation base.

*Minimum depth - Additional depth may be required based upon individualrequirements.

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2. Basin Cover* shall be fiberglass construction capable of supporting150# per square foot. The cover shall be bolted to the basin withstainless steel cap screws. Cadmium plated nuts for the screws shall beembedded in the fiberglass to prevent turning and for corrosionresistance.

*Manufacturer shall provide a rubberized gasket for cover.

3. A PVC true union type shutoff valve with Teflon seats shall befurnished and installed in the discharge piping. One handle extensionshall be supplied.

4. Schedule 80 PVC discharge piping shall connect to the stationarydischarge base lift assembly and terminate at a NPT discharge flangemounted on the basin at the height 3-1/2 feet from the top of basin.

5. A lift-out guide rail assembly shall permit easy removal andinstallation of the pump and lower check valve without the necessity ofpersonnel entering the basin. Guide brackets with guide yokes ofsufficient bearing strength to prevent binding shall bolt to the pump.

A galvanized steel lifting chain shall be securely fastened to the topof the pump and to the top of the basin to facilitate removal of thepump. The chain shall be of adequate strength, required to effectivelysupport the weight of the pump assembly while removing and installing.

6. A heavy duty spring loaded all rubber flapper type check valve withcast iron body or ball check valve shall lift out with the pumpassembly. The valve shall be designed to operate at all pressures inthe sewer system created by the grinder pumps.

7. A basin inlet flange for 4" SCH 40 plastic pipe shall be included, butnot mounted on the basin. The flange to be mounted in the field byothers. The flange shall be furnished with a gasket to seal between thebasin and flange and also include mounting bolts.

A rubber transition type gasket shall be supplied to seal 4" SCH 40 PVCpipe into the basin hub.


1. Operating Conditions: Each grinder pump shall be of the centrifugaldesign and be capable of delivering a minimum of 25 GPM at 75 feethead. The shutoff head shall be no less than 90 feet.

2. Pump shall have an integrally built-in grinder unit and submersibletype motor. The pump shall be lowered into the basin by guide rails andquick disconnect lift out mounting assembly. The grinder unit shall becapable of cutting solid material found in normal domestic sewage,including reasonable amounts of foreign objects, sucjb rJS-jWoxL plastic,glass, rubber, sanitary napkins, disposable diapers,H*w5|Urit5fcwoleinto a fine slurry that will pass freely through the pump, serviceline, and force main. , _ » )t u i

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3. Pump motor shall be of the submersible type. Motor shall be singlephase, 230 volt, 60 Hertz. Single phase motors shall be of thecapacitor start-capacitor run type for high starting torque. The motorshall be capable of operating over full range of performance curvewithout overloading motor and causing any objectionable noise orvibration.

4. Motor power cords shall be #14-4 type SOW/SOW-A, while the motorcontrol cord shall be #18-5 type SO. Sufficient cord length shall beused so that the pump may be removed without disconnecting power andcontrol wires from junction box. Cord lengths shall be such that nosplices will be required between the pump and junction box at top ofbasin.

In order to prevent possible wicking of moisture into the motor as aresult of damaged cables, all leads from the power and control cordsare to be potted into the motor end cap. Power and control leads are tobe non-wicking wire inside the motor end cap and connected to the pumpcables by a compression type connector. The pump lead and control wiresshall also be held captive into the motor housing by a grommet andflange type compression fitting. The pump and control cords shall beable to withstand a minimum of 200 Ib. pull without sacrificing theseal into the motor.

5. Seal Chamber. The motor shall be protected by rotary shaft seals. Anelectrical sensing probe shall be mounted in the seal chamber to detectany water leakage past the lower seal.

6. Pump impeller shall be of the type to provide an open unobstructedpassage through the volute for the ground solids.

7. Painting of Pump and Motor Castings. All iron casting of high tensilecast iron shall be properly cleaned, pre-treated with chromic rinse,and painted with a high quality enamel paint. All metallic pumpcomponents that are not cast iron or stainless steel shall begalvanized or painted with baked-on epoxy. All fasteners shall be #302stainless steel.


1. Control Panel

A Nema 3R control panel shall be furnished with each pumping unit. Thispanel shall include a two-pole, 20 amp, main disconnect breaker, sealfailure alarm light, pump hand-off auto switch, pump run light, fusedrelay, motor manual reset overload, terminal block, contactor, switchholding relay, ground bar and all necessary wiring and brackets.

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The control panel shall be housed in a fully gasketed Nema 3R enclosurewith a hinged door. The enclosure shall be a minimum of 16 gauge for12 x 12 x 6 or smaller, and 14 gauge for up to 20 x 20 x 6 enclosures.The enclosure shall be gray enamel paint over treated steel orengineering thermoplastic steel gray in color and shall have exteriormounting feet on the top and bottom of the enclosure. Each enclosureshall have combination closing latch and locking hasp.

The back panel shall be painted 14 gauge steel held in place by four(4) screws which will mate to four (4) threaded standoffs which arewelded to the back of the enclosure.

The control enclosure shall be fitted with a red lexan (polycarbonate)alarm light. The light shall be approximately 3" high by 3£" diameter.The globe shall be mounted on top of the enclosure with a neoprenegasket. The lens cannot be removed from the exterior of the enclosure.The lens may be removed by entering the interior of the enclosure andremoving four (4) #8 screws. The bulb shall be 40 watt minimum highintensity-medium base type. The bulb shall be easily replaced byremoving a thumb screw from the support bracket on the interior of thepanel.

The alarm shall have bright glow and flash during high waterconditions. The alarm light w i l l go out when the water level drops.

All internal wiring shall be neat and color coded (each wire adifferent color or strip, except for ground) and all incoming wireshall terminate into a box clamp type terminal block, except incomingpower.

A schematic diagram (showing wire color where practical) shall bepermanently fastened to the inside of the enclosure.

2. Level Control and Alarm Switches

Pump on and off levels shall be controlled by two (2) sealed mercurytube float type switches.

A third high water alarm float switch shall be the same as the levelcontrol switch.

The level controls shall be supported in the sump by a bracket and cordsnubber which will give positive support to the controls and allowflexibility in the set levels.

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3. Junction Box

The junction box shall be constructed of fiberglass or thermoplasticfor corrosion resistance, stability, and mechanical strength. Theenclosure shall be of adequate thickness and properly reinforced toprovide good mechanical strength. The junction box shall have a fullygasketed cover that is held in place by stainless steel screws thatcannot be removed from the cover. The cover shall be fastened to themain body of the junction box by means of a totally corrosion resistantteater, to prevent dropping the cover into the basin during service.

A method for sealing the incoming wires shall be supplied so thatcondensation from the conduit or ground water will not enter theenclosure. The sealing method shall be offered as a kit containing allnecessary mixing, measuring, stirring, and potting material requiredfor an effective in-field seal.

The wires running between the control panel and the junction box shallbe color coded.

The junction box shall be designed to Nema 6 standards for occasionalsubmergence if mounted within the wet well, or Nema 4x, if mountedexternally.


Property Owner shall apply to Borough for a permit and shall provide aconstruction plan showing the location of property, tax parcel number, pumpcapacity curve together with total dynamic head curve superimposed thereon,connection details, plan and profile view of force main, grinder pump station,house and pertinent topographic features, and location of controller. Drawingshall be presented on a 24" x 36" sheet, to the Borough for review and approvalat least 45 days prior to start of construction.


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Residential Grinder Pump Rail System Package


This drawing ispresented as apictorial exampleof featuresrequired in anindividual grinderpump station.

Conuoi Panet anaVisual Hign Wait' Alarm

Type Shui OHVaive ano Hanaie

PVCOiscnarge Pice

Hign Water AlarmMercuryLtvtl Control

ON and OFFMercuryUvel Controls

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Engineers, Designers, Surveyors COWAN ASSOCIATES. INC.

Richard S. Cowan. PE, Ret.

James R. Leister. PE PLSWilliam D. Kee, PE

Johann F. Szautner, PE PLSJune 6, 1990

Mr. Mark Vasoli, Manager John P. Diefenderfer, Esq.Borough of Dublin Stuckert and YatesP.O. Box 52 P.O. Box 70Dublin, PA 18917-0052 Newtown, PA 18940

Subject: Instructions for Building Connectionsto the Sanitary Sewer System

CAI 04500


I discussed with Bob Rufe the drawings provided previously as part of thereferenced specifications. He reports that there is an existing Borough ordinancethat requires the vent to be at the street right-of-way line and that it be arunning trap with a capped cleanout. We have revised the cleanout figure providedto reflect this, and have voided the figure that shows the vent at the house.Copies of these drawings are attached for your information. Please remove theincorrect drawings from your specifications and insert the corrected figure,which is entitled "Typ. Building Connection, Borough of Dublin" in the lefthandcorner.

We also revised the drawing entitled "4" Vented Trap and Test Tee Made From Sen.40 PVC Fittings' to show the cleanout extended to grade, and have included a copyof that drawing also.

Very truly yours,


Mam D. Kee, P.E.


CC w/enc: Mr. Robert Rufe, Dublin Borough

AR3QIM6120 Penn-Am Drive • P.O. Box 949 • Quakertown, PA 18951 • <2!<* "* —'

FAX (215) 536-1582Registered in: Delaware. Massachusetts. Maryland, Montana, New Jersey, New York, North Ca .... Jarolina. Virginia

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