Borough Diary - Autumn 2011

ABC PEST CONTROL WE ARE YOUR LOCAL PEST CONTROL COMPANY ESTABLISHED IN 1987. ALL OUR WORK IS GUARANTEED AND WE OFFER SAME DAY SERVICE, OAP DISCOUNTS, UNMARKED VEHICLES AS WELL AS CATERING FOR ALL DOMESTIC AND COMMERCIAL PEST CONTROL. ALL OUR TECHNICIANS ARE BPCA TRAINED AND CARRY ID CARDS. ALL PESTS COVERED FROM BIRDS TO INSECTS AND RODENTS. Call us on 01268 569001 / 0800 5118129 September 2011 WEEKLY RECYCLING IN THE BAG! Council prepares to clear Dale Farm Basildon Council is set to begin clearing Dale Farm, Europe’s largest illegal traveller settlement situated at Crays Hill. Travellers occupying 51 unauthorised pitches on the site have been served with a 28 day notice by the local authority. That notice expires at midnight on the 31st August and action will begin soon after that date to start clearing the site. The site has been developed without consent on Green Belt land and has been the focus of legal wrangling for almost a decade. The council action will now see all portable and fixed structures including hardcore and fixed standings removed. At the same time the council has offered to work with the affected families to help them relocate and ensure they do not become homeless. Speaking about the operation the Leader of Basildon Council, Cllr Tony Ball said: “I regret that we have come to a position where the only option left open to us is to take this direct action. After almost 10 years when we have exhausted every other avenue open to us we really have no choice. “Dale Farm has been illegally developed on green belt land. By doing this and failing to comply with various enforcement notices the travellers have broken the law. “We need to be very clear that by taking this direct action we are not discriminating against travellers– we are in fact treating them the same as we would any other citizen of the land. As the local authority we have a duty to see that the law is upheld.” continued on page 4 RECYCLING rates are set to rocket across the borough, as pink sack collections become weekly. Basildon Council has responded to requests from residents by increas- ing the pink sack recycling service to be on the same day as the green bin and black sack collection. FULL STORY: PAGE 2


Basildon Council Borough Diary - Autumn 2011

Transcript of Borough Diary - Autumn 2011

Page 1: Borough Diary - Autumn 2011






Call us on 01268 569001 / 0800 2011


Council prepares to clear Dale Farm

Basildon Council is set to begin clearing Dale Farm, Europe’s largest illegal traveller settlement situated at Crays Hill.

Travellers occupying 51 unauthorised pitches on the site have been served with a 28 day notice by the local authority. That notice expires at midnight on the 31st August and action will begin soon after that date to start clearing the site.

The site has been developed without consent on Green Belt land and has been the focus of legal wrangling for almost a decade. The council action will now see all portable and fixed structures including hardcore and fixed standings removed. At the same time the council has offered to work with the affected families to help them relocate and ensure they do not become homeless.

Speaking about the operation the Leader

of Basildon Council, Cllr Tony Ball said:“I regret that we have come to a position

where the only option left open to us is to take this direct action. After almost 10 years when we have exhausted every other avenue open to us we really have no choice.

“Dale Farm has been illegally developed on green belt land. By doing this and failing to comply with various enforcement notices the travellers have broken the law.

“We need to be very clear that by taking this direct action we are not discriminating against travellers– we are in fact treating them the same as we would any other citizen of the land. As the local authority we have a duty to see that the law is upheld.”

continued on page 4

RECYCLING rates are set to rocket across the borough, as pink sack collections become weekly.

Basildon Council has responded to requests from residents by increas-ing the pink sack recycling service to be on the same day as the green bin and black sack collection.


Page 2: Borough Diary - Autumn 2011


Garden Diarywith BBC Essex presenter:

Ken Crowther

Mayor’s Message from Cllr Mo Larkin Mayor of Basildon Borough Council

I hope that you have enjoyed a good and healthy summer.It has been a busy time for the Council and there have been many

important engagements and events to attend.One of the most exciting things about being a borough, is the

opportunity to bestow Freedom of the Borough to deserving recipients and The Royal Anglian Regiment was the first.

I was delighted to present a framed scroll to General Sir John McColl KCB CBE DSO, Colonel of The Royal Anglian Regiment. It is hoped they will be able to exercise their right to march through the Borough at a later date, when commitments allow.

Many of these brave men and women have local connections with the borough, so nothing brings me greater pleasure than to thank them in this way.

Keeping with the military theme, I was privileged to raise a specially designed flag at the Basildon Centre to recognise Armed Forces Week.

Members of the Royal British Legion, local councillors, council staff and representatives from the Scouts were all present.

The photo on the right is from the official Royal opening of the Sporting Village in May, when HRH the Duke of Gloucester unveiled a plaque to mark the special occasion.

I was also delighted to recently attend the Basildon Business Awards, recognising the hard work of those who contribute so much to our local economy. It is also a night that showcases what a wonderful venue the Towngate Theatre is.

Other events attended include Together Against Crime, the opening of Swan Mead play area, the re-launch of the Skate park at Lake Meadows in Billericay, and the Basildon and Pitsea Carnival.

I wish you all the best for the autumn months.

It has been a great year for berries, one can see that out in the countryside as the blackberries ripen up.

If you’re growing them see they are kept watered if, and I say if, it goes dry to help the fruit swell.

Pick as they just turn to black, but always taste to see they are sweet enough.

Any excess you haven’t eaten can be frozen on trays and kept for later in the year when you can make great Blackberry and Apple pies.

Just imagine those with custard on! It makes your mouth water doesn’t it?

The great spring weather encouraged a massive set of fruits such as plums, so we can all expect bumper crops this summer.

The June drop will have done much to thin out the heavy set of fruit, although you may need to support the branches if there are lots of fruit still on the tree.

The branches of plum trees are particularly brittle, but can be tied to an upright stem to help bear the weight.

When I was talking to a fruit farmer the other week he said they still go round hand thinning the fruit even today so the branches don’t snap.

We should but we don`t like to lose the fruit do we!?

Council regains golf course control

The Council has regained control of Basildon Golf Course, after Basildon Golf Centre Ltd (BGC)conceded the case against them, putting the Council back in charge. The Council will now be pursuing BGC for outstanding debts and costs as a result of legal action. Cllr Tony Ball, Leader of the Council said: “This is a big step towards undo-ing the damage done and I hope local people recognise this positive outcome.” Cllr Kevin Blake, cabinet member for leisure and arts, said: “This marks the dawn of a new age for the golf course. “I am looking for-ward to making sure Basildon Golf Course is once again avail-able to members of the golf club and the local community.”

Basildon residents can now recycle more items, more often thanks to new collections launched on 1 August.

To coincide with the new weekly collections, the Council has extended the service to include long-life cartons, jar lids, metal bottle tops and aluminium foil.

Pink sacks, for cardboard, paper, plastic and cans are currently collected fortnightly.

As part of the plans to encourage more recycling, free black refuse sacks will no longer be distributed around the borough, with the money saved

being used to fund extra recycling collections. Residual waste will still be collected every week in suitable bags – so long as they are not pink, to avoid mixing with recycled materials.

Councillor Malcolm Buckley, cabinet member for environment, said:

“We are committed to helping residents recycle as much as possible – which is why we are making the pink sack collections weekly. We understand that many residents don’t have room to store pink sacks for a fortnight, which is why we are making collections as

easy as possible.“We want to keep

improving the services received by our residents - if Basildon is to become one of the greenest Boroughs in the country, we will need every resident to do their bit.”

It is estimated that the extra material recycled will allow the Council to pass its recycling target of 50% by 2012.


For more information on weekly recycling collections, please visit:

Extended service will help boost recycling rates

Cllr Mo Larkin at the Sporting Village Royal opening

Page 3: Borough Diary - Autumn 2011


2011 Election results TOWN CENTRE

GREEN LIGHTPlans to improve the links between Gloucester Park and Basildon town centre have been given the go-ahead - signalling the start of the major regeneration set to transform the area.

Land at the former Gloucester Park pool site will now be redeveloped to create a new boulevard link to the park, improvements made to the public space and a new park lake created.

The first phase of the ‘Westside North’ scheme will also see 144 new family homes created in a crescent setting fronting the park,.

The scheme will be carried out by the Council’s town centre development partner, Barratt/Wilson Bowden (BWB) and will bring the park into the heart of the town centre and will also help to fund major improvements to the southern part of Gloucester Park. The

work is also expected to encourage greater use of the park and will help to fund future projects such as a new shopping centre in the town.

Better pathways, lighting and drainage will also be provided in phase one, with the reprovision of the bowling green, the creation of two new play areas and the possibility for a hotel, apartments and cafes/restaurants coming in the second phase.

A piazza and a wide ‘boulevard’ from the town centre to the park will also be built, creating new open space and providing improved pedestrian access to the park across Broadmayne.

Concillor Stephen Horgan, deputy leader of the Council, says: “This scheme will greatly enhance the park, enable further investment into this area and add some life to this end of the park. The green link boulevard will remove

the barriers between the town centre and the park and encourage greater use of this fantastic asset.

“The Council and BWB are also committed to ensuring that existing facilities affected by the plans are re-provided.

“These plans should not be viewed in isolation, but as part of the long term vision for the town that includes creating a new town centre community that will help to support an exciting new vibrancy and evening economy now and for future generations.”

Plans for the overall major redevelopment of the town centre are currently under consultation, with a full master plan due to be presented to the Council at the end of the year.

Visit for more information.


A visualisation of how the former Gloucester Park swimming pool site will be transformed by new homes, a new park lake, and a wide boulevard linking the park and town centre.

“This is part of the long term vision for the town”Cllr Stephen Horgan

Benefit savings

BASILDON Coun-cil’s benefits team are saving thousands of pounds of taxpayers money by checking random samples of housing benefit and council tax assessments every day. This is to make sure benefit entitlement has been worked out cor-rectly and to prevent costly overpayments. From April to June, the team were just over 98% accurate. Resources cabinet chief Cllr Phil Turner, said: “We owe it to those in genuine need who claim benefit to make sure they are get-ting the right money to avoid an overpayment debt. “On top of that I am sure taxpayers would like to know their money is spent wisely and not wasted.” Every day the system the team use randomly selects assessments for checking accuracy. Senior Officers inves-tigate any errors and correct the claim and staff are given addi-tional training. The money saved in reducing errors in calculations helps avoid overpayments and can save up to several hun-dreds of pounds, partic-ularly if a claimant may have been entitled to a backdated claim.

Parking permits

Visitor parking permits are once again available from the Basil-don Centre’s cashier desk The supply of parking permits to residents within controlled resident parking zones was transferred to the South Essex Parking Partnership on 1st April, making it difficult for local people to buy visitor permits at short notice, as they had to travel to Chelmsford. But a new agreement has been reached meaning that they can now be purchased at the Basildon Centre.

Page 4: Borough Diary - Autumn 2011


1. Make sure there is a Basildon Council Licence Plate on the rear of the vehicle. Similar signs will be on the side doors.

2. Every licensed driver carries an I.D. badge.Ask to see it if you are in any doubt.

3. Don’t be overcharged. Taxis have to keep to maximum fares, private hirefares are to be agreed with driver or operator.

4. Don’t ask the driver to carry more passengers than is allowed.The number permitted is shown on the Licence Plate.

5. Taxis can be hailed down in the street or found at an official rank.Private Hire vehicles must be booked in advance.

Tips for Safe Travelling by Taxi in Basildon Borough5

For more information, call 01268 294280or email [email protected]

Cllr Andrew Baggott with two prize-winners following the recent consultation.



BASILDON Council is thanking residents after recycling figures increased by a massive 9% in one year – making the recycling rate 47%.

More than 35,000 tonnes of pink sacks, glass bottles and garden and food waste were collected in the past year, meaning the recycling rate increased from last year’s 38%.

Councillor Malcolm Buckley, cabinet member for environment, said:

“I would like to thank the residents of the borough for what are a really impressive set of recycling figures.

“We really appreciate the effort householders are making in recycling as much as possible.”

For more information on how to get the most from your recycling collections, please visit

The Council is offering advice to worried residents about asbestos in their homes.

These materials are often in the form of asbestos cement which normally has a low asbestos content and was frequently used in the past for cold water storage tanks, soffit boards and corrugated garage roofs.

Rachel Glover, Basildon Council’s Environmental Health Manager says:

“If the material is in good, sound condition, it can be left where it is, but ensure that you avoid drilling, making holes or damaging the surface. It might be worthwhile painting certain items to help prevent wear and seal the surface of the asbestos. This can be done with

a PVA adhesive, or prime with an alkali-resistant primer and then finish with emulsion or gloss paint. But you must not scrape or sand the asbestos material before painting.”

If it does become necessary to remove or work on these materials, then residents must inform the builder who is going to carry out the work that asbestos is present.

If you decide to remove the material yourself, there is additional advice on how to do this at or Any asbestos waste must be disposed of appropriately – you can contact the County Council on 0845 603 7625 for disposal advice.

Council offers its asBESTos advice

TONNES OF BOROUGH WASTE COLLECTEDMORE than 8,000 tonnes of food and garden waste have been collected since Basildon Council launched the weekly collection scheme in October 2010.

The figure of 8,485 tonnes compares with 3380 tonnes collected during the same period last year, showing a year-on-year increase of 5103 tonnes.

C o u n c i l l o r Malcolm Buckley, cabinet member for environment, said:

“These figures illustrate how much of a success the food waste scheme has been and how easy it is to recycle your food and garden waste every week.”

For more information, visit

Continued from front page;

“That is also what I believe the overwhelming majority of the local people who we serve expect us to do.

“I know there has been much talk about the residents of Dale Farm and others resisting the council’s efforts to

clear the site. I really do not think such action will be in the interest of anyone currently living on Dale Farm. I therefore appeal to everyone involved to comply peacefully and lawfully with the terms of the 28 Day notice.”

For more information, please visit

Page 5: Borough Diary - Autumn 2011



Billericay East - Tony Archer 01277 657814, David Dadds 01277 829808, Stuart Sullivan 01268 560477. Surgery as Bur-stead below.Billericay West - Anthony Hedley 01277 626198, Stephen Horgan 01268 449527, Phil Turner 01277 633918. Surgery as Burstead below.Burstead - Kevin Blake 01268 470597, Paul Arnold 07581 285525, Richard Moore 01277 627266. Surgeries on last Saturday of month(except December), 10.30am to Midday, Billericay Library, 143 High Street.Crouch - Stuart Allen 01268 284225, Terri Sargent 01268 288766. Surgeries on first Saturday of month, 9.30am to 10.30am, Noak Bridge Vil-lage Hall, Coppice Lane, Noak Bridge and third Saturday, 9am to 10am, Steeple View Memo-rial Hall, Willowfields.Fryerns - Alan Davies 01268 525406, Bill Archibald 01268 280593 & 07732 710088. D Kirkman - 01268 458692Laindon Park - John Dornan 01268 282175, Jilly Hyde 01268 414126, Frank Tomlin 01277 625692. Langdon Hills - Sandra and Stephen Hillier 01268 490201.Lee Chapel North - Lynda Gor-don 079673 33536, Nigel Smith - 01268 545483, Alan Bennett 01277 626236.Nethermayne - Geoff Williams 01268 415348, Linda Williams 01268 415348. Surger-ies on first Saturday of month at Vange Scout Hut, second Saturday at Kingswood Play Leadership building, third Saturday at Haven Close AP Scheme, fourth Saturday Lee Chapel South Comm. Centre, all 10am to 11am. Andrew Gordon - 07986 530288Pitsea North West - Andrew Baggott 01277 634375, Ron Livesey 01268 470028. Roving surgery within the ward on the first Saturday of the month. De-tails on Cllr Baggott’s website.Keith Bobbin 01268 556158. Pitsea South East - David Abra-hall 01268 440082, Ann Blake 01268 470597. Surgeries on second Monday of the month (except Bank Holidays), 6.30pm to 7.30pm, outside Pitsea Leisure Centre, Northlands Pavement, Pitsea. Mo Larkin 01268 413936.St Martin’s -Phil Rackley 01268 410700, Pat Rackley 01268 410700Surgeries on first Monday and third Tuesday of month, 2pm to 3pm at Basildon Community Resource Centre, 1 The Gore, Basildon.Vange - D Munyambu - 01268 459245. Luke Mackenzie 07919 517376.Wickford Castledon - Malcolm and Sylvia Buckley 01268 472586.Wickford North - Tony Ball 01268 454564, Carole Morris 01268 457488, Michael Mowe 01268 463564.Wickford Park - Don Morris 01268 457488. First Saturday of month from 9.30am to 11.30am at Noak Bridge, Village Hall, Coppice Lane, Noak Bridge and third Saturday of month, 10-12 noon at Wickford Library. Christopher Jackman 01268 571843.


A new dispersal order in Basildon town centre has come into force, giving police more powers to tackle anti-social behaviour.

The order covers the whole of the town centre and gives police officers additional powers to disperse groups of two or more people causing anti-social behaviour. Once dispersed, the individuals will not be able to return to the dispersal area for a 24 hour period and anyone who fails to comply can be arrested.

Basildon Community Safety Partnership (CSP), which is made up of over 20 organisations including Basildon Council and Essex Police, have agreed to fund additional police patrols in the town centre over a three month period to ensure maximum impact.

It has been introduced as a temporary measure, until a possible Designated Public Place Order (DPPO) comes into effect, with a consultation on the issue now underway and a decision set to be made by the licensing committee at the end of August.

If brought in, it will provide the police with permanent powers to

control the consumption of alcohol in the town centre.

Anyone found drinking alcohol in the DPPO area could be asked to stop, or have the alcohol confiscated. Failure to comply with the request could result in arrest and a maximum fine of £500.

Councillor Frank Tomlin, cabinet member with responsibility for community safety, said: “This is an excellent example of partnership working. We are committed to ensuring that the Basildon town centre can be enjoyed by residents and visitors without the blight of anti-social behaviour.

“This new dispersal order will be a short-term intervention to address the problem prior to the introduction of a DPPO.”

Chief Inspector Rachel Nolan said: “I am pleased that the new dispersal order will give police an additional tool in tackling anti-social behaviour in the town centre.

“It will allow officers to break up groups of people who are causing a nuisance in the area, and anyone who returns within 24 hours will be dealt with accordingly.”

“We arecommittedto ensuringpeople canenjoy thetown centre”

Cllr Frank Tomlin

Page 6: Borough Diary - Autumn 2011



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With changes to waste collections,now might be the time to consider the use of our professional service

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VOTER registration forms will soon be drop-ping through Borough letterboxes and Basil-don Council is now urging residents to fill them out and return them ahead of the May elec-tions in 2012. Forms will be delivered between 19 August and 5 September. If you haven’t received your form by 5 September you should contact the Electoral Registration Office on 01268 294669 or print one off at Registering to vote is very simple. All you have to do is update the annual canvass form with the details of everyone in your house-hold who is eligible to vote and return it to us as soon as possible. If your details haven’t changed you can also reply by text, phone ore-mail. Basildon Council Chief Executive, Bala Mahen-

dran, who has responsibility for the electoral register, said: “It is essential people fill out the electoral register forms enabling them to use their right to vote. “Elections play a key role in local democracy.” “There was a lot of interest in this year’s local election and referendum on the UK voting sys-tem and we were pleased with the increase in registration shortly before polling day. Howev-er, some people may not realise that they have to register every year.” On your electoral registration form you can opt to have your details excluded from the edited register. This will mean your details can-not be bought by individuals and commercial organisations. For more information contact your local Elec-toral Registration Officer on 01268 294669.


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The countdown to panto season is well underway in Basildon, with the Towngate Theatre announcing the return of Simon Fielding as star and director of this year’s production, Dick Whittington.

The month long production starts on Wednesday

30 November and is the fifth pantomime since the Towngate re-opened and follows last year’s critically acclaimed production of Aladdin.

Tickets are available from the theatre Box Office on 01268 465465 or via:

Page 7: Borough Diary - Autumn 2011


GIVING COMMUNITY PAYBACKMore than 3,000 people in Essex were sentenced to

community service this year, but while many think it’s an easy way out, the reality of ‘Community Payback’ is somewhat different.

Providing some £2m of free labour to communities across Essex each year, Essex Probation’s Community Payback project enables offenders to pay their debt to society for the offences they committed by taking part in community projects.

In Basildon, offenders have been used by the Basildon Community Safety Partnership (CSP) to help clean up neglected areas as part of Community Safety Action Zones, most recently in the Great Knightleys area. Offenders are expected to work come rain or shine, and even in snow, to pay back for their crimes.

Community Payback projects are arranged for areas that would benefit the local community that wouldn’t get done otherwise, so not to take paid work away from others. The programme creates better motivated offenders and works alongside the CSP in increasing confidence in community sentences.

In Laindon, a project has been running at St Nicholas church conservation, where offenders have been working to improve the 46 acre site for the community by working under constant supervision for 7 hours each Sunday to maintain and improve the grounds.

Offenders are expected to take part in physical labour, including maintenance, cutting trees, grass cutting and hedgelaying.

Mick Miller, who lives in Laindon, volunteers at St Nicholas conservation and works alongside offenders on the programme.

He said: “The offenders certainly have their work cut out for them as there’s a lot of hard, physical labour to carry out.

I think some of them arrive thinking it’s an easy way out, but after a few hours they realise that it’s anything but easy. It’s a very hands on job, but I give them all credit as they work really hard and do a fantastic job, and many local residents really notice the difference. There is a lot of work that needs to be done that would not happen without Community Payback.”

The work of the Community Payback project allows the conservation at St Nicholas to stay open throughout the year and dog walkers and nature lovers come from miles around to visit the grounds.

Essex Probation receives dozens of letters of thanks from members of the community who see the benefits of the various projects taking place around the borough, including St Nicholas.

This month offenders will be working with the CSP as part of the Moss Close/Ryedene Community Safety Action Zone, cleaning up areas and tackling problems identified by the group such as litter picking and cutting back hedges.

Councillor Frank Tomlin, cabinet member with responsibility for community safety, said: “Community Payback is a very worthwhile project and I am pleased that these offenders are paying the price for their offences, whilst benefiting the wider community.

“There have been some vast improvements at St Nicholas which both residents and visitors to the area will benefit from. Much of this work wouldn’t have been carried out otherwise and I am pleased that offenders are learning new skills and valuable work experience which I hope will keep them on track for an honest future.”

If your community would benefit from work carried out by offenders as part of the Community Payback Project, contact the Probation Service in Basildon on 01268 412241.

Hundreds of shoppers and passers-by stopped to watch local music and dance acts perform in the Basildon town centre as part of the Together Against Crime event in July.

The Basildon Community Safety Partnership (CSP), which is made up of over 20 organisations including Basildon Council and Essex Police, hosted the annual event to encourage residents to find out more about how the CSP work together to reduce crime and anti-social behaviour in the borough.

The event featured a ‘Community Stage’ hosted by Gateway 97.8 presenter, 13-year-old Harry Carnaby, who interviewed and introduced each of the young local dance and music acts throughout the day.

Mayor, Councillor Mo Larkin, spoke at the event before introducing Eurovision star Josh Dubovie to the stage.

Residents took part in Essex Police’s driving simulation, where they had the chance to sit in the drivers seat of a police Interceptor car and test their skills. Other popular attractions were the Essex Police Dog Unit and mock police cell where youngsters experienced what it would be like to be behind bars.

The event also featured a marquee with information stands from a number of partner agencies. The CSP’s new vehicle crime prevention packs were also a big hit with residents.

Bala Mahendran, Chief Executive of Basildon Council and Chair of the Basildon CSP, said: “Partnership working has never been more important and this event was an excellent opportunity for us to showcase some of the projects we have supported in helping to reduce crime and anti-social behaviour in the borough.”

Residents were also asked for their views on crime and anti-social behaviour in their neighbourhood by filling in a survey.

Councillor Frank Tomlin, cabinet member with responsibility for community safety, said: “This event was a good chance for us to hear about what they feel we are doing right, and what we could do better, so the issues most important to residents are being addressed in the future.

To view photos from the event or to keep up to date on CSP news and updates, find us on Facebook at To find out more on the results of the survey, please see page 11.


‘Community payback’ at work as workers clear land in Laindon

The ‘payback’ scheme has helped a vital conservation project

There was a host of attractions at this year’s event

Page 8: Borough Diary - Autumn 2011


pink sack RECYCLINGIncluding all your old favourites: cans, paper & plastic bottles

Streetcare 01268 294949





“St George’s did excellent work and the changes will build on that”Cllr Andrew Baggott

TENANTS and leaseholders voted overwhelmingly to bring housing

management back home with the Council in March.

Over 30% of tenants and leaseholders responded to the consultation

between January and March, with 52% voting in favour of the move

and only 10% against.

As a result, St Georges Community Housing has been wound up and

management of housing services returned to the Council on 4 July.

Cllr Andrew Baggott, Cabinet Member for Landlord Services, said:

“The response to the consultation gave us a clear message that tenants

and leaseholders could see the value in bringing services back in-house.

“SGCH have done some excellent work to date and the changes will

build on that.”

THE CONSULTATIONTENANTS and leaseholders shouldn’t notice a huge difference in the service they receive because SGCH staff have been included in the transfer.The Council have secured £67m funding to continue work on Decent Homes improvements, as well as allocating a further £150,000 to tackle issues closest to tenants’ and leaseholders’ hearts.Over the next 12 months, tenants and leaseholders can expect to see major work to the council’s housing stock, including kitchen and bathroom refurbishments and steps to improve energy efficiency.The increased opportunities put in place by SGCH for tenants and leaseholders to get involved in decision making will also look to be strengthened.

What this means for tenants and leaseholders


The local community at a Five Links Community Panel Fun Day

Page 9: Borough Diary - Autumn 2011



Local residents take part in a free computer course run by the resident involvement team

AS WELL as benefits for tenants and leaseholders, the

decision to bring housing services back in to the Council is

set to save taxpayers’ money too.

Savings of approximately £1m a year can be achieved

through the Housing Revenue Account and the General

Fund by bringing management back in-house.

The move represents major savings for the Council at a

time when it is desperately needed.

The decision is part of the Council’s continuing pro-

gramme of efficiencies and commitment to delivering

Value for Money services to residents and local businesses.

What this means for

local taxpayers

The next chapter of housing management

services is full of exciting opportunities

and improvements.

An executive board of elected members, tenants and leaseholders is being estab-lished to monitor service improvements and performance, as well as to expand tenants and leaseholder participation.

A huge programme of improvements is set to be implemented over the next year

and beyond, which will see extensive re-furbishment work to Council properties

that need it most.

There will also be opportunities to make

energy efficient improvements, including new insulation.


NOMINATE A YOUNG PERSONDo you know a great young person who deserves to be recognised?

Basildon Council is calling on residents to nominate exceptional young people from across the borough for this years Celebration of Youth Awards, being held on 3 November at the Towngate Theatre.

There are eight award categories, including young carer, volunteering, achievement in art/culture and worker recognition.

Cllr Andrew Baggott, cabinet member for

community, says: “There are many young people in our community who are an inspiration to the people around them.

“These awards look to highlight some of the excellent work they do which is often overlooked and I encourage people to get involved and nominate someone.”

Young people, teachers, youth workers, parents and anyone who works with young people can nominate someone.

Contact Steve Doyle on 01268 294849 for a nomination form.


Basildon’s sheltered housing community has been planting and pruning for months for the third ‘Gardens in Bloom’ competition.

The competition gives resident’s across all the Council’s sheltered housing schemes a chance to show off their green fingers.

Maydells Court (pictured) maintained by Paul Thorpe who lives there won the best communal garden scheme, and Yvonne

Campbell won the best individual garden.Paul Thorpe at Maydells Court also won

the prize for the best hanging baskets and window boxes.

Cllr Andrew Baggot, cabinet member for community and landlord services gave out the prizes and said: “It is wonderful to see our resident’s taking such pride in their gardens which help to maker the borough a brighter place.”

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For tickets and information,call the Box Office on 01268 465465

or visit

WITH over 30 million records sold during his lifetime, and his return tour selling out across the country, Billy Ocean is rightly considered one of the biggest artists Britain has ever produced.

Now following his incredible performance at the Towngate last year he is back in Basildon for a special one off show and promises a night to remember!

Born in Trinidad in 1950, Ocean - real name Leslie Charles – moved to London aged seven and soaked up the music of Otis Redding and Sam Cooke, as well as The Beatles and The Rolling Stones.

And it was these influences that led to a string of hits from the mid-70s to the end of the 80s including Love Really Hurts Without You, Love on Delivery, Stop Me,

Suddenly, When the Going Gets Tough (The Tough Gets Going) and the two US No. 1s Caribbean Queen and Get Outta My Dreams, Get Into My Car.

His success though came at a price and deciding to take a break to spend more time raising his young family he subsequently retired from the music business.

Now some 15 years later with a sell out tour, a reputation for incredible live performances and a new album behind him he is back performing just a handful of personally selected venues.

He performs at the Towngate Theatre in Basildon on Wednesday 14 September. Tickets are £27.50 and are available from the Box Office on 01268 465465 or via

Billy Ocean returns to BasildonSTAR RETURNS TO TOWNGATE

Wartime classics for TowngateSOME of the greatest music of the 1940’s and 50’s will be remembered in an all new show coming to the Towngate on Tuesday 27 September Presented by Las Vegas entertainer Dean Weedon alongside BBC wartime sweetheart Diane Moore, ‘You Must Remember This’ is the stunning new production showcasing some of the greatest hits of the war time years and the 1950’s. The show follows the success of Diane’s ‘Land of Hope and Glory show’ and her stunning performance as part of Basildon’s 2010 St George’s Day and will see Diane and Dean in vintage costumes taking the audi-ence on a “rollercoaster ride sown memory lane”. With acts ranging from Vera Lynn to Gracie Fields and Glenn Miller to Elvis Presley this is a show that is sure to have the audience waving, singing and rocking in the aisles! ‘You Must Remember This’ comes to the Towngate Theatre on 27 September at 2pm. Tickets are £11 and £9 concessions and are available via the Box Office.

Lee Hurst comes to the Towngate on 18 September, for his first tour in ten years.

Star of the BBC’s ‘They Think It’s All Over’ and often voted as one of the best stand up acts in the business, he quit television and took up the task of running his own comedy club in London’s East End.

As well as stand up it also features his very own unique game show ‘MAN V WOMAN’ which promises plenty of audience participation.

Lee Hurst performs at the Towngate Theatre on 18 September. Tickets are £15 and are available from the Box Office on 01268 465465.


PAUL Daniels is set to bring his unique style of magic and comedy to the Towngate this September.

One of the most accomplished magicians in the world and certainly one of the most entertaining, Paul’s career has seen him rise from humble beginnings to one of the most popular entertainers in the country.

With audiences of over 12 million, his TV show ran throughout the 80’s and 90’s and over the past few years his stage show has seen him entertain millions of people around the world making him un undoubtedly the most successful TV magician of the 20th century.

His all new show ‘Hair today gone tomorrow’ sees Paul at his very best showcasing the “hil-hairious art of comedy magic….and he promises not to dance. He said: “You’ll like this…not a lot, but you’ll like it.”

Expect magic, mayhem and a couple of very special guests as Paul Daniels performs at the Towngate Theatre on Friday 30 September. Tickets are £17.50 and are available from the box office on 01268 465465 or via


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The Pitsea Leisure Centre has been undergoing something of a renaissance recently, thanks to the Council’s ‘Challenge Angela’ campaign, the support of local businesses and capital investment by the council.

Over £100,000 has been invested in improving the facilities at the vital community facility in the heart of Pitsea.

More changes are being made over the coming months, and the centre has undergone a rebranding, and will be referred to as ‘the place’ in marketing materials.

Interim Manager of the Pitsea Leisure Centre, Paul Brivio, says: “I believe that this community hub really is ‘the place’ for local people.

“It has an array of facilities for all ages, and is also a great option for parties, celebrations and even weddings. We have already taken some business bookings, as we have lots of meeting

amd function rooms, and we have also taken a party booking for New Years Eve, which is great. I would urge local businesses to get in touch with us and book their Christmas function with us as soon as possible, as we have some good deals available.”

Along with being the place to party, there is also a fun zone for kids under 8, which is a soft play area ideal for children’s parties and also ‘pay and play’ from just £1 per session! The fun zone is open 7 days a week from 9am-7pm.

The centre is also the place for fitness, with a variety of classes held during the week, such as legs, bums and tums, aerobics and zumba. A roller skating event was also held, with more events of this type planned for the future.

For more information on the centre, and to enquire about any kind of booking, please call 01268 465420, or visit:

Children centre praise

Northlands Park Children’s Centre, run by Basildon Council, has been praised in a report by Ofsted.

It was judged to be an “inclusive setting that engages with families from different cultures” and is a “warm, welcoming and safe environment.”

Ofsted is a government body responsible for the registration and inspection of childcare across the UK and rated the centre as “good” overall - the second highest rating available.

Cllr Andrew Baggott, cabinet member for community praised

staff at the centre, saying: “I would like to congratulate the staff for all their hard work. Ofsted provides a national benchmark for excellence and Northlands Park Children’s Centre is fully deserving of their praise.

“These inspections are made with very little notice and are extremely vigorous in seeking out potential problems and shortcomings. It is truly a reflection of the excellent staff and facilities available at this centre that we received such praise.”


Results of a recent Com-munity Safety Partner-ship (CSP) crime survey has revealed that more residents than ever feel that the council and police are dealing with crime and anti-social behaviour issues in the borough. 65% of respondents agreed that police and local councils are dealing with crime and anti-social behaviour issues – a 48% increase on last year’s results. 64% also felt that police and the council seek residents’ views in crime issues - a 49% increase on last year. From the period June 2010 to June 2011 criminal damage decreased by 22% and anti-social behav-iour fell by 18% in the borough, although most respondents (59%) felt that crime rates had stayed about the same. The CSP will now use this information to inform their priorities for the coming year and allocate resourc-es to address these issues.



Parents and staff at the Northlands Park Children’s Centre celebrate the Oftsed report, with Nazmin Mansuria, the Council’s Children’s Centre Coordinator and Cllr Andrew Baggott (inset).

Pitsea Leisure Centre has lots to offer partygoers (above)

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WORK to create the new Wickford War Memorial has started.Led by Great Baddow based firm Bradford Memorial, initial work has seen the

existing memorial stones removed, before they are then painstakingly repaired to become part of the new memorial.

Councillor Kevin Blake, cabinet member for leisure and arts said: “It’s very pleasing to finally see the work getting under way. The new memorial will create a truly fitting memorial for the heroes who gave their lives during the world wars.”

Steve Newman, Author of Wickford’s Heroes and a member of the War Memorial Association added: “Wickford deserves a fitting memorial and we are delighted that with the support of our partners this is now becoming a reality.”

The £69,000 project has been funded by Basildon Council, Veolia Pitsea Marshes Trust, the Communities Initiative fund, the Essex Environment Trust and also the Wickford Memorial Association who have raised money through fundraising initiatives.

The work is due to be completed in time for Remembrance Day.



BASILDON Council has prosecuted its first housing fraudster and put the brakes on a dodgy ‘Right to Buy’ application.

Ms Jaymina Patel, 38 of Anson Close, South Woodham Ferrers, pleaded guilty to a charge under S2 of the Fraud Act 2006 in connection with a ‘Right to Buy’ application made to Basildon Council.

Ms Patel was sentenced to a £700 fine, £3,070 in costs and £15 victim surcharge at Basildon Magistrates Court (3 August).

Ms Patel had applied to buy a Council-owned three bedroom house on Quilters Straight, Basildon, worth £145,000, under the ‘Right to Buy’ scheme, which entitled her to a discount of £34,000.

Councillor Phil Turner, cabinet member for resources, said: “We made it clear when we originally launched the housing fraud campaign with a two-week amnesty that after that, all bets were off.

“Why should the Council turn a blind eye to such

disgusting abuses of the system, which is meant to support those in genuine need?

“The Government supports our actions in this area and other Council’s are following suit, which goes to show how serious the consequences are for not only the public purse but also for society as a whole.

“If you have a guilty conscience, that’s the least of your worries – our investigations team will doggedly follow up leads using a variety of methods, including, as in this case, surveillance, and before you know it there could be a knock at your door.”

The Council’s investigations team set to work when a routine visit from one of the Council’s Housing Officers aroused suspicion because Ms Patel was unable to provide proof of her identity or any utility bills at the Basildon property.

During the course of their investigation, using surveillance methods, it came to light that Ms Patel and

her family already owned and lived in a newsagents and connected flat in South Woodham Ferrers.

The Council-property that Ms Patel applied to buy has now been recovered by Basildon Council and can be allocated to a family in genuine need.

Councillor Turner added: “Housing fraud is wrong. Illegal subletting and false applications for ‘Right to Buy’ schemes are an abuse of the housing system, which can mean families in genuine need are forced into potentially costly temporary accommodation and denied the opportunity to put down roots.”

If you suspect someone of housing fraud or of making a false claim for housing benefit, please let the Council’s Fraud Investigations team know confidentially on 01268 294566.

You can also report it online at, or by emailing [email protected]. You can remain completely anonymous at all times if you wish.

An artists impression (main image) of the new memorial and (inset) work gets underway on the project.

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Work at Swan Mead play area takes shape

Cutting edge play equipment has beeen unveiled at Swan Mead and Langdon Hills recreation grounds.

Local children played a key role in designing the sites along with Allen Scott Ltd and Sutcliff Play who created the equipment.

Cllr Kevin Blake, cabinet member for leisure, said: “It is great to see these new play areas open and is part of our ongoing commitment to improving our parks and recreation areas.”

The work cost £275,000, and was funded by BIG, part of the National Lottery.


“Children have played a part in developing these new play areas”Cllr Kevin Blake

Taxi! Disabled access list launched on webBasildon Council has published a list of private hire and taxi vehicles that can provide ‘wheelchair accessible’ services to customers.

Cllr David Abrahall, chair of the licensing commitee said: “Travelling around is taken for granted by most people, but disabled people and those with mobility issues can face significant difficulties and rely heavily on the convenience of taxis and private hire vehicles.

“Without the availability of taxis or private hire vehicles, the quality of life of people with disabilities or the elderly for example can be affected because

it inhibits them from carrying out everyday functions or excludes them from activities that others are able to enjoy.”

The Council recently agreed that a limit would not be imposed on hackney carriage numbers, and that all newly licensed hackney carriages are wheelchair accessible. helping to improve the choice, reliability and safety of the service available. The list of companies and owner drivers that are are able to provide ‘wheelchair accessible’ services that includes contact telephone numbers can be found at

YOUR FUTURE As the cost of university soars and with student debts mounting, Basildon Council is helping to encourage young people to think about apprenticeships and vocational training.

The Council and its partners have taken a unique appraoch to this, by targeting the parents of 15-19 year olds, who are in Year 11 at school or not in education, employment or training (NEET).

The frst ‘Your Future 10’ - Parents Evening’ event held last year was a major success with over 700

parents and children from the area attending.

And the same event is being run this year on Tuesday 11th October at the Towngate Theatre from 6-8.30pm.

Parents and children can attend the free event and meet with colleges, training provider and local companies to discuss their future.

The event has been organised by the Council with assistance from the Basildon Business Group. For more information email [email protected]

Local children celebrate the opening of a new play area with Cllr Sandra Hillier and Cllr Stephen Hillier

Photos from the 2010 ‘Your Future’ event

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A film warning teenagers of the dangers of sleeping rough has been launched, after creative students from Woodlands teamed up with film making company Zinc Arts to write, direct and star in the film named “Out in the Cold”.

Pupils from Woodlands attended the launch alongside teachers from other Basildon schools, Sustainable Communities officers from the Council, the Homelessness team and cabinet member for housing and community safety, Councillor Frank Tomlin.

Speaking after the event, Cllr Tomlin said: “Woodlands School deserves high praise for creating this super DVD and the teaching pack that comes with it. I am confident that much good will come of it and I hope it gets widely used in schools not just in the borough but throughout Essex and beyond. The pupils who took part

should be very proud of themselves, and their parents and school should be very proud of them too. Woodlands School has got talent!”

The film is about a teenager who becomes homeless after a family argument. After unsuccessfully trying to “sofa surf” at friends houses he ends up sleeping rough.

His friend then encourages him to approach the council who find him a room in a hostel. The 30 minute film highlights how isolated he feels and his lack of money.

The film will be accompanied by seven lesson plans, which have been written by youth organisation, Betta Dayz, in line with Key Stage 3 and 4 PSHE studies. The film and lesson plans will enable schools, youth clubs and alternative education facilities to discuss the issues of homelessness in further detail including budgeting, mediation, nutrition and housing advice.


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RUBBISH amnesties have yielded more than 75 tonnes of waste from 6,000 households – with six more planned before the end of the year.

In addition to the six rubbish amnesties that have taken place so far, Council officers have been in the areas removing graffiti, clearing alleyways, sweeping and litterpicking.

If you are in an area covered by the amnesties, you will receive a leaflet through your door prior to the event.

Cllr Malcolm Buckley, cabinet member for environment, says:

“The rubbish amnesty days are a hugely popular initiative and a great way of making sure

householders can get rid of items in the right way. We also aim to recycle as much as we can from the amnesties, which help towards Basildon’s 50% recycling target by 2012.”

The Recycling Team receive a number of comments of praise from residents, with one saying:

“I would just like to thank Basildon Council for organising this excellent initiative, especially useful for those who have no car or cannot get out.”

Another wrote anonymously to the team saying:

“Just a note to say a big thank you to all your operatives who cleared all my clutter.

“They were very helpful and polite and a

credit to the Council.”


Basildon Council and partners involved in the regeneration of Lake Meadows have cited the re-opening of the park café and a third successive big name summer concert as examples of the parks rise and rise.

Over the past four years, nearly £300,000 of targeted investment by the Council and its partners has seen significant improvement made to park for the benefit of residents and now the park café has reopened following a tender process that will also see local businessman Mr Maza run the popular crazy golf, pitch and putt, tennis and petanque from the kiosk close to these facilities.

And Mr Maza has already set about making his own improvements, by improving the area next to the bowling green, and creating a new café area.

The park is now much improved for walks, picnics, play, sports and also big name concerts, with Peter Andre wowing the crowds this year.

Cllr Phil Turner, cabinet member for resources says: “Lake Meadows is one of our prime parks, and we are

committed to continued investment to ensure it remains a park our residents can be proud of. This continued investment will continue into the future.

The Council is also urging local partners to work together to continue to deliver improvements to the park.

The Council has already worked with the Billericay Youth Town Council to fund a new £40,000 multi-use sports area (MUSA) that opened in May 2010 and with a local interest group to help create a petanque square for French boules that opened at the end of July 2010.

These projects followed a £30,000 council revamp of the two tennis courts that enabled the relaying of surfaces, painting fresh lines and installing new fences, and the creation of a tree trail. Investment has also been put into CCTV and the popular play facilities have also been revamped following discussions between Basildon Council, Billericay Round Table and Billericay Town Council.

The second stage saw improvements and refurbishments

made to existing play facilities thanks to £10,000 of investment from Billericay Round Table and £10,000 of section 106 contributions.

And at the end of August, £30,000 of new skate park facilities fundedwill officially open with ramps replaced and more complex pieces added.

Vital infrastructure works have also been carried out, with £60,000 spent on the reconstruction and resurfacing of a number of the park’s paths and imprpvements made to the parks drains to ensure that heavy flooding does not occur in the future.

Cllr Peter Bowditch, former Chairman of Billericay Town Council said; “It is excellent to be able to work closely in partnership with Basildon Borough Council and the benefits that such arrangement can bring to our residents. Lake Meadows is a key recreation area in our town and we have to make sure it meets the highest standards for people of all ages that come to use it.”


Sporting Village set for international gymnastics! - see back page

An amnesty underway

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Basildon Borough Council, The Basildon Centre, St Martin’s Square, Basildon, Essex, SS14 1DL. Website: Switchboard: 01268 533333 Email: [email protected]

Chief Executive: Bala Mahendran Leader: Councillor Tony Ball

Printed on 75% recycled paper.Please recycle your Borough Diary after reading.

International gymnastics is set to grace the Basildon Sporting Village on Saturday 24th September.

Great Britain’s senior mens team will take on Spain from 2pm at the new public sports facility.

Tickets are only £8 per person, with doors opening at 1pm. Tickets are available on the British Gymnastics homepage (click on buy tickets) or directly from the Sporting Village by calling 01268 722450.

Cllr Kevin Blake, cabinet member for leisure and

arts, says: “Following on from the international handball and the Japanese swimming team confirming their presence prior to the 2012 Games, this event confirms what a first class facility the Sporting Village is.

“These first class facilities are available to the whole community, right from elite athletes, to sporting beginners. I am looking forward to the competition, and hope that it is well attended.”

For more information on the Basildon Sporting Village, visit


Sporting Village set for international gymnastics

The Basildon Sporting Village (BSV) has gained over 5000 members, created 52 new jobs for local people and had over 200,000 visits since it opened at the end of April.

The centre has also been officially opened by HRH The Duke of Gloucester, hosted an international handball match, and is currently playing host to the Indian Gymnastics team.

Cllr Kevin Blake, cabinet member for leisure and arts, said: “We always knew that it would be popular, but have been overwhelmed by the success and the positive feedback.

“There have been some minor teething problems, but we have been able to iron these out quickly with the operator and the centre is running very well and efficiently.

“The facilities really are second to none, and to have

the best public sports facility in the county located in Basildon makes me very proud.”

There is much more to come from the Sporting Village too, with the international gymnastics meet in September (see below), and further visits from the Japanese swimming team, who will be using the BSV as their base prior to London 2012.

Duncan Jefford, Regional Director of Everyone Active who run the facility on behalf of the Council, said: “This is a wonderful opportunity for local people to see elite athletes in action. We are passionate about inspiring people to get involved in sport, which is why we won’t be closing facilities whilst the Japanese team are training, giving the people of Basildon will the chance to swim alongside and watch these Olympic athletes train.”







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Supported by


£8.00ppDoors Open 1pmCompetition Starts 2pmTICKETS AVAILABLE FROM:Ticketweb using the ‘buy tickets’ link on the British Gymnastics home page or from

Basildon Sporting Village tel: 01268 722450

The 50m pool in all its glory (main image) and (inset), the official Royal opening.