Boris The New Frontier Reversionary Interest Angela Stark 5-9-13 Transcript.doc

Boris "The New Frontier Discharge & Reversionary Interest! The Angela Stark program private calls To listen to audio click on the link below: 5-9-13 I've had a lot of people calling for updates on Boris's last call the endgame. He has discovered interesting things related to the IRS and the birth certificate which there was a code for that on their website and basically it stated that if you did have birth certificate and the IRS manual that the infant is the decedent of the estate or the grantor or owner trustor of the trust or guardianship or receivership or custodianship who has receive a Social Security number cannot be a decedent or infant within that IRS manual. That is what Boris had uncovered which really lot of people around the world were paying close attention and they were trying to find a similar code in their country with the evidence that if you do have a so security number you cannot be deceased. Now there is a presumption of death which we will discuss. Boris had his famous IRS case and everybody wanted no what happened in that case. Boris: we did not use peewee coal in that case. All I did was I just asked some questions about the documents and such is does this mean..., does this mean..., does this mean... it the end I just said while it makes me the infant decedent in full accounting and they went and had issued an order and the order was right and that I was in contempt and they did not set a date for anything and they closed the case, they just closed it . And they sent a letter back when the agent showed up with the order in the court did not notify me and they didn't even notify me that they were issuing one. Angela: didn't you bring the birth certificate in the courtroom. Boris: yes I brought it all in. I sent this to the court plus one document that I put in the liable of review or what ever was and I threw everything in an envelope and they sent everything back in a big vanilla envelope with just a white page over at was just the address on it with no name. So all those were sent back an agent showed up at the door and I thought had a sense of documents back with him and he said 1

Transcript of Boris The New Frontier Reversionary Interest Angela Stark 5-9-13 Transcript.doc

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Boris "The New Frontier Discharge & Reversionary Interest!The Angela Stark program private calls

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I've had a lot of people calling for updates on Boris's last call the endgame. He has discovered interesting things related to the IRS and the birth certificate which there was a code for that on their website and basically it stated that if you did have birth certificate and the IRS manual that the infant is the decedent of the estate or the grantor or owner trustor of the trust or guardianship or receivership or custodianship who has receive a Social Security number cannot be a decedent or infant within that IRS manual. That is what Boris had uncovered which really lot of people around the world were paying close attention and they were trying to find a similar code in their country with the evidence that if you do have a so security number you cannot be deceased. Now there is a presumption of death which we will discuss. Boris had his famous IRS case and everybody wanted no what happened in that case.Boris: we did not use peewee coal in that case. All I did was I just asked some questions about the documents and such is does this mean..., does this mean..., does this mean... it the end I just said while it makes me the infant decedent in full accounting and they went and had issued an order and the order was right and that I was in contempt and they did not set a date for anything and they closed the case, they just closed it. And they sent a letter back when the agent showed up with the order in the court did not notify me and they didn't even notify me that they were issuing one.Angela: didn't you bring the birth certificate in the courtroom.Boris: yes I brought it all in. I sent this to the court plus one document that I put in the liable of review or what ever was and I threw everything in an envelope and they sent everything back in a big vanilla envelope with just a white page over at was just the address on it with no name. So all those were sent back an agent showed up at the door and I thought had a sense of documents back with him and he said oh no it doesn't matter it has been closed and that's the extent of it. The matter is closed. That is all there is to it and they decided I was in the right. Because it's not my duty to take care of it and you all are paying attention to something that happened six months ago. Here is the deal with the infant, decedent and the whole shebang. The infant and enemy of the state are both inherent protection devices within the corpus of this trust. The infant must be an infant to birth is to intentionally abandon an infant so the birth certificate an abandoned infant estate they hold it under conservator ship, they run through a presumption of death which creates a section of law over which encompasses the estate, the estate when you use it is actually a purchase under the UCC laws a declaration because that's the host nation which is part of the founding documents I pledge allegiance to each other guys. We have not been living up to the pledge that is where we met our fault. You actually purchase an estate purchase means to take by way of pledge. You purchase an Estate to use and estates are just infants and property. The property is the assets of the United States of America trust and all the infants are in that trust. What you use is an estate with inherent reversionary interest of any other state to protect the assets of the trust from a man coming in from a foreign nation to come into this nation to hijack citizens of this nation to put them at war against the host nation, it is a protectionary device used to protect book 3 article 15 of the law of nations. So we are foreigners with extended hospitality by a grant of an estate having a inherent reversionary interest of enemy of the state and the duties of the foreigners are spelled out right there in 104 to 110 of the law of nations and you also want to read 134 &135. Then you look at the declaration.


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Angela: let's stop right there because you touched on a very important topic in regards to the reversionary interest and that you have found in the 26 USC in section 673 and let us go through this reversionary interest because this is all new to us.Boris: reversionary interest is just the inherent ability for something to revert back to someone else. So the infant regardless we've found a court case the IRS Commissioner versus estate of Fields that says it makes no difference how much vested may be the remainder interest to the corpus or how remote or uncertain may be the descendent reversionary interest, if the corpus does not shed the possibility of reversion until at or after the decedent's death the value of the entire corpus on the date of death is taxable. Reversionary interest is what must be gotten rid of. What it does the future interest the future account receivables of the estate what is that in the law now, is called a security? What you are doing is giving up the future interest, accounts receivable and payable of the estate back to the United States and you are going to use it is under 1295 which is USC 1295 part two the emergency bankruptcy act and it is agreed to by the United States office of Comptroller which runs the whole shebang because that is the one that’s office was created as a result of this act. It was the 1863 banking act, office of Comptroller they are the enforcers of it. 95 B is the agreement to everything the secretary and president have done since 1933 by the Comptroller because this is his office and it is his authority.Angela: let's stop right there because Denny has on earthed something and Denny is right here and I want to just say what you have found out in Indiana about the Comptroller.Danny: I am looking for the in Indiana code we call the Comptroller the stator auditor IC 4-- 7 -- 1 -- 2 section 2 the auditor of the state shall do the following 1) keep all accounts between the state of Indiana and the United States any State or territory or any individual and fine exam and liquidate the claims of all persons against estate in cases where provisions where the payment has not been made by law for transfer and assignment.Boris: I must stop you right there where it said assignments because once you assign an obligation to the United States it quits and discharges that name from any further obligations. We're going to read 12USC95a part 2 right now right here this can help you out tremendously because this is the remedy here it is: any payment conveyance transfer assignment or delivery of property or interests therein made to or for the account of the United States or as otherwise directed pursuant to this section or any rules or regulations instruction or directions issued there under shell to the extent there of be a full a quittance and discharge for all purposes of the obligation of the person making the same and no person shall be held liable in any court for more in respect to anything done or admitted two in good faith in connection with the administration of or in the pursuant of or in their reliance on this section or any rule, regulation, instruction or direction issued here under.Do you understand what this just told you? In the Indiana statute they are saying that they are waiting for that property to be assigned. Assign it to for the United States on behalf of that ALL LETTER NAME the obligation will hereby will be acquitted and discharged automatically and no person shall be held liable in any court for anything done and committed in good faith while doing it.Angela: that's excellent Boris. Do we transfer that liability to?Boris: as far as I know the secretary. But what you do for enforcement of it is that you go to the Comptroller because this is the one whose office was created as the result of this act, this is the 1863 banking act. This is just an emergency interest within the 1863 banking act. The 1863 banking act the government bought everything you were ever going to do. It is up to you to set your affairs and the way you want to set them up but just remember that everything goes into that trust. You don't own anything, claims of ownership claiming of a mine is done. That is it any of the state status that automatically puts you into reversionary interest. This right here reinvests the usufruct within them and takes you out of the first the usury of the usufruct does what they do here is the natural order major creator, nature put man on earth, nature gave earth for man to use. Man has usufruct to use over the earth, man creates society and 2

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society has usufruct of whatever man does because he can't be owner of so it only has usufruct of, man his naked owner with respect to society, law comes up being ignorant and society creates a secondary usufruct and calls it nations, nations call it banking, banking call it something else they put religion in the mix of it and suddenly man goes from his original usufruct of the earth to a fiduciary underneath here where we are taking her by stuff. But that is where we find ourselves. Now in a system of duality that we find ourselves in there is to be the ones who run it and you can be the alpha and the omega and his gun and up being the beginning and the end. Whatever you do goes into the society and that is the purpose of the declaration, everything you do goes into the trust. Don't worry about it it's to make your buddy of the best they can be because that is the pledge to each other. Not to a state, not to a nation, not to eat God not to anything else just to each other. That's it that's all. So the reality of it is you're making a pledge for doing something by already being here and by doing and by helping each other. That is the pledge, you just do it. Now the natural environment of that factionary world that is created from the result of that creates a purchase. You purchase an estate; the estate runs under international law and has to protect itself. How do you protect the assets of the estate while letting other people use it? You put a couple of layers of protection on it the first one is the infant and to keep the infant away from everybody but there's always say associated diversionary interest because universe of infinite possibilities there is still a possibility that infant could exist even if it was just made up in someone's mind. Because the fact that it was made up in someone’s mind it does exist somewhere even in the same just someone's mind. So there is always a possibility of reversion so what it is the guys running the show are here not by accident but by design to extract that last .0001 out of God's children so they become golden for the Golden age not .999 pure but one pure. But that 1295a fits into everything he can do a payment, a conveyance, a transfer, an assignment, a delivery or interest. It does not matter. I chose in reversionary because in nature of what it does. People choose other things it just chose that. Vick found it and showed it to me and we put in there and found an IRS code and that's not being important because it showed up in an iris code right out of Google it shows reversionary interest in there.Angela: so how does that tie in with Denny's contract.Boris: as soon as he said they are waiting for the assignment of that property is done, all you have to do now is instructive. And the way that you come at that there is a certain way that we have found that we are beginning to believe that you come at them through. You come at them through international law the Geneva Convention article 5 which is the inhabitants of the land may bring help to the wounded and injured in times of war and be treated and remain free and be treated as neutral. The United Nations declaration of human rights article 6 states everyone has the right to be recognized as a person before the law and article 7 guarantees no one will be unequal before the law. Now you come in under this as wanting to help the wounded so you are automatically protected them and you are coming in under the insured guaranteed right remember that the insured everybody has the right to be recognized as a person you don't need special privilege anymore and the reason that you are doing this is for the purpose of one singular transaction and setting up this name the right way before you enter into the game even set up the rules that this game operates by and you do it under the UCC under security. You first have to gain an interest in control. So how do you do that? Simple, you become the purchaser. The purchaser will gain control once he becomes the entitlement holder any becomes entitlement holder at once he assigns an interest over and gives value to the instrument he becomes now protected. A protected purchaser is the one that gives the value does not have any notice of any adverse claim to security and gains control of the certified security. You give it value by the very nature of who you are. You are the source of the energy everything that you do is go flow through that spirit or that name and the future interest the future are accounts payable and receivables are a direct results of you putting energy into that name. Without your use of it, it does nothing but sit there in a drawer in a desk. It does nothing. You don't have any notice of adverse claim security because you can just get it. You don't have to go to court to order one; you don't 3

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have to ask permission why you need it. You can just get it.Angela: the reason why you went with protected purchaser is because of contracts and UCC.Boris: yes with contracts in a UCC you're coming in as a protected person and a person operates under the Universal commercial code, under Geneva Convention you are coming to the inhabitants of the country where help to the wounded shall be respected and remain free. And who is coming into the courtroom but an injured party in a state of war. That is what is coming in so you are an inhabitant of this land so you're going to exercise a right that everyone has a right to recognition and everyone is a person equal before the law. Under the Universal declaration of human rights under the United Nations and all the nations who are members of that guarantee as a signatory to the UNITED STATES. They guarantee everyone has the right and insure that everyone has the right and that everyone is equal before the law. The next article all are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law that is the law. That is the international agreement. Angela: that is why it is so important to get some form of international standing because everybody is a stateless person. If you have form what is like Boris is saying you could invoke certain rights with the United Nations recognition.Boris: and now when your are doing this now you come in and what to do as being hospitality of the host nation a foreigner, a stateless person. A stateless manner woman inside their hospitality. They granted you the use of an estate now since the host nation operates as a chartered document the Declaration of Independence it is a underlining assumption that you have agreed to the pledge. And the pledge and the declaration is what? And in support of this declaration and with a firm alliance of going provenance we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor. We'll guess what they do? All the Fortune. Why did they take it? Because to purchase means to take by way of pledge. They took all the stuff that you'll ever make in your life by being here anything that you make all your usufruct. Because all this earth really is third dimensional viewpoint of everybody else. This is practiced world for creation; this is a third dimensional viewpoint where you can see what happens as a result of your creation. You have an idea you bring it in to a second dimension on paper and you take input from the fourth dimension in which you get all the possibilities of an outcome and you snag some of those possibilities and you shoved them into your diagram and then you experience them on the third dimensional. So all these people have to do is sell you a way of thinking and you will automatically create what they need to survive. So if they entice the whole world to believe that there is war, disease, poverty and all that BS. What is going to happen? The people through this world through their thoughts emotions and intentions and everything else are going to create that environment. They don't have to create nothing. We do it all by allowing ourselves to be enslaved by someone else's mental prism. By not understanding that there is a unique and infinite abundance of everything because of the nature of the system but of the advert enticers in charge of running it and all that stuff. All that advert enticement for one purpose and one purpose only. To protect the assets of the trust. To keep you so lost that you loose your way. This is Satan's world; this is not God's world. This is the world that Satan was given to have a kingdom and dominion over and you're just one of God's children in it going what I got myself into and trying to get your way out of it. And in the meantime they are refining all that crap along the way. Remember you don't just take gold on the ground and use it you have to refine it and you lose some of it so you have to add more of it and pretty soon you have .999. You guys are here to make sure that its .01 because were getting ready to your next golden age and all the children of God must be golden at that age.Angela: Boris you mentioned and as beautiful and we are moving into one's consciousness and I like what you're saying, could you explain about how the birth certificate is a lien being traded on the stock market and who is the titleholder. Or do you can care?Morris: I really don't care about any of that. The evidence of the CUSIP system and the evidence of the 4

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Federal Reserve notes and bonds and stocks in the trading and all that. That is evidence that they have made beneficial use of usufructory interest they are the beneficial owners of it all. When I use that name I don't benefit, they do.Angela: yes they do. Every single transaction that you do and they are using that as the account and they are benefiting from that because that's the interest.Boris: we show them that we are us using it in this manner will benefit them because right now they don't have a way to get rid of their debt and it is causing problems as you can see around you. Is causing problems and they are losing control and grip. You don't want them to lose the control and grip you don't know what is coming down the pike but anarchy is not fun. But what we are doing but when you approaches in a certain way you give up that reversionary interest as your payment for being a ward what happens is now you credit the so security account and it becomes a closed account. It starts evaporating debt when it hits it and it evaporates debt not only the debt but all the derivatives associated with it because in the world of the derivatives one dollar is lawful that is one step away from God. A five dollar bill is actually .02 now you got a five at .02 and a $100 is .001 and $1000 is .0001. When you actually have a debt of 16 trillion it is actually the value of it. It is only 1/16 trillion of the dollar. No you are not bringing the debt down. You are giving it away for it to happen natural regenerative effect so is a natural environment so that global warming doesn't happen anymore. The global warming that you are hearing on the TV is not about the ice caps melting are about the runaway economy and the debt system. That is why they are going to China for the new loans. It is a new market that has not been tapped. They can dump it in China and they can just keep sweeping it under somebody else's rug but eventually they have got to deal with it. And that is what works are for. They get rid of the real creditors; people are the real targets of any war because when they die they can activate their insurance policies. The writing of the birth certificate with the insurance policies is really 1295 a part 2 that is the insurance policy. And when you keep running it through this and that 95 is already done that yet gets returned to the source meaning it gets zeroed out. He goes back to God it goes back to zero because in the debt system what is God it is zero. Zero is God. There is nothing above it because there is no profit. Profits are false by the way. You don't want your false prophets that's why you are giving up reversionary interest this is the secular version of accepting the Christ and what you do is you accept that name as the son of God the state and through that name you'll be absolved so long as you give up all your sins through that name and you follow the three Golden rules. The three Golden rules are:1) One does on to others as he would have done unto himself.2) He who benefits does not bear the burden.3) All works are done in blanks name or blanks glory. (It don't care what the blank is) never yours because the blank would be yours and you would bear the burden.Angela: let it sink in folks but I wonder bring it back to what Danny was saying and what Boris was saying. Denny if you are on the line up like to have you come in as to the Indiana code and bring it back to 12 USC which Boris had mentioned.Denny: well I didn't catch the 12USC but we are talking assignment here. They defined assignment but let me finish what I was going on about the Comptroller which in Indiana is really the state auditor. To examine and liquidate claims against all claims of cases in the state in the case where the provisions were not mandated by law. Meaning if you are not building a bridge and they are actually apportioning money to it these are bills coming in it might be my electric bill it might be whatever Bill. When no such provisions are insufficient for whatever has been paid they have to examine the claim and report the facts with opinion to the general assembly will allow shall be made to refund the money probably treasury without a statement from the auditor of the state either for or against the justice of the claim. So the state of Indiana has a claim against the fiction which they created by operation of law which is not me, but I am the one putting all of value into it. Now this is the auditor's next job to keep them preserve all public 5

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books, records, papers, documents, vouchers and all conveyances, leases, bonds and all securities for debt money or property and accounts and property of any description belonging to or appertains to the office of the auditor of the state and also to the state where there are no other provisions may by law for the safekeeping of the accounts and property. Now they defined under the uniform act simplification of fiduciary security transfer and the employee handbook Indiana code 30-2-5-1 section 1 in this chapter unless the contacts otherwise require 1) Assignment includes any written stock power, bond power, bill of sale, deed, and declaration of trust or any other instrument of transfer.2) Claim of a beneficial interest includes any claim of any interest by the decedent litigates, distributes, heir or creditor, beneficiary under the trust, a protected person, a beneficial person of a holder of a security entered in the name of a nominee. Which I would say that the state created that nominee for me. Or an owner under 18 years of age plus a security registered in the name of a custodian or a claim of any interest whether the claim is asserted by the claimant or by a fiduciary or by any authorized person on the claimant's behalf and the transfer would be in pre-fiduciary duty. So I like what you are saying because I believe that you are biblically correct in your analysis of putting the two together and we have been doing the biblical correspondence to their statutory.Boris: now that statute is all good and well if you have a sign that stuff because once you do the assignment it becomes the financial asset you’re the future interest in the estate, that becomes a credit for the Social Security account and it is going to be credited under 95a for quittance and discharges. It is the only thing they can credit it with not for money or not for anything else quittance and discharge for any further obligation. And the reason you do this is because of corpus juris succumdrum section 166 book of infants. Anyone who medals with the property of the infant is liable of account thereafter. If you do not establish an entitlement position to use the assets of the infant. Every time you used that name no matter what it is used for you will be held liable for it because you are the four Cesar. When you come into the purchase under the pledge you purchase the estate. If you don't assign that interest UCC 501B states emphatically you'll be treated as holding the financial assets even if you don't hold it.Danny: can you assign it via registering at the county and the Secretary of State both, the county recorder.Boris: what we were actually doing is doing the business as the all caps name so we were looking as doing it as a UCC assignment so we have got the UCC one recorded and we are working on the assignment I don't know if it has gone through yet because I didn't circle full assignment or partial assignment, I did not indicate which one it was. You've got to circle full assignment by the way on the assignment if you can do it that way. The only reason we do that is establish a public record that we get out of anywhere. So I don't think even have to do that because the lady I knew said if you actually put signed a deed by it it should create a deed that associates itself with that title which the state already holds. All titles held in advance guys it is held by the state.Angela: yes my general deposit.Boris: the art he held it in advance they have all the evidence made beneficial use of the Federal Reserve note. They are the beneficial owners. I don't need to prove it. All in you to do is look at a five dollar bill out of my pocket I found who the beneficial is to try on it the United States of America. That is the beneficial owner of the trust. What were doing was coming in this way we are actually nuking the deck helping them out by helping the wounded on the battlefield.Denny: I like that approach because no way that you can be an enemy combatant when you're helping the wounded.Boris: Correct and how you help the wounded on the battlefield capitalism is a war of attrition, there is always wounded on that battlefield. Somebody is always coming into emergency court hearings injured. Every court hearing is an emergency hearing and every body is injured. So I am here to help the wounded. Who needs help? Okay I will accept that contract 1295a the obligation is acquitted and discharged write a 6

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check I will be the account closed check put 1295 USCa on it and I will ask for a 1295 USCa. They will never touch you again and if they do you just handed over to the Comptroller and tell him to enforce the damn law.Angela: obligation of the United States 18 USC section 8, it is their obligation. Let me bring it back because everybody does at an A4V thing. Get real people it is all about the exceptions to the contract of a negotiable instrument law that gave rise to the UCC. Allow to get the book negotiable instruments law or the law of negotiable instruments that is where they get into the UCC codes and statutes.Boris: here's a deal when you set it up right from the beginning there is a little provision of the UCC that I like to call the amniminity clause because HJ 102D the characterization of a person or business or transaction for purpose of this article does not determine the characterization of the person, business, transaction for the purpose of any other law, regulation or rule. Which means just because I am the person in this transaction doesn't mean that I'm going to be in that transaction. The person is going to be set up is already done everything that hits that man will now be discharged and this is why you want to set it up with the secretary and probably inform the Comptroller when you are done with it.Angela: is that the Secretary of State?Boris: Secretary of the Department of the Treasury just Secretary not the secretary of the treasury it says it all way through their statutes. What do they refer to? Secretary. In all the statutes it says Secretary. Do you know who the secretary is in their definitions it is someone who takes care of the business. It is his assignee the guy that runs the show and puts someone in charge of it. So just send it off to the secretary or whoever is the one that is to take care of it. It is like saying To Whom It May Concern. He is just going to appointed out to someone else so dissent often secretary acknowledge the fact that he is an underling and you're coming in peace and you're coming in to restore public order and safety. Because every time he used Federal Reserve notes it is putting a lien against the assets to the trust which creates a public injury and you want to avoid that. In order to avoid that there has to be this way of acting so that you don't have to use the notes but still get what you need. So all contracts have been purchased. They removed the gold and silver. They removed the title so they have to give you a way to operate and 1295a is the way.Angela: so you're saying that if people place liens on various people that wouldn't be a good idea just to pass along and assign your interest.Boris: what to do if somebody is not going to do it. Give them a couple of opportunities. Asked them very politely are you to do your duty and you just go and say it's already been accepted to do this why are you coming at me, all a good stuff. When they don't do it you just go okay fine. Then you file a tort claim and you send the tort claim up to the Comptroller General and have him investigate why it is not being done. He is the one that runs the show.Angela: exactly oh I love that it is so easy.Boris: but you got remember you don't want to come at them negative with all this stuff. You have to show them where they have a duty. And you come at the Comptroller and say hey man you have a duty to ensure the safety and soundness of compliance with the laws and regulations it is 12 1 the very first acts of title 12. In his duty is very simple. He is charged with ensuring the safety and soundness of the compliance with the laws and the regulations fair actions of financial service and fair treatment of institutions and other persons subject to its jurisdiction. Okay that's fine, you let him know then you ask him a man if I have assigned all interests to the United States under this do you now have a duty to discharge and ensuring the safety and soundness the compliance of the laws. Just because I didn't come to practice law just to witness the fulfillment what do you have in place for the name to use ensuring the safety and soundness and compliance of the laws and all that other stuff. Just what do you have? I don't want to create hard against the public trust anywhere by using those notes. I want to put liens against anybody I want to put that on future generations. What do you have in place to account for this? And you approach that he has a duty to protect the system fair act as a financial service for the safety and 7

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soundness of the compliance of the laws and regulations and once you do this how do you get fair act of financial services by those institutions and other persons under your jurisdiction if you are not using federal reserve notes. Because you choose not to participate no more. Because that is what you are stopping. You are stopping the war.Angela: and you don't want to do all this process unless you are the protected purchaser like you mentioned earlier Boris.Boris: all you have to do there is assign the interest once you sign the interest it's over. Because all you are doing is acknowledging it. You come in you initiate the purchase sequence. You acknowledge you are an inhabitant that wants to help the wounded. Okay you understand that the United Nations guarantees that you have the right to be recognized as a person, alright. And you will be equal before the law with everybody else. Every other person in the law will be equal with you. Okay, that is fine. And by doing so you say okay the host nation is a declaration why not accept the declaration, I am here to do everything in the declaration. I am here to make everybody else the best they can be so why not pledge my life and my fortune to do that. Oh wait a minute they board he set up a trust for me to do that, why don't I just accept it and purchase an estate within the trust and do what I am here to do. And all you have to do to knowledge what has been done is accepting that Christ exists. Now the papal bull's are going to come over and say that your heathen and that you have to follow anybody that wants to be God. If the pope wants to be God. God bless his soul.Angela: he is the son of God on earth.Boris: all you do is given lip service all yes your God okay.Angela: this is a really big expansion in the last time and the usufruct and how this all fits in and now Boris is moving onto to this estate trust and reversionary interest which he is explaining quite well today for us and Denny did just that that you had mentioned about accepting Christ and he did a come to Jesus meeting letter and Denny do you want to tell them your story.Denny: well basically I really admire your approach because what we are going to give them and it is not going to be with the one here in Temple.Boris: you got a hand them everything that they want and they are not going to like it.Denny: well that might be but the basic point is everything that you resist will persist and everything you absolve in love you will dissolve in so we can matter for the love standpoint and give them every opportunity to come clean. We forgive them their mistaking us in our identity and the whole thing and asked them and if we can meet with him and have church leaders and we can pray about because we forgive them their debt and we are asking them to forgive our and we give them the securities because we figured the birth certificate when you pay the 10 FRN’s you have given them some consideration now isn't that birth certificate a debenture against the ownership of your corporation because what they did they never go to the mother or father to create a trust the delivery person's signature and the caveat or informant signature (mother) was in parentheses is either an Affiaiant or informant on the Indiana application for a live birth. 45 days later when the mother and father did not appoint trustees they became a dead trust it went into probate and since the United States is in receivership it was part of that pledge that was pledge by Roosevelt in the new deal through the bankers and we are saying okay. Where is our remedy? You have taken the gold and stolen the goal and we are looking for the zero lead of the account set off that they didn't want to do it. The auditors said oh we put them in a basket because they are not worth anything. Well if they are not worth anything why can we find them on Wall Street?Boris: do you know why? Here’s the deal. Alright I'm going to show you something about the 14th amendment that nobody is probably ever explained. The 14th amendment section 4 validity of the public debt of the United States is authorized by law including debts incurred for payment of pensions and it shall not be questioned. Now here is the catch but neither the United States or any state shall be pay a debt or any debt assum in any insurrection or rebellion against the United States or for any claim 8

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for a loss of the of emancipation of any slaves and also in judgment should be held illegal and void. Now we come in doing what we are doing the validity of the public debt is a reciprocation under 12 USC 1295 A2 the reciprocation's, quittances and discharges shouldn't be bitching about that because to do so would be an adverse claim but also because they are getting cash advances for every security the 14th amendment states this neither the United States or any state or any claim shall assume or pay any claim for loss or emancipation of any slave which is just what, a presumed I have no idea what's a presumed surety. The fact that they are selling their bonds means they have a problem when we do that and they have to accept 12 USC 1295 A2 because we are not going to dispute the fact that there was an insurrection or rebellion that warrants the bounty contract they have or to get paid on. Every court case is a bounty contract for suppressing insurrection and rebellion against the war rebels.Angela: where does the live man fit in all this as a beneficiary?Boris: he doesn't. If man was both be included in all this mess he would just go to seven 7 USC 136 D and F 7 136 is agriculture the definition and 736 D says animals and the term animal means all vertebrate and invertebrate species including and limited to all including man and other animals. And 7 USC 136 F person same statute in a different definition the term person means any individual orders ship or Corporation or any group of persons whether corporate or not. That sounds like every definition of person I have ever seen. If man was to be included in the whole personhood man would have been included. This is a defect created in the law with the whole United Nations thing where it says that everybody has a right to be a person before the law. Because remember the Jews were running the system for the people that like to call themselves a Jew. You are not God property in their world you are an animal or a person. Do you want to be a person in the land of the dead you want to be a person because those are the ones that can do up the power.Angela: yes that's the contract.Boris: so now you can enter into a contract and either you come in with your own then by saying okay since you all insure and agree that I can come in as a person at any point in time. I am going to come in to protect the wounded so my contracts could be USC 1295a and who the heck are you to get my way.Angela: that is my thinking Boris.Boris: that's bottom line who are you to get in the way of that. My contract is that I give everything I do for the benefit of everyone and since I have done that the United States who has beneficial interest in that will take care of it all. That is the agreement. That is the contract. When these people say they won't do it. That is where the tort happens. They are interfering with the contract that is guaranteed under both state and federal law.Angela: we're coming up to the top of the hour and I will like to ask anyone if they have any questions.Denny: I do have one question for Boris. When you do this with the IRS. Did they go all way? Or did you have a way to transfer anything?Boris: I did not know any of this at that time this is all new, this is like in the last month. Every now and then I get information that comes my way that leads me ahead.Denny: he opens the door at the right time.Boris: and we have needed him because we have people going through problems with foreclosures and with foreclosures we do it a different way too. The mortgage is a special type of lien is not the property itself it is just a lien against it, it does not entitle them to possession so they go to the trustee sales and they are selling the lien right to it. They cannot force you out of these homes because they are for closing on the securities. When you come in under the protected purchaser's status all year to do is tell them look if you are the holder of the promissory note and the owner of the mortgage why not just take that promissory note to apply the balance to the balance of the mortgage it should have been done and cancel it out. What's the problem?Angela: how does that work out for you guys?9

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Boris: we just now did it. We have done it in one case and we also have a case where he is coming in under USC 1295a and he is scooping up all the interest in the case and since he has it in trust I'm going to pull a law here 679.02 where it specifically states a mortgage will be held as a special kind of lien and not conveyance to the legal title nor possession of the property. So what we did he came in under 1295a and assigned all reversionary interest to the United States and did a judicial notice and asked a couple of questions. I came in as a trustee of the trust and said well if the court and the plaintiff counsel all agree the plaintiff is the holder and owner of the mortgage the trust will retain possession as insured under Florida statute 679.02. We are using statute as insurance nor making a claim against the insurance policy because that is the insurance policy. The mortgage does not allow them to have that all it is marketable title.Angela: why don't they just take the insurance and place it on the foreclosure and applied to the balance of the promissory note that they allege to be due because according to the deed of trust any income that is received should be transferred over to the principle balance of the insurance and then the property tax.Boris: exactly all the securities on the market became investment contracts so the investors can't do it. Angela: They can even enforce a deed of trust for the mortgage under article 9 once they assigned the alleged security note over to the rum it so they don't have enforceability either under article 9.Boris: so if they say they have assigned the note and assigned the ownership of the mortgage why not say fine as the appropriate person of the note associated with the note because you are the person that issued the note.Angela Cole: there is the issuer the maker and donor.Boris: so you give it to them you are not the donor because that implies gift what you really want to do is equity presumes bargain not gift, prove this was a gift because you are not liable for the tax for the receipt of the gain.Angela: well they have already cashed in.Boris: it doesn't matter. Prove that it was a gift. Prove it was equity states equity presumes bargain not a gift. They are coming in for an equitable claim and equity presumes bargain not gift. In order for them not to have a tax you have to say it was a gift prove gift. Prove it was a gift or take the promissory note and apply the balance to the mortgage. It could be a gift from my cat right here the one that is sleeping right here.Denny: the one thing that I was told here in the last week when you have a unilateral contract and your signature or the corporate entities signature because some people did not know what was going on it is presumed under their law to be a gift.Boris: do you want to see how to get around that. The name that they are using the state has already received beneficial use of. How, the Social Security act of 1936 title 5 part 1 out of the sums appropriated for pursuant to section 501 for each physical year the Secretary of State's of labor shall receive $20,000 in such part of 1.8 million for the number of live births or the total number of live births in the United States. Out of the sum of 502b they get another $999,980. The beneficial use of that name is realized. That is a fiction of law. They are not allowed to say that you've entered into a unilateral contract with it, I don't care what the contract is because equity presumes bargain not gift. The fact that you put the Social Security number together and with the name means you have accepted USC 1295a because the United States is already bought the interest then by the giving each state $20,000 plus a full rated part of $1.8 million depending on the percentage of births compared to the number of total births and an additional $999,980 they get almost $2 million for every birth. The United States bought that interest. That infant is now property of the United States trust all you have to do with that drivers license is say that you assign the reversionary interest of this 10

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contract back to the United States and they can assume whatever the heck they want to assume, because as soon as you do that that name is acquitted from any further obligation gift or not.Denny: even without the UCC 1 being filed with it.Boris: you don't even need the UCC to do this. You just do it. Who's to say you didn't do it? Prove I didn't do it? Prove it hasn't happened? If an attorney says are you trying to appease my contract? Are you trying to appead and obligation of a contract? The only obligation I have is except aquittance and discharge and not get in the way which is not do anything in regarding it because it is no longer mine. This name is acquitted and discharged from further obligation. It is out of that military realm it is out of capitalism, it is out of service. Now it is an asset in commerce because it can allow the fulfillment of contracts by being a liability in capitalism and you become a peacemaker because you are now letting all the debt evaporate, build it up so I can fall down somewhere else and create new debt and keep the system afloat and stop local warming. It's wonderful.Harold with a question: I'm trying to get my son back from CPS (child protective services).Boris: asked them if they have title of the child?Harold: they created a birth certificate for him.Boris: I really don't care as them if they have title to that child. I got these stories a couple weeks ago one guy in Michigan and in New Hampshire or something like that. Both of them had child protection on the way I mean one of them had been coming down the street when he called up this dude. And both the ladies sat at the door the first lady down in New Hampshire just knew a little bit so all they did was stick with the title. And she asked the police if they had title to that child and after that they asked the CPS agent if they had title to that child and stood her ground and they left without the child. The second one did the same thing with the title but she also asked for their registration certificate showing that they are a peace officer because technically they are imposing a tax and if they are not peace officers they are in violation of article 46 and 44 of the Lieber code: they are out there raping and pillaging without authorization and they are using their position and power of authority for private profit and gain.Harold: okay to state this in court.Boris: yes bring it right up. Just start asking those questions where is your registration certificate showing you are a peace officer, where is the investigator report for the collateral assessment and if they do not have an investigators report is there any collateral damage? I need you to answer that. If they don't have an assessment for the collateral being used is there any collateral damage? Harold: noBoris: where is the injured party? Now it shows that they are fabricating claims and they are establishing controversies to fabricate a claim which is called barratry but you have to ask the question in order to get the answer. So the question is Do you have the investigators report of the collateral assessment? No. Then where is the injured party? Well where is the claim which relief is granted? They have already taken the judgment right. They have already taken the children?Harold: yes they have taken the children.Boris: so they have in order.Harold: yesBoris: you need to contact that Judge with a FOIA and ask that information of him. And if he doesn't have it any say okay I am going to file a tort of breach of contract. They came in after the name not the children, the names are not the child that name is an infant it's not the child in the people in enforcing the laws don't know that so they are going to argue and they're going to fight you. Andrew rule of thumb is you get them to fight you were going to win because now they are just arguing and complaining because they don't have any standing once they begin to fight. They lose it 11

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all it is just like ice to them. They have to be as cool as ice because they slip on the ice.Angela: the name is abandoned that is why the gift that becomes a ward of the state.Boris: no the child is not a ward of the state; the infant is always the ward the state. The child is the child mom takes the child home from the hospital as she signs off for the child. What they are doing is they are saying they registered this child as though it was collateral for them to do anything they want with. What they are doing is saying that child is a slave of ours. To say that that child has been registered at birth is to violate the 13th amendment. Do you understand why it is not that child now?Harold: because you said the 13th amendment no because to register the child would be a violation of the 13th amendment because it is the amendment against involuntary servitude.Angela: human trafficking.Boris: child trafficking, rape you can call it rape and you can call all kinds of stuff.Angela: June said there was rape going on when she went into court and they took it the wrong way and found her in contempt of court.Boris: do you know what rape really is? It is forced intercourse. So why are you forcing intercourse in there to say why are you forcing intercourse?Angela: the contract is intercourse.Boris: yes why are you forcing this contract? There is no contract here but there is obviously here there is something else because until you do that until you accept what it is you are intermeddling with the infant with property of an infant and since it is the energy is the property of it, it is technically the property of the infant but you have to go in and asked them. Where do you have title to this child? You don't have title to that child that's God's child. It ain't their child it's God's. I am the custodian of that child.Harold: okay so the mother and I are not married and she has been the one that is the problem.Boris: it doesn't matter you just ask them if they have title to the child because you have a superior claim. Let them wiggle out of that one.Harold: it's all about the title.Boris: yes it's all about the title.Angela: you just said something confusing to us which is claim of the name but you just said don't claim anything.Boris: you are not claiming the name the child is a child of God. It is not a child of the state. You just ask them for the title you asked them for their registration certificate. One lady went back to next day and asked them for their registration certificate showing that they are peace officers. None of them could find it then what she did she said okay I guess you're acting in your corporate capacity and you lose all your immunities for this kidnapping.Angela: right that is really good. And it is true they are.Boris: it is there to keep the peace or they're acting in private capacity. If they are there in private capacity they become personally liable because now they are not operating under the public insurance policy USC 1295a is the public insurance policy. That is public policy it or you can use public policy or you bring your own. I prefer public where everybody gets help. Everybody gets happy then if they accept it for those that don't they won't be upset.Harold: is that what you bring tort claims under?Boris: no when you bring a tort claim it is form 495 and with this one not sure who you do it with probably the attorney general or maybe the governor. But let that one who is running the show down there. Asked them for their registration certificate and if they can't produce that they must be acting in a private or corporate capacity and have no liability insurance in commerce and they will be personally liable for these actions.12

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Angela: that would also work for people under getting evicted when the sheriff shows up right Boris.Boris: yes with everything.Angela: they should be peace officers.Boris: right they are peace officers. And always people of these corporations how do they get the money to make their claim. Where does it come from? It comes from liens on the people. Every time they need money they have to create an injury for everybody. So every time someone demands you pay money they are demanding that you hurt your brother. That is what they are demanding.Angela: well Boris you wrote something in your paperwork that I found astounding and it had to do with the infant in and we take it back it said it had to do with the estate of the infant. Since the estate of the infant.Boris: since the state of the infant and it be created during the event has been probated as an operational presumption that the decedent could return in that possibility gets right to the reversionary interest and because of the estate of the infant is held under conservator ship which the state is Guardian all transactions in that estate result in a de facto or natural practice operation maritime lien against that estate and Federal Reserve notes are de facto maritime lien's against property and assets of the people of the nation. Don't take my word for it built it up it is right there on the treasury website.Angela: powerful thank you so much.Caller: I have many questions but I have to digest this new information as this is new territory for me but I want to tell you that it does resonate and I appreciate this.Boris: it resonated with me. I don't work comes from. On know is that some days I have do a data dump and this is one white data dumps I have to apologize if you get the hose. This is why they invented recording devices so you go back and listen.Caller: I don't wear it was what you were talking about USC 1295a in something hit me just so strong that I can't describe to you.Boris: how do you know you are under martial law? I'm going to give you the foundational document of international law the Lieber Code is one of them in the very first rule is the president of the hostile army proclaims martial law. But how do you know? All they have to do is just be there and how you know is on every flag and Flagstaff Army regulation 8510 the Eagle is probably present only. That flag is everywhere and that is how you know you're under martial law. It does not matter if you're a US citizen or not because martial law extends to property and persons they are subject to the enemy or aliens of that government it doesn't matter who you are. It doesn't matter what citizen you are caught in the middle of some war and this is a war for man's soul.Caller: and I certainly agree with you every time they turn around or you sign a promise note or whatever you do because we have no money of substance you are contributing to the national debt every time you do that.Boris: you just want to give them under USC 1295a and obligation of discharge that is all you're after.Caller: right as a result of this new could find fault if you're out there trying to help the wounded. Define fault of you embarking on this task which would help reduce the national debt among other things.Boris: right and the only ones that can are the ones who are striving against it and guess what. "Either you are with us or you're against us” isn’t that what Bush said either you're with us or you're against us will these are your laws and I am operating your laws so I must be with you so if you're against me you must be against us. That is the way he said it is and their definitions of terrorism are very-very-very broad and when they start fighting here is the deal. When they are getting all these cash advances and once we come in and say wait a minute USC 1295a 2 trying to enforce the contract. Then there is another problem because the 14th amendment comes back into play but neither the United States or any state shall assume 13

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or pay any loss or claim for the emancipation of any slave which are presumed surrogates. So when they get their cash advances based on an assumed surety. That is what you are fighting against.Angela: special drawing rights.Boris: yes now they are coming back because that debt would never have occurred if it occurred in insurrection or rebellion now the one doing the special drawing rights is whatever they are doing with them is the one in insurrection and rebellion.Caller: yes they are the enemies of the state.Boris: and here is why because that whole infant thing that is going right back to the enforcement of the trust. That whole infant thing when anyone intermingles with the property of an infant without authority is liable to account thereafter. If they can't produce a reason why they are touching the infant's estate then they are held liable for the touching.Angela: this goes back to the tort action.Caller: that is from the very beginning.Boris: correct and that is all part of enforcement of the trust protection protocols. That is why the infant is kept an infant that is why it is so dangerous for them to use that name to personally identify you because it makes you the infant and now all the safeguards are breached. All the safeguards become breached because now the presumption of death is gone, the presumption of infancy is gone and now everything has to come out of the trust and account for it and back to the one who it was originally taken, the event was originated from. That is the danger from behind of them using that name for that purpose. And we all laugh about it to do what I did but the actual fact it is a dangerous position to take because that is the ultimate cure for the ultimate breach of trust should they not stop. Then you just say screw you guys I'm going home I am done you can have whatever you want but screw you guys I'm going home. I am no longer playing you want to play by the rules you can have it I am done. Ask them if this were you would you want this to be happening to you and if they say yes you say okay I accept your offer to switch places. If they go no then you ask him why are you doing it then. Equality under the law is Paramount and mandatory bylaw remember that from Rice MacLeod.Angela: this is wonderful information Boris and where do they have let this soak in and absorb it because you have mentioned so many fine points today and we really appreciate your time and everybody here as well. Does anybody else have a comment or a question.Denny: well Boris is exactly 100 percent right on the investigators incident report because Roger Elvig told me Sunday that through 28 USC I think it's a codified rule in administrative law of North Dakota courts they have to tell you on discovery rule 35 the investigators incident report which is a report which from that they derive collateral assessment to know what they are going to invest their self for and what they are trying to get out of it financially. You also have the right they give you the judgment and commitment order well what they are giving you is only half of it because the other half is the investigators incident report with the collateral assessment on that and they don't want you to have that because they know what the value of that case would be when it is dumped into the Remick.Boris: the thing about that is I don't care about the value the evidence is there is the usufruct that makes me naked owner by operation of law. They are the ones who benefited from the assets of the infant right. If I'm the one that operating it and using it and they benefit I must be the naked owner because I am the only other party in the matter and by that asset they have to pay all the taxes and settle up all claims against me before they can even get benefiting a guess that estate that is what Roger Elvig was talking about the check that they have to write one to me and then one to your Buddy else they get the claims and taxes that come up in order to release the funds that they are selling and profiting off of and they are not doing it they are putting the tax obvious they and you are the one using a and you don't have contract in place to use it, you must be the executor or the executor days so tore and under IRS laws they come in under 23 and all I other stuff that I did under the operation of a claim and they come in under that and 14

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where the estate will be taxed for the transfer and they trust will be taxed for the transfer and the executor will be taxed for the transfer in all a good stuff will be the executor of the estate and he will be responsible for all the taxes. And since you are the one in the tort the one that is trespassing against the infant without authorization you must be that tort. And that is how they are getting you.Angela: if the executor has all the necessary information he must pay the taxes and settle the account but if there is fraud involved he cannot settle.Boris: right but since we come in this way there is no way that the infant can ever be the executor nor can we be the executor because we ate knowledge that the state owns it we just use it and revert everything back to them when he goes back to them, they benefit from our use of it. I get out of the estate stuff because I really don't like talking about it. Because all the estate is just interest and property and interest all it determines in any contract says there is no real consideration gold silver or anything else. What interests are exchanged? So you start exchanging it in at the end it is who holds what interest. And you don't want they reversion because that is like the last one standing and there are no more chairs. You know the chair again the last one standing loses. That's one that gets the bill. And you don't want that. And if you are him unto death you will get a crown of life so the reversion is you give away everything you do in death. Okay when I'm done with that you can have it.Angela: thank you Boris for your time and excellent information.