Borenore Public School

School News Borenore Public School 1243 The Escort Way BORENORE NSW 2800 Phone: 02 63652262 Fax: 02 63652318 Email: [email protected] Mrs Melissa Campbell Principal Student of the Week Phoebe - For her excellent focus and always working to the best of her ability. Langdon - For creating excellent descriptive writing. Well Done Ava - For great work in technology. Lily - For effort in telling the time. Pyjama Day - Thursday 2 July The SRC has registered the school to be part of National Pyjama Day 2020. Students are invited to wear their pyjamas to school, but must wear enclosed shoes. Students will need to bring a gold coin donation. In the afternoon students will watch a movie. SRC will have 'Popcorn and Poppers' for sale for students for $2. One quarter of money raised from the 'Popcorn and Poppers' will also be donated to the Pyjama Foundation. Semester 1 mid year reports Students mid year reports will be sent home later this week. Parent and student interviews are being planned for Week 3 in Term 3. More information on dates, times and format will be sent home at the beginning of Term 3. The format will depend on Government and departmental guidelines for COVID-19 restrictions. Home Reading Program We would like to congratulate all the students for continuing to read at home. The following students have reached the 50 and 125 nights reading awards. 50 nights: Abraham 125 nights: Lily, Langdon Infants Class The infants class have been learning to write procedures this term. Last week they wrote their own recipe for Fruit Kebabs. On Friday students followed their recipe making their own kebabs for a delicious morning snack. Farewell Mrs Henry The staff, students, parents and extended school community wish Mrs Henry every happiness in her retirement. Mrs Henry has had an extensive career with the Department of Education working at a number of schools in the Orange region. The Borenore School community will miss having you as part of our team and you are always welcome through our door. As a patron of the school we are sure to see you back for special events. Good luck, good health and enjoy a well deserved retirement. Please see over Term 2 Week 10 – 2020 WISDOM THROUGH KNOWLEDGE This Week Next Week Upcoming events / activities Monday 6 July - Term 2 vacation starts Tuesday 21 July - Students return - Term 3 in winter uniform. Wednesday Thursday 2 July - Pyjama Day Kitchen Garden Day Friday SPARKE photography - Full Winter uniform must be worn Last day of term

Transcript of Borenore Public School

School News

Borenore Public School 1243 The Escort Way

BORENORE NSW 2800 Phone: 02 63652262

Fax: 02 63652318 Email: [email protected]

Mrs Melissa Campbell Principal

Student of the Week Phoebe - For her excellent focus and always working to the best of her ability. Langdon - For creating excellent descriptive writing.

Well Done Ava - For great work in technology. Lily - For effort in telling the time.

Pyjama Day - Thursday 2 July The SRC has registered the school to be part of National Pyjama Day 2020. Students are invited to wear their pyjamas to school, but must wear enclosed shoes. Students will need to bring a gold coin donation.

In the afternoon students will watch a movie. SRC will have 'Popcorn and Poppers' for sale for students for $2. One quarter of money raised from the 'Popcorn and Poppers' will also be donated to the Pyjama Foundation.

Semester 1 mid year reports Students mid year reports will be sent home later this week. Parent and student interviews are being planned for Week 3 in Term 3. More information on dates, times and format will be sent home at the beginning of Term 3. The format will depend on Government and departmental guidelines for COVID-19 restrictions.

Home Reading Program We would like to congratulate all the students for continuing to read at home. The following students have reached the 50 and 125 nights reading awards.

50 nights: Abraham

125 nights: Lily, Langdon

Infants Class The infants class have been learning to write procedures this term. Last week they wrote their own recipe for Fruit Kebabs. On Friday students followed their recipe making their own kebabs for a delicious morning snack.

Farewell Mrs Henry The staff, students, parents and extended school community wish Mrs Henry every happiness in her retirement. Mrs Henry has had an extensive career with the Department of Education working at a number of schools in the Orange region.

The Borenore School community will miss having you as part of our team and you are always welcome through our door. As a patron of the school we are sure to see you back for special events. Good luck, good health and enjoy a well deserved retirement.

Please see over

Term 2 Week 10 – 2020


This Week Next Week Upcoming events / activities

Monday 6 July - Term 2 vacation starts

Tuesday 21 July - Students return - Term 3 in winter uniform.


Thursday 2 July - Pyjama Day Kitchen Garden Day

Friday SPARKE photography - Full Winter uniform must be worn Last day of term

Kitchen Garden Students have been growing seedlings and lettuce this term and the school kitchen garden is looking fantastic. Students will use the fresh produce to make their own healthy salad sandwich this Thursday 2 July. All ingredients (including gluten free bread) will be provided. K12 students will conclude their Procedural Writing Unit by writing the recipe for their sandwich. Please complete the permission slip attached and return to school by Wednesday 1 July. Students not participating will need to provide their own lunch.

Classroom Gallery walls The infants and primary classes have been very creative since returning to the classroom. Teachers are enjoying the students exploring their artistic talents.

The infants have focused on ‘Winter’ for their artwork.

The primary class have been looking at perspective lines and optical illusion.

Interrelate ‘Say NO to Bullying’ Poster ceremony Last Friday students linked to a live stream presentation of the National Poster Competition ‘Say NO to Bullying’. Borenore Public School was a finalist for whole school participation and Jordan was an individual finalist. Congratulations to all students for your participation.

SPARKE Promotion photography As a follow on from last years SPARKE program, Little Image Company will be coming to school on Friday 3 July to film groups of students participating in Science, Chess and Playground activities. All shots will be filmed and photographed for upcoming TV advertising for Orange Region Schools. Student will need to be in full winter Uniform. The general permission to publish guidelines will be followed unless you specifically request your child/ren to be excluded. Please contact Mrs Campbell if you have any questions.

Peer Support Training Students in years 5 and 6 will be participating in training for Peer Support Leaders on Thursday 23 and Friday 24 July. The program will be led by Mrs Campbell and provides a fun and engaging environment for students to investigate relationships, resilience, optimism, values and anti-bullying.

Modules are designed to equip students with skills to deal proactively with life experiences, promote wellbeing, build positive relationships and connectedness, and to encourage a sense of responsibility.

How does the Peer Support Program work? Trained Peer Leaders, supervised by a teacher, facilitate structured activities with multi age groups of 8-10 students. Teachers lead briefing and debriefing which takes place before and after each session.

Peer Leaders benefit by:

building positive relationships across the school

practising leadership skills

increasing confidence in leading a group

enhancing social and emotional learning

improving organisation and time management

developing skills to assist with transition to secondary school

An information sheet and permission note is attached to this newsletter to be returned by Friday 3 July.

Kind Regards

Mel, Debbie, Melissa and staff

Attachments Overdue Library book notice Unexplained Absences Kitchen Garden Day information and permission note Peer Support information and permission note - Years 5/6

Page 2 Borenore Public School Term 2 Week 10