Borenore Public School · On Wednesday morning, Kayne travelled to Sir Jack Brabham Park to play...

School News Borenore Public School 1243 The Escort Way BORENORE NSW 2800 Phone: 02 63652262 Fax: 02 63652318 Email: [email protected] Ms Louise Hopkins Relieving Principal Student of the Week Cleo - For being a helpful and respectful class member. Annie - For her annotated drawing of day and night. Indi - For her positive and can doattitude. Well Done Evie - For being a courteous and quiet worker. Robbie - For improved handwriting skills. Kayne - For great participation in all learning areas. Citizenship Award (Mrs Shepherd) Tiana - For running tabloid sports for the school. Hugh - For running tabloid sports for the school. Joshua - For running tabloid sports for the school. OSSA White PSSA Touch Football On Wednesday morning, Kayne travelled to Sir Jack Brabham Park to play against OSSA Green in Round 1 of the PSSA Boys Touch Football competition. OSSA Green won the match 4 –1, with Kayne scoring the only touch down for OSSA White. Congratulations Kayne! Orange Civic Theatre and Art Gallery Excursion Classes 2-3 and 4-5-6 will be travelling to Orange Theatre to see the performance of The Twitson Wednesday 7 August. A permission note is attached providing details of transport with pick up in the Library Carpark at 2.45pm. Welcome back Mrs G Welcome back to school Mrs G, we missed you and look forward to hearing about your holiday visiting family in France. State Cross Country Langdon and Skye represented Western Region in the NSW All Schools Cross Country Championships on Friday at Eastern Creek in Sydney. Langdon flew in from Uluru and deserves recognition for his determination to compete, after a long week of sickness. Skye placed 30th from 78 starters and ran a PB of 8min 54 seconds. Congratulations to Langdon and Skye, you are both champions and we are very, very proud of your strength, sportsmanship and achievement. SRC Badge Presentation The elected SRC members for 2019 will receive their badges at the Week 3 School Assembly, Friday 9 August. We wel- come everyone along to this special occasion. Assembly commences at 2.30 in the primary classroom. SRC Report Our SRC met on Wednesday to discuss and organise the running of Jeans for Genes Day. There was a vote on an end of term school fundraiser which was decided that they will host a movie afternoon at school on Wednesday of Week 10. More information to follow. Newsletter on Skool Loop App Weekly newsletters are available on the Skool Loop App on Monday afternoons and uploaded to the Borenore webpage. If you need assistance please contact the office. Please see over Term 3 Week 2 – 2019 Tuesday 30/ 07/ 19 Wednesday 31/ 07/ 19 Thursday 01/ 08/ 19 Friday 02/ 08/ 19 Monday 05/ 08/ 19 Sport Dance Scripture Jeans for Genes Day Library Snow Excursion payment due WISDOM THROUGH KNOWLEDGE

Transcript of Borenore Public School · On Wednesday morning, Kayne travelled to Sir Jack Brabham Park to play...

Page 1: Borenore Public School · On Wednesday morning, Kayne travelled to Sir Jack Brabham Park to play against OSSA Green in Round 1 of the PSSA Boys Touch Football competition. OSSA Green

School News

Borenore Public School 1243 The Escort Way

BORENORE NSW 2800 Phone: 02 63652262

Fax: 02 63652318 Email: [email protected]

Ms Louise Hopkins Relieving Principal

Student of the Week Cleo - For being a helpful and respectful class member. Annie - For her annotated drawing of day and night. Indi - For her positive and ‘can do’ attitude.

Well Done Evie - For being a courteous and quiet worker. Robbie - For improved handwriting skills. Kayne - For great participation in all learning areas.

Citizenship Award (Mrs Shepherd) Tiana - For running tabloid sports for the school. Hugh - For running tabloid sports for the school. Joshua - For running tabloid sports for the school.

OSSA White PSSA Touch Football On Wednesday morning, Kayne travelled to Sir Jack Brabham Park to play against OSSA Green in Round 1 of the PSSA Boys Touch Football competition. OSSA Green won the match 4 –1, with Kayne scoring the only touch down for OSSA White. Congratulations Kayne!

Orange Civic Theatre and Art Gallery Excursion Classes 2-3 and 4-5-6 will be travelling to Orange Theatre to see the performance of ‘The Twits’ on Wednesday 7 August. A permission note is attached providing details of transport with pick up in the Library Carpark at 2.45pm.

Welcome back Mrs G Welcome back to school Mrs G, we missed you and look forward to hearing about your holiday visiting family in France.

State Cross Country Langdon and Skye represented Western Region in the NSW All Schools Cross Country Championships on Friday at Eastern Creek in Sydney. Langdon flew in from Uluru and deserves recognition for his determination to compete, after a long week of sickness. Skye placed 30th from 78 starters and ran a PB of 8min 54 seconds. Congratulations to Langdon and Skye, you are both champions and we are very, very proud of your strength, sportsmanship and achievement.

SRC Badge Presentation The elected SRC members for 2019 will receive their badges at the Week 3 School Assembly, Friday 9 August. We wel-come everyone along to this special occasion. Assembly commences at 2.30 in the primary classroom.

SRC Report Our SRC met on Wednesday to discuss and organise the running of Jeans for Genes Day. There was a vote on an end of term school fundraiser which was decided that they will host a movie afternoon at school on Wednesday of Week 10. More information to follow.

Newsletter on Skool Loop App Weekly newsletters are available on the Skool Loop App on Monday afternoons and uploaded to the Borenore webpage. If you need assistance please contact the office.

Please see over

Term 3 Week 2 – 2019

Tuesday 30/ 07/ 19 Wednesday 31/ 07/ 19 Thursday 01/ 08/ 19 Friday 02/ 08/ 19 Monday 05/ 08/ 19




Jeans for Genes Day


Snow Excursion payment due


Page 2: Borenore Public School · On Wednesday morning, Kayne travelled to Sir Jack Brabham Park to play against OSSA Green in Round 1 of the PSSA Boys Touch Football competition. OSSA Green

PE and Sport PE and sport lessons are performed every day, except for Fridays. Children will need to wear sports shoes/runners to safely and actively participate in these activities. Don’t forget, sport is now on Tuesdays for Term 3.

Jeans for Genes Day The SRC are organising a Jeans for Genes day on Friday 2 August. Students are encouraged to bring a gold coin to donate and to wear their jeans. The money raised from Jeans for Genes goes directly to Children’s Medical Research Institute and helps find treatments and cures for children’s genetic diseases.

Book Club Issue 5 Issue 5 Book Club for 2019 is included with this newsletter. Please ensure you have completed your online orders by the due date to avoid incurring a separate postage charge on your items. If you are ordering for special occasions please advise the office of collection arrangements. Orders must be completed online through LOOP via the link, and are due by Monday 12 August.

PSSA Sport Ms Hopkins is running a PSSA Sports program for all students on Thursday’s, at lunch time. In Term 3, we will be learning ball skills, rules and positions for touch football and netball. Sports shoes must be worn to participate. The NSW Touch Football Primary Schools Gala Day NSW Touch is hosting a touch football gala day in Orange at Sir Jack Brabham Park on Wednesday, 4 September. Ms Hopkins will collect names from interested students and make a team or teams for participation on the day. A permission note and further details will be sent home once teams have been formed.

Woolworth Cricket Blast School Cup Primary students (years 3 – 6) are participating in the Orange Small Schools, Woolworths Cricket Blast School Cup. We have entered a girls and boys team to play on Monday 23 September. A permission note and further information will be sent home closer to the date.

Healthy Lunchbox Using winter vegetables in different ways encourages children to try new things and gives them the much needed vitamins and minerals to fight winter germs. This recipe can be modified to suit special diets by substituting gluten free, dairy free and vegetarian products. Its easy to freeze and good for leftovers in lunch boxes. Vegetable pasta bake

Ingredients 1 tsp olive oil Olive Oil spray 1 red onion, diced 3 gloves garlic, crushed 2 zucchinis, chopped 1 cup mushrooms, chopped 1 red capsicum, deseeded and chopped 1 yellow capsicum, deseeded and chopped 500g jar tomato-based pasta sauce 1 tsp dried Italian herbs 50g wholemeal breadcrumbs 50g mozzarella, grated

Method Preheat oven to 200

0C. Spray a 30 x 25cm baking dish with

oil. Cook pasta to the directions on pack. Drain and place in the baking dish, tossing in a little olive oil to stop it sticking together.

Heat a large non-stick frypan over medium-high heat. Spray with olive oil and cook the onion, garlic, vegetables and herbs until soft.

Add the pasta sauce, stir and cook for 2 minutes. Pour over the pasts and gently mix through. Add a touch of water if the mix needs to be loosened.

Top with wholemeal breadcrumbs and sprinkle with mozzarella . Bake 15 - 20 minutes until cooked through and golden on top.

You can also experiment with a variety of vegetables and meat combinations to change the flavour. Even consider using a creamy white sauce instead of the tomato sauce to make it totally different. Change up the herbs and add sesame seeds or pinenuts for added flavour and variety. Regards

Louise, Debbie, Melissa and staff

Attachments Receipts Permission Note - Orange Civic Theatre and Regional Art Gallery visit

Page 2 Borenore Public School Term 3 Week 2