Bookshelf NBK247829 Psoriasis

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  • 8/15/2019 Bookshelf NBK247829 Psoriasis


  • 8/15/2019 Bookshelf NBK247829 Psoriasis


  • 8/15/2019 Bookshelf NBK247829 Psoriasis




    Poriai fll gideline (Ocober 2012)


    Pblihed b he Naional Clinical Gideline Cenre a

    The Roal College of Phician, 11 S Andre Place, Regen Park, London, NW1 4BT

    Fir pblihed Ocober 2012

    Naional Clinical Gideline Cenre Ocober 2012

    Apar from an fair dealing for he prpoe of reearch or priae d, criicim or reie, a

    permied nder he Coprigh, Deign and Paen Ac, 1988, no par of hi pblicaion ma be

    reprodced, ored or ranmied in an form or b an mean, iho he prior rien permiion of

    he pbliher or, in he cae of reprographic reprodcion, in accordance ih he erm of licence

    ied b he Coprigh Licening Agenc in he UK. Enqirie concerning reprodcion oide he

    erm aed here hold be en o he pbliher a he UK addre prined on hi page.

    The e of regiered name, rademark, ec. in hi pblicaion doe no impl, een in he abence of

    a pecific aemen, ha ch name are eemp from he relean la and reglaion and herefore

    for general e.

    The righ of Naional Clinical Gideline Cenre o be idenified a Ahor of hi ork hae been

    aered b hem in accordance ih he Coprigh, Deign and Paen Ac, 1988.

    Poriai fll gideline (Ocober 2012)

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  • 8/15/2019 Bookshelf NBK247829 Psoriasis




    Poriai fll gideline (Ocober 2012)


    4.4 Eidence of coeffeciene ............................................................................................ 39

    4.4.1 Lierare reie ................................................................................................. 39

    4.4.2 Underaking ne healh economic anali ........................................................ 41

    4.4.3 Coeffeciene crieria ................................................................................... 41

    4.5 Deeloping recommendaion ............................................................................................ 42

    4.5.1 Reearch recommendaion ................................................................................ 42

    4.5.2 Validaion proce ............................................................................................... 42

    4.5.3 Updaing he gideline ........................................................................................ 42

    4.5.4 Diclaimer ............................................................................................................ 43

    4.5.5 Fnding ................................................................................................................ 43

    5  G .............................................................................................................. 44 

    5.1 Ke prioriie for implemenaion ....................................................................................... 44

    5.2 Fll li of recommendaion .............................................................................................. 46

    5.3 Ke fre reearch recommendaion .............................................................................. 62

    5.4 Algorihm ........................................................................................................................... 63

    6  P ................................................................................................................. 71 

    6.1 Mehodological inrodcion .............................................................................................. 71

    6.2 Selfmanagemen ppor (proided b a nre peciali / rained pracice nre) .

    andard care ...................................................................................................................... 75

    6.2.1 Eidence profile ................................................................................................... 75

    6.2.2 Eidence aemen ........................................................................................... 776.2.3 Sbgrop anali ................................................................................................ 78

    6.3 Addiional applicaion informaion . andard informaion for e of dihranol ............ 78

    6.3.1 Eidence profile ................................................................................................... 78

    6.3.2 Eidence aemen ........................................................................................... 79

    6.4 Deciion board aid . andard conlaion ..................................................................... 79

    6.4.1 Eidence profile ................................................................................................... 79

    6.4.2 Eidence aemen ........................................................................................... 81

    6.5 Co effeciene eidence ................................................................................................ 81

    6.5.1 Eidence aemen ........................................................................................... 82

    6.6 Recommendaion and link o eidence ............................................................................. 82

    7  A ...................................................................................................... 87 

    7.1 Aemen ool for dieae eeri and impac and referral for peciali care ............ 87

    7.1.1 Mehodological inrodcion ............................................................................... 88

    7.1.2 Clinical eidence for inernal conienc ........................................................... 94

    7.1.3 Clinical eidence for eree or inraraer reliabili ..................................... 96

    7.1.4 Clinical eidence for inerraer reliabili ........................................................... 98

    7.1.5 Clinical eidence for conrc alidi conino cale.............................. 100

    7.1.6 Clinical eidence for conrc alidi/agreemen dichoomo raing of

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    Poriai fll gideline (Ocober 2012)


    repone or eeri .......................................................................................... 107

    7.1.7 Clinical eidence for eniii o change ......................................................... 108

    7.1.8 Clinical eidence for pracicabili ..................................................................... 110

    7.1.9 Economic Eidence ............................................................................................ 111

    7.1.10 Recommendaion and link o eidence ........................................................... 111

    7.2 Aemen and referral for poriaic arhrii ................................................................. 119

    7.2.1 Mehodological inrodcion ............................................................................. 119

    7.2.2 Sd deail mehod and rel.................................................................. 122

    7.2.3 Eidence profile ................................................................................................. 127

    7.2.4 Eidence Smmar ............................................................................................ 129

    7.2.5 Eidence aemen ......................................................................................... 132

    7.2.6 Economic Eidence ............................................................................................ 133

    7.2.7 Recommendaion and link o eidence ........................................................... 133

    7.3 Speciali referral for poriaic arhrii ............................................................................ 137

    7.3.1 Mehodological inrodcion ............................................................................. 137

    7.3.2 Direc eidence .................................................................................................. 142

    7.3.3 Indirec eidence ............................................................................................... 143

    7.3.4 Economic eidence ............................................................................................ 147

    7.3.5 Recommendaion and link o eidence ........................................................... 147

    7.4 Idenificaion of comorbidiie .......................................................................................... 150

    7.4.1 Mehodological inrodcion ............................................................................. 150

    7.4.2 Cardioaclar dieae ...................................................................................... 174

    7.4.3 Cardioaclar dieae rik facor .................................................................... 184

    7.4.4 Depreion ......................................................................................................... 187

    7.4.5 Cancer ................................................................................................................ 188

    7.4.6 Incidence of morali from ario cancer compared ih people iho

    poriai ............................................................................................................. 193

    7.4.7 Morali ............................................................................................................ 196

    7.4.8 Economic eidence ............................................................................................ 198

    7.4.9 Recommendaion and link o eidence ........................................................... 201

    8  T .................................................................................................................. 210 

    8.1 Topical herapie for rnk and limb poriai .................................................................. 211

    8.1.1 Mehodological inrodcion ............................................................................. 211

    8.1.2 Viamin D and iamin D analoge . placebo ................................................. 225

    8.1.3 Viamin D or iamin D analoge . placebo (children) ................................... 229

    8.1.4 Poen coricoeroid . placebo ...................................................................... 230

    8.1.5 Ver poen coricoeroid . placebo ............................................................. 232

    8.1.6 Taaroene . placebo ...................................................................................... 236

    8.1.7 Poen coricoeroid . placebo for mainenance of remiion ..................... 238

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    Poriai fll gideline (Ocober 2012)


    8.1.8 Viamin D or iamin D analoge . poen coricoeroid .............................. 239

    8.1.9 Concrren iamin D or iamin D analoge and poen coricoeroid (one

    in he morning and one in he eening) . iamin D or iamin D analoge

    alone .................................................................................................................. 243

    8.1.10 Combined prodc conaining iamin D or iamin D analoge and poen

    coricoeroid (calciporiol pl beamehaone dipropionae) . iamin D

    or iamin D analoge alone .............................................................................. 246

    8.1.11 Combined prodc conaining iamin D or iamin D analoge and poen

    coricoeroid (calciporiol pl beamehaone dipropionae) . poen

    coricoeroid ..................................................................................................... 249

    8.1.12 Combined prodc conaining iamin D or iamin D analoge and poen

    coricoeroid (calciporiol pl beamehaone dipropionae) hen iamin

    D or iamin D analoge . iamin D or iamin D analoge alone ................ 250

    8.1.13 Combined prodc conaining iamin D or iamin D analoge and poen

    coricoeroid (calciporiol pl beamehaone dipropionae) . iamin D

    or iamin D analoge (52 eek mainenance) ............................................... 254

    8.1.14 Viamin D or iamin D analoge . dihranol .................................................. 257

    8.1.15 Viamin D or iamin D analoge . coal ar .................................................... 260

    8.1.16 Viamin D or iamin D analoge once dail compared o iamin D or

    iamin D ice dail ......................................................................................... 263

    8.1.17 Time o remiion or maimm effec for rnk or limb poriai .................... 264

    8.1.18 Neork meaanali for rnk or limb poriai ........................................... 283

    8.1.19 Co effeciene eidence for rnk or limb poriai .................................... 288

    8.1.20 Recommendaion and link o eidence ........................................................... 303

    8.2 Topical herapie for high impac or difficl ie ........................................................... 317

    8.2.1 Mehodological inrodcion ............................................................................. 317

    8.2.2 Scalp poriai .................................................................................................... 322

    8.2.3 Time o remiion or maimm effec for calp poriai ................................. 341

    8.2.4 Neork meaanali calp poriai ........................................................... 352

    8.2.5 Co effeciene eidence (calp poriai) .................................................... 354

    8.2.6 Face, flere and genial................................................................................. 367

    8.2.7 Time o remiion or maimm effec for face, flere and genial .............. 370

    8.2.8 Co effeciene eidence face and flere (inclding genial) ................ 374

    8.2.9 Recommendaion and link o eidence ........................................................... 374

    9  P .................................................................................................................... 385 

    9.1 UVB (broadband and narroband) and PUVA .................................................................. 385

    9.1.1 Mehodological inrodcion ............................................................................. 385

    9.1.2 Narroband broadband UVB ........................................................................ 389

    9.1.3 Narroband UVB PUVA................................................................................. 392

    9.1.4 Differen NBUVB reamen freqencie ........................................................... 401

    9.1.5 Economic eidence ............................................................................................ 416

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    Poriai fll gideline (Ocober 2012)


    9.1.6 Recommendaion and link o eidence ........................................................... 419

    9.2 Phooherap combined ih acirein ............................................................................. 425

    9.2.1 Mehodological inrodcion ............................................................................. 425

    9.2.2 Acirein Acirein pl BBUVB ...................................................................... 426

    9.2.3 Acirein pl BBUVB placebo pl BBUVB .................................................... 427

    9.2.4 Acirein pl NBUVB acirein pl PUVA ..................................................... 428

    9.2.5 Acirein pl PUVA placebo pl PUVA ........................................................ 430

    9.2.6 Economic eidence ............................................................................................ 432

    9.2.7 Recommendaion and link o eidence ........................................................... 433

    9.3 Dihranol, coal ar and iamin D or iamin D analoge combined ih UVB ............... 436

    9.3.1 Mehodological inrodcion ............................................................................. 436

    9.3.2 Viamin D analoge pl NBUVB iamin D analoge alone ......................... 438

    9.3.3 Calciporiol pl BBUVB calciporiol .............................................................. 440

    9.3.4 Calciporiol pl NBUVB placebo pl NBUVB .............................................. 441

    9.3.5 Viamin D or iamin D analoge pl BBUVB placebo pl BBUVB ............. 443

    9.3.6 LCD (Liqor carboni diillae; eqi. 2.3% coal ar) pl NBUVB NBUVB ... 446

    9.3.7 Tar oil pl berhemogenic BBVB placebo pl maimall

    erhemogenic BBUVB....................................................................................... 448

    9.3.8 Dihranol (Micanol) pl BBUVB Dihranol ................................................... 449

    9.3.9 Dihranol (micanol) pl BBUVB placebo pl BBUVB .................................. 450

    9.3.10 Economic eidence ............................................................................................ 4549.3.11 Recommendaion and link o eidence ........................................................... 456

    9.4 Phooherap, emic herap (biological and nonbiological), ar and rik of kin

    cancer ................................................................................................................................ 460

    9.4.1 Clinical inrodcion ........................................................................................... 460

    9.4.2 Mehodological inrodcion ............................................................................. 461

    9.4.3 PUVA .................................................................................................................. 471

    9.4.4 Biological drg, cicloporin, mehoreae, UVB, ar and reinoid ................ 487

    9.4.5 Economic eidence ............................................................................................ 491

    9.4.6 Recommendaion and link o eidence ........................................................... 491

    10  S ......................................................................................... 498 

    10.1 Mehodological inrodcion ............................................................................................ 498

    10.2 Mehoreae placebo for indcion of remiion ....................................................... 503

    10.2.1 Eidence profile ................................................................................................. 503

    10.2.2 Eidence aemen ......................................................................................... 505

    10.3 Mehoreae cicloporin for indcion of remiion ................................................... 506

    10.3.1 Eidence profile ................................................................................................. 506

    10.3.2 Eidence aemen ......................................................................................... 511

    10.3.3 Sbgrop and heerogenei ........................................................................... 512

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    Poriai fll gideline (Ocober 2012)


    10.4 Acirein placebo for indcion of remiion ................................................................ 513

    10.4.1 Eidence profile ................................................................................................. 513

    10.4.2 Eidence aemen ......................................................................................... 520

    10.4.3 Sbgrop and heerogenei ........................................................................... 521

    10.5 Increaing decreaing acirein doing chedle for indcion of remiion ............... 522

    10.5.1 Eidence profile ................................................................................................. 522

    10.5.2 Eidence aemen ......................................................................................... 524

    10.6 Increaing conan acirein doing chedle for indcion of remiion ................... 525

    10.6.1 Eidence profile ................................................................................................. 525

    10.6.2 Eidence aemen ......................................................................................... 527

    10.7 Cicloporin placebo for indcion of remiion ............................................................ 528

    10.7.1 Eidence profile ................................................................................................. 528

    10.7.2 Eidence aemen ......................................................................................... 531

    10.7.3 Sbgrop and heerogenei ........................................................................... 531

    10.8 Cicloporin doage comparion for indcion of remiion ............................................ 532

    10.8.1 Eidence profile ................................................................................................. 532

    10.8.2 Eidence aemen ......................................................................................... 535

    10.9 Cicloporin placebo for mainenance of remiion ...................................................... 535

    10.9.1 Eidence profile ................................................................................................. 537

    10.9.2 Eidence aemen ......................................................................................... 540

    10.9.3 Sbgrop and heerogenei ........................................................................... 540

    10.10 Inermien (abrp ceaion) conino cicloporin for mainenance of

    remiion ........................................................................................................................... 541

    10.10.1 Eidence profile ................................................................................................. 541

    10.10.2 Eidence aemen ......................................................................................... 543

    10.11 Inermien (aper o ihdra) conino (aper o minimm doe) cicloporin

    for he mainenance of remiion ..................................................................................... 544

    10.11.1 Eidence profile ................................................................................................. 544

    10.11.2 Eidence aemen ......................................................................................... 546

    10.11.3 Sbgrop and heerogenei ........................................................................... 546

    10.12 Cicloporin doage comparion for mainenance ........................................................... 547

    10.12.1 Eidence profile ................................................................................................. 547

    10.12.2 Eidence aemen ......................................................................................... 549

    10.13 Cicloporin placebo for indcion of remiion in palmoplanar ploi ................ 550

    10.13.1 Eidence profile ................................................................................................. 550

    10.13.2 Eidence aemen ......................................................................................... 553

    10.14 Time o maimm effec ................................................................................................... 554

    10.14.1 Eidence profile ................................................................................................ 554

    10.14.2 Daa mmar able .......................................................................................... 558

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    Poriai fll gideline (Ocober 2012)


    10.14.3 Eidence aemen ......................................................................................... 560

    10.14.4 Economic eidence ............................................................................................ 561

    10.15 Recommendaion and link o eidence ........................................................................... 565

    11  M ............................................................................ 577 

    11.1 Mehodological inrodcion ............................................................................................ 577

    11.2 Adl ................................................................................................................................ 585

    11.2.1 Rik facor 1: Alcohol ......................................................................................... 585

    11.2.2 Rik Facor 2: Obei ........................................................................................ 595

    11.2.3 Rik facor 3: Diabee ....................................................................................... 599

    11.2.4 Rik Facor 4: Hepaii ...................................................................................... 603

    11.2.5 Rik Facor 5: Preeiing lier dieae ............................................................. 604

    11.2.6 Rik Facor 6: Cmlaie doe of mehoreae .............................................. 607

    11.3 Children ............................................................................................................................. 617

    11.3.1 Rik Facor 1: Obei ........................................................................................ 617

    11.3.2 Economic eidence ............................................................................................ 618

    11.4 Recommendaion and link o eidence ........................................................................... 618

    12  M ............................................................... 622 

    12.1 Mehodological inrodcion ............................................................................................ 622

    12.1.1 Reie mehod ................................................................................................ 622

    12.1.2 Sd deail mehod and rel.................................................................. 628

    12.2 Noninaie lier e . lier biop ............................................................................ 635

    12.2.1 Eidence profile ................................................................................................. 635

    12.2.2 Eidence mmar ............................................................................................. 640

    12.2.3 Eidence aemen ......................................................................................... 646

    12.3 Economic eidence ........................................................................................................... 649

    12.3.1 Uni co ........................................................................................................... 651

    12.3.2 Eidence aemen ......................................................................................... 651

    12.4 Recommendaion and link o eidence ........................................................................... 651

    13  S ................................................................................................ 656 

    13.1 Mehodological inrodcion ............................................................................................ 656

    13.2 Preio biological herap . no preio biological herap ........................................ 662

    13.2.1 Eanercep in hoe ih and iho prior epore o biological herap .... 662

    13.2.2 Adalimmab in hoe ih and iho prior epore o biological herap . 666

    13.2.3 Infliimab in hoe ih and iho prior epore o biological herap ...... 669

    13.2.4 Uekinmab in hoe ih and iho prior epore o biological herap 670

    13.3 Adalimmab a a fir TNF anagoni adalimmab folloing diconinaion of a

    preio TNF anagoni ................................................................................................... 681

    13.3.1 Eidence profile ................................................................................................. 681

    13.3.2 Eidence aemen ......................................................................................... 684

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    Poriai fll gideline (Ocober 2012)


    13.3.3 Eidence profile ................................................................................................. 685

    13.3.4 Eidence aemen ......................................................................................... 687

    13.4 Infliimab . placebo in hoe ih prior epore o biological herap ....................... 688

    13.4.1 Eidence profile ................................................................................................. 688

    13.4.2 Eidence aemen ........................................................................................... 688

    13.5 Uekinmab placebo in hoe ih prior epore o biological herap .................. 688

    13.5.1 Eidence profile ................................................................................................. 688

    13.5.2 Eidence aemen ......................................................................................... 690

    13.6 Uekinmab eanercep in hoe ih prior epore o biological herap ............. 691

    13.6.1 Eidence profile ................................................................................................. 691

    13.6.2 Eidence aemen ......................................................................................... 692

    13.7 Economic eidence ........................................................................................................... 693

    13.7.1 Lierare reie ............................................................................................... 693

    13.7.2 Original economic anali ................................................................................ 693

    13.7.3 Mehod ............................................................................................................. 693

    13.7.4 Rel ................................................................................................................ 696

    13.7.5 Limiaion ......................................................................................................... 697

    13.8 Recommendaion and link o eidence ........................................................................... 699

    14  C ........................................................................................... 707 

    14.1 Mehodological inrodcion ............................................................................................ 707

    14.2 Cogniie behaioral herap . andard care ............................................................. 709

    14.2.1 Eidence profile ................................................................................................. 709

    14.2.2 Eidence aemen ......................................................................................... 712

    14.3 Economic eidence ........................................................................................................... 712

    14.4 Recommendaion and link o eidence ........................................................................... 712

    15  G ................................................................................................ 715 

    15.1 Gloar ............................................................................................................................. 715

    15.2 Abbreiaion .................................................................................................................... 724

    16  B ...................................................................................................................... 726 

    17  L .............................................................................................................. 760 

    Appendi A: Scope ................................................................................................................. 760

    Appendi B: Declaraion of inere ..................................................................................... 760

    Appendi C: Reie proocol ............................................................................................... 760

    Appendi D: Lierare earch raegie ............................................................................... 760

    Appendi E: Sd elecion flo char ................................................................................ 760

    Appendi F: Eclded die li (clinical) ............................................................................ 760

    Appendi G: Eclded die li (co effeciene) .......................................................... 760Appendi H: Eidence able clinical die ....................................................................... 760

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    Poriai fll gideline (Ocober 2012)


    Appendi I: Eidence able economic die .................................................................. 760

    Appendi J: Fore plo ........................................................................................................ 760

    Appendi K: NMA opical rnk and limb ........................................................................... 760

    Appendi L: NMA opical calp ............................................................................................ 760

    Appendi M: CEA opical rnk and limb ............................................................................. 760

    Appendi N: CEA opical calp .............................................................................................. 760

    Appendi O: CEA econdline biologic .................................................................................. 760

    Appendi P: Reie o define 'be pporie care' ............................................................ 760

    Appendi Q: Addiional daa (appendice from eidence repor) ........................................ 760

    Appendi R: Fre reearch recommendaion ................................................................... 760

    Appendi S: Rik and benefi of reamen for poriai .................................................. 760

    Appendi T: Poriai Epidemiolog Screening Tool (PEST) ................................................... 760

    Appendi U: Reference for appendice JS .......................................................................... 760

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    Poriai fll gideline (Ocober 2012)



    The deelopmen of hi gideline a greal aied b he folloing people:

    •  Amar Pal Dhillon, Conlan hiopahologi, Deparmen of Hiopaholog, Roal Free

    Hopial, London

    •  Rober Dae, Conlan Dermaologi, PHOTONET Lead Clinician, NHS Taide

    •  Zarif JabbarLope, Reearch Fello, NCGC

    •  Tarn Krae, Senior Projec Manager and Reearch Fello, NCGC

    •  Faema Limbada, Projec Coordinaor, NCGC

    •  Anne Maon, Reearch Fello, Cenre for Healh Economic, Unieri of York

    •  Jlie Neilon, Senior Reearch Fello, NCGC

    •  Vicki Polli, Healh Economi, NCGC•  Maggie Web, Clinical Effeciene Lead, NCGC

    •  Rachel Wheeler, Reearch Fello, NCGC

    •  Hel William, Coordinaing edior, Cochrane Skin Grop and profeor of dermao

    epidemiolog and direcor of he cenre of eidence baed dermaolog, facl of medicine and

    healh cience, Unieri of Noingham

    •  Dae Wonderling, Head of Healh Economic, NCGC

    •  Terr Wong, Conlan Hepaologi, G and S Thoma' Hopial Fondaion Tr, London

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    Poriai fll gideline (Ocober 2012)



    Poriai i an inflammaor kin dieae ha picall follo a relaping and remiing core.


    EThe prealence of poriai i eimaed o be arond 1.32.2%

    306 in he UK, ih he greae

    prealence being in hie people. Men and omen are eqall affeced. I can occr a an age

    alhogh i ncommon in children (0.71%) and he majori of cae occr before he age of 35 ear.

    Poriai i aociaed ih join dieae in a ignifican proporion of paien (repored in one d

    a 13.8%)157


    1.2  C

    Plaqe poriai i b far he mo common form of he condiion (90% of people ih poriai) and

    i characeried b ell delineaed red, cal plaqe306

    . The een of inolemen i ariable,ranging from a fe localied pache a eenor ie, o generalied inolemen inoling an ie.

    Rarel, poriai ma inole he hole bod, erhroderma. The appearance of plaqe poriai ma

    be modified b ie. Fleral (alo knon a inere or inerrigino) poriai refer o plaqe

    poriai a bmammar, groin, aillar, genial and naal clef ie, and i picall le cal.

    Seborrhoeic poriai (eboporiai) i imilar in appearance and diribion o eborrhoeic

    dermaii (hence he name) and ma occr in iolaion or aociaed ih plaqe poriai

    elehere. Oher pe of poriai inclde gae poriai (an ace erpion of mall (< 1 cm)

    paple of poriai hich appear oer a period of a monh or o and i preceded b a repococcal

    infecion in arond 2/3rd of people), and plar poriai hich inclde generalied plar

    poriai (GPP) and localied form (ie: palmoplanar ploi and acrodermaii conina of

    Halopea). Diincie nail change occr in arond 50% of all hoe affeced and are more commonin hoe ih poriaic arhrii. Occaionall combinaion of he differen pe deelop

    imlaneol or eqeniall oer ime in he ame peron. P poriai i all he pe

    referred o b boh healhcare profeional and paien hen ing he erm poriai375

    . Unle

    iplaed oherie, he erm poriai refer o plaqe poriai in hi gideline. The phrae

    ' '  encompae he face, flere, genialia, calp, palm and ole and are o

    called becae poriai a hee ie ma hae an epeciall high impac, ma rel in fncional

    impairmen, reqire pariclar care hen precribing opical herap and can be reian o


    1.3  D

    Deah direcl de o poriai i rare, b he chronic, incrable nare of poriai mean ha

    aociaed morbidi i ignifican. People ih poriai, like hoe ih oher major medical

    diorder, hae redced leel of emplomen and income a ell a a decreaed qali of life. The

    impac of poriai encompae fncional, pchological, and ocial dimenion205

    . Facor ha

    conribe o hi inclde mpom pecificall relaed o he kin (for eample, chronic ich,

    bleeding, caling and nail inolemen), problem relaed o reamen (me, odor, inconenience

    and ime), poriaic arhrii, and he effec of liing ih a highl iible, difigring kin dieae

    (difficlie ih relaionhip, difficlie ih ecring emplomen and poor elf eeem). Een

    people ih minimal inolemen (le han he eqialen of hree palm area) ae ha poriai

    ha a major effec on heir life. The combined co of longerm herap and ocial co of he

    dieae hae a major impac on healhcare em and on ocie in general. Abo a hird of peopleih poriai eperience major pchological dire, and he een o hich he feel ociall

    igmaied and eclded i banial332

    . Healhcare profeional, inclding dermaologi, ofen

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    Poriai fll gideline (Ocober 2012)


    fail o appreciae he een of hi diabili and een hen i i correcl idenified, ome eimae

    gge ha le han a hird of people ih poriai receie appropriae pchological


    1.4  C

    Aide from he brden of poriaic arhrii, and pchological morbidi, a nmber of die hae

    ggeed ha people ih poriai ma alo be a rik of cardioaclar dieae. I i nclear

    heher hi increae direcl relae o he poriai ielf, or an increaed incidence of radiional

    cardioaclar rik facor repored in people ih poriai180,322

    . Rik facor inclde obei, pe 2

    diabee melli, meabolic ndrome, ece alcohol inake or alcoholim, moking and

    hperlipidaemia (hich ma be parl iarogenic de o agen ch a cicloporin and acirein).

    Commni and hopialbaed die gge ha people ih poriai, pariclarl hoe ih

    eere dieae, ma alo be a increaed rik of lmphoma and nonmelanoma kin cancer. The

    relaie inflence of knon confonder ch a concomian herap ih immnopprean,

    phooherap, moking, and alcohol i nclear.

    1.5  A M

    The ignifican impac of poriai on ellbeing ffered b affeced indiidal, nderline he need

    for promp, effecie reamen, and longerm dieae conrol. Treamen aailable for poriai are

    aried. For he prpoe of hi gideline,    decribe he radiional opical

    herapie (ch a coricoeroid, iamin D and analoge, dihranol and ar preparaion).

      inclde phooherap, broad or narroband lraiole [UV] B ligh, ih or iho

    peried applicaion of comple opical herapie ch a dihranol in Laar' pae or crde coal

    ar and phoochemoherap, poralen pl UVA ligh [PUVA], and nonbiological emic agen

    ch a cicloporin, mehoreae and acirein.   refer o emic biological

    herapie ha e molecle deigned o block pecific moleclar ep imporan in hedeelopmen of poriai ch a he TNF anagoni adalimmab, eanercep and infliimab, and

    ekinmab, aniIL1223 monoclonal anibod266,267,269,273

    . Thee agen are approed for e b

    NICE, bjec o cerain dieae eeri crieria, and acqiiion co are high. All of hee

    inerenion can be aociaed ih longerm oici and ome people ih poriai hae

    reamenreian dieae. In common ih man long erm condiion, poor adherence o

    precribed reamen can preen opimal ocome, and i inflenced b mliple facor inclding

    hoe relaed o he reamen ielf (for eample comple, comeicall naccepable opical

    regimen), qali of commnicaion beeen clinician and paien, a ell a belief and

    percepion of he indiidal affeced.

    The approach o herap i, o a large degree, goerned b he een and eeri of dieae. Ingeneral, people hoe dieae i localied o

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    Poriai fll gideline (Ocober 2012)


    face or back of hand. Seing aide poriaic arhrii, here i no compelling eidence ha an of

    he inerenion hae a dieae modifing effec or impac beond improemen of he poriai

    ielf and o, ih he ecepion of he minori of paien ih nable and life hreaening form

    of poriai, he approach o herap and rik/benefi aemen of he differen inerenion i

    rongl inflenced b he impac he poriai i haing on he ellbeing of he indiidal affeced.

    1.6  S

    Mo people ih poriai are managed in primar care45

    ; one d fond ha peciali referral i

    reqired in p o 60% a ome poin in heir dieae core277,355

    . Thee daa are baed on adl

    poplaion, b approach o care in children and ong adl i imilar. Commonl cied rigger for

    referral for peciali opinion inclde: diagnoic ncerain; reqe for frher conelling or

    edcaion inclding demonraion of opical reamen; failre o repond o appropriael ed

    opical herap for hree monh; poriai a ie ha are difficl o rea and/or a high impac

    ie; if nreponie o iniial herap; adere reacion o opical herapie; need for emic

    herap, phooherap, da reamen, or inpaien admiion; diabili preening ork or

    eceie ime off ork; ignifican pchoocial diabili; preence of poriaic arhrii and; lifehreaening form of poriai here rgen referral ma be jified.

    Ongoing periion of hoe on emic herap occr in peciali eing, omeime ih

    hared care arrangemen for drg monioring in primar care. Sprapeciali (leel 4, eriar)

    cenre ih acce o mlidiciplinar eam ih eperience in comple inerenion and

    aociaed mlimorbidiie proide peciali care for he minori of people. A recen UK adi in

    he adl poplaion demonraed ide ariaion in pracice, and in pariclar, acce o peciali

    reamen (inclding biologic), appropriae drg monioring, peciali nre ppor and

    pchological erice82

    . No comparable adi ha been carried o in children. Recommended

    indicaion for referral from primar o peciali care hae been pblihed46

     b here are no formal

    andard/indicaion for prapeciali leel care (leel 4).

    Delier of care in all peciali (leel 3 and 4) eing45

     largel follo he radiional model of

    opaien conlaion ih dacare/inpaien admiion for more eere dieae. People on

    biological herap aend econdar or eriar care cenre for monioring hil he drg ielf i

    deliered b commni baed companie.

    Good commnicaion beeen healhcare profeional and paien i eenial. I hold be

    ppored b eidencebaed rien informaion ailored o he paien need. Treamen and

    care, and he informaion paien are gien abo i, hold be acceible o people ih addiional

    need and clrall appropriae. Familie and carer hold alo be gien he informaion and

    ppor he need.

    1.7  P

    Poriai in childhood i le common han adl. I end o preen in laer childhood ih a

    median age of one beeen 7 and 10 ear and an eimaed UK prealence of 0.71%91,203,260,363


    Since one hird of adl paien ih poriai preen before 20 ear of age he are an imporan

    grop o conider in he oerall dieae managemen20

    . A poiie famil hior of poriai i

    aociaed ih a redced age of one of he dieae16,145


    Paediaric pracice end o mirror ha in adl, and in hi gideline, recommendaion relae o

    eerone ih poriai irrepecie of age, nle oherie aed. The erm children refer o

    hoe p o 12 ear, ho become ong people hereafer, before merging ih he adlpoplaion b 18 ear of age. Wihin he recommendaion, he erm people i ed o encompa

    all age. Adl and paediaric healhcare eam hold ork joinl o proide aemen and

    erice o ong people ih poriai. Diagnoi and managemen hold be reieed hrogho

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    Poriai fll gideline (Ocober 2012)


    he raniion proce, and here hold be clari abo ho i he lead clinician o enre conini

    of care.

    Poin of pariclar releance o he paediaric poplaion inclde he folloing:

    •  Plaqe pe poriai i alo he mo common form in he paediaric poplaion. Oher form are

    gae poriai ih relape folloing infecion


     and in er ong children, le han oear of age, napkin poriai. Thi picall affec he inginal fold and hen pread o inole

    he rnk and limb62


    •  A ih an condiion occrring in children and ong people, poriai ma impac on he

    peron' pchological and emoional deelopmen and edcaional need. Dring adolecence,

    he impac of poriai can be epeciall challenging hen ie arond bod image and

    appearance are pariclarl alien. All hee apec need o be conidered in cone of he

    indiidal, famil and carer, and appropriae ppor proided. There i a lack of daa on

    inerenion in children and ong people ih poriai. The GDG agreed o bae reamen

    recommendaion on RCT ih erapolaion o children if no eparae paediaric eidence a

    fond. An ecepion o hi principle are noed in he LETR able of he relean reie

    qeion. Noe ha onl o die62,295

     ha pecificall addreed poriai in children ereidenified and inclded in he gideline.

    •  Poriai in children and ong people i crrenl managed a par of he general paediaric

    dermaolog cae mi b conlan dermaologi ho alo care for children. There are no

    pecialied paediaric poriai clinic alhogh combined paediaric dermaolog and

    rhemaolog clinic are in eience in ome cenre o manage poriai and poriaic arhrii in

    children. De o he drg licening rericion, children ih relaiel mild dieae are ofen

    referred o econdar care for reamen.

    •  Mo opical agen hae licening rericion from pecific age and emic herapie are

    crrenl no licened for he reamen of poriai in children of le han 16 ear of age apar

    from Eanercep (he onl biological herap crrenl licened for children of le han 16 ear

    of age). Ulimael he precriber m ake reponibili for ing drg oide of heir licened

    indicaion b i i imporan o inole he paren and, if poible he child, in a dicion

    abo rik and poenial benefi, epeciall hen conidering inerenion ch a PUVA and

    emic drg. In all dicion ih paien abo heir reamen he clinician hold eablih

    ha he paien ha he capaci2 o make a fll informed deciion abo heir care, and he

    abili o nderand he poenial benefi (and rik) of reamen.

    •  In he cae of children, clinician old normall inole hoe ih parenal reponibili in he

    clinical deciionmaking proce. Clinician hold alo conider he mari and compeence of

    he child o nderand and make deciion abo heir on care. Children can conen o

    reamen hen he are able o nderand he rik and benefi b he canno legall refe

    reamen again heir paren ihe nil he are 16 ear old. I i imporan o conider he

    ong peron cogniie deelopmenal age hen dicing he dieae and reamen

    opion. Uing appropriae erminolog ill help children and ong people paricipae aciel in


    •  A children mare ino ong people and adl he hold be encoraged o ake morereponibili for managing heir condiion. Arrangemen for raniion o adl care (e.g. join

    clinic ih adl and paediaric dermaolog eam) hold be an inegral par of he erice. The

    relean principle are conidered in a Deparmen of Healh pblicaion75


    •  When managing poriai in children and ong people, reamen choice hold be carefllconidered o aoid or minimie longerm eqelae. Thi apec i epeciall perinen in relaion

    o phooherap.

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    Poriai fll gideline (Ocober 2012)


    1.8  A G

    Poriai i a common, chronic dieae, hich for man people, i aociaed ih profond

    fncional, pchological and ocial morbidi and imporan comorbidiie. Effecie reamen are

    aailable. Some reamen are epenie; all reqire appropriae monioring and ome ma onl be

    acceed in peciali care eing. Eidence indicae ha a banial proporion of people ihporiai are crrenl diaified ih heir reamen.

    Thi gideline aim o proide clear recommendaion on he aemen and managemen of

    poriai for all people ih poriai. The diagnoi of poriai ha no been inclded ihin he

    cope, parl for pragmaic reaon gien ha o coer poriai managemen ielf i a coniderable

    ak, b alo becae here are no agreed diagnoic crieria or e aailable and accrae

    diagnoi remain primaril a clinical one. In conidering hich pecific apec of poriai

    managemen o addre, he gideline deelopmen grop hae foced on area mo likel o

    improe he managemen and delier of care for a majori of people affeced, here pracice i

    er aried and/or here clear conen or gideline on reamen are lacking. We hae

    herefore addreed ho o holiicall ae people ih poriai a all age in he reamen

    paha, he e of fir, econd and hird line inerenion and hen o ecalae herap, and he

    role of pchological inerenion and elfmanagemen raegie. We hae aoided caegorical

    decripion of ha conie pariclar leel of dieae eeri, for eample 'mild' or 'moderae

    and eere' eceping dieae eeri crieria for plaqe poriai alread decribed b NICE in order

    o qalif for biological herap. There are no idel acceped definiion ha are applicable o all

    iaion and i i a conenio bjec. Inead e emphaie he imporance of mearing dieae

    eeri and impac o indiidalie care, and plan and ealae managemen. There are alo a

    nmber of ke area ha e hae no addreed for a arie of reaon. Fir, e hae no

    ealaed he role of emollien in he reamen of poriai. Thee are idel precribed and

    clinical eperience gge ha he are ed ih benefi b paien. In he abence of rob RCT

    or high qali die o inform recommendaion o change hi pracice, and he fac ha all

    placebo conrolled rial inoling opical e a ehicle (hich ill hae emollien properie) in he

    placebo arm, he reamen paha ar on he ampion ha hen appropriae, emollien

    hae alread been precribed. Secondl, e hae no inclded fmaric acid eer in or ealaion

    of econd line herapie. Thi inerenion i no licened for an indicaion in he UK and herefore

    canno be inclded.

    We incerel hope ha hee gideline faciliae he delier of highqali healhcare and improe

    ocome for people ih poriai.

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    Paien eperience of liing ih poriai

    Poriai fll gideline (Ocober 2012)


    P T GDG

    From a paien perpecie poriai doe no dicriminae. I i, a be, an inconenien dieae, aor, a liing nighmare. Poriai can be a relenle 24 hor a da, 7 da a eek, 365 da of he

    ear problem. A bale beeen reaing flak, ich, ore kin and aemping o carr on a dail

    roine of normal life of emplomen, famil, ocial een and general daoda aciiie ha

    hoe ho do no hae poriai ake for graned. I i a relenle condiion hich ha a derimenal

    impac on qali of life e for hich man people hae gien p eeking medical ppor318


    The grinding proce of a kin hich i hedding and i reamen are j par of liing ih he

    condiion. There are oher conideraion ha people ih poriai oon learn are par and parcel of

    haing ch a iible dieae. The are hich linger j oo long and he look of relion are

    qickl learn. Then here are he akard ilence in iaion hen poriai i fir enconered

    b omeone ne ch a dring a roine ii o he hairdreer; he conan jificaion of i

    no conagio or i j poriai are repone he peron liing ih i ill hae read o a on

    eer occaion cloe crin appear imminen. And o, niingl, an ndermining habi of elf

     jificaion i acqired.

    The impac of poriai on an indiidal life arie enormol, heher nel diagnoed or afer

    man ear of acie dieae. The nel diagnoed are ofen beildered b he aemen o hae

    poriai a ha (for man) i ofen he ar of a qe o find aner o more qeion hich

    canno poibl be anered in he fe mine of a fir conlaion. The ord and adice from a

    medical profeional a ha iniial appoinmen ill remain ih he peron affeced for he re of

    heir long life ih poriai.

    Wha i aid, read or learn ill hae a grea impac and ma hape an indiidal approach o hohe lie heir lie in he fre. A fe carele ord a he rong ime or nrealiic adice ma

    hae profond coneqence leaing an indiidal ih fale hope abo he effeciene of

    reamen or deperaion a he hogh of a dieae ih hich he hae been brdened.

    Dealing ih an indiidal poriai need rn mch deeper han proiding a precripion. Tha i

    onl par of he olion. Effecie reamen i, of core, imporan b poriai impac can

    haer elfconfidence. I i a lonel dieae a reamen are all elfadminiered and ime

    conming. A lifeime of appling oinmen, alloing pill or injecing drg lie ahead. In a b

    hoehold, reamen ime ma no ala be aailable. The peron ih poriai ma hae o fi

    arond oher hich can cae fricion and irriaion. The me aociaed ih a hedding kin, he

    odor of reamen and heir abili o ick o clohing can cae ace embarramen and

    difficlie ihin relaionhip.

    Poriai i an inidio condiion hich need o be aken eriol. The join ongoing managemen

    of poriai beeen paien and healhcare proider on eer apec of hi dieae ill no remoe

    i phical and emoional brden b migh improe he ocome.

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    Deelopmen of he gideline

    Poriai fll gideline (Ocober 2012)


    3.3  W ?

    A mlidiciplinar Gideline Deelopmen Grop (GDG) compriing profeional grop member and

    conmer repreenaie of he main akeholder deeloped hi gideline (ee ecion on

    Gideline Deelopmen Grop Memberhip and acknoledgemen).

    The Naional Inie for Healh and Clinical Ecellence fnd he Naional Clinical Gideline Cenre

    (NCGC) and h ppored he deelopmen of hi gideline. The GDG a conened b he NCGC

    and chaired b Caherine Smih in accordance ih gidance from he Naional Inie for Healh

    and Clinical Ecellence (NICE).

    The grop me eer for eek dring he deelopmen of he gideline. A he ar of he

    gideline deelopmen proce all GDG member declared inere inclding conlancie, feepaid

    ork, hareholding, fellohip and ppor from he healhcare indr. A all beqen GDG

    meeing, member declared ariing conflic of inere, hich ere alo recorded (Appendi B).

    Member ere eiher reqired o ihdra compleel or for par of he dicion if heir declared

    inere made i appropriae. The deail of declared inere and he acion aken are hon inAppendi B.

    Saff from he NCGC proided mehodological ppor and gidance for he deelopmen proce.

    The eam orking on he gideline inclded a projec manager, reearch fello, healh economi

    and informaion cieni. The nderook emaic earche of he lierare, appraied he

    eidence, condced meaanali and coeffeciene anali here appropriae and drafed

    he gideline in collaboraion ih he GDG.

    3.4  W

    Grop coered in hi gideline are children and adl ih a diagnoi of poriai. Conideraion igien o he pecific need, if an, of people ih poriaic arhrii.

    Ke clinical ie coered:

    •  Ealaion of dieae eeri and impac on people ih poriai.

    •  Idenificaion of poriaic arhrii.

    •  Managemen of poriai inclding, for eample:

    o  opical herap:

    –  coricoeroid

    –  iamin D analoge

    –  coal ar (ih or iho phooherap)

    –  dihranol (ih or iho phooherap)

    o  phooherap (narro band UVB)

    o  phoochemoherap (poralen and UVA)

    o  emic herap:

    –  cicloporin

    –  mehoreae

    –  acirein.

    Noe ha gideline recommendaion ill normall fall ihin licened indicaion; ecepionall,

    and onl if clearl ppored b eidence, e oide a licened indicaion ma be recommended.The gideline ill ame ha precriber ill e a drg mmar of prodc characeriic o

    inform deciion made ih indiidal paien.

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    Deelopmen of he gideline

    Poriai fll gideline (Ocober 2012)


    •  Selfmanagemen.

    •  Managemen of he pchological impac of poriai.

    •  Combinaion and eqencing of reamen.

    For frher deail pleae refer o he cope in Appendi A and reie qeion in ecion 4.1.

    3.5  W

    Grop no coered in hi gideline are children and adl ho do no hae a diagnoi of poriai.

    Ke clinical ie no coered:

    •  Diagnoi.

    •  Managemen of poriaic arhrii.

    •  Complemenar and alernaie reamen.

    •  Fmaric acid eera.


    R NICE

    NICE T A :

    •  Uekinmab for he reamen of adl ih moderae o eere poriai. NICE echnolog

    appraial gidance 180 (2009). Aailable from

    •  Adalimmab for he reamen of adl ih poriai. NICE echnolog appraial gidance

    146 (2008). Aailable from

    •  Infliimab for he reamen of adl ih poriai. NICE echnolog appraial gidance 134

    (2008). Aailable from

    •  Eanercep and efalimab for he reamen of adl ih poriai. NICE echnolog

    appraial gidance 103 (2006). Aailable from

    O NICE T A: 

    •  Eanercep, infliimab and adalimmab for he reamen of poriaic arhrii. NICE echnolog

    appraial gidance 199 (2010). Aailable from

    R NICE I P:

    •  Gren ra herap for inflammaor kin condiion. NICE inerenional procedre gidance 236(2007). Aailable from

    R NICE C G:

    •  Alcohole diorder: phical complicaion. NICE clinical gideline 100 (2010). Aailable

    •  Medicine adherence. NICE clinical gideline 76 (2009). Aailable from

    •  Obei. NICE clinical gideline 43 (2006). Aailable from

    R NICE P H G: 

    •  Alcohole diorder preening harmfl drinking. NICE pblic healh gidance 24 (2010).Aailable from

    •  Smoking ceaion erice. NICE pblic healh gidance 10 (2008). Aailable from

    aFmaric acid eer are no licened for an indicaion ihin he UK and herefore e are no able o conider hi

    reamen ihin he gideline.

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    Poriai fll gideline (Ocober 2012)



    Thi gidance a deeloped in accordance ih he mehod olined in he NICE Gideline

    Manal 2009272




    Reie qeion ere deeloped in a PICO frameork (paien, inerenion, comparion and

    ocome) for inerenion or eperimenal reie, and ih a frameork of poplaion, inde e,

    reference andard and arge condiion for reie of diagnoic e accrac, and poplaion,

    preence or abence of rik facor and li of ideal minimm confonding facor for reie of

    prognoic facor. Thi a o gide he lierare earching proce and o faciliae he

    deelopmen of recommendaion b he gideline deelopmen grop (GDG). The ere drafed b

    he NCGC echnical eam and refined and alidaed b he GDG. The qeion ere baed on he

    ke clinical area idenified in he cope (Appendi A). Frher informaion on he ocome meare

    eamined follo hi ecion. For all inerenion ha ere reieed, abole rae of efficac and

    oici ere alo ogh in order o proide informaion for people ih poriai and heir

    healhcare proider in line ih he Paien Eperience gideline262

    , hich recommend ha

    informaion i proided a a naral freqenc ing he ame denominaor and ih inerenion

    and conrol rae qoed eparael. For hi, efficac daa ere baed on he nmber achieing

    eiher PASI75 or clear/nearl clear on he PGA, hicheer ocome a aailable or proided he

    large ample ie. Similarl, for oici, hi a repored for ihdraal de o adere een

    and he adere een pecified for ha inerenion.

    C R O

    Principle of


    Wha raegie can be ppor people ih

    poriai (all pe) o elfmanage he condiion


    • Paien aifacion

    • Concordance ih reamen

    • Redced


    (change in HADS)

    • Redced dieae eeri (change

    in PASI)

    • Redced re (PLSI)

    •  Improed qali of life (change in


    • Serice e

    Aemenand referral

    In people ih poriai (all pe), hich are hemo effecie ool o ae he (a) eeri and

    (b) impac of dieae acro all leel of healhcare

    proiion and a an age of he dieae jorne?

    • Conrc alidi conergenand diergen

    •  Inerraer reliabili

    •  Inraraer reliabili

    •  Inernal conienc

    • Repeaabili

    • Pracicabili

    • Seniii o change


    and referral

    In people ih poriai (all pe), hich i he

    mo accrae diagnoic ool compared ih

    clinical diagnoi b a rhemaologi o help a

    nonpeciali idenif poriaic arhrii?

    • Seniii

    • Specifici

    • Poiie predicie ale• Negaie predicie ale

    • Likelihood raio

  • 8/15/2019 Bookshelf NBK247829 Psoriasis




    Poriai fll gideline (Ocober 2012)


    C R O


    and referral

    In people ih poriai (all pe) and peced

    poriaic arhrii, ho qickl hold referral o a

    peciali be made in order o minimie he impac

    of dieae on mpom, join damage and qali

    of life?

    • Qali of life : HAQ, EQ5D

    • Dieae mpom/ign: pain,

    enderne, join elling (or

    econdline herap a a rrogae)

    •  Join damage: clinical, radiological(e.g. Sharp, Laren, Seinbrocker)

    • Biochemical marker : CRP and ESR

    • Morali

    • Cardioaclar een


    and referral

    Are people ih poriai a higher rik han people

    iho poriai for ignifican comorbidiie and

    are here bgrop ihin he poriai

    poplaion a a frher increaed rik?

    •  Incidence of comorbidiie

    •  Incidence of morali

    Topical In people ih chronic plaqe poriai of he rnk

    and/or limb, ha are he clinical effeciene,

    afe, olerabili, and co effeciene of opicaliamin D and iamin D analoge, poen or er

    poen coricoeroid, ar, dihranol and reinoid

    compared ih placebo or iamin D and iamin D

    analoge, and of combined or concrren iamin

    D and iamin D analoge and poen

    coricoeroid compared ih poen

    coricoeroid or iamin D and iamin D

    analoge alone?

    • Clear/nearl clear or marked

    improemen (a lea 75%

    improemen on Ineigaor

    aemen of oerall global

    improemen (IAGI) or clear/nearl

    clear/minimal (no mild) on

    Phician Global Aemen


    • Clear/nearl clear or marked

    improemen (a lea 75%

    improemen on Paien

    aemen of oerall global

    improemen (PAGI) or

    clear/nearl clear/minimal (no

    mild) on Paien Global


    • Percenage change in PASI

    • Change in DLQI

    • Draion of remiion

    • Timeoremiion or imeo

    maimm effec

    • Wihdraal de o oici

    • Wihdraal de o lack of efficac

    • Skin aroph

    Topical In people ih poriai a high impac or difficlorea ie (calp, flere, face), ha are he

    clinical effeciene, afe, olerabili and co

    effeciene of iamin D and iamin D

    analoge, mild o er poen coricoeroid,

    combined or concrren iamin D or iamin D

    analoge and poen coricoeroid, pimecrolim,

    acrolim, ar, dihranol and reinoid compared

    ih placebo, coricoeroid or iamin D or

    iamin D analoge.

    • Clear/nearl clear or markedimproemen (a lea 75%

    improemen on Ineigaor

    aemen of oerall global

    improemen (IAGI) or clear/nearl

    clear/minimal (no mild) on

    Phician Global Aemen


    • Clear/nearl clear or marked

    improemen (a lea 75%

    improemen on Paien

    aemen of oerall global

    improemen (PAGI) orclear/nearl clear/minimal (no

    mild) on Paien Global

  • 8/15/2019 Bookshelf NBK247829 Psoriasis




    Poriai fll gideline (Ocober 2012)


    C R O


    • Percenage change in PASI

    • Change in DLQI

    • Draion of remiion

    • Timeoremiion or imeo

    maimm effec

    • Wihdraal de o oici

    • Wihdraal de o lack of efficac

    • Skin aroph

    Phooherap In people ih poriai (all pe), ha are he

    clinical effeciene, afe, olerabili and co

    effeciene of BBUVB, NBUVB and PUVA

    compared ih each oher or placebo/no


    • PASI75

    • PASI50

    • Change in PASI

    • Clear or nearl clear (minimal

    reidal acii/PASI>90/0 or 1 on

    PGA)• Relape (imeoeen daa if

    aailable oherie ordinal daa


    • Time (or nmber of reamen) o

    remiion/ma repone

    • Change in DLQI

    • Brn (grade 3 erhema or grade 2

    erhema ih >50% BSA inoled)

    • Caarac

    Phooherap In people ih poriai (all pe), ha are he

    clinical effeciene, afe, olerabili and coeffeciene of acirein pl UVB (NBUVB and

    BBUVB) and acirein pl PUVA compared ih

    heir monoherapie and compared ih each


    • PASI75

    • PASI50

    • Change in PASI

    • Clear or nearl clear (minimal

    reidal acii/PASI>90/0 or 1 on


    • Relape (imeoeen daa if

    aailable oherie ordinal daa


    • Time o remiion/maimm


    • Change in DLQI

    • Brn (grade 3 erhema or grade 2erhema ih >50% BSA inoled)

    • Caarac

    • Nmber of UV reamen (a a

    rrogae for cmlaie doe)

    Phooherap In people ih poriai (all pe), ha are he

    clinical effeciene, afe, olerabili and co

    effeciene of UVB (NBUVB or BBUVB) combined

    ih dihranol, coal ar or iamin D and iamin D

    analoge compared ih UVB alone or opical

    herap alone?

    • PASI75

    • PASI50

    • Change in PASI (mean


    • Clear or nearl clear (minimal

    reidal acii/PASI>90/0 or 1 on


    • Relape (imeoeen daa if

    aailable oherie ordinal daa

  • 8/15/2019 Bookshelf NBK247829 Psoriasis




    Poriai fll gideline (Ocober 2012)


    C R O


    • Time o remiion/ma repone;

    • Change in DLQI

    • Brn (grade 3 erhema or grade 2

    erhema ih >50% BSAinoled);

    • Caarac;

    • Nmber of UV reamen (a a

    rrogae for cmlaie doe)

    Phooherap In people ih poriai (all pe) ho hae been

    epoed o coal ar, phooherap (BBUVB, NBUVB

    and PUVA) or emic herap (nonbiological and

    biological herap), ha i he rik of kin cancer

    compared ih people no epoed o hee

    inerenion and hich indiidal are a

    pariclar rik?

    • Melanoma kin cancer

    • Non melanoma kin cancer

    (raified a qamo cell

    carcinoma and baal cell


    Semic non



    In people ih poriai (all pe), ha are he

    clinical effeciene, afe, olerabili and co

    effeciene of emic mehoreae, cicloporin

    and acirein compared ih each oher or ih


    • PASI75

    • PASI50

    • Change in PASI

    • Clear or nearl clear (minimal

    reidal acii/PASI>90/0 or 1 on


    •  Improemen (for PPP)

    • Relape (imeoeen or relape

    rae a a rrogae meare)

    • Time o remiion/maimm


    • Change in DLQI

    • Seere adere een:

    Mehoreae (MTX): hepaooici,

    marro ppreion and


    Acirein: hperlipidaemia,

    hepaooici, keleal AE and


    Cicloporin (CSA): renal impairmen,

    hperenion, go and

    hperricaemia• Wihdraal de o oici


    and rik of


    In people ih poriai (all pe) ho are being

    reaed ih mehoreae, are here pecific

    grop ho are a high rik of hepaooici?

    • Biop grade

    • Biop grade progreion

    • Periporal inflammaion

    • Fa change

    • Fibroi

    • Cirrhoi

    • Abnormal lier fncion e


    andmonioring for


    In people ih poriai (all pe) ho are being

    reaed ih mehoreae or ho are abo obegin reamen ih mehoreae, ha i he

    opimm noninaie mehod of monioring

    hepaooici (fibroi or cirrhoi) compared ih

    • Seniii

    • Specifici• Poiie predicie ale

    • Negaie predicie ale

  • 8/15/2019 Bookshelf NBK247829 Psoriasis




    Poriai fll gideline (Ocober 2012)


    C R O

    lier biop? • Likelihood raio




    In people ih chronic plaqe poriai eligible o

    receie biologic, if he fir biological fail, hich i

    he ne effecie, afe and co effecie raeg?

    • PASI75

    • PASI50

    • Change in PASI

    • Clear or nearl clear (minimal

    reidal acii/PASI>90/0 or 1 on


    • Relape (imeoeen daa if

    aailable oherie ordinal daa


    • Time o remiion/maimm


    • Change in DLQI

    • Seere adere een

    • Wihdraal de o oici




    In people ih poriai (all pe), ho effecie

    are cogniie behaioral herap (grop and

    indiidal) inerenion alone or a an adjnc o

    andard care compared ih andard care alone

    for managing pchological apec of he dieae

    in redcing dire and improing qali of life?

    • Redced


    (change in Hopial Anie and

    Depreion Scale (HADS)/Beck

    Depreion Inenor

    (BDI)/Speilberger Sae Trai

    Anie Inenor (STAI))

    • Redced re (change in Poriai

    Life Sre Inenor (PLSI))

    •  Improed qali of life (change in

    Dermaolog Life Qali Inde

    (DLQI)/Poriai Diabili Inde(PDI))

    • Redced poriai eeri (change

    in PASI)

    4.2  S

    4.2.1  C

    Semaic lierare earche ere nderaken o idenif eidence ihin pblihed lierare in

    order o aner he reie qeion a per The Gideline Manal [2009]272. Clinical daabae

    ere earched ing relean medical bjec heading, freee erm and d pe filer here

    appropriae. Sdie pblihed in langage oher han Englih ere no reieed. Where poible,

    earche ere rericed o aricle pblihed in Englih langage. All earche ere condced on

    core daabae, MEDLINE, Embae, Cinahl and The Cochrane Librar. Addiional bjec pecific

    daabae ere ed for ome qeion: e.g. PcInfo for paien ie. All earche ere pdaed

    on 8h

     March 2012. No paper afer hi dae ere conidered.

    Search raegie ere checked b looking a reference li of relean ke paper, checking earch

    raegie in oher emaic reie and aking he GDG for knon die. The qeion, he

    d pe applied, he daabae earched and he ear coered can be fond in Appendi D.

    Dring he coping age, a opicpecific earch a condced for gideline and repor on he

    ebie lied belo and on organiaion relean o he opic. Searching for gre lierare or

    npblihed lierare a no nderaken. All reference en b akeholder ere conidered.

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    Poriai fll gideline (Ocober 2012)


    •  Gideline Inernaional Neork daabae (

    •  Naional Gideline Clearing Hoe (.gideline.go/)

    •  Naional Inie for Healh and Clinical Ecellence (NICE) (

    •  Naional Inie of Healh Conen Deelopmen Program (conen.nih.go/)

    •  Naional Librar for Healh (.librar.nh.k/)  C

    The GDG decided o iniiae a call for eidence for comparaie daa o addre he qeion of

    heher biologic are afe and effecie in people ih chronic plaqe poriai ho hae preiol

    receied anoher biological agen. The GDG belieed ha imporan eidence eied ha old no

    be idenified b he andard earche. The NCGC conaced all regiered akeholder and aked

    hem o bmi an relean pblihed or npblihed eidence. Eidence a receied and noed in

    he relean chaper (Chaper 13).



    Semaic lierare earche ere alo nderaken o idenif healh economic eidence ihin

    pblihed lierare relean o he reie qeion. The eidence a idenified b condcing a

    broad earch relaing o poriai in he NHS economic ealaion daabae (NHS EED), he Healh

    Economic Ealaion Daabae (HEED) and healh echnolog aemen (HTA) daabae ih no

    dae rericion. Addiionall, he earch a rn on MEDLINE and Embae, ih a pecific economic

    filer, from 2008, o enre recen pblicaion ha had no e been indeed b hee daabae

    ere idenified. Sdie pblihed in langage oher han Englih ere no reieed. Where

    poible, earche ere rericed o aricle pblihed in Englih langage.

    The earch raegie for healh economic are inclded in Appendi D. All earche ere pdaed on

    8h March 2012. No paper pblihed afer hi dae ere conidered.

    4.3  E

    The Reearch Fello:

    •  Idenified poeniall relean die for each reie qeion from he relean earch relb reieing ile and abrac fll paper ere hen obained.

    •  Reieed fll paper again prepecified inclion / eclion crieria o idenif die ha

    addreed he reie qeion in he appropriae poplaion and repored on ocome of

    inere (reie proocol are inclded in Appendi C.

    •  Criicall appraied relean die ing he appropriae checkli a pecified in The GidelineManal


    •  Eraced ke informaion abo he d mehod and rel ino eidence able (eidenceable are inclded in Appendi H.

    •  Generaed mmarie of he eidence b ocome (inclded in he relean chaper riep):

    o  Randomied die: mea analed, here appropriae and repored in GRADE profile (forclinical die) ee belo for deail

    o  Oberaional die: daa preened a a range of ale in GRADE profile

    o  Diagnoic die: daa preened a a range of ale in adaped GRADE profile and a

    narraie mmar i proided

    o  Prognoic die: daa preened a a range of ale in mmar able, ih marice ford qali

  • 8/15/2019 Bookshelf NBK247829 Psoriasis




    Poriai fll gideline (Ocober 2012)


    4.3.1  I/

    See he reie proocol in Appendi C for fll deail. The GDG ere conled abo an

    ncerain regarding he inclion/eclion of eleced die. Noe ha hi gideline did no

    conider he managemen of poriaic arhrii; herefore, die ha ere primaril deigned o

    ineigae poriaic arhrii raher han poriai affecing he kin ere eclded. Thi a defined

    a die primaril deigned o rea he join raher han he kin componen of he dieae and in a

    rhemaolog raher han dermaolog eing. Hoeer, die ere no eclded on he bai of

    he proporion of paricipan ih PA alone.

    The GDG agreed ha in mo iaion i old be reaonable o erapolae daa from adl

    poplaion o children hen here a no or lile daa. Therefore, he GDG agreed o bae

    reamen recommendaion on RCT ih erapolaion o children if no eparae paediaric

    eidence a fond. An ecepion o hi principle ill be noed in he LETR able of he relean

    reie qeion. Noe ha onl o die62,295

     ha pecificall addreed poriai in children

    ere idenified and inclded in he gideline.

    Regarding he differen phenope of poriai, nle oherie aed, daa ere ogh for allpe of poriai and repored eparael if aailable. Plaqe poriai i he mo common form of

    he condiion (90% of paien) and i all he pe referred o b boh healhcare profeional

    and paien hen ing he erm poriai. Oher pe of poriai inclde gae poriai,

    plar poriai hich inclde generalied plar poriai and localied form (ie: palmoplanar

    ploi and acrodermaii conina of Halopea) and nail poriai. Unle iplaed oherie,

    he erm poriai refer o plaqe poriai in hi gideline; here recommendaion relae o

    pe of poriai oher han chronic plaqe dieae, he bpe of poriai i aed in he

    recommendaion. Poriai in all i form can be modified b ie. The phrae 'difficlorea ie'

    encompae he face, flere, genialia, calp, palm and ole. Poriai a hee ie i epeciall

    high impac and/or ma rel in fncional impairmen, reqire pariclar care hen precribing

    opical herap and ma be er reian o reamen.

    4.3.2  M


    Where poible, meaanale ere condced o combine he rel of die for each reie

    qeion ing Cochrane Reie Manager (ReMan5) ofare. Fiedeffec (ManelHaenel)

    echniqe ere ed o calclae rik raio (relaie rik) for he binar ocome: clear/nearl clear

    or marked improemen, PASI90, PASI75, relape, ihdraal de o oici, ihdraal de o lack

    of efficac, kin aroph, brn, caarac, eere adere een, concordance ih reamen and

    erice e. The conino ocome: change in PASI, change in DLQI, draion of remiion,nmber of UV reamen, ime (or nmber of reamen) o remiion, change in Hopial Anie

    and Depreion Scale (HADS)/Beck Depreion Inenor (BDI)/Speilberger Sae Trai Anie

    Inenor (STAI), change in Poriai Life Sre Inenor (PLSI), change in Poriai Diabili Inde

    (PDI), change in HADS, change in Poriai Life Sre Inenor (PLSI) ere analed ing an inere

    ariance mehod for pooling eighed mean difference and here he die had differen cale,

    andardied mean difference ere ed. Change core ere repored here aailable for

    conino ocome in preference o final ale. Hoeer, if onl final ale ere aailable, hee

    ere repored and meaanaled ih change core. Where repored, imeoeen daa ere

    preened a a haard raio.

    Saiical heerogenei a aeed b conidering he chiqared e for ignificance a p50% o indicae ignifican heerogenei. Where ignificanheerogenei a preen, e carried o eniii anali baed on he rik of bia of he die

    if here ere difference in d limiaion, ih pariclar aenion paid o allocaion

  • 8/15/2019 Bookshelf NBK247829 Psoriasis




    Poriai fll gideline (Ocober 2012)


    concealmen, blinding and lo o follop (miing daa). In cae hen ignifican heerogenei

    a no eplained b he aboemenioned eniii anale, e carried o predefined bgrop

    anale a pecified in he reie proocol.

    Aemen of poenial difference in effec beeen bgrop ere baed on he chiqared

    e for heerogenei aiic beeen bgrop. If no eniii anali a fond o

    compleel reole aiical heerogenei hen a random effec (DerSimonian and Laird) model

    a emploed o proide a more coneraie eimae of he effec.

    The mean and andard deiaion of conino ocome for each inerenion grop ere

    reqired for meaanali. Hoeer, in cae here andard deiaion ere no repored, he

    andard error for he mean difference beeen grop a calclaed if he pale or 95%

    confidence ineral ere repored and meaanali a nderaken ih he mean difference and

    andard error ing he generic inere ariance mehod in Cochrane Reie Manager (ReMan5)

    ofare. Where p ale ere repored a le han, a coneraie approach a nderaken. For

    eample, if p ale a repored a p ≤0.001, he calclaion for andard deiaion old be

    baed on a p ale of 0.001. If hee aiical meare ere no aailable hen he aailable daa

    ere repored in a narraie le b no inclded in he meaanali.

    For binar ocome, abole een rae ere alo calclaed ing he GRADEpro ofare ing

    een rae in he conrol arm of he pooled rel.

    Neork meaanali a condced for he reie qeion on he opical herapie for chronic

    plaqe poriai a he rnk and limb and high impac/difficlorea ie. Thi alloed indirec

    comparion of all he drg inclded in he reie hen no direc comparion a aailable.

    A hierarchical Baeian neork meaanali (NMA) a performed ing he ofare

    WinBUGS19. We ed a mliarm random effec model emplae from he Unieri of Briol

    ebie (hp:// Thi model accon for he

    correlaion beeen arm in rial ih an nmber of rial arm. The model ed a a randomeffec logiic regreion model, ih parameer eimaed b Marko chain Mone Carlo


    Neork of eidence ere deeloped and analed baed on he folloing binar ocome:

    •  Clear/nearl clear or marked improemen (a lea 75% improemen) on Ineigaoraemen of oerall global improemen (IAGI) or clear/nearl clear/minimal (no mild) on

    Phician Global Aemen (PGA)

    •  Clear/nearl clear or marked improemen (a lea 75% improemen) on Paien aemenof oerall global improemen (PAGI) or clear/nearl clear/minimal (no mild) on Paien Global


    The odd raio ere calclaed and conered ino relaie rik for comparion o he direc

    comparion. The ranking of inerenion a alo calclaed baed on heir relaie rik compared

    o he conrol grop. For deail on he mehod of hee anale, ee Appendi K and Appendi L.


    Odd raio, relaie rik or haard raio, ih heir 95% confidence ineral, from mliariae

    anale ere eraced from he paper. Daa ere no combined in a meaanali for

    oberaional die. Seniii anale ere carried o on he bai of d qali and rel

    ere repored a range.

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    Poriai fll gideline (Ocober 2012)



    For diagnoic e accrac die, he folloing ocome ere repored: eniii, pecifici,

    poiie predicie ale, negaie predicie ale, likelihood raio and pre and poe

    probabiliie. In cae here he ocome ere no repored, 2 b 2 able ere conrced from

    ra daa o allo calclaion of hee accrac meare. Where poible he rel for eniii

    and pecifici ere preened ing Cochrane Reie Manager (ReMan5) ofare.


    For ineigaing e alidi and reliabili of cale recording he eeri and impac of poriai,

    he folloing ocome ere repored: Conergen alidi, dicriminae alidi, inernal

    conienc, inerraer reliabili, inraraer reliabili, pracicabili and eniii o change.

    Appropriae aiic ere repored for each of hee ocome ih heir 95% confidence ineral

    or andard deiaion for mean ale here poible: Pearon prodcmomen correlaion

    coefficien, Spearman rank correlaion coefficien, kappa aiic, inracla correlaion, inernal

    conienc coefficien (Crohnbach alpha) and ime o adminier he e. Daa ere mmaried

    acro ocome and comparion in a ablar forma and an heerogenei a aeed.

    4.3.3  T

    For mo inerenion eidence reie in hi gideline, randomied conrolled rial (RCT) ere

    inclded. Where he GDG belieed RCT daa old no be appropriae hi i deailed in he

    proocol in Appendi C. RCT ere inclded a he are conidered he mo rob pe of d

    deign ha cold prodce an nbiaed eimae of he inerenion effec.

    For diagnoic eidence reie, diagnoic cohor and cae conrol die ere inclded and for

    prognoic reie cohor die ere inclded.

    4.3.4  T

    Eimae of effec from indiidal die ere baed on a modified aailable cae anali (ACA)

    here poible or on an inenion o rea (ITT) anali if hi a no poible.

    ACA anali i here onl daa ha a aailable for paricipan a he follop poin i analed,

    iho making an impaion for miing daa. In he modificaion for binar ocome,

    paricipan knon o hae dropped o de o lack of efficac ere inclded in he denominaor for

    efficac ocome and hoe knon o hae dropped o de o adere een ere inclded in he

    nmeraor and denominaor hen analing adere een. Thi mehod a ed raher han

    inenionorea anali o aoid making ampion abo he paricipan for hom ocome

    daa ere no aailable, and raher aming ha hoe ho drop o hae he ame een rae ahoe ho conine. Thi alo aoid incorrecl eighing die in meaanali and oer

    eimaing he preciion of he effec b ing a denominaor ha doe no reflec he re ample

    ie ih ocome daa aailable. If here a a high dropo rae for a d hen a eniii

    anali a performed o deermine heher he effec a changed b ing an inenionorea

    anali. If hi a he cae boh anale old be preened.

    ITT anali i here all paricipan ha ere randomied are conidered in he final anali baed

    on he inerenion and conrol grop o hich he ere originall aigned. I a amed ha

    paricipan in he rial lo o follop did no eperience he ocome of inere (caegorical

    ocome) and he old no coniderabl change he aerage core of heir aigned grop (for

    conino ocome). I i imporan o noe ha ITT anale end o bia he rel oard nodifference. ITT anali i a coneraie approach o anale he daa, and herefore he effec ma

    be maller han in reali.

  • 8/15/2019 Bookshelf NBK247829 Psoriasis




    Poriai fll gideline (Ocober 2012)


    4.3.5  U

    Thi gideline inclde RCT ih differen ni of anali. Some die randomied indiidal

    paricipan o he inerenion (parallel or beeenpaien die) hile oher randomied bod

    hale o he inerenion (ihinpaien die, analogo o crooer rial).

    I a recognied ha daa from ihinpaien rial hold be adjed for he correlaioncoefficien relaing o he comparion of paired daa. Therefore, if fficien daa ere aailable, hi

    a calclaed and he andard error a adjed accordingl.

    Addiionall, ihin and beeenpaien daa ere pooled, acceping ha hi ma rel in

    ndereighing of he ihinpaien die; hoeer, i i noed ha hi i a coneraie

    eimae. Seniii anale ere nderaken o ineigae heher he effec ie aried

    conienl for ihin and beeenpaien die and here a no eidence ha he ie of

    effec aried in a emaic a.

    4.3.6  A

    The eidence for ocome from he inclded RCT and oberaional inerenion die ere

    ealaed and preened ing an adapaion of he Grading of Recommendaion Aemen,

    Deelopmen and Ealaion (GRADE) oolbo deeloped b he inernaional GRADE orking grop

    (hp:// The ofare (GRADEpro) deeloped b he GRADE orking

    grop a ed o ae he qali of each ocome, aking ino accon indiidal d qali

    and he meaanali rel. The mmar of finding a preened a one able in he gideline

    (called clinical eidence profile). Thi inclde he deail of he qali aemen pooled ocome

    daa, and h