booklet ad space price list...

The chart below presents the cost for purchasing space in St. Cyprian’s Centennial Souvenir booklet. The Centennial Planning Committee has attempted to keep the costs of purchasing space reasonable. The pricing is similar to that used for the Nintieth Anniversary booklet. Advertisement size Price The interior cover page facing the title page; the interior back cover; and, the back cover of the booklet are available only as full pages. $200.00 per full page Full page ad anywhere in the booklet $150.00 per full page One-half of an 8.5” x 11” page $100.00 per half page One-quarter of an 8.5” x 11” page $50.00 per quarter page One-eighth of an 8.5” x 11” page $25.00 per eighth of a page All images, art-work, photographs are to be of high denition for maximum quality when printed. For text ads, the purchaser may submit the text typeset or request the text to be typeset. Questions: If you have questions regarding your ad or anything regarding the booklet, please feel free to email: of[email protected] , or telephone the church ofce: 617.427.6175. ORDER FORM: Tear off here -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:__________________________________ (Please print.) Address:_________________________________________ City:___________________ State:_______ Telephone: __________________________ Email address: _______________________________________________________ Please make your check payable to: “St. Cyprian’s Episcopal Church” and write “booklet ad” in the memo line. Please send your check, ad and this form to: Centennial Planning Committee, St. Cyprian’s Episcopal Church, 1073 Tremont Street, Roxbury, MA 02120.

Transcript of booklet ad space price list...

Page 1: booklet ad space price list · 2018-03-14 · “booklet ad” in the memo line. Please send your check,

The chart below presents the cost for purchasing space in St. Cyprian’s Centennial Souvenir booklet. The Centennial Planning Committee has attempted to keep the costs of purchasing space reasonable. The pricing is similar to that used for the Nintieth Anniversary booklet.

Advertisement size Price

The interior cover page facing the title page; the interior back cover; and, the back cover of the booklet are available only as full pages.

$200.00 per full page

Full page ad anywhere in the booklet $150.00 per full page

One-half of an 8.5” x 11” page $100.00 per half page

One-quarter of an 8.5” x 11” page $50.00 per quarter page

One-eighth of an 8.5” x 11” page $25.00 per eighth of a page

All images, art-work, photographs are to be of high de!nition for maximum quality when printed. For text ads, the purchaser may submit the text typeset or request the text to be typeset.

Questions: If you have questions regarding your ad or anything regarding the booklet, please feel free to email: [email protected] , or telephone the church of!ce: 617.427.6175.

ORDER FORM: Tear off here--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Name:__________________________________ (Please print.) Address:_________________________________________

City:___________________ State:_______ Telephone: __________________________

Email address: _______________________________________________________

Please make your check payable to: “St. Cyprian’s Episcopal Church” and write “booklet ad” in the memo line. Please send your check, ad and this form to: Centennial Planning Committee, St. Cyprian’s Episcopal Church, 1073 Tremont Street, Roxbury, MA 02120.