Booklet 1st primary first term

1 Contents Page 1. Books Schedule and Remarks 2. Module : 1 3. Sample test 1 4. Module : 2 5. Sample test 2 6. Module : 3 7. Sample test 3 8. Module : 4 9. Sample test 4 10. Module : 5 11. Sample test 5 12. Module : 6 13. Sample test 6 14. Final Revision 15. The Shepherd Boy And The Wolf
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Transcript of Booklet 1st primary first term

Page 1: Booklet 1st primary first term


Contents Page


Books Schedule and Remarks


Module : 1


Sample test 1


Module : 2

5. Sample test 2


Module : 3


Sample test 3



Module : 4


Sample test 4


Module : 5


Sample test 5



Module : 6


Sample test 6


Final Revision


The Shepherd Boy And The Wolf

Page 2: Booklet 1st primary first term

New Vocabulary :

Good morning

Good night

New structure:

• To greet someone

1. Hello!

Hello, everyone!

2. Hi!

Hi, everyone! / H


Unit (1) Hello !

ing Good afternoon



yone! / Hello, Oscar!

e! / Hi, Eddy!


Good evening

Good bye = bye

Page 3: Booklet 1st primary first term


3. How are you?

I’m fine, thanks !

4. Goodbye! = Bye!

• To introduce yourself :

1- Hello, I’m …………….. !

2- What’s your name?

My name is ……………………. . / I’m …………………………………. .

� I’m = I am

� What’s…. = What is ……

� My name’s …= My name is …..


Page 4: Booklet 1st primary first term

New Vocabulary :


Who’s that?


New Structure:

• To introduce your

Hello, everyone! T

Hello, every

• To ask about som

Who’s that?

That’s my friend,……

Who’s that?

That’s my friend, A

• How do you spell

C – A – T.


Module (1) Unit (2)

Welcome ! ary :


hat? welcome


e your friend / teacher / a boy / a

! This is ………………………… .

everyone! This is Oscar.

t someone :

nd,………….. . / That’s ……………….. .

nd, Ali. / That’s Ali.

spell “cat”?



oy / a girl :

Page 5: Booklet 1st primary first term


� This is: for one

This is a cat.

This is Cindy.

� That’s = That is

� That is: for one

That is an orange.

That is Rony.

� Who’s = Who is



Page 6: Booklet 1st primary first term

New Vocabulary :


New Structure :


It is an action that so

be quiet

open your book


Module (1) Unit (3)

All about me !

rot dog

at someone does.

stand up sit

close your book

it down


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look read write

sing hand up hand down

Opposites :

� stand up ≠ sit down

� open ≠ close

� up ≠down

����Drills :

1- Write the opposite: 1- sit down ≠ ...................

2- close ≠ ...............

3- up ≠ .................

2- Match : 1- small 1- sad

2- short 2- short

3- long 3- big

4- fast 4- dirty

5- clean 5- tall

6- happy 6- slow

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1- Underline the correct word(s) in brackets

1- (How – What – Who) are you? I’m (Mona – fine – thanks),


2- (What’s – What – Who’s) your name? (I’m Rana – I’m fine,

thanks – I’m seven).

3- My name (am – is – are) Ahmed.

4- This (am –is – are) Nancy.

5- (Who’s – What’s – Who) that? That (am –is – are) my friend,


6- (Who – How – What) do you spell it? C – I – N – D – Y.

7- This is my (pencils – books – parrot).

8- Hello, I’m (sun – Ali – tree).

9- How do you (name – spell – old) it? T – O – M.

10- My (spell – old – name) is Noha.

11- What’s your (friend – name – spell)? (My – Your – His) name

is Hanan.

12- That (am – is – are) my dog.

13- This (am – is – are) my (teacher – teachers – friends).

14- What (am – is – are) your name? I’m (am – Mai – that).

15- Who (am – is – are) that? (Those – That – These) is Peter.

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2- Rearrange the sentence / question : 1- you – How – are - ?

………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 2- , thanks! – fine – I – am

.……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3- Noura – Hello, - am – I .


4- your – What – name – is - ? ...............................................................................................................

5- name – is – My – Rania . ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

6- my – is - ,Sam – That – friend . ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

7- ,Miss – is – Parker – This – teacher – my . ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

8- spell – do – it – How – you - ? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

9- morning - , Eddy –Good . ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

10- is – Lin – This . ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

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3 Look at the pictures

1- ……………………………That’s my frien

2- How are you ? …………………………

3- This …………………

4- …………………………

A – N – N.


3- Pictorial Composition: tures and write the missing parts

………………………? friend, Amr.

…………………………………………. .

………………………………………. .


parts :

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7- Complete the worI. Supply the miss

1) - ood morn - - g

4) h – l - o 5) f

8) – ar – ot

11) o - - n

14) r – a -


e words : missing letters :

g 2) go - d – ven - ng 3

fr - - nd 6) s - - ool

9) be qu - - t 10)

12) – los - 13)

15) – rit - 16

3) goo – ni - - t

7) t – a – her

) – t – nd – p

) l – st – n

16) s – n –

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Sample Test on Module 1

A – Vocabulary and Structure

1 - Mark ( √ ) the correct answer :- 1 - 2 -

- Hello! ( ) - Good morning! ( )

3 - 4 -

- That's a dog. ( ) - That is my school. ( )

2 – Rearrange the sentence / question : 1 - is – your – What – name?


2 - Judy – is – My – name.


Page 13: Booklet 1st primary first term

3 –Complete the word

1- te . cher

4- s . hool

4 - Underline the cor

1 - My (name – same

2 - I (am – is – are) T

3 – I'm (nine – fine –

4 – (Who – Which – Ca

5 – That (am – is – are

6 – This is my (teache

7 – (How – What – Wh

8 – (What’s – How's -


words :

2- d . g

5- p . rrot

e correct word(s) in brackets :

ame – came) is Eddy.


that), Thank!

Can) is that? That is my friend Cin

are) my school.

eacher – friends – dog). She teaches u

Who) are you?

- Who’s) your name?

3- f . iend

6- H . llo !

ts : _____ 4


hes us English.

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B - Pictorial Composition : _____ 5 - Look at the pictures and write the missing parts : 6 1 - What's your ........................... ? 2 - That's my …………………...... .

My name is Oscar .

3 – I'm a ……………………............ . 4 - Good ………………................. .

C - The Link Reader:" The Shepherd Boy And The Wolf 6 - Complete the following question : ____ 2

1- ........................... is a shepherd boy .

2- Homer loves to .................... and laugh with joy .

3- Homer takes the sheep up in the ..........

4- Homer takes the sheep to eat all day , as his .............. say .

D - Handwriting : ____ 7 - Copy the following sentence in your best handwriting : 2

I love Egypt .

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Unit 4

Wendy’s family !

New vocabulary :

family father mother sister

brother grandmother grandfather

genie lamp dog

(magic) lamp




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New Structure :

Subject Pronouns Possessive Adjective

I My

You Your

He His

She Her

It Its

We Our

They Their

For example :

� This is my bike.

� That’s Mike and that’s his dog.

� I am Engy. That’s my friend, Jasmine.

� That’s Timmy and that’s Sara. That’s their house.

� That’s Sue and that’s her cat.

� We are Brad and Peter. That’s our school.

� Is this your brother, Dan? � To ask about “ people ( boy / girl ) “ use ( Who ) :

� Who’s that?

That’s Cindy.

� Who’s that?

That’s Wendy and that’s her brother, Tom.

� Who is that?

That is Eddy and his friend Oscar.

Possessive Adjective

Possessive adjective + Noun

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New vocabulary :

bike r

phone number


( secret) frie


Module 2 Unit 5

Our secret friend !

radio house

phone book com

umbrella k






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I. It’s + name + ‘s + object ( noun ) .

New Structure :

o It’s Sue’s radio.

� It is Mike’s bike.

� It’s Gigi’s umbrella.

o It is Ben’s computer.

� To ask about “ Possessive Case ( ‘s ) “ use “ What “ :

� What is this?

� What’s this?

It is Tony’s train.

It’s Rick’s T.V.

Possessive Case:


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♣ It’s William’s.

♣ It’s Sandra’s.

♣ It is John’s.

♥ To ask about “ Possessive Case ( ‘s ) “ use “ Whose “ :

♪ Whose bag is this? It’s Tony’s.

♪ Whose pencil is this? It is Nancy’s.


II. It’s + name + ‘s.

Page 20: Booklet 1st primary first term


1- Underline the correct word(s) in brackets

1- Mother, father, brother and sister are my (family – friends

– teachers) .

2- Whose is this? It’s (Bob – Bob’s – Bobs) .

3- ( Peters – Peter – Peter’s ) umbrella is colourful .

4- That’s my grandmother . ( His – Her – My ) name is Nona .

5- We are Ben and Mandy . That’s ( our – their – her ) house .

6- What is this ? It is ( computer’s Anna – Anna’s computer –

Anna and computer ) .

7- Masid is our ( magic – secret –lamp ) friend .

8- ( Whose – How – Who ) is this ? This is John’s .

9- I’m Sam . This is ( my – his – your ) dog .

10- What is Oscar’s phone ( book – number – house ) ?

11- George is ( Timmy – Timmy’s – Timmys’ ) brother .

12- This is my grandfather , William and this is my ( father –

brother – grandmother ) , Emily .

13- That’s Bill and that’s Nancy . That’s ( they – our – their )

teacher , Miss Parker .

14- What’s ( my – your – its ) phone number ?

15- This is our ( mother – sister – teacher ) . She teaches us

English .

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2- Rearrange the sentence / question : 1- mother – Anna – Wendy’s – is - .


2- Bob – brother – this – your – Is - ?


3- my – Meet – family - !


4- bike – big – Tim’s – is - .


5- That’s – teacher – and –their – Lin – That’s – that’s – Wendy .


6- his – Eddy – and – That’s – sister - .


7- this – What – is - ?


8- radio – is – Cindy’s – It - .


9- Brad’s – number – What – phone – is - ?


10- a – is – lamp – This – magic - .


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3- Pictorial Composition: Look at the pictures and write the missing parts :

1- What’s this ?

It’s ………………………………………….. .

2- It’s my …………………………………… .

3- This is our ……………………….. , Masid .

4- That’s …………………….. and that’s …………………………………. .

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7- Complete the worI. Supply the miss

fa - - er

g – and – oth - r

fam – l - r – d –

hon – b – ok

-mbr – lla


e words : missing letters :

m – th – r

- - nie l - - p

– o omp – ter

- - ro e - - ht

f - - e

s - - ter

b – k –

r t – r – e

s – x

s – v – n

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Sample Test on Module 2

A – Vocabulary and Structure ______ 1 - Mark ( √ ) the correct answer :- 2 1 - 2 -

- This is my father . ( ) - This is a lamp . ( )

3 - 4 -

- That's my sister . ( ) - This is Cindy's radio . ( )

2 – Rearrange the sentence / question : _____ 1 1 - It – house – is – Masid's


2 - is – This – genie – our .


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3 –Complete the words : _____ 3

1- br.ther 2- g.nie 3- gra.dmother

4- zer. 5- 6-

4 - Underline the correct word(s) in brackets : _____ 4

1 - This is Eddy and this is ( my – his – your ) sister .

2 – This is our ( brother – sister – genie ) , Masid .

3 – This is a magic ( book – lamp – egg ) .

4 – It's ( Wendy – Wendy's – Wendys' ) .

5 – She's my mother . ( My – His – Her ) name is Lucy .

6 – Meet my ( family – dog – friend ) . This is my father and this

is my mother .

7 – What's your phone ( book – number – name ) ? 3342952 .

8 – That's my brother . ( My – His – Her ) name is Omar .

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B - Pictorial Composition : _____ 5 - Look at the pictures and write the missing parts : 6

1 - Masid is our ........................... . 2 - That's Oscar and that's

…………………...... bike .

3 – That's my …………………….......... . 4 - Meet ……………........ family .

This is my brother and this is

my sister .

C - The Link Reader :" The Shepherd Boy And The Wolf "

6 - Complete the following question : ____ 2

1- As Homer goes to work one day , he feels so ...................

2- Homer said , " Nobody is here . How can I .....................?

3- Homer looks around and tries to see the other ...................

4- Homer wants to scare the ...........................

D - Handwriting : ____

7 - Copy the following sentence in your best handwriting : 2

I'm Masid , the genie .

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A doll's house

bedroom bed bathroom

cupboard living room chair bath

garden swing kitchen


pink - blue – yellow – red – brown

Unit 8 Where’s Masid ?


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sofa armchair cupboard

cap tree vase


on in under

Unit 9 My room!

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lamp rabbi



New Structure :


abbit table



Sentence building:



teddy bear


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He for a boy or a man.

She for a girl or a woman.

It for an animal when we

don't know its sex. When we know its sex we use he or she.


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He is/'s Miky.

She is/'s Sandy.

It is/'s a rabbit.

a : ( consonant) an : ( vowels a,e,i,o,u )

a car an ice-cream


A /AnA /AnA /AnA /An

Page 32: Booklet 1st primary first term


1- Underline the correct word(s) in brackets

1- The (pink-funny- clean) pen is on the chair.

2- There (are-is-am) a big bed in my bedroom.

3- Cindy's doll's house is very (thin- bad- nice).

4- The frog (is-on-are) in the vase.

5- There's a (bath-window-swing) in the garden.

6- (What-Where-Whose) colour is it? It's (Wendy – green- chair).

7- Blue (am-is- are) my favourite colour.

8- There's a brown bookcase in my (living room-bathroom- garden).

9- We have a shower in the (bathroom- bedroom- swing).

10- It's (a- an- am) armchair.

11- There (am-is- are) two chairs in the kitchen.

12- (Who- Where-What)'s the lamp?

It's under the tree.

13- We cook in the (bathroom- kitchen- garden).

14- (Are- Is- Am) Sam in the bathroom?

Yes, (he- they- you) is.

15-(Who- What- Where)'s in the bedroom? It's Lily.

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2-Rearrange the following sentences /questions: 1. in-chair-a-the-There- 's-kitchen-yellow


2. bathroom-Who-the-is-in?


3. colour-is-What-table-the?


4. vase-It- in-the-is


5. living- the- in- Masid- room – is.


6. boy- is – the- Where?


7. bedroom-my-is- This-


8. very-funny-Lin-'s


9. my-favourite-colour-White-is


10. green-The-swing-is-in-garden-the


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3- Pictorial Composition: Look at the pictures and write the missing parts :

1- …………… the living room?

A pink ………………………….…….

2- The ……………... is ………… the bed.

3- Where's the boy?

………………. in the …………..…..

4- What………… is the …….………..?

It's brown.

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7- Complete the words : I. Supply the missing letters :

1- bo - - ca-e 2- l-v-ng r—m 3- ra-b-t

4- - as - 5- l - mp 6- b – t – roo –

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Sample Test on Module 3 A – Vocabulary and Structure


1 - Mark ( √ ) the correct answer :- 2 1 - 2 -

- There's a bed in the bedroom . ( ) - The chair is in the kitchen . ( )

3 - 4 -

- What's in the garden ? A swing . ( ) - He is my father . ( )

2 – Re-arrange the sentences: _____ 1 1 - in – He – bath – the – is .


2 - vase – on – The – is – the - table .


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3 –Complete the words : _____ 3

1- b . throom 2-book . ase 3- sof .

4- a . mchair 5- w . ite 6- bla . k

4 - Underline the correct word(s) in brackets : _____ 4

1 - There's a bookcase in the ( bathroom – living room – garden ) .

2 - There's a bath ( in – on – under ) the bathroom .

3 – What ( name – colour – bedroom ) is the bed ? ( He – She – It ) is

yellow .

4 – There is a lamp ( in – on – under ) the table .

5 – This is my brother . He ( am – is – are ) funny .

6 – ( What – Where – Who ) is the rabbit ? On the bed .

7 – This is ( a – an – on ) umbrella .

8 – ( What – Where – Who ) is in the bathroom ? A bath .

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B - Pictorial Composition : _____ 5 - Look at the pictures and write the missing parts : 6

1 - There is a chair in the ................... 2 - What's in the bedroom ?

A .................................... .

3 – Where is the parrot ? ........... the box . 4 - ...................... colour is the

lamp ? Yellow .

C - The Link Reader : "The Shepherd Boy And The Wolf "

6 - Complete the following question : ____ 2

1- Homer starts to cry to all the .....................

2- Homer said " friends ! .................. me ! "

3- Homer said " I'm all .................... "

4- Homer said a ........................... is near .

D - Handwriting : ____

7 - Copy the following sentence in your best handwriting : 2

There is a pink bed in the bedroom .

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Unit 10 Happy birthday

CD watch basketball camera

bat cake candles

present guitar


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Unit 11 Here's your present!

robot car aeroplane

helicopter bus clock





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Unit 12 With love ….

birthday card

1. We add to form the plural.

Ex: One bat two bats One camera two cameras

2. Nouns that end in takes in the plural.

Ex: One box two boxes One watch two watches

There is ( for singular ) There are ( for plural )

There is one table.

There is one bed.

There are four caps.

There are seven cakes.



-x, -ss, -



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1- Underline the correct word(s) in brackets

1. Is it a guitar? No, it (amn't-aren't- isn't).

2. We use the (candles-present- camera) to take a photo.

3. Heba and Nora are sisters. They are (boys- family- twins).

4. (Are- Is-They) Tom and Ben pupils? No, they (isn't- aren't-


5. Thank you Eddy. You're (fine- happy- welcome).

6. Blow (up- out- in) the candles.

7. This birthday (card- watch- wishes) is for my friend.

8. Happy birthday, Make a (dish- rich- wish).

9. There are three (box- watch- boxes).

10. There are (a- one- thirteen) helicopters.

11. (What-How- Who) many presents are there?

12. Wow! Listen to this (CD- basketball-watch).

13. (Are-Is- Am) it a TV?

14. I can play hockey with my new (hat- bat- rat).

15. I wear a (bag- clock- watch) on my hand to know the time.

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2-Rearrange the following sentences /questions: 1. old- How- you-Eddy- are?


2. many- presents- How- there are?


3. you- This- for- is.


4. wishes- on- your- birthday-Best.


5. happy- Are- you- with- presents- your - ?


6. Jane- card- is- The- from.


7. it- Is- bat- a - ?


8. see- and- Open- it.


9. everybody- you- Thank.


10. it-isn't- No- aeroplane- an.


3- Pictorial Composition: Look at the pictures and write the missing parts :


Is it a………………….?

Yes, …………..… is.

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Here's your …………..……..


…………………………a wish.

7- Complete the words : I. Supply the missing letters :

1- a – ro - lane 2- ba – k – tb - ll 3- c-nd-e

4- c – ock - 5- - am - ra 6- t – irt - - n

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Sample Test on Module 4 A – Vocabulary and Structure


1 - Mark ( √ ) the correct answer :- 2 1 - 2 -

- It is a robot. ( ) - Bob is twenty . ( )

3 - 4 -

- There are two cars. ( ) - It's a present. ( )

2 – Rearrange the sentence / question : _____ 1 1 - are – Ahmed – brothers – Sam – and .


2 - a – it – Is – helicopter - ?


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3 –Complete the words : _____ 3

1- a . roplane 2- gu . tar 3- ca . dles

4- bas . etball 5- wa . ch 6- cam . ra

4 - Underline the correct word(s) in brackets : _____ 4

1 - How old ( am – is – are ) you ?

2 - There ( am – is – are ) five bats .

3 – Blow out ( a wish – the candles – a cake ) .

4 – I ( am – is – are ) ten .

5 – Tom ( am – is – are ) sixteen .

6 – It's a ( cars – watch – robots ) .

7 – Hanna and Jana are ( brothers – sisters – fathers ) .

8 – ( Are – Am – Is ) it a clock ? No, ( it is – it is not – is it ) .

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B - Pictorial Composition : _____ 5 - Look at the pictures and write the missing parts : 6 1 - You are ........................ today ! 2 - Here's your ………………...... .

3 – ……………........ it a CD ? 4 - It's a .............................. .

No, ........................................ .

C - The Link Reader : 6 - Complete the following sentences : ____ 2

1- Down in the fields the farmer stop and run to ..............

2- The farmers run to help on the ...............................

3- When the farmers go up on the hill , no .............. is there .

4- The .................... try to help Homer .

D - Handwriting : ___ 7 - Copy the following sentence in your best handwriting : 2

Happy birthday my mum .

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Unit 13 She is a clown!

clown chef doctor �


ballerina trousers shoes


coat skirt gloves


This is a car. That is a bird. These are cars. Those are birds.


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This is…………. That is……………..

Ex: This is a shirt. Ex: That is a shirt.

These are ………… Those are………….. Ex: These are glasses. Ex: Those are boots.

Language focus:

To ask about possession.

1.Whose jacket is this?

It's Wendy’s.


It's Wendy's jacket.

2.Whose shoes are these?

They are Lin's.


They are Lin's shoes.


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Unit 14 It's too small

dress shirt shorts

glasses mirror bin

door shelf


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Long x short

This is my pen. This pen is mine.

This is his ruler. This ruler is his.

This is her book. This book is hers.

To ask about possessive pronouns, we use the

question word '' Whose''.


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• Whose car is this?

It's my car. / It's mine.

• Whose shorts are these?

They are my shorts/ They are mine.


Possessive adjective Possessive pronouns






















We use possessive pronouns to show the owner of something.

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Unit 15

This is my mother

nurse teacher mother

father brother sister


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1- Underline the correct word(s) in brackets 1- My dress is very (fat- fast- long).

2- We wear (shoes- gloves- shirt) on our hands.

– teacher-My father works in a hospital. He is a (doctor-3


Those) are Ahmad 's boots.-It-(This-5

Nozha school.-teacher).He works at El-clown-a (girl Ahmad is-6��

Whose) dress is this? It's my dress.-How-(When-7

hers) trousers.-my-These are (mine-8

trousers) on his face. -glasses -He wears (shorts -9

What) are my shoes? They are on the shelf.-Where-(When-10��

my).-her-Whose shirt is this? It is (his-11

mine).-hers-It's her car .It's (his-12

mine). -hers -shorts). They are (his-shirt-These are my (book-13

ballerina). -nurse -g. She is a (doctorShe likes dancin-14

15- The (nurse- policeman- teacher) helps the doctor.

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2-Rearrange the following sentences /questions: 1- my- father- is- This.


2- mother- This- is- her.


3. is- car- Whose- this?


4- clown –is- Wendy- a.


5- too- small- It' s.


6- my- shoes –Where- are?


7- my- is- mother – This.


8-My- is – father- a- policeman.


9-shirt – His –on – is –shelf- the.


10- hat- is –Whose- this?


3- Pictorial Composition: Look at the pictures and write the missing parts :


1- ………………… are my …………..………..

Page 56: Booklet 1st primary first term


2- …………………are my glasses?

They are…….the shelf.

3- Adam is a ……………

7- Complete the words : I. Supply the missing letters :

1- c – ow - 2- b - - ts 3- m – rr - r

4- g – as - es 5- ja – ke - 6- sho - - s

Page 57: Booklet 1st primary first term

SA – Vocabulary an

1 - Mark ( √ ) the c1 -

- He is a clown .

3 -

- The dress is long . (

2 – Re-arrange the s 1 - are – Whose – These


2 - boots – are – Oscar's



Sample Test on Module 5 ry and Structure

the correct answer :- 2 -

( ) - This is a hat

4 -

) - It is his shirt .

the sentence / question :

hese - ?


scar's – Those .




a hat . ( )

( )

_____ 1



Page 58: Booklet 1st primary first term


3 –Complete the words : _____ 3

1- c.ef 2- ja.ket 3- b.n

4- 5- s.elf 6- do.tor

4 - Underline the correct word(s) in brackets : _____ 4

1 - ( That – This – Those ) are my trousers .

2 - ( This – These – Those ) is her long dress .

3 – He is a ( clown – policeman – doctor ) . He works in a circus .

4 – These are ( my – mine – hers ) shorts .

5 – This is ( her – hers – his ) skirt .

6 – Whose ( am – is – are ) these ?

7 – Whose ( shoes – shirt – shorts ) is this ?

8 – Her dress is white . She is a ( ballerina – nurse – teacher ) .

Page 59: Booklet 1st primary first term


B - Pictorial Composition : _____ 5 - Look at the pictures and write the missing parts : 6 1 - She is a ........................ . 2 - Whose ……………… are these ?

3 – My ……………........ is a ………………… 4 - Sami is a ............................ .

C - The Link Reader 6 - Complete the following question : ____ 2

1- My ........................... , what's wrong ?

2- The sheep are .............................

3- There's no ........................ near.

4- It was a .......... to bring you here .

D - Handwriting : ____ 7 - Copy the following sentence in your best handwriting : 2

My mum is a policewoman.

Page 60: Booklet 1st primary first term


Unit 16

I can jump !

jump draw see

sing hear fly

read dance run cook


Page 61: Booklet 1st primary first term


Unit 17 On the Eiffel Tower !

swim fish

park zoo

beach cinema



Page 62: Booklet 1st primary first term


drive a car ride a bike play soccer

play tennis play the piano play the drum


Page 63: Booklet 1st primary first term


Can + V. inf.

New Structure

I can swim.

He can sing.

He can read They can jump.

We can draw.

You can run.

It can fly.

The Verb “ Can “

Page 64: Booklet 1st primary first term

I can’t cook.


• Can you sing?

☺☺☺☺Yes, I can

• Can she draw?

No, she ca



Cannot = Can’t

He can’t r

Can + Subject + inf.? Yes, Subject + can.

No, Subject + can’t.

I can.

she can’t.

Questions & Answers

an’t run .

Page 65: Booklet 1st primary first term


Let’s go to the beach!

Let’s go to the park!


1- Underline the correct word(s) in brackets 1. I can (hear- see-dance) Amr Diab’s song.

2. ( Can- Can’t- Do) Oscar dance? No, he can’t.

3. My mum (jumps- swims- cooks) in the kitchen.

4. We (swim-ride-drive) a bike in the park.

5. Ahmed (plays-sees-drives) the piano.

6. Can you run? No, I (can-can’t-amn’t).

7. (Can-Let’s-Yes,) play in the park.

8. She can (swim- run- drive a car) in the park.

9. Eddy can (ride- drive- play) a car.

10. Let’s go to the (beach- Eddy- picture).

11. They can (swim-do-play) the drum.

12. Can you fish? Yes, I (can- can’t- do).

13. Can your father drive a (bike- car- plane) ?

14. The elephant (can-can’t-does) fly.

15. A chef can (cook-sing-draw).


Let’s + V.( inf.)

Page 66: Booklet 1st primary first term


2-Rearrange the following sentences /questions: 1- jump - I - ! - can


2- see- can- I – Tower- Eiffel- the


3- Can- homework- you – do- the - ?


4- beach- Let’s – to – go – the


5- you- a – ride – bike- Can - ?


6- He- play – the – can- guitar.


7- read- she – Sally – can – and – write- too- can.


8- fly?- you – Can- No, - can’t- I.


9- can’t- soccer- He- play.


10- They- drum- the- play- can’t.


Page 67: Booklet 1st primary first term


3- Pictorial Composition: Look at the pictures and write the missing parts :

1- She can …………….. ……………….. .

2- He can ……….…… …….… ……….…….. .

3- My mum can …………..…….. in the …………………. .

4- I can …………………. a bike.

Page 68: Booklet 1st primary first term


7- Complete the words : I. Supply the missing letters :

1- se - 2- -ly 3- r – ad

4- ru - 5- coo - 6- dr – ve a c – r

7- pla – the d – um 8- ri – e a b – ke 9- p – ay s - ccer

10- pl – y te – nis

Page 69: Booklet 1st primary first term


Sample Test on Module 6

A – Vocabulary and Structure ______

1 - Mark ( √ ) the correct answer :- 2 1 - 2 -

- She can swim . ( ) - We are at the beach . ( )

3 - 4 -

- Play the piano . ( ) - Play soccer . ( )

2 – Rearrange the sentence / question : _____ 1 1 - to – park – Let's – the – go .


2 - draw – I – Tower – can – Eiffel – the .


Page 70: Booklet 1st primary first term


3 –Complete the words : _____ 3

1- 2- da.ce 3- g.itar

4- 5- t.nnis 6- w.ite

4 - Underline the correct word(s) in brackets : _____ 4

1 - I can ( fly – cook – draw ) a picture .

2 - We play at the ( cinema – park – zoo ) .

3 – Can you cook ? No, I ( can – amn't – can't ) .

4 – Let's go to the ( drum – beach – picture ) .

5 – Oscar can ( ride – drive – play ) a car .

6 – Dad can ( fish – cook – read ) a book .

7 – Can you fly a kite ? ( Yes , - No, - We ) I can .

8 – ( Let's – Can – Yes, ) play the piano .

Page 71: Booklet 1st primary first term


B - Pictorial Composition : _____ 5 - Look at the pictures and write the missing parts : 6

1 - Dan can ........................ . 2 - I can play ………………………

3 – Dad can …………………… a car . 4 - I ....................... swim .

C - The Link Reader 6 - Complete the following question : ____ 2

1- Come on, let's go . Our ................... is done .

2- Sorry , My friends about our .........................

3- So off they go .............. the path .

4- Homer starts to ....................... and laugh .

D - Handwriting : ____ 7 - Copy the following sentence in your best handwriting : 2

Let's draw a cat .

Page 72: Booklet 1st primary first term


Final Revision

1 - Underline the correct word(s) in brackets : 1 - ( What – Where – How ) old are you ? I am six .

2 – What's your ( name – old – same ) ? I am Lin .

3 – I ( 're – 's – 'm ) Eddy .

4 – My name ( 're – 's – 'm ) Wendy .

5 – Lin and Cindy ( is – am – are ) friends .

6 – This is my ( school – parrot – teacher ) . It has 2 wings .

7 – Who ( are – am – is ) that ?

8 – My friends ( am – is – are ) happy .

9 – Sally ( am – is – are ) tall .

10 – What's Lin ( phone – bag – sister ) number ?

11 – This is Tim . ( My – His – Her ) bike is blue .

12 – That's my friend . ( His – Our – My ) name is Paul .

13 – My ( brother – dad – grandfather ) is old .

14 – I live in a ( school – TV – house ) .

15 – That's our teacher . ( Her – Their – Your ) name is Miss Parker .

16 – My father's mother is my ( grandfather – grandmother – uncle ) .

17 – Sam and Ben are ( animals – friends – sisters ) .

18 – ( What – Where – How ) is Cindy ? In the kitchen .

19 – There is a ( bed – bath – swing ) in the garden .

20 – I can see flowers in the ( bathroom – garden – living room ) .

21 – I sleep in the ( bathroom – garden – bedroom ) .

22 – We play in the ( kitchen – bathroom – garden ) .

Page 73: Booklet 1st primary first term


23 – There is an ( chair – armchair – tree ) in the living room .

24 – There is a ( bed – bath – lamp ) on the table .

25 – There are 4 ( rooms – cars – boards ) in my house .

26 – ( Where – What – How ) is the sofa ? In the living room .

27 – Is she a teacher ? ( No, - Yes , - We ) she isn't .

28 – How ( old – many – much ) candles are there ?

29 – How old is Sam ? ( He – They – She ) is nine .

30 – Put candles on the ( bag – bike – cake ) on my birthday .

31 – Are you happy ? Yes, ( he is – it is – I am ) .

32 – ( This is – That is – Those are ) my gloves .

33 – ( This is – These are – That is ) my trousers .

34 – ( This is – That is – These are ) the sun .

35 – A girl wears a ( gloves – skirt – boots ) .

36 – Ben is a ( clown – teacher – policeman ) . He works at the circus .

37 – Mr. Tim cooks delicious food . He is a ( clown – chef – ballerina ) .

38 – My sister is a ( clown – policeman – ballerina ) .

39 – ( This – That – Those ) are Cindy's clothes .

40 – A ( clown – ballerina – chef ) wears a skirt and shoes .

41 – A doctor wears a ( skirt – coat – hat ) .

42 – I want a ( gloves – jacket – trousers ) . It is cold .

43 – Sam's shirt is ( in – on – behind ) the door .

44 – These gloves are ( mine – my – there ) .

45 – ( Is – Are – Can ) you swim ? Yes, I can .

46 – He can cook but he ( can – can't – isn't ) sing .

47 – I can run and I ( can – can't – am ) swim .

Page 74: Booklet 1st primary first term


48 – Sally can dance , ( and – but – yes ) she can't draw .

49 – Can you fly ? No, I ( amn't – can – can't ) .

50 – A ballerina can ( ride – draw – dance ) .

51 – A fish can ( cook – swim – fly ) .

52 – A lion ( can – can't – isn't ) fly .

53 – I can play the ( tennis – guitar – swim ) .

54 - I can ( sing - dance – draw ) a picture .

55 – Sam can fly a ( lion – book – kite ) .

56 – Cindy can ( draw – fly – read ) an English book .

57 – I can see with my ( legs – hair – eyes ) .

58 – We write with our ( hair – hands – body ) .

59 – The book is ( on – in – behind ) the desk .

60 – ( This – That – These ) are magic lamps .

61 – There are ( helicopter – bats – aeroplane ) .

62 – She ( am – is – are ) my friend .

63 – They ( am – is – are ) girls .

64 – Mona and Hanaa ( am – is – are ) sisters .

65 – Is it a bat ? No, ( he is – it is – it isn't ) .

66 – Is it a camera ? Yes , ( it is – it isn't – they are ) .

67 – Whose is this ? It's ( my – mine – their ) .

68 – Look at this dog , ( It – its – theirs ) name is Spotty .

69 – Whose are these ? They're ( Pat's – Pat – Pats ) .

70 – Who is this ? It's ( Bobs – Bob – Bob's ) .

71 – ( These – This – That ) are his glasses .

72 – This is ( Wendys – Wendy's – Wendy ) sister .

Page 75: Booklet 1st primary first term


73- ( How old – How many – How much ) are you ? Twelve .

74- Eddy can ( drive – ride – play ) the drum .

75- Peter can ( swim – swimming – swims ) .

76- Tom can ( riding – rides – ride ) a bike .

78- ( Lets - Let's – Let ) go to the garden .

79- Can you draw ? Yes, ( he – I – you ) can .

80- Can you sing ? No, I ( can't – can – am ) .

81- Is this ( you – your – your's ) camera , Sally ?

82- ( Her – She – Hers ) ball is red .

83- These ( am – is – are ) my friends .

84- These books are ( theirs – their – them ) .

85- They give us ( them – their – theirs ) books .

86- Is this ( you – your – yours ) father's car ? No, it's ( my – mine – me ) .

87- Jane teaches us English . We all like ( him – her – she ) .

88- These are my friends . ( His – Her – Their ) names are Tom and Ali .

89- We have a cat . ( Their – Its – His ) tail is long .

90- This is her book . It's ( hers – his – ours ) .

91- These are his hat and coat . They're ( hers – theirs – his ) .

92- This is our classroom . It's ( yours – his – ours ) .

Page 76: Booklet 1st primary first term


2 – Rearrange the sentence / question :

1 - name – My – is – teacher's – Parker – Miss .


2 - every one – morning – Good .


3 – Cindy – my – friend – That's .


4 – name – your – What's ?


5 – Ben – is – name – My .


6 – teacher – is – my – This .


7 – Wendy's – is – Bob – brother .


8 – Lucy – my – That's – sister .


9 – Lin's – phone – What's – number ?


10 – book – a – is – phone – This .


11 – That – Who – is ?


12 – bike – is – It – my .


Page 77: Booklet 1st primary first term


13 – house – is – Masid's – This .


14 – family – is – my – This .


15 – Jamal - name – is – His .


16 – friends – are – We .


17 – Tom – name – His – is .


18 – is – Whose – This?


19 – family – my – Meet .


20 – red – the – Where – genie – is ?


21 – armchair – It – an – is .


22 – on – He – sofa – is – the .


23 – bed – is – under – the – He .


24 – a swing – is – the – garden – There – in .


Page 78: Booklet 1st primary first term


25 – chair – a – There – blue – is .


26 – twelve – is – Cindy .


27 – a doctor – is – father – My .


28 – it – a guitar – Is ?


29 – isn't – it – No,


30 – in – Tom – bedroom – is – the .


31 – black – is – table – The .


32 – sofa – a book – is – There – on – the .


33 – Masid – is – Where ?


34 – the – in – is – cupboard – He .


35 – a tree - is – the – There – garden – in .


36 – living room – is – in – What – the ?


Page 79: Booklet 1st primary first term


37 – kitchen – What – in – the – is ?


38 – flowers – are – vase – in – There – the


39 – frog – is – the – Where ?


40 – out – Blow – candles – the .


41 – cake – your – birthday – Here's .


42 – presents – are – many – How – there ?


43 – presents – five – are – There .


44 – TV – it – a – Is ?


45 – you – birthday – to – Happy .


46 – sister – My – twelve – is .


47 – you – the – Are – bedroom – in ?


48 – she – a – Is – teacher ?


Page 80: Booklet 1st primary first term


49 – you – old – are – How ?


50 – candles – out – Blow – the .


51 – is – hat – Whose – this ?


52 – doctor – are – a – You .


53 – these – clothes – Are – my ?


54 – Oscar's – are – These – clothes .


55 – clown – is – She – a


56 – a ballerina – is – She


57 – are – Whose – these – shoes ?


58 – trousers – behind – are – door – The – the .


59 – gloves – mine – are – The .


60 – black – Her – is – hat


Page 81: Booklet 1st primary first term


61 – dress – is – Lin's – This


62 – theirs – The – isn't – car .


63 – yellow – shirts – Our – are


64 – fly – can – Masid


65 – see – Can – Masid – you ?


66 – draw – can't – Cindy .


67 – Tower – see – Eiffel – I – the – can .


68 – bed – is – He – the – under .


69 – hear – Can – Sam – you ?


70 – drum – I – the – play – can


71 – a picture – sister – draw – My – can


72 – brother – a bike – My – ride – can


Page 82: Booklet 1st primary first term


73 – can – a car – Dad – drive


74 – at – are – We – beach – the


75 – animals – are – zoo – There – at – the


76 – old – Tom – seven – is – years


77 – guitar – you – can – the – play ?


78 – colour – dress – What – Cindy's – is ?


79 – got – What – Tom – has ?


80 – got – Jack – a bike – has


81 – friends – got – My – have – presents


Page 83: Booklet 1st primary first term

4 - Pictorial Compos

1 - These are ....................

3 - This is a ......................

5 - Meet my .....................

7 - My ..................... is hap


mposition :

................. 2 - It is

............. 4 - This

................. 6 - ........

is happy . 8 - This


It is a ............................

This is my ....................

............................ a car .

This is Masid's


Page 84: Booklet 1st primary first term


9 - This is Wendy's .................... 10- This is Cindy's


11- This ...................................TV . 12- This is my ………………………..

13- There is a bed in the 14- There is a ....................

.............................................. . in the garden .

15- There is a ........................... in 16- Mum cooks in the

the living room . .........................................

Page 85: Booklet 1st primary first term

17- There ...........................

19- This is a .......................

21- Sally is .........................

23- The ............................ i


........... a chair . 18- The

The t

................. . 20- ........

.............. . 22- Ned

........ is red . 24- The

The ball is ....................

The table .

........................... a radio.

Ned is ..........................

The ................. is blue .

Page 86: Booklet 1st primary first term


25- Sam is a ................................. 26- Nina is a .........................

27- Dad is a .................................. 28- Max is a ......................

29- My mum is a ............................. 30- This is a ........................

31- Dad ........................ got a car . 32- Dan can play the ………………..