Book talk hunger games

THE HUNGER GAMES By: Suzanne Collins Book talk By Brendan Teahan

Transcript of Book talk hunger games

1. THE HUNGER GAMESBy: Suzanne Collins 2. Suzanne Collins was born in 1962 in Connecticut. She has wrote for many different childrens televisionshows. The best books that she has written was The HungerGames Trilogy. It was so popular that they made a movie out of the firstbook. 3. Katniss: She is a teenager that is brave and she providesfor her family. She takes her sisters place in the HungerGames. Prim: She is Katniss little sister. She is a 12 year old andvery quiet. She is chosen to go to the Hunger Games. Peeta: He is a son of a baker and is chosen to go to theHunger Games. Katniss Mom: She is quiet and hasnt done much sinceher husband passed away in a mining accident. 4. Katniss and her family is living in District 12. This takesplace in the future. Every year the country has acompetition called the Hunger Games. Prim was pickedto go from District 12 and so was Peeta. Then Katnisstakes the place of Prim in the contest. They head out andtrain for the contest. 5. The end of this book is a real thriller. The last two tributesthat are alive are Katniss and Peeta. They are in arelationship and one of them are going to have to kill oneof them. They are about to kill themselves with poisonousberries but then the announcer goes on and says that theyboth can win. Then the go back home to District 12 andeverything goes good. 6.