Book Review: The Chemistry of Selenium, Tellurium and Polonium. By K. W. Bagnall

systems are dealt with in the next two chapters. The treat- ment of these concepts, which are generally skimped in mathematics lectures for chemists, is of particular value to the prospective quantum chemist. The introduction to mathematical fundamentals concludes with a discussion of differential and integral calculus. The second part of the book deals with the fundamentals of wave mechanics and quantum-mechanical approximation procedures. A consideration of the wave function, electron spin, and the Pauli exclusion principle leads to a treatment of the time-dependent and time-independent Schrodinger equations. Some information about operator equations is given in the following chapter. The Schrodinger equation, the angular momentum, and the electron spin are formulated with the aid of operators. Subsequently the Born-Oppen- heimer approximation, energy hypersurfaces, and nucleus motion are discussed. The chapter dealing with approxima- tion procedures is devoted to a treatment of the variation principle and of the calculus of perturbation theory. Certain special procedures for solving electron problems are described in the third part of the book.The various quantum- mechanical methods are, distinguished on the basis of the differences between the Hamiltohian operatorsysed. In logi- cal manner, the procedutes for solving the Schrodinger equation with the use of exact Hamiitmans (H atom, CI, SCF, LCAO methods) aYe contrasted with the procedures that use a modified Hamiltonian (Hiickel’s procedure, free- electron model). It is unfortunate that this chapter, which contains the methods for the treatment of molecular problems that are so important to the chemist, is very short. While three pages are devoted to the treatment of number sequences, the Hiickel procedure, for example, is dealt with in a few lines. Because of this brevity of treatment the reader is merely able to appreciate certain fundamental aspects underlying the various approximation procedures. Suitable references are given to more extensive treatments or for the application of the various methods to chemical problems. The book can thus serve as a useful introduction. The reader can test his progress by means of practice exer- cises. A few misprints, for example those that have crept into the superscripts of eq. (70) on p. 111, should be amended in the next edition. As an elementary introduction, the book is intended mainly for undergraduates. Considering this it is regrettable that the price is relatively high. H. Zimmermann [NB 629 IE] Physical Organic Chemistry. By 0. H. Wheeler. Principles of Modern Chemistry, Monograph 2. Elsevier Publishing Company, Amsterdam-London-New York 1966. 1st Edit., ix, 172 pages, 42 tables, Dfl. 27.50; paperback Dff. 15.00. The present introduction to physical organic chemistry is claimed to be the first so far that “achieves a balanced treat- ment of the two principal aspects - the empirical study of mechanisms and the fundamental theoretical background”. This claim is not entirely justified. The author has failed to stress important principles and to confine himself to im- portant points. The attempt to cover the entire field in 160 pages was bound to lead to a superficial treatment. Some examples are: Even fundamental concepts such as “transition state” and “intermediate” are not clearly defined (no mention is made of the reaction coordinates), and are frequently confused (pages 59, 72,106, 133); the difference between bond energy and dissociation energy is not explained (page 19). The fundamentals of spectroscopy are not discussed, though spectra are occasionally used in fhe discussion of mechanisms. The classification of reaction mechanisms does not include multi-center reactions. Diels-Alder syntheses and the Claisen rearrangement are formulated as involving “cyclic inter- mediates”, and pyrolytic syn eliminations as proceeding via “free radicals or ion pairs”. Both CsH5COO. and CsHsCO. are described as benzoyl radicals (pages 141 and 145). The formulae are generally clear. The two-page index is too short and 36 references are inadequate. Many recent results have not been referred to. The last chapter, which is entitled “New Frontiers”, seems completely out of place. The book Cannot be recommended. C. Riichnrdt [NB 615 IE] Glas im Laboratorium. Eine Einfuhrung fur den Laborprak- tiker. (Glass in the Laboratory. An Introduction for the Laboratory Worker). By E. Deeg and H. Richter. Volume 6 of the series “Der pharmazeutische Betrieb” (Pharmd- ceutical Practice). Edition Cantor KG., Aulendorf i.Wurtt. 1965. 1st Edit., 160 pp., 74 illustrations, DM 36.-. This 160-page book could easily carry a more ambitious title, perhaps “All about Glass Laboratory Apparatus”. There is hardly a question connected with the use, care, and manu- facture of glass apparatus that it does not deal with. The authors have compiled much useful informatioh which would otherwise require a laborious search. After a chapter on glass as a material, glass apparatus and glassware are desaibed in de.tail Many illustrations of apparatus are ihcluded. and their properties ate described in numerous tables,. Special emphasis is laid on the details given in the DIN standards. The type5.of bottles for stocking vations substances, how to free stuck ground-glass joints and glass taps, precautions to be taken during glass cutting and glass blowing - all are described in an easily under- standable form. The volume concludes with a section on glass-to-metal joints, hints on laboratory practice, and a subject index. H. Griinewaid [NB 644 IE] The Chemistry of Selenium, Tellurium and Polonium. By K. W. Bagnull. No. 7 of the Series of Monographs ‘Topics in Inorganic and General Chemistry’, edited by P. L. Robin- son. Elsevier Publishing Company, Amsterdam-London- New York 1965. 1st Edit., viii, 190 pp., 11 diagrams, 25 tables, Dfl. 35.00. The author, who, by virtue of his own investigations, is an expert on the chemistry of the extremely rare element polo- nium, has attempted to present the chemical properties of this eIement briefly and comprehensively in close comparison with those of the two lighter elements of the same group, tellurium and selenium. In view of the hitherto unwtisfactory treatment of the chemistry of these main-group elements, this attempt has met with great success in a small, well pwented, and comprehensible volume. The modern fiteraturg’is almost completely covered. The book: provides a us&ul review for those concerned with the chemistry of the heavy ekments of group VI b (a quarter OF Che book kdevoted to fhe organic derivatives of Se, Te, and b) and it may also be recom- mended generally as a source of stimulating information. Quite justifiably, most chemists wit! regard the book as too specialized since it considers the three elements alone and not in conjunction with the characteristic Group VI element sulfur. As a result of the high price, the book will probably only be found in libraries, where, however, it should on no account be absent. Max Schmidt [NB 621 IE] Modem Approach to Inorganic Chemistry. By C. F. Bell and K. A. K. Lott, Butterworth and Co. Ltd., London 1966. 2nd Edit., xiii, 331 pp., numerous figures and tables, 45 s. The book covers the “Higher National Certificate” syllabus and is intended for “General Degree” students. Its plan departs markedly from that of conventional German text- books, in that the principles fundamental to inorganic chem- istry are emphasized. This is clear also from the chapter headings: (1) Atomic structure I, (2) Atomic structure 11, (3) Valency, (4) The structure of the elements and their compounds, (5) Reactions in water and in non-aqueous solvents, (6) Coordination chemistry, (7) Distribution and 1090 Angew. Chem. internat. Edit. J Vol. 6 (1967) / No. I2

Transcript of Book Review: The Chemistry of Selenium, Tellurium and Polonium. By K. W. Bagnall

systems are dealt with in the next two chapters. The treat- ment of these concepts, which are generally skimped in mathematics lectures for chemists, is of particular value to the prospective quantum chemist. The introduction to mathematical fundamentals concludes with a discussion of differential and integral calculus. The second part of the book deals with the fundamentals of wave mechanics and quantum-mechanical approximation procedures. A consideration of the wave function, electron spin, and the Pauli exclusion principle leads to a treatment of the time-dependent and time-independent Schrodinger equations. Some information about operator equations is given in the following chapter. The Schrodinger equation, the angular momentum, and the electron spin are formulated with the aid of operators. Subsequently the Born-Oppen- heimer approximation, energy hypersurfaces, and nucleus motion are discussed. The chapter dealing with approxima- tion procedures is devoted to a treatment of the variation principle and of the calculus of perturbation theory. Certain special procedures for solving electron problems are described in the third part of the book.The various quantum- mechanical methods are, distinguished on the basis of the differences between the Hamiltohian operatorsysed. In logi- cal manner, the procedutes for solving the Schrodinger equation with the use of exact Hamii tmans (H atom, CI, SCF, LCAO methods) aYe contrasted with the procedures that use a modified Hamiltonian (Hiickel’s procedure, free- electron model). It is unfortunate that this chapter, which contains the methods for the treatment of molecular problems that are so important to the chemist, is very short. While three pages are devoted to the treatment of number sequences, the Hiickel procedure, for example, is dealt with in a few lines. Because of this brevity of treatment the reader is merely able to appreciate certain fundamental aspects underlying the various approximation procedures. Suitable references are given to more extensive treatments or for the application of the various methods to chemical problems. The book can thus serve as a useful introduction. The reader can test his progress by means of practice exer- cises. A few misprints, for example those that have crept into the superscripts of eq. (70) on p. 111, should be amended in the next edition. As an elementary introduction, the book is intended mainly for undergraduates. Considering this it is regrettable that the price is relatively high.

H. Zimmermann [NB 629 IE]

Physical Organic Chemistry. By 0. H . Wheeler. Principles of Modern Chemistry, Monograph 2. Elsevier Publishing Company, Amsterdam-London-New York 1966. 1st Edit., ix, 172 pages, 42 tables, Dfl. 27.50; paperback Dff. 15.00.

The present introduction to physical organic chemistry is claimed to be the first so far that “achieves a balanced treat- ment of the two principal aspects - the empirical study of mechanisms and the fundamental theoretical background”. This claim is not entirely justified. The author has failed to stress important principles and to confine himself to im- portant points. The attempt to cover the entire field in 160 pages was bound to lead to a superficial treatment. Some examples are: Even fundamental concepts such as “transition state” and “intermediate” are not clearly defined (no mention is made of the reaction coordinates), and are frequently confused (pages 59, 72,106, 133); the difference between bond energy and dissociation energy is not explained (page 19). The fundamentals of spectroscopy are not discussed, though spectra are occasionally used in fhe discussion of mechanisms. The classification of reaction mechanisms does not include multi-center reactions. Diels-Alder syntheses and the Claisen rearrangement are formulated as involving “cyclic inter- mediates”, and pyrolytic syn eliminations as proceeding via “free radicals or ion pairs”. Both CsH5COO. and CsHsCO. are described as benzoyl radicals (pages 141 and 145).

The formulae are generally clear. The two-page index is too short and 36 references are inadequate. Many recent results have not been referred to. The last chapter, which is entitled “New Frontiers”, seems completely out of place. The book Cannot be recommended. C. Riichnrdt [NB 615 IE]

Glas im Laboratorium. Eine Einfuhrung fur den Laborprak- tiker. (Glass in the Laboratory. An Introduction for the Laboratory Worker). By E. Deeg and H. Richter. Volume 6 of the series “Der pharmazeutische Betrieb” (Pharmd- ceutical Practice). Edition Cantor KG., Aulendorf i.Wurtt. 1965. 1st Edit., 160 pp., 74 illustrations, DM 36.-.

This 160-page book could easily carry a more ambitious title, perhaps “All about Glass Laboratory Apparatus”. There is hardly a question connected with the use, care, and manu- facture of glass apparatus that it does not deal with. The authors have compiled much useful informatioh which would otherwise require a laborious search. After a chapter on glass as a material, glass apparatus and glassware are desaibed in de.tail Many illustrations of apparatus are ihcluded. and their properties ate described in numerous tables,. Special emphasis is laid on the details given in the DIN standards. The type5.of bottles for stocking vations substances, how to free stuck ground-glass joints and glass taps, precautions to be taken during glass cutting and glass blowing - all are described in an easily under- standable form. The volume concludes with a section on glass-to-metal joints, hints on laboratory practice, and a subject index. H. Griinewaid [NB 644 IE]

The Chemistry of Selenium, Tellurium and Polonium. By K . W. Bagnull. No. 7 of the Series of Monographs ‘Topics in Inorganic and General Chemistry’, edited by P. L. Robin- son. Elsevier Publishing Company, Amsterdam-London- New York 1965. 1st Edit., viii, 190 pp., 11 diagrams, 25 tables, Dfl. 35.00.

The author, who, by virtue of his own investigations, is an expert on the chemistry of the extremely rare element polo- nium, has attempted to present the chemical properties of this eIement briefly and comprehensively in close comparison with those of the two lighter elements of the same group, tellurium and selenium. In view of the hitherto unwtisfactory treatment of the chemistry of these main-group elements, this attempt has met with great success in a small, well pwented, and comprehensible volume. The modern fiteraturg’is almost completely covered. The book: provides a us&ul review for those concerned with the chemistry of the heavy ekments of group VI b (a quarter OF Che book kdevoted to fhe organic derivatives of Se, Te, and b) and it may also be recom- mended generally as a source of stimulating information. Quite justifiably, most chemists wit! regard the book as too specialized since it considers the three elements alone and not in conjunction with the characteristic Group VI element sulfur. As a result of the high price, the book will probably only be found in libraries, where, however, it should on no account be absent. Max Schmidt [NB 621 IE]

Modem Approach to Inorganic Chemistry. By C. F. Bell and K. A . K . Lott, Butterworth and Co. Ltd., London 1966. 2nd Edit., xiii, 331 pp., numerous figures and tables, 45 s.

The book covers the “Higher National Certificate” syllabus and is intended for “General Degree” students. Its plan departs markedly from that of conventional German text- books, in that the principles fundamental to inorganic chem- istry are emphasized. This is clear also from the chapter headings: (1) Atomic structure I, (2) Atomic structure 11, (3) Valency, (4) The structure of the elements and their compounds, (5) Reactions in water and in non-aqueous solvents, (6) Coordination chemistry, (7) Distribution and

1090 Angew. Chem. internat. Edit. J Vol. 6 (1967) / No. I2