BOOK OF ABSTRACTS M.A. CONFERENCE DEPARTMENT OF … · linguistic changes can be observed in...


Transcript of BOOK OF ABSTRACTS M.A. CONFERENCE DEPARTMENT OF … · linguistic changes can be observed in...

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1ST APRIL, 2020

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Raees Calafato Dagmar Haumann Jalaludeen Ibrahim

Ingunn Lunde

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Presenter Abstracts Logain Ebeid ................................................................................................................................ 4

Cristina Díaz Gandía .................................................................................................................... 5

Carianne Gregersen ..................................................................................................................... 6

Yulia Hathaway ............................................................................................................................ 7

Kaja Haugen ................................................................................................................................ 8

Hilde Linnea Wolpers Haugland .................................................................................................. 9

Margarita Sierra Hurtado .......................................................................................................... 10

Trond Schøyen Høgi .................................................................................................................. 11

Marthe Kalleklev ....................................................................................................................... 12

Mareike Mannigel ..................................................................................................................... 13

Valentina Maul .......................................................................................................................... 14

Hanne Momrak ......................................................................................................................... 15

Gerd Sivertsen Prestegard ........................................................................................................ 16

Henriette Rørdal ........................................................................................................................ 17

Aukse Salte ................................................................................................................................ 18

Flutra Sokoli ............................................................................................................................... 19

Maria Sortland Thoresen ........................................................................................................... 20

Claudia Hernandez Quezada ..................................................................................................... 21

Natalie Unger ............................................................................................................................ 22

Keren Rebecca Wergeland ........................................................................................................ 23

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The Influence of Grammatical Alterations and Transpositions on the Meaning of a Translated Text: A Comparative Study of «l’Étranger» by A. Camus and «The Stranger» by S. Gilbert Logain Ebeid Master’s Program in French This study aims to explore the relationship between grammar and translation. The aim is to research how grammatical alterations can influence the meaning of a translated text. Within the scope of both descriptive grammar and contrastive grammar, the study investigates the grammatical differences between a source text in French and its translation into English to see how the meaning of some sentences might have changed following some grammatical alterations made in the translation. The source texts used in this project are L’Étranger by Albert Camus and its first English translation The Stranger by Stuart Gilbert. By examining these grammatical differences, the study shows how the general meaning of a complete literary work can be influenced and how it can be differently perceived by the English reader compared to the French reader. The grammatical features that will be studied are yet to be defined (depending on the results of the analysis), although the project does cover passive versus active voices, direct and indirect speech, as well as verb tenses and aspects. Moreover, the aim is also to examine how the position of themes and rhymes in a sentence can influence its meaning or connotation and how it can affect the thematic progression of the studied text.

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Language Teacher Cognition about the Teaching of the Spanish Subjunctive in Norwegian Upper-Secondary Schools Cristina Díaz Gandía Master’s Program in Spanish Language and Latin-American Studies This multiple-case study contributes towards our understanding of upper-secondary school Spanish teacher cognition regarding the teaching of the subjunctive mood. The data was collected through semi-structured interviews that explored the beliefs, thoughts, and knowledge of three Spanish teachers, one native and two non-natives, each working in a different school in Norway’s Vestland County. Using a qualitative approach, the relationship between teacher cognition and reported classroom practices are examined and contrasted with previous studies. The two non-native Spanish teachers expressed opinions and recounted experiences that point to a preference for formal instruction based on explicit, deductive teaching, whereas the native teacher indicated that her main goal as a language teacher was to encourage her pupils to communicate in Spanish orally. Non-native teachers’ cognition regarding the subjunctive mood appeared to be shaped by prior language learning experiences. All participants stated that contextual factors constrain which grammar topics can be taught in an average group, revealing that the subjunctive mood is a non-essential grammar theme at this level. Data analysis revealed that all three teachers tend to use the textbook as a guide for planning their grammar teaching, leaving the subjunctive as the last grammar point until the end of the course, provided that contextual factors are favourable. If taught, the subjunctive mood is explained by focusing mostly on language forms, although the structures are partially presented under different semantic labels. Core teacher cognition in this respect is represented by teachers’ maxims, which explicitly connect the Spanish subjunctive to notions of difficulty, linearity, the need for a high l e v e l o f exposure to the foreign language, and prerequisite basic grammar knowledge. The study concludes with implications and recommendations for future research and teaching alternatives based on the results.

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La mujer Afro-dominicana: su lucha de empoderamiento, 1992–2017 / Afro-Dominican Women: The Fight for Empowerment 1992–2017 Carianne Gregersen Master’s Program in Spanish Language and Latin-American Studies Problemstillingen i denne oppgaven er: på hvilken måte har afro-dominikanske kvinner styrket seg selv, og hva har de oppnådd i de siste 25 årene. I denne oppgaven har det blitt undersøkt hvordan afro-dominikanske kvinner har styrket seg selv (empowering) ved å gjøre seg mer synlige i det dominikanske samfunnet, og hva har vært årsaken eller motivasjon til deres kamp. Oppgaven har fokus på hvordan disse kvinnene definerer seg selv ut i fra sin etnisitet/identitet. Formålet med undersøkelsen er å finne ut om situasjonen deres har blitt bedre eller ikke, om regjeringen har bidratt til dette eller ikke, også for å bestemme faktorene for deres kamp for å bli mer synlig i samfunnet. Metoden i oppgaven har vært kvalitativ (case studie) med intervjuer av 10 kvinner i Santo Domingo. Hvert intervju varte i 30–45 min med opptak. Disse intervjuene har vært mine primærkilder til oppgaven, og ligger til grunn for forskningsanalysen. Kvinnene som deltok i prosjektet ga meg nyttig informasjon om situasjonen de var i og om perspektivene sine.

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A Corpus Study of the Contemporary Discourse on Race in the U.S.: The (non-fictional) Writings of Ta-Nehisi Coates Yulia Hathaway Master’s Program in English Corpus linguistics provides new insights and raises new research questions about the analysis of cultural aspects of language such as pragmatics and the study of culture (Adolphs, 2006). This interdisciplinary project examines language as used by Ta-Nehisi Coates, a black American writer, in his discourse on race in the U.S., particularly the conceptualization of black American collective identity. Coates has been regarded as one of the “black intellectuals who are steadfast in their commitment to raise the level of the discourse on race in America” (Alim & Smitherman 2012: 17). The aim of the study is to assess the potential and limitations of corpus linguistic techniques in analyzing electronic texts, as well as to contribute to on-going debates on racial relations in the United States. The dataset is a self-compiled specialized electronic corpus of Coates’s non-fictional writings – articles, essays, and memoirs – from 1996 until 2018. The approximate size of the corpus is 500,000 words. Methodologically, the study combines a corpus-driven quantitative approach with qualitative analysis. The data is examined using computational techniques focusing on frequency, collocation and concordance analyses. Quantitative analysis is complemented by a sociopragmatic approach that examines how language is used in communication between writer and reader (Rühlemann & Aijmer 2015: 2). For example, through the use of frequent collocations like black/white America, Coates seems to question the notion of America as a unified nation. At the same time, the frequent use of black America highlights Coates’s conceptualization of collective identity in African-American history: a diversity of black people brought together by shared experiences. References

Adolphs, Svenja. 2006. Introducing electronic text analysis: A practical guide for language and literary studies. London: Routledge.

Alim, H. Samy and Geneva Smitherman. 2012. Articulate while Black: Barack Obama, language and race in the US. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Rühlemann, Christoph and Karin Aijmer. 2015. “Introduction. Corpus pragmatics: Laying the foundation”. In Corpus Pragmatics: A Handbook, eds. Karin Aijmer & Christoph Rühlemann, 1–26. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

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Sociolinguistic Variation and cChange in Scalloway, Shetland Kaja Haugen Master’s Program in English A number of studies on language variation and change have demonstrated an on-going trend of dialect levelling, a process whereby local variants are being replaced by standard or global variants in many places in the English-speaking world (Britain 2002). Younger speakers use fewer dialect variants than older speakers do, which is interpreted as linguistic change in process. Despite being a variety that largely deviates from Standard English and other English varieties, few sociolinguistic researchers have examined language variation and change in the Shetland dialect and Shetland English. Some research has been done in Lerwick, where it has been demonstrated that the use of various dialect variants declines among younger speakers (Smith and Durham 2013) and that a new variety of Scottish Standard English (SSE) may be gaining ground in place of the Shetland dialect (Sundkvist 2011). Dialect levelling, therefore, appears to be present in Shetland. However, more research is needed to assess whether and how these processes operate outside Lerwick. This study focuses on language use in Scalloway, a village west of Lerwick. It uses sociolinguistic interviews with 19 speakers from three age groups to examine how dialect features co-vary with age, gender and location. It examines both Scotland-wide and Shetland-specific variables: lexical ken and peerie, morphosyntactic yon and be-perfect, and phonetic l-vocalisation, th-stopping and HOUSE-HOOSE-variation. These are the features Smith and Durham found to be declining in Lerwick. The Shetland morphosyntactic and phonetic variants are also rare in Sundkvist’s (2011) account of Lerwick SSE. Preliminary transcriptions indicate that some dialect features are more common in Scalloway speech than in Lerwick SSE. These results will be compared to Smith and Durham (2013) to see whether and how the same linguistic changes can be observed in Scalloway. References

Britain, David. 2002. Diffusion, levelling, simplification and reallocation in past tense BE in the English Fens. Journal of Sociolinguistics 6(2): 16–43.

Smith, Jennifer and Mercedes Durham. 2011. A tipping point in dialect obsolescence? Change across the generations in Lerwick, Shetland. Journal of Sociolinguistics 15(2): 197–225.

Smith, Jennifer and Mercedes Durham. 2013. Bidialectalism or dialect death? Explaining generational change in the Shetland islands, Scotland. American Speech 87(1): 57–88.

Sundkvist, Peter. 2011. ‘Standard English’ as spoken in Shetland’s capital. World Englishes 30(2): 166–181.

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Metaforiske og metonymiske personbetegnelser som nærspråklige kjennetegn i romanen Jeder stirbt für sich allein av Hans Fallada og de to norske oversettelsene Hilde Linnea Wolpers Haugland Masterprogram i tysk Denne masteroppgaven tar for seg metaforiske og metonymiske personbetegnelser i den tyske romanen Jeder stibt für sich allein og ser på hvordan disse har blitt håndtert i de to norske oversettelsene. Romanen ble skrevet av Fallada på slutten av 1946 og etter hans død i 1947 gitt ut i betydelig redigert versjon av Aufbau Verlag. Den første norske oversettelsen, Den veien du går alene, kom ut i 1954. Den andre, Alle dør alene, kom ut i 2011 og var del av en bølge med nyoversettelser som tok utgangspunkt i den usensurerte originalversjonen til Fallada. Romanen handler om arbeiderklasseekteparet Quangel som etter sønnens fall i 1940 tar opp kampen mot nazistene ved å skrive regimekritiske postkort og legge dem ut i ulike trappeoppganger i Berlin. I tillegg til Quangels møter man et stort persongalleri fra ulike sjikt og posisjoner i samfunnet. Som flere av Falladas romaner er Jeder stirbt für sich allein rik på dialoger og er preget av et muntlig språk. Analysematerialet i denne masteroppgaven er alle metaforiske og metonymiske personbetegnelser som forekommer i romanen. Jeg ser på hva som menes med muntlig språk i skjønnlitteratur og diskuterer hvorvidt de metaforiske og metonymiske personbetegnelsene kan bli betraktet som nærspråklige kjennetegn (nähesprachliche Merkmale). Dette gjør jeg med utgangspunkt i Koch/Oesterreichers modell for «Sprache der Nähe» og «Sprache der Distanz». Jeg identifiserer og kategoriserer deretter ulike strategier de to oversetterne har valgt ved de metaforiske og metonymiske personbetegnelsene. Fokuset er produktorientert og deskriptivt. Med utgangspunkt i Kollers ekvivalensteori forsøker jeg å si noe om hva de ulike oversettelsesvalgene har å si spesielt for den konnotative ekvivalensrelasjonen mellom originalen og de to oversettelsene.

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Mapping Rock in Bogotá during the 1990s Margarita Sierra Hurtado Master’s Program in Spanish Language and Latin-American Studies This research aims to analyze how rock music (re)configured the city of Bogotá in Colombia during the 1990s, i.e. how rock music “rebuilt” the city from real and symbolic spaces, experiences and memories, dichotomies between violence and security, and the public and private, among other variables. Much of the research on rock music in Colombia has focused on studying cultural phenomena during the sixties and seventies, and very little has been written about what happened during the 1990s beyond analyzing subcultures and urban tribes. The majority of studies have either been framed as being of academic interest linked to research on violence, war, and social movements, or the commercial aspects of rock music. This project, in contrast, seeks to study the development of the underground music circuit in Bogotá that appeared in the late eighties and lasted throughout the nineties, a phenomenon that appropriated and redefined spaces and denounced, resisted, and created an image of a different city from that which the common imagination is accustomed to, i.e. a city of bombs and violence. This study uses interviews, press clippings, recordings, lyrics, documentaries, and books as sources of data.

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Flowers for the Un-Examined Life: Disability as Identity in Brave New World and Flowers for Algernon Trond Schøyen Høgi Master’s Program in English The depiction of (dis)ability in culture and specifically literature can serve as a valuable measure of those norms and values that a given culture expects both from the body and mind. Science fiction, in particular, invites an exploration of such depictions because it not only depicts contemporary cultural expectations, but also what a culture ought or ought not to expect of its inhabitants’ abilities in the future. Daniel Keyes’s Flowers for Algernon (1966) presents Charlie Gordon who goes from cognitively impaired individual to genius and back. It is a Hugo award-winning classic that is “one of the most widely read that concerns the mentally disabled” and widely lauded as a humanistic text (Cline, 2012). Aldous Huxley’s seminal Brave New World (1932) depicts a dystopian future of ectogenesis and ability-segregation that appears less humanistic, although which also serves as an allegory of bioethical discourses such as the ethics of prenatal testing. Both novels use (dis)ability to construct the social hierarchies and pathos of their narratives and characters. These hierarchies reveal a common evaluation of the mentally disabled as having less value than the physically disabled. My study employs disability theory in comparing the two novels and analyses how the texts construct disability and assign value to their disabled characters. Whereas Flowers for Algernon presents technology as a cure for disability, necessitating an identification of disability with worthlessness, Brave New World assigns value to all members of society, independent of ability levels. Hence, despite its humanist discourse, Flowers for Algernon emerges as not being as disability-positive as previously thought.

References Cline, B. W. (2012). " You're Not the Same Kind of Human Being": The Evolution of

Pity to Horror in Daniel Keyes's Flowers for Algernon. Disability Studies Quarterly, 32(4).

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Patria libre para vivir: An Analysis of the Construction and Transition of Political Identity and their Expression in Resistance Movements in Recent History in Nicaragua, 1978–2018

Marthe Kalleklev Master’s Program in Spanish Language and Latin-American Studies

This Master thesis is a study of the current opposition movement that started with protests in April 2018 against the regime of President Daniel Ortega in Nicaragua. The study focuses on the kind of political repertoire they use and the links with the rhetoric and strategies developed by the Sandinista movement during the 1970s and 1980s. The hypothesis of the thesis is that the opponents of the Ortega government today are nourished by the same roots as Sandinismo because these roots can be seen as representing national identity and have been exploited in Sandinista discourse for their own legitimacy. In this way, the current protests against the Government, with the historical parallels and the tactics used by the opposition, could suggest that it is not only a demand for democracy, freedom, and justice, but also a demand to reclaim national history and the collective memory that has been dominated by Sandinista discourse. Through a qualitative historical investigation, with a focus on in-depth interviews and the life stories of participants who have participated in both movements, i.e. the revolution of 1979 and the uprising of 2018, this study looks at the evolution of the political identity and its expression in Nicaragua. The study falls under the category of present history, using oral testimonies as its primary source to study a historical process that leads up to the present time. The revolution in Nicaragua and the political identity of the Sandinistas are well-researched topics in the academic world, especially in the 80s and 90s. However, the novelty of this research is in the combination of historical reconstruction and oral testimonies that capture the memories and experiences of Nicaraguans who have lived through these two moments of political upheaval in Nicaragua.

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Transgenderism in Chilean Cinema: Trans-Identity in the Film A Fantastic Woman by Sebastián Lelio Mareike Mannigel Master’s Program in Spanish Language and Latin-American Studies My study explores transgenderism in Chilean cinema by analysing how trans-identity is depicted in the Sebastián Lelio-directed Oscar-winning film A Fantastic Woman. I focus on how a transwoman is perceived in Chilean society and what challenges and problems arise from being transgender in Chile. Gender and sexuality are themes that have been widely studied, with most studies within this area focusing on sexual orientation, the portrayal of gender roles and gay identity. My study explores trans-identity in Chilean cinema because the topic is garnering considerable attention in Chile at present. The film that has been chosen for the study was released in 2017 and many LGBT groups share the opinion that it helped to pass the recent Gender Identity Law (July 2019) in Chile. The law recognizes the right to self-perceived gender identity and allows Chilean transgender individuals to change their name and gender in official documents like passports. The rise of Queer Theory in the 1990s, which has been deeply influenced by theorists like Judith Butler, Michel Foucault, and Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick, has helped to challenge previous research on these topics as more questions arise and new perspectives are introduced. Films deal with issues that affect society and, with the help of music, linguistic images and symbols, the viewer can form an opinion regarding these issues. I will analyse how these elements help to represent the image of transwomen in Chile.

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Interkulturell kompetanse som satsingsområde i fremmedspråk etter fagfornyelsen – Kan nyere lærebøkene for tysk I holde tritt? Valentina Maul Lektorutdanning med master i fremmedspråk (tysk) Fagfornyelsen setter nye krav til hva elevene skal lære. I fremmedspråk fremheves interkulturell kompetanse enda sterkere som et av 4 kjerneelementer for faget. At eldre lærebøker ikke holder tritt med nyere didaktiske funn er ikke noe nytt. Med hva med to nylig (2018) publiserte lærebøker for tysk i ungdomsskolen? Oppgaven har et fremmesspråksdidaktisk fokus og tar for seg på både tekster og oppgaver i JETZT 10 og LEUTE 10, og undersøker i hvilken grad elevenes interkulturelle kompetanse kan utvikles og/eller fremmes ved å implementere disse lærebøkene i undervisningen. For å belyse både tekster og oppgaver brukes to forskjellige metoder. Tekstene analyseres ved hjelp av en metode som er blitt utarbeidet av Liv Eide i hennes doktoravhandling fra 2012, der tekstlingvistisk metode kombineres med analyse av tematiske innhold. For å analysere oppgaver brukes Byrams etablerte modell for interkulturell kommunikativ kompetanse. Både Eides og Byrams metoder adapteres delvis, idet noen deler blir tilpasset oppgavens formål og omfang. I lys av relevant og nyere didaktisk forskning drøftes resultatene både kvantitativt og kvalitativt. Videre er formålet med oppgaven også å rette søkelyset mot læreverkanalyse i fremmedspråk, et felt som i forbindelse med blikk på interkulturell kompetanse har nærmest blitt oversett i norsk sammenheng. Dette gjelder særlig inkludering av oppgavene i analysen.

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The Voice of Women Coffee in South-Western Antioquia: An Analysis of the Transformation and Empowerment of Women in Coffee Production in Colombia

Hanne Momrak Master’s Program in Spanish Language and Latin-American Studies Colombia is known for having one of the best coffees in the world and coffee grower Juan Valdez not only represents the main image of a brand with which Colombian coffee is identified around the world, but he is also the image of the National Federation of Coffee Growers of Colombia. However, this image has left aside women, who, for decades, have worked alongside men on coffee farms, taking part in the harvest and other associated processes. This research aims to explore how the role of women in the coffee industry has changed during the last 50 years in Columbia’s southwestern region of Antioquia. The aim is to tell the stories of women from five different municipalities: Jardín, Andes, Jerico, Concordia and Urrao, all from the coffee region, in order to find links between the history of Colombia and coffee production, as well as provide insights into the country’s political, social and cultural transformations. The study seeks to highlight the history of women and to recognize their dignity and accomplishments by placing women’s lives and experiences at the center of the study while also examining the social and cultural constructs of gender. It is worthwhile to study how the role of female coffee growers in Colombia has changed because the idea is to include women in the history of coffee and to discuss the history of Colombia and Antioquia using a gender approach. Through a qualitative historical investigation that focuses on interviews with female coffee growers from two different generations, we can discover the changes in the division of labor based on gender in coffee production and gain insights into the work of Colombian women.

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So Long and Thanks for all the Fish: The Optimistic Utopia of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy Gerd Sivertsen Prestegard Master’s Program in English Douglas Adams’ The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (HG) (1979) was first published 41 years ago and continues to be frequently republished. So why do people keep going back to HG after so many years? One reason may be found in the novel’s multiple layers: it is simultaneously a work of science fiction (SF) and a parody of SF. Furthermore, it is a satire of, among other things, humanity’s search for meaning and purpose in the universe. Finally, it is a comedy with clever language and absurd humour. An additional reason for its lasting appeal may be that HG offers a counter-narrative to the pessimistic dystopian science fiction that has become popular on TV and in films in recent years, such as I, Robot, The Hunger Games, and Black Mirror. While HG presents a dystopia where Earth is destroyed and every attempt to find a greater meaning to life is met with the random nature of the universe and its inherent lack of meaning and logic, it is not a pessimistic narrative. The novel urges us to accept the universe with all its flaws and randomness. As one of its characters says: ‘I’d far rather be happy than right any day.’ This study explores the continued relevance of HG by focusing on its play with generic features. Parody and satire put pressure on genre boundaries and established genre traits. It is by examining such ‘border’ examples of literature that we gain a better understanding of what we believe to be established literary norms. Through over-usage and reversal of science fiction conventions, Douglas Adams pointed out the hollowness of the SF genre and launched the comedic SF genre at a time when hard SF seemed to be the only legitimate version of literary SF.

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Stuck in Working-Class Limbo? Everyday Life in Raymond Carver’s Will You Please Be Quiet, Please? Henriette Rørdal Master’s Program in English Critics often argue that the characters in Raymond Carver’s early works lead particularly bleak and hopeless lives. This sentiment appears as a typical response to his first short-story collection, Will You Please Be Quiet, Please? (1976). Carver’s early publications comprise a relatively homogenous gallery of characters, consisting mainly of blue-collar subjects, with Boxer and Phillips (1979, 76) arguing that Carver “writes about characters whose lives are in suspended animation” as if stuck in limbo. Instead of conforming to the notion of Carver’s working-class representation as a monolithic portrait of stagnation, this study employs everyday life scholarship in order to assume a more complex approach. Ultimately, the aim is to challenge how some scholars claim Carver’s proletariat do nothing, that the material world they inhabit is grey and empty, and that the stories they tell fail to touch on matters of significance. As I consider Carver’s early narratives, it becomes crucial to reflect on how we can take his literary proletariat seriously. This consideration relates to an ongoing debate within Marxist discourse where some argue that the Left has failed to address modern working class needs adequately. This study focuses on how Carver’s characters act within the limits imposed on them by their class status. Although the subjects to be studied face rigid restrictions, be that through unemployment, substance abuse, or marital distress, their daily life is still marked by various activities. Carver's proletariat uses the tools at hand within a limiting system and proves itself highly dynamic. The resulting image is not that of a literary proletariat stuck in working-class limbo; instead, we find that Carver’s characters retain a sense of agency and action despite their disadvantageous position in burgeoning capitalist modernity. References

Boxer, D., & Phillips, C. (1979). Will you please be quiet, please?: Voyeurism, dissociation, and the art of Raymond Carver. The Iowa Review, 10(3), 75-90.

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Grammaticalization of Way: An Experimental Approach

Aukse Salte Master’s Program in English

This corpus-based study explores the grammaticalization of way as an intensifier in English. Way is an aphetic form of away, which also used to be written ´way with an apostrophe (Wilson, 1993). Once a lexical item expressing motion or direction from a place (Simpson & Weiner, 1989), it has now become a grammatical item with little to no lexical meaning in certain contexts. Consequently, way is referred to as a degree adverb in contemporary British English (Huddleston & Pullum, 2002) and is listed as an intensifier in contemporary American English (Benzinger, 1971). This paper outlines the main paths of grammaticalization of way over time. It addresses the phenomenon of the unidirectionality of language change with a special focus on the psycholinguistic mechanism of asymmetric priming, which has been suggested as a factor in the non-reversibility of language change (Jäger & Rosenbach, 2008). The study hypothesizes that asymmetric priming is an important factor for grammaticalization. A psycholinguistic design is used based on Hilpert & Saavedra (2018). The goal is to test speakers of English under controlled laboratory conditions to investigate whether, as implied by the asymmetric priming hypothesis, lexical way primes grammatical way while the reverse is much weaker or not significant. Positive results for the verification of asymmetric priming will support its role as an important factor shaping the development of way and, by inference, language change in general.

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Metaphor: A Linguistic Expression Structured by our Conceptual System and its Usage in the Genre of Advertising Flutra Sokoli Master’s Program in English The aim of this study is to examine the four metaphor types introduced by Lakoff and Johnson (1980), i.e. structural, orientational, ontological and container metaphors, and to analyse how they are used in advertising. This study also seeks to explore the usage of pictorial and verbal metaphors in advertising and to examine their interplay. The study draws from Lakoff and Johnson’s (1980) influential book Metaphors We Live By, which discusses the above-mentioned four metaphor types and the purposes they serve. For the interplay of the ‘word and image messages’ in advertising, the study has followed Forceville’s (2002) theory in his book Pictorial Metaphor in Advertising. For the function of the linguistic message in relation to the pictorial element, the study has followed Barthes’ (2003) claims in The Rhetoric of the Image. Barthes uses the concepts of ‘anchoring’ and ‘relaying’ for the linguistic message and he refers to the image as a ‘floating chain’. In order to examine metaphor types, 60 advertisements were gathered from three product categories: automobiles, food and beauty products. Each advertisement was reviewed with a focus on metaphors. The data was collected from Pinterest, which is one of the largest social media websites. In order to ensure data validity, the first 20 advertisements from each product category were chosen randomly, centred on campaign advertising. The study has integrated both qualitative and quantitative methods in examining the set of data. Findings indicate that metaphorical types are clearly evident in most advertisements. Ontological and structural metaphors are the most commonly employed types while orientation and container metaphors are employed the least. The study’s findings also indicate that there is an increasing trend in advertising to make use of metaphor.

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Word Order in Clauses of Purpose and Result in Old English Translated and Non- Translated Prose Maria Sortland Thoresen Foreign Language Teacher Education (MAHF-LÆFR) A sizeable selection of surviving texts from the Old English period (450–1100) is translations from Latin manuscripts (Bech 2001: 6). Some are interlineal glosses or direct translations of Latin (e.g., the Rushworth and Lindisfarne gospels) and many more are non- literal translations. This study aims to investigate possible influences from Latin word order on Old English non-literal translations. Heggelund (2015), for instance, discovered differences in word order between the original Old English parts of Orosius and those translated from Latin, which were statistically significant regarding main clauses but not subordinate clauses. Heggelund comments that an investigation of a larger sample “could yield interesting results”. This study, consequently, investigates the differences in word order patterns in Old English subordinate clauses of purpose and result. The three text types compared in the study are interlinear glosses, non-literal translations from Latin into Old English, and original Old English texts. The study draws its dataset from The York-Toronto Corpus of Old English Prose and the Dictionary of Old English Corpus. Preliminary results indicate that the most frequent word-order patterns occur with similar frequency in the translated texts and the non-translated texts. However, a small increase in verb-final constructions and constructions with empty referential subjects is found in the translated texts. The dataset is yet to be carefully analyzed and compared to the data from the interlinear glosses. References

Bech, Kristin. 2001. Word order patterns in Old and Middle English: a syntactic and pragmatic study. Doctoral dissertation, University of Bergen.

Heggelund, Øystein I. 2010. Word order in Old English and Middle English subordinate clauses. The University of Bergen.

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Environmental Protection Development Versus Economic Growth from the Trade Agreements Perspective in Mexico Claudia Hernandez Quezada Master’s Program in Spanish Language and Latin-American Studies

This study seeks to analyse the development in the relationship between trade agreements, economic growth and the protection of the environment in Mexico through six presidential terms, from 1982 to 2018. Mexico has been a leading economy in Latin America since it signed the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade in 1986. The international treaty, the North America Free Trade Agreement, which it also signed, promised an increase in the country’s economic growth, although Mexico had to sign an agreement on environmental cooperation in order to get it into force and as a way to compensate for the lack of environmental regulations in the country. The Kuznets curve hypothesizes that inequality increases before it decreases in poor countries on the way to greater economic growth. However, in wealthier countries inequality has narrowed. Mexico has been classified as an undeveloped country, which suggests that its environmental position will diminish as economic growth increases. Utilizing the Kuznets curve, the same principle has been applied to studies that have examined the relationship between economic growth and the environment in Mexico. Nevertheless, this study, by conducting qualitative document analysis, aims to research how the international trade agreements that Mexico has ratified have been involved in this relationship between economic growth and the environment.

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Ekvivalensforholdet mellom faste uttrykk og ordtak i W. Moers’ bok Die 13 ½ Leben des Käpt’n Blaubär og E. Krogstads norske oversettelse Kaptein Blåbjørns 13 ½ liv Natalie Unger Master i tysk Faste uttrykk og ordtak regnes som noe av det vanskeligste å oversette, på grunn av sin forankring i ordspill og språksamfunnets kultur. Walter Moers’ bok Die 13 ½ Leben des Käpt’n Blaubär fra 1999 tar i bruk mange slike fraser, og har i tillegg en del modifiserte uttrykk og fraser ettersom det er en bok i fantasy-genren. Erik Krogstad oversatte boka til norsk i 2002 og ga den navnet Kaptein Blåbjørns 13 ½ liv. Mitt prosjekt ser på ekvivalensforholdet mellom de originale tyske uttrykkene og ordtakene og de norske oversettelsene ved hjelp av en komparativ analyse. Ekvivalens betegner samsvaret mellom den originale teksten og oversettelsen. Frasene som jeg har funnet i både originalen og oversettelsen har jeg delt inn i kategorier, for eksempel «forstand» eller «kroppslige reaksjoner». Videre har jeg gjort en inndeling i samsvar med ekvivalensteorien til D. Dobrovol’skij, definert som total-, partiell- eller nullekvivalent i henhold til deres ekvivalensforhold. For å kunne fastslå hvilken kategori de ulike frasene inngår i, benytter jeg meg av ekvivalensteorien til W. Koller, der han definerer fem typer: denotativ, konnotativ, pragmatisk, tekstnormativ og formal-estetisk ekvivalens. I tillegg skal jeg gjennomføre et intervju med oversetteren Erik Krogstad for å finne ut mer om noen spesifikke oversettelsesvalg. Analysen viser at kompensasjon er den dominerende oversettelsesstrategien, noe som innebærer at frie ordforbindelser i originalen blir oversatt med faste uttrykk og ordtak. På den andre siden blir fraser i originalen kun delvis oversatt med norske fraser. Det betyr at det finnes en stor del nullekvivalente forhold og kompensasjoner, slik at den totale formal-estetiske ekvivalensen i forhold til faste ord og uttrykk blir balansert.

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A Study of Melancholy in Aurélia and the Writings of Gérard de Nerval Keren Rebecca Wergeland Master’s Program in French This study intends to define the term Melancholy by using theories proposed by Burton, Freud, and Kristeva and to understand the phenomenon. By employing well-known theories on the subject, the aim is to give a voice to melancholy through literature. The study uses literary texts and letters written by Gérard de Nerval to understand melancholy Literature. Nerval is used to researching this human phenomenon and what underlies it. It is important to preserve the integrity of the texts by placing them in the context of the era in which Nerval lived. By reading his works, as close to an understanding of his era as is possible, we focus on the language in the text to perceive how Melancholy presents itself. The Nervalien point of view of life is complex: “The dream is a second life”. In Nerval’s work Aurélia, the opposition between dream and reality is an important theme. To explore how melancholy is manifested in Aurélia, four central themes were chosen: the woman with several faces, the dream, duality, and death, all of which are regarded as manifestations of melancholy. This complexity makes it possible for the superego to travel between reality and dream, and, finally yet importantly, alter between the hallucinated ego and the clear and elevated ego. Dr. Blanche, who treated Nerval, advised him to write down his impressions and describe his symptoms, which formed the basis for Aurélia. In response to this fact, Aurélia is read in this qualitative study with a view to understanding this mental illness and to giving back to literature the value it deserves.