BONNYVILLE & DISTRICT FCSS OUT OF SCHOOL CARE ... After...After school programs for children, grades...

Bonnyville & District FCSS - OUT OF SCHOOL CARE Program Plan, Staffing Plan, Administrative Policies & Procedures BONNYVILLE & DISTRICT FCSS OUT OF SCHOOL CARE PROGRAM CCLA 70036107 4714 48 th Street Bag 1006 Bonnyville, AB T9N 2J7 PHONE: (780) 826-2120 FAX: (780) 826-6488 E-MAIL: [email protected]

Transcript of BONNYVILLE & DISTRICT FCSS OUT OF SCHOOL CARE ... After...After school programs for children, grades...

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Bonnyville & District FCSS - OUT OF SCHOOL CARE Program Plan, Staffing Plan, Administrative Policies & Procedures



CCLA 70036107

4714 48th Street Bag 1006

Bonnyville, AB T9N 2J7

PHONE: (780) 826-2120 FAX: (780) 826-6488

E-MAIL: [email protected]

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Bonnyville & District FCSS - OUT OF SCHOOL CARE Program Plan, Staffing Plan, Administrative Policies & Procedures


1. Purpose and Philosophy .......................................................................................... 1

1.1 FCSS Program Logic Model ...................................................................... 1

2. Licensing & Regulation ............................................................................................ 3

2.1 Governing Act and Regulations ................................................................. 3

2.2 Posting Licenses and Notices .................................................................... 3

2.3 Posting Emergency Numbers and Procedures .......................................... 3

2.4 Smoking ..................................................................................................... 4

2.5 Registration Records ................................................................................. 4

2.6 Portable Records ....................................................................................... 5

2.7 Health Records .......................................................................................... 5

3. Program Policies and Procedures ........................................................................... 6

3.1 Programming Policy ................................................................................... 6

3.2 Administrative Records and Documentation .............................................. 8

3.3 Staff Orientation ....................................................................................... 10

3.4 Supervision Policy ................................................................................... 11

3.5 Inclusion and Diversity Policy .................................................................. 12

3.6 Child - Staff Interactions Policy ................................................................ 13

3.7 Off-site Excursions Policy ........................................................................ 15

3.8 Open Door Policy ..................................................................................... 17

3.9 Parental Involvement Policy ..................................................................... 18

3.10 Parent Concern Policy ............................................................................. 19

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Bonnyville & District FCSS - OUT OF SCHOOL CARE Program Plan, Staffing Plan, Administrative Policies & Procedures

3.11 Custody Policy ......................................................................................... 20

3.12 Communication Policy ............................................................................. 22

3.13 Behaviour Guidance Policy ...................................................................... 25

3.14 Child Guidance Policy .............................................................................. 27

3.15 Anti-Bullying Policy .................................................................................. 28

4. Medical Emergencies .............................................................................................. 29

4.2 Health Care .............................................................................................. 30

4.3 Sick Children ............................................................................................ 31

4.4 Medication Administration Policy ............................................................. 33

4.5 Health & Safety Policy ............................................................................. 34

4.6 Playground Policy .................................................................................... 35

4.7 Cell phone/Technology Policy .................................................................. 36

4.8 Food Service ............................................................................................ 38

4.9 Personnel Policy ...................................................................................... 40

4.10 Program Review Policy ............................................................................ 41

5. Staffing Plan ............................................................................................................ 42

5.1 Staff Qualification ..................................................................................... 42

5.2 Continuing Education ............................................................................... 43

5.3 Job Description ........................................................................................ 43

5.4 Staff and Volunteer Screening ................................................................. 43

6. Capacity and Ratios ................................................................................................ 45

7. Evacuation ............................................................................................................ 46

8. Use of Parent Child Centre Facilities ..................................................................... 48

9. Registration and Payments .................................................................................... 50

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Bonnyville & District FCSS - OUT OF SCHOOL CARE Program Plan, Staffing Plan, Administrative Policies & Procedures

9.1 Registration for Out of School Care ......................................................... 50

9.2 Payments and Fees ................................................................................. 50

10. Community Connections ...................................................................................... 51

11. Hours of Operation ................................................................................................ 52

12. Independent Departure ......................................................................................... 53

13. Absent Children ..................................................................................................... 54

14. Evaluations ............................................................................................................ 55

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Bonnyville & District FCSS - OUT OF SCHOOL CARE Program Plan, Staffing Plan, Administrative Policies & Procedures


EXHIBIT “A” EMERGENCY NUMBERS ................................................................. 56

EXHIBIT “B” REGISTRATION FORM .................................................................... 57

EXHIBIT “C” MEDICATION ADMINISTRATION .................................................... 60

EXHIBIT “D” DAILY TIME SHEET .......................................................................... 61

EXHIBIT “E” FIELD TRIP AUTHORIZATION ......................................................... 62

EXHIBIT “F” JOB DESCRIPTION .......................................................................... 63

EXHIBIT “G” BEHAVIOUR INCIDENT FORM ........................................................ 69

EXHIBIT “H” PLAYGROUND INSPECTION FORM ............................................... 70

EXHIBIT “I” SAFETY CHECKLIST ....................................................................... 71

EXHIBIT “J” SICK CHILD INCIDENT FORM ......................................................... 72

EXHIBIT “K” FAMILY SURVEY .............................................................................. 73

EXHIBIT “L” INCIDENT REPORT .......................................................................... 74

EXHIBIT “M” INCIDENT REPORT .......................................................................... 75

EXHIBIT “N” PLANNING SHEETS ......................................................................... 80

EXHIBIT “O” SELF RELEASE FORM ..................................................................... 82

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Bonnyville & District FCSS - OUT OF SCHOOL CARE Program Plan, Staffing Plan, Administrative Policies & Procedures

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111... PPPUUURRRPPPOOOSSSEEE AAANNNDDD PPPHHHIIILLLOOOSSSOOOPPPHHHYYY The Out of School Care program is intended to provide quality enhanced, developmentally appropriate child care for school aged children when not in school. The program is structured to address the interests and developmental levels of each child. The children will assist with the program planning. This program is intended to provide a safe, fun and happy place for each child to go after school and on no school days.

While the opportunity will be provided for children to choose to do their homework, our program is not an extension of the academic day and staff will not promote doing homework or any other academic pursuit. Staff will promote the development of social skills such as problem solving and group planning.

Children will participate in a combination of small and large group activities or may choose individual activities such as reading, puzzles or arts and craft activities. When the weather permits the children will play outside in our playground.

1.1 FCSS Program Logic Model

All programs funded in whole or in part with FCSS funding require a “Program Logic Model”. This PLM will identify the objectives of the program in terms of which social needs they address and how this program is in compliance with the FCSS Act. The progress towards meeting these goals is to be measured in the FCSS - Outcome Measurement Project.


After school is prime time for children to get into trouble or going home to an empty house.

Statement of Need


To build a high-quality afterschool program to support improved child outcomes.

Overall Goal


FCSS will offer a quality, accredited After School Care Program

Broad Strategy


If families are provided an After School Care program then parents will feel more comfortable at their workplace knowing their children are safe.



Families with school aged children grades K-4 in the Bonnyville and surrounding area.

Who is Served:


After school programs for children, grades K-4, using age appropriate curriculum.


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1.1.7 FCSS Overarching Goal:

FCSS programs must be of a preventive nature that enhances the social well-being of individuals and families through promotion or intervention strategies provided at the earliest opportunity.


FCSS Act Outcome #1 – Prevention – Local FCSS programs help people to develop independence, strengthen coping skills and become more resistant to crisis.

FCSS Strategic Direction:


• Parents feel their children are in a safe after school care program.

Short Term Outcomes:

• Children will have increased awareness and interest in recreation activities and resources.

• Social interaction will increase.

• Rules will be respected and children will abide within clear behavioral boundaries.


Parents report satisfaction with the program.

Indicators of Success:


Fcss will conduct a parent survey.

Data Collection


Parents feel they are making more positive life choices

Mid Term Outcomes


Parent Survey

Indicators of Success



Data Collection

Parents will further their career and increase their income.

Long Term Outcome

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2.1 Governing Act and Regulations

This Program Plan is intended to comply with: Alberta Regulation 143 / 2008 Child Care Licensing Act and Child Care Licensing Regulation Schedule 4 of the Child Care Regulation governing Out of School Care.

2.2 Posting Licenses and Notices

The Out of School Care License shall be posted at the front desk.

Any notices, related to child care licenses, requiring public posting, shall be posted in the reception area.

The Food Service License shall be posted in the kitchen.

2.3 Posting Emergency Numbers and Procedures

The following telephone numbers are posted on the program premises and are readily accessible (Exhibit “A”):

• emergency medical service

• ambulance service

• fire department

• police service

• poison control Centre

• hospital

• child abuse hotline

The Town of Bonnyville 24 Hr. Emergency Number (780) 826-3550 shall be posted outside the main entrances to the Parent Child Centre (three).

Emergency evacuation procedures shall be posted in each room in the Parent Child Centre (See Section 7).

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2.4 Smoking

Smoking is prohibited in the Parent Child Centre by provincial statute and by Municipal Bylaw 1113-96.

Staff (including parent volunteers) shall not smoke when caring for children on or off program premise, including off-site excursions.

2.5 Registration Records

A completed registration form is required for every child in the program (Exhibit “B”).

This form shall include:

• Child’s name, date of birth and gender

• Childs school and grade level

• Child’s home address and municipality of residence

• Parents name, home address(s) and telephone numbers

• Parents work telephone numbers and/or cell phone number

• Name, address and telephone number of a designated emergency contact

• Name of another person(s) to whom the child may be released

• Indication of whether the child has been immunized (optional)

• The child’s allergies, medications or other health issues

• Any fears or habits of which the teacher should be aware


The registration form shall also include the following section providing parental permission for the child to leave the classroom and go to; the playground, the indoor play area (gym) and the neighborhood park.

Parental Permission


The registration form must be signed by a parent/legal guardian and dated.



An informed consent waiver form is attached to the registration form. This form is recommended to limit liability.

Informed Consent

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2.6 Portable Records

A copy of the information contained on the registration form is to be taken by the OOSC workers whenever the children leave the building. This portable record will include a copy of the emergency contact numbers.

2.7 Health Records

Written permission is required before any medication or health care can be administered by staff

This record must include the patient (child’s) name, name of drugs or health care to be administered and dosage (amount and frequency). (Exhibit “C”) This record is to be retained for two years.

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3.1 Programming Policy

Date Created: April 2012

Date Reviewed: November 28, 2012

Date Revised:

The OOSC Program is committed to providing children with an opportunity to further their personal development within a responsive and deliberately implemented program. Each child care room differs in terms of the environment, routine and activities in response to the diversity of the children in the group. However, all share a common philosophy that facilitates the provision of high quality child care.


Developed and posted in each room. This schedule is familiar to staff, parents and children. The schedules are flexible enough to allow for spontaneous activity to emerge; consistent application of a routine allows the children to develop within an atmosphere that is reassuringly familiar.



Daily activities are planned in order to promote a healthy lifestyle for those in our care. Children have the opportunity to experience both developmentally appropriate competitive and cooperative games within an outside or gym environment.

Daily Activities

Activities are planned regularly in the following areas:

• Arts and Crafts: arts and crafts projects provide opportunities to learn new fine motor skills, encourage individual expression.

• Blocks and construction/manipulative: a number of construction materials and manipulative toys are available to promote cognitive development, fine motor, gross motor and mathematical skill acquisition, role play and creative expression.

• Dramatic play: costumes and dramatic play props are available to support a diverse range of roles, situations and sense of community.

• Literacy: books that reflect children’s interests and abilities are available.

• Science: a variety of scientific, nature equipment and resources are available to the groups. Staffs develop emergent interests by introducing scientific and environmental concepts and ideas.

• Community and culture: children are given the opportunity to participate in community. Families are invited to share cultural traditions and practices with the group.

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Planning is completed weekly for each out of school care classroom. Programming will involve input from children in various ways (i.e., individual ideas and interest and group team planning). Planning is flexible enough to allow for spontaneous activity to develop. Program plans are available to parents upon request.


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3.2 Administrative Records and Documentation

Date Created: June 2012

Date Reviewed: November 28, 2012

Date Revised:


The OOSC program shall maintain on the program premises up-to-date administrative records.



The administrative records include, but are not limited to:


• Particulars of the daily attendance of each child, including arrival and departure times.

• Particulars of the daily attendance of each primary staff member, including arrival and departure times and hours spent providing child care.

• With respect to each primary staff member; evidence of the member’s child care certification and a current first aid certificate, where applicable.

• Verification that a current criminal record check and Children’s Services check has been reviewed by license holder.

The OOSC program shall ensure that:

• All records referred to above are available for inspection by the director at all times.

• All information referred to above is available for inspection by the child’s parent at reasonable times; and is retained for two (2) years.


• Emergency Evacuation procedures

Information to be posted in the OOSC Room

• Child Guidance policies

• Snack notice

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• Food Service License

Information to be posted in Kitchen


• OOSC License

Information to be posted at front desk

• Reports on inspections


• Original registrations

Information to be retained at front desk

• Incident Reports

• Medical Authorizations

• Picture Releases

• Field Trip Authorizations

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3.3 Staff Orientation

Date Created: March 2011

Date Reviewed: November 28, 2012

Date Revised:


To ensure that the employee has all the information he/she needs to be able to do his/her job and to make new employees welcome.



• Each new employee will receive a comprehensive orientation to the organization so that he/she will be able to do his/her job effectively and safely.


• All new employees will be provided with an orientation session during the first days after the commencement of employment.

• An orientation program will include:

An explanation of the philosophy of the organization A review of the program’s mission, philosophy and goals General job description and staff duties Policies and procedures Emergency / safety procedures Children’s allergy & food preferences information Children’s special health care requirements Performance evaluation procedures Hours of work, compensation, payroll procedures Tour of the facility Town of Bonnyville Employee Policy OH&S orientations

• Within the first two weeks of employment, staff members are required to read all of the Centre’s policies that are relevant to them and will sign an acknowledgement of reading, understanding and agreement to comply with the policies and procedures.

• The implementation of the orientation program is the responsibility of the supervisor. All new employees will have access to a copy of the Policies and Procedures Manual as well as policies related to programming.

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3.4 Supervision Policy

Date Created: January 2012

Date Reviewed: November 28, 2012

Date Revised:


OOSC program shall ensure at all times the correct staff to child ratio is followed.



1. OOSC program shall follow the licensing regulations of two (2) staff to more than seven (7) children present in a program, whether on or off the program premises. One of whom is a primary staff member.


2. Children are, at all times, under supervision that is adequate to ensure their safety, well-being and development.

3. OOSC staff shall enter children’s daily attendance on the attendance sheet (Exhibit “D”). This data entered shall include, but not limited to, child’s name, program name, time of arrival and time of departure, parent and staff signatures.

4. The OOSC staff shall transport the daily attendance sheet with them when the children and staff leave their respective room(s) (i.e., going to the gym or outside playground).

5. OOSC shall throughout the duration of the program do counts of the children and compare that number to the count on the daily attendance sheet.

6. OOSC staff shall be involved and familiar with the children in their group.

7. Know which children are in their group; their developmental level and capabilities.

8. Know where the children are at all times and;

9. Staff shall position themselves to allow for supervision of the entire group of children.

10. The OOSC program will have parent handbooks available for the parents. Updates to the policies will be reflected in the parent handbook on a yearly basis.

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3.5 Inclusion and Diversity Policy

Date Created: March 2011

Date Reviewed: November 28, 2012

Date Revised:


The Out of School Care Inclusion and Diversity policy is based on acceptance.



1. We commit to providing fully inclusive environments that support the health and well-being of every child in our program. For a child who has additional support needs, the parents and the existing professional supports to the child will be consulted to ensure the best possible environment.


2. FCSS and OOSC are committed to the principles of equality. We ensure that children and their families have equitable access to racially sensitive and culturally appropriate services.

3. It is our belief that ethno-racial and linguistic diversity enriches and strengthens our community socially, culturally and economically and that racism creates barriers for children, families and communities. FCSS and OOSC are committed to developing child care environments and programs that promote and respect the beliefs, values and practices of all.

4. Families and community members are invited to the OOSC program to share their cultural and family traditions with the children on an ongoing basis.

5. FCSS and OOSC strive to ensure the children have the opportunity to express and share their unique qualities with their peer group. This is accomplished by displaying the children’s work in the classroom, celebrating, and recognizing culturally significant holidays.

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3.6 Child - Staff Interactions Policy

Date Created: March 2011

Date Reviewed: November 28, 2012

Date Revised:


FCSS and OOSC strive to create and foster a physically and emotionally safe environment whereby children are treated with respect at all times.



Positive relationships develop and self-esteem escalates when caregivers take the time to listen to, connect with and get to know the children and their families.


• PAY ATTENTION TO POSITIVE BEHAVIOURS! Give attention to children for positive behaviours such as cooperation, helping, working together, putting away the toys and sharing. You can comment on the behaviour, smile at the child; give him/her a high five or a hug. For example, “Thank you for sweeping up the sand. That’s very responsible. Now we won’t slip on it.” and “You’re all working together to get the house center all cleaned up. Way to go!”

• Show affection freely and frequently toward all of the children by smiling, putting your arm around them, sitting close and responding appropriately to their affection. Example: If a child hugs you, hug him back but do not ask for hugs or kisses. If a child tries to kiss you, staff should try to deter this behaviour and explain to the child that that they would rather have a hug. Showing affection to children is important but not all families are comfortable with caregivers kissing their children. You could tell older children that we show them how much we like them by playing with them and giving them smiles and hugs.

• Show respect for the dignity of the children at all times. Never talk about a child in front of him or her or in front of other children.

• Use children’s first names.

• Talk with children during routine activities; sit with them at snack and meal times; talk with them during snack and meal times; greet them enthusiastically when they arrive at the Centre in the morning and give them a farewell greeting when they leave.

• Show enthusiasm and interest in what children are doing by commenting on their work or projects. Ask open ended questions, extend their play by offering additional materials and posing questions that stimulate their thinking.

• Speak quietly when you’re with a group inside. Walk over to a child if you want to talk to her/him instead of calling out across the room.

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• Interact with the children at their level often instead of standing over them.

• Avoid negative language and labeling such as “no, don’t, not nice”. Explain the reason for your concerns using “I messages” and tell the children what they can do instead. For example, “Please walk inside so no one gets hurt” and “I’m concerned the springs might break when you stand on the couch. Couches are for sitting on.”

• Use non-judgmental explanations to help children learn the impact of their behaviour on themselves and others. For example, “Ayden is crying because his arm hurts. It really hurt his arm when you hit him.” You could then ask the child what he could do to help Ayden feel better and involve the child who hit in caring for the child who was hurt. For example, “Please get a tissue for Ayden so we can wipe his tears”, or “Please ask (a staff) to get some ice to put on Ayden’s arm to help it feel better”.

• Encourage independence. Encourage children to do for themselves everything they can (washing their hands and faces, cleaning up, self-serving at snack & meal times, preparing the paint for the easel, sweeping up the sand or mopping up spilled water – with child sized tools, making play dough, setting up the for dramatic play area into a pet shop, beauty salon, etc.)

• Tell children clearly what you expect. Don’t ask a question when you really mean to be giving a direction. Say, “It’s time for everyone to put their things away so we can get ready for the field trip now” instead of “Do you want to clean up your things now?”

• Be a good role model. Show the children by your own behaviour how you want them to behave. For example, don’t interrupt children if you expect them not to interrupt you. Don’t sit on the tables if the children aren’t allowed to, don’t bring junk food in your lunch if you want the children to learn about good nutrition, etc.

• Give all of the children equal opportunities for activities. Don’t assume that some things are for boys and other things are for girls.

• Offer choices to promote decision making and problem solving.

• Avoid an authoritarian approach; instead encourage children to make their own decisions.

• Validate children’s feelings. Label emotions and feelings to help children understand their feelings and other’s feelings and to support the development of empathy.

• When conflicts occur, engage children in a problem solving process based on their developmental level. (See Child Guidance Policy for more detail on different age groups.)

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3.7 Off-site Excursions Policy

Date Created: March 2011

Date Reviewed: November 28, 2012

Date Revised:


FCSS and OOSC shall support well-planned and properly-organized off-site excursions which brings significant educational value to students. These experiences deepen understanding of concepts already learned and provide opportunities for social development.



The Director of the Parent Child Centre or designate shall require that;


• Health and safety be given the highest priority for children and staff when planning or approving an excursion. Supervision will be determined by taking into account the number of students, their age, and the nature of the activity.

• attention be given to special health concerns of each child. This is a required element of the planning process.

• the worker shall communicate with parents/guardians regarding all activities in which children take part to allow them to make informed decisions regarding their permission for their children to participate in the excursions.

• for all off-site excursions, suitable information is sent to parents/guardians explaining the purpose, supervision, program and schedule well in advance of the trip.

• a Field Trip Authorization Form (Exhibit “E”) are completed and signed for every child who participates in an off-site excursion.

The Out of School care worker shall ensure that:

• the Director approval is secured before any commitments are made, and teacher-Director communication about the excursion is continuous and on-going.

• formal bookings or reservations are arranged well in advance to secure use of facilities or resources.

• whenever possible, a pre-trip visit to the excursion site is conducted to become familiar with the physical lay-out and curricular opportunities.

• all equipment and supplies required for off-site excursion activities have been listed, located, secured, and are in good working condition.

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• rules of conduct and safety, as well as personal needs, are reviewed with children. Appropriate safety instruction must be provided to children including knowledge of what to do in an emergency situation.

• parents/guardians are given written information to explain the nature and details of the trip and are advised of their responsibilities, and written parent/guardian consent is obtained.

• each child’s health information and emergency contact phone numbers are carried with the out of school care worker during the excursion. The original registration forms with contact information are located at the front desk at the Centre for use in the event of an emergency.

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3.8 Open Door Policy

Date Created: January 2012

Date Reviewed: November 28, 2012

Date Revised: May 2012


The Bonnyville and District FCSS Out of School Care encourages all family members or visitors to feel the program is truly a part of Bonnyville and encourages family support and contact with family. The program staff and children feel supported in the open door type of communication we represent.


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3.9 Parental Involvement Policy

Date Created: March 2011

Date Reviewed: November 28, 2012

Date Revised:


The OOSC program supports an open door policy to the families of whom their child is registered with the program.



Parental involvement is encouraged and welcomed. Parents may help on a special off-site excursion (i.e. going swimming) or a special activity (i.e. Christmas party or year-end); make donations to the art center, etc. Parents will also have opportunities throughout the year to attend special events.


We strive to respond to the diverse interests and needs of the children and their families. On occasion, a family may be asked to come into the OOSC program to help the children celebrate the diverse cultures we have within our community. The context of the visit will be explained in the invitation to the family being asked to be a special guest.

In addition, there are many more ways parents may participate in the program. Participation can include verbal or written feedback, sharing information about your child’s development. FCSS and OOSC values parents as partners because parent participation is paramount to children’s success.

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3.10 Parent Concern Policy

Date Created: March 2011

Date Reviewed: November 28, 2012

Date Revised:


Although the FCSS and OOSC make every attempt to offer quality care to all children and families, there may be occasions when parents have concerns. We encourage parents to bring their concerns to us so that we can work together to determine solutions. The FCSS and OOSC shall take appropriate actions to resolve all parent concerns in a timely manner.



• Parents are encouraged to talk to their child’s caregiver as a first point of contact.


• If parents have tried talking with the room staff without satisfactory results, or if the concern is serious enough to warrant immediate administrative review, parents are encouraged to contact the Director.

• The Director will schedule meetings as necessary with appropriate parties to gather relevant information before deciding on a course of action.

• Parents will be informed, as appropriate within confidentiality requirements, as to the result of the Director’s inquiry and action taken.

• All concerns will be dealt with in a timely manner.

• In the event that the concern is serious and/or was not resolved within the Centre, parents have the option of contacting Alberta Children and Youth Services at (780) 623-5301 and/or the Alberta Association for the Accreditation of Early Learning and Care Services at (780) 421-9222.

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3.11 Custody Policy

Date Created: March 2011

Date Reviewed: November 28, 2012

Date Revised: January 13, 2013


While it is preferable to avoid becoming involved in an access dispute, the protection and best interest of the child will always be our first priority. Access disputes between parents or other family members may be complicated by the fact that legal custody of the child has not yet been determined by a court or formal agreement such as a consent order.



The following guidelines will be applied when deciding whether or not to release the child:


• If there are any custody and access arrangements by way of consent or court order, we request a copy for your child’s records, however it is not our responsibility to interpret, determine and enforce these orders.

• If the child’s mother or father that is listed on the registration form and/or we have met the caregiver who comes to pick the child up, we will release the child to that parent. This will include anyone that is listed on the authorized pick up list on your child’s registration form.

• If you have sole custody and can provide a document that clearly defines the non-custodial parent’s access we will not release the child. Should the situation arise where the non-custodial parent comes to pick the child up, we will ask for supporting documentation for access, contact the sole custodial parent, and the RCMP if necessary.

• In these circumstances it is very important that you have regular communication with your child’s teacher and the Director. Access to Information

Should any person other than the child’s guardian on record, including a non-custodial parent make a request for information about a child’s attendance or any other matter on record related to services provided by the Town of Bonnyville, that person shall be asked to make a formal request in writing for information, including any relevant documentation supporting their right to access this information as per the procedures of the Town of Bonnyville Bylaw No. 1217-02 – Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Bylaw. Note there is an application fee for this information.

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The Town of Bonnyville will consider each application for access to the child’s records on a case by case basis. Should the Town decide that the information shall not be released the applicant will be advised of their right to appeal this decision under the terms of the bylaw.

Under no circumstances shall FCSS staff provide any information to any person other than the guardian(s) who have registered the child in the program, unless compelled by the Duty to Report Child Abuse in the Child, Youth and Family Enhancement Act

Note: Information on the child attendance and other related child care records may be released with the expressed written permission of the guardian on record. This approval must be specific about the nature of the information to be released, e.g. to include only attendance, include any incident reports on file, include fees paid, etc.

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3.12 Communication Policy

Date Created: March 2011

Date Reviewed: November 28, 2012

Date Revised:


The FCSS and OOSC policy is to keep parents and staff well informed of all issues relating to the running of the Centre and to the welfare of the children and to seek appropriate feedback from parents and staff at all times. We encourage an atmosphere of openness and receptivity to new ideas and opportunities for improvement.


The procedures set out below shall ensure the availability of information on any matter relating to the operation of the Parent and Child Centre to both parents and staff, while complying with the provisions of F.O.I.P.


FCSS and OOSC endeavors to keep parents and staff informed of issues relating to the general running of the Centre through the monthly newsletter. There may also be communications to parents on special topics relating to the Centre via letter, Facebook, or by special meetings.

Procedures Information from Staff

Parents are informed through a range of communication channels, including, items in the newsletter, notes home, educational posters, photographic displays, and informal chats with child care workers. Parents also receive a parent orientation package when they register which includes:

• School Calendar and fee schedule

• Picture Release Form

• Registration Form

• Parent Handbook

The Director is in the office from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday to Friday and is available to meet with parents during this time, as required.

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Parents are required to complete a registration form providing information about their child. Parents are required to inform the Centre about any subsequent changes to this information (i.e., change of address or information about immunizations).

Parents are encouraged to inform the staff about any matters that may affect the behaviour or welfare of their children at the Centre. (i.e. If a child did not sleep well or if a parent is away from home). In some situations, the Centre may be proactive in seeking this information. Updating Information:

Parents are required at all times to ensure the Centre has a current contact telephone number and to provide contact details for those who may be contacted or who can collect their child in an emergency. Parent Feedback:

Feedback about the Centre may from time to time be sought from parents by questionnaire, interviews, or informal discussions. Also, feedback will be sought as part of the development of policies. Notification of Absences:

Parents are required to inform the Centre if their child will be absent and, if ill, to advise the nature of the illness and whether the illness is contagious. Child Custody Orders:

Parents are required to inform the Centre of any custody and access arrangements. Parents must provide copies of relevant documentation.

Custodial parents must also provide in writing the names of the people who:

a) May collect the child from the Centre

b) By law have right of access to the child

c) By law are forbidden to have access to the child or

d) By law have right of access to the child subject to conditions (such as supervised access)

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Doc #99062 v1 Page 24 of 82 General information

Parents/caregivers are informed of general information about the running of the Centre, as follows:

• Day-to-day matters, including but not limited to upcoming dates the regular teacher may be absent and other general information are written on the parent notice board.

• Program plans and information about the current program are available at any time for the parent to view. Please ask classroom teacher for more details.

• The children’s weekly snack menus are displayed on the wall in the hallway near the classroom. The monthly snack menus are located in the teacher’s plan book

All names of children and their personal information are located on their original registration form. This form is kept at the front office. Contact numbers are not given out (as per F.O.I.P regulations).

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3.13 Behaviour Guidance Policy

Date Created: March 2011

Date Reviewed: November 28, 2012

Date Revised:


Appropriate child behavior management is key to providing a safe and secure OOSC environment.


OOSC staff ensures that child behavior expectations are reviewed with children upon enrollment.

Staff shall not deny, threaten any basic necessity; or use, nor permit the use of any form of physical restraint, confinement or isolation.


OOSC staff use many techniques to assist children in developing positive social skills, problem solving and conflict resolution. Although all methods vary depending on children’s ages and level of development, we strive to teach problem-solving skills and assist children in becoming independent. If a child disciplinary action must be taken, the child’s age, level of development, incident and outcomes of incident shall be taken into consideration.


The staff will plan their programs as to minimize behavior problems by:

• OOSC program: Activities are developmentally appropriate and based on children’s interests.

• Routine: A daily routine is established to provide predictability and a balance between active/quiet and self-directed/teacher-directed activities.

• Transitions: Transitions between activities are carefully planned to make these times positive experiences for the children.

• Supervision: Caregivers are to focus 100% attention on the children, guiding their behavior, facilitating their learning, interacting (including listening), and encouraging them as they strive to overcome new challenges.

• Positive communication: positive communication is used to explain why the child’s behavior is inappropriate and to encourage the child to come up with other positive problem solving methods.

• Positive reinforcement: caregivers reinforce positive behaviours by giving children attention and being positive role models.

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• Consistency: caregivers are consistent with all children. Limits and expectations are consistent amongst all adults as to allow for overall consistency within the program.

• Clear limits: children are given clear limits. Boundaries and expectations expand as children develop.

• Modeling: adults clearly demonstrate compassionate, caring behaviours that set examples for children to follow.

• Validating feelings: children’s feeling and emotions are acknowledged to support their emotional development.

Intervention Techniques:

• Redirection: positive communication is used to explain why the child’s behavior is inappropriate. An ‘I’ message is used to express concerns about the behavior followed by a suggestion for an appropriate behavior to replace it.

• Tone: a kind yet serious tone delivered by intervening adults reinforces children’s sense of security and lets them know the situation is under control.

• Non-judgmental explanations: children are provided with explanations as to how their behavior affects themselves and others.

• Passive interventions: OOSC staff gives children time to work through their own problems, but are there to support the children as required.

• Problem solving: children are given tools to settle conflicts (negotiate, make retribution, collaborate, etc.) OOSC staff facilitates a problem solving process. They help children identify problems and encourage them to generate solutions.

• Natural and logical consequences: staff point out and reinforce natural consequences as they occur. Children see the results of their own behavior and begin to modify it accordingly.

• Physical intervention: children are separated if one or more children are in danger of being physically hurt.

• Prohibited Discipline Any type of physical punishment including spanking and any type of harsh, humiliating or degrading physical, verbal or emotional behaviours are strictly prohibited in the Centre.

• If any behavioural problem persists, staff will bring this to the attention of the Director. He will decide on further action.

• In the event of a child continually displaying unacceptable behaviour, staff will endeavor to work closely with parents to produce an action plan that will encourage consistency in dealing with behaviour management. This would include discussion and agreement with the Director, Teacher, and Parents.

• Incidents of unacceptable behaviour are to be reported on the Behaviour Incident Report form (Exhibit “G”). These forms are to be shared with the parents by the Teacher.

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3.14 Child Guidance Policy

Date Created: March 2011

Date Reviewed: November 28, 2012

Date Revised:


Child guidance shall promote children’s growing autonomy, promote cooperation, provide social, problem solving and conflict resolution skills and set and reinforce limits.



The schedules and routines are set to meet children’s needs and understanding of time.


1. Physical space is clearly organized and defines what kinds of activities are permissible.

2. Play materials and activities are set up to engage children’s active interest and participation.

3. Staff and other adults interact directly with the children as much of the time as possible.

4. Staff members provide opportunities for children to take part in activities that require helping, taking turns, talking to solve problems, and group work.

5. Staff members support children’s independence in daily routines and activities.

6. Children are encouraged to solve problems by identifying them, brainstorming alternatives, and making decisions. Staff involvement varies according to the developmental level of the child.

7. The expectations for children are embedded in the environment and routines. As much as possible staff members will anticipate problems and be able to intervene before they happen.

8. Staff members are consistent in following through when limitations are not met.

9. Staff members will not use time-out (removing the child from the situation and leaving him or her alone), threats, or corporal punishment at any time.

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3.15 Anti-Bullying Policy

Date Created: January 2013

Review Date: November 28, 2012

Revision Date:


All children at OOSC have the right to a caring, respectful and safe environment that is free from all forms of bullying.



The program will assist children to establish a network of people they can speak to about any concerns they may have, and will ensure the program reflects and encourages core values such as cooperation, sharing, respect and responsibility.


Staff will always listen and respond to children when incidents of bully are reported or observed and will act to eliminate incidents of bullying at the Centre.

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Review Date: November 28, 2012

Revision Date: March January 2013


FCSS and OOSC strives to provide an environment where children will be safe, secure and well cared for at all times, however, emergency procedures are critical to ensuring the health and safety of children in our care.



1. The child receives immediate medical attention, as required.


2. A qualified staff member will administer first aid, as required.

3. In the event that emergency medical attention is required, an ambulance will be called and the child will be transported to the hospital. If a cost is incurred for the ambulance, the parents shall be responsible for the payment.

4. A parent or guardian will be contacted. If parents or guardians cannot be located, emergency contacts listed on the registration form will be phoned. A staff member will remain with the child at all times until a parent, guardian or the emergency contact person arrives.

5. The supervisor and/or the Director shall be notified of the incident and up to date actions that staff have taken to ensure a prompt response to the medical emergency.

6. In the event of an emergency when parents or guardians are not present, an attending physician will proceed with any medical procedures deemed necessary. Any expenses incurred in such an event are solely the responsibility of the parents or guardians.

7. In the case of an emergency situation where medical attention is needed or other severe incidents, an Incident/Injury report form from the Alberta Government website (Exhibit “L”) will be completed and provided to parents in a timely manner when incidents/injuries occur and includes details of any corrective action taken by staff. The report must be signed by the parent. A copy of the incident report will be forwarded to Alberta Government Childcare Licensing as per regulations within 2 days of the incident.

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4.2 Health Care

Date Created: January 2012

Date Reviewed: November 28, 2012

Date Revised:


OOSC strives to provide an environment where children will be safe, secure and well cared for at all times. In the unforeseen event of a child becoming ill, the OOSC staff shall use the following procedure to minimize the child’s illness.



Parents will be informed of the OOSC management of children who are ill in the parent handbook, which parents will receive at the time of the registration of their child in OOSC. Policy updates will be completed in the parent hand book on a yearly, as needed basis.


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4.3 Sick Children

Date Created: January 2012

Review Date: November 28, 2012

Revision Date: January 2013


Children should not attend Out of School Care if they are ill. This includes children experiencing symptoms such as: coughing, runny noses, fever, diarrhea or other indications of illness.


While attending OOSC or a No School Day, and a child begins to exhibit the signs or symptoms of an illness such as, but not inclusive to:

• vomiting, having a fever (showing signs of prolonged flushed cheeks and lethargy), diarrhea or a new or unexplained rash or cough

• requiring greater care and attention than can be provided without compromising the care of the other children in the program; or

• having or displaying any other illness or symptom that the staff member knows or believes may indicate that the child poses a health risk to persons in the program.

Parent will be called and requested to come and pick up their child.


The child will be isolated from the rest of the children to prevent spread of any illness. A comforting place for the child, such as, a cot/couch is available for such incidents. The childcare worker/supervisor may choose to use a gym mat instead. An FCSS staff member will supervise the child. Parents will be called and asked to take their child home as soon as possible.


If a child is beginning to show signs or symptoms of an illness, the OOSC staff shall document the time, sign and symptom of the illness on a Sick Child Report form (Exhibit “J”). A copy of this form will be made available to parents upon request.

The Sick Child Report form shall include, but not limited to, the name of the child, date the child was observed to be ill, name of staff member who identified the child was ill, time the parent was initially contacted, name of staff who contacted the parent, time the child was removed from the program and the date the child returned to the program.

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If parents cannot be reached, the emergency contact(s) that has been listed on the OOSC registration form will be called and they may pick up the child.

If neither the parents nor the emergency contact(s) are able to pick up the sick child, OOSC staffs are to notify the Director immediately. The child may continue to stay in the comforting place until their parents/emergency contacts arrive unless the health issue requires immediate medical attention, and then 911 will be called.

In certain cases a parent may need to provide a written notice from a physician indicating the child does not pose a health risk to persons in the program; or be symptom free for 24 hours.


If a staff member of an Out of School Care or No School Day knows or has reason to believe that a child may be suffering from a communicable disease they will be cared for in a place isolated from the other children (as far away as is practicable from the other children. A mat with bedding will be provided for the child’s comfort.

Communicable Disease

Staff is required to contact Bonnyville Community Health Services and follow their recommendations. Parents will be notified to come and pick up their child as soon as possible. The Director and other staff will be notified of the incident. A Sick Child Report form will be completed and the parent asked to sign.


While occasional “accidents” may happen to young school aged children, a child who has soiled themselves will need a proper cleaning and more care than our program can provide. Parents will be called to come and take the child home for proper care in such situations. It is unreasonable to expect a child to wait in a social group setting in such a situation. If there is a medical condition which requires extra care, please discuss this with staff.


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4.4 Medication Administration Policy

Date Created: January 2012

Date Reviewed: November 28, 2012

Date Revised:


OOSC program strives to ensure the safe delivery and storage of children’s medication.



Staff in OOSC may administer or allow the administration of medication to a child only where:


• The written consent of the child’s parent has been obtained,

• The medication is in original labeled container, and

• The medication is administered according to the labeled directions

• The staff member has a valid first aid certificate.

Where medication is administered to a child, the OOSC staff shall ensure the following information is recorded:

• The name of the medication;

• The time of the administration;

• The amount administered;

• The initials of the person who administered the medication.

The OOSC program shall ensure that:

• All medication is stored in a locked container that is inaccessible to children, and

• Medication that may be needed in an emergency is stored in a place that is inaccessible to children but still visible (i.e., Epi-pen).

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4.5 Health & Safety Policy

Date Created: April 2012

Review Date: November 28, 2012

Revision Date: May 2013


As per the Town of Bonnyville Policy and Procedure #20 – Workplace Health and Safety:


FCSS is dedicated to providing a work environment and service where health and safety risks to the employees, volunteer and children are minimized to the greatest extent possible, unnecessary hazards are eliminated, and incident prevention is paramount. The Employer and employees are bound by safety policies and the failure to adhere to the policy or the intentional disregard for safety procedures will result in discipline, up to an including immediate termination for just cause.

When any new safety requirement or procedure is to be implemented, employees will be provided with information. All such procedures will be produced in writing and provided to the employees as relevant.

FCSS encourages and invites input from employees regarding health and safety issues as well as suggestions for addressing such issues. No employee will suffer and retaliation or repercussion relative to any term and condition of employment as a result of having raised a health and safety concern.

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4.6 Playground Policy

Date Created: March 2011

Date Reviewed: November 28, 2012

Date Revised:


FCSS will provide an enclosed safety inspected playground that is developmentally appropriate.




Staff will inspect play area for any hazards (i.e. broken glass, animal excrement, broken equipment, trash or toxic plants). See Daily Inspection Sheet (Exhibit “H”).

• Ensure stationary playground is stable and set secure.

• Playground is enclosed with a fence and secure gate.

• Children’s wading pools are drained and stored upright when not in use. OFF-SITE PLAYGROUND

A minimum of two staff will provide direct supervision during off-site playground visits. Staff will be aware of other people and any potential hazards or threats in the direct vicinity of the children.

Staff will inspect play area for any hazards before children enter the area (i.e. broken equipment, glass, needles, trash, etc.). ON-SITE PLAYGROUND

• Staff will take children in the backyard during their assigned times, weather permitting.

• Staff will ensure children are properly dressed for the weather.

• Staff will observe all safety guidelines for outdoor play (sunscreen, hat, water).

• Staff must have knowledge of why outdoor play is important for a child’s development.

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4.7 Cell phone/Technology Policy

Date Created: January 2012

Date Reviewed: November 28, 2012

Date Revised:


In order to accommodate the growing use of cell phones, other signaling devices and technology by both employees and children, the following guidelines are set aside for the use of these devices during the work or OOSC day.


4.7.2 OOSC children:


• OOSC children may possess signaling devices, including but not limited to pager, beeper and cellular telephones, but the device must be turned off during program hours. “Turned off” means unable to receive a signal.

• OOSC children are solely responsible for the storage and safekeeping of these devices.

• OOSC is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged devices.

• The owner or person in possession of such device must store the device so that it is not visible.

• Camera phones: Taking pictures with a camera phone at any time is strictly prohibited.

• OOSC children may use the business phone when permissible by staff.

OOSC children who violate the policy shall have the device confiscated for the day. A parent/guardian may pick it up at the end of the program day.

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• Staff may bring cell phones or electronic signaling devices to work; however, they are not to be in view or turned on at any time when the individual is engaged in supervising child care. This includes, but is not limited to placing calls, text messages, surfing the internet, checking phone messages, or receiving or responding to email.

OOSC Staff:

• Devices may be used before the beginning of the work day, at the end of the work day, or during staff duty-free planning or duty- free lunch break.

• On an unusual occasion of an emergency or anticipated emergency that requires immediate attention, the cell phone may be carried on vibrate mode.


Technology such as TV, video, computer and i-pads may be used in the OOSC rooms, provided they are educational, encourage creativity, solve problems and to support and extend classroom themes and activities.


Other activities must be provided to the children while the technology is being used (i.e. while video is playing, centers are still open for children to use if not interested in video).

TV and videos are limited to 1.5 hours for the full day program and ½ hour for the regular OOSC programming day.

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4.8 Food Service

Date Created:

Date Reviewed: November 28, 2012

Date Revised:


Children will receive one snack per day (two on no school days) and will be based on the Canada Food Guide recommendation.



The childcare worker is responsible for the preparation of snacks, consisting of servings from at least two food groups from Canada’s Food Guide. These include meat and alternatives, milk and dairy products, breads and cereals, fruits and vegetables.


A notice is to be posted listing the day’s snack. These notices are to be dated and posted on the wall in clear view of children in the room and shall be retained in every week of each month. Snack schedule is also to be written down and kept up to date in the early childhood educator’s monthly plans.

Any special dietary requests made by parents or guardians are to be respected.

Food allergies and special diets are indicated on the registration form signed by the parent for each child enrolled in the out of school care program. A list of allergies is posted in each classroom. The children eat their snacks in a safe, clean designated area. Snacks are prepared in an approved kitchen facility.

On “No School Days” there will be two snacks provided to the children; a morning and afternoon snack. Each will provide one serving from two or more food groups.

• Parents are expected to provide lunches for their own children. Lunch for a no school day should include one serving from each of the four food groups. If a childcare worker believes that a child has a nutritionally inadequate lunch, then the childcare worker shall discretely provide the necessary nutritional foods. The parents and/or guardians will be informed upon pick up or by telephone that a supplement was provided. The need for children in licensed care to receive a balanced lunch will be explained to the parents.

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Food provided by staff to the children must be prepared in our classrooms or kitchen or purchased from another licensed food service. Home cooked foods may not be served to the children. This exclusion does not include foods prepared by parents for their own children.

As a licensed food establishment Safe Food Handling practices are to be followed at all times and the kitchen and pantry areas are to be kept clean and orderly. Out of School staff is to ensure that the kitchen is left clean and that the sterilizer unit has been emptied and turned off when they leave the building.

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4.9 Personnel Policy

Date Created: March 2012

Date Reviewed: November 28, 2012

Date Revised:


As per Town of Bonnyville Policies and Procedures Manual – Employment Policy #12-AD-058. Revised March 13, 2012


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4.10 Program Review Policy

Date Created: March 13, 2012

Date Reviewed: November 28, 2012

Date Revised: January 13, 2013


Parent, staff and child program evaluations will be completed in January and June of each program year (Exhibit “K”). Evaluations will be reviewed and amalgamated into a report that will include suggestions on future program planning. This is to stay consistent and up to date with the individual needs of parents, staff and children.


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Date Reviewed: November 28, 2012

Date Revised:

5.1 Staff Qualification

All staff is to have completed a minimum of Child Care Assistant (formerly Level I Early Childhood Certification), or be enrolled in a course of study and complete the Child Care Assistant certification within six months of date hired. During this training period staff without a Child Care Assistant certificate must not be allowed unsupervised access to the children.

a) As of January 2012 one in every 4 of the primary staff members is certified at minimum as a child development worker.

b) At least one staff on duty must have a valid First Aid Certificate. One in every two staff must hold a valid First Aid Certificate.

c) One staff present is to have Safe Food Handling certificate.

d) A record of staff qualifications must be kept on premises and posted.

e) These records must be retained for a minimum of two years.

f) Staff at the Parent Child Centre are employees of the Town of Bonnyville and are included in the collective agreement with AUPE local 118/002. Staffs work within the Bonnyville and District F.C.S.S. under the supervision of the FCSS Director.

g) The current Out of School Care team is one OOSC Supervisor and two OOSC Child Care Workers. Other FCSS staff serves as substitute workers when needed.

h) The FCSS secretary provides all the clerical supports for the program including managing the registration and billing for OOSC.

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5.2 Continuing Education

Staff who were employed prior to 1 Nov 08 have been awarded their Child Development Assistant certification. All others must complete the on-line course of study for the Child Development Assistant certification.

All staff is encouraged to enroll in continuing education and complete their early childhood certification (i.e. Child Development Worker and other relevant certifications and training). Assistance will be made to staff to apply for subsidy or reimbursement grants.

5.3 Job Description

The Job Description for the OOSC Supervisor and OOSC worker is provided in (Exhibit “F”).

5.4 Staff and Volunteer Screening


• Review applicant's resumes noting relevant experience, education and work history. Qualified candidates will be interviewed.

Staff Screening Process

• In the interview the candidates’ suitability to the position will be assessed.

• Candidates will be asked to relate previous experiences and education to the work of childcare. We shall also consider team work skills, stress management and coping strategies.

• Scenario questions will be used to gain an understanding of the individuals understanding of childcare and to assess their problem solving skills.

• References shall be contacted.

• If the candidate does not possess a Child Care Certification level they will be required to obtain their Child Care Assistant certification within six months, they shall not be left in sole care of any children until they have obtained their Child Care Assistant certification. The candidate must have received their certification to continue working at the centre after six months.

• All new staff shall be on probation for three months. After three months their performance will be reviewed and if there are areas in need of improvement a formal letter outlining the expected improvements will be provided to the employee with a warning that failure to meet the standard before the end of the probationary period may result in dismissal. We will support the staff member with professional development training and resources to improve their skills during the probationary period.

• All staff must obtain a current criminal record check, which includes vulnerable sector screening and a Child Welfare clearance. New staff will be required to submit these documents to us within 8 weeks of employment dated no earlier than 6 months prior to the start date. This documentation must be renewed every 3 years. No staff may be left unsupervised with children until they have a criminal record check.

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• Care will be taken to prevent any discrimination based on gender, age, race, religion, or disability.


• Have a short, informational interview where we would talk about interests, volunteer commitment, etc.

Volunteer Screening Process

• Have volunteer shadow a staff for 1-2 activities at the centre.

• Adult Volunteers* must also provide a criminal record check with vulnerable sector screening dated no earlier than 6 months prior to the start date and must also renew it every 3 years. No volunteer may be left unsupervised with children until we have reviewed their criminal record clearance. (*Work Experience students under 18 years of age may volunteer in the Out of School Care program but must not be left alone with any child.)

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Date Reviewed: November 28, 2012

Date Revised:

The licensed capacity for the Out of School Care program is

• 60 children attending grades 1-6

• 20 children attending Kindergarten

In accord with the Child Care Act and Regulations the following radios must be maintained:

Primary Staff Member / Child Ratio

Children attending Early Childhood Service Program (Kindergarten) 1:10

Grades 1 – 6 1:15

It will be the responsibility of the Out of School Care Supervisor to ensure that ratio is maintained and that group sizes and licensed capacity are maintained.

When there are seven or more children present there must be at least two workers present at the Parent Child Centre. The second staff member need not be in the Out of School Care area if available by telephone/intercom. It is incumbent upon the Supervisor to ensure that the second staff member is aware of their support role. When there are six or fewer children only one early childhood educator needs to be present in the building. Note; the Work Alone policies would then be in effect (Town of Bonnyville Safety Manual – Doc #5390).

During the final hour of the program the groups may be combined when the total number of children is six or less, at which time only one group leader will remain.

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Date Reviewed: November 28, 2012

Date Revised:

• When the alarm sounds, the staff in the room will assess the safest and nearest exit. An

exit that is direct to the outside is located in each room and must be considered the primary exit and will be used unless prevented (or during alternate exit route drills). If all exits are unsafe, leave building via windows.

• The Childcare Worker will do a quick room check, including the washroom, collect the attendance records and supervise the end of the line of children.

• Staff will do a complete head count before leaving the building to ensure all children are in line.

• The director or designated person in charge will check the staff room, office area and adult washrooms. Clerical staff will exit through the main front doors, using the south doors as an alternate.

• The classes from the front side of the building and the gym will meet on the sidewalk in front of the Parent Child Centre. Children from the rear side of the building will proceed through the parking lot between the Centre and the swimming pool. If any of these areas are in harm’s way, the children will be moved to either the area in front of the library or the swimming pool. In inclement weather, children may be sheltered in the pool, or if unsafe, the library, or if also unsafe, Notre Dame Elementary School.

• The Childcare worker, the Assistant childcare worker(s) or the volunteer will check the attendance records to ensure the number of children present matches the daily attendance records.

• Once outside the building leaders and children will not return to the building until an “all clear” notice has been given.

• Upon return to the classroom attendance records will be checked to ensure that the number of children present matches the daily attendance records.

• In the event that an emergency does not permit re-entry into the Parent Child Centre, the staff will walk the children to:

Bonnyville Swimming Pool 4712-49th Ave (780) 826-3071

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• In the event that the pool is deemed unsafe the children will be walked to the safest of the following alternative sites:

Bonnyville Municipal Library Notre Dame Elementary School 4864-49th Ave 4711-49th Av (780) 826-3071 (780) 826-3485

• Out of School Care shall conduct an emergency evacuation drill at least once per semester. (fall and spring)

The information above is to be posted in each room.

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The Parent Child Centre was built as an early education Centre in 1988 by the Town of Bonnyville and is managed by Bonnyville and District F.C.S.S.

The diagram on the next page shows the layout of the Parent Child Centre, including our outdoor play area. Most OOSC program activities take place on the east side of the building. The program also makes use of the indoor play area (sometimes referred to as the gym) and in the attached fenced playground. The playground is equipped with preschool sized playground equipment.

The outdoor space and the indoor play area provide room for the gross motor and large group activities.

Staff has access to a photocopier; computer and Ellison die cutting tool. Craft materials are stored in a loft located in the Kids Day Out room. Each room has a closet to store play and craft materials. A staff room with small kitchen area is provided for rest periods and lunches.

Administrative space is provided at the front reception counter and secretary’s office. Offices are also provided for FCSS programming staff, Parent Link staff and Triple P Parenting project. The FCSS Director’s office is located adjacent to the front reception area.

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Parent Lounge



Kids Day Out




Office Office

Staff Rm








Day Home




Boys & Girls Club Play


Parent Child Centre Floor Plan (not to scale)

48th Street










Library Parking W





Furnace Storage Kitchen

Back Alley

Parking Staff Parking

Revised April 2012

Youth Centre Parking





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9.1 Registration for Out of School Care

Registration is to be completed by a parent or legal guardian of the child who is to attend the Out of School Care program. The parents/guardians are required to update this information every six-twelve months or when information changes. (i.e., telephone number or emergency contact).

9.2 Payments and Fees

Cheques are to be payable to the Town of Bonnyville. There will be a $25.00 service charge for any NSF cheques. Note that monthly fees may be paid at the front counter of the Parent Child Centre. Out of School Care staff will not accept any payment of any kind towards Out of School Care fees. Debit service is available at The Parent Child Centre for parent convenience. Parents with outstanding fees may be denied service if accounts are not brought up to date.

Fees are set by municipal bylaw 1093-95

Out of School Care fees will be charged based on the following:

• Monthly Out of School Care fees shall be based on a rate $10.00/day effective September 1, 2012. The monthly fee is then to increase to $15.00/day effective January 1, 2013. Monthly fees are payable in advance.

Care will be provided for children pre-registered on Fabquest days (non-school days) and Kindergarten Fridays for the period 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Fabquest Days and Kindergarten full day care shall be offered at a rate of $31.50 and effective January 1, 2013, the rate will increase to $35.00.

A penalty of $10/half hour per child shall be charged for children not picked up by 6:30 p.m.

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111000... CCCOOOMMMMMMUUUNNNIIITTTYYY CCCOOONNNNNNEEECCCTTTIIIOOONNNSSS During No-School Days the program does take advantage of the proximity to the swimming pool, library and Notre Dame Elementary School playground. With appropriate written permission from parents the program has taken children to these sites located adjacent to or across the street from the Parent Child Centre.

The OOSC program seeks working relationships with schools and other organizations and services within the community.

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111111... HHHOOOUUURRRSSS OOOFFF OOOPPPEEERRRAAATTTIIIOOONNN Out of School Care operates after school on school days and all day on most “No School Days”, these are days which are normally school days but when school is cancelled for professional development or other school purposes.

Out of School Care will begin early on “Early Dismissal Days” for those children normally registered for Out of School Care. The program does not have capacity to provide care for children who only require service during the early dismissal portion of those days.

There will be no Out of School Care during vacation periods (i.e. Spring Breaks, Christmas, Easter or summer holidays).

Regular Out of School Care hours are 3:30-6:30 daily; 1:45-6:30 on “Early Dismissal Days”

During a no school day the program will operate 8:30 am to 3:30 pm., and then Out of School Care from 3:30 – 6:30 will be provided.

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111222... IIINNNDDDEEEPPPEEENNNDDDEEENNNTTT DDDEEEPPPAAARRRTTTUUURRREEE Children attending the Out of School Care or a No School Day program may ONLY sign themselves out of the program with written parental permission (Exhibit “O”). This includes leaving to attend other programs, extra curricular activities or walking home.

The written permission slip must clearly state when self-sign out is accepted. With this policy once a child is self-released from the program there is to be no re-entry into Out of School Care. Staff may use discretion if a child is in distress and allow re-entry for the safety of the child.

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111333... AAABBBSSSEEENNNTTT CCCHHHIIILLLDDDRRREEENNN Parents are expected to notify Out of School Care staff if a child who is scheduled to attend, will be absent. If an expected child is absent, staff is to contact parents by 4:00 PM. On no school days the parent will be contacted if the expected child has not arrived by 9:00 AM.

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111444... EEEVVVAAALLLUUUAAATTTIIIOOONNNSSS An annual parental survey of the program shall be completed using the sample form shown in Exhibit “K”.

Staff shall receive an annual performance review which will include an evaluation of their work skills and achievements.

The OOSC program will receive periodic inspections by the Region 7 CFSA Child Care Licensing Officer.

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Student Information

Child’s Name: Male Female

Child’s Date of Birth (dd/mm/year):

School Attending: Grade:

Mailing Address

Street Address:

Town of Bonnyville Summer Village M.D. of Bonnyville Glendon Other: _______________

Parent/Legal Guardian Information

1st Parent /Legal Guardian:

Relationship to Child: Father Mother Other (specify):

Phone Numbers: Home: Work: Other:

Mailing Address (if different from Child’s):

2nd Parent /Legal Guardian:

Relationship to Child: Father Mother Other (specify):

Phone Numbers: Home: Work: Other:

Mailing Address (if different from Child’s):

Authorized person to whom your child may be released (other than parents or guardians):

(1) (2)

Anyone to whom your child may not be released!

Emergency Contact Information (other than parents or guardians)

Emergency Contact #1 Name:


Phone: Home: Other:

Emergency Contact #2 Name:


Phone: Home: Other:

2013/2014 School Year

Street / P.O. Box Town/City Postal Code

Street / P.O. Box Town/City Postal Code

Street / P.O. Box Town/City Postal Code

Street Address Town/City

Street Address Town/City

Street Address

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Emergency Care Information

Has your child been immunized? Yes No If no, please specify:

Please provide us with any information that would be helpful to the teacher relative to your child’s reactions, childhood diseases, major operations, special needs or fears:

Please list any allergies or health problems your child has:

List any medications your child takes on a regular basis at home, and what it is taken for:

Permission to Leave the Classroom or Building

I, the undersigned, grant permission for my child to participate in supervised activities outside the classroom; these areas include the Parent Child Centre grounds including playground and to the neighborhood park located on the south side of the Bonnyville Swimming Pool and the block bounded by 48th Street, 49th Avenue, 49th Street and 47th Avenue.

Out of School Care Program

Choose: Full Time Care Kindergarten Friday’s Fabquest Days

• Full Time Care - The monthly fees for Out of School Care are based on a rate of $10.00/day. The monthly fee will increase to $15.00/day effective January 1, 2013. Monthly fees are due on the 1st of the month and no credit is provided for missed days. Children entering the program mid-month will have the cost pro-rated to the start date. This program runs from 3:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. on school days and 1:45 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. on early dismissal days.

• Kindergarten Fridays/Fabquest Days - The monthly fees for Kindergarten Fridays and Fabquest Days are based on a rate of $31.50/day. The daily fee will increase to $35.00/day effective January 1, 2013. This program operates from 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Fees for these programs are due on the 1st of the month. For those requiring care after 3:30 p.m. and who are registered only in this program, an additional fee will apply (see fee schedule).

• Penalties - A penalty of $10.00/half hour/child will be charged if the children are not picked up by 6:30 p.m. There is also a $25.00 charge for all NSF Cheques.

Fees and Charges are based upon Bylaw No 1093-95 and are subject to change. If there is any discrepancy between this form and the bylaw; the bylaw shall take precedence.

Registration Date and Signature

I declare that I have read, understand and completed the above registration form in its entirety.

Signature Date

If any of the above information changes during the course of the program, please update this registration form. This personal information is being collected under the authority of the Municipal Government Act, and will be used to administer programs at the Parent Child Centre. It is protected by the privacy provisions of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

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In compliance with Alberta Child Care Licensing Regulations and our insurance company, parents are required to sign this Informed Consent Agreement. Bonnyville & District F.C.S.S. Out of School Care strives to comply with all Alberta Child Care Licensing Regulations and have established policies and procedures designed for your child’s safety. The risk described below are those inherent in participation in the normal activities of children. The safety of the children in our care in our first priority; however, ultimately children participate at their own risk.

INFORMED CONSENT AGREEMENT Thank you for choosing to use the facilities, services or programs of Bonnyville and District Family and Community Support Services (F.C.S.S.). We request your understanding and cooperation in maintaining both your and our safety and health by reading and signing the following INFORMED CONSENT. I, _________________________, declare that my child, _____________________, intends to use some or all of the activities, facilities, programs and services offered by Bonnyville and District F.C.S.S. and I understand that each person, my child included, have different capacities for participating in such activities, facilities, programs and services. I am aware that all activities, services and programs offered are educational, recreational, or self-directed in nature. I assume full responsibility before, during and after participation to instruct my child on the choices available to him/her relative to the risks to be undertaken, information or instructions available. I understand that part of the risk involved in undertaking any activity or program is relative to ones own state of fitness or health (physical, mental or emotional) and the awareness, care and skill with which my child conducts themselves in that activity or program. I acknowledge that my child’s choice to participate in any activity, service and program of Bonnyville and District F.C.S.S. brings with it the assumption by me of risks or results stemming from this/these choice(s) and the fitness, health, awareness, care and skill that my child possesses and uses. In addition, I understand that I am free to withdraw my child from, reduce or modify involvement in any program activity and I realize that I should do so upon recognition of any signs of transient lightheadedness, fainting, chest discomfort, leg cramps, nausea, etc. I further understand that the activities, programs and services offered by Bonnyville and District F.C.S.S. are sometimes conducted by personnel who may not be licensed, certified, or registered instructors or professionals. I accept the fact that the skills and competencies of some employees and/or volunteers will vary according to their training and experience and that no claim is made to offer assessment or treatment of any medical or physical condition by those who are not duly licensed, certified or registered and herein employed to provide such professional services. In addition, I acknowledge that I have inquired about the nature of any activity, program or services that I am not completely familiar with and I have been informed or any inherent risks. Parent/Guardian Date PROGRAM: OUT OF SCHOOL CARE

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Name Grade OSC Fab LCSD NLSD Time-In Time-Out Name of Person Picking up Child (please print)


Employee: Maria Mauricio Start Time End Time Prep Childcare # of Minutes

⃝ ⃝

⃝ ⃝

⃝ ⃝

⃝ ⃝

⃝ ⃝

⃝ ⃝

Other Staff Start Time End Time Prep Childcare # of Minutes

⃝ ⃝

⃝ ⃝

⃝ ⃝

⃝ ⃝

⃝ ⃝

⃝ ⃝

⃝ ⃝

⃝ ⃝

Office Use Only

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Bonnyville and District F.C.S.S. After School Care children will be participating in a field trip to the location specified below. Throughout the trip, the children will be supervised by the program worker and volunteer(s). Your signature indicates that you are providing consent for your child to participate in this field trip at your own risk. The risk and liability inherent in this trip are the same as that which was agreed to when you signed the Informed Consent Agreement Form when registering your child for After School Care.

Program: After School Care

Worker’s Name:

Date of Field Trip

Departure Time:

Return Time:

Trip To:

Activities Planned:

Number of Supervisors:

Child’s Name Parent/Guardian Signature Date

Revised: May 4/05


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TOWN OF BONNYVILLE POSITION DESCRIPTION Position Title: FCSS Out of School Care - Program Lead Department: Bonnyville and District Family and Community Support Services (F.C.S.S.) Location: Parent Child Centre Supervisor: Director of F.C.S.S. Summary of Functions In addition to the duties and responsibilities outlined in the FCSS Out

of School Care Child Care Worker job description (#99640) the Program Lead shall provide direction and team leadership for the program, ensuring that all Licensing and Accreditation Standards are maintained by the program.

Program Lead Duties:

• The Program Lead shall provide leadership to the Child Care Worker (CCW) Team assigned to deliver the Out of School Care Program. As team leader the worker shall mentor and encourage the other staff members in the delivery of a quality child care program that meets and exceeds all expected standards.

• The Program Lead shall be primarily responsible for maintaining Licensing and Accreditation

Standards for the program. This will include ensuring that program plans and activities are completed according to these standards.

• The Program Lead shall be primarily responsible for the completion of reports for Licensing

and Accreditation, including the Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP).

• As team leader the Program Lead will ensure that all the documentation of activity required by Accreditation is being completed by the other staff members.

• Like the CCW the Program Lead shall be fully aware of the Parent Handbook and shall

adhere to all child care policies of F.C.S.S. and Alberta Child Care and Licensing Act. This includes adherence to policies regarding staff to child ratio (maximum 1:10 for children 5 and under and 1:15 for children 6 years and older)

• The Program Lead shall ensure that the CCW’s understand their responsibilities for

appropriate response to emergencies. When appropriate, the CCW shall provide first aid treatment to child in care if necessary. The CCW shall conduct regular fire evacuation drills with the children in care according to the policies established by F.C.S.S..

• The Program Lead shall ensure that the CCW’s understand their responsibilities to prepare

and serve a snack to the children in care, according to the Service Plan of the individual programs. Clean up shall be completed after the children have left for the day. Snacks are to be prepared in the kitchen area when at all possible.

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• The Program Lead shall ensure that the CCW’s understand their responsibilities to develop developmentally appropriate program plans in accordance with accreditation of early learning care services and shall provide supports and assistance to ensure that such plans are complete and implemented.

• The Program Lead shall ensure that the CCW’s understand their responsibilities to plan developmentally appropriate activities and prepare all materials in advance of each class. The Program Lead shall ensure that an adequate supply of materials is available to the CCW to support the various activities of the program.

Required Knowledge, Skills and Personal Qualifications

• The Program Lead must be certified as a Child Care Worker. • As Team Lead the candidate must possess excellent team leadership skills including an

aptitude to mentor and encourage peak performance from others in the team. This includes positive interpersonal skills and conflict resolution skills.

• Knowledge of childhood development and childhood group dynamics • Ability to be sensitive to the children and parent’s needs. • The ability to treat each child as an individual. • Ability to gain and maintain the confidence of the children and parents. • Tolerance and understanding of differing family lifestyles and cultures. • Awareness of signs and symptoms of child abuse and knowledge of reporting protocol. • Knowledge and sound understanding of the expectations of the Alberta Child Care Act. • Knowledge and sound understanding of the expectations related Child Care Program

Accreditation in Alberta. Independence / Decision Making Under limited supervision the employee shall provide leadership to the Out of School Care program team of child care professionals. The employee works independently and within established procedures, policies and guidelines and in accordance with provincial child care standards. Incumbent recommends modifications to procedures and policies when necessary. Contentious issues are referred to the Director of F.C.S.S. for direction and advice. If the Program Lead has recommendations to modification of any policies or procedures it will be brought forth to the FCSS Program Manager and/or Community Services Director. Supervision Provided The Program Lead shall provide leadership to the OOSC program. This will include mentoring and providing direction to others assigned to the program. When Child Care Worker is assigned to the program, the Program Lead shall ensure that the CCWs understand the expectations of the program and have the skills and knowledge necessary to provide the level of care expected in the program. The Program Lead shall provide direction and operational supervision to any volunteer/work experience student assigned to the program.

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The Program Lead provides an operational level of supervision, this does not include performance evaluations, any staff discipline including reprimands or dismissals and while the Program Lead may assist in the hiring process the decision to hire rests with the Director. The Program Lead will direct staff performance issues to the Director. Supervision Received Performance is monitored by the FCSS Program Manager and/or Director of Community Services intermittently throughout the year and formally at least once per year. In-class skills and methods are assessed by the Alberta Child and Youth Services Licensing Officer at least once per year, within 60 days prior to renewal of Parent Child Centre License. Additional supervision provided as required or requested. Internal Assistance The Program Lead will receive administrative supports from the FCSS Secretary and ongoing support from the FCSS Program Manager and Director of Community Services. The Program Lead may be requested to assist with F.C.S.S. / Parent Link programs held periodically throughout the year (e.g. Family Day Kiddies Fair, Safe-Halloween Party or other community events). The Program Lead may be assigned additional sundry duties by the Director or FCSS Program Manager. Educational Requirements The program lead must be certified as a Child Care Worker and must maintain a valid Child First Aid Certification. Experience and/or training in child development is expected. Awareness of signs and symptoms of child abuse and knowledge of reporting protocols is required. Certification in Safe Food Handling is a desirable asset, training towards such certification will be encouraged and supported. Occupational Health and Safety All employees will participate in the Occupational Health and Safety program. Employees share the responsibility for maintaining a safe work environment and for maintaining safe work practices. Employees shall not engage in any work activity without full knowledge of the safe work practices for that procedure. Employees have the right to refuse to perform any duty they believe to be unsafe. Staff shall participate in safety training and exercises. Staff shall report any unsafe situation or practice to their supervisor and may complete a safety opportunity card to notify the Joint Health and Safety Committee. Staff shall report all injuries and log any first aid treatment they receive in the departmental first aid log. When working with dangerous goods staff shall be aware of the product information on the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for that product.

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TOWN OF BONNYVILLE POSITION DESCRIPTION Position Title: FCSS Out of School Care Child Care Worker Department: Bonnyville and District Family and Community Support Services (F.C.S.S.) Location: Parent Child Centre Supervisor: Director of F.C.S.S. Summary of Functions Primary responsibility of the Bonnyville and District F.C.S.S. Child

Care Worker (hereafter CCW) is the safety and well-being of the children in care. The CCW shall ensure that there is direct supervision of the children in care at all times. The CCW shall prepare and provide developmentally appropriate program planning for the children during work hours during scheduled planning time.

FACTORS Program Area Child Care Workers are employed within the Out of School Care program. The

worker provides developmentally appropriate activities based upon the emotional, social and physical needs of the children. Daily plans must be flexible to meet the changing needs of the children in care. Incumbent is required to interact with parents regarding their child and program events.

Child Care Duties: $ The CCW shall be responsible for accurate recording of attendance and the completion of

daily attendance. In the event that a child does not show the CCW will be responsible for calling parents or emergency contacts find out the whereabouts of the child.

$ The CCW shall be fully aware of the parent handbook and shall adhere to all child care

policies of F.C.S.S. and Alberta Child Care and Licensing Act. This includes adherence to policies regarding staff to child ratio (maximum 1:10 for children 5 and under and 1:15 for children 6 years and older)

$ The CCW will be responsible for appropriate response to emergencies. When appropriate,

the CCW shall provide first aid treatment to child in care if necessary. The CCW shall conduct regular fire evacuation drills with the children in care according to the policies established by F.C.S.S..

$ The CCW shall prepare and serve a snack to the children in care, according to the Service

Plan of the individual programs. Clean up shall be completed after the children have left for the day. Snacks are to be prepared in the kitchen area when at all possible.

$ The CCW shall develop developmentally appropriate program plans in accordance with accreditation of early learning care services.

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$ The CCW shall plan developmentally appropriate activities and prepare all materials in advance of each class. F.C.S.S. maintains a supply of materials for this purpose. Should the CCW be aware of a shortage of supplies or has a specific supply need, the CCW shall notify the OOSC Supervisor and request appropriate materials.

Required Knowledge, Skills and Personal Qualifications $ Knowledge of childhood development and childhood group dynamics $ Ability to be sensitive to the children and parent’s needs. $ The ability to treat each child as an individual. $ Ability to gain and maintain the confidence of the children and parents. $ Tolerance and understanding of differing family lifestyles and cultures. $ Awareness of signs and symptoms of child abuse and knowledge of reporting protocol. $ Ability to work effectively as a team member and to demonstrate positive interpersonal

communications and conflict resolution skills. $ Ability to follow verbal instructions as well as procedures outlined in the Alberta Child Care

Licensing Manual. Independence / Decision Making Under limited supervision the employee provides daily care of children under their charge . The employee works independently and within established procedures, policies and guidelines and in accordance with provincial child care standards. Incumbent recommends modifications to procedures and policies when necessary. Contentious issues are referred to the Director of F.C.S.S. for direction and advice. If the C.C.W. has recommendations to modification of any policies or procedures it will be brought forth to the OOSC Supervisor. Supervision Received Performance is monitored through in class observation by the OOSC Supervisor or Director of F.C.S.S. intermittently throughout the year and formally at least once per year. In-class skills and methods are assessed by the Alberta Child and Youth Services Licensing Officer at least once per year, within 60 days prior to renewal of Parent Child Centre License. Additional supervision provided as required or requested. Supervision Provided The CCW shall be responsible for all direct supervision of the children at all times.

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Internal Assistance When more than one childcare worker is employed, workers shall work and meet as a team for group planning. The CCW may be requested to assist F.C.S.S. during special events (e.g. Family Day Kiddies Fair, Safe-Halloween Party or other community events). The CCW may be assigned additional sundry duties by the F.C.S.S. director related to the operations of the P.C.C. or F.C.S.S.. Educational Requirements Child Care Worker must maintain a valid Child First Aid Certification. Experience and/or training in child development is expected. Awareness of signs and symptoms of child abuse and knowledge of reporting protocols is required. Occupational Health and Safety All employees will participate in the Occupational Health and Safety program. Employees share the responsibility for maintaining a safe work environment and for maintaining safe work practices. Employees shall not engage in any work activity without full knowledge of the safe work practices for that procedure. Employees have the right to refuse to perform any duty they believe to be unsafe. Staff shall participate in safety training and exercises. Staff shall report any unsafe situation or practice to their supervisor and may complete a safety opportunity card to notify the Joint Health and Safety Committee. Staff shall report all injuries and log any first aid treatment they receive in the departmental first aid log. When working with dangerous goods staff shall be aware of the product information on the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for that product. (OH&S added 31 July 2003)

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Name of Child:

Description of Incident:

Action Taken:

Discussed with Parents any further actions to be taken in case of reoccurring behavior:

Signature of staff Signature of parent

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Daily Playground Inspection Sheet

Month: _________________________

Date Inspected for glass/other


Gate is securely

shut Any Broken

Toys removed Dangers Noted and Repairs Required Staff Initals

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

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Name of Child Observed to be ill:

Name of Staff Identifying Child to be ill:

Description of Signs and Symptoms of Child’s Illness:

Time Parent Phoned to Pick Up Child:

Name of Staff Contacting Parent:

Time Child was Removed from Program:

Date Child Returned to the Program after Illness:

Signature of Staff Signature of Parent

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