LIT & TOUR International conference on literature and tourism Faculdade de Letras Da Universidade De Lisboa 26-27 November 2012 ‘BONJOUR BLANC, A JOURNEY THROUGH HAITI’ : AN ALLEGORY OF THE TOURISM INDUSTRY IN HAITI Dr Hugues Séraphin PhD PGCE M.A Lecturer, Event Management and Marketing (The University of Winchester) Associate researcher CREDDI-LEAD EA 2438 GUYANE (Université des Antilles Guyane) The University of Winchester, Faculty of Business, Law and Sport West Downs Campus, Winchester, SO22 4NR (England) [email protected] Mobile: 0044 7878425783 1


‘Bonjour blanc, a journey through Haiti’ (Thomson, 2004) is considered by many writers and literary critics like Norman Lewis, Andy Kershaw, William Weaver, etc. as the best written book about Haiti as it makes the readers want to go there, make them feel they had actually been there and most importantly give them a better understanding of the place, notably due to the fact Ian Thomson, through the 20 chapters of the book, takes the readers into areas of Haiti that no other modern writer has bothered to explore. Under many different aspects this book can be considered as a ‘Grand Tour’ of Haiti.




International conference on literature and tourism Faculdade de Letras Da Universidade De Lisboa26-27 November 2012


Dr Hugues Séraphin PhD PGCE M.A

Lecturer, Event Management and Marketing (The University of Winchester)Associate researcher CREDDI-LEAD EA 2438 GUYANE (Université des Antilles Guyane)

The University of Winchester, Faculty of Business, Law and SportWest Downs Campus, Winchester, SO22 4NR (England)[email protected]: 0044 7878425783




International conference on literature and tourism Faculdade de Letras Da Universidade De Lisboa26-27 November 2012



‘Bonjour blanc, a journey through Haiti’ (Thomson, 2004) is considered by many writers and literary critics like Norman Lewis, Andy Kershaw, William Weaver, etc. as the best written book about Haiti as it makes the readers want to go there, make them feel they had actually been there and most importantly give them a better understanding of the place, notably due to the fact Ian Thomson, through the 20 chapters of the book, takes the readers into areas of Haiti that no other modern writer has bothered to explore. Under many different aspects this book can be considered as a ‘Grand Tour’ of Haiti.Not many academic papers have been written about Haiti as a destination (Séraphin 2010 and 2011; Dore 2010; Thernil 2004; Theodat 2004; Dupont 2003). ‘Bonjour blanc, a journey through Haiti’ is as far as we are concerned one of the very few novels or travel writings about this destination. This article contributes to the body of meta-literature by focusing on the way Ian Thomson travelled around Haiti (Port-au-Prince, Cazales, Jacmel, La Gonâve, Cabaret, etc.). Starting with a brief presentation of Ian Thomson and his novel: ‘Bonjour blanc, a journey through Haiti’, this article adopts a thematic approach, successively presenting Ian Thomson’s journey both in terms of time (history) and space (geography). The aim of the paper is to explore and analyse how Ian Thomson’s journeys can be read and interpreted within an academic context. ‘Bonjour blanc, a journey through Haiti’ is therefore going to be discussed as a valid form of travel writing. Methodologically, this article builds on the academic critical literature on Haiti as well as on the websites dedicated to the destination. As primary sources, it directly uses ‘Bonjour blanc, a journey through Haiti’ itself. As the novel focuses among other things on the hotels Ian Thomson stayed in, the places he visited, his relationship with the locals and the image of Haiti, ‘Bonjour blanc, a journey through Haiti’ is therefore particularly relevant for an analysis in terms of travel and tourism.



Thus what is of interest in the paper is the relationship between hosts and visitors: How visitors are perceived by the locals and vice versa, but also and how difficult it is to be the one receiving. This paper is therefore going to analyse the tourism sector in Haiti from an ethnological angle. From the analysis, Haiti, once the ‘Pearl of the Caribbean’ was found to be a tourist destination with a tremendous potential crippled by political, social and economical turmoil. The results have implications on the current marketing strategy adopted by the current government and Ministry of Tourism that is mainly focused on changing the image of the destination, in other words, moving away from the ‘Bonjour blanc’ image, but also with a strong focus on developing a form of tourism that enable visitors and hosts to exchange.


Haiti, tourism, allegory, image, hosts, visitors




International conference on literature and tourism Faculdade de Letras Da Universidade De Lisboa26-27 November 2012




1. Introduction

Haiti used to be the most popular tourist destination in the Caribbean between 1940e – 1960e

(Séraphin, 2010) and as such attracted an international jet set. Mick Jagger, Charles Addams,

Jackie Kennedy, etc. were among those who popularised Haiti (Thomson, 2004). Nowadays,

Haiti is mainly known as one of the poorest and dangerous country on earth (Higate, Henry,

2009). It is also now a country with a very low ‘touristicity’ (Théodat, 2004). When Ian

Thomson went to Haiti in 1990, to write Bonjour blanc, a journey through Haiti, Jean-

Bertrand Aristide was about to become the country’s first democratically elected president

since Jean-Francois Duvalier (aka Papa Doc) in 1957. Haiti was also at this period the less

visited country of the Caribbean mainly due to the high level of insecurity (Charles, 1994). In

this paper we argue the fact that, since Bonjour blanc, a journey through Haiti is the tale of a

life experience, it has a witness value and thus it is trustworthy (De Ascaniis, Grecco-

Marasso, 2011). We also argue the fact that Bonjour blanc, a journey through Haiti functions

as a microcosm about life in Haiti and provides detailed information concerning the tourism

sector in the country with a clear emphasis on the hospitality sector. The main hotel describe

in the travel writing is Hotel Oloffson in Port-au-Prince. A slightly run-down gingerbread

mansion today where you are more likely to find journalists, aid workers, military personnel,

documentary film-makers, art collectors, and up-market literary travellers, as guests rather

than tourists. The richness of symbolic allegorical structure in Bonjour blanc, a journey

through Haiti provides a wealth of different readings and appropriations. Bonjour blanc, a

journey through Haiti can be read for instance as a marketing tool that can be used by the

DMO to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the destination. The study of this travel

writing may provide the DMO in Haiti important and specific results about the travellers’

expectations, needs and interests. In general, DMOs are using a quantitative approach based

on data to improve their products and services, but those data as De Ascaniis and Grecco-

Marasso argue (2011) do not tell the whole story about how visitors feel about the product.

Thus, it is not sufficient anymore to look at the destination as a whole; it is worth

investigating what is precisely said about it and probably used travel writing as qualitative

source of information. Deep understanding of the motivations, behaviour and outcomes

relating to tourism is possible using tourists’ narrative reports of trip (Woodside, Megehee,

2010). Bonjour blanc, a journey through Haiti can also be read as an ethnological analysis of

the relation between locals and tourists (how the locals perceive visitors, how visitors

perceive the locals and how they perceive each other). As mentioned earlier in this



introduction, the visitors in Haiti are mainly journalists, aid workers, military personnel,

documentary film-makers, art collectors, and up-market literary travellers, etc. Those visitors

are often widely perceived as immensely wealthy by the locals. Those visitors may find

spending money as difficult as speaking a language they don’t know. Their transactions and

conversations are liable to confusion and misunderstanding. In its endeavour to develop the

tourism sector in Haiti, the DMO could take full advantage of Bonjour blanc, a journey

through Haiti and probably develop a trail around Thomson’s adventure using Hebert’s

model (2001). This paper overall makes a contribution to research dedicated to tourism

development in post-conflict destinations. Whilst there is an established literature on tourism

in less economically developed countries, almost none of these studies specifically focus on

the role of tourism in conflict-affected or post-conflict societies. (Novelli et al., 2012). This

paper is therefore particularly going to focus on the development of tourism in a destination

well known for its political instability, namely Haiti. The travel writing ‘Bonjour blanc, a

journey through Haiti’ is the main source of information for this analysis. The reflections in

this travel writing are metaphors representing larger, universal truths and ideas beyond the

literal context of the story (Felty, 2011). Also, the words used by Thomson do not have their

literal meaning, but are categorised as multi-word expressions that act in the text as units

(Alhasnawi, 2007:3). Last but not least, many of the persons, situations, actions, places used

or mentioned by Thomson suggest or represent other meanings as well. They are symbols

(Perrine, 1974) and more specifically, they are called commemorative symbols, in other

words, symbols which add a real event to a memory (Rokni, 2009). According to Fadaee

(2010), writers use symbols to convey a message in an implicit and indirect way. Our main

objective in this paper is therefore to identify those symbols and also the message that

Thomson is implicitly trying to convey. If we agree with Hansen (XXXX), that an allegory is

about the similarities between characters, events and places in a book and the people, events

and places in the real life, we also need to identify to what extent ‘Bonjour blanc, a journey

through Haiti’ is an allegory of the tourism sector in Haiti. Our article unfolds in four steps.

Part I (Haiti: An overview) provide a quick PEST (Political, Economic, Social, and

Technological) analysis of Haiti. This marketing environment model is probably the best-

know environmental model (Masterson, Pickton, 2010). In the same part we are also going to

provide an overview of the tourism sector in Haiti. Part II (Bonjour blanc, a journey through

Haiti: A good travel writing) is an overall presentation and analysis of Ian Thomson’s travel

writing. Part II also draw archetypes, story gist and brand examples developed from the 20



chapters of Thomson’s travel writing. Part III (Bonjour blanc, a journey through Haiti: A

marketing tool) present other levels of reading of the travel writing.


2.1) Environmental overview of Haiti

There are a number of models of marketing environment models that an organisation can use

to analyse the environmental data. PEST (Political, Economic, Social, and Technological) is

probably the best-know environmental model (Masterson, Pickton, 2010). A quick market

environment analysis of Haiti gives the following information: Haiti was once the richest

French colony. It was even called the ‘Pearl of the Antilles’. But today it is one of the poorest

countries in the world. Indicators witness a very poor level of human development: Life

expectancy (53 years), infant mortality (80%), maternal mortality (523 per 100000 live

births), and adult illiteracy (50%), unemployment among the active population (around 60%),

etc. The vulnerability of the Haitian population is very high with 65% of the population living

below the poverty threshold (Roc, 2008). Haiti, as many states with post-colonial legacy has

to face deficient security, law and order institutions, the use of violence by state and non state

actors, the incapacity or the unwillingness of the government to provide basic services to the

population and the poor economic environment. Internal factors have not been the only

responsible for the state weakness. International interventions have also had negative effects

on the state. Haiti had little influence on the design of its own public policies and its economy

is largely shaped by outside forces. All the power was in the hand of foreign institutions. In

nowadays global economy, Haiti’s main competitive advantages have been its abundance of

low-wage, unskilled workers and its proximity to the USA. Haiti can therefore be classified

as a vulnerable state as it is exposed to outside forces, but also as a fragile state as its

structure lack political will and/or capacity to provide the basic functions needed for poverty

reduction, development and to safeguard the security and human rights of their populations,

fail to recognise and honour the social, political and economic pact between society and the

state. The Haitian elite who control commerce, strategic imports, hotels, telecommunication

and banks have often been accused of being an obstacle to the country’s development. The

classic role of the elite is usually one of investing in the country and generating economic

activity, wealth, jobs and influencing the government to increase trade, promote productivity,

ensure stability and protect investments. In Haiti, the elite do not assume this role. Its basic

activity is trade, with minor investments in case of crisis in the country. The weak



governance and absence of accountability has facilitated the creation of parallel economies

and patronage patterns (Moita, Gauthier, 2010). To summarise the situation, the public sector

(the government) and the private sector (the elite, local and international companies in Haiti)

have hardly done anything to encourage a sustainable development of the economy of the

country. Despite being variously branded as an unsecure destination (Higate and Henry,

2009) and as a place where the worse is always likely to happen (Bonnet, 2010), the tourism

industry often described as one of the world’s largest industries (Cooper and Hall, 2008: 252)

is the option that Haiti has chosen for its economic development.

2.2) The tourism sector in Haiti

Between 1800’s and 2009, the service sector moved from less than 5% to 60% of the GDP of

Haiti. The move from the primary sector as being the main sector of the economy of the

country to the service sector is mainly due to a change of activity of a huge part of the

population. The service sector in Haiti can be described as follow:

a) A sector mainly orientated toward services to the community (not services to businesses),

with a large number of MSEs. In the rear country the service sector includes under its

‘umbrella’: market sellers, grocers, retailers, etc. Much of the commerce is craftware and

sometimes contraband whisky (Thomson, 2004, p.33). In general, the individuals involved in

this type of businesses don’t have any particular qualification. In cities or towns, the service

industry includes restaurants like ‘Cafe Napoli’ described by Ian Thomson in ‘Bonjour blanc,

a journey through Haiti’ (Thomson, 2004, p.24), Hotels like the Oloffson (Thomson, 2004,

p.44) cybercafé, pharmacies, etc.

b) Businesses of the service sector are in general informal or unofficial meaning they do not

abide to any law (Lautier, 2004, p.24). This illegality is kind of the norm in the sector in

Haiti. This is what Hernando Soto designated as the ‘extralegal norm’ (De Soto, 1994).

Because this sector operates in the ‘dark’, it is very difficult to have specific data.

c) The sector is dominated by microenterprises with a low productivity as the owners of the

businesses are in general very poor and uneducated.

In Haiti, the move from primary sector to service sector did not come with an increase of the

income of the population or with an improvement in their standard of living. Moreover,

because the service sector in Haiti is mainly geared toward service to the community and not

toward the companies, the income generated by this sector is not significant to the economy

(Paul et al, 2009). The type of businesses developed by the Haitians in the service sector is

only profitable at a microeconomic level and not at a macroeconomic level. The tourism



industry, as part of the service sector plays an important role in the economy of Haiti. It is the

main source of income of the country (27, 76% of the GDP) just ahead of agriculture

(25.09% of the GDP)1. As mentioned earlier, the whole primary sector does not contribute

more than 23% in the GDP, whereas the service sector represented roughly 60% of the GDP

in 2009 (Paul et al, 2010). This is what Paul et al. (2010) called the ‘tertiarization of the

Haitian economy’ in other words, an irreversible move from the primary sector being a key

contributor to the GDP to a role played by the service sector. Within the tourism industry, the

hospitality branch is a dynamic sector and probably the way forward for the tourism industry

in Haiti. Each year, Digicel organises an event: ‘Digicel Entrepreneur of the Year Program’

aimed at entrepreneurs or potential entrepreneurs. The long-term objective of the Year

Programme is to build new economic foundations for Haiti by identifying, rewarding and

cultivating the new business leaders of the future. In the category ‘Education, tourism and

culture’ of the competition, the only representatives of the tourism sector are entrepreneurs in

the hospitality sector. This situation therefore backs up our early statement that hospitality is

a dynamic sector and probably the most dynamic sector of the tourism industry in Haiti.

Michel (2000) claims tourism can fully benefit a destination, only if the locals are fully

involved in the planning and development of the industry. Based on literature,

entrepreneurship in tourism seems to be a serious contender to the involvement of the locals

in the tourism sector and in some cases to help them to improve their standard of living. In

fact, according to Manyara and Jones (2005), micro and small scale enterprises can increase

the participation of the poor in the tourism industry. Rogerson (2003) based on his research in

South Africa backs up Manyara and Jones (2005) as he argues that it is only through small

enterprises that rural people can participate in tourism. Literature not only shows

entrepreneurship is a factor for economic development (Schumpeter 1934), but it can also

have a multiplier effect in some cases on local economies. When formal tourism enterprises

are owned by locals, there is a high likelihood of purchase of local supplies, meaning other

sectors of the local economy are going to benefit from this activity Shah (2000). Wanhill

(2000) supports this point of view as he contends that for tourism to be beneficial in terms of

income generations, economic growth, poverty reduction, and improving rural livelihoods, it

has to be linked to local economies such as agriculture and MSEs. Entrepreneurship in

tourism seems to be a possible option to help Haiti in its attempt to develop its tourism

1 http://www.ccih.org.ht/haiti/economie.php



industry, reduce the high rate of unemployment and improve the standard of living of the

locals. Butler (1980) views entrepreneurial development by local residents as occurring

spontaneously in response to growth in tourist demand. Théodat (2004) shows in his research

on Haiti and Thomson (2004), in his novel: ‘Bonjour blanc, a journey through Haiti’ that this

entrepreneurial development mainly happened in the hospitality sector. As a conclusion for

part I (Haiti: An overview), we can say that tourism and more specifically, entrepreneurship

in the tourism sector can be the driver for economic recovery for destinations like Haiti that

have been out of bound for a while (Séraphin, 2012).


3.1) Presentation of ‘Bonjour blanc, a journey through Haiti’

In many instances Ian Thomson can be compared to Tintin and his novel to one of the

Hergé’s stories. Both Tintin and Ian Thomson are reporter/journalist, both travelled in a

destination with military dictatorship, both journeys were fraught with problems and

accidents and last but not least Hergé and Thomson provided well detailed information about

destination visited in their writings. Tintin, as a global traveller (Lominé, 2003) did not go the

Caribbean, never mind Haiti. ‘Bonjour blanc, a journey through Haiti’ takes us into different

areas of Haiti. Rapidly the journey itself becomes a key topic of the adventure. Bonjour

blanc, a journey through Haiti’ can be defined by the journey Ian Thomson’s accomplished.

In many respects, Ian Thomson’s journey almost illustrates the concepts of adventure

tourism. Although he travelled all over Haiti, Ian Thomson rarely visits popular local tourist

sites or areas (with probably the exception of Jacmel). However, as an unconventional travel

writer would do, he visited many places which appear to have huge potential to become

tourist attractions, such as Habitation Madere, Alexandre Dumas’ house (Thomson, 2004,

p.89) or Habitation Bonodo (Thomson, 2004, p.89). Ian Thomson spent most of his time

interacting with locals who were either Haitian born (Enoch, the guide; Richard Morse,

owner of the Hotel Oloffson; etc.) or foreigners who have been living in Haiti for a long time

(Aida from Italy and owner of the cafe Napolitan; Eleanor Snear, American born and head of

the Haitian-American Institute; etc.). He even befriends with some of them. So, his universe

can be described as cosmopolitan. A great percentage of the information mentioned in

Bonjour blanc is derived from ‘interviews’ of locals. There are many similarities between

Rasselas prince of Abyssinia (Johnson, 1759) and Bonjour blanc. Both are about the quest of

the ‘grail’. For Ian Thomson the ‘grail’ is the true nature of Haiti and for Johnson the grail is



the true nature of happiness. Both writings are about the key role of experience in the process

of learning which is a common topic in the British literature, and even more importantly, the

role played by the ‘others’ in this process. Both writings can be considered as a ‘Grand Tour’

and also encourage us to reconsider the role of the tourist who is much more that of a

consumer but equally a producer (Holbrook and Hirschman, 1982). Overall and based on

Woodside and Megehee (2010) we can say that ‘Bonjour blanc, a journey through Haiti’ is a

good travel writing:

a) The book weaves a lot of information - According to the Observer, ‘Bonjour blanc, a

journey through Haiti’ is a ‘splendid, exceptionally detailed odyssey through the distressingly

unregenerate republic of Haiti (...) Ian Thomson mils the country’s terrors and bizarreries to

full measure’

b) It arise the reader emotions and energy and get people rising their feet - For Andy

Kershaw: ‘it is simply the best book I have read on Haiti... ‘Bonjour blanc’ is more than a

travel book’. For the Daily Telegraph, it is ‘Hair rising but hugely entertaining’. William

Weaver (New York Times Magazine): ‘As I closed this book, I felt the satisfaction of having

consumed a full meal, not always appetitising but with plenty of nourishment. In the end, Ian

Thomson not only made me want to go to Haiti, he made me feel I had actually been there’

c) The book gives a vivid insight - Andy Kershaw: ‘Ian Thomson takes us into the areas of

Haiti that no other modern writer has bothered to explore, a likeable and sympathetic

guide...By the last page of Bonjour blanc I felt I had a better understanding of the place than

I’d got from five visits, dozens of books and a waist-deep pile of newspaper cuttings’

d) The story in which life is relatively in balance, with terrible disaster, where balance is

sometimes restored - In chapter 6: Marooned to Jacmel, Ian Thomson experienced being

trapped (in Jacmel). He found himself in the situation that many tourists experienced when

travelling to Haiti because of the many coups in the country. This time, it was because of a

coup against Prosper Avril (in 1990). In the following chapter (chapter 7): Eating coconuts

with Alexandre Dumas, Thomson experienced a better side of being in Haiti.

e) Opposing forces - Thomson expressed many times contradicting or even mixed feelings

about and for Haiti and the Haitians. In Chapter 6: Marooned to Jacmel, he compares

Haitians to uncivilised people when he described their attitude during the coup against

Prosper Avril, in the very same chapter, he describe the Haitians as being very welcoming

using the example of the arrival of the liner ‘the Berlin’. In Chapter 3: Paris of the gutter

Haiti is ‘a country of incredible intensity and extremes – one of the most astonishing places

on earth’ (Thomson, 2004: 364) but also a ‘comedy’.



f) Deals with fundamental conflicts between subjective expectation and cruel reality or

display the struggle between expectation and reality in all its nastiness - The most striking

chapter of Bonjour blanc is ‘Paris of the gutter’ (Chapter 3), because it offers two visions of

Haiti: An Haiti still perceived by the local as the ‘Pearl of the Antilles’ and Haiti perceived

by an outsider as a ‘Paris of the gutter’. This chapter could have been entitled: ‘The real Haiti

versus the imaginary Haiti’ or ‘Nostalgia versus reality’. In fact, this chapter is going back

and forth between the past and the present to show how great Haiti was in the past

‘frequented by a gallery of celebrities: Noel Coward, john Gielgud, Malcom Lowry, the New

Yorker cartoonist Charles Addams, Mick Jagger even’ (Thomson, 2004:20); The American

critic Edmund Wilson (Thomson, 2004: 56), etc. ‘going to Port au Prince was a must’

(Théodat, 1997: 307) and Haiti nowadays, a dilapidated country, ‘the most ridiculous

caricature of civilisation in the world’ (Thomson, 2004: 27). In this instance the Haitian

population who is still living in a dream of Haiti still being ‘the pearl of the Antilles’ can be

compared to Calderon’s character, Sigismond in ‘La vida es un sueno’ (1635) and Ian

Thomson appears as the ‘desengaño’. This opposition ‘Paris of the gutter’ and ‘Pearl of the

Antilles’ lead to naturally to the topic of formation and characteristics of Haiti’s image that

will be covered later on in this paper.

g) Looking behind the mask – As mentioned earlier, this journey through Haiti appeared like

a quest for the ‘Grail’. The ‘Grail’ for Thomson is the quest of the true nature of Haiti. To

find the object of his quest he went all over the country talking to different people as did

Rasselas in his quest to the recipe to happiness. At the end Thomson achieved his objective

because his book is a remarkable achievement giving wonderful vignettes from Haitian

culture and history beyond CNN’s reach.

h) Who the principal protagonist is - Who is really Ian Thomson? A tourist? An historian? A

pedagogue? A consultant? A journalist? A writer? The multiple personality and skills that he

displayed that made bonjour blanc hair-rising and hugely entertaining.

i) We can add to the list of Woodside and Megehee (2010) that good travel writing has also to

be a useful tool for the DMO.

3.2) Presentation of the tourism sector in Haiti via ‘Bonjour blanc a journey through Haiti’

The product is often views as synonymous with the destination, such that the tourism product

is an ‘amalgam’ of destination elements including attractions; supporting services such as

accommodation and food and beverage and transportation (Cooper and Hall, 2008).




In ‘Bonjour blanc, a journey through Haiti’ Thomson provides a detailed description of the

hospitality, transport and attraction sectors. Because the focus of the author is on the

hospitality sector, we have decided here to use the following scale to rate the hotels he stayed


1= Outstanding; 2=Good; 3= Average; 4= Inappropriate

Name Description Grade

Oloffson The facade was so riddle with fretwork that it looked as though a thousand termites had been dining (…) The oldest damn place I ever saw (…).


Hotel splendide I took myself to the only possible hotel in Jérémie, a pile of wood by the seafront (…). It was the most verminous hotel I have ever stayed in.


Auberge bolivar The hotel was cheap and rudimentary, my room pungent with the sharp smell ammonia smell of urine and noisy with Marley reggae piped from reception (…). The swimming pool was long since drained of water, dead leaves rustling in the deep end.


Hotel Sambo She took me to my room, lit by a flickering carbide lamp at the back of the yard full of wire chicken coops (…). She wanted to know what I thought of the lodgings. I told her that they were fine, glancing round the shabby room (…)


Hotel Relais de l’Empereur

A large hotel in the town of Petit Gôave some forty miles west of Port-au-Prince (…). The room as it turned out had a fan but it didn’t work. A giant poster-canopied bed stood beneath the motionless blades, luxurious with linen sheets. The bath, even the bidet, was fitted with gold-plated taps, it was wonderfully indecent to find this ostentation in Haiti (…)


Guest House ‘chez Margot’

Margot provided a dustier, noisier, more native brand of accommodation. The bathroom was littered with dead cockroaches and for some reason an old valise that I found behind my bed contained a stuffed mongoose. Food was good, although the water was dirty and not to be consumed without sterilization tablets


Hotel Rancho The Rancho was a lavish extravaganza of splashing fountains and Italian marble floors much frequented in the 1950s by the New York crooner Harry Belafonte. It was a little shabby now, with the absence of any tourism. The buffet of Haitian food was carefully adapted to American taste


Hotel Carré d’As

The hotel, an handsome clapboard with wooden arcades, stood opposite a shell petrol station on the Rue Christophe (…). My bed was very dusty; the mattress moulded by




earlier tenants, and it was difficult to sleep with the electric dynamo of the hotel drumming all night over the skin wail of mosquito wings (…). They all lack of satisfactory convenience, these magnificent old buildings

Hotel le Roi Christophe

 The one decent hotel in Cap-Haïtien, arcades with heavily scrolled armorial shields of stone, a rambling garden


Reading this table we understand that the hospitality sector is a very problematic sector where

quality, training, etc needs to be addressed not only by the owners but by the DMO as their

role is to promote the long term development of a destination by doing a variety of tactical

activities which include for instance monitoring service and quality standards (Cooper, Hall,

2008). Hotels described by Thomson appeared as a safe place from the outside world. His

excursions always end up ‘back’ at a hotel. The hospitality sector is not the only problematic

sector. Transport and food and beverage are also problematic. The reader is constantly

reminded of the discomforts and annoyances that preoccupy guests accustomed to more

temperate climates and different standards of public health and civic governance.

Food and beverage

Hotel Carre d’As ‘No restaurant in Haiti has a very distinguished menu but at least the food here was fresh (...). Large lobster were hauled from the bay of Saint Marc and served soon after with a pitcher of reasonable wine. The ice was of dubious provenance, however, and on two occasions I found a bluebottle trapped like an insect in amber’

Thomson, 2004, p.247

Cafe Napoli ‘I feigned to inspect the menu: boiled goat, conch shell, guinea hen, dried turkey, Congo-bean stew...Nothing very much appealed’

Thomson, 2004, p. 24

Food and beverage have always been linked to the hospitality sector (Hoerner, 1993). In

Haiti, both sectors are still run at an amateur level and do not meet the requirements of

international customers who are very demanding in terms of quality (Theodat, 2008).


The road is the main way of travelling used by visitors (Hoerner, 1993). The transport sector

and public transport more specifically in Haiti do not seem to be organised and appeared to

be very dangerous.

The road to Port-au-Prince was dimly lit: The only light came from the inside of houses’ (Thomson, 2004, p.18)

There is no traffic light. It gives an overall impression of chaos.



‘Vehicle careering towards us on the same side of the road swerved across our bows, klaxons blaring’ (Thomson, 2004, p.18)

Many dramas happened in Haiti because of the lack of regulations in transports. For instance,

in 1971 and 1986, 2 boats, namely the ‘Okelele’ and the ‘Celie’ sank with too many people

on board.

Despite the fact that the urban transport is quite disorganised, some aspects of it appears like

attractions for visitors like the ‘tap tap’.

‘Many buses are decorated with quotations from the Old Testament (...). A tap-taps is Haiti in miniature, surreal as a canvas by Dali’ (Thomson, 2004, p.33)

Attractions and events

If there is hardly any particular event mentioned in ‘Bonjour blanc, a journey through Haiti’,

there is however, a very detailed list of attractions in the country. Bonjour blanc has

demonstrated to be a tool that can also promote the destination and its products. In Rozier and

Santos (2010), publicity is defined as an editorial space to promote a product, place or person.

According to Rozier and Santos (2010), travel articles are popular form of publicity. As we

have demonstrated earlier, Bonjour blanc is a good travel writing. Moreover, it perfectly

matches the first part of the definition of ‘publicity’ since it promote a place, namely Haiti

and its attractions (like le Marche de Fer, Citadelle Laferriere, Jeremie, etc.) and even some

of the goods produced in the country like rum. The Barbancourt rum is mentioned many

times throughout the book as the best in the Caribbean.

The relationship locals / visitors

In many instance, Thomson’s journey through Haiti remind us Rasselas’ ‘Grand Tour’. Like

Rasselas, Thomson developed his knowledge of Haiti via different encounters and

discussions with the locals (Richard Moss, owner of the Oloffson; Enoch the guide, Aida

owner of Cafe Napoli, etc.). Thomson learnt a lot from the locals. His journey through Haiti

has been quite beneficial. The benefits of the relationship locals/visitors seem to be one way

as the locals do not benefit at all from the tourism sector. Many times Thomson had to answer

the following question: ‘Why come to Haiti if you don’t spend money like a tourist?’ (p.50). If we

consider the bigger picture, can we consider the journalists, aid workers, military personnel,

documentary film-makers, art collectors, and up-market literary travellers, etc. in Haiti as



tourists? If we consider the WTO definition of a tourist, the above visitors are not. However,

based on the fact that many components of the tourism sector in Haiti has been up and

running despite the political situation of the country due to the presence of those journalists,

NGO, travel writers, etc. it is difficult to position them. If we adopt Hoerner (2003) definition

of a tourist, all the above visitors are not tourists because they are in Haiti for a professional

reason. Having a similar type of consumption as a tourist and be called ‘tourista’ by the locals

(Higate, Henry, 2009) is not enough to be considered as a tourist. Then, according to

UNESCO, the tourism industry is supposed to support the exchange between the nations and

people (Cunin, Rinaudo, 2009), Bonjour blanc, a journey through Haiti shows that there is no

exchange but instead only benefits from the rich countries involved in the tourism industry.

The Haitians will only go to France or the USA for instance only to find a job and most of the

time they are redirected to Haiti. Moreover, this travel writing shows how difficult it is to be

the host. Not only Thomson constantly reminds the reader his discomfort via the description

of the hotels, transport, food etc. but also because the visitors are more and more expecting a

high quality of service disregarding the situation of the destination and the visitors are not

always very pleasant (Cade, 2008). It is even more difficult to be the host when the

relationship visitor/host re-enact some painful event of the history of the hosts, like the

colonial period and slavery. The visitor is not just a visitor; he is also the ‘Blanc’, the one

causing grief (Perri, 2004, p.12). Bonjour blanc, a journey through Haiti also flags up the fact

the relationship visitor/host is not a ‘natural’ relationship but a fake one. Everything seems to

be staged as in chapter 6: ‘Marooned in Jacmel’. This chapter describe how everything is

mounted and dismounted by the locals to welcome a cruise ship. In a one hand, we have the

locals who are ‘talking the talk’ by staging a welcome for the visitors. This warm welcome is

artificial as mainly based on a mercantile relationship. In the other hand, we have the tourists

who are ‘walking the walk’ even if fully aware that everything has been staged by the locals

for a commercial purpose but still pretend to be ‘guest’ even if they know they are not.

3.3) Mapping Ian Thomson’s visit to Haiti

We are going to use the information in this part to map Ian Thomson’s journey through Haiti

as a summary of the situation of the tourism sector in the country.



Figure 2: Expected Vs actual service experiences

This part provides valuable information for rebuilding an effective destination image for

Haiti. Figure 2 highlights the gaps between what is expected by visitors and the actual service

experiences provided by Haiti. As Martin (2008) has pointed out, one or two unpleasant

surprises can negatively impact the entire experience for some travellers. It is therefore very

important for the strategist to make sure that the destination positioning strategy matches with

visitors’ expectations. In some cases like Haiti, it is very difficult for the destination because

of their political, economic, social, technologic development to meet the needs of the visitors.

As we are going to see later on in this paper, travel writing can be valuable marketing tool for

a destination. It is therefore very important for the DMO to decipher the codes and symbols.


Ian Thomson





‘Haiti’ is the ‘Pearl of the Antilles’

‘Port-au-Prince’ is ‘Paris of the gutter’

-Haitians are very welcoming-Haitians are uncivilised

The visitors = ‘Blanc’

‘No restaurant in Haiti has a very distinguished menu but at least the food here was fresh’

Most of the hotel graded as ‘inappropriate’ standard by Thomson

Name of the hotels suggests quality’ and ‘grandeur: Eg. ‘Hotel splendid’, ‘Hotel le Roi Christophe’

Dangerous / Archaic / disorganised

Expectations of visitors not

compatible with what the

destination can offer


3.4) Archetypes, and story gist in ‘Bonjour blanc, a journey through Haiti’

In this part, we are going to use Thomson’s travel writing to generate a theoretical cognitive

sculpture of ‘Bonjour blanc, a journey through Haiti’ that is to say an arrangement of

symbols to represent people, processes, time periods and outcomes of a story (Doyles, Sims,


Figure 3: Archetypes, story gists and brand examples of the tourism sector used in ‘Bonjour blanc, a journey through Haiti’

Archetype Travel writing gist Examples

The reed Strong, flexible, adaptable The Oloffson (microcosm of the overall tourism sector in Haiti)

The anti-hero Destruction and attraction of evil Haitian government

Powerbroker Authority, influence and domination

The USA, the media, NGO

The mother-of-goodness Nourishment The cruise sector (with the resort Labadee)

The enigma Mystery, suspense and uncertainly Are they tourists? journalists, aid workers, military personnel, documentary film-makers, art collectors, and up-market literary travellersTourism sector profitable for the locals?

The loyalist Trust, loyalty and reassurance Barbancourt rumPrestige beer

The little trickster Humour, non-conformity and the element of surprise

The relationship local/visitor

The creator Creative inspiration The Haitians

The siren Power of attraction, linked with the possibility of destruction

Attractions in Haïti (Citadelle la Ferrière, Le Marche de Fer, Jacmel, etc.).

Using the above symbols developed by Wertime (2002), we can also summarise the history

of the tourism industry in Haiti as follow:



Figure 4: The 4 steps of the tourism development in Haiti

T1 (1940-end 1950s) T2 (1957) T3 (up and down since1980s) T4 (since 1990s)

Now we have a better understanding of the development and evolution of the tourism

industry in Haiti using the symbols in ‘Bonjour blanc, a journey through Haiti’ we are going

to focus on a different type of reading of the travel writing.


4.1 Travel writing: An influencing tool?

So far, what do we know about travel writings and their influence on decision making? We

know that good travel writings don’t leave readers untouched. We also know that travel

writing because they are tale of experience tend to be trusted by readers (Woodside,

Megehee, 2010; De Ascaniis, Grecco Morasso, 2011). The question now is to know whether

or not travel writing plays a significant enough role in people decision making to visit a

place. We don’t exactly know how many people have been to Haiti after reading ‘Bonjour

blanc’ after reading the book. Therefore we can’t say whether or not ‘Bonjour blanc’ is

influencing travel writing. However, we can try to identify the determinant of the flows and

patterns of contemporary tourism and see how ‘bonjour blanc’ and travel writing in general

fit in those determinants. Williams and Zelinsky (1970) have identified several factors that

may explain why people decide to go or not to a destination:


Absence of international connectivity between the generating destination and the

receiving destination


The siren The anti-hero


The reed(Haiti has a very low

‘touristicty’)Thanks to the

loyalist, mother-of-goodness and

creator Haiti has maintained a certain

tourism activity

Enigma(What type of

tourism to develop in Haiti?)


Factors of attractiveness (climate, etc.)

The cost of the destination

The stability and image of the destination in generating areas

Culture of the receiving destination

Information fed back to people in the generating country from tourists who have made

previous visits to the destination country.

The last point, in some extent recognises that travel writing plays a role in people decision to

go or not to a destination but does not give any indication on how powerful it is.

4.2) Bonjour blanc: A Special Interest Tourism (SIT) product

Our main objective in this part is to determine whether or not Bonjour blanc (and travel

writings in general) is a powerful decision making tool. We have only managed to establish

the fact they definitely play a role in decision making but we don’t know how powerful it is

as a tool. Our suggestion here to determine the influencing power of Bonjour blanc is to

introduce the topic of literary tourism. Literary tourism is the practice of visiting cities, sites,

places associated with poets, novelists, works of fictions, etc2. There is a fascination about

places associated with writers that has often prompted readers to become pilgrims: to visit a

birthplace and contemplate the surrounding of an author’s childhood, to see with fresh eyes

places inspired poems or books (Eagle, Carnell, 1977). If we use the principle that a literary

places acquire meaning from links with writers and the setting of their novels (Hebert, 2001),

we believe that the places visited by Thomson in Haiti are literary places. Still according to

Hebert (2001), such places attract tourists. Is it the case of the places mentioned in Bonjour

blanc? As SIT (like literary tourism) occurs when travel motivation and decision-making is

primary determined by a particular special interest (Hall, 2005). Therefore, it would have

been interested to find out if there had been an expression of interest of individuals going to

Haiti to walk in Thomson’s footsteps or if there had been an increase in the number of

visitors in some of the places visited by Ian Thomson. Another way to find out if Bonjour

blanc can motivate visitors to come to Haiti is to set up a ‘Bonjour blanc trail’ product and

see how many people will be willing to pay for this type of product and why (figure 1).

2 www.wisegeek.com



Figure 1: Testing Bonjour blanc as a STI product

Number of tourists

Intellectual3 Social4 Competence-mastery5 Stimulus-avoidance6 Motives

The downside of our theory is that literary tourism mainly attracts white collar workers with a

cultural capital to appreciate and understand this form of heritage (Herbert, 2001). This is the

type of tourists that Haiti use to get in the 1940e and 1960e (Theodat, 2004; Thomson, 2004).

Haiti no longer attract this type of tourists, but rather military, NGO (Higate, Henry, 2008).

However, by and large, research conducted by Campalto (2006) shows that there is an

interest from the tourists for this type of SIT. People visit for instance Le Bourget (in France)

because Lamartine was from this area, same for Shakespeare and Stratford-upon-Avon;

Victor Hugo Notre-Dame has a significant effect on the imagination of visitors to Paris,

stimulating the desire to travel and see the cathedral (Busby, Klung, 2001), etc. For Compalto

(2006) and Busby et al. (2011), there is absolutely no doubt that literature influences tourist’s

decision-making when choosing a destination. Sometimes literature makes them go to a place

they would not go to normally. Contemporary literature also ensures continued interest by

visitors or tourists (Busby et al., 2011).

5. Concluding remarks

Bonjour blanc, a journey through Haiti’ includes some very strong symbols that are either

places (i.e. the Hotel Oloffson), chapters (i.e. chapter 6: ‘Marooned in Jacmel’), products

(i.e.: Barbancourt rum) or people (i.e. Enoch, the tourist guide), etc. All those explain why

3 Develop the knowledge and interest in literature in one author’s life; experience a new place (immersion inside a story), authenticity (place and reconstruction of characters or author’s life; understand the story and place)4 Be with others and enjoy the same thing; meet new people; share experience with family or friends; increase privileged status of having been there5 Challenge one’s own knowledge; satisfy curiosity and interest6 Get away from routine by discovering a new place; with a new atmosphere; develop own self-esteem; nostalgia (reminder of childhood, of sensations, etc.)


Bonjour blanc trail


Thomson’s travel writing can be compared to an allegory of the tourism sector in Haiti.

Bonjour blanc, a journey through Haiti’ also highlights the fact there is a discrepancy

between the expectations of the tourists and the service provided by the Haitians. Meeting or

even exceed the needs of visitors is key to the success of the tourism sector in Haiti. This

travel writing can also be used as a marketing tool by the DMO to identify the strengths and

weaknesses of the destination. In term of image Haiti has a huge deficit that needs to be

addressed. It is therefore very important for Haiti to take ownership or control of its image

via a marketing strategy, as a strategic management approach for dealing with tourism crises

is the key to speedy recovery (Hai & Chick, 2011). The possible recovery of Haiti as a tourist

destination might lead sooner or later to a cooperation with the Dominican Republic under

the umbrella of ‘Hispaniola’. Séraphin (2011) believes that Hispaniola will be the future

destination of the Caribbean. Also, there are no doubt travel writings like bonjour blanc

influence people decision making. In its endeavour to develop the tourism sector in Haiti, the

DMO could take full advantage of Bonjour blanc and develop a trail around Thomson’s

journey through Haiti using Hebert’s model (2001). In a brighter future that might be an

option to consider by Haiti. This can lead to further research like: Development and

evaluation of literary tourism project; Potentials in literary tourism; Planning, managing and

marketing literary tourism or even impacts of literary tourism.




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