bones cancer

Bones Cancer The primary bone cancer is a rare type of cancer that affects the human skeleton. Unlike the secondary, originates in the bone and not the result of a cancer elsewhere in the body spread to the bone.


The primary bone cancer is a rare type of cancer that affects the human skeleton. Unlike the secondary, originates in the bone and not the result of a cancer elsewhere in the body spread to the bone.  Risk factors include being of young age (except in the chondrosarcoma), having received radiotherapy or chemotherapy, suffering from Paget's disease and in some cases there may be a hereditary component. 

Transcript of bones cancer

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Bones Cancer

The primary bone cancer is a rare type of cancer that affects the human skeleton. Unlike the secondary, originates in the bone and not the result of a cancer elsewhere in the body spread to the bone.

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Bones Cancer Risk factors include being of young age (except

in the chondrosarcoma), having received radiotherapy or chemotherapy, suffering from Paget's disease and in some cases there may be a hereditary component.

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Bones Cancer There are three types of bone cancer: Osteosarcoma is the most common variant. It develops in the

new tissue of growing bones (osteoid). Chondrosarcoma: originates in the cartilage between their

ages of 50 and 60. Ewing's Sarcoma: born in the immature nervous tissue, usually

in the bone marrow. It is more common in the growing age.

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Bones CancerSymptomsThese may vary depending on location and size of the tumor, but

in general they are all painful.Tumors that are located in or near joints may cause swelling in the area. Bone cancer can also interfere with normal movements and weaken the tissues that cause fractures. You can also experience weakness, fatigue, anemia, fever and weight loss

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Bones Cancer

In most cases of bone cancer. A tumor grows inside the bone and fracture trigger these failures and defamation of the bone.

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Bones Cancerthese 3 types of bone cancer are deadly. If one

survives this disease without having to amputate any member, is legend.this disease is one of the most deadly out there, but is not famous because it is very difficult to develop.

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Bones Cancer TreatmentsThe options depend on the type, size, stage of cancer, age and

general condition of the person. Typically, as the main measure is resorted to surgery, although the pre-and post-surgical chemotherapy helps prevent many amputations. In the case of Swing's sarcoma, which tends to metastasize rapidly, usually using a combination chemotherapy plus radiation therapy or surgery of the tumor.

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Bone Cancer We must fight this disease of our age that

children can survive.

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Bones CancerDiagnosis : To diagnose bone cancer, the doctor asks about the patient's

history and makes a complete medical examination. Your doctor may suggest a blood test to determine the level of an enzyme called alkaline phosphatase. You can find a lot of alkaline phosphatase in the blood when cells that form bone tissue are very active-when children are growing, "when it is healing a broken bone or when a disease or a tumor causes production of tissue abnormal bone. Since it is usually possible to find high levels of this enzyme in growing children and adolescents, this test is not a completely reliable indicator of bone cancer.X-rays can show the location, size and shape of a bone tumor. If X-rays suggest that a tumor may be cancerous, your doctor may recommend special imaging tests such as a bone scan.

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Today there are many people struggling to find out more about bone cancer. People works hard lot, working day and night to save the lives of children with the disease.

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What types of bones cancer are there?

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What types of bones cancer are there?

Ewing sarcoma Osteosarcoma Chondrosarcoma

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What are the risk factors for bone


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What are the risk factors for bone

cancer?chemotherapy and


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Are there people working on this disease?

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Are there people working on this disease?


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Name a symptom of bone cancer

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Name a symptom of bone cancer

pain, fractures, Rigid , weakness, fatigue, Anemia,

fever and weight loss

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Bone Cancer is a disease common?

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Bone Cancer is a disease common?

No, the bone cancer is a rare disease

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Chondrosarcoma is originates between 50 to 60


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Chondrosarcoma is originates between 50 to 60

years? Yes