Bone cancer symptoms and signs | WikiYeah

Here is the full article: cancer-symptoms/ Common bone cancer symptoms & signs in back, hips, legs & arms What are most common bone cancer symptoms? Here are both most common and lesser-known signs of bone cancer in back, hips, legs and arms. In this article, you will find out more about the body changes and many other things that could signal a problem of bone cancer. Simply put, you will learn about the bone cancer symptoms and signs. When a bone tumor grows, it tends to press on the healthy bone tissue and could damage it. Bone tumors develop when the cells within the bone divide without control, creating a mass of tissue. Most bone tumors are benign, meaning that they are not cancer and could not spread. However, similar to other cancers, there is no single cause of cancer. Generally,

Transcript of Bone cancer symptoms and signs | WikiYeah

Page 1: Bone cancer symptoms and signs | WikiYeah

Here is the full article:

Common bone cancer symptoms & signs in back, hips, legs & arms

What are most common bone cancer symptoms? Here are both most common and lesser-known signs of bone cancer in back, hips, legs and arms.

In this article, you will find out more about the body changes and many other things

that could signal a problem of bone cancer. Simply put, you will learn about the bone

cancer symptoms and signs.

When a bone tumor grows, it tends to press on the healthy bone tissue and could

damage it. Bone tumors develop when the cells within the bone divide without

control, creating a mass of tissue. Most bone tumors are benign, meaning that they

are not cancer and could not spread. However, similar to other cancers, there is no

single cause of cancer. Generally, cancers arise when pathways that take control of

normal cell growth and proliferation are disruption, letting abnormal cells to break

down and grow uncontrollably.

Page 2: Bone cancer symptoms and signs | WikiYeah

Bone cancer symptoms

People with bone cancer might experience the following bone cancer symptoms and

signs. Sometimes, people with bone cancer do show any of these signs. Or, those

symptoms might be resulted by a medical condition which is not cancer:

1. Pain

Pain in the impacted bone is considered one of the most common and earliest bone

cancer symptoms. At first, the pain is not constant. It might be worse at night or

when the bone is used. As the cancer develops, the pain will be there all the time

and increases with activity and the individual may limp if a leg is involved.

[Read: Lose The Back Pain   review  - a full guide to cure back pain]

2. Swelling

The feeling of swelling in the affected area might not happen until many weeks later.

It may be possible to feel a mass of lump depending on the situation of the tumor.

Page 3: Bone cancer symptoms and signs | WikiYeah

Cancers in the neck bone could lead to a lump in the back of the throat, leading to

trouble swallowing or making it hard to breathe.

3. Fractures Or Breaks

In fact, fractures or breaks, among many bone cancer symptoms of, are common.

Bone cancer could weaken the bones that it develop in, yet most of the time those

bones do not break (fracture). Those with a fracture next to or through the bone

cancer often describe sudden severe pain in one limb that had been sore for several

months. This is actually a symptom of later-stage of bone cancer.

In addition to the symptoms of bone cancer above, there are other less common

ones. Rarely, people with bone cancer might have symptoms like fever, generally

feeling tired, anemia – a low red blood cell level, night sweats, and weight loss. If the

cancer spreads to internal organs, it might lead to other symptoms too. For instance,

the cancer spreads to t he lung, people might have trouble breathing. Any of the

symptoms of above are more often because of conditions other than cancer,

like arthritis or injuries. Still, once the problems keep happening for a long time with

unexplained reason, you should visit your doctor right instantly.

When it comes to treatment for bone cancer, there are 4 common types, which are

limb salvage surgery, amputation, radiation therapy, and systemic chemotherapy.

If you suspect you are suffering from bone cancer, visit doctors and your doctor will

recommend you to participate in a clinical trial, testing new therapies. No matter your

kind of treatment is, you will need a regular follow-up with the doctor.

[read: symptoms of signs of rheumatoid arthritis]

Who At Risk Of Bone Cancer?

It is shown that bone cancer is more popular in young adults and children than in

older people. Cancer found in the bones of an older person most likely is metastatic

from another location within the body. The risk factors of developing bone cancer


Page 4: Bone cancer symptoms and signs | WikiYeah

• Previous treatment with radiation therapy

• Previous chemotherapy with drugs aka alkylating agents

• Mutation in a gene aka the retinoblastoma gene

• Those associated conditions like hereditary retinoblastoma, Diamond-Blackfan

anemia, and Li-Fraumeni syndrome

Tags: bone cancer symptoms in legs, symptoms of bone cancer, signs and

symptoms of bone cancer.