BOLLYWOOD-BUZZ Adoor Gopalakrishnan: Such a...

Awards hardly make a difference to Adoor Gopalakr- ishnan who is more interested in cinema per se followed by his own process of filmmaking than in awards. He won the Dadasaheb Phalke Award in 2005 and many awards over his 43-year-old career in films. This time, it is anoth- er Lifetime Achievement Award bestowed on him by NET- PAC, the largest and most powerful organization of film- makers and critics in Asia and beyond. Netpac is a world- wide organization with membership of 29 countries founded in 1990 by Aruna Vasudev at the request of UNESCO to promote greater understanding and appre- ciation of Asian Films and filmmakers. What do awards mean to him? "Awards are important particularly in the early days of one's career, because it tells you in some way that what you are doing is worthwhile. If there is appreciation and substantial recognition, it helps a filmmaker. Awards are a kind of under- standing from others about your work. Yes, awards are very important. I was a little sur- prised to begin with because this award usually goes to a vet- eran. I do not consider myself to be a veteran. But it is a great hon- our and I look upon it as very sat- isfying and gratifying," he says, smiling. Adoor's reluctance to identify himself with an ideology, his explo- rations of the individual, often on a one- to-one basis that spans several layers of the human experience, his insistence on the auton- omy of the form in cinema, distinguish him from most of his peers, and often make him a subject of controversy, principally because he belongs to Kerala, forever a volatile political state with polarized agendas preached and prac- ticed by a segmented audience. He has never compromised with market pressures or audience demands for mainstream entertainment. Yet, he has held on to his own language, style, approach, story and plot and is a name to reckon with on the map of Inter- national Cinema. He has made relatively few films during his long span as filmmaker. His first film Swayamvaram (1972) came ten years after he graduated from the FTII, Pune. It was the second Malayalam film after Chemeen to have won the National Award. Followed Kodiyettam (1979), Elipathayam (1981), Mukhamukham (1984), Anantaram (1987), Mathilukal (1989), Vidheyan (1993), Kathapurushan (1995, Nizhalkuthu (2002), Naalu Pen- nugal (2007) and Oru Pennum Randaanum (2008). Adoor was born in the small Kerala town of Adoor in 1941. A graduate in political science, 'Adoor' joined the Film Institute in Pune in the early sixties; his first feature film, Swayamvaram, was made 10 years later and went on to become the second Malayalam-language film (after the path-breaking Chemeen, a decade earlier) to win the National Award. "Filmmaking is not just about story telling. That's a minor excuse, a simple but significant excuse to keep an audience engaged in a cinema theatre," he says. "More than that, I am making them experience and also look for many things within and without themselves, and around themselves. I am talking about my kind of cin- ema. This, I think is the function of the art, any art for that matter -- to make you aware, to make you think and disturb you positively and creatively, to make you excit- ed about it, to make you responsive to things." Adoor does not identify himself or his films with any agenda, political, cinematic, or otherwise. When this writer first met Adoor at the Hyderabad Filmotsav in 1986 and asked him what he does between films, since he makes so few of them, his pat answer was, "I think about mak- ing films," just like that. During the making of Vidheyan, starring Mamooty in a negative role, he said, "I make my films for everyone. Not everyone may understand them in the same way, but that is some- thing I crave for. I am no fireside racon- teur. As a filmmaker, it is my duty to respect the audience's intelligence. They can understand a film the way they wish to. I try to be as cost- effective as I can. Vidheyan was planned at a cost of Rs.27 lakhs. I completed it within Rs.25 lakhs. I do not believe in going over- budget to stress a point." Adoor's technique is brilliant, the most striking of which is his power of understatement and his ability to resist all temptations of surrendering to intellectual preten- sions. In fact, his cinema does not demand any inner readings because each film stands by itself superbly even at face value. Understatement in craftsmanship is also one of the hallmarks of his films. Low-key natu- ral lighting blends the characters into their rural milieu while the cinematography maintains the richness of the Kerala landscape without subjecting it ever to touristy, picture-perfect, postcard-like visual images. "I interact with the medium of cinema by choosing a human being placed in a certain situation. It may be a vil- lage simpleton, a disillusioned political worker or a writer as the case may interest my creative instincts and me. It is their existential situation that my film explores. None of this can be summed up through a slogan," he elabo- rates. In a much understated way, his films deal with human 'absences' and sometimes, small 'presences' that mark that vital difference between Adoor and other filmmak- ers. Mathilukal for instance, has no female presence though the female character is very much present across the wall, with her sensuous voice breaking the barrier of the wall that separates her from her 'lover' on the other side. In Vidheyan, the Patel's wife, played by Tanvi Azmi, appears briefly but leaves a strong impact. In Kathapu- rushan, through his absence, the affluence and the dicta- tion of Kunjunni's father are strongly underscored. His films have been exhibited at every film festival in the world; his third, Elipathayam, won the Most Original Film award from the prestigious British Film Institute in 1982. He won the coveted International Film Critics Prize for five successive films; in 1983, he was accorded the Pad- ma Shri and many more over time. The NETPAC Award finds itself honoured by the awardee the board has cho- sen instead of it being the other way round. (TW F) SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 2015 (PAGE-4) BOLLYWOOD-BUZZ SOCIETY Adoor Gopalakrishnan: Such a Long Journey HERITAGE Rajeshwar Singh Raju As per Sanatan Dharma, the oldest religion on planet earth, it is believed that there are 33 Koti (type) of Gods and Goddesses. Devotees in large number throng the temples dedicated to these Gods and Goddesses to offer prayers with a firm belief that they come to their rescue whenever they need them. One of such sacred places is a Hanuman temple located at Village Ghai, Charyalla, Tehsil Nowshehra, District Rajouri. This place is located about 8 KMs from Nowshehra City at Nowshehra to Kalar Road and is almost at LOC with Pakistan Border Jhangad. It is believed that long ago, almost in 1967-68, a Sadhu belonging to a Royal family of Solan, Shimla area of adjoin- ing state Himachal Pradesh had travelled through this area alongwith his female disciple named Sadhna. They carried a small idol of Hanuman with them. He made a small tem- ple here with the help of inhabitants of surrounding areas and the idol of Lord Hanuman was installed. But after 5-6 years, he along with his disciple moved to an unknown place. After his exit from the place, the temple turned a deserted one. In 1981, Audhaya Nath hailing from Charyalla village about 2 Kms from the temple, who had his own Jagran Man- dli decided to renovate the temple. The villagers also came to extend whatever help they could render and the temple got renovated. Sh. Sant Ram, who used to live near the tem- ple, was entrusted with the pious duty of performing regu- lar prayers. It is said that he used to take wine and meat. But one day he saw a dream wherein he saw that Lord Hanu- man instructs him that if he wished to serve him then he will have to abstain from Meat and alcohol. In the dream Lord Hanuman served him large quantity of meat and alcohol so as to quench his thirst for same. At this he got scared and decided never to touch meat and alcohol. From that day onwards, he served Lord Hanuman in that small temple with all dedication and devotion. It is said that he had intuition about his death. On that fateful day, after praying at Hanu- man temple, he placed his turban there and never came back and left for heavenly abode. After the demise of Sita Ram, the temple was abandoned again as there was no care tak- er. In 1996-97, Kuldeep Kumar who resides in nearby vil- lage Charyalla had startling experience that moved him from within. He recalls that when once he had objected a man from Bakarwal community from urinating towards the old temple. But Bakarwal retorted by saying, Does it look like a temple from any angle? Religious place are not kept this way." It moved him from within and he along with a few youths from the village decided to purify/renovate the temple at their own. The room made for the stay of Sadhu was dis- mantled as it was in shabby condition, and the stones used in the construction of that room were used for constructing a small room for Langar purpose. After the renovation of temple, they decided to organize a Bhandara here with the help, of locals. Its tremendous success inspired them to make it a regular feature. He has firm belief that with the blessings of Lord Hanuman, he got employed in J&K Bank in 1998. It's praiseworthy, that a big and beautiful temple has been made at old temple site now. It got completed within 6 years i.e. from 2000 to 2006 and has been built by Odiya artists, who are expert in this particular art. The temple is very attractive and a number of small idols of Gods have been installed in different corners of mounting walls of the temple which make it a worth seeing structure in the back drop of nature at peak. The temple complex has total cover area of 5-6 kanals, which has a Langar Room, 2 halls, kitchen, Sadhu/Saint Stay Hall, 2 Shops and Bathrooms etc. Now-a-days , in order to take care of the temple in a smooth and organized way Hanuman Mandir Committee has been formed . It is pertinent to add here that People living in adjoining areas believe that one who serves Pawan Putra Hanuman Ji with all dedication and devotion here, gets his/her wish ful- filled at all costs. The devotees have strong conviction that the youths who offer regular prayers in this temple get employed within one year. Amazingly, this temple is getting popular as 'NOUKRI WALA MANDIR' now-a-days. Previously every year on 17th of February a grand Bhan- dara was organized on Sathapna Divas, but from the day a new idol of Lord Hanuman Ji was installed in the temple, it is organized on 8th of February annually. In fact, two Bhan- daras are held every year i.e. on 8th February and in Octo- ber month on the occasion of Hanuman Jayantis, when a big wrestling competition_ DANGAL is also organized. On both the occasions mass participation reflects the faith of devotees in this temple which has been increasing every day. As the temple is situated in a dense forest area, it is being visited by many species of birds and animals like Pigeons, Pea-Cocks, different species of sparrows, crows etc. It is also believed that not only leopards but Tiger also pays regular visits to this sacred place which gets authenticated by his footprints on the ground made for wrestling. Moreover on every Monday, it is believed and witnessed by so many devo- tees that a Crow Couple visits temple in the morning when Prashad is offered to Lord Hanuman Ji and another bird called Khapri in local language enters the temple to ring the bell when others are offering prayers. It's all amazing and proves a vital point that this pious religious place has spir- itual concern. The fact remains that such religious places, where one gets solace do confirm existence of Almighty in one form or the other. Even the scientists have failed to ignore super nat- ural force. The existence of God is proved by the faith adopt- ed by billions. Religious places teach a valuable lesson of humanity and Charyalla, Nowshehra 's Hanuman Temple is also a valu- able addition to this series for which locals of the region should be admired to preserve the traditions and boost Sanatan Dharam, ancient most religion on this Planet Earth. Noukriwala Mandir Heena Kaushal Internet is not just a world in which information could be found about any and all subjects the human mind could pos- sibly imagine. The internet is a way for family members and friends living far from home to keep close contact with their loved ones. The positive effects of internet is quite obvious, the disadvantages that it intrigues the impressionable ado- lescent mind and leads them to content which they are imma- ture to comprehend. As a journalist, I have made internet part of my life. Switch- ing it on now and then. Upon arrival back home in the evening, the first thing I do as I enter my house is to turn on my mobile networks checking emails; several chat services. Which I think is border line addiction in my case. An addiction is defined as, “compulsive need for and use of a habit-forming substance characterized by tolerance and by well defined psychological symp- tom upon withdrawal.” During an online survey, 25,521 internet users were screened about their usage of internet, and 30% of them get on to net to escape negative feeling in their lives. Clinical research shows that the mean age of men addicted to the internet is 29 and for the women its 43. As for as vocational background 42% come from no background at all, 39% come from non-tech white collar, 11% from blue collar and 8% from white collar. The most addictive online applications have proven to be 35% chat, 28% MUD, 15% new groups, 13% e-mails, 7% world wide web(WWW) and 2% just for information. English speaking countries, studies have found that accelerated intimacy, ease and availability of access, anonymity, dis inhibition, loss of boundaries makes anyone want to be a part of this World Wide Web (WWW). Researchers have found that, there are four inter- net addictions namely- Cyber relation addiction-is one where someone is addict- ed to chat rooms and is over involved in online relations.Net is the dangerous most addiction where gamblers invest thou- sands of dollars on the net which in the end not only disrupts their job related duties, but also become bothersome to loved ones around them. Information overload addicts are addict- ed to unlimited information that can be found on internet. Engaging with cyber sex with individual’s online leads to developing relationship with them. People who have this addiction are most likely addicted because of anonymity the internet offers, the connivance and also the escape. Center for online addiction states the following,” Gender significantly influences the way men and women view cyber- sex. Women prefer cyber sex because it hides their physical appearance, removes the social stigma that women should not enjoy sex. Men prefer this because it removes perform- ance anxiety that may be underlying problems with prema- ture ejaculation or impotence and it hides their physical appearance for men who feel secure about their hair loss. The male organ of copulation, or weight gain”. Being addicted is the life challenging thing, don’t you think so? In the 21st century, to say that anyone who meets others online will develop relationships with them, later taking it to another level and adding sexual contact to their relationships is not applicable. I have big list of friends in my contact, some of whom I know personally and some who are knows through differ- ent lists. They have become part of my life, but as an inter- net addict myself, if I were not to speak to them, I’d feel I am missing something. In one of my researches, I went through Dr. Suller, who created a book on cyber psychology which says, “The mul- tiple aspects of one’s identity may be dissociated, enhanced or integrated online.”How easy it is for people to get addict- ed to creating selves on the internet which something you aren’t. This is problematic, because these happen when you are dejected completely by the real you around your circle, that completely affects your self esteem. Dr. Suller mentions that some people find really gen- uine “true” relationships in cyberspace. These couples have found something genuine and real. So it is imperative for prospective couples to meet and see whether they possess those qualities. In fact a friend of mine met some one month ago, the one she met on internet. People argue that how’s it possi- ble; how the internet meeting differs from corner bar. I think it is much safer because you are not only exposed, as you would be at bar or club. The internet is an added means of meeting people and getting to know them without inhi- bitions that might exist meeting someone face to face. Trying hard to make an impression often restrains us getting to know the real person, someone who we really are. Meeting people on internet before those initial first impres- sions are made to enlighten, is in my opinion a step forward. Not going too far, our older generations keep on surfing the matrimonial sites for our future spouses, then how come it becomes a taboo if we use it ourselves.. Think over! HEALTHLINES Dr Kshitiz Murdia Male infertility is sole contributing reason for the couple's failure to conceive. 1 in every 3 men is suffering from infertility problem. Infertility is not "just a female problem" as there is a male infertility component in approximately 50% of cou- ples. Due to unavailability of appropriate diagnosis and analysis methods the actual reason behind infertility left unnoticed. But now the advancement of medical science has made it possible to know the exact reason and cure of infertility. It has been observed that Male infertility is sole contributing reason for the couple's failure to conceive and approximately 1 in every 3 men is having infertility problem more or less. There has been rapid increase seen in number of childless couples, deprived of parenthood just because the male partner is incapable of making woman pregnant due to infertility. Infertility as the fail- ure of a couple to become pregnant after one year of regu- lar unprotected sexual intercourse. Generally this kind of problem occurs due to less count and degeneration of sperm which is ideally required for pregnancy. In such cases the sperm can't reach inside the fallopian tube, hence female partner gets unable to con- ceive in spite of countless attempts. The major reason behind this problem is Male Infertility. There are various factors which leads Male to Infertility, the prime reason is smoking and excess drink- ing. In most instances the young boys start taking steroids and medicines in order to have good physique due to which they have to suffer from infertility problem in later age. Much Physical exercise and starvation for the sake of dieting is also a cause which affects male fertility. The rapidly increasing Tension & Depression among youngsters and moreover Pollution, Anemia due to seden- tary lifestyle are much contributing to the causes of male Infertility. The most complicated condition related with infertility is when the sperm doesn't generate in semen. That condition is called Azoospermia. Approximately 1% percent male population is affected by this problem in India. The Couple suffering from Infertility problem has to go through physical as well as mental stress. As most often either the sperm count is less or motility of the sperm is very low. Hence sperms are incapable of fertilizing the female partner's egg. But now the science and technology has made the impossible come possible. There are prom- ising solutions available for couples having such medical condition. Now there are various treatments available helpful in overcoming the infertility. Oligospermia is the condition when sperm count is very less and Azoospermia is defined as entire absence of sperm in semen sample. With Azoospermia, a man produces no sperm in his ejaculate, giving him a zero sperm count. Azoospermia can result from a problem with sperm pro- duction or sperm delivery. It is diagnosed by semen analysis. Semen sample is required for performing the analysis, which is done to measure the count, size and activity of sperms. There are number of men whose sperm count is zero. The common conditions that cause Azoospermia are hormonal mis- balance, Injury, Testicular fail- ure or infection. In some condi- tion sperms are occurring in testes but unable to come out in semen due to obstruction in the vast. Varicocele is also one of the reasons behind non develop- ment of sperm which can be cured through surgery. Few years ago those men without sperm or less sperm, didn't have any option. He could not father a child of his own naturally. He had to either use donor's sperm or would adopt a child. Now, through incredible Stem Cell Technology advancement of medical science it has become possible to produce sperm in laboratory. Sperms are produced in laboratory by using the stem cells of the patient, then fertilized with egg and transplanted in the ovary through In Vitro fertilization. This is how the female partner may get pregnant. Men with Azoospermia have a number of approaches available with them. Basically individual factors need to be considered for the choice of treatment. Treatment with Stem Cell Therapy promises much hope for the future. (The author is Fertility expert, Indira infertility 'Test Tube Baby Centre, New Delhi) Steroids can cause Male Infertility Cyber-space relationship NETPAC (Network for the Promotion of Asian Cinema) is bestowing the Lifetime Achievement Award to filmmaker Adoor Gopalakrishnan at the International Film Festival of Colombo this month for his contribution to cinema. The award comes at a time when Adoor has put in 43 years exclusively to filmmaking as a director and rightly considered as one without par on the Indian subcontinent. Shoma A. Chatterji explores his films and filmmaking.

Transcript of BOLLYWOOD-BUZZ Adoor Gopalakrishnan: Such a...

Page 1: BOLLYWOOD-BUZZ Adoor Gopalakrishnan: Such a … his female disciple named Sadhna. They carried a small idol of Hanuman

Awards hardly make a difference to Adoor Gopalakr-ishnan who is more interested in cinema per se followedby his own process of filmmaking than in awards. He wonthe Dadasaheb Phalke Award in 2005 and many awardsover his 43-year-old career in films. This time, it is anoth-er Lifetime Achievement Award bestowed on him by NET-PAC, the largest and most powerful organization of film-makers and critics in Asia and beyond. Netpac is a world-wide organization with membership of 29 countriesfounded in 1990 by Aruna Vasudev at the request ofUNESCO to promote greater understanding and appre-ciation of Asian Films and filmmakers.

What do awards mean to him? "Awardsare important particularly in the earlydays of one's career, because it tellsyou in some way that what you aredoing is worthwhile. If there isappreciation and substantialrecognition, it helps a filmmaker.Awards are a kind of under-standing from others about yourwork. Yes, awards are veryimportant. I was a little sur-prised to begin with becausethis award usually goes to a vet-eran. I do not consider myself tobe a veteran. But it is a great hon-our and I look upon it as very sat-isfying and gratifying," he says,smiling.

Adoor's reluctance to identifyhimself with an ideology, his explo-rations of the individual, often on a one-to-one basis that spans several layers of thehuman experience, his insistence on the auton-omy of the form in cinema, distinguish him from most ofhis peers, and often make him a subject of controversy,principally because he belongs to Kerala, forever a volatilepolitical state with polarized agendas preached and prac-ticed by a segmented audience.

He has never compromised with market pressures oraudience demands for mainstream entertainment. Yet, hehas held on to his own language, style, approach, storyand plot and is a name to reckon with on the map of Inter-national Cinema. He has made relatively few films duringhis long span as filmmaker. His first film Swayamvaram(1972) came ten years after he graduated from the FTII,Pune. It was the second Malayalam film after Chemeen tohave won the National Award. Followed Kodiyettam(1979), Elipathayam (1981), Mukhamukham (1984),Anantaram (1987), Mathilukal (1989), Vidheyan (1993),Kathapurushan (1995, Nizhalkuthu (2002), Naalu Pen-nugal (2007) and Oru Pennum Randaanum (2008).

Adoor was born in the small Kerala town of Adoor in1941. A graduate in political science, 'Adoor' joined theFilm Institute in Pune in the early sixties; his first featurefilm, Swayamvaram, was made 10 years later and went onto become the second Malayalam-language film (after thepath-breaking Chemeen, a decade earlier) to win theNational Award.

"Filmmaking is not just about story telling. That's aminor excuse, a simple but significant excuse to keep anaudience engaged in a cinema theatre," he says.

"More than that, I am making them experience andalso look for many things within and without themselves,and around themselves. I am talking about my kind of cin-

ema. This, I think is the function of the art, any art forthat matter -- to make you aware, to make you think anddisturb you positively and creatively, to make you excit-ed about it, to make you responsive to things."

Adoor does not identify himself or his films with anyagenda, political, cinematic, or otherwise. When thiswriter first met Adoor at the Hyderabad Filmotsav in 1986and asked him what he does between films, since he makesso few of them, his pat answer was, "I think about mak-ing films," just like that.

During the making of Vidheyan, starring Mamooty ina negative role, he said, "I make my films for

everyone. Not everyone may understandthem in the same way, but that is some-

thing I crave for. I am no fireside racon-teur. As a filmmaker, it is my duty to

respect the audience's intelligence.They can understand a film the waythey wish to. I try to be as cost-effective as I can. Vidheyan wasplanned at a cost of Rs.27 lakhs.I completed it within Rs.25 lakhs.I do not believe in going over-budget to stress a point."

Adoor's technique is brilliant,the most striking of which is hispower of understatement and his

ability to resist all temptations ofsurrendering to intellectual preten-

sions. In fact, his cinema does notdemand any inner readings because

each film stands by itself superbly evenat face value. Understatement in craftsmanship is also

one of the hallmarks of his films. Low-key natu-ral lighting blends the characters into their rural milieuwhile the cinematography maintains the richness of theKerala landscape without subjecting it ever to touristy,picture-perfect, postcard-like visual images.

"I interact with the medium of cinema by choosing ahuman being placed in a certain situation. It may be a vil-lage simpleton, a disillusioned political worker or a writeras the case may interest my creative instincts and me. Itis their existential situation that my film explores. Noneof this can be summed up through a slogan," he elabo-rates.

In a much understated way, his films deal with human'absences' and sometimes, small 'presences' that markthat vital difference between Adoor and other filmmak-ers.

Mathilukal for instance, has no female presencethough the female character is very much present acrossthe wall, with her sensuous voice breaking the barrier ofthe wall that separates her from her 'lover' on the otherside. In Vidheyan, the Patel's wife, played by Tanvi Azmi,appears briefly but leaves a strong impact. In Kathapu-rushan, through his absence, the affluence and the dicta-tion of Kunjunni's father are strongly underscored.

His films have been exhibited at every film festival inthe world; his third, Elipathayam, won the Most OriginalFilm award from the prestigious British Film Institute in1982. He won the coveted International Film Critics Prizefor five successive films; in 1983, he was accorded the Pad-ma Shri and many more over time. The NETPAC Awardfinds itself honoured by the awardee the board has cho-sen instead of it being the other way round. (TW F)




Adoor Gopalakrishnan: Such a Long JourneyHERITAGE

Rajeshwar Singh Raju

As per Sanatan Dharma, the oldest religion on planetearth, it is believed that there are 33 Koti (type) of Gods andGoddesses. Devotees in large number throng the templesdedicated to these Gods and Goddesses to offer prayers witha firm belief that they come to their rescue whenever theyneed them.

One of such sacred places is a Hanuman temple locatedat Village Ghai, Charyalla, Tehsil Nowshehra, DistrictRajouri. This place is located about 8 KMs from NowshehraCity at Nowshehra to Kalar Road and is almost at LOC withPakistan Border Jhangad.

It is believed that long ago, almost in 1967-68, a Sadhubelonging to a Royal family of Solan, Shimla area of adjoin-ing state Himachal Pradesh had travelled through this areaalongwith his female disciple named Sadhna. They carrieda small idol of Hanuman with them. He made a small tem-ple here with the help of inhabitants of surrounding areasand the idol of Lord Hanuman was installed. But after 5-6years, he along with his disciple moved to an unknown place.After his exit from the place, the temple turned a desertedone.

In 1981, Audhaya Nath hailing from Charyalla villageabout 2 Kms from the temple, who had his own Jagran Man-dli decided to renovate the temple. The villagers also cameto extend whatever help they could render and the templegot renovated. Sh. Sant Ram, who used to live near the tem-ple, was entrusted with the pious duty of performing regu-lar prayers. It is said that he used to take wine and meat.But one day he saw a dream wherein he saw that Lord Hanu-man instructs him that if he wished to serve him then he willhave to abstain from Meat and alcohol. In the dream LordHanuman served him large quantity of meat and alcohol soas to quench his thirst for same. At this he got scared anddecided never to touch meat and alcohol. From that dayonwards, he served Lord Hanuman in that small temple withall dedication and devotion. It is said that he had intuitionabout his death. On that fateful day, after praying at Hanu-man temple, he placed his turban there and never came backand left for heavenly abode. After the demise of Sita Ram,the temple was abandoned again as there was no care tak-er.

In 1996-97, Kuldeep Kumar who resides in nearby vil-lage Charyalla had startling experience that moved him fromwithin. He recalls that when once he had objected a manfrom Bakarwal community from urinating towards the oldtemple. But Bakarwal retorted by saying, Does it look like atemple from any angle? Religious place are not kept thisway."

It moved him from within and he along with a few youthsfrom the village decided to purify/renovate the temple attheir own. The room made for the stay of Sadhu was dis-mantled as it was in shabby condition, and the stones usedin the construction of that room were used for constructinga small room for Langar purpose. After the renovation oftemple, they decided to organize a Bhandara here with thehelp, of locals. Its tremendous success inspired them tomake it a regular feature. He has firm belief that with theblessings of Lord Hanuman, he got employed in J&K Bankin 1998.

It's praiseworthy, that a big and beautiful temple hasbeen made at old temple site now. It got completed within6 years i.e. from 2000 to 2006 and has been built by Odiyaartists, who are expert in this particular art. The temple isvery attractive and a number of small idols of Gods havebeen installed in different corners of mounting walls of thetemple which make it a worth seeing structure in the backdrop of nature at peak.

The temple complex has total cover area of 5-6 kanals,which has a Langar Room, 2 halls, kitchen, Sadhu/Saint StayHall, 2 Shops and Bathrooms etc. Now-a-days , in order totake care of the temple in a smooth and organized wayHanuman Mandir Committee has been formed .

It is pertinent to add here that People living in adjoiningareas believe that one who serves Pawan Putra Hanuman Ji

with all dedication and devotion here, gets his/her wish ful-filled at all costs. The devotees have strong conviction thatthe youths who offer regular prayers in this temple getemployed within one year. Amazingly, this temple is gettingpopular as 'NOUKRI WALA MANDIR' now-a-days.

Previously every year on 17th of February a grand Bhan-dara was organized on Sathapna Divas, but from the day anew idol of Lord Hanuman Ji was installed in the temple, itis organized on 8th of February annually. In fact, two Bhan-daras are held every year i.e. on 8th February and in Octo-ber month on the occasion of Hanuman Jayantis, when abig wrestling competition_ DANGAL is also organized. Onboth the occasions mass participation reflects the faith ofdevotees in this temple which has been increasing every day.

As the temple is situated in a dense forest area, it is beingvisited by many species of birds and animals like Pigeons,Pea-Cocks, different species of sparrows, crows etc. It is alsobelieved that not only leopards but Tiger also pays regularvisits to this sacred place which gets authenticated by hisfootprints on the ground made for wrestling. Moreover onevery Monday, it is believed and witnessed by so many devo-tees that a Crow Couple visits temple in the morning whenPrashad is offered to Lord Hanuman Ji and another birdcalled Khapri in local language enters the temple to ring thebell when others are offering prayers. It's all amazing andproves a vital point that this pious religious place has spir-itual concern.

The fact remains that such religious places, where onegets solace do confirm existence of Almighty in one form orthe other. Even the scientists have failed to ignore super nat-ural force. The existence of God is proved by the faith adopt-ed by billions.

Religious places teach a valuable lesson of humanity andCharyalla, Nowshehra 's Hanuman Temple is also a valu-able addition to this series for which locals of the regionshould be admired to preserve the traditions and boostSanatan Dharam, ancient most religion on this Planet Earth.

Noukriwala Mandir

Heena Kaushal

Internet is not just a world in which information could befound about any and all subjects the human mind could pos-sibly imagine. The internet is a way for family members andfriends living far from home to keep close contact with theirloved ones. The positive effects of internet is quite obvious,the disadvantages that it intrigues the impressionable ado-lescent mind and leads them to content which they are imma-ture to comprehend.

As a journalist, I have made internet part of my life. Switch-ing it on now and then. Upon arrival back home in the evening,the first thing I do as I enter my house is to turn onmy mobile networks checking emails; several chatservices. Which I think is border line addiction in mycase.

An addiction is defined as, “compulsive need forand use of a habit-forming substance characterizedby tolerance and by well defined psychological symp-tom upon withdrawal.”

During an online survey, 25,521 internet userswere screened about their usage of internet, and 30%of them get on to net to escape negative feeling in theirlives. Clinical research shows that the mean age ofmen addicted to the internet is 29 and for the womenits 43. As for as vocational background 42% comefrom no background at all, 39% come from non-techwhite collar, 11% from blue collar and 8% from whitecollar. The most addictive online applications haveproven to be 35% chat, 28% MUD, 15% new groups,13% e-mails, 7% world wide web(WWW) and 2% justfor information.

English speaking countries, studies have foundthat accelerated intimacy, ease and availability ofaccess, anonymity, dis inhibition, loss of boundariesmakes anyone want to be a part of this World WideWeb (WWW).

Researchers have found that, there are four inter-net addictions namely-

Cyber relation addiction-is one where someone is addict-ed to chat rooms and is over involved in online relations.Netis the dangerous most addiction where gamblers invest thou-sands of dollars on the net which in the end not only disruptstheir job related duties, but also become bothersome to lovedones around them. Information overload addicts are addict-ed to unlimited information that can be found on internet.Engaging with cyber sex with individual’s online leads todeveloping relationship with them. People who have thisaddiction are most likely addicted because of anonymity theinternet offers, the connivance and also the escape.

Center for online addiction states the following,” Gendersignificantly influences the way men and women view cyber-sex. Women prefer cyber sex because it hides their physicalappearance, removes the social stigma that women shouldnot enjoy sex. Men prefer this because it removes perform-ance anxiety that may be underlying problems with prema-ture ejaculation or impotence and it hides their physicalappearance for men who feel secure about their hair loss.The male organ of copulation, or weight gain”.

Being addicted is the life challenging thing, don’t youthink so? In the 21st century, to say that anyone who meetsothers online will develop relationships with them, later

taking it to another level and adding sexual contact to theirrelationships is not applicable.

I have big list of friends in my contact, some of whom Iknow personally and some who are knows through differ-ent lists. They have become part of my life, but as an inter-net addict myself, if I were not to speak to them, I’d feel Iam missing something.

In one of my researches, I went through Dr. Suller, whocreated a book on cyber psychology which says, “The mul-tiple aspects of one’s identity may be dissociated, enhancedor integrated online.”How easy it is for people to get addict-ed to creating selves on the internet which something you

aren’t. This is problematic, because these happen when youare dejected completely by the real you around your circle,that completely affects your self esteem.

Dr. Suller mentions that some people find really gen-uine “true” relationships in cyberspace. These couples havefound something genuine and real. So it is imperative forprospective couples to meet and see whether they possessthose qualities.

In fact a friend of mine met some one month ago, theone she met on internet. People argue that how’s it possi-ble; how the internet meeting differs from corner bar. Ithink it is much safer because you are not only exposed, asyou would be at bar or club. The internet is an added meansof meeting people and getting to know them without inhi-bitions that might exist meeting someone face to face.

Trying hard to make an impression often restrains usgetting to know the real person, someone who we really are.Meeting people on internet before those initial first impres-sions are made to enlighten, is in my opinion a step forward.

Not going too far, our older generations keep on surfingthe matrimonial sites for our future spouses, then how comeit becomes a taboo if we use it ourselves..

Think over!


Dr Kshitiz Murdia

MMaallee iinnffeerrttiilliittyy iiss ssoollee ccoonnttrriibbuuttiinngg rreeaassoonn ffoorrtthhee ccoouuppllee''ss ffaaiilluurree ttoo ccoonncceeiivvee.. 11 iinn eevveerryy 33

mmeenn iiss ssuuffffeerriinngg ffrroomm iinnffeerrttiilliittyy pprroobblleemm..Infertility is not "just a female problem" as there is a

male infertility component in approximately 50% of cou-ples.

Due to unavailability of appropriate diagnosis andanalysis methods the actual reason behind infertility leftunnoticed. But now the advancement of medical sciencehas made it possible to know the exact reason and cure ofinfertility. It has been observed that Male infertility is solecontributing reason for the couple's failure to conceiveand approximately 1 in every 3 men is having infertilityproblem more or less. There has been rapid increase seenin number of childless couples, deprived of parenthoodjust because the male partner is incapable of makingwoman pregnant due to infertility. Infertility as the fail-ure of a couple to become pregnant after one year of regu-lar unprotected sexual intercourse.

Generally this kind of problem occurs due to less countand degeneration of sperm which is ideally required forpregnancy. In such cases the sperm can't reach inside thefallopian tube, hence female partner gets unable to con-ceive in spite of countless attempts. The major reasonbehind this problem is Male Infertility.

There are various factors which leads Male toInfertility, the prime reason is smoking and excess drink-ing. In most instances the young boys start takingsteroids and medicines in order to have good physiquedue to which they have to suffer from infertility problemin later age. Much Physical exercise and starvation for thesake of dieting is also a cause which affects male fertility.

The rapidly increasing Tension & Depression amongyoungsters and moreover Pollution, Anemia due to seden-tary lifestyle are much contributing to the causes of maleInfertility. The most complicated condition related withinfertility is when the sperm doesn't generate in semen.That condition is called Azoospermia. Approximately 1%percent male population is affected by this problem inIndia.

The Couple suffering from Infertility problem has to gothrough physical as well as mental stress. As most ofteneither the sperm count is less or motility of the sperm isvery low. Hence sperms are incapable of fertilizing thefemale partner's egg. But now the science and technologyhas made the impossible come possible. There are prom-ising solutions available for couples having such medicalcondition.

Now there are various treatments available helpful inovercoming the infertility. Oligospermia is the conditionwhen sperm count is very less and Azoospermia is definedas entire absence of sperm in semen sample. WithAzoospermia, a man produces no sperm in his ejaculate,giving him a zero sperm count. Azoospermia can result

from a problem with sperm pro-duction or sperm delivery. It isdiagnosed by semen analysis.Semen sample is required forperforming the analysis, whichis done to measure the count,size and activity of sperms.

There are number of menwhose sperm count is zero. Thecommon conditions that causeAzoospermia are hormonal mis-balance, Injury, Testicular fail-ure or infection. In some condi-tion sperms are occurring intestes but unable to come out insemen due to obstruction in thevast.

Varicocele is also one of thereasons behind non develop-ment of sperm which can becured through surgery. Fewyears ago those men withoutsperm or less sperm, didn't haveany option. He could not fathera child of his own naturally.

He had to either use donor'ssperm or would adopt a child. Now, through incredibleStem Cell Technology advancement of medical science ithas become possible to produce sperm in laboratory.Sperms are produced in laboratory by using the stem cellsof the patient, then fertilized with egg and transplanted inthe ovary through In Vitro fertilization. This is how thefemale partner may get pregnant.

Men with Azoospermia have a number of approachesavailable with them. Basically individual factors need tobe considered for the choice of treatment. Treatment withStem Cell Therapy promises much hope for the future.

(The author is Fertility expert, Indira infertility 'Test Tube BabyCentre, New Delhi)

Steroids can cause Male Infertility Cyber-space relationship

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