Bolivia - Encyclopedia Britannica · of a 1904 treaty signed by both countries; Bolivia averred ......

B olivia went to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague in May 2015 to claim sover- eignty over Chilean land that would provide Bolivia with access to the ocean. (Bolivian cargo is given preferential treatment by Chile.) Chile argued that the land, lost by Bolivia during the War of the Pacific (1879–83), was permanently Chilean by virtue of the terms of a 1904 treaty signed by both countries; Bolivia averred that its claim to the land was subject to adjudication by the ICJ, because Chile, a signatory of the 1948 Pact of Bogotá, had pledged to honour the jurisdiction of the international court. Demography Population (2015): 10,520,000. Density (2015): persons per sq mi 24.8, persons per sq km 9.6. Sex distribution (2012): male 49.92%; female 50.08%. Population projection: (2020) 11,367,000; (2030) 13,039,000. Major cities (2012): Santa Cruz 1,441,406 (urban agglomeration 1,631,809); El Alto 842,378 3 ; La Paz 757,184 (urban agglomeration 1,680,520); Cochabamba 630,587; Sucre 237,480. Urban-rural (2014): Vital statistics Birth rate per 1,000 population (2013): 23.8 (world avg. 19.5). Death rate per 1,000 population (2013): 6.7 (world avg. 8.1). Natural increase rate per 1,000 population (2013): 17.1 (world avg. 11.4). Life expectancy at birth (2013): male 65.5 years; female 71.1 years. Age breakdown (2010): Ethnic composition (2006): Religious affiliation (2001): Bolivia Official name: Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia (Plurinational State of Bolivia). Form of government: unitary multiparty republic with two legislative houses (Chamber of Senators [36]; Chamber of Deputies [130]). Head of state and government: President Evo Morales Ayma. Capitals 1 : La Paz (administrative); Sucre (consti- tutional) 2 . Official languages: Spanish and 36 indigenous languages. Official religion: none. Monetary unit: boliviano (Bs); valuation (Sept. 1, 2015) 1 U.S.$ = Bs 6.90; 1 £ = Bs 10.57. Area and population area population area population 2012 2012 Departments sq km census Departments sq km census Beni 213,564 422,008 Chuquisaca 51,524 581,347 Cochabamba 55,631 1,762,761 La Paz 133,985 4 2,719,344 Oruro 53,588 494,587 Pando 63,827 110,436 Potosí 118,218 828,093 Santa Cruz 370,621 2,657,762 Tarija 37,623 483,518 TOTAL 1,098,581 10,059,856 © 2016 Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. World Data ENCYCLOPÆDIA Britannica

Transcript of Bolivia - Encyclopedia Britannica · of a 1904 treaty signed by both countries; Bolivia averred ......

Bolivia went to the International Court of Justice(ICJ) in The Hague in May 2015 to claim sover-eignty over Chilean land that would provide

Bolivia with access to the ocean. (Bolivian cargo is givenpreferential treatment by Chile.) Chile argued that theland, lost by Bolivia during the War of the Pacific(1879–83), was permanently Chilean by virtue of the termsof a 1904 treaty signed by both countries; Bolivia averredthat its claim to the land was subject to adjudication bythe ICJ, because Chile, a signatory of the 1948 Pact ofBogotá, had pledged to honour the jurisdiction of theinternational court.

DemographyPopulation (2015): 10,520,000.Density (2015): persons per sq mi24.8, persons per sq km 9.6.

Sex distribution (2012): male49.92%; female 50.08%.

Population projection: (2020)11,367,000; (2030) 13,039,000.

Major cities (2012): Santa Cruz1,441,406 (urban agglomeration1,631,809); El Alto 842,3783;

La Paz 757,184 (urbanagglomeration 1,680,520);Cochabamba 630,587; Sucre237,480.

Urban-rural (2014):

Vital statisticsBirth rate per 1,000 population(2013): 23.8 (world avg. 19.5).

Death rate per 1,000 population(2013): 6.7 (world avg. 8.1).

Natural increase rate per 1,000population (2013): 17.1 (worldavg. 11.4).

Life expectancy at birth (2013):male 65.5 years; female 71.1years.

Age breakdown (2010):

Ethnic composition (2006): Religious affiliation (2001):


Official name: Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia(Plurinational State of Bolivia).

Form of government: unitary multiparty republicwith two legislative houses (Chamber ofSenators [36]; Chamber of Deputies [130]).

Head of state and government: President EvoMorales Ayma.

Capitals1: La Paz (administrative); Sucre (consti-tutional)2.

Official languages: Spanish and 36 indigenouslanguages.

Official religion: none.Monetary unit: boliviano (Bs); valuation (Sept. 1,2015) 1 U.S.$ = Bs 6.90; 1 £ = Bs 10.57.

Area and populationarea population area population

2012 2012Departments sq km census Departments sq km census

Beni 213,564 422,008Chuquisaca 51,524 581,347Cochabamba 55,631 1,762,761La Paz 133,9854 2,719,344Oruro 53,588 494,587

Pando 63,827 110,436Potosí 118,218 828,093Santa Cruz 370,621 2,657,762Tarija 37,623 483,518TOTAL 1,098,581 10,059,856

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National economyBudget (2011). Revenue: Bs 54,450,300,000 (income taxes 58.6%, taxeson hydrocarbons 29.7%). Expenditures: Bs 56,358,-300,000 (current expenditure 64.3%, capital expen-diture 35.7%).

Public debt (external, outstanding; April 2012):U.S.$5,149,000,000.

Production (metric tons except as noted).Agriculture, forestry, fishing (2012): sugarcane7,692,399, soybeans 2,061,430, potatoes 1,079,549,corn (maize) 1,042,761, rice 474,664, sorghum356,519, plantains 350,000, cassava 277,906,bananas 210,000, wheat 181,892, oranges 175,000,tangerines, mandarins, clementines, and satsumas137,000; livestock (number of live animals)9,287,895 sheep, 8,847,434 cattle, 2,863,928 pigs; roundwood 3,318,041cu m, of which fuelwood 72%; fisheries production 7,880 (from aqua-culture 13%). Mining and quarrying (2012): zinc 389,9119; ulexite131,340; lead 79,0449; tin 19,7029; tungsten 1,269; silver 1,214,025 kg9;gold 6,973 kg9. Manufacturing (value added in Bs ’000,000; 2009):beverages 1,914; bricks, cement, and ceramics 1,893; meat products1,795; refined petroleum products 1,703; textiles, clothing, and leatherproducts 1,084; flour and bakery products 1,038.10 Energy production(consumption): electricity (kW-hr; 2011) 7,222,000,000 (7,222,000,000),by source (2012): fossil fuels 65.1%; renewable energy 34.9%, ofwhich hydroelectric 31.7%, biomass 3.2%; coal, none (none); crudepetroleum (barrels; 2011) 14,100,000 ([2010] 16,500,000); petroleumproducts (metric tons; 2011) 2,199,000 (2,574,000); natural gas (cu m;2011) 16,200,000,000 (3,343,000,000).

Average household size (2004): 4.3.Population economically active (2013): total 5,301,989; participationrates: male 72.6%; female 54.8%; unemployed 2.8%.

Gross national income (GNI; 2014): U.S.$30,691,000,000 (U.S.$2,830per capita); purchasing power parity GNI (U.S.$6,130 per capita).

Land use as % of total land area (2009): in temporary crops 2.4%, leftfallow 0.8%, in permanent crops 0.2%, in pasture 30.5%, forest area53.1%.

Foreign trade7, 8

Imports (2013): U.S.$9,353,000,000 (machinery andtransportation equipment 38.8%, basic manufac-tures 17.2%, chemicals and chemical products14.7%, mineral fuels and lubricants 13.8%, foodand live animals 6.3%). Major import sources:

Exports (2013): U.S.$12,207,600,000 (mineral fuelsand lubricants 54.7%, crude materials [except fuels]19.9%, food and live animals 9.9%, basic manufac-tures 5.1%, [non-mineral] oils, fats, and waxes2.9%). Major export destinations:

Transport and communicationsTransport. Railroads (2004): route length (2008)

3,504 km; passenger-km 286,000,000;metric ton-km cargo 1,058,000,000.Roads (2004): total length 38,823 mi,62,479 km (paved 7%). Vehicles (2007):passenger cars 175,000; trucks and buses475,759.

Education and healthLiteracy (2009): percentage of total populationage 15 and over literate 91.2%; males literate95.8%; females literate 86.8%.

Health: physicians (2007) 4,058 (1 per 2,323 per-sons); hospital beds (2008) 15,017 (1 per 639persons); infant mortality rate per 1,000 livebirths (2010) 41.7; undernourished population(2006–08) 2,500,000 (27% of total populationbased on the consumption of a minimum dailyrequirement of 1,740 calories).

MilitaryTotal active duty personnel (November 2014):46,100 (army 75.5%, navy 10.4%, air force14.1%). Military expenditure as percentageof GDP (2014): 1.2%; per capita expendi-ture U.S.$38.

1Executive and legislative branches meet in La Paz, judiciary in Sucre. 2Per 2009 constitution. 3Within LaPaz urban agglomeration. 4Includes the 3,690 sq km area of the Bolivian part of Lake Titicaca. 5Population10 years of age and over. 6Import duties and indirect taxes less imputed bank service charges. 7Imports c.i.f.;exports f.o.b. 8Preliminary. 9Metal content. 10Per the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, Boliviaranked 3rd in the world in coca production (about 20,400 hectares) in 2014. 11Subscribers.

Internet resources for further information:• Instituto Nacional de Estadística• Banco Central de Bolivia

Structure of gross domestic product and labour force2009 2007

in value % of total labour % of labourBs ’000,000 value force5 force5

Agriculture, forestry, fishing 13,575 11.2 1,686,700 34.2Mining and quarrying 9,664 7.9 72,400 1.5Crude petroleum, nat. gas 6,115 5.0Manufacturing 14,141 11.6 514,900 10.5Construction 3,028 2.5 316,300 6.4Public utilities 2,631 2.2 15,400 0.3Transp. and commun. 10,724 8.8 272,400 5.5Trade, hotels 11,848 9.7 833,100 16.9Finance, real estate 10,643 8.8 164,900 3.4Pub. admin., defense 14,508 11.9 152,300 3.1Services 5,239 4.3 641,900 13.0Other 19,6116 16.16 257,100 5.2TOTAL 121,727 100.0 4,927,400 100.0


Communications units unitsnumber per 1,000 number per 1,000

Medium date in ’000s persons Medium date in ’000s persons

TelephonesCellular 2014 10,45011 96311

Landline 2014 876 81

Internet users 2009 1,103 112Broadband 2014 17311 1611

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