BoldrDash Preparedness Chart

Preparedness Chart


From Do you think you have what it takes to tackle BoldrDash? How much training have you done? It's time for a gut-check. It's time for some soul-searching. It's time to assess your preparedness for the Race. Check out the Preparedness Chart and see how much extra training you need to put in before the big show. Then hop over to and find out how to do it.

Transcript of BoldrDash Preparedness Chart

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Preparedness Chart

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“It’s time to show you what real success looks like!”

"Wait, is that mud…Oh, that won’t do.I think I have plans that day.”

• Who cares if you are Young and Restless, they are Bold and Beautiful. They take a hard working job like fashion design and make it even more harder by mixing in stuff like company, people, money, and other hard stuff like that. And then, they burn the candle at both ends by sleeping with each other’s family members. I mean they have to remember the names of people who look really similar, at like 2 AM. B-O-L-D. (That’s Bold for those who have trouble spelling.)

• Needless to say, this group of fashion thugs didn’t even look at the email you sent them about the Race. In fact, since you’re not in their family, and don’t own a business, empire, or even an island, they have deleted you from their contacts and alerted security about you.

• If you have to choose between being Bold or being Beautiful, Go Bold or Go Home. So, stop Tvoing daytime soaps, get off your ass, and actually Sign Up for the Race. …and never look back. …Seriously, don’t you ever turn that crap on again, or I’m going to smack the taste out of your mouth.

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“We set sail for the finish line!”

“Or…we could head straight to the afterparty,

And put a little Captain in you.”

• Captain Henry Morgan was one of the most successful privateer’s in histor… oh hell, forget the formality, let’s get down to it: This cut-throat Pirate spent his life kicking the crap out of Spaniards and anyone else who got in his way, and for it…he was asked to be the Governor of Jamaica, and then was the inspiration for the greatest rum ever made. He’s 100-proof Bold, baby.

• As for the Race, yeah he signed up, and yeah he showed up, but that was it. It turns out there as an impromptu “Morganette Casting Call” session that started shortly before the Race and ended shortly after, 3 days later, when the casks went dry.

• Even if you are Bold enough to sport an eye-patch and wear a cape, just showing up to the Race won’t have all the local women lining up to raise your mast and beg you to dock your ship in their port. You need to sign up, Show Up, and cold-rock the snot out of the Course if you want to get noticed. And of course, letting the Captain wing-man your after-party wouldn’t hurt either…

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“Nothing in life is ever lost,It’s just waiting to be found.”

“Boys, I hope you’re not disappointedIf I finish first today.”

• If the Pharaohs knew that an energetic, athletic, smoking-hot Lara Croft would raid their Tombs, then I bet they would have put a little less effort into designing booby-traps, and a little more thought into laying down some atmosphere. Not that it would matter though: it’s impossible to keep her out if she wants in, but it’s also impossible to keep her in if she wants out.

• This Bold little number had no problem earning a spot at the Race. However she never actually stepped foot on the Course itself. She came, persuaded the organizers to grant her first place, and simply left. While it’s unsure what persuasive tactics she used, we are sure she brought a pair of pistols with her to the starting line.

• Whether it was a pair of big guns or a pair of big bombs that worked for Lara, you won’t have the luxury of negotiating yourself into first place. You are going to need to be Bold of mind and strong of body to push yourself to the front of the pack. Without a solid Strength Training Routine you’d probably have more fun staying home, putting Tomb Raider in, and playing with your joystick…

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“You know what lies ahead?Fortune and glory, kid, fortune and glory!”

“Hey, there’s no snakes in those mud pits, right?”

• I bet you didn’t know that Indiana is the “state of adventure”; or that it found the holy grail, fought Nazis, and discovered aliens. That’s because it’s not, and it didn’t. But Dr. Jones here was Bold enough to do all that, plus he sports a whip, leather jacket, and fedora. That’s right, fedora: Bold, meet Boldr.

• Indiana Jones arrived at the Race, whip ready for whomever or whatever might get in the way of his latest expedition. However after exploring a few mud pits he realized there were no tribesmen around to “rush” him. So he found a tree with some shade, tipped his fedora over his face, and let the other Racers pass him by, saying “I’ll sort out whatever treasure they uncover at the end of the day.”

• Sometimes the world opens itself up to the patient man, however more often then not, Fortune Favors the Bold. So you could sit back and let others find the correct path for you, or you could Train your ass off doing Sport Specific Training, and blaze a path so hot and so wide through any Race Course you meet that every time global warming is talked about in the news, your face is used as the cover photo.

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“No matter how harsh the conditions,There is always a way to survive.”

“Water stations, what for? I’ve got a 100 oz bladder with me.”

• The only correct answer to the question: “If you were stranded on a desert island and could only bring one thing, what would it be?”, is Bear Grylls. This guy is the only thing besides cockroaches that would survive a nuclear winter. No heat: he does pushups; No food: he eats bugs; No water: he drinks from his own hose…he’s got you covered.

• The guy who is named after a F’n Bear, doesn’t need to sign up for a Race, he just shows up naked, with his testicles frozen in an ice block, a king cobra around his neck, and a hat made of elephant dung…yeah, he’s that Bold. Unfortunately, he only made it half-way through the course, which is how long it took the organizers to catch up and escort him off, saying he couldn’t race with his pet snakes dangling about.

• While this is one true Survivor, Man, he didn’t do it alone; he had a crew there to record the insanity. And if you think you can survive the Race on your own, you are insane. You need to be Bold, and have a Team to support and push you to be even Boldr. Because when you are so dehydrated you don’t have any urine left, you’ll be glad you have a friend who still has some warm lemonade left…in their CamelBak.

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“Our Mission:To boldly go where no man has gone before.”

“Alright Scottie, beam me to the finish line.”

• Captain of the Starship U.S.S. Enterprise, James Tiberius Kirk’s job description was to be Bold enough to look when others turned away; to move forward when others retreated; to step into the unknown and make it his own. Leading his crew beyond the boundaries of both space and time, his unyielding attitude was the true energy source that fueled the journey.

• Kirk switched phasers from stun to kill, showing he was serious about winning the Race. Using a Tribble as a shield he ducked, dodged, and barrel-rolled through the course at warp speed, until Spock hailed him a mile from the finish line to inform him of how illogical this pursuit was. The Captain was then forced to forgo the rest of the Race to beam back aboard the ship and bitch-slap the first officer for ruining his day.

• Who needs logic when you’re Bold enough to hurtle through space at near light speed. And even if you are as Bold as that, if you want to reach the Finish Line at the Race, you will need stamina and endurance. Without Cardio you’ll have as much chance of finishing as the Captain has at becoming a world champion speed reader.

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“Let us gain Odin’s favor,And prove worthy of Valhalla.”

“This course is now ours,And we shall take what is ours.”

• Fighting to expand his country, and to ensure the prosperity of his people, this Viking King was named the Scourge of France and England. He boldly led his warriors into battle far from the borders of his homelands, and with his victories saw those borders expand.

• On Race-Day Ragnar Lodbrok lead his army through the Course, pillaging and plundering as they advanced. The puny obstacles were no match for he and his Raiding-Party. However, with the Finish-Line in sight, a match for the mighty Viking Horde was found in the Meade-Hall, coercing an early retreat from the day’s festivities.

• The hardy stock of the Vikings was borne of long hard toil in the frigid tundra of the north. If you wish to be as proud and as stout as they were, than you must spend time steeling your mind and body as well. The Individual Workouts must be the fire which hardens your mettle. Challenge and conquer them on a routine basis and find yourself on the right side of a Viking Blade…

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“Not one man, not an army, not the gods themselves

Can stray me from my course .”

“It is time to prove your worth,Finish the Race and earn your reward.”

• Spartacus. The soldier forced into slavery, made into a Gladiator, and transformed into a General. He was a man who’s soul’s fire scorched the heart of Rome when he freed himself and thousands of other slaves from bondage, and took an entire city as retribution.

• Bold in his words, Bold is his actions, Bold in his tactics, Spartacus was not afraid to fight for his beliefs. And believing that conquering the Race was worth the effort meant that all those who got in his way were either turned to his cause, or obliterated by it. But, while he finished, the long line of followers slowed his advance, and he was far from first.

• Spartacus understood the value of strength in numbers was only true if those numbers acted as one solitary sword, slicing through the ranks of his foes. Join Ragnarok, come to the Team Trainings, and be a part of a force strong enough to slice it’s way through any Race Course. Or try Training by yourself, and find yourself by yourself while we celebrate first place at the finish line…

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“An honorable and noble lifeIs only made so by a Glorious Death.”

“Retreat, Surrender, Second Place;These are words not spoken of in Sparta.”

• A race bred to be superior in form and ability; to be without weakness or vulnerability; to protect & defend, to seek & destroy; this is Sparta. And the embodiment of these values was born in Leonidas: the King who lead 300 Spartans against 1,000,000 Persians, and made the Persians feel outnumbered.

• The Bold King ran the Race as the cool-down to his Saturday morning calisthenics routine. He attacked the course as it were an invader in his land, and made it tremble with remorse as it gave way to his almost victory. Leonidas may be the perfect embodiment of man, but god he is not, and he was forced to finish just behind one.

• Are you Spartan-Tough? Do you devote your life to the betterment of your body and mind? Are you prepared to lay everything on the line to protect the ideals and people you love? Then earn your Arms & Armor by conquering the Practice Mudders. Come back with your shield, or on it…

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“Giants, devils, gods;All have I stood before,

And all have kneeled before me.”

“And when I conquer this Race,You shall kneel as well.”

• The being responsible for electrifying the sky, and reining fire upon the Earth, the god responsible for both starting and ending wars within the heavens, the Boldness of the son of Odin is legendary throughout the 9 Realms.

• To Thor, entering and dominating the Race was not a Bold move, but running it backwards, blindfolded, and with both arms tied behind his back was. And because of that, his victory was lengthened by 2 seconds, and he only finished 59 minutes and 58 seconds ahead of second place.

• Do not think for a second that your ability is anywhere close to a backwards, blinded, and armless Thor. No, the only way you can have worth enough to carry The Hammer is to conquer the Individual Trainings, Team Trainings, and Practice Mudders; and Race with Ragnarok. You are not destined to be a legend among the gods, but you could be destined to be a god among men. Be Bold…and face Ragnarok.

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