Boiler Total Air Optimization

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  • 7/31/2019 Boiler Total Air Optimization


  • 7/31/2019 Boiler Total Air Optimization


    Efficient operation of boiler depends onoptimisation of CO2 and O2

    This involved elimination of source of air ingress.

    As different losses of boiler is affected by variationof air, the optimum value is determined by plottingthe total loss and thereby determining CO2 and O2.

  • 7/31/2019 Boiler Total Air Optimization


    Oxygen % at various locations in boiler







    Furn Outlet AH Inlet AH Outlet ID outlet


    210 MW 210 MW 500 MW 210 MW

  • 7/31/2019 Boiler Total Air Optimization


    4. Boiler Air Ingress

    Cold air leaks into the boiler from openings in the furnaceand convective pass and through open observation doors.

    Some of the boiler leakage air aids the combustionprocess; some air that leaks into the boiler in the low

    temperature zones causes only a dilution of the flue gas. This portion of air appears as a difference in O2 level

    between the furnace exit and oxygen analysers ateconomizer exit. Actual oxygen in the furnace could be

    much less. Also, boiler casing and ducting air ingress affects ID fans

    power consumption and margins in a major way.

  • 7/31/2019 Boiler Total Air Optimization






    O2 Probe





    Expansion Joints

    Air Ingress Points Furnace Roof , Expansionjoints, Air heaters, Ducts, ESP Hoppers, PeepHoles, Manholes, Furnace Bottom

  • 7/31/2019 Boiler Total Air Optimization


    Air Ingress Calculations

    Air ingress quantification is done with the same formulae as those

    used for calculation of AH leakage

    Air ingress = O2out - O2in * 0.9 * 100(21- O2out)

    The basis of O2 or CO2 calculation should be the same eitherwet or dry.

  • 7/31/2019 Boiler Total Air Optimization


    Find Dry gas, unburnt gas, combustible in ash andauxiliary power (fans) to find the total loss.

    Repeat the same for different test air (% of CO2 at

    A/H inlet) settings.

    Find the minimum total loss.

    Find air setting corresponding to minimum total


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  • 7/31/2019 Boiler Total Air Optimization


  • 7/31/2019 Boiler Total Air Optimization


  • 7/31/2019 Boiler Total Air Optimization


  • 7/31/2019 Boiler Total Air Optimization


  • 7/31/2019 Boiler Total Air Optimization


    Fuel firing rate = 5599.17 kg/hr

    Steam generation rate = 21937.5 kg/hr

    Steam pressure = 43 kg/cm2(g)

    Steam temperature = 377oC

    Feed water temperature = 96oC

    %CO2 in Flue gas = 14%CO in flue gas = 0.55

    Average flue gas temperature = 190oC

    Ambient temperature = 31oC

    Humidity in ambient air = 0.0204 kg / kg dry air

    Surface temperature of boiler = 70oC

    Wind velocity around the boiler = 3.5 m/s

    Total surface area of boiler = 90 m2

    GCV of Bottom ash = 800 kCal/kg

    GCV of fly ash = 452.5 kCal/kg

    Ratio of bottom ash to fly ash = 90:10

    Fuel Analysis (in %)

    Ash content in fuel = 8.63

    Moisture in coal = 31.6

    Carbon content = 41.65

    Hydrogen content = 2.0413

    Nitrogen content = 1.6

    Oxygen content = 14.48

    GCV of Coal = 3501 kCal/kg

    The data collected arefor a boiler using coal

    as the fuel.

    Find out the boilerefficiency by indirectmethod.

  • 7/31/2019 Boiler Total Air Optimization


    Boiler efficiency by indirect method

    Step1 Find theoretical air


    Theoretical air required for

    complete combustion

    = [(11.43 x C) + {34.5 x (H2O2/8)} + (4.32 x S)] /

    100 kg/kg of coal

    = [(11.43 x 41.65) + {34.5 x (2.041314.48/8)} +

    (4.32 x 0)] / 100

    = 4.84 kg / kg of coal

  • 7/31/2019 Boiler Total Air Optimization


    Step2 Find theoretical CO2 %

    % CO2 at theoretical condition( CO2 )t


    Moles of C

    Moles of N2 + Moles of C


    Moles of N2 =

    4.84 x 77/100 0.016

    + = 0.133228 28

    Where moles of C = 0.4165/12 = 0.0347

    ( CO2 )t =


    0.1332 + 0.0347

    = 20.67

  • 7/31/2019 Boiler Total Air Optimization


    Step3 To find Excess airsupplied

    Actual CO2 measured in flue gas = 14.0%

    % Excess air supplied (EA) = 7900 x [ ( CO2)t(CO2)a]

    (CO2)a x [100 (CO2)t ]

    = 7900 x [20.67 14 ]

    14a x [100


    = 47.44 %

  • 7/31/2019 Boiler Total Air Optimization


    Step 4 to find actual mass of air supplied

    Actual mass of air supplied = {1 + EA/100} x theoretical air

    = {1 + 47.44/100} x 4.84

    = 7.13 kg/kg of coal

    Step5 to find actual mass of dry flue gasMass of dry flue gas consists of Mass of CO2 +Mass of N2 content in the fuel+ Mass

    of N2 in the combustion air supplied + Mass of

    oxygen in combustion air supplied

    Mass of dry flue gas =0.4165 x 44 7.13 x 77 (7.13-4.84) x 23

    + 0.016 + +

    12 100 100

    = 7.562 kg / kg of coal

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    6 to find all losses

    1. % Heat loss in dry flue gas (L1) = m x cp x (TfTa )

    x 100GCV of fuel

    =7.562 x 0.23 x (190


    x 1003501

    L1 = 7.89 %

  • 7/31/2019 Boiler Total Air Optimization


    2. % Heat loss due to formation

    of water from H2 in fuel (L2)

    = 9 x H2 x {584 + Cp (TfTa )}

    x 100

    GCV of fuel


    9 x .02041 x {584 + 0.45(190-31)}

    x 100

    3501L2 = 3.44 %

    3. % Heat loss due to moisture in

    fuel (L3)


    M x {584 + Cp ( TfTa )}

    X 100

    GCV of fuel

    =0.316 x {584 + 0.45 ( 190 31) }

    x 100


    L3 = 5.91 %

  • 7/31/2019 Boiler Total Air Optimization


    4. % Heat loss due to moisture in

    air (L4)

    =AAS x humidity x Cp x (TfTa ) x 100

    GCV of fuel

    =7.13 x 0.0204 x 0.45 x (190

    31) x 100


    L4 = 0.29 %

    5. % Heat loss due to partial

    onversion of C to CO (L5)

    =%CO x %C 5744

    x x 100

    % CO + (% CO2)a GCV of fuel


    0.55 x 0.4165 5744

    x x 1000.55 + 14 3501

    L5 = 2.58 %

  • 7/31/2019 Boiler Total Air Optimization


    6. Heat loss due to radiation andonvection (L6)

    = 0.548 x [ (343/55.55)4 (304/55.55)

    4] + 1.957 x

    (343 - 304)1.25

    x sq.rt of [(196.85 x 3.5 + 68.9) /


    = 633.3 w/m2= 633.3 x 0.86

    = 544.64 kCal / m2

    otal radiation and convection

    oss per hour

    = 544.64 x 90

    = 49017.6 kCal

    % radiation and convection loss = 49017.6 x 100

    3501 x 5591.17L6 = 0.25 %

  • 7/31/2019 Boiler Total Air Optimization


    7. % Heat loss due to unburnt in fly ash

    % Ash in coal = 8.63

    Ratio of bottom ash to fly ash = 90:10

    GCV of fly ash = 452.5 kCal/kg

    Amount of fly ash in 1 kg of coal = 0.1 x 0.0863

    = 0.00863 kg

    Heat loss in fly ash = 0.00863 x 452.5

    = 3.905 kCal / kg of coal

    % heat loss in fly ash = 3.905 x 100 / 3501

    L7 = 0.11 %

    8. % Heat loss due to unburnt in fly ash

    GCV of bottom ash = 800 kCal/kg

    Amount of bottom ash in 1 kg of


    = 0.9 x 0.0863

    = 0.077 kg

    Heat loss in bottom ash = 0.077 x 800

    = 62.136 kCal/kg of coal

    % Heat loss in bottom ash = 62.136 x 100 / 3501

    L8 = 1.77 %

  • 7/31/2019 Boiler Total Air Optimization


    Boiler efficiency by indirectmethod

    = 100 (L1+ L2+ L3+ L4+ L5+ L6+ L7+ L8)

    = 100-(7.89 + 3.44+ 5.91+ 0.29+ 2.58+ 0.25+0.11+1.77)

    = 100-22.24

    = 77.76 %

    Summary of Heat Balance for Coal Fired Boiler

    Input/Output Parameter kCal / kg of


    % loss

    Heat Input = 3501 100Losses in boiler

    1. Dry flue gas, L1 = 276.23 7.89

    2. Loss due to hydrogen in fuel, L2 = 120.43 3.44

    3. Loss due to moisture in fuel, L3 = 206.91 5.91

    4. Loss due to moisture in air, L4 = 10.15 0.29

    5. Partial combustion of C to CO, L5 = 90.32 2.586. Surface heat losses, L6 = 8.75 0.25

    7. Loss due to Unburnt in fly ash, L7 = 3.85 0.11

    8. Loss due to Unburnt in bottom ash,L8

    = 61.97 1.77

    Boiler Efficiency = 100 (L1 + L2+ L3+ L4+ L5+ L6+ L7+ L8) = 77.76 %

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