**BODY –RHYTHM- WISDOM**€¦ · **Body -Rhythm- Wisdom** 3-Month 1:1 Mentorship Around Food,...

**BODY –RHYTHM- WISDOM** CREATING RESTORATIVE ROOTS For women who are ready to develop a relationship with their bodies through hormone supporting foods, sacred self-care practices, and empowering coaching towards their goals and passions. Hey sister, you’re ready for: Confidence in your life and meal choices. Pleasure in your body and feeling balanced between your life doings and your inner hormonal rhythm. Great digestion, more energy and clearer skin. Pain-free periods, because you know it shouldn’t be so intense! Empowerment- the belief that you CAN do it! Most of all, you want to feel sexy, confident, and adore your body.

Transcript of **BODY –RHYTHM- WISDOM**€¦ · **Body -Rhythm- Wisdom** 3-Month 1:1 Mentorship Around Food,...

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For women who are ready to develop a relationship with

their bodies through hormone supporting foods, sacred

self-care practices, and empowering coaching towards

their goals and passions.


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Sister, I am here for you! I understand your inner

thoughts and I have a system to help you.

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Howthisworks:Asacoach,Ihaveasystemforyou,butYOU,mydear,areinthedriverseat.Youtellmeyourgoals,yourdreamsandaspirations,andIhelpguideyoualongyourpathtoEMPOWER youwiththetoolsyouneedtomakethosewishesintotransformations.

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Areweacoachingmatch?Doesthissoundlikeyou?o Youknowsomethingisoffwithyourhormonesbecauseyou

oftenfeeltired,irritable,and/orcravefood.o Youcravesugar…allthetime…andyoufindyourselfreaching


o Maybeyourmenstrualcycleisirregular:eitherabsent,happeningtoofrequently,orincrediblypainful.

o Youfeeldiscomfortinyourdigestion,arebloatyandmaybegassy.

o Thatvoiceinyourheadhasbeenwaytoojudgmentalofyourselfandyoufeelit’sholdingyoubackfromgoingforyourgoalswithconfidence.

o Youneedhelpnavigatingthekitchen.o Yourweightdefinesyourself-worth.o Youwanttoloveyourselfandyourbodyandyouknowyoucan

getthere...youjustneedthetoolsforhow.o Libido…. what libido?

o You’reenteringperi-menopauseorhavegonethroughmenopauseandyoufeellostfromallthenewchangesfromhormonesandwanttobettersupportyourbody.

o YouareboredwithyourfoodchoicesandwanttoeatVIBRANT,BEAUTIFUL,andNOURISHINGfoods!

o Youwanttofeelempoweredtobeyourownself-healersoyoucanbeabletohelpothersbetter.

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Everybodyisdifferent.Wehavedifferentgeneticswhichinfluenceournutritionalrequirementsandlifestyleneeds.Weallhavedifferentbodytypes-asinAyurveda,itistaughttherearecertainelementsthatarepresentwithineachbodytype:Pitta,Kapha,andVatta.We’veallhaddifferentlifeexperiencesthatshapeusandcanleadto:emotionalstress,bloodsugarimbalances,weakeneddigestion,andmicronutrientdeficiencies.Thereisnoonewaythatworksforeveryone,Iunderstandthat,andthat'swhyIamheretohelpyoufindyourrhythm-throughpersonalizedone-on-onecoaching.GroupCoachingcanbehighlyeffectivebecauseofthegroupmotivationandinteraction,BUT sometimes we need a bit more personal time and attention to help get to the root of the issue. To know exactly what is going on with your body so you can save time and know the tools you need for helping you achieve your wellness vision. Here’showitworks:Eachsessionwecheckin,gooverprogress,tweaklifestylehabits,andsharenewconcepts.Mostimportantly,Ilistentoyou,andhearyou.Myjobistohelpyoustayconnectedtoyourvision-tohelpyoureleasetheblocksthatkeepyoustuckfrombeingyourhighestself.Iwillholdyourdreamsinmyheartandbelieve in you even in those moments where you may have lost sight of your own visions. Icreateasafecontainerforyourgrowth,byacceptingyoufullyandallowingyoutobecompletelyvulnerableasweworktogetherthroughyourtransformations.Sometimesallyouneedforthebigshiftsisasafespaceforyourunfoldment,aswellasacaringcoachtoholdyouaccountableandreallyhearyou.

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**Body -Rhythm- Wisdom** 3-Month1:1MentorshipAroundFood,Body,




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Session6:WomaninRhythmWewillcreateamaintenanceplan.Thissessionisforputtingitalltogether,attuningarhythmofallaspectsofyourselfwithjugglingmeals,workingout,work,family,community,andself-caretime. *************RegularProgramRates:$525,withthreemonthlyinstallmentsof$175.$450paidinfull.YOURDISCOUNTEDRATE:(becauseIhaveenjoyedworkingwithyouin“NewYear,SexyYou”)$450,withthreemonthlyinstallmentsof$150permonth.$400paidinfull.Reserveyourplacetobeginthisjourneybymakingpayment


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**Budding Transformation** 3-Month1:1Mentorship


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tipsforplanning,eatingout,andchoosinghighvibrationalfoods.Aswellascoachingonhealthycooking,answerstoyourconfusingkitchenquestions,andcreatingasysteminyourkitchen.Session3:YourChoice:Wewilltakethissessiontogodeeperintoanyofthefollowing:o EmotionalEatingo SecondHalfofLife&LifestyleTransitions(menopauseorperi-menopause)

o RegulatingtheMenstrualCycleo BloodSugarManagemento RoadBlocks&UnconsciousMindPatternso CultivatingPeacefromaStressfulScheduleo ImplementingaSacredSelfCarePractice-findingmeaningandritualofslowingdown,invitingpleasureandcaringforyourself




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What my clients are saying: “Allie helped me to understand my emotional and physical cycles as a women, in ways that I wish had been available to me as girl and young woman. Allie is a wonderful mentor who listened to what my personal goals were, and checked with me at the end to see that I felt satisfied with the new knowledge and experience that she had guided me through. After this course, I feel much more empowered in seeking healthcare and receiving the nourishment and rest that my body and self needs for being a strong and healthy woman. Thank you!”


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“My health and my digestion have dramatically improved. My skin is more radiant and glowing, I have more energy, my hair is stronger, and I am making better food choices… Allie is a very motivating and inspiring person and she helped me learn how to cook and incorporate cooking into my daily life. I was not a good cook at that time but she made cooking easy to understand. She is very knowledgeable and her bright personality made working with her really fun. I learned great information about the female body and hormones, as well as the health benefits of the foods we were making. Allie is very convincing to start eating healthier and she motivated me. She opened my eyes to new tools in the kitchen I could use to make cooking fun and easy. I learned juicing, raw food preparation, eating for your moon cycle, cooking with spices and herbs, and flavor balancing.”