B'nai Review March 2014

March 2014/ Adar II 5774 Volume 5774 Issue 8 CBI Announcements Rabbi’s Message Cantor’s Message President’s Message Executive Director’s Message Engagement Committee Life Cycle Events Mitzvah Grams Donations Silk Road Abba Eban Advertisements 3 4 4 5 5 6 Youth Purim Men’s Club Buns Family Library Adult Studies Calendar 7 8 10-11 13 13 14-15 16 17 18 20 21 22-27


Check out what CBI has going on this month! For a full calendar of events look at page 14!

Transcript of B'nai Review March 2014

Page 1: B'nai Review March 2014

March 2014/

Adar II 5774

Volume 5774 Issue 8

CBI Announcements

Rabbi’s Message

Cantor’s Message

President’s Message

Executive Director’s Message

Engagement Committee

Life Cycle Events

Mitzvah Grams


Silk Road

Abba Eban










Men’s Club

Buns Family Library

Adult Studies














Page 2: B'nai Review March 2014



Rabbi Jacob Luski, D.D.

727.381.4900 x207

[email protected]

Cantor Jonathan Schultz

727.381.4900 x305

[email protected]

Executive Director Susan Goldstein

727.381.4900 x202

[email protected]

Bonnie Halprin

Pauline Rivkind Preschool Director

727.381.4900 x211

[email protected]

Youth Director

727.381.7900 x 209

[email protected]

Pauline Rivkind Talmud Torah Education

Director Ilana Dayan

727.381.4900 x310

[email protected]

Community Engagement Liz Sembler


[email protected]

Torah Reader/Educator Deborah Marmon

727.381.4900 x205

[email protected]

Office Manager Pam Askin

727.381.4900 x203

[email protected]

Communications Coordinator

Melissa Hertzfeld


[email protected]


727.381.4900 x204

[email protected]

President Laurie Reiskind

[email protected]

Women’s League President Alice Ettinger

Men’s Club President Jesse Rodman

USY President Hannah Terzi

Our Mission

Through our congregational life, our goal is to provide the opportunity for our members and friends to experience Jewish life to its fullest. We want to transmit the ideals of Conservative Judaism to our children and grandchildren, to enable them to be knowledgeable and respon-sible participants in Jewish life, sensitive and ethical human beings and reliable custodians of an enduring heritage. Through the synagogue, we want to find strength and inspiration in worship and study, in the sharing of lifecycle events, in acts of caring, in reaching out to the wide Jewish and non-Jewish communities, and in concern and support for Israel.

B’nai Israel Review February 2014

Ongoing Activities at CBI

Participate in Aliyot

The Ritual Committee of Congregation

B’nai Israel encourages worshippers to

participate in services

by performing aliyot. If

you like to receive an

aliyah , please call the

synagogue office at

727.381.4900, or speak to one of the

ushers when you enter the sanctuary,

and every effort will be made to

accommodate your request. Those

wishing to receive an aliyah on

Shabbat morning are asked to arrive

at services no later than 9:30 am. We

look forward to your participation.


Morry Bornstein, Ritual Chair

Daily Services Become a Minyanaire! Support our Daily Minyan in the Chapel:

Sunday Morning: 9:00 Monday—Friday mornings: 7:45 Sunday—Thursday evenings: 6:30

Come just for the joy of davening together. You'll be glad you decided to join the growing number of CBI members and friends who do.

Continental Breakfast

The Mitzvah Men’s Club provides a Continental

Breakfast for all worshippers on Minyan Mornings

in the alcove of the Social Hall. Please join the

Minyanaires for the morning Shaharit service and

relax and schmooze over breakfast—bagels,

cream cheese, coffee cake and coffee/tea.

Sponsorship Opportunities

If you are interested in sponsoring an Oneg

Shabbat on Friday evening or a L’Hayim following

a Morning Minyan in honor or memory of a loved

one or a special occasion, please contact the

Synagogue office.


LIKE us on Facebook

Sign up to support us on GoodSearch.com

You can also make payments and donations on our website! cbistpete.org

Office Drop Box

As a reminder, there is a Secured

Drop Box available at the shul and at

your service when you are in the

building. It is located outside the

Synagogue office across from the

Judaica Shop. You can drop off

messages, contributions, etc when

coming to classes, events, meetings,

or when dropping off children at

school. It is an easy way to

communicate within the

congregational family.

Drop-in sometime! B’nai Israel Review

Publishes 11 times a year by Congregation B’nai Israel

300 58th Street North St. Petersburg, Florida 33710

727.381.4900 FAX 727.344.1307 cbisptete.org

All rights reserved. No part of this document can be copied without the permission of

Congregation B’nai Israel

Junior Congregation

All B’nai Israel children, ages 9 -13,

grades 3 - 7 are invited to participate

in a special, age-appropriate Shabbat

Service in the Chapel Saturdays at


Page 3: B'nai Review March 2014


CBI Announcements

Save the Date

CBI Annual Meeting

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

7:00 pm

“Spring into Freedom”

Passover 5774 Don’t forget that Passover is coming up

in April! Check back for more details. Our

Seder at CBI will be:

Tuesday, April 15, 2014 at 6:00 pm

With Love From the CBI Kitchen

Teddi Robbins’ Brisket

Season brisket with salt, pepper, garlic, and paprika. Line a

roasting pan with foil. Put sliced onions in pan and place

brisket on top. Cover with ketchup and brown sugar. Cover

with foil and bake at 325º for 2.5 hours. Uncover and bake

another hour at 350º basting frequently.

3 to 4 pound brisket 2 large onions, sliced

Salt, pepper, garlic, and paprika to taste

2 cups ketchup

2 cups brown sugar

Are you, or were you ever involved

in education? We would like to


CBI will be having our first

Shabbat Hinuch,

or Education Shabbat in May.

If interested contact Pam in the CBI

office at 727.381.4900x203 or

[email protected]

CBI Photo Journal Directory

Don’t forget to sign your family up for your

profession photography session at CBI!

The available dates are:

Monday, March 31

Tuesday, April 1

Wednesday, April 2

Thursday, April 3

Sunday, April 6

Monday, April 7

Tuesday, April 8

To sign up for your time slot go to

cbistpete.org and look for directions in an

announcement on the right side of the

page. For questions or more information

contact BethAnn Redisch at 727.546.4291 or [email protected]

Volunteer Tutors

The Pauline Rivkind Preschool is looking

for volunteer tutors any week day from

9:00 am to noon for about an hour. For

more information contact

Bonnie Halprin at 727.381.4900 x211

or [email protected]

Do you go to Carrabbas?



Shop at your favorite stores and eat at

restaurants while making money for CBI!

Now available in the CBI Office. Get

your Mitzvah Gelt Gift Cards!

Mishloah Manot

Please keep in mind Mishloah Manot Order forms must be turned in to the

CBI Office by Monday, March 3.

Hamantaschen Baking Join CBI Women’s League

Wednesday, March 12, at 5:30 pm for their annual Hamentaschen Baking.

Kids over 10 are welcome.

Page 4: B'nai Review March 2014



CBI-ISH is CBI’s young adult group, and offers programming for those who are 20-ish to 40-ish. We kicked off

2014 with a January bowling night and a February game night, and great fun was had by all. ISH will also be

out in full force on Erev Purim, Saturday night, March 15 at the CBI Purim service and Megillah reading. If you’d

like to know more about ISH, please feel free to ask me or any of the ISH-ers on Purim night, or by all means

please feel free to email me at [email protected].

As a warm-up for Purim night, I look forward to seeing you on Shabbat morning on March 15, when the CBI Choir will join me in

presenting a special musical Shabbat Musaf service.

The holiday of Purim is a time when many things appear backwards. Think about all the backward things we do. Rather than

sitting in solemn prayer, the synagogue is filled with raucousness. Our reading of sacred text is marked not by pious study but

by noisy distraction, lest we hear Haman’s name. Silliness overturns seriousness, costumes and noisemakers overturn

decorum, and parody overturns strictness.

The Megillah itself has many “backward” themes. The King’s power is exceeded by his ministers. The Queen overrules the

King, refusing his invitation. Everyone bows, including (we presume) all of the other Jews, except Mordechai who remains

upright. Haman, rather than feeling satisfied that everyone has bowed low before him, sees only the single Jew, Mordechai,

who remains upright. Esther at first refuses to get involved on behalf of the Jews, but she then turns around and speaks directly

to the King for the Jews. Haman, who thinks he is being honored by the King, ends up establishing the celebration for

Mordechai, his arch enemy. Haman turns out to be the one who is hung on his very own gallows.

Come join us as we read the Megillah from beginning to end – that will be “forward.” Come see if we can be so crazy that we

can’t tell what’s forward and what’s backward.

Hag Purim Sameah,

“Should all festivals be abolished, Purim will remain.” Tefilot Mikol HaShana.

The festival of Purim first appears in historical sources from the second century B.C.E. Judah Macccabee won his first great victory over the Syrian general on the 13 and 14 of Adar in the year 161 B.C.E., the time of year that has been declared a holiday – Purim.

Todays’s Amalekim – Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, Ahmadinejad, and the like aim to disrupt Israel’s march through history, and toward its unique destiny, that of being the state for all Jews. The likes of the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, and their friends will never reach their goal: Israel will always be victorious – Am Yisrael Chai!!

The slander that floated 2500 years ago about Jewish “otherness,” “a certain people,” “a foreign element,” “disloyal,” continue unabated to this very day. We experience daily virulent outbreaks of anti-Semitic insults, deeds, as we have over and over again for centuries.

Purim gives us the strength and the courage to see our darkest times. HaTikvah – the hope that we will see the downfall of all the Amaleks. Megillat Esther – the Book of Esther is a book depicting not just one period of Jewish history, but ALL periods. It is a book that will remain forever new. Am Yisrael Chai!

Join us to hear Megillat Esther on Saturday night, March 15, and Sunday morning March 16.


Hag Purim Sameah!

From the Cantor

From the Rabbi March 2014

Rabbi Office Hours

Rabbi Jacob Luski will be available

for any congregant to stop by for any

questions or conversations they may

have Wednesday afternoons from

2:00—4:00, March 5, 12, 19, 26.

Appointments not necessary.

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From the Executive Director

From the President March 2014

No eatin’, no meetin’!

I first heard this from my friend and teacher, Rabbi Michael Siegel. He was a young rabbi trying to figure out how to meet the needs of his flock, and I was trying to figure out how to be Jewish. It became clear to both of us early on that food works nicely as a common denominator. In the ensuing years, I've not only had the happy experience of keeping a kosher home myself, but also I have experienced the challenges of keeping kosher kitchens in several kehillot. Along with the usual challenges -- making sure milk and meat products and utensils are kept separate -- there are special issues one faces in a communal kitchen. Every member of our community -- our kehilla -- has the privilege of the use of our kitchen. However, because we must maintain the integrity of a KOSHER kitchen, there are responsibilities associated with using our kitchen. Those responsibilities include following some rules, not too onerous, but necessary.

Kitchen time must be booked in advance. Because we are fortunate enough to have a very busy kehilla (and most of our activities involve food), we want to ensure that your time is available when you need to be there.

A mashgiach (supervisor) must be present when anyone is working in the kitchen. We will arrange for the mashgiach when we book the kitchen. In the past we had a mashgiach (Wilma) "on staff." Since Wilma's retirement last year, we have used a different model. Mashgichim, approved by Rabbi Luski as our Mara d'atra, are booked on an event by event basis. The mashgiach is entrusted with the keys to the kitchen. She/he is responsible for ensuring that rules of kashrut are followed from checking the food in through final clean up.

This, probably, is more than you ever thought you wanted to know about the CBI kitchen. But some of you have asked, and we want to answer when we hear a concern. Be assured that we are working to make your Beit K’nesset a place where all are welcome -- and well fed!


March is my favorite month. Both Marc and I celebrate birthdays in March, and he has a big one this year. Spring training is happening, and the baseball season begins anew either the very end of March or the first days of April. At that time, almost every team believes they may have a chance to be playing meaningful games in August and September with the hopes of playing in October, The World Series. Spring often makes people have hope. I hope that you have found something at CBI that you are doing Side by Side with someone. I hope that you plan to come celebrate Purim with your CBI family. How fortunate that this year it is not a school night, so kids, bring your parents and celebrate!

I hope that during our season of spring, you think and act on the feeling to plant a tree or more with the CBI Parkland Project. Israel, our homeland will benefit, as will its people and CBI will too with a financial gain from each purchase. Contact the office if you need account numbers to make sure CBI’s Parkland Project is credited with your purchase.

I hope you will attend the Pinellas county Israel Bonds Dinner on Sunday, March 9, where we have the opportunity to celebrate people throughout our community who support Israel with their Israel bond purchases every season of the year; especially CBI’s own honorees: Dr. Starr Silver and Byron Kolitz.

I hope you feel good that you participated in the “ I can, 1 can” food drive at CBI last month. Remember hunger is a year round problem, so keep the cans coming.

I hope that you plan to participate in the upcoming CBI photo membership directory by both having your picture

taken and placing an ad or greeting. I hope that you have found a meaningful connection to CBI.

I hope to see you at CBI more often!

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Engagement Director March 2014

Many opportunities exist for our youth to visit Israel. It’s never too early to begin planning – for next year, or in the near future.

JNF’s “Plant Your Way to Israel” program is for participants, ages 0-26. Friends and family support for-estation projects in Israel through JNF. Half of each minimum donation is placed in a special account for the participant, and the rest supports JNF’s work in forestry and green innovations. After raising $360, participants can redeem their money for any trip to Israel. You can register online to manage your ac-count, personalize your profile, send emails, and share on social media. On the website, students will find resources, fundraising ideas, and tips for fundraising through social media. A new partnership between the USCJ’s Israel Committee, Teen Age Learning Department, and JNF is an opportunity to increase participation from each Congregation in USY Israel Pilgrimage, Ramah, and Nativ. CBI is establishing a formal partnership with the hope of receiving support from the USCJ for successful programming. The “Plant Your Way to Israel” program plays a part in this effort.

For college students and young adults, ages 18-30, JNF’s Alternative Spring Break program is geared to those who have already been to Israel. The goal is to connect to the land and people of Israel by doing a week of community service as a volunteer. The trip is free after meeting a minimum fundraising goal of $1,500. JNF provides technical support.

The Taglit-Birthright Israel program just expanded eligibility for its free 10-day trips to Israel for Jewish young adults ages 18-26. Teenagers who went on an educational trip to Israel during high school were previously not eligible for Birthright trips, but can now participate! Explore Israel on a Taglit-Birthright Israel: Shorashim-JNF Israel Adventure Trip to experience the awesome adventure of Israel from the inside, through the eyes and hearts of Israeli peers. Travel for 10 days with Israeli friends and staff who share the beauty, excitement, and complexities of Israel. Shorashim is the official trip provider for the Alexander Muss High School in Israel.

Byron Kolitz

I recently read an article in the Tampa Bay Times’ Personal Best section that discussed five steps to better health and harmony. In addition to “Be grateful,” and “Find ways to give,” which are staples of Jewish living, the author Bob Clark listed “Go to church.” I think it’s safe to assume that Clark meant all houses of worship, including synagogues, as we read this paragraph from the arti-cle:

Harvard professor T.M. Luhrmann wrote recently in the New York Times, “One of the most striking scientific discoveries about religion in recent years is that going to church weekly is good for you. Religious attendance – at least, religiosity – boosts the immune system and decreases blood pressure. It may add as much as two to three years to your life.” So if you are a believer, why not try church, even if you’re not a “churchgoer.” Find a place of worship that suits you and try it out. The goal here should be an exploration of deeper spirituality, which is the basis of truly transformational healing – the cleansing of soul and body.

Frankly, I go to shul to daven and sing; to connect spiritually with God and with my fellow congregants; to gain insight into the weekly Torah portion and liturgy; to spend time with my family in worship; to be with friends, many of whom I’ve made because of my shul-going. I do not go to lower my blood pressure or boost my immune system. But if that happens, too, fantastic! And if that medical benefit motivates others to attend, also fantastic! If you make CBI services, whether on Shabbat or during the week, part of your lifestyle, you will reap so many rewards, including a deeper relationship with God; greater self-awareness; a stronger sense of gratitude; an appreciation of the beauty and brilliance of Judaism; a connectedness to fellow congregants; and the fulfillment that can only come from knowing you are performing a mitzvah, a holy commandment. These rewards in turn give life meaning and structure and a sense of peace and calm.

If you are a fellow regular shul-goer, please share with me in writing how this practice adds to your health and sense of harmony. You can email me at [email protected] or drop off your note at the CBI office. With your permission I will share your experi-ences, insights, and reflections in future bulletin articles.

If you are yet to participate in CBI prayer services on a weekly or more frequent basis, please consider joining us. As Bob Clark concludes in his five-step Times article, “Transforming the way we think about and take care of ourselves is something we all have the power and authority to do. It is, quite literally, ‘an open door.’”

Liz Sembler

Engagement Director

A Team: CBI’s Advocacy for Israel Committee

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Youth Department

February 2014

Pauline Rivkind Talmud Torah

Purim is one of the most happy and creative holidays on the Jewish calendar!

The word "Purim" means "lots" and refers to the lottery that Haman used to choose the date for the massacre. Traditionally Purim is viewed as a minor festival, but elevated to a major holiday as a result of the Jewish historical experience. Over the centuries, Haman became an example of every anti-Semite in every land where Jews were oppressed. The significance of Purim lies not so much in how it began, but in what it has become: a thankful and joyous affirmation of Jewish survival against all odds.

The Book of Esther is the giving of hope to an oppressed and scattered people that will prevail, no matter how desperate their circumstances. It has made the Book of Esther so beloved in the Jewish community.

This year, Purim begins at sunset on Saturday, March 15, and ends on Sunday evening, March 16. PRTT students get ready by performing the Mitzvah of Mishloach Manot; baking Hamantashens, and performing a Purim Spiel for Philip Benjamin Tower residents.

Let's share Purim together at CBI….Chag Sameach!

Ilana Dayan

Education Director

March 2014

How do you raise a Happy and Healthy Child? Part 2

Here we continue with the concept presented by Arthur Rosen

discussing “Five Secrets for Raising Healthy and Happy


All of us as parents tend to compare our children, either with

other families’ children or our own children. However, it is ex-

tremely important to look and respond to each child individually!

Each child develops at his/her own pace. I have one child who

was the first walker in in his group of friends and another child

who didn’t walk until 18 months old. Both children are perfectly

well developed! And just like each child will walk at in his own

time, they will also start to talk in their own time, read in their

own time, and reach each developmental milestone in his own

time. As long as you see progression in his development, there

is probably no need to worry.

There are always exceptions and things you can watch out for.

For example, if your child is not reading on grade level, explore

why? Is it because the child is slow at picking up the concepts,

or is he just not interested?

Seek out the opinions of several experts. Think if what they tell

you fits your child. When my children were younger, my

husband and I thought one of them might have a physical

problem. The doctor said not to worry about it. We watched our

child and decided to seek out answers. Several specialists later

we got a diagnosis. The scientific definition didn’t change what

we, the parents, suspected all along. Parents know their

children better than anyone. Go with your gut.

Developmental milestones are just that ~ milestones to watch

out for as your child grows. It doesn’t necessarily matter when

your child reaches these milestones, as long as he is moving

forward on the path. In the end, you are your child’s best

support and advocate. If you are concerned about

development, make an appointment with a Developmental


Enjoy your family! This month we celebrate Purim with a new,

innovative Megillah reading program on Saturday, March 15,

beginning at 7:30 pm. The fun continues with the Purim

Carnival, hosted by our Youth Department, on Sunday, March

16, from 12 noon to 2:00 pm.

Bonnie Halprin

Preschool Director

Youth Director

Mazal tov to our newest Kadima Board!

From left to right: Avi Kohan, Communication VP, Emma Piper,

Programming VP, Danielle LeVine, President,

Ariel Madjar, Historian, Jadon Terzi, Historian

Page 8: B'nai Review March 2014


Purim March 2014

Purim Observances

The Fast of Esther – Ta’anit Esther – We fast the day before Purim in commemoration of the fast by the Jews in Persia, when Esther went before the king unsummoned.

Megilla Reading – The Megilla is chanted in Synagogue on the evening and morning of Purim. Whenever the name of Haman is mentioned, we use “groggers” or noisemakers to drown out the name.

Purim Masquerading – masquerading is very popular and adds to the fund of the day. Masquerade parades for children and even some adults are often part of Synagogue celebrations.

Sending Shalach Manot – We are instructed in the Book of Esther to send gifts to “ one to another” . These traditionally consist of at least two different foods or drink, fruit, candy and/or wine.

Matanot L’evyonim – It is customary to give “ presents to the poor” on Purim. This can also be done by giving money to Jewish charities.


Purim, one of the merriest of Jewish holidays, is celebrated on the 14 day of Adar and commemorates the deliverance of the Jews of Persia from the wicked anti-semite Haman.

The Book of Esther or “Megilla” is read each Purim and tells the dramatic story of Esther, Mordechai and King Ahasuerus. Ahasuerus was the King of Persia about 2300 years ago that chose Esther as his Queen. At about the same time, he appoints Haman as his Vizier. The King is unaware that his Queen is Jewish and of Haman’s hatred of the Jews.

Through a twisting series of events, Haman gets the King to agree to the annihilation of all the Jews in the Kingdom. The date for the massacre is chosen through the casting of lots and falls on the 14

th of Adar. The word “Purim” comes from the

Persian word for “lots”.

When learning of this plot, Esther makes a bold move and goes before the King to plead for her life and the life of her peo-ple. Ahasuerus rescinds his order of annihilation and hangs Haman instead. And so, the 14

th of Adar became the day of

deliverance for the Jewish people and in thankfulness, the day was proclaimed as a day of rejoicing. It is to be celebrated with “feting and gladness and the sending of gifts one to another, and presents to the poor.”

You can see Dr. Morrie and Marilyn LeVine

celebrating Purim at our festivities back in 1985!

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Todah Rabah March 2014

Eight over Eighty

For the first time, eight individuals or couples who have made significant impact on our Jewish community will be honored during a spectacular gala event Sunday, March 30, 2014, at the St. Petersburg Coliseum. These leaders have made numerous contribu-tions in every aspect of the community, both Jewish and secular. Their bold visions and hard work created the foundation on which we stand to create a bright future. In this inaugural year, the Jewish Federation of Pinellas & Pasco Counties is proud to honor Marilyn Benjamin & Sonya Miller, Gerald & Joan Benstock, , Harold Haftel, Harvey Hertz, Reva Kent, Walter Loebenberg,

Loren & Joy Pollack, and Melvin & Betty Sembler.

Chairperson, Toni Rinde exclaimed,” Never before in the history of our Jewish community, have people of this caliber been in one room to all be honored at one event.” Honorees represent the broad spectrum of traditions that makes up our community.

While their legacies are still evolving, their achievements during their first 80 years are undeniable. They have not only laid the groundwork for us today, but have inspired the Jewish tradition of L’dor v’dor, from “generation to generation” which has sus-tained our rich heritage for 5774 years. Eight OVER 80 will be an evening of remembering the past and looking to the future. Within this framework, Toni states,“ It is a community event that Pinellas has never seen before”.

February Feed the Hungry Month

We would like to say a big TODAH RABAH to those that participated in our First Annual February Feed the Hungry Month! CBI

was able to collect an amazing amount of food for Gulf Coast Jewish Family Services. Please remember how easy it was to

bring food in February. We will keep collecting non-perishable items all year!

We had a great turnout for CROP Hunger Walk. Thank you Bonnie for organizing CBI’s team. Todah Rabah to our walkers:

Carlos Garcia, Bonnie and Reva Halprin, Janice and Rachel LeVine, Rabbi Jacob and Joanne Luski, The Kravitz Family, The

Piper Family, and The Terzi Family.

CBI is so proud of our St. Vincent dePaul Soup Kitchen Volunteers. Marilyn Benjamin, Aliza Bloom, Dr. Steven Bloom, Billie and

Morry Bornstein, Nika and Pepper Harth, Audrey Kopelman, Carol Marger, Nicole Melamed, Sarah, Josh, and Dr. Dale Monast,

Janie and Jeff Pincus, Laurie Reiskind, Mike Slomka, Jennifer and Dr. Robert Sternberg, and Hannah and Melissa Terzi took an

hour and a half of their time to feed those less fortunate. We appreciate your participating in this act of Tikun Olam, and we know

St. Vincent dePaul does as well. We have heard great feedback from those that volunteered, and we hope to do it again. Don’t

miss your chance to sign up!

Shabbat Services

We thank those members whom have participated in our Shabbat Services. We appreciate your taking the extra time to learn

these Aliyot and contributing to our services. Thank you Jesse Rodman, Byron Kolitz, Debbie Marmon, and Sam Cohen for

davening Psukei D’Zimra. Thank you Jared LeVine, Mattan Melamed, Sid Werner, Dr. Starr Silver, and Linda Grau who chanted

Haftorah. Thank you Sarah Silverberg, Caleb Kravitz, and Laurie Reiskind for leading Ashrei. We love seeing our members

perform these mitzvot, and we look forward to seeing more of our CBI Family on the Bimah!

Here are some of our volunteers from Feed the Hungry February!

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Mitzvah Men’s Club March 2014

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Women’s League needs


To help bake your own recipes/cake mixes to be

used for Kiddushim.

If interested, please contact Ruth Ann Mizrahi at

727.347.6688 or [email protected]

Mitzvah Men’s Club March 2014

CBI Women’s League

Judaica Shop


Mondays 11:00 am—2:00 pm

3:00 pm—5:00 pm

Tuesdays 3:00 pm—5:00 pm

Thursdays 1:00 pm—3:00 pm

Shop the Judaic Way!

Or Call for an Appointment:

Ellen Bernstein 727.345.0237

Anita Helfand 727.347.2300

Visit the Judaica Shop for:

Hanukkah items, ceremonial objects, Kiddush cups, candlesticks, Shabbat Candles, shofars, honey dishes, tefillin,

tallitot, Challah plates, boards, knives, and more!

Continuing with tradition, the recent WORLD WIDE WRAP (WWW) was very successful, although attendance was somewhat

down from the previous year. Those who attended spent a wonderful morning learning, not only about our tradition, but also

about a bunch of insider knowledge on the Tampa Bay Rays.

Under the capable guidance of event co- chairs Jay Kauffman and Sam Cohen, WWW was well planned and prepared Y’asher

Koach, also to food chair, Alan Gross, and all of the many MMC members who participated.

Kudos to PRTT Director, Ilana Dayan, for undertaking the Build-a-Pair program. The program includes kits supplied from the

Men’s Club using which students create their own set of tefillin. They were fantastic and inspiring to behold.

Not to rest on its laurels, MMC is hard at work on MMC Shabat weekend which this year is March 28-29. The event will feature

MMC members chanting a big portion of the service, a gorgeous family dinner of Friday night, March 28, and an over the top

Kiddush following Saturday morning services. Detailed information can be found on the previous page.

Rabbi Charles Simon, the Executive Director of the International Federation of Men’s Clubs will be here on Wednesday, March

5, at which time he will meet with area Conservative Rabbis and share a dinner with members of our local clubs.

The Nominating Committee for next year’s officers and board members begins work early in March. If you’ve noticed the

camaraderie and fun that present MMC machers are having and you would like to get a piece of that, just contact the

committee’s chair, Ralph Mizrahi, at 727.347.6688. The board meets once a month, enjoying a super pre-meeting dinner.

If you’re a current member, think about getting someone you know who’ll enjoy being part of MMC. Remember, “Side by Side”

Submitted by Moish’ Pipick VP of Fun and Social Director

Women’s League

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Photo Caption Israel Bonds March 2014

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Next Meeting:

Wednesday, March 19, 2014, at 10:00 am

in the Buns Family Library

The Next book that will be discussed is

The Free World, by David Bezmogis.

Buns Family Library March 2014

Adult Studies

Lunch with the Rabbi

Deli Lunch and Mishna Study with Rabbi Luski meets monthly on

Wednesdays at noon. Enjoy lunch, schmooze and learn, “what,

when, where, and why,” of the Mishnah in an informal atmosphere.

Wednesday, March 12, noon

RSVP to the CBI Office at 727.381.4900

by Tuesday, March 11, noon

Talmud Made Easy

Stephen Wein continues his class studying Talmudic text along

with its selected commentaries. The classes are in English, and

Steve explains it all. All materials are provided. The class involves

textual analysis and lively discussion and is open to all. No

previous knowledge necessary.

Wednesdays, March 12 and 26, 7:00 pm

Torah For Seniors, led by Rabbi Jacob Luski

Tuesday, March 11, 11:00 am

(Philip Benjamin Tower)

Cholent Kiddush and Torah Study

Saturday, March 22, 9:00 am

Abba Eban, The Voice of Israel

with Dr. Larry and Vera Green

For decades, Abba Eban was Israel’s most well known face and

voice in the international community. His eloquence and command

of language projected a power unmatched by any diplomat in mod-

ern times. In this program we will hear about his life, and listen to

some of his most memorable words. Tuesday, March 4, 7:00pm

Silk Road: From China to Rome

with Dr. Morris LeVine

What did Marco Polo, Vasco Da Gama, Columbus, and the Clipper

Ships all have in common? All sought the riches of China and the

Far East. Join Dr. Morris LeVine as he follows the Silk Road

through 7,000 miles of history.

Wednesday, March 19, 7:00 pm

*For more information on these events, check cbistpete.org, the

Adult Studies Program Book, or call the CBI office at 727.381.4900

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March 2014

Adar II 5774

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday

2 Rosh Hodesh Adar II 9:00 Morning Minyan 9:00 PRTT Sunday Seminar 2:00 KADIMA at Airheads 6:30 Evening Minyan

3 Rosh Hodesh Adar II 7:45 Morning Minyan 6:30 Evening Minyan

47:45 Morning Minyan

4:45 PRTT, Alef– Hef Classes 6:00 Chess Club 6:30 Evening Minyan 7:00 Abba Eban, The Voice of Israel with Vera and Dr. Larry Green

57:45 Morning Minyan

2:00 Rabbi’s Open Office Hours5:00 Intro to Judaism 6:30 Evening Minyan 7:00 Hebrew High and Mehina

9 Daylight Savings Time 9:00 Morning Minyan 9:00 PRTT, All Classes 6:00 Israel Bonds dinner at the St. Petersburg Marriott 6:30 Evening Minyan

10 7:45 Morning Minyan 6:30 Evening Minyan

117:45 Morning Minyan

11:00 Torah 4 Seniors at Philip Benjamin Tower 12:00 Deadline to RSVP to March’s Lunch with the Rabbi 4:45 PRTT, Alef– Hef Classes 6:00 Chess Club 6:30 Evening Minyan 6:45 Hevra Kadisha Society Dinner

12 7:45 Morning Minyan

12:00 Lunch with the Rabbi2:00 Rabbi’s Open Office Hours5:00 Intro to Judaism 5:30 Hamentaschen Baking 6:30 Evening Minyan 7:00 Hebrew High and Mehina7:00 Talmud Class with Steve Wein

16 Purim 9:00 Morning Minyan and Megillah Reading 9:00 PRTT, All Classes 12:00 Purim Carnival with Temple Beth-El at CBI 6:30 Evening Minyan

17 7:45 Morning Minyan 6:30 Evening Minyan

18 7:45 Morning Minyan 4:45 PRTT, Alef– Hef Classes 5:00 Executive Committee Meeting 6:00 Chess Club 6:30 Evening Minyan 7:00 Board of Trustees Meeting

19 7:45 Morning Minyan

10:00 Hadassah Book Club2:00 Rabbi’s Open Office Hours5:00 Intro to Judaism 6:30 Evening Minyan 7:00 Hebrew High and Mehina7:00 Silk Road: From China to Rome with Dr. Morris LeVine

23 9:00 Morning Minyan

9:00 No PRTT 6:30 Evening Minyan Tampa Bay Jewish Film Festival

30 9:00 Morning Minyan

9:00 No PRTT 5:00 8 Over 80 Event at Coliseum 6:30 Evening Minyan Tampa Bay Jewish Film Festival

24 7:45 Morning Minyan

6:30 Evening Minyan Tampa Bay Jewish Film Festival

31 7:45 Morning Minyan

2:00 Lifetouch Photo Session 5:15 Minyanaires Meeting 6:30 Evening Minyan Tampa Bay Jewish Film Festival

25 7:45 Morning Minyan 4:45 NO PRTT 6:00 Chess Club 6:30 Evening Minyan Tampa Bay Jewish Film Festival

26 7:45 Morning Minyan

2:00 Rabbi’s Open Office Hours5:00 Intro to Judaism 6:30 Evening Minyan 7:00 Talmud Class with Steve WeinTampa Bay Jewish Film Festival

March 2014

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Shabbat Schedule

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 Sedra Pekudei Shabbat Shekalim 9:00 Shabbat Morning Services, Bat Mitzvah

of Sarah Jess Silverberg

10:00 Junior Congregation

6:10 Minha, Maariv, and Havdala

7:45 Morning Minyan

2:00 Rabbi’s Open Office Hours 5:00 Intro to Judaism 6:30 Evening Minyan 7:00 Hebrew High and Mehina

6 7:45 Morning Minyan 6:30 Evening Minyan 6:45 Choir Practice

7 7:45 Morning Minyan 6:17 Candlelighting 6:30 Kabbalat Shabbat led by USY

8 Sedra Vayikra 9:00 Shabbat Services, March Simha Shabbat, and Kiddush 10:00 Junior congregation 6:15 Minha, Maariv, and Havdala

7:45 Morning Minyan

12:00 Lunch with the Rabbi 2:00 Rabbi’s Open Office Hours 5:00 Intro to Judaism 5:30 Hamentaschen Baking 6:30 Evening Minyan 7:00 Hebrew High and Mehina 7:00 Talmud Class with Steve Wein

13 Fast of Esther 7:45 Morning Minyan 6:30Evening Minyan 6:45 Choir Practice

14 7:45 Morning Minyan 10:00 Preschool Purim Parade 6:30 Carlebach Kabbalat Shabbat 7:21 Candlelighting

15 Sedra Tzav

Shabbat Zahor 9:00 Shabbat Services with the CBI Choir

10:00 Junior Congregation

7:30 Minha, Maariv, and Havdala

8:00 Purim Megillah Readings, Shpiel, and

Costume Parade

7:45 Morning Minyan

10:00 Hadassah Book Club 2:00 Rabbi’s Open Office Hours 5:00 Intro to Judaism 6:30 Evening Minyan 7:00 Hebrew High and Mehina 7:00 Silk Road: From China to Rome with Dr.

20 7:45 Morning Minyan 6:30 Evening Minyan Tampa Bay Jewish Film Festival

21 7:45 Morning Minyan 7:24 Candlelighting 8:00 Shabbat Ruach Service Tampa Bay Jewish Film Festival

22 Sedra Shemini Shabbat Parah 9:00 Shabbat Morning Services, Cholent Kiddush and Torah Study 10:00 Junior Congregation 7:25 Minha, Maariv, and Havdala Tampa Bay Jewish Film Festival

7:45 Morning Minyan

2:00 Rabbi’s Open Office Hours 5:00 Intro to Judaism 6:30 Evening Minyan 7:00 Talmud Class with Steve Wein Tampa Bay Jewish Film Festival

27 7:45 Morning Minyan 6:30 Evening Minyan Tampa Bay Jewish Film Festival

28 7:45 Morning Minyan 6:00 Mitzvah Men’s Club Kabbalat Shabbat, followed by Got Shabbat? Dinner and Man of the Year Presentation 7:28 Candlelighting

29 Sedra Tazria

Shabbat HaHodesh 9:00 Shabbat Morning Service, Men’s Club Shabbat, and Kiddush 6:10 Minha, Maariv, and Havdala

March 2014

Friday, February 28 Kabbalat Shabbat, 6:30pm, Candlelighting 6:12pm Sarah Silverberg Bat Mitzvah

Saturday, March 1 Morning Service, Sarah Silverberg Bat Mitzvah and Kiddush, 9:00 Sedra Pekudei, Shekalim Minha, Maariv, Havdala, 6:10

Friday, March 7 USY Kabbalat Shabbat Service 6:30,Candlelighting 6:17 pm

Saturday, March 8 Morning Service, March Simha Shabbat, and Kiddush 9:00am, Sedra Vayikra, Minha, Maariv, Havdala, 6:15

Friday, March 14 Carlebach Kabbalat Shabbat, 6:30 pm, Candlelighting 7:21 pm

Saturday, March 15 Morning Service, with Choir, and Kiddush, 9:00, Sedra Tzav, Shabbat Zahor, Minha, Maariv, Havdala, Purim Megilla Reading 7:30

Friday, March 28 Men’s Club Kabbalat Shabbat, followed by Got Shabbat? Dinner, and Man of the Year Presentation 6:00 pm, Candlelighting 7:28 pm

Saturday, March 29 Morning Service, Men’s Club Shabbat, 9:00, Sedra Tazria, Shabbat HaHodesh, Minha, Maariv, Havdala 7:30

Friday, March 21 Shabbat Ruach and Oneg, 8:00 pm, Candlelighting 7:24pm

Saturday, March 22 Morning Service, Cholent Kiddush and Torah Study 9:00, Sedra Shemini, Shabbat Parah, Minha,Maariv, Havdala 7:25

Page 16: B'nai Review March 2014


Life Cycle Events March 2014


Dr. David LeVine on receiving the Association of Jewish Aging Services’ Humanitarian Award for the compassionate

care of our seniors as the Medical Director at Menorah Manor.

Charlotte Goldberg, author, and Susan Kagan, illustrator, on the publication of their children’s book, The Plain Brass

Thimble, Lost in Thimble Valley. Todah Rabah for donating a copy to our Buns Family Library.

Dolores Diamond on the graduation of her grandson, Joshua Dean Rozental, from University of Central Florida with a

degree in Mechanical Engineering


Murray Fink, Marshall and Lea Seiden and Jamie and Bonnie Kneitel on the Bar Mitzvah of their great-grandson,

grandson and son, Adam Kneitel in Sacramento, California.

Don and Jane Silverberg, and Tom and Shevy Silverberg, on the Bat Mitzvah of their granddaughter and daughter,

Sarah Jess Silverberg


Mazal Tov to Vivian and Dr. Ed Lurie on the birth of their granddaughter, Sydney Jane Watson

Mazal Tov to Yollette and Lou Frey on the birth of their great-grandson, Zamir Yonah Passow, and their great-granddaughter, Sophie Hannah Gross


Jared & Allison Shenofsky

Frank & Carol Katz

Steve & Heather Craig

Aaron Koppel


Mazal Tov to Linda and Jack Goldfarb, on the engagement of their

son, David Goldfarb to Rebecca “Becca” Slatin.

Dr. Barnett Stein

Father of Richard Stein, Aaron Stein, and Lloyd Stein

Bobbie Carroll

Aunt of Brian Carroll

Dr. Howard Heller

Son of Sandy Heller

May He who comforts Israel, Grant you solace in your bereavement.

Mazal Tov

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MARCH 8, 2014


Join us in wishing Mazal Tov! to members celebrating their birthdays, anniversaries and B’nai Mitzvah. Your good wishes can be part of their

memories, while at the same time, supporting B’nai Israel’s commitment to help our schools, youth groups and Synagogue through your

donations to our Mitzvah Fund.




□ 1 Phyllis and Phil Hirschfield

□ 2 Jackie and Barry Kanner

□ 5 Midge and Michael Seltzer

□ 6 Carol and Frank Katz

□ 10 Linda and Steven Grau

□ 14 Stephanie and Oren Adelson

□ 17 Vera and Dr. Larry Green

□ 17 Joan and Phil Redisch

□ 17 Chandaye and Eric Pastman

□ 23 Louisa and Dr. Mark Benjamin

□ 24 Blanka and Nick Benjacob

□ 25 Allison and Jared Shenofsky

□ 26 Lee and Marvin Leibson

□ 27 Carol and Bill Marger

□ 28 Ronnie and Jayne Weissman

□ 29 Rebecca and Jeremy Douglass

□ 29 Naomi and Dr. Warren Abel



□ 2 Judy Benjamin

□ 3 Jayne Weissman

□ 4 Malina Kanner

□ 5 Arthur Zinkerman

□ 6 Araceli Gross

□ 6 Wendy Levine

□ 6 Mark Lewis

□ 6 Dr. Dale Monast

□ 7 Anita Braun-Luria

□ 7 Anita Sher

□ 8 Valerie Hyman

□ 9 Martha Vorob

□ 10 Mark Schantz

□ 10 Alan Schwartz

□ 10 Dr. Robert Sternberg

□11 Dr. Marc Reiskind

□12 Dr. Lionel Levinson

□14 Dr. Hazel Shwer

□14 Warren Simmons

□16 Sandra Janofsky

□17 Vera Green

□19 Helen Applefield

□20 Marilyn Isaacs

□20 Jay Kauffman

□20 Keyvan Kohan-Shohet

□20 Bebby Marlin

□21 Dr. Steven LeVine

□21 Ruth Mauer

□23 Laney Kay

□23 Laurie Reiskind

In Honor of: ___________________________

Check the names of everyone to whom you want to send a Mitzvah Gram.

Send this form together with your check, minimum $10 donation fro each acknowledgement to: CBI St. Pete, C/O Kesef Accounting Services, PO Box 159 Montvale, NJ 07645, donate online at cbistpete.org, or drop off your check in the synagogue office

*The minimum donation per acknowledgement is $10.

Please print:

Your Name: ______________________________________________

Address: _________________________________________________

City, _____________________________Zip: __________________

Telephone: ______________

□24 Mandi Gross

□24 Rebecca Simmons

□26 Samuel Steel

□27 Steven Dangler

□28 Patzi Gil

□29 Michael Barth

□29 Joan Benstock

□30 Dr. Marvin Bayles

□31 Yael Alpert

□31 Lenny Gelfond

Page 18: B'nai Review March 2014


Donations March 2014

Adult Studies Fund In Honor of

Shelley Lynn Livia and Steve Wein’s 40th

Wedding Anniversary

In Memory of

Lou Bader Dr. Barnett Stein

Dr. Michael H. Diamond Endowment Fund

In Memory of

Audrey Dantowitz Phyllis Dantowitz

Gail S. Warren Legacy for Leadership Fund

In Memory of

Dr. Warren Abel Paul Abel

Dr. Stanley Rosenberg Dr. Hyman Rosenberg

Library Fund In Honor of

Anita and Harold Pollack Linda and Steve Grau’s daughter, Sharon’s engagement

Marshall and Lea Seiden grandson’s Bar Mitzvah

Esta Blaxberg Millie Gelfond’s Special Birthday

Livia and Steve Wein’s 40 Wedding Anniversary

Dr. Starr Silver and Byron Kolitz

February Simha Shabbat

In Memory of

Vera and Dr. Larry Green Jane Markowitz

Anita and Harold Pollack Louis Stromwasser

Mitzvah Fund In Honor of

Rebecca and Warren Simmons

Mattan Aryeh Melamed’s Bar Mitzvah

Elaine and Howard Rothstein

Yollette and Lou Frey’s new great-grandson

Millie and Lenny Gelfond February Simha Shabbat

Barbara and Jerry Colen The birth of Vivian and Dr. Ed Lurie’s Granddaughter, Sydney Jane Watson

Beverly Dikman MaryAnn and Bruce Marger’s Anniversary

Leah Sandler’s Birthday

Dr. Pat Cottrille Laney and Alan Kay’s Anniversary

Dr. Starr Silver’s birthday

Livia Wein’s birthday

Vivian Neumann’s birthday

Mark Sokolov’s birthday

Mitzvah Fund In Memory of

Mali and Dr. Fred Feld Arlen Helfand

Eva Fuchs David Ickawicz

Stacey and Bruce Orloff Arnold Fogel

Miriam Tambor Her son, Eric Schroeder

Sheri Frogel Fanny Frogel

Greta Gomez Louis T. Feldman

Marilyn Benjamin Irwin Miller

Dr. Barney Stein

Adele Morris Louis Weisman

Music and Concert Endowment Fund

In Memory of

Audrey Dantowitz Evelyn Krasnoff

Pauline Rivkind Fund In Honor of

Murray and Myrna Rubin Mattan Aryeh Melamed’s Bar Mitzvah

Pauline Rivkind Preschool Fund

In Honor of

Livia and Steve Wein Bonnie Halprin, Ilana Dayan, and Liz Sembler’s beautiful Shabbat Shalom Yeladim Service

Rabbi’s Fund In Honor of

Yollette and Lou Frey The birth of their new great-grandson, Zamir Yonah

Susan Turner Vivian and Dr. Ed Lurie’s new granddaughter, Sydney Jane Watson

Linda Weiss Misheberah for her recovery

Livia and Steve Wein’s 40 Wedding Anniversary

Shirley Sommella In appreciation of Joanne and Rabbi Jacob Luski

The engagement of her great-granddaughter Hannah Zeevi

Gerry and Richard Mensh Joel Goetz being named MMC Man of the Year

In Memory of

Joyce and Harold Seder Eugene Seder

Dorothy Liss Nathan Liss

Reuben Liss

Gerry and Richard Mensh Dr. Barney Stein

Dr. Pat Cottrille J. Leonard Azneer

Dr. Warren Abel Paul Abel

Page 19: B'nai Review March 2014


Don’t miss an opportunity to donate to


Visit cbistpete.org/donate and simply fill out the form with your credit card

number. Couldn’t be easier!

Send a check payable to Congregation B’nai Israel to:

Congregation B’nai Israel of St. Petersburg c/o Kesef Accounting Services

P.O. Box 159 Montvale, NJ 07645

OR to the synagogue office.

Please indicate to which fund you wish to donate, the occasion for the donation (e.g., in honor of, in memory

of), the name of the person you are honoring or remembering, and to whom you wish acknowledgement of your donation be sent. If the acknowledgement is not

going to a CBI member, please note the recipient’s address.

Donation to Women’s League or Mitzvah Men’s Club

should be made directly to those affiliate organizations.


You can donate online at:


March 2014

Rabbi’s Fund In Memory of

Michael Hirsch William Hirsch

Irwin and Hannah Ayes Dr. Barney Stein

Myrna Irwin Fay Sonn

Al Sonn

Adele Morris Dr. Barney Stein

Sandy and Sam Janofsky Ronda Gale Janofsky

Shirley Sommella Her mother, Hannah LeBold

USY Fund In Honor of

Sheryl and Larry Feinman Sheldon Scheinert’s Special Birthday

Myrna and Murray Rubin The birth of Shirley Sommella’s great-grandchild, Reagan Battoe

The birth of Yollette and Lou Frey’s great-grandchild, Zamir Yonah

Mirla Kremer Millie Gelfond’s birthday

In Memory of

Jane and Don Silverberg Ed Goldman

Jayne and Ron Weissman Helen Wertel

Teddi and David Robbins Robert Robbins

Karen and Dr. Mandel Sher

Minnie Wolchuck

Audrey Chenkin David Rothblatt

USY Pilgrimage In Honor of

Susie and Ira Berman Vivian and Dr. Ed Lurie’s new granddaughter, Sydney Jane Watson

In Memory of

Arlyne Popick Dr. Paul Rosenberg

Looking for a special way to honor your family and

friends who are celebrating a Simha?


is just the answer. What a joy it is for someone to walk into our shul and see a Tribute of their Bar or Bat Mitzvah, special

birthday, anniversary or wedding. Order forms are in the synagogue office and lobby. Minimum donation $254.

Two leaves have been inscribed on the Tree of Life this

month in honor of:

Birth of Noah Elias Wein by all his grandparents and Bubbi, December 3, 2013

Byron L. Kolitz, Yom Huledet Sameah! July 23, 2013,

Love, Family & Friends

Page 20: B'nai Review March 2014


February 2014 Silk Road: From China to Rome March 2014

Page 21: B'nai Review March 2014


Abba Eban, The Voice of Israel March 2014 February 2014

Page 22: B'nai Review March 2014


December 2013


March 2014

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March 2014

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March 2014

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St. Petersburg Chapter

Come join us!

For membership information

please contact:

Rhoda Ross – Membership VP

March 2014

Page 26: B'nai Review March 2014


Women’s League Catering is special. Trust us with you simcha and you’ll discover that in addition to the delicious food, the great attention to detail, and the unbeatable value, there’s one thing that separates us from the rest. With everything we do, from the first phone call to the

serving of each carefully prepared dish, we do it with all our heart. Give us a call and see for yourself.

Contact Information:

Livia Wein 727.393.3289 or [email protected]

March 2014

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March 2014

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Congregation B’nai Israel

B’nai Israel Review

300 -58th Street North

St. Petersburg, FL 33710-7889

Tel: (727) 381-4900

Fax: (727) 344-1307

Website: www.cbistpete.org

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